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Ou Wang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Ou Wang Works 41 ,And Costume Drama 16 ,Feature 15 ,Action 5 ,Suspense 5 ,Urban drama 4 ,legend 4 ,Romance 4 ,Historical play 3 ,Love 3 ,Ancient 2 ,Youth drama 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,Comedy 2 ,Spy war 1 ,轻喜1 ,现代都市1 ,War 1 ,抗战1 ,侦探1 ,推理1 ,Thriller 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,罪案1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Xian xia 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Biopic 1 。

Works Index

Ou Wang Filmography(41)


猎狐 (TV)[2020]


《猎狐》讲述了东江市刑警队警员夏国雄是警队名副其实的明日之星。然而,他意气风发的人生却在经济发展的大潮面前遭遇了巨大冲击,股灾中发生的克瑞案牵涉出经济犯罪领域,让他的专业侦查技能哑火,陷入困境。由此,夏国雄也遇到了与他周旋十年、老奸巨猾的劲敌 Wang BoLin 。克瑞案爆发后不久,东江市经侦支队正式成立,夏国雄凭借过硬的侦查功底和数学天赋,很快成为经侦支队的骨干力量。但 Wang BoLin 却成了夏国雄的一个心结。 Wang BoLin 的商业帝国不断扩张,夏国雄嗅到了他的背后一定隐藏着巨大的阴谋与犯罪事实,然而 Wang BoLin 如同狡猾的狐狸,屡屡总能顺利逃脱,最后移民海外。2014年公安部正式展开“猎狐“专项行动,夏国雄被上调参与,开始了境外追逃之路。最终,在历经了险象环生的跨国追缉、艰苦卓绝的自我突围后,夏国雄带领猎狐队员,将潜逃多年的经济罪魁们缉拿归案


九州缥缈录 (TV)[2019]


《九州缥缈录》这是一部少年英雄成长史,以虚拟的“九州”世界为背景,讲述 Lv GuiChen Ji Ye Yu Ran 等不谙世事的少年历经磨砺与坎坷,执着奋斗,携手互助,成长成熟,并发展出几段撼天动地的友情和爱情故事。北陆青阳部世子 Lv GuiChen 作为质子来到东陆结识了一直不受父亲喜爱的庶子 Ji Ye ,以及跟着爷爷避难而来的羽族公主 Yu Ran 。三个小伙伴在太子学院中因身份原因饱受针对和挑战,在相互帮助和拯救的过程了建立起深厚的友谊,而 Yu Ran 的开朗活泼洒脱个性也得到两个男孩的暗中倾慕,青涩的爱情正在萌芽。离国霸主赢无翳携天子以令诸侯, Lv GuiChen 、 Ji Ye 、 Yu Ran 追随一代名将 Xi Yan 等人发出正义之师,决战殇阳关,不料殇阳关之战的背后另有大阴谋。危难之际,少年们奋死而战,成长为一代领袖 。

推手 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《推手》剧情介绍:讲述了酷爱摩托车的 Liu QingYang 在一次赛车中救了 Chen YiFan ,两人因此结识。同时 Liu QingYang 家糟变故和母亲搬到工地居住,因为学业无成只能从体力劳动开始打工还债。 Chen YiFan 出手相救,把他招到明德房地产集团。在一心要照顾好母亲、还清债务责任心的驱使下, Liu QingYang 努力学习、拼搏慢慢成长。明德集团受到四大房地产集团公司的排挤而岌岌可危, Liu QingYang 请 Mei DaoYuan 出山拯救明德集团, Mei DaoYuan 选择 Liu QingYang 为自己的代言人, Mei DaoYuan 一边教 Liu QingYang 太极推手让他从中感悟做人之本,经商之道。最终 Liu QingYang 和 Chen YiFan 凭借诚信、专注、正义掌握了太极推手的精髓运用到商战中,救明德公司于危难之中。这场经历让他认识到错过的学业一定要补回来,他回到大学重新开始求学之路并继续传播太极推手文化, Chen YiFan 用自己的商海经历来传授年轻人,两人也最终走到了一起 。

精英律师 (TV)[2019]


Luo Bin 是全景律师事务所资深合伙人, Dai Xi 为了闺蜜的一场官《精英律师》定妆照司去律所找 Luo Bin 理论,误打误撞,机缘巧合成了 Luo Bin 的助理。在共事过程中,俩人因在为人处世上的见解差异,频发冲突。同时,出于对律师这个职业的热爱, Dai Xi 把过多的时间和精力投入到工作上,最终引起男友的不满,二人分手。在经过几个项目上的相互协作后, Dai Xi 和 Luo Bin 对对方都有了更多的了解, Dai Xi 由最初讨厌 Luo Bin ,逐渐对他产生尊敬,而 Luo Bin 也受 Dai Xi 感染,不仅在关心输赢,也变得去关爱他人。历经磨炼, Dai Xi 最终成长为一个优秀富有正义感的律师,在工作上,和 Luo Bin 也有了更多的默契,两人成了一对颇得业界认可,所向披靡的最佳搭档。

谍战深海之惊蛰 (TV)[2019]


1941年上海,混迹江湖靠贩卖情报为生的街头小混混 Chen Shan 因长相酷似军统特工肖正国,被日本梅机关特务头子 Huang MuWei 意外看中,从此卷入一场腥风血雨的地下战争。 Huang MuWei 挟持了他的妹妹 Chen Xia ,逼迫 Chen Shan 成为日本间谍。为了营救妹妹,具有特工天赋的他只能接受秘密特训,冒名顶替肖正国前往重庆潜伏到军统内部,准备窃取重要情报。潜伏生涯惊心动魄,然而作为一个中国人, Chen Shan 并不想真的背叛祖国,在共产党员 Zhang Li 和 Qian ShiYing 对他的不断影响下, Chen Shan 逐渐成长,毅然站到了抗日的阵营。之后,为粉碎日寇阴谋, Chen Shan 和 Zhang Li 冒着生命危险再次回到上海,反潜伏进入汪伪特工总部,他们一次次携手合作,生死与共,在与敌人的斗智斗勇中, Chen Shan 最终树立了信仰,成长为了一名真正的战士,并成功粉碎了侵略者的险恶阴谋 。


The Rise of Phoenixes (TV)[2018]


TV drama "The Rise of Phoenixes" also known as "the power of the huang yi world" plot introduction: told the king of chu Ning Yi , seem to be loose and loose when the six princes, but the heart carries the painful past events. He took the world as a chess game, to clear snow grievances, punish crafty sycophants, rectify the court order, in the bloody court battles in step by step. Feng ZhiWei The girl who was banished from the high gate was not willing to yield to the bumpy fate. She disguised herself as a man and went to the qingming academy, becoming a scholar without a pair of rivals. One is the prince of the city, and the other is the first to show the edge of the new officialdom, the two men in the unpredictable court in each other to test, often against each other, mutual exclusion but also forced to attract each other. And when the hearts of each other gradually open to each other, encounter is the fate of the cold. A case of a previous dynasty orphans, completely destroyed her world, also disrupted his usual leisurely pace. The blood of opposites, the sacrifice of relatives and friends, became the Great Wall that separated them.

Sesame Hutong (TV)[2018]


The TV series "Sesame Hutong" plot introduction: It tells the story of Yan ZhenSheng, the owner of the Beijing-style fragrant shop in 1947, because his brother and nephew helped him to go to Hebei to buy soybeans and died when he was robbed by the national army. ZhenSheng, in addition to his wife Lin CuiQing, for the biological father Yu Yuzi to marry another house wife, for the Yu Jia Chuanzong generation. Yu’s father saw Mu ChunHua, who had been treating his father for his illness. Although it was because of his filial piety, Yan ZhenSheng and Mu ChunHua were deeply involved in the contact. In 1950, the new marriage law was promulgated, and Yan ZhenSheng and Mu ChunHua divorced. In the years to come, Yan ZhenSheng, Mu ChunHua and Lin CuiQing still support each other and share the storm. The play also wrote a group of ordinary people around the pickles and sesame alleys. Their fate and joys and sorrows, the truth and logic of the people's life, the simplicity and kindness of the little people.

