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Zefeng Li TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Zefeng Li Works 24 ,And Feature 6 ,Year 4 ,Love 3 ,Urban drama 3 ,Costume Drama 3 ,War 3 ,legend 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Romance 2 ,Republic of China 1 ,近代传记1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Modern 1 ,近代革命1 ,Crime 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Thriller 1 。

Works Index

Zefeng Li Filmography(24)


千古玦尘 (TV)[2020]


Shang Gu 本是 Shang Gu 界四大真神之首,唯一一个拥有混沌本源的神祗。在六万年前因混沌之劫来临选择以身殉世后沉睡,后古界时身份为清池宫的后池上神,虽居上神之位却无上神之实,灵力低微。然而有一个人为了她,即使天地毁灭、三界化为乌有也在所不惜。还有另一个人,为了 Shang Gu 苦苦等待了六万年,还用自己的轮回换来她三界的永生。如果是凡间百姓遇到困难还能去烧香拜佛,可是自己却是神仙。 Shang Gu 失去了混沌之劫前三百年的记忆,忘记了自己曾经那最美的爱恋。但他永远不会忘记这六万年苦苦的等待,她也不会忘记 Bai Jue 在青龙台上那痛苦的表情,也永远不会忘记为了她, Bai Jue 魂飞魄散化为烟尘。她知道这一生一世,她对得起所有的人,天上诸神、万物生灵还有父神擎天,却唯独对不住 Bai Jue ,她欠 Bai Jue 的实在太多。这一次,纵使是再等上千万年,她会继续等待再也不离开。

三十而已 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《三十而已》剧情介绍:讲述了 Zhong XiaoQin 是标准化的大多数,嫁给事业单位铁饭碗的老公,自己保有一份普通工作,安心做一个平凡妻子。却因写作爱好偶然卖出高价版权,夫妻的经济地位和社会地位一夜之间发生倒置,女强男弱的婚姻瞬间失去了平衡。 Zhong XiaoQin 面临抉择。 Gu Jia 是令人艳羡的金字塔上层,她把老公从烟花编程师打造成了“许总”,也把自己打造成了里外一把手的全职太太。然而当这个家有了入侵者, Gu Jia 没有逃避,而是用自己的方式让丈夫回归家庭,弥补裂痕。 Wang ManNi 则是特立独行的叛逆者,深信自己既有颜值又有脑子,永远值得更好的,然而她也有自己的烦恼,在遭遇 Jiang Chen 后,闪婚又闪离。三位女性,三种代表,无畏前行,三十而已 。

鬓边不是海棠红 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《鬓边不是海棠红》剧情介绍:讲述了上世纪三十年代,北平一名叫 Shang XiRui 的梨园新魁凭借过硬的本领在这一行声名鹊起,然而由于他是外来的,被本地势力疯狂打压。为了让自己在北平站稳脚跟,兑现自己当初要将戏曲发扬光大的承诺,他不屈不挠,一门心思扎进艺术的海洋中。在此过程中,从未看过京剧的新派富商 Cheng FengTai 偶然间看了他的表演后被深深打动,有意与他结交,并在他的影响下对京戏日渐痴迷。在 Cheng FengTai 的帮助下, Shang XiRui 克服重重阻挠,在北平重建水云楼,并培养了一批优秀的京戏人才,影响力深远。1937年,日军占领北平,面对他们令人发指的烧杀抢掠的行径,不忍大好山河与国粹艺术就这么葬送的有识之士们开始奋起反抗, Shang XiRui 和 Cheng FengTai 也被众人保家卫国的热血之情所影响,暂时放下自己渺小的人生目标,投身革命队伍,不惜以血肉之躯保家卫国,也为艺术的保护与传承献出了自己的一份力量。


Go go squid! (TV)[2019]

Feature: 剧照深夜, Han ShangYan 推门走入了一家小网吧。此时,计算机“鬼才”,在读研究生 Tong Nian 为表弟家看管着网吧。单纯软萌的 Tong Nian 对 Han ShangYan 一见钟情。她勇敢,却连他十年前的绯闻女友都不敢细看;她淡然,却因害怕打扰他,连坐在身边偷偷瞄一眼都带着不安;她习惯了大场面,却因他在她微博下的留言而觉得呼吸都要停滞;她接受惯了采访,却在给他打电话时,准备了半天的话题,一个字都想不起来;她那么喜欢他,可是因为觉得对不起,却只能流着泪说分手。就是这样的 Tong Nian ,打动了不近女色,早已波澜不惊的 Han ShangYan ,也在 Han ShangYan 的激励下, Tong Nian 重新加入校队,继续国际计算机学会世界编程大赛的比赛。两人各自投入到了夺取冠军的征程,在不同的领域大放异彩 。

读心 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《读心》剧情介绍:讲述了在医院里的医患关系的故事。 Yao Yao 是一名离婚官司律师,她善于从观察对象的言谈举止中发现线索、精准处理,她的老公 Zhuang Zhong 是一名男护理,双眼洞察入微。 Yao Yao 靠着特殊的“读心”才能和 Zhuang Zhong 的帮助,解决了很多棘手的离婚案子,从而名声大起。本应心心相印的俩人生活中遭遇了大大小小的麻烦,他们俩在婚姻最初没房没车, Yao Yao 刀子嘴豆腐心的妈妈程蝉状况百出, Zhuang Zhong “长不大”的哥哥更是不明事理。生活中各种困难和亲情的考验都让俩人的感情更加坚固,俩人不但在职场上渐入佳境,在不断的磨合中也领悟到婚姻的真谛 。

Perfect relationship (TV)[2019]


Introduction to the plot of the TV series "perfect relationship" : it USES the unit structure to connect the content, with the purpose of highlighting human nature and punishing evil for good, emphasizes the "new era, true reality", and tells the story of "public relations partners" who work together to influence each other and grow up together in the constant public relations practice. Huang Xuan plays Wei Zhe, an industry expert who has won the title of "most valuable independent pr man" for many times. Liya Tong, on the other hand, plays Jiang DaLin, a public relations newcomer appointed in a crisis. With an upright nature and a good mouth, Max has a high IQ and a good combat performance, and is the most promising industry cleaner. Huang Xuan and Liya Tong's debut co-star was not only fresh, but also both in strength and physical appearance, which made people expect both the perfection of the characters and the chemistry between the two excellent actors. Shu Chen plays Si DaiLa, a famous figure in the public relations industry who is both elegant, charming and forceful.

