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Han Zhang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Han Zhang Works 45 ,And Romance 15 ,Comedy 8 ,Feature 8 ,Action 5 ,Idol drama 5 ,Urban drama 5 ,Costume Drama 3 ,Historical play 3 ,Suspense 3 ,Crime 2 ,Terror 2 ,Palace 2 ,Business War 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,Youth drama 2 ,Fantasy 2 ,Sci-Fi 2 ,Thriller 2 ,Ancient 1 ,浪漫1 ,Suspense drama 1 ,唯美1 ,Workplace film 1 ,Diamond solo theater ancient martial arts drama. 1 ,Spy war 1 ,海上职场生活1 ,Classical history 1 ,Legendary action 1 ,时尚都市言情偶像剧1 ,当代涉案1 ,Contemporary 1 ,推理1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Xian xia 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Music 1 ,Love 1 ,Year 1 ,legend 1 ,War 1 ,Adventure 1 。

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Han Zhang Filmography(45)


催眠·裁决 (Movie)[2019]


轰动全港的林氏家族凶杀案踏入审讯最后一天,陪审团准备退庭商议时,成员之一 Xu LiSheng 突然收到女儿茵茵被绑架的消息,神秘人要求曾为国际催眠权威的立生通过催眠术令陪审团裁定被告谋杀罪名成立,否则其女儿将被撕票,这也就意味着立生必须在狭小的空间内、众目睽睽之下,不用专业工具隐秘地催眠至少4个人。立生偷偷将茵茵被绑架的讯息转发给曾为国内特种部队成员的小舅 Yang Kai 后,进入了退庭商议室。


如若巴黎不快乐 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《如若巴黎不快乐》剧情介绍:讲述了身为律师的 Ruan ManJun ( Qingzi Kan 饰)因为感情用事帮助男友渡过公司的经济危机,不慎触犯法律入狱,并被吊销律师执照。哪知在她刑满出狱的那天,却是男友与他人结婚的日子。万念俱灰的 Ruan ManJun 终究为自己的年少无知付出了惨痛的代价。就在 Ruan ManJun 人生最灰暗的时候,遇上同样受过感情之伤的 Tong ZhuoYao ( Hans Zhang 饰)。 Tong ZhuoYao 事业有成,想帮助 Ruan ManJun ,哪知 Ruan ManJun 却将其拒之门外,坚持从最底层的外卖员做起,并进入了外贸公司任职。凭着自己的努力与知识背景, Ruan ManJun 一步步成长为公司的主干业务人员。就在大家以为 Ruan ManJun 会就此满足时,她却毅然决定放弃已获得的一切,重新考取律师执照,回到律师行业,用法律去帮助那些真正需要帮助的人,重新找回了自我,并以独立自强的人格魅力赢得了 Tong ZhuoYao 的爱情 。

《如若巴黎不快乐》是国龙影业、DMG印纪娱乐、一画开天影业、童乐影视联合出品的都市情感剧,由张博昱执导,饶俊、王超编剧, Hans Zhang 、 Qingzi Kan 领衔主演, Lin Yu Shen 、 Ying Li 、 Chang Kuo-Chu 等主演。

Frozen Rose (TV)[2018]

Feature: The story of Frozen Rose took place in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic in 1950 when the Security Bureau of the Kuomintang dropped a top secret agent from Taiwan to the city of Yongjiang to carry out an assassination against Yan Fangfan, vice-chairman of the Economic Commission for Reconstruction and economic expert. Code "frozen rose plan." In this assassination, Song WenBo was assisted by Ye XinYan, an enemy special secret traffic station coordinator, who accidentally injured Li Cheng, chief of agency agency of the reconnaissance department of the Public Security Bureau, but unexpectedly found out his true identity was not the case. An "Infernal Affairs" Staged. In the battle between justice and evil, Song WenBo found that there are other people behind the real behind the scenes, shaking the plot has gradually surfaced, after a thrilling and desperate struggle, Song WenBo finally made contact with the Public Security Bureau, exposing the enemy's plot, Cracked down on the potential enemy organizations swimming Yongjiang, Song WenBo regained his identity and continue fighting in the front line of public security & nbsp ;.