皇甫神医 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《 Huang FuMi 传奇》剧情介绍:讲述了魏晋时期,皇宫突发一起血案。宫女 Ying Hui  在父母被杀后逃出皇宫。据传 Ying Hui 带走了父亲收藏的华佗《青囊经》最重要的部分章页, Huang Shang 随即令太尉 Si MaKui 和大臣王赞缉捕 Ying Hui 。  华佗弟子善珍因医术高明深得皇室宠幸,他创办的针灸治病的神针堂 家喻户晓。其弟子 Huang FuMi 聪慧过人,但定妆照医术尚欠火候,善珍望其脚踏实地、刻苦学艺。   Huang Shang 要赐一宫女给善珍,他故意说喜欢女弟子 Xiang Ling ( Ou Wang 饰 ),婉拒 Huang Shang 好意。但 Huang Shang 依然派人来赐婚,此时 Xiang Ling 正要被华镇梁记大药房公子 Liang Liu 娶走,本就不愿意嫁给 Liang Liu 的 Xiang Ling 趁机上了善珍的花轿。 Huang FuMi 等弟子将 Xiang Ling 抬回神针堂准备与师傅完婚,但他在花轿内发现了受伤的宫女 Ying Hui , Huang FuMi 让好兄弟 Bu Zhun ( Louis Fan 饰 )将 Ying Hui 送到山寨保护起来。  善珍在与 Xiang Ling 的婚礼中突然晕倒, Huang FuMi 却果断下针,却还是没有挽回师傅的性命。此时宫中派人来请善珍给小皇子治病,善珍已故,二师兄难当大任, Xiang Ling 果断决定让 Huang FuMi 前往。 Huang FuMi 稳定住小皇子复杂的病情,得到了 Huang Shang 的赏赐。但 Liang Liu 为了得到 Xiang Ling ,诬陷 Huang FuMi 想娶师娘而故意加害师傅,置其于死地。朝廷大臣王赞救下了 Huang FuMi ,因为 Huang Shang 的宠妃欲让 Huang FuMi 为其治疗不孕之症。 Huang FuMi 与 Xiang Ling 情感深厚, Liang Liu 对此耿耿于怀。 Liang Liu 在父亲被 Huang FuMi 气死后,决定与 Huang FuMi 拼个你死我活。 Liang Liu 的干爹 Si MaKui 在皇宫手握重权,他故意将 Huang FuMi 和 Xiang Ling 的事说予 Huang Shang 。 Huang Shang 见到 Xiang Ling 后心动不已, Xiang Ling 一再婉拒, Huang Shang 赐其贞节牌坊,这使得 Huang FuMi 与 Xiang Ling 的前路雪上加霜。   Si MaKui 怀疑 Ying Hui 与神针堂有关系,便要 Liang Liu 暗中调查。差点上当的 Ying Hui 在 Bu Zhun 等人的努力下,最终看清了 Liang Liu 的真面目。   Huang Shang 多次要求功绩显著的 Huang FuMi 进宫做官遭拒, Si MaKui 趁机挑唆,诬陷 Huang FuMi 藐视 Huang Shang 。与此同时名士嵇康因拒写《帝王世纪》被赐死, Huang FuMi 只得委屈求全同意为 Huang Shang 写史,但他更重要的任务是完成《针灸甲乙经》。路透图 瘟疫突如其来, Huang FuMi 请缨前往疫区;而 Si MaKui 与 Liang Liu 却贪赃枉法,并企图害死 Huang FuMi 。在 Bu Zhun 、 Ying Hui 等人的帮助下, Huang FuMi 和 Xiang Ling 先后脱险,两人感情日益深厚。   Si MaKui 寄希望于外甥女怀上龙种以达到控制皇权的目的一直未能如愿, Liang Liu 与 Li Fei 偷情怀孕, Si MaKui 担心被 Huang FuMi 发现,一心想将其灭口。   Huang Shang 将觊觎已久的 Xiang Ling 带入宫中强行封妃, Xiang Ling 逃出宫后前往西域。因欺瞒 Huang Shang 受到宫刑的 Liang Liu 不思悔改继续作恶,并带领兵勇将有着长生不老称号的封衡抓捕。 Huang FuMi 赴西域救封衡时巧遇 Bu Zhun 和 Ying Hui ,他们沿途又遇到了 Xiang Ling 所在的西域某国进献美女的马队。 Huang FuMi 与 Xiang Ling 虽然重逢,但 Xiang Ling 和西域国曼丽公主一同进了宫, Xiang Ling 跟 Huang Shang 说如果把她充斥后宫必会引起麻烦。果然西域国向朝廷腹地发起进攻, Si MaKui 带兵去反击却被毒箭射中。  为害死 Huang FuMi , Liang Liu 偷走其《帝王世纪》手稿,并将其扔进深山老林。 Huang FuMi 被 Xiang Ling 父母所救,因祸得福赢得了撰写史书的时间。 Xiang Ling 的到来使 Huang FuMi 对《青囊经》的完成更有信心。   Huang Shang 以为 Huang FuMi 再次逃跑,却在御书房发现了 Huang FuMi 如期完成的手稿。感慨万千的 Huang Shang 下令赠予 Huang FuMi 一车书籍,并给予其自由。 Huang FuMi 和 Xiang Ling 终在清静的山林里结为夫妻。


Reckless waste Ji (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Mang Huangji" stills Pangu uproar until after the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the birth of the summer of China Xia Dynasty, in the summer territory, there is an ancient family called Jishi, the daughter of the lord Ji Ning natural skill. Ji's discovery of the veins was called Xuelongshan organized by the snow dragon, in order to protect the family Ji Ning's father died in the war, Ji's almost destroyed. Since then, Ji Ning has gradually tempered his heart and he has to become strong in guarding the family and the people around him. He entered the black and white school to learn, get acquainted with like-minded friends here, but his power also attracted little Ji Nong hate and plot, Ji Ning later learned that behind the family is a bigger plot: a The mysterious force of the door, intended to provoke the war invaded Xia Dynasty. After all kinds of hardships and tribulations, Ji Ning has finally grown into a real powerhouse, and together with other parties, guard the peace of summer.

the Rise of Phoenixes (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Emperor Huang Quan Yi Tian Xia" tells the story of the power struggle between Ning Yi, the imperial court of the Tiansheng Dynasty and Feng ZhiWei, a former royal royalty detachment. Chu Yi Ning, seemingly romantic past six princes, but the heart is carrying a painful past. He used the world as a chess game, washing snow injustice, punishing evil spirits, purging the Asakusa, in the reign of bloody Chaotang at every step. Feng ZhiWei, being a housewife, was unwilling to succumb to the bumpy fate. She was disguised as a man and entered Qingming Academy. One is the deep prince of the city government, one is the first show off the official rookie, both in the fickle Chaodang mutual temptation, frequent strokes, mutual exclusion but can not help but attract each other. And when each other's heart gradually open to each other, the encounter is the fate of Chill Sen cool. A former case of the orphan, completely overthrow her world, but also disrupted his always calm pace. Opposition to the blood, relatives and friends of the sacrifice, as isolated from their lofty cliffs, love and hate right and wrong, from time to time in the road. "Phoenix Right Yi Xia Tian" is a Chinese costume play co-produced by Huateckton Group Syndicate, Dongshen Film, Good Wheat Culture, Chinese Online and New Film Culture. Shen Yan, Liu Haibo Co-directed, Ni Kun Ni Ni Ni Starring Ou Li, Bai Jingting, Xiaochen Zhang, Yitian Hai, People also ask, Xu Hao, starring Harrison Ho and Ce Wang, and Liu Min Tao, Xiu Qing , Lorla, Yin Zhu-Sheng, Ke Hu and Jingjing Li starred.

Detective Di RenJies love flower case (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the spring of one year in the Tang Wu Zhou era, the unique love flower in the world of Yangzhou sentimental blight suddenly blossomed, and blooming flowers blossomed for a short time. The rumor was full of rumors and directed against the state body and threatening the security of the government . To this end, Tai Zhou emperor Wu ZeTian dispatched Tai ZiLiDan to go to town, but Li Dan was mysteriously disappeared after arriving in Yangzhou. In the big case, Di RenJie went to Yangzhou for investigation. After several ups and downs of the investigation, he and his assistant, Li YuanFang, penetrated into the tiger's cave, sacrificed their lives and livelihood together with all the people in all walks of life, including Dou TianDe and Ming Yu WenChi as the representative of the conspiratorial forces, embarked on confusing, treacherous Zhiyong competition and competition, cracked the "Love Flower Case" and the "golden case" represented by a series of weird bizarre cases, continue to make criminals fall into French , And finally succeeded in smashing the rebel forces in their attempt to create chaos and subvert the great conspiracy of the court, to bring back Prince Edward and stop the unrest.