In the story, the accident, focus, destructiveness and urgency of crisis public relations are integrated into the story to vividly depict the normal working environment, directly infiltrate the industry knowledge, show the inheritance and combination behind the public relations events, attract the public attention and satisfy the curiosity. Emotional, accurate grasp its share in professional play, interspersed with pr people and their feelings, face to face with light ripe professional crowd of urban life stress and confusion in order to make the workplace play soft, human nature, through the characters deduction and emotional traction good story passed inner emotional attention, for events and resonate deep in heart.


Nothing gold can stay (TV)[2017]

Feature: In 1884, Zhou Ying, along with his adoptive father Zhou LaoSi, came to Guanzhong. Zhou Laoshi, who lost his money, sold Zhou Ying to Shen Jiandang. Zhou Ying escaped to hide Wu Jia Dongyuan Grand Master Wu Pin's sedan, quite commercial Zhou Ying has been Wu WeiWen's appreciation, was allowed to stay in Wu. Shen XingYi Suspected Shen young master was assassinated by Wu Pin, shot to be wounded. Wu Pin to save unconscious, Zhou Ying married Wu Chong-hi. Wu Pin was killed, Wu home embarrassed, Zhou Ying decided to revive Wu Jiandong hospital. Zhou Ying shares in Shaanxi weaving layout, but suffered the imperialist opposition to the Westernization Movement forces crackdown, Shaanxi machinery weaving layout is facing reconstruction. In order to save the prisoners Zhou Ying, Wu Jia hand over all the shares of Shaanxi Machine Weaving Board and the exchange contract with the foreign exchange business Zhou Ying a life. Zhou Ying after the release of fighting spirit to build Jingyang cloth factory,

Knight's gloves (TV)[2017]


Introduction to the drama knight's glove: it tells the story of the encounter with pirates on the ocean voyage of the donde, second mate, in 1914 Bai ZhuSheng Struggling to save English man Kent and the orphan girl Chen XiaoXi But I don't know that everything is the first mate Li YingZhi Those who plan for murder. The surviving Bai ZhuSheng, however, falsely accused him as a pirate accomplice and conspired in prison, leading to the death of his family. His fiancee, xing yueqiu, also left him. In the prison, Bai ZhuSheng met with white stone, dong shu, ah guang and other people. With the help of many people, Bai ZhuSheng practiced his ability. After prison in Hong Kong and was awarded a knighthood for save British merchant, in order to revenge for MuRongBai 6, after years of return to Shanghai much transformed, as representatives of the British consulate in Hong Kong business began to gradually implement his revenge, and inherited the legacy of the master baishi man become white hero in Shanghai rescue. In the process of revenge, Bai ZhuSheng got true love, cleaned up his grievances, punished his enemies and finally left Shanghai for guangzhou and joined the northern logger & NBSP; .


Troubled beauty line (TV)[2016]

Feature: During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Han Shuying, a progressive young woman, was framed by her aunt and forced to marry Xie Bingyan, a northern tycoon, as her concubine. Inspired by Li WenXuan, a patriotic teacher, Han ShuYing decided to escaped from marriage to save the nation but was discovered by Xie RuiXue, an elder sister to Xie Family Ci and his classmates. The domineering Xie RuoXue not only reported to his father, but also Han ShuYing 'escaped marriage' interpretation of 'elopement' in an attempt to set Han ShuYing the "stepmother" died. Just as Han ShuYing was on the verge of his death, Xie Bingyan was shot dead by the Japanese because of his unwillingness to betray the motherland. Han ShuYing, who had witnessed everything, was deeply moved by the patriotic spirit of Xie Bingyan and decided to stay in Xie Family and save Xie Family at her name in the name of Xie's wife. With the help of Li WenXuan, she fled to Shanghai with Xie RuoXue Actually moved by Xie RuoXue. Against the backdrop of the golden age, the two women, Han ShuYing and Xie RuoXue, not only depended on "mother and daughter" but also performed a "sister" as a legend to resist the war and save the country.


Feature: "Ambush" stills In 1937, the war of resistance against Japan broke out. Shi YongKai, a Nanjing defender, met Yuan YuTing, an underground party member of the Communist Party of China, Zhou YongMin, a university professor, Xu Xiulan, a national army soldier, Lin Wanlong, a gang leader, Chen Xi-nian, a folk craftsman, and Peng Songxiang, a patriotic businessman. Successfully protected most of the surviving Nanjing citizens and the Chaotian Palace. Yuan YuTing was unlucky at the time of her withdrawal from Nanjing City and her communist spirit inspired Shi YongKai. Under the arrangements of the New Fourth Army, Shi YongKai organized the "Hu Ben" special forces units to ambush the Japanese invaders in battles such as the rescue of Xuzhou, the torpedo warfare in Wuhan, the fire dance spy shadow, the military fiasco, the casino fiasco, and the south-south hoeing. . Shi YongKai led the "tiger Ben" group to fight the Yong YeXiuYi department during the germ warfare "Hellfire Plan" headquarters in Shanghai. During the battle, Shi Yong Kai punctured the throat of Yong YeXiuYi and crushed Japanese military agents in the Eastern Region. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Shi YongKai led the "Hu Ben" special forces corps to run north to south and wrote a marvelous anti-Japanese heroic legend.

Undercover (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Undercover" is a spy drama produced by Beijing Huayi Brothers Entertainment Investment Co., Ltd. The show was co-authored by Zhang Haidong, Pu Teng Jin and Li Zhiqiang. Chengpeng Fu, Niki Chow, Zefeng Li, Liu Cong Dan, Yajie Hu, Hongtao Li et al starring. The play tells the story of a soul-stirring spy war between the Chinese Communist Party, the military and the Japanese plum government during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the emotional entanglement behind the intricacies of life and death. The play on September 1, 2015 on the East Star satellite broadcast.