Ocean City (TV)[2018]

Feature: Ocean City tells the story of life on this international cruise line from this shore to the other side. The super cruise carrying more than 6,000 tourists and staff is a walking global village and small miniature society. The tourists are experiencing worldly joys and sorrows, and young people's struggle and love are all sprouting in the same boat. Chinese naval officer Ding Kai and rookie leader Tian Ai are acquainted with each other on this multicultural dream ship and have been in contact with travelers, colleagues, and relatives such as Prince Yang, Chen AnNi, Mayfair, Captain and Dr. Bo Twists and turns, witnessed each other's growth, harvest a wonderful love. The testimony of them is the love and dream, the tears and laughter of all kinds of people, the brighter future, not only the cruise life, but also the life in every journey & nbsp ;.

Seven nights chasing souls (Movie)[2018]


The horror film "chasing the dead" is based on the true story of the cat-faced old lady coming back to life. According to the folk legend, after human death, during the first seven days, the body must not let the black cat close, or it is easy to produce the body change! Young writer Nie Zhong and his girlfriend jia jia jia moved into an old villa in the suburbs after their marriage. They thought that the sweet world of the two would unfold, but they did not want to encounter a series of strange events. Ghost presses the bed, the ghost hits the wall, the ghost shaves the head, the ghost upper body, every night 12 o 'clock always makes the eerie sound of the basement, and gradually becomes unfamiliar to the bedside person. All this points to the mysterious black cat Mrs.


Eternal Wave (Movie)[2017]

Feature: In 1937, following the Shanghai-defeat of Songhu in Shanghai, underground worker Lin Xiang (Aaron Kwok ornaments) was ordered to come to a crisis-ridden Shanghai to rebuild the underground anti-Japanese war that had been destroyed by the enemy. Here he encounters Lan Fang (Liying Zhao), who is pure and very sense of justice. This temporary combination of "underground party couples" will join hands with evil Liang Dong (Zhang Han) and Japanese aggressors and the spy government spy launched a breathtaking life-or-death contest.

Wolf Warriors 2 (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Leng Feng, who was expelled from the army, came to Africa for finding the murderer of Long XiaoYun, but suddenly was involved in the rebellion of a country. Because of the political stance between countries, the Chinese army can not withdraw its overseas Chinese in the armed operations in Africa. As a veteran veteran who can not forget his military mission, he was able to safely evacuate he resolutely returned to the occupied areas, alone led the massacre of compatriots and refugees in the run-up to escape. As the struggle continued, the wolf's body gradually recovered and eventually broke into the war zone to fight for its fellow citizens.

Legend tycoon (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the 1930s, Shanghai, Gu family four brothers joined the film and television industry. For the sake of the older brothers' stills, following the move of the third elder brother to Singapore to open up the Nanyang movie market, Gu YanMei has long been destined to remain indissoluble with film industry for a long time. Coincides with World War II, the rapid changes in the current situation, Gu brothers will be moved to Hong Kong production base. As the war ended, Hong Kong was in full swing. The brothers entrusted the Hong Kong studio to Gu YanMei. In the face of today's non-cinema market, Gu YanMei always regards the audience as the driving force for making their own films. It has finally made Gu Brothers' film the first in Hong Kong. It has not only made Hong Kong's film industry a flash star, it has also become Asia's highest priority. Its reputation is growing, was honored as "Chinese film tycoon." For many years sincerely charity, enthusiastic public welfare, Gu YanMei also become the world recognized big philanthropist.

The Rhapsody of A Summer Dream (TV)[2017]

Feature: Five years ago, Pei Shi and brother Pei Qu were adopted by Yan ShengJiao's stills after their father's death. Ke Ze, a son of Pei Shi and Yan ShengJiao, was born in love with Xia Na, who admired Ke Ze and competed in the violin. Pei Shi's talent was jealous, overnight left hand wasted, from the music off the road. Desperate Pei Shi to find Ke Ze, but witnessed Ke Ze's betrayal. Five years later, Pei Shi entered Xiashi as a new identity and became an assistant to Xia Cheng's brother Xia ChengSi. Pei Shi to help newcomer Han YueYue into the music circle. Ke Ze, who is about to engage Xia Na, was shaken after seeing Pei Shi again. Occasionally, Pei Shi left his hand and resumed playing the violin, but she just wanted to compete with Xia Na and forgot the true meaning of the music. The truth of the hand injury gradually surfaced, while Pei Shi, beside Xia ChengSi, saw him on the other side of the cold side. Xia ChengSi's guardian, let Pei Shi down the knot, realize the true meaning of music, and Xia ChengSi hand in hand to start a new life.