Weekend parents (TV)[2017]

Feature: Yu ZhiYuan, Zhao JiaNi Five-and-a-half year old married son Yu ZhenXuan lives in her grandmother from Monday to Friday. The couple only bring their children home on weekends and enjoy a short parent-child time. They are commonplace in this city. "Weekend Parents." By chance, Zhao JiaNi realized that "parents are valid." In order to be able to participate in the growth of their son, the couple began to work hard and strive for an early end to such a life. In the process of struggle, Yu ZhiYuan grew up from a lurking reporter to a clan chief editor, while Zhao JiaNi also promoted himself from a mediocre little woman to a unique foreign employee. In this process, the young couple face the temptation of the rapid development of society, one after another hold the bottom line, toward the goal. Ultimately, they stick to the values ​​of the times, never give up each other, and finally understand that companionship is the deepest love of the child & nbsp ;.

My family lives in the door (TV)[2017]


The TV series "My family lives in the door", also known as "my ex-wife lived in the door" plot introduction: tells a new era of good man Pan XiangDong arrived at the school flower Luo Jie, the young married couple's days of marriage, although it is very happy. However, on this day, Luo Jie suddenly filed for a divorce. Pan XiangDong, who was deeply in love with his wife, was caught off guard, but he could not be married to Luo Jie and was forced to divorce. After the divorce, Pan XiangDong was deeply beaten and his life fell to the bottom. At this time, he met a man named Cai HaoGui. Under the influence of Cai HaoGui, Pan XiangDong bought a lottery ticket. Unexpectedly, this small lottery has completely subverted his life. Pan XiangDong transformed himself into a multimillionaire. At this moment, Luo Jie suddenly returned. Luo Jie told him that the divorce was because she had mistakenly thought that she had a terminal illness, and she feared that her husband would have to choose to divorce. Today, she discovered that she was misdiagnosed and she was crying. She was immediately remarried. Pan XiangDong mistakenly thought that his ex-wife was back because of his money and refused to remarry. Luo Jie, who escaped from an impasse, has restored all self-confidence and enthusiasm in life. She vowed to recover the happiness she had personally sent away. So she tossed into the door of her ex-husband. Since then, he has embarked on a path of recovering from his ex-husband.


FoolishPlans (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Three different temperaments but with brothers and sisters, three gangsters Xiao Ge, boss Song Ge, than the monkey is still fine, the second child of the small wind, pure and straight, the third A Zheng, sense of humor, vaginal confusion Oolong murder and a series of crooked hit, jokes, film festival closely linked to the identity and characteristics of three people, through clever design, the ultimate function of the crew play props, called the film thick and colorful and quite mysterious small Surprise; Whether it is the props bottles, coffins, or ingenuity of the props car, can identify the organs and mysterious are so that the audience talked about after the movie; except play props new tricks, the film chain, compact And the story of a very suspense atmosphere more at one go; three Barker mistakenly being involved in the price of robbery and serial murder case, all the way to destroy a small monster, who knows the boss behind the scenes are reversed, change. Whether the truth and the answer can be as expected, what kind of secrets are hidden in the heart of each person, only to find a breakthrough in the film.

Father (Movie)[2016]

Feature: According to the staff revealed that the film was shot Asakusa shooting, shooting just experienced the cold and low temperature, the shooting was also bothered by the blessing of fortune photographed in the past did not appear beauty. "Gentle Bullets" will staged a chaotic situation, starting in September 2015, is expected to release the 2016 National Day file.

Father (Movie)[2016]

Feature: This is a story about Fatherhood, Revenge, and Redemption. Actor Cao HuaLi is a returning home scientist, to revenge for her daughter, personally manufacturing firearms, refit bombs, in a complex situation with a father's wisdom and courage to maintain the dignity of themselves and their families, and ultimately defend the family

Above the clouds (TV)[2016]

Feature: Jian Xi, who lost her parents and grew up by her grandmother, still became an optimistic young girl with high definition and high drama. After her grandmother's death, Jian Xi left her home alone and went to Beijing to look for her biological mother. After being apatheticly rejected by his mother, Zhan Mei, Jian Xi was determined not to be discouraged but to become an outstanding performance artist. With a passion for the show and outstanding talent, Jian Xi has created a distinctive character that has become a popular actress. Tang Fei's performing career has climbed to the top, personality is overbearing and self-righteous; until Jian Xi, he began to re-examine his own life, already forgotten affections and dreams are gradually recovering, the two from vindictive enemy into a pair of people People envy of lovers. Jian Xi and Tang Fei continue to pursue freedom and dignity while pursuing art. They persist in self-actualization, eventually gain happiness and prove the power of life with their courage.

Happy Mi Tan (TV)[2016]

Feature: Shun Zhi years, Niu DaBao bent on founding a family with sweetheart Yuan YuE, during the course of the pursuit of error and error became a member of the Imperial City post Huang Hua station, and Yuan YuE is a member of Hong Bang. In order to protect his sweetheart Yuan YuE, Niu DaBao won the trust of post director Long DingHai with wisdom, and secretly made efforts to resolve the contradiction between Hong Bang and the Qing court. In a series of events, while protecting Chun Hua, a kind-hearted brothel woman with his own knotty misunderstanding, and rescuing the simple and honest gunner Tie QianJin, he also made full use of his resourcefulness to undermine the series of intrigues of HuangHuaYi and get rid of Guilty sinister cunning Sun ZhiLan, Mao Gang, Yi KouNiao, etc. Mi Tan. After a bout of trials and hardships, Niu DaBao finally grew up from a common market man to a resourceful, courageous and righteous righteous. With his efforts, Niu DaBao prevented ordinary people from suffering from a war.

Forging knife (TV)[2016]

Feature: Blood went to the Nationalist stills On the eve of the Anti-Japanese War, a place in Yunnan cottage frequent civil strife. Jiang XiaoDao, a stubborn cottage hunter, was married to Jiang YiLeng, an opposed champion, and Xiao YiHeng, a rival toothache chieftain, making a scene at the wedding and triggering an imperial struggle that led Xiao YiHeng's father to be expelled from the cottage and almost killed his life. Knife desperate to join the Yunnan army, accidentally become the 60th Army Xiao XiaohengHeng's subordinates, and Xiao Syng Fung opposite, Jiang MeiLan advancing and retreating. The outbreak of war, the knife fighting in the most tragic place, the two's hatred gradually diluted with the baptism of war. The astonishing mystery of killing your father made the two become blood-linked brothers. Their love is also experienced in the bloody. In the war of resistance against Japan, the Central Party Committee of the Kuomintang conspired to occupy military exploits. The 60th Army of the Yunnan Army rebuffed in anger and joined the Communist Party with a knife to help Xiao YiHeng get out of its predicament and embarked on a bright road to new life.

Nirvana in Fire (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mei ZhangSu (Hugh ornaments) Mei ZhangSu (Hugh ornaments) far in the arena, but the name emperor. Rivers and lakes rumors: "Jiang left the Mei Lang, unicorn only, have access to the world." As the world's largest gang "Jiang Zuomeng" leader, Mei ZhangSu "Mel Lang" reputation. However, Mei Zhang Su, who has the highest status in all corners of the country, is a frail young man. Despite the treacherous grudges and bloodshed brought to us a dozen years ago, even the hidden secrets behind his lifetimes are hidden. It turned out that twelve years ago, Nan Liang Chase years, the Northern Wei Xing soldiers south, Chiyan Marshal Marshal Lin Shu expedition, the rate of 70,000 officers and men to fight the enemy, unexpectedly, seventy thousand soldiers due to misconduct buried bone Meiling. Lin Shu picked up his life from the door of hell, after the loss of pro-pro-loss, cut the pain of easy-dressing, incarnate the world's largest gang Jiang Zonghui leader. Twelve years later, Mei ZhangSu relied on the opportunity of recuperation to return to the imperial capital with a whitish coat of arms and set foot on the path of vengeance, sorrow and contempt. In the face of the engagement of Ni HuangJunZhu (Tamia Liu ornaments), the old friend Jing Wang Xiao Jingyan (Kai Wang ornaments) and all the familiar in the past, he can only quietly endure everything, in the seemingly casual, with the weak body Hands off the wave of blood stunned, assisting Ming Wang Jing Wang ascend the throne, for the seventy flames loyal soul wash snow stigma. However, due to the dynastic rule of Emperor Liangdi in his later years, the territory in the south was full of chaos. The Eastern Wei Dynasty, which stood on its own in the Northern Wei Dynasty, took the opportunity to start its army southward. In order to resolve the national crisis, Mei ZhangSu decided to arm her armor in defiance of its physical weakness. In only three months, the military led the arm and beam to calm down the northern border and set the beam at peace and stability. Mei ZhangSu at this time, also suffered a last-ditch effort, finished his life on the battlefield.