GrowUp (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Grow" Poster Renhua is the largest top three hospital in Jiangcheng. The young girl Ye ChunMeng (Bai Baihe) Yi (actor) ornaments) Inhuman tests and training. Cruel final elimination rules, ubiquitous fierce competition, not only always challenge the rookie interns physical, mental and willpower, but also test their friendship, love, and dedication to the dream. Ye ChunMeng, an intern, was hard-nosed and talented, and even the devil mentor Zhou Ming was impressed by her. Ye ChunMeng, long-time in distress from the inferiority of poor families in a small town, Chen Xi (Jiang Shuying) XiaoJing (Zhang Zixuan ornaments), access to the strength of recognition and qualifications have been her only hospital stay. To this end, Chen Xi and Bai XiaoJing in the face of the superiority of her sensitive, in the face of the temptation to make her less struggling for ten years she shaken off, faced with mentor Zhou Ming, the obstacles in the love she hesitated. In the end, however, inspired by Zhou Ming, she found herself again when she was treating the patients. She found out the joy and meaning of medical treatment and realized the true meaning of happiness.

Beauty line (TV)[2015]

Feature: During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Han Shuying, a progressive young woman, was framed by her aunt and forced to marry Xie Bingyan, a northern tycoon, as her concubine. Inspired by Li WenXuan, a patriotic teacher, Han ShuYing decided to escaped from marriage to save the nation but was discovered by Xie RuiXue, an elder sister to Xie Family Ci and his classmates. The domineering Xie RuoXue not only reported to his father, but also Han ShuYing 'escaped marriage' interpretation of 'elopement' in an attempt to set Han ShuYing the "stepmother" died. Just as Han ShuYing was on the verge of his death, Xie Bingyan was shot dead by the Japanese because of his unwillingness to betray the motherland. Han ShuYing, who had witnessed everything, was deeply moved by the patriotic spirit of Xie Bingyan and decided to stay in Xie Family and save Xie Family at her name in the name of Xie's wife. With the help of Li WenXuan, she fled to Shanghai with Xie RuoXue Actually moved by Xie RuoXue. Against the backdrop of the golden age, the two women, Han ShuYing and Xie RuoXue, not only depended on "mother and daughter" but also performed a "sister" as a legend to resist the war and save the country.

Battle of Changsha (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1938 October, the Japanese army captured Wuhan all the way south, Changsha at stake. The face of sudden war, the city panic, many people bring their families to take the South to flee the West ran. Xue JunShan, the son of the grandchildren of the tea garden in the city, cooperated with his family to make every effort to arrange a retreat for Xiang family and Xiaoman, the most favored family of Hu family. Xue JunShan Xiangyang first introduced to the returned foreign troops to guard Changsha military personnel Gu Qingming, but regrettably vigorous Xiang Hunan and arrogant Gu Qingming a meeting with the flood of water, Xue JunShan had to choose another family. In the family's efforts, finally to the city of Changsha before the fire burned Xiangxiang set to be considered a piece of heart disease. At this time, Chiang Kai-shek secretly burning Changsha City, due to improper command, Changsha fire burned three days and nights, causing a huge disaster, the thriving Millennium City was destroyed, millions of people in their sleep, the fire, including Xiang Xiang's fiance one. On such a scorched earth, heroes and children came all over the place. They wanted to use flesh and blood to defend this ancient city and work hard with Hunan people to stop the enemies. The Hu family also played a scene in this disaster Behind the scenes joys and sorrows story.

A Hero (TV)[2014]

Feature: Twenties of last century, Fenglei town in southwest Shaanxi poverty and backwardness. He FuTang reported for revenge, Revival finally killed. Wei ZhengXian, former head of the "Generation Heroes" stills, is the enemy of He FuTang. He FuTang assess the situation, pretend to go to the huge bandits Wang SanChun. In a multi-lateral struggle, He FuTang took the liberty to save the innocent Wei ZhengXian's wife Cheng LiXue. Cheng LiXue felt the beauty and backwardness of Feng Lei and decided to stay in Fenglei to teach and open up her wisdom. However, "Wei Han's hatred" even made Wei ZhengXian intolerant. Using the name of "bandit bandit", he provoked the Kuomintang army stationed in Hanzhong to invade the fierce winds and thunder town. He FuTang took the opportunity to dedicate Wang SanChun, a mighty bandit, to the government of the Republic of China disaster. Wei ZhengXian is determined to desperately attempt to flatten Aoki River. At a critical juncture, He FuTang resolutely defected to the PLA and ushered in the peaceful liberation of Fenglei. With the efforts of He FuTang, Fenglei was relieved of the turmoil in the stormy times.

AllQuietinPeking (TV)[2014]

Feature: Stills In 1948, both the KMT and the CPC have been decisive battle, the KMT economy collapsed. Fang MengAo, an underground member of the Chinese Communist Party lurking in the KMT and serving as an Air Force colonel, was ordered by Chiang Ching-kuo to investigate thoroughly the Peking Parliamentary Conference and the Central Bank Peking Branch corruption case. The president of Peiping Branch is his father, Fang BuTing. Chiang Ching-kuo's Operation "Peacock Flying Southeast" He QiCang and Fang BuTing promoted the currency reform with the aim of plundering the gold and silver foreign exchange from the people. Fighting on this major economic battle, the progressive youth of the CPC's underground party and Peking Union Leagues and the coroner Liang Jing-lun, an important member of the Kuomintang lurking in the CCP, and the corrupt forces of all parties started a thrilling contest. In order to peacefully liberate Peiping and further peacefully liberate more cities throughout China, the CPC Central Committee promised to allow General Fu Zuoyi peace talks to meet the demands of peaceful negotiations. At the critical moment, Fang MengAo executed the "peacock southeast flight" and was responsible for transporting looted gold, silver and foreign exchange to Taiwan. Let Fang MengAo execute a new order that allowed Fang MengAo and his group to transport the Kuomintang's gold and silver foreign exchange at the Peking Treasury.

