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Junze Du TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Junze Du Works 23 ,And Costume Drama 10 ,Romance 7 ,Feature 5 ,Family drama 5 ,Xian xia 2 ,Historical play 2 ,Palace 2 ,现代都市2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Myth play 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Ethical play 1 ,Struggling Play 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Contemporary 1 ,其它1 ,轻喜1 ,Comedy 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Terror 1 ,Ancient legend 1 。

Works Index

Junze Du Filmography(23)


琉璃 (TV)[2020]


五大仙门的簪花大会即将在少阳派举行,掌门 Chu Lei 的大女儿 Ling Long 机灵能干。二女儿璇玑懵懂懒散、荒废修行,两人被委以接待各派参赛弟子的重任。期间,璇玑与前来参加大会的离泽宫首徒 Yu SiFeng 一见如故,结下友谊,而因两人误入少阳秘境使得璇玑被 Chu Lei 罚去明霞洞思过。 Ling Long 在簪花大会上与别派弟子 Wu Tong 起了冲突,狠厉的 Wu Tong 实施报复,误伤璇玑,被正派驱逐。重伤醒来的璇玑却因此意识到自己“废柴”行为的不良后果,发誓好好修行,不再连累他人。司凤则因之前被璇玑摘下面具而回离泽宫接受了残酷的惩罚。四年后,璇玑功法精进,获得了下山历练的机会。鹿台镇为民除害中,璇玑偶遇司凤,并在司凤的点拨下学会配合与信任的要义。 Wu Tong 背叛正派,联手魔族天墟堂意图称霸三界,整个天下岌岌可危。此时已经领略人间真情的璇玑,不再是懵懂少女,她坚守正义,联手司凤向恶势力宣战,并成功扭转局势。最终恶人伏诛,三界恢复平静,璇玑和司凤也在历尽种种误会与艰辛后收获了珍贵的爱情 。琉璃海报


火王之破晓之战 (TV)[2017]


电视剧《火王之破晓之战》剧情介绍:讲述了千年以前,宇宙中有一星域,那里山川秀美,景色宜人。火神 Zhong Tian 、风神千湄、山神 Di Yun 等六位神明在众神之首尚轩的带领下共同维护星域的和平。在一次与黑暗势力的对抗中,众神遭受重创,千湄为救爱人 Zhong Tian 生死未卜,星域面临灭顶之灾。 Zhong Tian 为了寻找拯救家园的能量,在尚轩指引下,寻找新的生机。几经跋涉, Zhong Tian 来到遥远的东域,并在此 Zhong Tian 遇到了与爱人千湄长相一样的司徒奉剑。两人经历一次次磨难后相爱,却又因此陷入了更大的生死危机中。而此时,黑暗势力也跟随至此,原来这一切幕后黑手竟然就是 Zhong Tian 曾经的好兄弟 Di Yun 。在历经亲情、友情、爱情的种种抗衡后,善念终于战胜邪恶, Zhong Tian 和 Di Yun 也重新携手,共同找寻拯救星域的希望,重建美好家园。

火王之千里同风 (TV)[2017]


《火王之千里同风》讲述了主人公 Lin Ye 是位年轻有为的科学家,因受到“火王”传说的启发,他集合 Lei Hao 等一帮年轻人创办了绿创生态集团,一心研究让地球免于污染和灾难的环保新能源。女记者诺风因新闻采访与 Lin Ye 结识,在经历一系列误会后,两人互生情愫,正准备携手一道从事环保科研和宣传工作时, Lin Ye 故友 Di Yun 出现,用卑劣的商业手段频繁阻挠,并窃取了 Lin Ye 的科研成果。 Lin Ye 和诺风为了保护新能源与其斗智斗勇,也一再陷入险境,最终,在众多科学家的联手帮助下,科研成果得以保全, Di Yun 的诡计以失败告终。经历这一切的 Di Yun 也终于醒悟,与 Lin Ye 重归于好,两兄弟共同致力于环保事。诺风和 Lin Ye 则终于实现了自身理想,同时收获了美好爱情。

New Dragon Inn (TV)[2017]

Feature: The Ming Dynasty, internal and external problems. Crown Prince over the dispute between the ruling and opposition parties, there are piracy rampant southeast border, Wala West Lake rise. Shooting Photos Wei HuaiAn (Ma Ke ornaments) although no interest in the political struggle, but the factory is also abhorrence, in the teacher's advice, he did not confrontation with the East factory. In order to protect the only son Ying GuanZhen (Liu Yao Yuan ornaments), the eldest son of the elite, he stood opposite the East Plant; later, to give the old King name, become the first rebel against the dark forces in East Factory; experience After the adventures of the islands, Zhou HuaiAn not only promoted martial arts, becoming the island's island leader who was respected by the island forces, but also broadened his horizon and became the great man of the country. King of the King, King of the King, who finally exerted all manner of spicy means to finally ascend to the throne, finally realized that it was the road to monarchy for the elders of the nation to rehabilitate and insurre the insurgency and boldly opened up the "sea ban" In the preface, the Maritime Silk Road took shape and opened its markets on the northwestern frontier, restoring the ancient Silk Road. And Zhou HuaiAn resigned at this time and traveled with Jin XiangYu (Qi Wei) to the northwest for Qiu MoYan (Shen Mengchen), who reopened the gantry inn after disarray.