Xiuxian morta (TV)[2017]

Feature: An ordinary village poor boy, by chance, into a small sectarian rivers and lakes, became a registered disciple. In this capacity, he has gained a foothold in martial art and how to enter the ranks of immortals with mediocre qualifications, so that he can be among the three disciplines and mediocre qualification to enter the ranks of cultivating immortals and other devils , Immortal immortal division tied for both inside and outside of Shanhaiguan, immortal world intrigues, law of the jungle, the road long, immortal dangerous, to see how ordinary mountain village Han Li difficult cultivation immortality. Although mediocre, but rely on their own efforts and reasonable calculation practice immortality. Cultivation of immortal process is not easy, not only need to overcome its own shortcomings, but also to accept the test of the enemy and heaven and earth, after numerous "trekking" in order to obtain.

Dandelion love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Yao SiHan childhood and grandmother dependent, is a strong, brave, love and hate girl. Zhang YiJie is the cousin of Chen YiFeng, a lovely, naive, kind girl. Chen YiFeng lives in a superior family and is a self-esteem boy. Cold Jing is a very considerate of people thoughtful people. Love is like a teenager, falling in love with dandelions in the autumn mountains. That is a plant full of ideas. Pale, weak, slender, plain. And beautiful. Its beauty is blooming only to those who understand it. At that time, a precocious little girl, once wanted to be a dandelion seed. Without any thoughts and feelings, only the bodies not bound by the soul are blown away. The wind stopped, it fell, where are not tired.

Here to Heart (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Here to Heart" tells the story of Zhan NanXian keen insight into the high-tech high-tech domestic trend of development, co-financing with classmates to create a shallow Yu, high-tech industry venture only 10% success rate case, All kinds of storms, the ultimate success of the market. Wen Nuan, resolutely quit his job as a well-known British venture capital firm, came to Asakusa and became a CEO by his own strength. It turned out that Wen Nuan and Nanxuan used to be a pair of lovers and broke up because of misunderstanding. Wen Nuan came back to help Nanxun start her own business and, on the other hand, save her love with Nanxuan. Nanchuan and Wen Nuan have not only ushered in the beautiful love after experiencing the cold bidding cases, benefiting public digging horror events and agent disputes, but also worked together to suppress the bad competition, purifying the entire industry and making the high-tech industry A more healthy environment and steady development.

Star bright (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Starlight Bright" tells the story of the love story between Yu Wenxin, the agent for the entertainment industry, and Fei Junwei, the star of the entertainment industry. Many years ago, Fei Jun Wei was still a juvenile boy with a smile on her and said: "I have a chance to open a personal concert? But if that day, I will be your guest!" Past jokes seem still In the ears. Two years later, his first personal concert attendance at full capacity, the whole stadium in the mountains, all for "tip I love you" shout. The audience's glow stick and whistling sound one after another. At that time she stood in the background, watching his whole body gown flashed a small silver-scale light and shadow, standing in the center of all aura, like the world's most handsome prince. Unfortunately, she is not the one who owns crystal shoes Cyndi Rila. She is his agent. Vanity Fair, Haystacks, Conspiracy and Assassination, Trap and Trap. All the guns stabbed, she repeatedly help him, saved the day. He said: "My job is acting," she said: "My job is to make you feel at ease." The behind-the-scenes handwriting, not fate, but capital. Big stars and brokers, new generation idols and behind-the-scenes capitalists, business rivalries and emotional entanglements ...

Falconer (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Falconer" This is a story of a public security organization that cracked down on the enemy organization in the early days of the founding of New China. The story took place on the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, when the Security Bureau of the Kuomintang (KMT) secretly dropped a senior agent from Taiwan to Yunhai to carry out an assassination attempt against Yan FangQiu, vice-chairman of the Economic Commission for Reconstruction and Economic Expert. Song WenBo was assisted by Ye XinYan from Paragon during this assassination and accidentally injured Li Cheng, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau's reconnaissance department, but unexpectedly found out that his true identity was not the case. An "Infernal Affairs" Staged. In the battle between justice and evil, Song WenBo found that there are other people behind the real behind the scenes, shaking the plot has gradually surfaced ... After a thrilling and desperate struggle, Song WenBo finally made contact with the Public Security Bureau, exposing the enemy's conspiracy , Cracked the latent enemy organization swimming Yongjiang, Song WenBo regained his identity to continue fighting in the front line of public security.