TheYoungDoctor (TV)[2014]

Feature: Publicity Poster Cheng Jun grew up to see the hard work his parents had in the medical professions. But Cheng Jun, who loves medicine, decided to become an emergency doctor. Doctors work under pressure, but Cheng Jun of Lotte can still find happiness. When she was suddenly diagnosed with a late-stage liver cancer from a small grandmother, Cheng Jun was already suffering. As a doctor, she could not save her grandmother's life. Cheng Jun likes to work with Ouyang Yuuu, a doctor in his department. Shen QingChuan, a big brother returning from studying in the United States, joins the heart surgery department of Xihua Hospital and has launched a strong offensive against Ouyang. Shen QingChuan to join, Ouyang, Cheng Jun are caught in the whirlpool of feelings. The three newly assigned interns in the emergency department also brought a lot of trouble to the emergency room and added a lot of stories to the group. Cheng Jun and the emergency department, the small group, overcome difficulties and constantly dig themselves and practice medical ethics in the course of treating patients. They persist in exploration and protection on the road of occupation and find the meaning of emergency room guarding their lives.

BeginningofTheGreatRevival (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In the winter of 1911, returning from overseas, he became Provisional President on January 1 of the following year. At the same time participated in the recovery of the new army. Soon, with the strong military power and prestige in the royal family, the identity of Grand Marshal was taken from Sun ZhongShan and the government of the Northern Republic of China was established. In October the same year, the Kuomintang was established. The outbreak of the summer of 1914, 1915 Yuan ShiKai and Japan set a twenty-one secret and change the state, self-styled as the Chinese Emperor, since embarked on a road of no return. Sun ZhongShan and Cai E set up to protect the national army, to discuss the yuan. Yuan ShiKai soon died in an all-out denouncing. After that, with the failure of restoration, China entered the melee situation of warlords. While Mao ZeDong ,, and others, although living in different places, are pondering over the road to national salvation and national salvation, and the fate of the meeting is coming.

Undercover (TV)[2011]

Feature: TV drama screenings In 1945, when Japan surrendered and World War II came to a close, the Japanese imperialist ambitions were eventually smashed. However, the troubled Chinese nation has yet to reach the end of victory. With the retreat of foreign enemies, the civil war spirals. In order to steal the fruits of the victory of the war, the Kuomintang planned the war on the Chinese communists. Kuomintang security agents inserted inside the Communist Party Meng ZhaoYang identity exposed and died, but at the same time Communist Party members inside the KMT list was betrayed, the communist intelligence front is facing a crisis! Gao ZhiHua, the secretary secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, was mortally attacked and pretending to be Meng ZhaoYang "returning" to the Kuomintang Telecom Office to lurk inside the Kuomintang to obtain the confidential intelligence of the Kuomintang, code named "Venus." Unexpectedly Gao ZhiHua just entered the military unification, it is dangerous to be seen. The first one who suspected him was a translator named Gong Li. Gong Li, a returned female officer who returned from Yang Yang, was unruly, indulgent and unrivaled. However, she had superb skills of deciphering her, and she was the target of Kuomintang's key development. Conflicts between Gong Li and Gao ZhiHua continue. Gong Li questioned the identity of Gao ZhiHua because of the different frequency of the report, when Gao ZhiHua escaped his finger and ran away, but Gong Li still had a heart attack on him. Gao ZhiHua was gradually reused by Director Liu MingYuan and became the immediate supervisor of Gong Li. Gong Li could not be controlled by him at all and did his best. Gong Ming, Minister of Telecommunications, Development Liu MingYuan Development Gong Li joins the KMT unsuccessfully and secretly abducts Gong Yu's sister Gong Yu. Because her sister was taken away, Gong Li left the military unwillingly, and got along well with Gao ZhiHua, a true and frankly optimistic person. Gong Li looking for his sister still failed to find short-sighted, but accidentally saved Gao ZhiHua, into the hospital. Gao ZhiHua accidentally discovered that Kang JingJing, her lover in Yan'an, was lurched in a hospital by the party organization. She usually takes the doctor's status as a cover and when necessary, coordinates Gao ZhiHua, codenamed "Sea holly". KMT Operations Pan JiuYang and Zhao Nan still doubt the status of Gao ZhiHua, so Meng ZhaoYang's law student Guan Qun got a certificate confirming Gao ZhiHua's true identity. Critical moment, Kang JingJing successfully assassinated Guan Qun, temporarily lifted the crisis. Pan JiuYang to heart. As soon as the negotiations began in Chongqing, Gao ZhiHua successfully handed out the KMT's important report on the decision of the Communist Party to "pacify and suppress bandits" first through Gong Li's ballpoint pen tube so that Gong Li knew the identity of Gao ZhiHua's Communist Party, but Gong Li already had a good impression of it , Did not make it to the world. As a result, Pan JiuYang became more suspicious of Gao ZhiHua within the Kuomintang and soon set off a new round of investigation. At this moment, the Telecommunication Office came over with a new colleague, Han XiaoXi. Gong Li likes to be her sister. Liu MingYuan claiming to be specially with Gong Li, but she is actually the exclusive lover Liu. Gao ZhiHua Liu MingYuan was kidnapped Gong Yu in the morning. After dark investigation, the fruit was found by Gao ZhiHua Liu MingYuan imprisoned Gong Yu's stronghold, he quickly passed the information to Kang JingJing. Kang JingJing successfully rescued Gong Yu with several comrades and was safely delivered to Yan'an. Because of this, Gong Li strengthened his love for Gao ZhiHua.When the KMT-CPC clashed in Chongqing, the Communists received news that the Kuomintang warlord Wang Xiao Shan was heavily fortunate to assassinate Chairman Mao and Xiao-Shan Wang was successfully defused by Gao ZhiHua. At this moment, a comrade of the Communist Party was assassinated and sacrificed to make the Communist Party aware of the remaining spies inside the ranks. Gao ZhiHua was then sent to find out the list of Kuomintang agents harboring inside the Communist Party. However, Pan JiuYang has long been prepared against Gao ZhiHua's telecommunications office, the task naturally not so easy to complete. In addition, Pan JiuYang also began to doubt the identity of Kang JingJing, sending Zhao Nan to check her details. In an emergency, Kang JingJing cover Gao ZhiHua issued a list of spies, but lost the opportunity to escape, Kang JingJing chose to commit suicide. After Gao JingHua's death, Gao ZhiHua desperately wanted to destroy Zhao Nan, desperate. Gong Li did a good job for Gao ZhiHua, created a puzzle and succeeded in blaming Zhao Nan as a underground party. Although Gong Li more than once expressed his love to Gao ZhiHua, he has repeatedly been rejected. In order to be able to come together with Gao ZhiHua, Gong Li applied to join the Communist Party, but Gao ZhiHua thinks she is motivated and has no firm revolutionary ideal and has been unwilling to agree. Renegade Li GuoSheng pitched to the Kuomintang, Pan JiuYang decided to give the "star" a fatal blow. Seeing Gao ZhiHua identity exposure, at stake, Gong Li assist Gao ZhiHua successful assassination of Li GuoSheng, saved the day. I thought the action foolproof, but eventually discovered by Pan JiuYang clues. Gong Li carefully laid the curtain, Pan JiuYang's vision lead elsewhere, thanks to Gong Li's meticulous and rigorous, Pan JiuYang can not grasp Gao ZhiHua's handle. However, whether the paper could not contain fire, Pan JiuYang passed the evidence analysis of the expert on shell identification in the United States and locked Gao ZhiHua as the "star of the stars." In the final battle, Gao ZhiHua sacrificed to cover Gong Li, and Pan JiuYang also died under the gunpoint of Gao ZhiHua.