Monthly Payment (TV)[2015]

Feature: Zhou ShuMing, an older literary housemate, and Su XiaoYa, the eldest daughter of the older generation, were matched on the Weibo by their common friend Li Na. Their promise made them succeed in flash marriage. After the marriage, the two men often worked irregularly to provide monthly rent and life Huge pressure, especially the emergence of He ShaoYong, Su XiaoYa's first love, added a lot of twists and turns to their lives. Su XiaoYa's mother Su Li Mei admitted to the hospital due to brain tumor, in the face of high hospital charges, Su XiaoYa frustration to seek help He ShaoYong, at the request of He Shaoyong, desperate Su XiaoYa and Zhou ShuMing divorced . After the divorce, Zhou ShuMing has been unable to let Su XiaoYa back to mobilize Nai Nai to sell the old house, to help Su XiaoYa hospital fees, Su XiaoYa was deeply touched, several requests for remarry but were rejected. A year later, Zhou ShuMing became a well-known local writer, and Zhou ShuMing's father also had feelings for each other due to taking care of Su Li Mei. Su XiaoYa can not forget Zhou ShuMing's affliction and affection, at the wedding ceremony with He ShaoYong, decided to leave. Eventually, the two young men and their parents came to a happy state, and they understood deeply that the first payment of love should be provided on a genuine marriage.

pretender (TV)[2015]

Feature: Ming Tai (Hugh ornaments) During the Anti-Japanese War Wang puppet regime was established, rich young master Ming Tai went to study in Hong Kong on the way, was the senior military official Wang TianFeng fancy and kidnapped to the military training class, after training hard to become an outstanding Military agents. After Ming Tai and life partner Yu ManLi went to Shanghai, launched a series of secret activities. In the "Crush Program," Ming Tai and Cheng JinYun, a member of the Chinese Communist Party, joined hands to successfully blast the special train of the puppet government transporting Japanese senior officials. Both of them had feelings during the fighting. Later, Ming Tai assassinated Wang Pseudo-officials, assassinated Japanese spies, repeatedly made outstanding achievements. However, in a series of actions, Ming Tai was gradually discouraged by the Kuomintang's move to issue "national treasuries" and Cheng JinYun developed him as a latent worker of the underground party of the Chinese Communist Party. In order to gain the final victory ahead of the front battlefield, Ming Tai, in unison with Ming Brother, an elder brother of complicated identities, started the "Kung-bells ringing" campaign and successfully confused the Japanese with fake intelligence and won a turn for the ultimate victory of the war.

Hua Hong Flower Fire (TV)[2014]

Feature: Stills Female winemaker Hua Hong was inadvertently lost to Tian ShuGen and Tian ShuCai by his adoptive father. On the wedding night, bandits Chen SanPao robbed Tian and took away her bride, Hua Hong. Tian master will never allow Tian Tian to Chen SanPao revenge. Hua Hong wine brewed by the international gold medal, some people Tianzhu Tianjiufang, Ming and dark in the fight, Hua Hong to resist their enemies, to solve a problem. The vengeful flame of Tian ShuCai and Tian MingMei's siblings never stopped. Japanese troops stationed in the town, the great changes in the world. With the help of the New Fourth Army, she helped pacify bandit gangs in the wake of the war of resistance against Japan. With the forthcoming implementation of the "C Plan" for the Japanese military, she led the New Fourth Army to bring surprisingly surprises with her brothers and succeeded in their crises with the success of the New Fourth Army Sniper Japanese. After experiencing the baptism of fire and emotional entanglement, Hua Hong finally grew into a real revolutionary.

Yue Zhong loyalty (TV)[2013]

Feature: The end of the Northern Song Dynasty, Liao massive invasion of the Central Plains, people live in trouble. Tong Guan is a general guarding the country, and Liankin is anti - Liao. Tong Guan not only failed to pass the strategic, more desires, and even successive defeat, General Liu Ge daredevil warrior captain Yue Fei with Zhang Xian, Niu Gao, Xu Qing, Wang Gui only eight hundred warriors, Prove the song dare warrior is not tired eggs. After the defeat of Liao Tian Huang Emperor Qin Emperor pro-levy, hundreds of thousands of troops flocked to. Yue Fei is outnumbered to Liao. Find out the yawn trickery, Yue Fei escape danger, go quickly. Halfway, Liu Ge was injured and dropped the cliff. Shortly afterwards, Jin WuShu drove his troops southwards and drove him to a siege of Beijing. Urgency, North and South mobilization, Yue Fei went to the state left behind coach Zong Ze's. Yue Fei, his mother, Yao's determination and ambition to encourage his son's entry into the battlefield, used a golden needle to puncture Yue Fei with four characters "serving the country loyally." Kinbyon southward invasion, Hui Zong self-aware empty national strength, no longer another large-scale anti-gold war, they panic to promote Zen, to give up their own responsibility. Prince Zhao Huan has always been cowardly. Its brother Kang Wang Zhao Gou both civil and military, welcomed, but Zhao Huan obedience, Zhao Gou everywhere objection, because no one can control Zhao Gou, Zhao Huan won the big place, known as Qin Zong. After the siege of the Jin army in Beijing, the situation was dying. Zhao Gou went to Delhi and negotiated with Wan Yan Zong-han. After arriving in Germany, I learned that the Jin army had scored a goal in Beijing and no negotiations were necessary. The Jin people intend to form a separate new DPRK and rule Zai with Zhang BangChang, the same negotiator, as Zhao Gou is killed. Zong Ze desperately to protect Zhao Gou returned to Beijing, I discovered that Beijing Emperor has been trapped gold hand, the royal family was forced to relocate, all reduced to subjugation. Zong Ze persuaded Zhao Gou to join the throne, and Zhao Gou ascended the throne on Tianfu. Jin army retreat, Zong Ze transferred to Beijing stay, Yue Fei and other built under the command of the handsome. Yue Fei sympathizes with Zong Ze and discusses each other's strategies and tactics. The guerrilla war criminals in Caen, Cairo, have won the war repeatedly. Zong Ze strongly against the gold, the court could not offend Prince Jin WuShu Prince Edward, gold medal to withdraw troops, Yue Fei not from the rate of troops to move forward and regain the state. Yue Fei's decision was dismissed by Wang Yan, who withdrew his troops. Yue Fei asked his men to join the guerrillas freely, and with the exception of the few who followed him, the rest were covering Wang Yan's withdrawal and fighting against the 50,000-strong wizardry of the martial arts. The guerrillas were able to help each other and the soldiers hungering for "hunger for food and drink for hunger and hunger for blood." Fortunately Yue Fei and Li Wa contacted Liang Xing and transported Yue Fei up the mountain via him Safely retreat south. Although Yue Fei unfavorable, but Zong Ze knew Yue Fei, Zong Ze still dominate the north, and personally go into battle, and Wu Wushu tribute in Tancheng, iron buoy cavalry large array unpredictable, overwhelming, Song Army not support Zong Ze in the number of arrows, three across the river, generous martyrdom. The Jin repeatedly commits, plot Central Plains, to save the day, Yue Fei had to re-mountain. After Kinbyan captured Jiankang, the royal mausoleum was robbed. Yue Fei and eldest son Yue Yun, father and son with the heart, are interested in protecting the country. Yue Jiajun defeated the wushu and reconstructed the ancient capital Jiankang, so that the multi-level secret mobilization raised by Gao Fei on Yue Fei was different.Qin Gui secretly contact Wushu, awarded Huangtuang waterway plans, the Golden Army flew overnight overnight. The court traces the source of waterway plans, Qin Gui fears guilty and murderous. Jing Yue Yue Fei Stills Six counties re-map, Yue Jiajun should be fully rehabilitated and rest, but the imperial edict and the imperial mission frequently alluded to Yue Fei to eliminate the lake in Dongting Lake out of ideas, the emperor asked Yue Fei how long it takes to complete In the campaign, Yue Fei answered eight days enough. The emperor flies nonsense, smile set. Yue Fei's battle against the lakes and maids has long been planned in the heart of her. She captured Yang and killed her, leaving only seven days and a half. Zhao Gou got a good news and called Yuejiajun a magician. Shaoxing and the agreement reached, what cast Cao Xun Chong grateful to make Zhao Gou vows table in the gold master's palindrome, although a few words, but vicious very, the text reads: "kill the fly, before and." Gave Qin Gui a valid excuse for the timely operation. Qin Gui first set the word "do not make plans for breaking it" Zhang Xian Yue Yun Two torture custodians. Yue Jiajun called New Year's Eve robbery, cypress known, uneasy, is New Year's Eve on New Year's Eve will pay Yue Yue Wang warehousing, temporary punishment, just call 'Zhao Zhao day', spin generous righteousness, 嗟 almost! White Aya neck around, serve the country loyal! Fledgling thirty-nine, the afternoon afternoon cut Zhang Xian Yue Yun, Yaoyue Yueyin bottles cast their own martyrdom, wife Li Wa with the family hundreds of exile in the wild belt of Yunnan more than ten years, a huge pain deep, struggling to survive. Shaoxing twenty-five years in December. Qin Gui father and son across the bridge, to the square, Liang Xing gave an assassination, Qin Xuan desperate father break out, bloody deep lane, embarrassed exit. Back to the House, the night half-dreams, see Silver Bottle female dangling life, cypress surprise, hematemesis and death.