Eternal Love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Wing Cun provoked the war Protoss, Protoss paid a painful price seal Qing Cang, the same day Sun Night HD drama stills. Seventy thousand years later, Qing Cang broke the seal. Once upon a time, Qing Qiong seal the seal of Qing dynasty emperor so that she was sealed in mana, memory and appearance, and fell into the vanity and nightmare met, fell in love, and then brought into the temple. Temple, admiring Nightlife Su Jin repeatedly framed white shallow, and let the white shallow nightmare cruel misunderstanding, followed by white light to be dug his eyes. White heartbroken, after childbirth, suddenly leapt to Zhu Xian Sendai. Because of pungent Sendai crack seal, she restored memory, to forget nightlife, drink forgetting drug. A hundred years later, two people reunited in the East China Sea, Nightwatch recognized white and light, accompanied by accompanied, to renew the front edge, but also wake up the white shallow memory. In the face of past hatred, Bai Jin asked Su Jin to look back at his eyes. Qing Cang woke up again at this time, too late to explain the Nightwatch, personally beheaded Qing Cang, to pay the life of the East Emperor closed the bell, the face of wits, nightmares, remorse blame. Fortunately, three years later, Nightwish wake up, the two continued front. null

God dog little seven second season (TV)[2016]

Feature: Poster Stray Dogs Seven reported the year's saving grace into the benevolent Ou Ye (Yang Wang ornaments) where the pet resort, but can not think of Ou Ye already do not remember the small seven. The "confirmation" action of Xiao Qi brought endless troubles to Ou Ye, and under the pressure of Dai Wei, the dog's resort president, Ou Ye had to try to get along with Xiaoqi. Seven was jealous of her pursuit of Bao Yu (Zhang Yunlong), a resort search and rescue operator, against Bao Yu. With the efforts of Little Seven, Ou Ye finally remembered it and helped realize the dream of performing on the same stage with Mary, a star-bearer in the pet park. Small seven and Bao Yu gradually become good friends, Bao Yu found seven small search and rescue dogs potential, began training seven small search and rescue. With the connection of Xiaoqi, Ou Ye and Bao Yu have feelings. An international group of underwater cultural relics theft would like to steal artifacts from shipwrecks in the waters of the resort. Seven other Ou Ye, Bao Yu and other pet parks were wiped with the thieves who entered the resort and succeeded in defeating each other. Small seven joined the search and rescue team, eventually becoming an excellent search and rescue dog.

City of Time (TV)[2016]

Feature: Optimistic and tenacious Xu Zhen In order to remake his mother and his sick father, a Gaia filming application to his mother's director did not mean to see the return of Gu Chi-jun, once again rejected by his ex-girlfriend. As face-to-face Gu ChiJun do not want to expose their own shameful things, make every attempt to create difficulties Xu Xu away, Xu Zhen refused to give up, one by one to resolve, and finally won the appreciation of Gu ChiJun stay in Gaia as his Assistant, also touched the mother, in return for the family's final reunion. However, during this process, however, he caught up with a plot by Lin JinYang, president of Gaia Film and Television, and started to face serious crises around him. Eventually, with the help of Gu ChiJun and Ge Jinya's second son Lin JinXiu, Xu Zhen exposed the true face of Lin JinYang and Lin JinYang bowed his head. Xu Zhen and Gu ChiJun also understood their true feelings through this series of experiences. At the grand ceremony of film awards, Gu ChiJun proposed to Xu Zhen that a lover had been thoroughly tested and finally got married.

Hope Husband Success (TV)[2015]

Feature: Zhang MengQi her childhood sweetheart Zhang Faini on the eve of the wedding, suddenly put forward a break up, sad shun the face of the rival's brother's confession, I do not know where to go. Pampered daughter Yuanyuan is the mother of money glamorous heart, but her husband Sun Lei bankruptcy, life is facing earth-shaking changes. Yan Ning, the three innocent and lively daughter is the daughter of the adoption of money, Yan Ning found himself and her boyfriend Shen Qianwei further away, but also met "happy lovers". Experienced the ups and downs, Qian's daughters eventually reap happiness, but also understand the "meaningless price" the money handed down from generation to generation, "heirloom" real meaning.

Friends circles children (TV)[2015]

Feature: Vivian (Nian Li) and Shen Na's brother Shen JunXiang fall in love with Vivian ex-boyfriend Song JunHao (Kangta ornaments) and Jun Xiang (Mike He ornaments) supremacy Lin Jiajia obstruction, finally the two together, Love is because of Wei Wei's psychological trauma and Jun Xiang sudden terminally ill and blocked. Wei Wei left Shen period, the velvet and husband divorced, Emily and her husband Wang Hui because of the gap between status and thought of marriage bottlenecks, the three girlfriends experience their own emotional and marriage crisis in the circle of friends In mutual support, eventually out of the haze, get happiness.