CurseoftheDeserted (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Four college students read "Deserted Village," a novel written by the scary novelist Guo Jing. They were deeply attracted and decided to go out to find the four people who were suffering from strange things in the deserted village. Then they went on to die or go mad one by one. Deserted village is a timeless village, rumored to have a loving couple unluckily burned to death, since then a series of strange things. Legendary lovers in good faith to enter here, will be blessed! However, if the hypocrite person arrives here, it will provoke misfortune. In the meantime, all sorts of bizarre phenomena were ghostly wrapped around Guo Jing, leaving him and his ex girlfriend to decide to go to the barren village to find out the truth. The results showed that as long as the ancient well through the village entrance, it will shuttle in different space-time, there are all kinds of terrible illusions. Guo Jing and his twig were greatly afflicted by the memories and reality of the two feelings, and finally discovered the ultimate secret of the Deserted Village.

YuDao (Movie)[2008]

Feature: In the jungle of the Burmese and Burmese plateau, Duan Xiang and Meng Huai-Jin met by accident on the head of the horse pot in the town of Heshun. Duanxiang young handsome and Zhuo Maren caused Meng Huaijin favor. Horseshoe head into the town of Heshun, each other do not know each other's name and the side of Cheung Wai Meng Huaijin bid farewell to this. Meng Huai Jin investment accommodation, Meng Huai Jin attended the school in Kunming.

Deer Ding Kee (TV)[2008]

Feature: "Deer" adapted from Mr. Jin Yong's novel of the same name "Deer", tells the origin of the bottom of society Wei XiaoBao "Flying" Zhang Jizhong "Deer" stills legendary experience. Wei XiaoBao, a Yangzhou teenager, came to Beijing with him after he rescued Mao ShiBa, a desperate man. Since then, Wei XiaoBao began his legendary life. In contrast, Wei XiaoBao entered the palace as an eunuch and became a friend of Kang Xi Emperor. Then, he has a lot more different identities. He swirled in the palace and rivers and lakes, after numerous risks, but rely on their own clever, shameless and so on. To survive, there must be good fortune, his official position higher and higher, his wealth growing. Between loyalty and righteousness, he finally made a life decision to retire from the arena.

Datang Ranger Biography (TV)[2007]