Tongbai hero (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Tongbai hero" tells the story of 1947, the liberation of fighting in the Tongbai area started, has become the People's Liberation Army reconnaissance platoon leader Zhao YongSheng Mickey He, with the troops into the Tongbai Mountain, Zhao YongSheng et al. Because of the cover troops retreated to stay in position, in order to break The enemy's blockade, Zhao YongSheng, and his comrades replaced the Kuomintang army uniform and fooled enemy search units and went down smoothly. The enemy chief Han ChangFa in order to win entrenched in the Tang River Zhang FuCheng, forced Zhao XiaoHua married Zhang FuCheng. Wang ShuLan heard that the People's Liberation Army arrived in Tongbai and risked helping her daughter to escape from Hancheng. The flower thought that the PLA troops had to find her elder brother and did not want to encounter the Kuomintang search soldiers. They mistakenly thought that the flower was guerrillas in the mountains and fired at her. It happened that after Zhao YongSheng and others passed away in order to cover their fellow countrymen, they had to open fire on the enemy at the risk of exposing their identity. When Zhao YongSheng thought they could safely retreat and elated, they met guerrillas who came to pick and place the People's Liberation Army. They guilty of misunderstanding the guerrillas wearing KMT uniforms and had to become guerrillas "prisoners." After the whereabouts of the guerrillas were discovered by the Kuomintang, they were trapped in siege and the two armed forces turned their fire. Guard guard Zhao YongSheng and others locked the door to support the fighting, Zhao YongSheng and others together to open the door open, but saw the KMT troops around the door. Zhao YongSheng and others had claimed that they were getting out of their way. This scene was just what He CuiGu saw. He CuiGu hated them for "cheating" on their own behavior. Zhao YongSheng was brought back to the Kuomintang barracks, but Han MeiShuang did not recognize that this person was Zhao YongSheng who grew up with her when she was young. Zhao YongSheng wearing a military uniform wearing the name of Hou Zhankun caused the suspicion Han MeiShuang, Zhao YongSheng will not lie, he was excuse Han MeiShuang language piercing, but Han MeiShuang did not go deep into Zhao YongSheng identity, but advised him and Back to Hancheng together. Zhao YongSheng sneaks into the enemy's interior, resolutely wins by virtue of his wit and gradually gains the trust of the enemy and uses the floret's marriage to remove the reinforcements from the Tanghe River. Wang ShuLan and Xiaohua learned the true identity of Zhao YongSheng and started to help Zhao YongSheng to start the event. Small flowers grew even more in the revolutionary struggle behind enemy lines. Guerrilla captain He CuiGu went to the city to contact the traffic station to send intelligence but met Zhao YongSheng, who sent information. He misunderstood Zhao YongSheng and threatened Zhao YongSheng. As a result, he was exposed to hunt and wounded, and was saved by Xiaohua and Wang ShuLan . People's Liberation Army approached Hancheng, because Zhao YongSheng intelligence, successfully into the city. Han ChangFa sees his army retreating steadily and brutally murders his own men and soldiers. In order to save his father, Han MeiShuang risked his death to stop the city defenders. Zhao YongSheng attacked South Korea and saw three "sister" become hostages of Han ChangFa. Han ChangFa asked Zhao YongSheng whereabouts of their own biological daughter, forced helpless, Zhao YongSheng only make the best of the truth. He CuiGu is very excited to hear that he is Han ChangFa's biological daughter, and Han ChangFa does not even believe his daughter will be a Communist Party. At this moment, the entire city of Hancheng has been cheered and emancipated. Han Chang-Fa completely collapsed, shooting and shooting, and the bullets hit Zhao YongSheng. At the same time, head of Ginger with troops broke into the door, Han ChangFa random gun shot. Three flowers around Zhao YongSheng, Tong Tong brother.

MoShangFengYun (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Safe Escort escorted the caravan to go off, but the caravan survived the banishment by the submarine army and only "Hei Zi" survived. Wang Zhao Gu PingAn want to leave to track down the matter. It happened that Wang ZhaoXing's "comrade-in-arms", who had disappeared for many years, was also making a futile but unwarranted "disappearance" at the border town. Had mastered an astonishing shady. Fei BuTou and Gao Xiang in the town are also friends. To preserve Gao Xiang's life, he had to endure. Wang ZhaoXing think things are more and more strange, he decided to track down and find good friend Gao Xiang. In the process, some remarks by the innkeeper and the captive caught his suspicions about Teng Fei's army. Tracing all the way down, General Teng Fei, who was originally guarding the border, robbed the caravans and oppress the people. Although the people complained, they did nothing but help because the army was in possession of military power and water. Even more unforgivable gains and losses the army cut off the head of the caravan caravan, kill good, one head and two hundred silver. Wang ZhaoXing was also captured by Teng Fei during the process of ascertaining the truth. Teng Fei put all his guilt on him, saying he was a gang of nations, killing the guards, poisoning the water and beheading the crowd tomorrow. Gu PingAn together with the town headhunter to find a solution, intends to save tomorrow Wang ZhaoXing. On the day of his execution, Gu PingAn and Catcher fought against him, but they eventually lost control of the total. Wang ZhaoXing encourages the common people not to be oppressed by General Teng Fei, but to protect themselves, justice and heaven in their own hands. Folks understand that I heard this statement, rose to compete with the army. In the meantime, the aide of Teng Fei also felt conscientious condemnation and his duty was to protect the safety of the population. Wang ZhaoXing, Gu PingAn and Lin HuGuan together worked together to kill Teng Fei, TengFei, a crafty, tyrannized Teng Fei. The imperial court, chasing General Teng Fei. Gu PingAn heart uneasy, why such people can be treated so. Ming Wang Ming Ming, died a guard of the border generals, always give an account of the court. The evidence left by Gao Xiang has been found by Wang ZhaoXing at the institution of Gao Xiang's wine gourd. Although Wang ZhaoXing was not handed over to the court, he said that while Teng Fei has done all kinds of evil, the crimes he committed were even linked to the nine ethnic groups and his family was innocent. The existing General Lin holds the military power to defend the border people and caravans and everything is worth it.

TheStoryofMulan (TV)[2011]

Feature: Hua MuLan (Ho Meng-yao ornaments) is an ordinary weaver girl in Wuwei Fung Valley of the Northern Wei Dynasty. While her predecessors were falling, she was appointed to death and finally completed the task of embroidering and parenting. JianRen Prince (Jianze He) occurred a moment of unforgettable love. The main force of Rouran brazenly launched the war, Mulan also disguised as a man dressed for his father in the army for twelve years, to overcome numerous hardships and dangers, with great wisdom and tough tenacity, in order to pacify the long war between the Northern Wei and Rouran and promote the Northern Wei and soft However, the eventual peace and national integration have made a significant contribution. After the accomplishment of retreat, Hua MuLan declined the emperor's rewards, returned to the civilian community to be an ordinary weaver, and her love with Rouran Prince also achieved a satisfactory result.