Love Battle (TV)[2015]


The TV series "Love War" is also known as "Love". The story is about: Ten years ago, Zhao HuanYing joined the family of Xiao Qi. Later, Xiao Qi’s brother accidentally fell to his death and his mother’s eyes were blind. Xiao Qi has not forgotten that when she was a child, she hoped to show her father through "hard work" to help her mother win back her dignity. Ten years later, Xiao Qi strayed into Zhao HuanYing's dead real estate company Song YouQi's real estate company. Song YouQi used Xiao Qi after learning about Xiao Wei's life background. Xiao Qi fell in love with Zhao HuanYing's daughter Tonga Si's boyfriend Pan JingHao without knowing it. For his own happiness, Xiao Qi overcomes many obstacles and walks with Pan JingHao. At this time, Song YouQi, in order to punish Xiao Qi, who disobeyed, sent Xiao Qi, who was close to Pan JingHao, to provoke Xiaopan’s relationship. Let Xiao Qi face the situation of family split again. Xiao Qi, after thinking about the true meaning of "marriage", "love" and "flesh flesh" from a series of twists and turns, gave up the flamboyant city, took her daughter back to her hometown, and lived a quiet and self-sufficient life. Pan JingHao, after some precipitation, also embarked on a journey of seeking a wife with a grateful heart.


Wonderful love (Movie)[2014]

Feature: On the train bound for Shenzhen, the ordinary Hunan girl Tan MiaoMiao met Yu WanTang, who longs for a better life. They became good friends and started the dream trip in Shenzhen. Miao Miaosi just arrived in Shenzhen and met Zhu XinYu, the permanent manager of Huang LiFeng's son, and Gong ShaoFeng, the son of Gong FuRen, and fellow Xi Wang, for being mistaken for the daughter of the ship's king at the hotel. Miao Miao explained that he is not a boat daughter, but was treated as a low-key act. Xinyu this is forced by the mother's pressure and wonderful mysterious entangled together, after twists and turns, and gradually fell in love with this girl, and Miaomiao Xinyu also had inexplicable feelings, this just started feeling will have to undergo a severe test. Xin Zhuo daughter likes Gong Shao Feng, Yu WanTang wholeheartedly want to make a rich second generation boyfriend, but everywhere run into a wall, and later like a little front, the feelings of three people intertwined.

Best bride (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Tofu Shih Tzu" Dou Dou Dou never married, she firmly believes that only know she knows she loves her Pinang Jun official posters worth the love. A sudden lawsuit almost let the Tang family broken, fortunately Kongjiazhuangzhuangzhu shot saved. Mrs. Gu XiangPing fancy Tang DouDou, for the eldest son Bai Nanti pro. Bai Nan prodigy childhood reputation, character talent is superb. Did not expect bridal chamber of the night, prodigy actually become only a fool of eight years old IQ. Tang DouDou exploded, wedding night lioness angry, ran back to the Tang family. The face of the spot on the spot of the father of the Tang, the mother and the bride price will lose the light, Peasantry desperation and Xiangping set a contract for about a year. Parkinson on Peas repeatedly infatuated with laughter, love affair between dark laughter. Peas found another disease of Parkinson's brain disease, decided to find out the truth. Her mother-in-law Ping-an abnormal, secretly manipulated, Peas caught a crisis of life and death after another. Weird Beidou and Parkinson, Wanquan breakthrough heavy and dangerous, cured Park South. Did not think of a fire, so Bai Nan completely forgotten with Peas and everything experienced. Peas dissolved heavy crisis, recall Parker's memory, regain their own goods Langjun.

TheLegendofCrazyMonk2 (TV)[2011]

Feature: Benny Chan (actor), a Buddhist monk in Lingyin Temple, is helping the world to save human suffering and make every effort to promote humankind. This drama will continue the story of "Living Buddha Ji Gong". The main story is still around Ji Gong led Liang Liang (Lam Chi-chung ornaments), Bi Qing (Zuxin Ye ornaments), Zhao Bin (Jungle ornaments) The world began interspersed with the Dragon Demon Demon demons demon myths, as well as Ji Gong living Buddha and local evil bully wits vivid story. The play is divided into "Gorefiend was born," "Chastain", "Painting in the cents," "Marriage" "double off marriage" "Wan Ying Temple" "mad girl robbery" "Snow Legends" "Ghost Langjun" 9 unit story Expand.