3BODY (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In the 1960s when the United States and the Soviet Union hegemony, China participated in and put forward the Red Bank plan, the military to explore extraterrestrial civilization mystery plan "Red Bank Project" made a breakthrough, a named Ye WenJie Astrophysicists, using the sun as a loudspeaker, sent a signal to the universe to speed the universe at a speed of light, but after a catastrophe Ye WenJie did not realize she had completely changed the fate of mankind. Hundreds of ruins and rebirths led by three randomly running suns forced them to flee the mother star and received a reply from the three body stars 8 years later. Ye WenJie responded to the three-body star and drew the three-body star pair Earth's aggression. After the basic science of using the super-technology to lock the Earth's people, a future catastrophe is placed before mankind.

Eternal Wave (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In 1937, after Shanghai lost its battlefield to Shanghai in the wake of the Songhu Battle, underground worker Lin Xiang was sent to Shanghai in a crisis-ridden world to rebuild the underground anti-Japanese war destroyed by the enemy. Here he encounters Lan Fang, who is pure and very sense of justice. This is an exciting time for the tentatively formed "underground party and couple" to join hands with both the evil and evil spirits of the underground invaders and the spy government spies The contest of life and death.

TheRiseofATomboy (Movie)[2016]

Feature: She XiuWu in mathematics department deduced in the master's thesis "true love formula", convinced that her formula is absolutely correct, she received his first experimental subjects failed suicide after the bad news decided to take their own experiments in the encounter After a series of accidents, Ye SiYi started a "painful" cohabitation with a musician of "Ten Years of Spare Wheel." Ye SiYi decided to personally assist her in searching for her true son in order to get rid of the terrible schoolboy earlier, but in the process, the two people had a strange chemical reaction and a series of comedy and touching stories took place.

TheClassicofMountainsandSeas (TV)[2016]

Feature: In ancient times, in response to the drought, two ancient Chinese tribes, Dongyi and Jiu Li, sent princes to Peachu Au in search of a heavenly ascendant. A friend Su Mo (Gülnezer Bextiyar ornaments) and Fu Er (Lyrics ornaments) from different destinies, one as a Suzaku Xuannu to protect the people of Jiu Li, the other as the Dragon Xuannv to lead Dongyi to seize the water upstream of Jiu Li. A mysterious woman plus seven stars messenger, can form a team, wake up the corresponding animal. However, the Suzaku team's first wake-up ceremony was disrupted by Dong Yi Grand Army Bai LiHan (Chao-Li Chi). In order to awaken the animal beast again, Dongyi and Jiu Li began to compete for white tiger and basaltic god pestle. Bai LiHan uses the emotional entanglements between Su Mo and Fu Er to cheat God's pestle and successfully awaken the dragon. In order to prevent the enslavement of the people of Jiu Li in Dong Yi, Su Mo led the Suzaku team to return to the Kunlun Mountains for water beads and finally rescued the drought with the power of water beads, opening up a new world of peace and friendship.

Ten sins (TV)[2016]

Feature: Mysterious jars appear on the banks of the town, and bones in the altar give the people in the town panic. A team of four SIG investigators gathered at the scene of the incident by Eric Tsang, Hua Long, Hans Zhang, Bao Zhan, Jim Yu, and Su Mei Zhang Yamei. Bao Zhan , Su Mei concludes that the corpse site is a bridge. When Hua Long patrolled the bridge, Bao Zhan and Su Mei mistakenly believed they were criminals and opposed them. Mai Xi, suspected by the investigating team to be suspected of having an affair with the deceased, was the culprit and police discovered the corpse of Huan Yu and added to the suspicion of Mai Xi. Under the interrogation of Liang Jiao Shou, Mai Xi admitted that he was pregnant and was pregnant Zhao QianQian, while Bao Zhan's search gallery discovered the abnormal behavior of gallery worker Ma Liu. After Ma Liu was killed by Mai Xi's wife Li Feng, Li Feng confessed that she confessed Zhao QianQian and thus instructed Ma Liu to help her to remove her rival. SIG team continued the investigation team, after encountering "ghosting" haunted hotel, "rainy night butcher", the body's residual limb wrapped in amber "performance artist", the victim's face was born "frozen face" in the solution In the process of the case, the four members also face all kinds of dangers, conspiracies and growth & nbsp; & nbsp ;.