Feature: Datang Tianbao years, a small market near Changan, called Jiming town, but it is necessary to get in and out of Chang'an. The largest restaurant in the town was completely covered by people. It turned out to be an ambush by An LuShan's Wang LongKe et al. Flying Tiger cottage main Dou LingKan and his son Tie MoLei just passed, Dou LingKan did not want to do more, but Tie MoLei know An LuShan who act, can not restrain, shot to help each other ambush the object: the original that his parents were both dead Under the hand of An LuShan, Tie MoLei's biggest wish is to take revenge on his parents, so he is not in the same position as An LuShan. The purpose of Tie MoLei's rescue is the secret of Guo ZiYi, Xia LingShuang and Wang LongKe. The purpose of Xiaoyuang and Wang LongKe is to snatch the letter from Guo ZiYi to Li Bai: In confidential letters, Guo ZiYi asked Li Bai to tell Xuanzong, An LuShan want to conspire. Xia LingShuang Xie Tie MoLei, continue to hurry, Tie MoLei and Dou LingKan went to Jiming town to visit Dou LingKan's brother-in-law Duan Guizhang, did not expect, Wang LongKe, who followed, secretly captured Duan Guizhang's wife Dou XianNiang. Eighteen years ago, Duan Guizhang was surrounded by an army of An LuShan and his own son was collapsed into a chaotic army. His friend Tie KunLun died in battle. All the family members of Shi YiRu were still missing. Tie MoLei was left behind. After this battle, Duan Guizhang's heart Gray cold, from seclusion in the town of cocky, ignore the grudges, did not think "Datang Ranger Biography", An LuShan still still refused to let him. Duan Guizhang remove the dust-laden sword "break", determined to come back. Tie MoLei intercepted An LuShan into Beijing and was unsuccessful. Instead, Dou LingKan was injured. In order to help his wife, Duan Guizhang decided to go to Longtan alone and Tie MoLei would help his uncle and the two go to Beijing together to slap An LuShan House and rescued Dou XianNiang. Tie MoLei Intrigued Wang YanYu and Wang YanYu in An LuShan Prefecture Help Tie MoLei find out the situation in An LuShan's hometown and rescue him without being rejected by the foolhardy Tie MoLei. Duan Guizhang aware of the danger, Tie MoLei point before action, alone into the An LuShan House, did not think, but met An LuShan under the hands of a mysterious master sheep. Sheep and herd labor mysterious identity, martial arts Qigao, the world-famous Duan Guizhang is not an opponent, when the eyes do not support, Tie MoLei came, although knowing is not an opponent, but still struggling to support Duan Guizhang. Just as the two killed in the scene, Xia LingShuang came with Li Bai, Li Bai attracted An LuShan attention, Xia LingShuang took the opportunity to rescued the two. Ann House guard all the way to kill, a critical moment, a mysterious master shot saved Tie MoLei. Tie MoLei entrusted Duan Guiwei to Xia LingShuang, sneaked into An LuShan House alone, wanted to rescuing Dou XianNiang, but met Wang LongKe, Tie MoLei lost to Wang LongKe, escaped into a mysterious room when the host was called Lu Lady, a mysterious woman in black veil, Mrs. Lo seems to have the ability to predict the future, An LuShan consulted her in case of failure, so Wang LongKe can not subdued. Tie MoLei left Angola. At this time, Wang YanYu rescued Dou XianNiang, gathered with Duan Guizhang and others, and headed for Flying Tiger Mountain where Dou LingKan was located.On the way to Feihu Mountain, they found that the green forest thieves in He Shuo were gathering toward Fehhu Mountain. Strangely, Wang YanYu and Tie MoLei explored the truth: It turned out that Wang LongKe gathered in green forest scum and besieged the leader of the forest, Dou LingKan, in one fell swoop In the An LuShan elbow armpits Green Lin Hao group. The crowd accelerated their journey and rushed to rescue Tigershan. They were repeatedly beset with harassment by Wang Longke all along. When it was about to arrive at Flying Tiger Mountain, Kong KongEr, a daring master, came and gone, stole several things and left a dagger warning. But everyone did not get any chance of seeing him in real life. Xia LingShuang has always been arrogant and arrogant, to Kong KongEr called array, but was Kong KongEr teasing. People rushed to fly Tiger Hill, Flying Tiger Hill has been surrounded by siege, hard-edged people do not enter, but also to help the same is to help the best acupressure Han Zhan and daughter Han ZhiFen. Tie MoLei see can not break through, leading the crowd from illegal channels into the cottage. Wang LongKe led his men Jing JingEr and others came to "worship the mountain", in fact, come to challenge, Duan Guizhang proposed rules and regulations, one on one fight, when Kong KongEr appeared, he was originally Jing JingEr young brother, but Is an 18-year-old boy, his passion Guijun singled with their own, losers must leave here, no longer intervene in both things. Duan Guizhang thought Kong KongEr was a mere dodge but Kung Fu did not own his opponent. He never imagined that he and Dou XianNiang and Han Zhan were not Kong KongEr opponents and only kept their promise to leave. Duan Guizhang left the tiger front, Tie TieLeLei as a disciple, will own sword and broken sword passed to Tie MoLei. Tie MoLei finally got a deep insight into the martial arts path. Although Duan Guizhang and other masters left, however, Dou LingKan handed Tiger Mountain to Tie MoLei, Tie MoLei closely guarded, and Wang LongKe et al. Did not think, overnight, Wang LongKe and Jing JingEr and others from the dense road into the Tiger Hill, and even An LuShan men and sheep under the hands of the first master of labor there. This time, Wang YanYu finally exposed the true colors: She is Wang LongKe's sister, close to Tie MoLei, etc. The purpose is to break the Tiger Mountain. Sheep and herd relentlessly hand out, Dou LingKan died in the hands of sheep, animal husbandry, Tie MoLei indignant, sheep and animal husbandry hard, Han ZhiFen and Xia LingShuang rescued. In fact, Tie MoLei has been implicated in Wang YanYu's mistakes, did not think Wang YanYu was actually a spy, but because of his mistakes led to the Founder killed, sadly committed suicide apology, but Kong KongEr was saved. Kong KongEr ridiculed him not as a man, under the excitement of Kong KongEr, Tie MoLei epiphany, determined to cheer up. Tie MoLei supports Han ZhiFen, revenge in Jinji Village where Wang LongKe is alone. But just met Wang YanYu. Wang YanYu wants Tie MoLei to find revenge for himself. Tie MoLei started out as Wang YanYu's opponent and did not fight until Wang WuYuu finally met Wang YanYu. Tie MoLei revenge Wang LongKe, but not an opponent, after being wounded, was masked by a man. Tie MoLei thought it was Xia LingShuang, but it turned out to be Wang YanYu save her, hidden in her harem. At this time, Han ZhiFen know Tie MoLei revenge alone, find Duan Guizhang, Duan Guizhang led the people hurried to save, Kong KongEr want to hand block, but was moved by Duan Gui-mo righteous cause, determined not to help