Peach robbery (TV)[2011]

Feature: Hubei 经 经 版 "桃花 劫" Stills During the Republic of China, Ceng DanYun, a grandmother of Jiangnan family Yao Jia, was framed by Zhao CuiPing, accused of collapsing with housekeeper Liu ZiHao. Pregnant light so pregnant with peach branded home approach. Hao good son heart save, and brought back to his hometown and wife Po Chun know. Production of light clouds, giving birth to a woman, the same day, Po Chun dystocia, give birth to a son after the release of people atlas. A few years later, Cui Ping learned that the whereabouts of the clouds, mistakenly thought that Zi Hao's son is Yao's offspring, robbed the children, under the wrong and wrong, the pillar was taken away and become Yao's flesh named Jingshi. Light cloud of Nun Tzu was adopted by Shen, named Yan Rong. Eighteen years later, Jing Shi met Yan Yan, two years after the reunion, planted another love. Light clouds and Zi Hao reappeared, set off an uproar in Yao. Yun exhausted all kinds of hardships, recover her daughter Yan Rong. At this point, Yao Jia family have come and fell, Jingshi and Yan Rong several points, finally lover married, hand in hand, reorganization of their homes.

Dumping the world (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Princess of the World" tells the story of the war in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the chaotic murder into the wind, Ma FuYa as the most favorite princess of Chu, but it is a wonderful practitioner, Xuanhujizhe medicine. This turbulent era, everyone is killing, and Fu Ya has been saving people. Because of the heart of benevolence she got the attention of the Northern Han emperor Liancheng, but also in the hall on a Feng-dai nine days to Citylink scared to Heaven, on the spot would call for kin, Fuya boldly refused to marry, but things are far from over In the night, the uncle Ma Yi-Fang conspired to rebel. He personally daggered into the body of the father emperor. His father's blood spattered her eyes. At the moment, she vowed to regain her life and declared revenge for her parents. However, a helpless woman how to restore the country? Helpless occasion, she thought of the once fiancé city, so alone to the North Han Dynasty, but was once married for cousin cousin Ma XiangYun Persecution, Xiangyun jealous Fuya everything, so to Fuya owned everything destroyed, so cruel to push her into the abyss. Dumped into the World Princess Diligence Fuya will die of the water, was Shu prince Meng QiYou rescued and reached a deal with him: she helped pray to get the throne, and pray to win the throne after Send troops to crusade against Chu and help her restore to the country. As a result, Fuya incarnation Pan Yu, into the palace election Princess Princess, into the core of princelings in order to explore the enemy intelligence. She succeeded in approaching the prince and prayers, and he became a good friend, can be chosen as a princess princess beauty which capacity to take Fu Ya and Prince Edward so unscrupulously play together, have the identity of this country has an Empress Dowager Fu Ya started a series of calculations, again and again to her embarrassed, but smart and wise Fu Ya will be a thrilling conspiracy be solved. The thought that he has become hardcore as iron, far and not on the woman in this harem, Ming guns easily hide, stalker, when the Du Queen inexplicable pressure on her repeatedly, Hanzhao Yi inexplicable to her draw, Du South Korea's two infighting, more eyeing the throne with the throne of the emperor, the emperor Meng ZhiXiang secretly planning control of the overall situation, with Han Chao-yi to contain the Du Queen, so that the two forces fight for a living, he will be able to earn profits,殒 for the emperor. In this awe-inspiring harem, even though everyone's heart is cold and cruel, but Fuya and the heart of blessing are in the conspiracy to move closer to each other in times of difficulties, in times of crisis, Unknowingly they have deep affection. Liu Chi-woo, his father took advantage of him, his mother squeezed him, brother framed him, so he no longer believe in anyone, do not want to do any of the pawn, he wants to be a chess player, so that the fate of all people In his hands, he became indifferent, cruel, use available to all, until met Fuya, he realized that the original world there is tenderness, there is a person who really care about him, blessing and Fuya willing Together weave a world dream belongs to the two of them together, the first white-collar together.Dreams are difficult to match the dream, and very similar to the appearance of Mrs. Fu Ya eventually with Meng ZhiXiang face, Meng ZhiXiang with his mother's life forced Fuya stay in the palace, but makes the pray and pray chaos, actually the table bold The surface of Fu Ya is also the heart of Chen Er love, but Meng ZhiXiang but when do not know, to bless the threat of life and set Fuya as the princess, conceited that he had everything under his control who Known North Han Bing Lincheng, Meng ZhiXiang spot scared to death. No princes in Shu, the ministers pray for the emperor, pray for the mother and brother's cry and the safety of the people of Shu, Yu Jia pro-levy, but because of the internal out of spies, monarchy was captured on the spot. But North Korea but did not care regardless of the blessing of life and death, Fuya decided at this moment follow suit, take the initiative to the North Han confused North Han Emperor, waiting for an opportunity to save the bless. Originally Stratosphere heart already cold and frost, but that moment to see Fu Ya gradually melted, Citylink gave her thousands of pet, Zijiao Liu played Liu LianSi can not win her smile finally, even the city has always been convinced that he can Touched Fu Ya, get her heart. Eventually in the Fuya begging, even the city finally made the final concessions, let go think and pray back to Shu, can pray to return to Shu, but found that the court was not the time before he left All under the control of Praying Star and Mrs. Empress Dowager, the anger of the blessing was instantly inflicted. He secretly joined Han Zhao with Han Ming who was heavily armed with the hand and when the army approached the main hall, Alive scared to death in the hall, Du Queen himself committed himself, before dying to say a hidden secret for many years, in fact, her mother has always been very bless, but she was afraid of his love will bring to the blessing Dangerous, she can only be estranged ... ... holding the mother's body, the first shout "mother", but it is the last time. Fuya has been forced to stay in the North Han Dynasty and cousin Xiangyun Zhao face, Xianghu anger hearts and minds, the joint courtiers on the fight, the demon woman curse country called death Fuya, even the city in the country and the United States chose Fuya, Empress Dowager Furious, Fu Ya played a killing heart, Citylink in order to protect Fuya, Fu secretly personally sent back to the way. Back to the blessed side of Fu Ya thought that there are lovers get married, but her misunderstanding with the blessing is getting deeper and deeper, Han Zhaoyi and Han Ming ambitious, combined with Fuya mother pick the two emotions until Fu The abused children and her biological mother were all sacrificed as souls of the palace, and she no longer believed in anyone. She began a full counterattack and brutal retaliation against those who attacked her, but eventually she realized it all The initiator of the accident is even Citylink.