AnInspectorCalls (Movie)[2015]

Feature: An influential community in the community, the Qiu clan, is preparing to greet a grandiose engagement party. An unexpected visitor, Tan Yuan (Louis Koo), suddenly arrives and brings a dead girl, Zhang XiaoJuan, Broke Qiu happy atmosphere. Qiujia to Eric Tsang (Teresa Mo ornaments) Young Master (Gordon Lam ornaments) Miss (Karena Ng ornaments), down to housekeeper (Roland ornaments) have said they never know Zhang XiaoJuan, but surprisingly Jia Tan Yuan actually With a diary and a photograph of the deceased, the gorgeous fur bag Qiu sweep one by one, revealing that everyone has a great connection with the deceased! A gorgeous Century Banquet held as scheduled, a piece of joy, the visit of this name Tan Yuan, will completely affect the Qiu century feast it? The film adapted from the famous British drama "An Inspector Calls."

YouthNeverReturns (Movie)[2015]

Feature: In the youthful university campus, Hans Zhang and Feng Song et al. Established the "brotherly covenant" in the hope of maintaining the friendship between them. However, contrary to expectations, Feng Song likes a beautiful girl named Zhu Ting (Shi Yufei), however, what he did not think is that Zhu Ting's heart has long been vested with handsome looks like a school with good reputation Fai, however, deliberately merry water fall, Jin Hui's eyes only the sexy hot Zhou Hui (Joe Chan ornaments). A twists and turns bizarre polygamy kicked off. In a blink of an eye ten years later, once brothers and sisters entered the society and went their separate ways. One day, Zhu Ting organized a grand gathering of classmates to bring old friends back together. When everyone recalls the once green years, what will be relieved and perception it?

ChangChenGhostStories (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Handsome Zhong Yu (Hans Zhang ornaments) worship in the troupe Yang HeTian (Zhang Haoran ornaments), devote themselves to learning singing and playing dozen. One day, Xiao Lai (Li Zhang), a beautiful girl who has been acquainted with Zhong Yu for more than two decades, came to play for him on stage and Yang HeTian fell in love with each other at first glance. He tried to let Zhong Yu find out Xiao Lai but did not succeed. His inner desires could not be suppressed, so he came up with crooked ways to approach the girl. He ghosts scare each other, panic Xiao Lai, and thus relied on Yang HeTian, ​​who arrived in time. Who knows this approach is out of control, Xiao Lai and the girl named Nian Nian (Li Xinai) live together, after which they are often disturbed by a variety of terrible nightmares and phantom auditory hallucinations. Xiao Lai was awakened by the demons who had been sleeping for so long that a dark past of Nian Nian was also dug out. Desire for men and women towards beyond redemption ......

TheMissing (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Horror movie "Night of the Seven" based on the network popular "cat face old lady scam dead event" real event adaptation! According to folklore, after the death of people, the first seven days, the body should not let the black cat approach, otherwise easy to produce a corpse! Young writer Nie Zhong and his girlfriend, Jia Jia, moved into the old villas after the wedding and thought that the sweet two-person world started this way, but did not want to encounter a series of strange events. Ghost presses, ghosts hit the wall, ghost shaved head, ghost upper body, every night at 12 o'clock always issued a strange sound basement, and gradually become strangers pillow people. All this point to the mysterious black cat Granny knocking on the door at midnight.

Brocade Night (TV)[2015]

Feature: The Night of Bridal Veil tells the story of the early Ming Dynasty when Xia Xun, a civilian, blindly replaced the deceased wealthy scholar Yang Xu to become a pawn of Jinyi Wei and decided to protect himself after witnessing the ruthlessness of his supervisor Zhang ShiSan and others And for the people remove the pests. At the same time, he met the future wife Xie YuFei, the two began to get along like joyful enemies. Soon after, Xia Xun was chased by Guardian Wei on his way home and was rescued by Ximen Long and Ji Gang. As soon as the three were killed, they were worshiped by brothers. The latter three inadvertently saved the Yan Wang couple and the county chief, and Xia Xun's ability caused the concern of Bai YiXia and Luo KeDi, leaders of the two armies. Xia Xun has been trained by Bai YiXia and Luo KeDi to become an excellent Guardian. After Zhu YunWen ascended the throne, she started to cut the feudal clan, and Xia Xun, with her family, suffered more suffering for the common people, and decided to help him to set up the throne. He and Ji Gang in the Yan Wang side of the perfect match for the future of King Yan Deng made a significant contribution to & nbsp ;.