brothers.Duan Guizhang and others bullshit Jinjizhai, but did not save to Tie MoLei: because Wang LongKe has been with Wang YanYu leave, Tie MoLei was also Wang YanYu away. Originally An LuShan prepares for conspiracy, wants Wang LongKe to help oneself, Tie MoLei follows Wang YanYu arrives at Fan Yang, lurks in An LuShan government, in search of opportunity to assassinate sheep and animal husbandry. Tie MoLei met Mrs. Lo. Mrs LO persuaded An LuShan, jade seal, robes, ready to board, and then stole a jade robe, to Tie MoLei Beijing sued: this is ironclad. Tie MoLei went to Changan, An LuShan found jade seal stolen, sent Wang LongKe, Jing JingEr et al kill Tie MoLei, the critical moment, the mysterious man shot again saved Tie MoLei. Mysterious man not only for the Tie MoLei healed, but also passed to Tie MoLei a dust-free palm method, Tie MoLei found the mysterious man resembles his father's portrait, he can not help but ask the identity of the mysterious man, the mysterious man faint smile, do not go away. Tie MoLei suspected his father did not die, mysterious man is his father Tie KunLun. In the secret help of Wang YanYu, Tie MoLei arrived in Chang'an, but because of offence Yang GuoZhong, did not see Xuanzong, Tie MoLei in desperation, hiding to the royal litchi baskets into the palace, to the Xuanzong reported: An LuShan to anti. Emperor Xuanzong was shocked and immediately sent Tie MoLei to An QingZong, son of An LuShan, whom Tie MoLei seized in an instant. An Xuanzong immediately took An QingZong as hostage to An LuShan. An LuShan regardless of his son's life and death, rebel. After An LuShan's turn, Tie MoLei stayed in the palace as a guards and became a friend with Qin Xiang. At this moment, Kong KongEr actually appeared in the imperial palace: he was to assassinate Xuanzong. Kong KongEr dominance, come and go, Tie MoLei can not stop him, Xia LingShuang and Han ZhiFen help him design Kong KongEr, the two played many times, do not make a deal, and finally become friends. Kong KongEr gave up the assassination of Xuanzong. Tie MoLei discovered the whereabouts of Wang YanYu in Changan and conducted an interrogation secret investigation. Wang LongKe et al. Actually found themselves in Changan. He understood that their purpose was the same as that of Kong KongEr. Wang YanYu was therefore advised to leave. Wang YanYu shook his head: I can not. Tie MoLei reluctantly shot Wang YanYu, when mysterious man appeared again, with the help of the mysterious person, Tie MoLei will Wang LongKe and others captured. Xuanzong know captured the assassin, to personally interrogate, Tie MoLei escort Wang LongKe and others to see the Xuanzong, did not think that in front of the Xuanzong, Wang LongKe suddenly launched an attack: the original he was pretending to be injured, Wang YanYu et al also shot together to assassinate the Xuanzong. In a critical moment, Tie MoLei blocked in front of the Xuanzong, by Wang LongKe sword. Saw Tie MoLei injured, Wang YanYu heart vibration, besieged bodyguards caught. Tie MoLei was injured, Han ZhiFen clothing did not understand, take care of Tie MoLei, Duan Guizhang call the shots, Tie MoLei and Han ZhiFen catered. Tie MoLei improved, to Qin Xiang, Xia LingShuang help, Wang YanYu from Tianlian to let go, he told Wang YanYu: Since then you and I owe each other. Wang YanYu know Tie MoLei has been determined, sadly leave. An LuShan army crusade, Xuanzong only westbound evasion to the horse slope, the six army does not send Tie MoLei to the Xuanzong to express the soldier's wishes: to kill Yang GuoZhong.After the massacre of Yang GuoZhong and Yang GuiFei, the army finally started to move forward. However, Emperor Xuanzong hates Tie MoLei and gives him poisonous liquor. Tie MoLei is poisoned and Tie MoLei refuses to accept it. Heavy surrounded by the army, in desperation, Qin Xiang hostage Xuanzong, let go of the Tie MoLei. After Tie MoLei left, Qin Xiang said he had to hold back the monarch. Tie MoLei went to Guo ZiYi Department and Xia LingShuang to help Guo ZiYi resist An LuShan, Duan Guizhang, Han ZhiFen and others are also in the rebellious army, Wang LongKe rebuke a guilty conscience to assassinate Guo ZiYi, did not succeed, but took Xia LingShuang. Originally Wang LongKe has coveted Xia LingShuang beauty, to force Xia LingShuang to marry him, the crowd rushed to Fan Yang, in-depth thief nest to save Xia LingShuang, did not think, Kong KongEr has always been alone to help save people: It turned out he and Xia LingShuang already had the same heart. With the help of Kong KongEr, everyone successfully fought Fan Yang and rescued Xia LingShuang. Celebration feast, Duan Guizhang see Kong KongEr pregnant Hosta, was shocked: the original Kong KongEr is the son of his 18 years of separation Duan Ke evil. The original eighteen years ago, Duan Ke evil was dispersed in the chaos Army, was Jing JingEr Master adopted and learned a skill, though he is Jing JingEr young brother, but martial arts is much higher than Jing JingEr, but after the death of the Master, Jing JingEr successor head, Kong KongEr's master was originally between the true and the evil, never taught Kong KongEr justice, so Kong KongEr also helped the brothers did a bad thing, but get to know Tie MoLei and Duan Jizhang, Gradually understand the justice of the world, finally and Jing JingEr break. Congratulations Duanjia family reunion, Duan Guizhang happy, told Kong KongEr, you and Xia LingShuang can not be married, because then we help you to the historian daughter Shi Hongmei catered, although the whereabouts of the family of historians unknown, but we must keep its promise. Kong KongEr but do not buy it: other things I can listen to you, not this thing, I like Xia LingShuang, with her, why should I have to kiss a person I have never seen. Father and son fall apart, Han Zhan to do things old: so wait for Miss Sister news to say it. Kong KongEr's words greatly shocked Tie MoLei, he also began to think: I obviously like Wang YanYu, but why and Han ZhiFen together. An LuShan was already in Changan, self-reliance, An LuShan was assassinated and Tie MoLei volunteered to spy on An LuShan's palace. Tie MoLei sneaked into Luoyang, by chance, into the palace, became An LuShan guards, but An LuShan very tight defense, Tie MoLei did not have the opportunity to start. Tai Zi An QingXu fancy Wang YanYu, to marry Wang YanYu to be Tai Zi Fei, Wang YanYu was compelled to accept under the intimidation of his brother, just then, she saw Tie MoLei, immediately decided that will not do什 幺 太 Zi Fei. Wang LongKe was furious, put Wang YanYu in custody, forcing him to marry, Tie MoLei intolerable, shot Wang YanYu, the two were besieged by cavalry of Wang LongKe and An LuShan, seeing it was impossible to escape and the two were going to die together and finally Interaction between each other, expressed the feelings of the heart. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Lu of An LuShan Prefecture saved them. What made them even more unexpected was that Mrs. Lo was Wang YanYu's mother.It turned out that Mrs. Lu was Shi YiRu's wife. Eighteen years ago, Shi YiRu died in chaos. Mrs. LO was arrested. An LuShan saw Mrs. Lo as a beautiful concubine. Mrs. LO drew flowers with scissors Face, An LuShan furious to kill Mrs. Lo, but Mrs. Lu use their own wit, let An LuShan believe she can break the blame, so not only did not kill her, but her support, she consulted her. Wang YanYu is actually the historian's daughter Shi Hongmei, who was adopted by An LuShan's son Wang BoTong (the father of Wang LongKe). Wang YanYu knew his own life experience and wanted to take her mother away. Mrs. LO said that he had lived in An LuShan Prefecture for many years, just to kill An LuShan. She would succeed if she would not leave. Mrs. Lo moved by the will of God. An QingXu, An QingXu An anarchy, besieged An LuShan. Wang LongKe desperately to defend An LuShan, but was suddenly killed by sheep, animal husbandry, Sheep auxiliary An QingXu ascended the throne, sheep and animal husbandry were confiscated as An QingXu Sheep, Sheep, Sheep Assassination Sheep, Mrs. Lo advised: you can not kill him! Tie MoLei greatly puzzled. Mrs. Lu hesitation repeated, you want to say the identity of sheep, animal husbandry and labor, but sheep were shepherd killed. Tie MoLei assassination of sheep can not be shepherd, fall into the hands of sheep in the pasture, just as he prepared to go to death generously, the sheep and animal husbandry took off the mask has been wearing, he is the mysterious person that passed to Tie MoLei martial arts. It turned out that sheep grazing is Tie KunLei's father Tie KunLun. Eighteen years ago, among the chaos army, Tie KunLun was not dead, but was seriously wounded. After being rescued by An LuShan, he devoted himself to An LuShan. As he dear friends from the past, he changed his identity and appeared in the area of ​​animal husbandry and sheep breeding , Became the first master under An LuShan! He knows only his true identity, only Mrs LO, but he has been threatened by the life of Wang YanYu, Mrs. LO is not allowed to tell the truth. Tie MoLei for the first time choked An LuShan House, Tie KunLun has recognized him, so later saved Tie MoLei, and pass him martial arts. In an instant, the world of Tie MoLei completely collapsed: killing An LuShan and avenge his parents was the first goal of his life. Killing Sheep and Sheep, avenge the Father for justice, was his second goal, his father did not die, and Father is the murderer of the father. Tie MoLei's life all at once empty. Tie KunLun wants Tie MoLei to be his assistant: power is the best thing in the world. Now An QingXu is listening to and counting on me. As long as our father and son join hands and defeat Tang Jun by Anste rebels, the world is ours. Tie MoLei rejected his father and escaped from the palace, desperation. He will not be angry with his father, but he must not be enemies with his father. Tie MoLei encountered injuries Xia LingShuang, accepted a more important task: Zhang Xun guarding Yang, to fight the rebels, Guo ZiYi sent to He Kun sent to rescue, but found He Kun is actually a spy, it must rush to inform Zhang Xun, otherwise Shenyang may be betrayed. Tie MoLei and Kong KongEr immediately rushed to Shenyang, but it was too late. He Kun has donated 10,000 Tang Jun troops to the rebel encirclement in the future. All of Tang Jun was annihilated and corpses. Tie MoLei, Kong KongEr Determined to take revenge, the two rushed into the mighty forces of the rebels, among the army captured Kwan He.Duan Guizhang, Xia LingShuang, who came to pick up, everyone withdrew into Yang City. Yangcheng city has been around for a long time, the city grain, but the defenders still insisted, Tie MoLei and Kong KongEr profound understanding of the "for the country for the people, the great man," the truth. Tie Jingcheng et al first arson in the city, creating chaos, Shenyang City was finally attacked by the enemy, Duan Guizhang and sheep during the World War I, Tie MoLei had to Step forward to help, but the face of sheep, animal husbandry, and ultimately can not start, leading Duan Guizhang sheep by the palm of the hand injury, died. Duan Guizhang dying, Tie MoLei regret heart and lungs, Duan Guizhang said in fact, in the hands of the process already know Sheep pasture is the old deceased Tie KunLun, but world affairs, how can we change because of personal feelings. Tie MoLei finally understand that aside personal grudges, to the boat as the most important. Dying on the occasion, Duan Guizhang with the final breath lifted the engagement with the historian, agreed Kong KongEr and Xia LingShuang's marriage. In addition to their sadness, they defected to Guo ZiYi's army, Kong KongEr, who always belonged to betrayal of duty, and joined the army. Guo ZiYi army besieged Luoyang because An QingXu was heavily armed in the watchtower for a long time, causing heavy losses. Tie MoLei decided to lead Kong KongEr and others to occupy the watchtower and clear the way for the army. Tie MoLei before starting, and Han ZhiFen finally clear their feelings, Han ZhiFen frankly accepted, Tie MoLei finally and Wang YanYu double, but facing the battle of life and death. Tie MoLei led the group ho, rushed to the watchtower, but An QingXu also Arrow Tower as a defensive focus, sheep, animal husbandry and other masters in the strict protection, the two sides broke an unprecedented war. Tie MoLei once again face their own biological father, father and son two people battle! City under the city, all the people are all concerned: because the outcome of this war, will decide the pros and cons of Luoyang, or even the situation in both armies, the world pros and cons. Finally, Tie MoLei overcome the demons, sheep and animal husbandry will lay the wall. Guo ZiYi army attack, capture Luoyang.

A Hero (TV)[1986]

Feature: Twenties of last century, Fenglei town in southwest Shaanxi poverty and backwardness. He FuTang reported for revenge, Revival finally killed. Wei ZhengXian, former head of the "Generation Heroes" stills, is the enemy of He FuTang. He FuTang assess the situation, pretend to go to the huge bandits Wang SanChun. In a multi-lateral struggle, He FuTang took the liberty to save the innocent Wei ZhengXian's wife Cheng LiXue. Cheng LiXue felt the beauty and backwardness of Feng Lei and decided to stay in Fenglei to teach and open up her wisdom. However, "Wei Han's hatred" even made Wei ZhengXian intolerant. Using the name of "bandit bandit", he provoked the Kuomintang army stationed in Hanzhong to invade the fierce winds and thunder town. He FuTang took the opportunity to dedicate Wang SanChun, a mighty bandit, to the government of the Republic of China disaster. Wei ZhengXian is determined to desperately attempt to flatten Aoki River. At a critical juncture, He FuTang resolutely defected to the PLA and ushered in the peaceful liberation of Fenglei. With the efforts of He FuTang, Fenglei was relieved of the turmoil in the stormy times.

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