Harem (TV)[2011]

Feature: "The Harem Palace" tells the story of Ming YingZong In the last year of the Ming Dynasty, Prince Zhu JianShen enriched the harem, procuratorate girl, and 13-year-old girl Li Ziyun. Their parents died young and did not hesitate to remain unyielding and optimistic. In order to help sick beggars, was the eldest child when the street hit, Fortunately wealthy businessman Shao Zhong siege, collection. Ziyun for gratitude, impostor, on behalf of her daughter Shao ChunHua into the palace as a girl, met the father of prisoners, was not included in the Hospitality Bureau, the weak personality of Bai HanXiang, the two made friends, at the same time into the palace. Changes in the soil Fort, Prince Edward Zhu JianShen was sent to the South Gate, palace daughter Wan ZhenEr take good care of. Zhu JianShen succession, sealed Wan ZhenEr for the chaise. Ling QiQiao Struggle aunt to become a princess around the Reds. Chunhua and Aroma become a musician, at the same time, fell in love with the impending opportunity. Hong, Qing Zi was closed concubine, pregnant, by the Royal Concubine jealous. Chunhua to protect the two, was deliberately provoked by Qiqiao, so Chunhua and Ching-chi, the relationship between the rupture, Wan Fei want to kill Chunhua. Wang Zhi, who had been favored by Chunghwa Eunuch, sought courtesy from Emperor, and became a friend of Chunhua. Helpless Chunhua and Yang Yong's early love story series, Wang Zhi to kill Yang Yong. Qing Zi was Princess Framed, to Chunhua help. Chunhua offer, Qing Zi gave birth to a child, the two ice-cold release. Xiang Hong weight, Chunhua arrangement with her Yang Yong meet, was sentenced to death after being discovered Princess. Wang Zhi burning cell, Chunhua out of the palace. Xian Zong read incense, pardon Yang Yong. Yang Yong and Chunhua finally get married.

DaGuoShouZhiTianXiaWuDi (Movie)[2010]

Feature: In the first year of Emperor Qianlong's birthday, a grand battle of the Chipmunks opened the curtain in the Yuanmingyuan, and won the victory over the Qianlong's army. Such an important event, did not let people to participate in Chess Chao, everyone was deeply disturbed, young chess Shi XiangXia disdain for this. Chessman Sun MingZun come up with a pair of old kiln ancient chess show off, everyone praised, except Shi XiangXia said that this was the year's scrap. Qianlong in the palace chess invincible, even the chief to be Chao is a defeat. He suspected fake chess to the chess game, but also a victorious. He did not know that all the victories were the scams set by the ministers. His myth was punctuated by a joke on the streets. Shi XiangXia out of life and death, into the palace to accompany Wilson, Qianlong wanted him to win, Shi XiangXia not afraid, Qianlong fury, made him go home. He really believed, almost killed. When he went down with Qianlong, he got a reward. Everyone welcomes the grand welcome, Shi XiangXia saw it was the spoiler.