Gentle lie (TV)[2011]

Feature: The Gentle Lies tells of a family of three who were originally happy in a seaside city that has been transformed by the derailment of his wife, An Ran (Ya Sun). Ou YangYiFeng (Zehao An) This is a piano teacher of a music college, a family of three warm and harmonious life. But the good news is not long. His wife, An Ran, vainly became a medical representative of a pharmaceutical company and unwittingly got stuck in the workplace. The "unspoken rules" were handed down to doctors in various departments of the hospital to get a high commission. Contrary to this, family conflicts are stimulated and intensified. In the end, "Ou Yang Yi Feng" was insane because she could not stand the blow of a family break and became a madman who played the piano on the psychiatric hospital radiators.

Next miracle (TV)[2011]

Feature: The Next Miracle tells Liang KaiEn came from a family of teachers. When he was a child, he was considered a problem student in school. His father's simple and rude way of education and the abandonment of his first girlfriend made him suffer from severe depression, but eventually out of the patient. Since then, Kane put on a stand, courier job, fast food shop attendant, in the hard work continue to grow. A handicapped by a disabled person speech Caine infection, so that he suddenly, more actively manage their own lives. Kane has always wanted to do their own company finally said his friends set up beyond the limits of the company, a group of enthusiastic, hard-working and tough young people to speech-based training industry in Beijing and Shanghai to promote their sales philosophy model, through unremitting Efforts and perseverance, Kane finally won the career success, get the recognition of his family's affection, but also rewarded his own love & nbsp ;.

AnUrgentLetter (Movie)[2010]

Feature: During the Ming dynasty, the monarch fainted, the state officials mistook the country, southeastern coastal invasions, the war in the north constantly, the rampant banditry in the vast land of China, and the rebel attacks. The court disposed of bandits in Xiang Wai An and set up "Feiyuying" to handle the emergencies of political and security crises on a full-time basis. The three sires and sisters became the first batch of elite finalists in "Flying Fish Camp". Prior to the election of "Flying Fish Camp," thousands of adults handed over an emergency military intelligence to three brothers and sisters of Liu Zhen-Dong, sent the Jiuxu Zhai defensive map of the "Flying Fish Camp" to Ji'nan Prefecture, and provided intelligence for the court to exterminate the banditry Huzhu Zhai . Brother and sister got the "Flying Fish Camp" desperately reclaimed Zhuangzhai Zhai Fangfu map, in order to ensure the urgency of the four hundred miles lying tiger Walled defense map on time delivery Jinan House, Wang ZhaoXing decided to go by their own path lead Bai Yanhu, To the brothers, Shimei served defensive plans to create opportunities. Wang ZhaoXing points out the two-way plan did not deceive white Yan Hu, Jinan, by the path went straight to the brothers, Shimei was "Crouching tiger walled" two headed chase. At a critical juncture, Wang ZhaoXing turned to Ma Tau to rescue. Although he recaptured defensive plans from the second-class home of "Crouching Tiger, Walled Tiger," he fell into harm's way and dropped a cliff. Wang ZhaoXing woke up, already in a broken temple. It turned out to save Wang ZhaoXing, is the bodyguard escort here the general leader of the security guards Gu PingAn Miss. Gu PingAn used ancestral reincarnation to heal Wang ZhaoXing's wounds. That Wang ZhaoXing want to rushed to Jinan Prefecture "doing business," Gu PingAn chief defender kept a windward escort, escorted Wang ZhaoXing to Jinan. Wang ZhaoXing not good to refuse, with Gu PingAn departure, half-way was "lying Tiger Walled" a group of the pursuit of the pursuit. Gu PingAn charge bouncer for many years, experienced, repel chase after the decision to stay what Kee old shop. Ho Kee into the shop, Gu PingAn found abnormalities, the original He Kee is a black shop. That night, Ho remember the old shop is not peaceful, Lao BanNiang bent on making a fortune, "Crouching Tiger" two when the wind came, the injured, siblings also settled here. The fight is inevitable, Wang ZhaoXing come up with a plan to make the pursuit of "lying tiger wallet" and the murderous Lao BanNiang in the dark night, herself and then inform the siblings, who led the security escort steal away. "Crouching Tiger" Zhabei off, Zhaizhu Bai Yan Hu out, chasing from Jinan direction. Wang ZhaoXing sent the defensive plan to the territory of Jinan with his sister, and turned Ma Tau back to rescue Gu PingAn and his elder brother. Wang ZhaoXing Climbing wall walked into "Crouching tiger walled" alone, with the help of the government officials of Jinan government who came to pick him up, together with Gu PingAn to eliminate Bai Yanhu, rescue Ping An Escort and his entourage, Flying Fish Camp "waist card, accept the new task.

ThePrequelOfGoldConvoyers:ASupemumeraryCandidate (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Salt help forces too much expansion, the court decided to suppress, Che QianHu sent a five-member team to implement the plan to arrest the leader of the salt. At this time, the salt help deputy Wan QianLi but secretly killed the owner Wan TingYu, salt help mess for a while. Wan QianLi originally wanted to borrow salt to help the General Assembly on the occasion of the promotion of the Lord, just Gu PingAn salt will help the sacred stone dignitaries salt to help the elders, Wan QianLi happy, but unexpectedly five-member team has been well planned, Wan QianLi was captured in time. The crafty Wan QianLi used the beggars to spread the news to save him. At the same time, he made rebellions inside the five-member group. Due to Wan QianLi's mischief, Wang ZhaoXing was considered a traitor. Zhang Zhe, who did not want one of the five, Zhang Zhe waged Wan QianLi commitment to their money, escorted them to Rongzhou, Wang ZhaoXing, who also experienced hardships, following Rongzhou. Wan QianLi absolutely did not expect the final crowd turned out to be holding the stone statue is actually open to help the treasure house. However, Wan QianLi's dream come true? Zhang Zhe hates himself an old dragon Riding Forces is not as good as Wang ZhaoXing this new ding. Sadly ah!

BiaoXingTianXianQianZhuanZhiJueZhanTianYan (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Wang ZhaoXing has had a sweet and easy day with Gu PingAn, and has a son, but suddenly Zhao Zhao has received the call. Dragon riding the Forbidden City Yasha took the dragon riding the Forbidden Token to Wang ZhaoXing joined the Dragon Riding Forces, Wang ZhaoXing disappointed with the officialdom did not agree, go home, Gu PingAn support her husband joined the Dragon Riding Forces, so, Wang ZhaoXing again picked up A big gun to join the Guard again. Wang ZhaoXing joined the army of Dragons by nicknamed "wolf", and did not expect to see the Armed Forces of the ROTAC annihilate during the execution of the mission. Wang ZhaoXing was caught and knew that it was because the insiders were brutally annihilated because the leader Slowly break, so temporarily did not kill him, while the defender is not prepared, one escaped from the tiger's mouth. Even more unexpected is the return of Wang ZhaoXing home and found Guardian Wei is waiting for him, that after the family was killed, heartbroken, slaughtered, found a son in a box, that Gu PingAn was taken away, so A vengeance started. In the street met Mu TianYou, originally Mu TianYou was locked in the cell, look at the court did not let go of meaning, on their own to find opportunities to jailbreak, Wang ZhaoXing Mu TianYou mouth that the father had died a year ago And, sadder, vowed to grasp the black hand behind the scenes. Wang Zhao Mu TianYou came to Tianya Village, looking for a man named Yan boss, happened to meet the people who caught them, was a village woman Gui Sao rescued, hiding Gui Sao home. After Mu TianYou reminded, Wang ZhaoXing knew that a person who had a birthmark in his hand was sending a message between the two countries. So he was arrested and forced to ask Luo Zhen for direction. The original Gui Sao is looking for Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan to find villagers killed Tianyu village Kam Yi Wei, and through Du QianHu mouth Luo Zhen conspiracy was informed that Wang ZhaoXing and Mu TianYou jointly rob Luo Zhen from the state Got ten million taels of silver, and brought a letter to Luo Zhen saying that it was time for the arrival of Luo Zhen in Tianya Village. Tianya Villagers Union Wang ZhaoXing Kill Yao Jin brought Wei Yi Wei, and finally Luo Zhen battle, Gu PingAn and Luo Zhen attribution. Downfall, Wang ZhaoXing father and son do not wander horizon, Wang ZhaoXing led son to open a dartboard.