Ghost Story (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Painting wall" stills "Strange Stairway" Storms night, Lanruo temple suddenly appeared two painting fox demon desperate help to send three paintings after the wall collapsed, Su Ning and Zhu XiaoLian with a newborn child back world. Meng LongTan and Meng Fan stay together in the painting wall. Qing Shui one in order to eliminate Hei ShanLaoYao, two in order to draw the imaginary wife and daughter of the wall, return to stay in the painting wall. Pan XueMei, a girlfriend of Liaozhai Samume Girl, was killed in death by Wang ZhengXiong, an altar of history. Tears of death caused the death of a mortified demon. Although Pan XueMei was able to reincarnate after her death, she was not willing to kill Wang ZhengXiong nor was she still living in the Pan family. Twenty years later, scholar Feng YunTing was admitted to Panjiayuan on his way home, fell in love with Pan XueMei and helped to fulfill his wish. Pan XueMei instructed Feng YunTing to find the one who casts his baby and renews the unfinished relationship. Who would like to muddy bullies Tim disaster, so that the two romance twists and turns. Fortunately, evil is positive, lovers get married. "Jiangcheng" stills "Gossip Sanjiang City" Jiangcheng adolescent orphan Lin Feng, a day in the mountains next to save a wounded rabbit, and bring it home treatment, and then released after injury, since then, rabbits Often take the initiative to appear accompanied by juvenile, so happy lonely Raymond, but good long-term, one day, the white rabbit was killed in the python, Raymond see the case will be shot dead, but the rabbit has died. Decades later, the former juvenile reincarnation, experience the hardships of Jiang and Gao Fan restored a sweet and loving life. Bai QiuLian about trains Bai QiuLian Bai QiuLian about the trader's son Mu ChanGong tragically childhood Tong XiaoMei refused to marry his family to avoid the evil, the road occasionally rejected the Long TaiZi sturgeon Bai QiuLian engagement, the two fell in love. Mu ChanGong did not know Bai QiuLian actually fish essence, until Long TaiZi et al. However, Bai QiuLian was moved by Mu ChanGong's belief that both parties decided to live together. However, Long TaiZi's chase, the family's succession have failed to make romance repeated hardships, and ultimately one person a demon, overcome all difficulties, forever dependents. Geng Niang, who died in the tragedy of the "Bai QiuLian" stills, "Goshang Giang," touched the bottom of the lake at the moment of death and eventually passed away Geng Niang's husband, On the other hand, the brother of the enemy is reporting revenge on Geng Niang after he learned the magic and Geng Niang knows that the deadline has finally expired. When Geng Niang's husband passed away, Geng Niang endured the pain of death Black Dragon avatar. "Gong Zhai Gong SunJiuNiang" Xian Ling Hu XiaoTian relied on the official fish and meat villains, in seven with the division sister Gong SunJiuNiang organized rival protest, both died in a heroic sacrifice, scholar Du HuaiSheng went to friend Zhu Kang about Laiyang, but mistaken Black shop, insurance was killed, was a woman saved, it is Gong SunJiuNiang, heroic sacrifice in the anti-riot operation, is still running Xiaoyongyi justice, to set a vicious Hu XiaoTian death, killing people, Du HuaiSheng to Zhu At Kang's office, she noticed that Zhu Kang had gone to find her friend's death in order to find her friend Zhu Family, which happened to have hit her own Gong SunJiuNiang. Later, they started to make frequent contact with each other and staged a ghost scene Unpredictable story.

Beauties (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Beauties" tells the story of the early Western Han Dynasty, Changan singer Dou Yi room on the eve of the wedding met Lu was forced to persecute the prince Liu Heng, she fiancee fiance used to save him out of the city, leading to his husband Manchu copied cut, he was sent to the palace In the slave. She designed to give Wang's life's son to Lu's granddaughter - Wang Yan, who admired her talents and sent her to surrogate Liu Heng for surrogacy. For the common people no longer suffer, but also for her more trust in her, Yi Fang proposed Liu Heng to repair the secret palace in the name of training, so that everyone thinks she is a calamity. Only Liu Heng has always believed her and sealed, the couple passed one after another difficult, and finally accomplish great things. The mother of the world, she found that the power at the same time the feelings are gradually gone, and her efforts to restore her husband's heart, to prevent sons from killing each other, use of women's unique approach to resolve the crisis again and again, and for the Western Han Dynasty founded the history On the famous Wenjingzhi. Her name is also included in the annals of history, for future generations to be praised.

Lady (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Queen Mother" tells the story of Gao YaoZong, a son of Gao Jianyang who was born in 1934 in Minnan with a golden spoon. He was unruly and infirm at his childhood. Parents to imprison her to marry him a large nine-year-old Lin QiuJu as his wife, commonly known as "wife." Lin QiuJu gentle virtuous, as a high daughter-in-law did not enjoy the love they deserve but subjected to abuse. However, she was hard working and industrious and frugal with her family. Even though her husband and her grown-ups were flirting with each other without being in love with Gao Family's foreign trades, she still worked silently to stir up the burden on her family. In order to family reunion, but also to fulfill the promise of Gao, Qiu was removed to Taiwan to find her husband, but failed to do so. But strong from the sad calendar in her life, with tenacity perseverance revived Gao. Her ordinary and small, but because of these tests have become great and respected, the ultimate mother and child reunion, but also won back the heart of her husband.