BiaoXingTianXiaQIanZhuanZhiFengHuoLiaoDong (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Jiajing years of the Ming Dynasty, pirates increasingly rampant, north Liaodong, south coast of Fujian and Guangdong, were a serious invasion by Japanese pirates. Japanese pirates invaded the territory of the Ming dynasty at the same time, Japan's domestic war intensified fighting for hegemony between princes killing each other for a time, bloody, war often spread to the territory of the Ming dynasty, Daming people suffer, the world peace Escort inadvertently involved in the meantime. Ping Esc escort came to Liaodong, this is Wang ZhaoXing Feiyuying battalion received a thousand adults, rushed to the vicinity of Hanling village, to accept the task given by the thousand-parent adults. It turned out that since the registration pirates, massive invasion of the Ming Dynasty and North Korea bordering the region, the Ming dynasty envoy, minister of justice is the Anorthuin Minister of Gongshang San San ceremony on his way back from North Korea accidentally killed Japanese pirates unknown. The mission of the father to Wang ZhaoXing was to find An GongPu and escort him safely to a thousand camps. An GongPu, who left the security escort and found a hiding cellar in the flames of war, and two accompanying North Korean traders led the Guardian Guard sent by the eldest and the grandchildren escorted by An GongPu to Liaoyang. En route, people escaping from the road seeking protection, as An GongPu ignore the people's lives and deaths, Gu PingAn arrived willing to escort the fleeing people to Liaoyang. Because Wang ZhaoXing's sister Cheng JingJing disagreed with Gu PingAn, the guerrilla team led by Gu PingAn and escorted refugees left the road chosen by Wang ZhaoXing and rushed to Liaoyang from the path. As a result, they were almost killed in misfortune . Realizing that Gu PingAn was in danger, Wang ZhaoXing paid a heavy price by sending soldiers to Gu PingAn's darters and refugees and eventually turned the two together to deal with the shadowy Japanese ninjas. Japanese ninja trailed all the way and Wang ZhaoXing realized that the goal of the Japanese ninjas was to chase after An GongPu, his envoy. Under the question of Wang ZhaoXing, Envoy An GongPu dropped his official post and took out a Japanese version of the Iugami Ninjutsu Cheats that he brought with him. The goal of the Japanese ninjas was to endanimate the ninjutsu brought back by An Gong-Pu Envoy. When the Japanese ninjas headed by Xue Ji, like Wang ZhaoXing and Gu PingAn, were attacked, the accompanying North Korean businessman revealed his true identity and helped Wang ZhaoXing Busy. Originally, with An GongPu came to Liaoyang, not a Korean businessman, but the survivors of the Imam family in Japan's civil war. Jin ChuanZhengCheng personally experienced the suffering brought by the civil war in Japan to the Japanese people and fleeing to the territory of Daming. Jin ChuanZhengCheng for Wang ZhaoXing's righteous move, and nostalgia Cheats secret Cheats, to help Wang ZhaoXing eradicate Xue Ji-led ninja chase, so that Wang ZhaoXing escort escorts and refugees to Liaodong.


Feature: Youyu Pass was in jeopardy under the protesters' long-time siege. Under the control of the Yan-Song Yan Song, the Youzheng administration ignored the position of Yu Xuan and Yang Yu-chuan, who led the Yugoslav troops only with resistance and stubbornly waiting for food aid supported by the allies. Ping escort escort forage grass in the flight of war safety Yu right off, no doubt to the already cut off the right three days of Yu right off. Gu PingAn, vice president of Ping An Escort, delivered the escort of escort to Yang Xuan, who learned recently that although the army did not siege the city, they were throwing dead bodies into the city one after another. Gu PingAn immediately rushed to the gates to inspect the corpses thrown into the city by the army and found that there were varying degrees of dark spots on each dead body. Gu PingAn Dart walking rivers and lakes for many years, knowledgeable and broad-based medical know that the dead spot on the black spot is extremely infectious, high mortality black spot disease. Gu PingAn, Wang ZhaoXing After inspecting the corpses that were ready for centralized disposal at the Zuoguan Room in Youyu Pass, they further strengthened the attempt by the army to turn Yu Youguan into a dead city through black spot disease. The rapid spread of black spot disease in the Right Jade Corps, the city people and soldiers infected with the growing number of black spot, how to cure black spot, stop the spread of black spot in the right Jade, has become the key to hold right Yu Guan Where you are. Shou Yang Xuan think of the right Yu Guan Lang, the strange is that all the right Yuzheng Lang disappear overnight. In the meantime, the intelligence reported from the capital city said that when the capital Zhang Taiyi was gathered in the Central Plains of Taibei House, he was killed by an unknown killer coefficient. Youyu Pass was thrown by the Jun military extremely infectious black spot dead bodies, capitalists, and even the Central Plains doctors were robbed and robbed, is definitely not a simple coincidence. After keeping Yang Xuan inadvertently infected with black spot disease, the task of rescuing Youyu Pass falls on Wang ZhaoXing and Gu PingAn. At the time of desperation, Wang ZhaoXing remembered that since the army dared to seize right Yu Juguan with black spot disease, it is bound to find out in advance the recipe for controlling black spot disease. Wang ZhaoXing's reasoning is true that the deputy chief of the army, Wukuo Terrace, found out the secret of prevention and control beforehand by a Lang in Youyu Pass before he deliberately plans to siege the black spot disease. Wang ZhaoXing, Gu PingAn secretly interrogated and captured a soldier who had dealt with the deputy commander of Taiwan's Wukuo Terrace and learned that Tian Yu, who really cured the black spot disease and saved Youyu about tilting it, was only 200 miles away. Pharmacist. Wang ZhaoXing accidentally infects black spot when dealing with the army, the task of finding an apothecary fell on Gu PingAn's shoulders. Gu PingAn with Niu KaiShan and Zhu Xiaofu risked their lives arrived Buzz Hill, found that the tian hua pharmacist's residence has long been ruined by the army, tian hua pharmacist dead or alive. Gu PingAn discovered a secret recipe on a stele and found a rare medicine Cypress leaves, but this time also sent people to come to pick Cypress leaves, using wit to break one by one, smoothly back to the right Jade, Immediately brewed soup, promptly save the people and soldiers of the Right Yu Guanghui city. Gu PingAn became the life-saving benefactor of the Right Jadeuan, and the Fan Army fell short of success. Wangcheng was disappointed and defeated.


Feature: Wang Yu-ching, more than money ran to pick up a small life, the night to find a safe escort, some bargaining, the family props escort escort safe escort, sent to the town of Sanhe. Gu PingAn vice president Gu PingAn agreed to take over the "iron rooster" more than the money darts, is valued more than the feelings of his wife and children money. Security escort night departure, dawn to see the money more than the family members, in accordance with more than entrusted money, set off to the town of Sanhe. An appointment in the city outside the inn, more than the money did not appear at noon, Wang Zhaoxing Gu PingAn negotiate with Gu PingAn escort dart rushed to the town of Mikawa, he went back to explore what exactly to see what the money in the end what thing. Wang Zhaoxing back to Pingyang City, happened to hit more than the money was chased. Wang Zhaoxing once again save the money more than immortality, money Yu Shun shun boat, entrusted himself to Wang Zhaoxing, please Wang Zhao Xing escort him and his wife and children round. The sky is late, the money will not catch up the night, insist on staying in the inn. Wang Zhaoxing found abnormalities in the inn, the rest of the people are suspected of poor government officials in Shandong. Sure enough, the guests dressed in the inn exposed prototype, straight money come from. Critical juncture, Gu PingAn kill will be back. At this point, there are more than just say what the money. It turned out that the aunt Cheng Zhengyun guarding the theft of secrets was found more money, Zheng Qingyun is trying to kill. Wang Zhaoxing as Guard Wei Fei Fei school captain, that this can not stand idly by. Wang Zhaoxing to eliminate more than money concerns, with more than return to Pingyang House money, managed to dive into the treasury investigation confirmed evidence. Wang Zhaoxing and Qian Youyu were besieged by a group of Zheng Qingyun in the government repositories. Wang Zhaoxing took out the waist card of Wei Wei, a defender of the Wei Yi School of Civilization. More money to bear the crime repented meritorious service, Wang Zhaoxing did not send more than money to the government, gave the money more than a steady and pious way.