Mom is innocent (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Mum innocence" stills Jiang SuQiu, a virtuous, resolute woman. After her husband, Ueppo, was murdered, she had to raise four young children and was determined to find justice for her husband. Unexpectedly, she accused the official of provoking revenge, not only her daughter Xin Ping was hugged, he was also framed in jail, first sentenced to death, then sentenced to 15 years in prison. Before serving her sentence, she entrusted her children to others and vowed to retrieve all her children and reunite one day. However, his older son, Yiu Hyei, has always been rebellious, and he is convinced that his mother will return home one day and wants his third brother Eunjiro to flee his foster family together. His cowardly eternal life has settled in the wealthy life of Zhang's family, Unable to leave with my brother. Everlasting looking for sister heart lotus, heart lotus has long been entrusted with Yang's couple leaving home to sing. Forever desperation, in a torrential night, was broken carriage was still refused to turn the leg, healed legs, destined to lame lifelong. At this point, a gangster Peng Jian retained him, never escape from a rivers and lakes never return. Time flies, fifteen years of jail term has been released from prison, Su Qiu has more than 40 years of age. She returned home full of hope, but found that personnel is wrong, the hometown town, stormy. After she was released from prison, she was abandoned by that society for a long time. However, she had to play a strong mother role. She had to face the difficulties, bitterness, estrangement, and even contempt of her children. In the face of different children, how to persuade the Yongyi prodigal son to return, how to regain the respect of eternal pride, how to create a sweetheart's dream of love, and how to relieve the hatred of her heart and let her mother and her daughter reconsider. What is even worse is that in the face of the enemy who had been the victim of the past killing, the revengeful or revenge-hardened man who had taken the hatred of the sea would soon fall into contradiction and struggle. (Above information source)

Ma Mingfeng Xiao Xiao (TV)[2005]

Feature: Ma Ming Xiao Xiao days gray, wild vast, this is the handsome and free on the grasslands of wild boy Kou YingJie, but because of the god horse "Black Narcissus" involved in his unfamiliar arena, met the two most should not know. One is Guo BaiYun, the head of the white horse gate, thus becoming the disciple of Guo BaiYun; the other is Tie XiaoWei, the daughter of Tie HaiTang, the chief judge of the Fenglei Bao. Two people who love him gave him another kind of life. Since then, Kou YingJie appeared around the men hate him, the woman around him love him, what a helplessness. Set off the sunshine banner, Ma Mingfeng Xiao Xiao. Kou YingJie rely on the integrity of integrity riding a black narcissus can challenge the chaos of rivers and lakes Mody. The woman she loves is the enemy of the door, and the woman she wants to marry does not love her. Trees for static, but the wind more than Kou YingJie can make a choice. A lowly martial arts grassland kid, just to master Guo BaiYun a hospice, it is necessary to challenge the wily Wuxing Quebec, Kou YingJie can win it. Conspiracy, love, commitment, debt, Kou YingJie in the end how to still.