Dart line prequel of non-Chinese candidates (Movie)[2010]

Feature: "Dart line prequel extras" is produced by the CCTV movie channel program, directed by Deng Yan, Nicky Wu, Ou Wang starring a costume digital film. Tells the story of the potential ice that the court intends to suppress Yan Bang and sends a group of five people such as Wang ZhaoXing to arrest Wan Qian Li and Wan Qian Li to kill uncle and eventually bring Wan QianLi to justice. Salt help forces too much expansion, the court decided to suppress, Che QianHu sent a five-member team to implement the plan to arrest the leader of the salt. At this time, the salt help deputy Wan QianLi but secretly killed the owner Wan TingYu, salt help mess for a while. Wan QianLi took people to pick up the bottles escorted by Wan Tingyu's security escort Gu PingAn determined to hand in the hands of Wan TingYu, learned that Wan TingYu died, came together to help the helm. The original Wan QianLi is salt to help the General Assembly on the occasion of the salt was promoted to help the main, and then to the caravan help to vigorously develop the caravan, salt help to become the arena and overlord, just Gu PingAn also salt to help relics dart salt to holy salt To help elders, Wan QianLi happy, but unexpectedly five-member team has been well-deployed, to seize the high, easy to Cheng Cheng Gao Cheng appearance, Wan QianLi was captured in time. On detention, the cunning Wan QianLi use the beggars to spread news to save him, as long as the one who rescued him who gave ten million two silver, planning all the rivers and lakes and Kam Yi Wei right, thousands of adults ordered five to lead Wan QianLi go the other Road, a thousand households own fake Wan QianLi, on the way Ma Cheng to save Wan QianLi, found to be fake, with people retreat. At the same time, Wan QianLi made a counter-attempt within the five-member team. Captain Hei Hu found someone who did some roadblocks. Due to Wan QianLi's mischief, Wang ZhaoXing was considered a traitor and was tied up. Zhang Zhe, who did not want one of the five, The water, the point of the remaining three acupuncture points, Zhang Zhe wore Wan QianLi heavily promised to escort him to Heng Zhou, Wang ZhaoXing et al also experienced hardships, Ying Zi was persecuted by Zhang Zhe's trap, in seven poison killing , Finally followed Hengzhou. Wan QianLi and Zhang Zhe came to the Xiaoxiang Publishing House in Hengzhou and Wang ZhaoXing and others also came to Xiaoxiang Publishing House. Later, Ma Cheng et al. Also came, butterflies were changzhang point belly gas sea cave, Wan QianLi actually open the treasure inside empty, learned that the old helper Wan TingYu was Wan QianLi killed, salt to help the public Wan QianLi was arrested by Hei Hu et al. Wan QianLi killed Zhang Zhe with a poison needle and Zhang Zhe, who hates himself an old dragon, was not as good as Wang ZhaoXing. Sadly ah!

HuaLian (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Pasa Walled is an Aini cottage on the Sino-Burmese border in Xishuangbanna. Ten years ago it was covered by a landslide. Since then border Sanlian and Pasha Village as bones even tendons, like a pro ...... Piao E as A Yun's daughter, funded by Quanzhai villagers graduated from high school, she gave up the development of resolutely back to the mountain to teach dolls to study, repay Cottage nourishing grace. Piao E's mother was very pleased with her daughter's ability to serve her father as her father's behest. Both her mother and daughter took care of themselves under the care of current village chief A-Shan. Gao Xiong, an outstanding soldier of border defense and three companies, Contribute to life ... ... Three linked doll cover temporary classrooms, Gao Xiong so love infatuation Piao E love at first sight ... ... Xishuangbanna state and military subregion ready for pilot planting of coffee, the state tax relief and the economic benefits of coffee can completely change the border area Impoverished people, which made the Nigers happily see the dawn of poverty and prosperity.

FengWuTianXia (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Based on the Ceng HouYi chimes as the source of the story and the war of nations on the basis of the hegemony of the nations, this paper tells the idealist struggle of Ceng HouYi, a man who had witnessed chaos in the world and collapsed and rehabilitated 64 pieces of chimes to reproduce the song of Feng-fu . Through the pursuit and sustenance of Ceng HouYi and Chu Wang, Yun Zhu of Chu State Princess, Tang Yu's Tang Yu's song of chimes and "Fung Mo", the whole film conflicts between ritual and hegemony, Conspiracy and love of the conflict, the structure out of a reasonable history of ancient music and politics, life poignant legend.

BiaoXingTianXiaQianZhuanZhiZhongJiRenWu (Movie)[2009]

Feature: "The Ultimate Mission of the Escort of the Darters" was produced by Beijing All-You Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and Deng Yancheng was the director. It is one of a series of digital movie "Dashing the World" series starring Nicky Wu. Tells the story of Wang ZhaoXing escort Mu TianYou will come to the Ministry of Defense on the way encounter Qing snake kill, Wang ZhaoXing and Gu PingAn vow to guard Mu TianYou story.

ShaShouWuMing (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Months of dark night, the murder of the country's martyrs, Zhou Guomu mourning masked killer. The assassination of the country's uncle, the court anger, harem supervisor eunuch Sun Chuan purpose, with the left Governor Shi Fang would like to solve the case within a time limit. When Fang Jinhua handed over the task of filing the case to Tie FeiHua, she euphemistically conveyed Sun's uncle's suspicion that Tie FeiHua was closely related to Colorful Gate. Uncle's death, Sun Grandpa suspicious Tie FeiHua body, Tie FeiHua naturally not neglect. Tie FeiHua Please Shang Sijian sword, take Liu Er went straight to YangzhouFuzhou Hangzhou Dafu come. Tie FeiHua remembered that not long ago when Wang Jiangyang was treated as Wang Gongyang, Shuangfei Yan of the colorful family of four said once that Yang ZhiFeng of Hangzhou Dafu might have been the same owner of the colorful door. Tie FeiHua live in Yang House, hoping to stay in Yangpu stay rabbit. At night, black masked dartboard post, it is clear that in the Dragon Boat Festival, Yang ZhiFeng life. At the same time get posts, and Yang Fu's kitchen chef Hua ErGou. Hua ErGou posted the post to Yang ZhiFeng to please her, so as to take the opportunity to redeem her husband Lingui, the widow of seven of her husband Yang ZhiFeng. Yang ZhiFeng sneaked into the boat, ordinary people can not see any natural flaws, but Tie FeiHua found clues. In addition to Hua ErGou, Yang ZhiFeng personal guard Zhao Jiao, account You XianSheng, are questionable. Zhao Jiao and Liu FuRen of Yang ZhiFeng have two hearts to each other. Liu FuRen always wanted Zhao Jiao to kill her father's blood; You XianSheng took charge of Yang ZhiFeng's account and knew the secrets of Yang ZhiFeng and the government officials in Hangzhou. A few days of wait and see changes, Tie FeiHua concluded that the colorful door owner is in Yang House, as who is the same, Tie FeiHua not yet determined. The next few days, there have been several bizarre events in Yang House. First, Yang ZhiFeng was sentenced to death for being injured. Chen Qingming was arrested and then Yang House found the sign of the colorful door, followed by West Factory to Tie FeiHua pressured him to pull Tie FeiHua out of Yang House. Throughout, Tie FeiHua clearly reveals from Yang ZhiFeng's flawed approach that one of Hua ErGou, Yang ZhiFeng and You XianSheng, one of the behind-the-scenes masters of the assassination of Zhou Guomeng, is the colorful host. Dragon Boat Festival, Hua ErGou, Zhao Jiao, You XianSheng Liu FuRen Cantilever beam suicide, anger Zhao Jiao, Zhao Jiao holding a sword directed at Yang ZhiFeng; Hua ErGou is a colorful door roster, to Yang ZhiFeng died. Tie FeiHua is late, Yang ZhiFeng comes to a halt; Hua ErGou's throat, finger direction of You XianSheng; Zhao Jiao is aware of Liu FuRen's death, grief and suicide. Everything seems to be over, Tie FeiHua suddenly thought of You XianSheng, cut it off midway and eventually get a colorful door roster. The roster reads: Colorful door owner: Yang ZhiFeng.

military hardware (TV)[2007]

Feature: The drama "Jin Ge Tie Ma", directed by Ning Cai and Tang Liyi, was started in Inner Mongolia recently by Jiadong Xing, Yoho Koizumi, Wang Chun Yi, Wind instrument, Ziyan Yang and others. With the formation of the First Generation Cavalry in Inner Mongolia, And heroic resistance against Japan as the background of the story, tells the poignant love story between actress Gao XiuYing (Ziyan Yang) and actor Qiao Lun (Jiadong Xing). Speaking about the show, Jiadong Xing said: "In 1998, I worked with the director and I believe the new drama will certainly spark a different spark." Ziyan Yang said: "My actress Gao XiuYing A typical Chinese traditional woman, she has a sad life, from beginning to end are devoted to love, sacrificing everything, and even finally lost their lives.

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