Justice makes the world (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Justice makes the world" tells the story of the poet Zhuo ZhongYue who met the wandering female in search of parents during the investigation of Song SiLiang's murder. In the Song adult case, they received the lawsuit of the great robbery, which was called "Du QingShan's help". Although Du QingShan cult, but it is a person who likes to taste to taste, he and Zhuo ZhongYue appreciate each other, the two become confidante. Du QingShan fell in love with little dust, but she knew that little dust loved Zhuo ZhongYue and she always expressed her feelings in jest. After the righteous make the world stills back to the capital, Liu JiTian, ​​the chief of six gateways, was ordered to investigate the case. Luo JiTian has a very special relationship with Mu DaNiang at Mujia Restaurant, but he is very much in love with Pudgy, who is close to his temperament. Dispute between the two from time to time, it does not dispute when shaped like father and daughter. In the course of the investigation of the murder of Song adults, many unimaginable events were discovered by Luo JiTian and Zhuo ZhongYue. However, many clues went beyond the imperial city and disappeared into the Forbidden City for further investigation. However, Zhen led the East factory strongly obstructed. Zhuo ZhongYue went to Guanzhong to investigate the big robbery door, the small dust, Zhang NingGongZhu's intent on Zhuo ZhongYue, and Zhong ZiYing, the first and foremost beautician who was killed by his parents and suspected of being a big robbery. Three girls at the same time have a good impression on Zhuo ZhongYue. However, Zhuo ZhongYue like it is a smart little dust. Zhuo ZhongYue expressed a good impression on the small dust. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Du QingShan was hurried into death and death valley by being the new leader of the big robbery for Zhuo ZhongYue, son of Nie HongZhu. Du QingShan, who was severed by Nie HongZhu and was severed by Nie HongZhu's betrayal because of betraying the great robbery, died of a deep feeling of affection for Zhuo ZhongYue, who was sent to rescue him. Undertaken by the unforgiving East Plant, Zhen Zhen rescues Zhuo ZhongYue from Du QingShan. Du QingShan was brought to Shuimu Temple by Duo QingShan and Du QingShan was saved by the aid of Huiji and Luo JiTian. However, he lost an arm and was hunted down by both evil and good. Conflicting Zhuo ZhongYue In order to make Du QingShan confidence, fulfill his dream, deliberately ignored the small dust. Zhong ZiYing was arrested in the robbery. Tian QingHe, a childhood friend, loved her passionately and was determined to rescued her. Hong Habitat leader Hong HuanTian fell in love with this beautiful and clever girl and wanted to marry her as a Sanctified wife. Therefore, Nie HongZhu was determined to let Zhong ZiYing hear a dialogue so that Zhong ZiYing started to identify Luo JiTian as the murderer of the murdered parents. At the same time she also pretended to be in the face of Tian QingHe Zhong ZiYing let go. Zhong ZiYing and Tian QingHe returned to the capital, looking for Luo JiTian revenge. After making a return to the capital, Zhong ZiYing was determined to get Zhuo ZhongYue and Zhuo ZhongYue gradually moved. In order to save Changning Zhuo ZhongYue blind, Priscilla did not complain to assume the responsibility of taking care of him, in order to let the dust to give up, Zhuo ZhongYue and Zhong ZiYing betrothal. Little dust desperation. Du QingShan therefore accused Zhuo ZhongYue of claiming to be bound by it. Zhuo ZhongYue has hard words. Du QingShan follow the lost little dust, and give her comfort and encouragement. Little Dust gradually learns about Du QingShan and begins to sympathize with his destiny and is ready to join him in suffering. This act was opposed by what she saw as Luo JiTian and Mu DaNiang.Du QingShan lost his eyes, in order to make the happiness of small dust, resolutely left the small dust. Zhong ZiYing revenge plan leaked, Luo JiTian huff, dug Zhong ancient city's grave, analyzed and verified his innocence. Zhong ZiYing but because of Zhuo ZhongYue also found on the small dust never forget to leave. Due to the involvement of Luo JiTian and Zhuo ZhongYue, Yu Qian Minister Yu Qian began to guess the origin of the incident. Originally, Nie HongZhu was Wang Zhen's lover before his death in the palace. At the same time, he was one of the behind-the-scenes organizations and messengers of the cult of the Red Lotus. To speed up the usurpation, Wang Zhen colluded with the big robbery and used black forces to suppress the positive forces. Yu Qian repeatedly blurted out letters to punish Wang Zhen. However, the whole chapter was intercepted by Wang Zhen and did not reach the end of the hand. Wang Zhen did not buy Yu Qian, then hated it and tried to put it to death. Repeated damage did not, Wang Zhen's true appearance but slowly revealed. Originally, he and the big robbery godmother Nie HongZhu turned out to be a pair of lover, they colluded together, want to take the Daming Jiangshan, so that their children boarded the throne. Nie HongZhu and Hong HuanTian threatened Cangzhou to hold a four-year Wulin Hui League, destroying all alien forces and expanding their own power to prepare for seizing power. With different speculations, Luo JiTian, ​​Zhuo ZhongYue, Dichen, Zhong ZiYing, Du QingShan and others have rushed to Cangzhou. As the conflict intensified and all the truth was revealed, Luo JiTian and Mu DaNiang finally found their own daughters. She turned out to be a small dust. However, this time because of the beggar Gang Guo Jiangnan beggars betrayal and besiegement siege, Nie HongZhu and Hong HuanTian placed her as the center of a large robbery, intended to Luo JiTian Zhuo ZhongYue et al., Learned that after the situation Du QingShan hurry to save the dust, the result of sacrifice. Mu DaNiang also lost his life in saving his daughter. During the crisis, Zhong ZiYing, who approached Hong HuanTian for revenge, finally put down his personal feelings of compassion and disdain and disclosed the method of cracking down on the big robbery to Zhuo ZhongYue. With the help of Zhong ZiYing, Zhuo ZhongYue and others finally cracked the big robbery, leaving the big robbery's home in one fell swoop. Most of the forces of the big robbery were eliminated. The big robbery was broken. Hong HuanTian, ​​desperate, was very angry with Zhong ZiYing's betrayal. In a fury, Zhong ZiYing was killed. Tian QingHe holding a sub-Ying body, towards the vast desert; Nie HongZhu rate Hong HuanTian and other residual corps toward the capital. Wang Zhen felt a real surprise that he wanted to seize power rapidly while confusion. So he contacted Valais for a massive attack and persuaded Yingzong's pro-conspiracy that led to the British exile. Wang Zhen, who was kept in the drum by Nie HongZhu, tried to get "Son" Tian QingHe to the throne. Kill his own son Hong HuanTian. Nie HongZhu was insane due to the death of his son. Wang Zhen's conspiracy was also broken through, and Yu Qian defended the capital so that the Wang Zhen plot did not succeed. Emperor Yingzong's younger brother Ming dynasty succeeded him, Yu Qian sealed, peace and stability, and justice was done. Zhuo ZhongYue and the dust of the lovers experienced numerous hardships, but also finally come together.

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