Four juvenile capture (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Four young captives" tells the story of the mid Ming dynasty, god Houhou Explorer Zhu GeZhengWo led by four famous catch Leng Xue, Wu Qing, Zhui Ming, Tie Shou escort the capital. Leng Xue rescued Chu LiMo, a runaway girl, and hid it from the Houhou mansion. Later, Zhu GeZhengWo found her reading mind and leaving her home to train her. Leng Xue and apart from the two initially disloyal personality, misunderstood constantly, and then through numerous hardships gradually know each other, finally come together. The prince An ShiGeng wholeheartedly rule out dissent to create chaos, depending on the four names captured as rivals. Goddess catch Ji YaoHua crush on Leng Xue, jealous of strangers outside, and later by An ShiGeng use, the four famous catch together to deal with An ShiGeng.

Gorgeous office workers (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Gorgeous office workers," tells the flirtatious Li Xiang graduated from college alone to break into the metropolis, he dreams of gorgeous office workers stills as corporate executives, earn a lot of money, find a beauties to get married. He accidentally crashed into Live & amp; Life Advertising and became assistant to Zhang Wei, the general manager. Zhang Wei, a proud and emotionally frustrated woman in the workplace, is desperate to run her company's listing but faces numerous hardships. Subprime mortgage crisis broke out, the company received a layoff plan for a time panic. Li Xiang is good for her. Every crisis has the honor of helping her. Zhang Yin helps him to help Zhang Wei save the day. He met Qi Qi, a newcomer to the company, and began an underground affair with two people, while the seemingly calm office surged. Li Xiang does not know whether he wants to make the same mistake as Zhang Wei in the past or whether he should pursue a dull new life like today's Zhang Wei. Li Xiang looks into the distance, the heart is filled with the vision of the future & nbsp ;.

DengDai (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Waiting was adapted from the famous English novel by famous Chinese writer Hakin. The original novel was published in 1999 and won the Booker National Book Award. The novel comes from a true story heard by Hkin and his wife when they returned home to visit their hometowns and tells the story of the late Qing Dynasty when the youngster Kong Lin admitted to the Shenyang Military Medical College in the early 1960s.

DIVASHitTheRoad (Movie)[2014]

Feature: "I am a singer," the end of Hunan Satellite TV star siblings self-help remote reality show "flowers and juveniles" will pick file launch. Two teenagers and five different age-elder sisters are about to embark on an exotic land. A backpacking tour that is ready to go is just around the corner. Two star Brothers Brilliance Yu Zhang Han will serve as a tour guide role, led by Zheng Peipei, Lee Mayfair.

Shanshan came (TV)[2014]

Feature: Shanshan came the stills despite their dreams, through their own efforts to achieve a success, good nature of the Shanshan is because they have a rare blood was recruited into the wind, but the Shanshang not forget the beginning, has been fighting! Sister sister transfusion Shanshan was praised for eating pig liver rice, and slowly evolved into Feng Teng's exclusive picker. Feng Teng change the way to torture kind of Shanshan, and Shanshan several times to resist, but each time lost to the superior skill of Feng Teng. Later, Feng Teng made a comeback to express his love for Feng Teng and started a campaign against Shanshan, while Feng Teng's good man Zheng Qi, having fallen in love with Li, had to fight against Shanshan Under, but even more so that the two were determined together, the experience of all sorts, Shanshan and Feng Teng accomplish a positive outcome, though happiness is late, but also finally came! And Shanshan in the harvest of love, but also because of their own The continuous efforts in the cause has also made no small achievement, completed his dream!

Different Beauty Man (TV)[2014]

Feature: The play tells the story of Gao YuanShu (Hans Zhang) Suddenly after encountering a sudden surprise suddenly found some changes in his body, the same with several partners, after which they will go through these super-powers Slowly unlock a series of mysteries, and found a mysterious big secret fantasy love story.

ApoliticalRomance (Movie)[2013]

Feature: A Zheng, a Taiwanese civil servant who loves beating guns, was confronted with a crossroads of life after ten "cross-strait etiquette specials" were returned. A beggarly Beijing girl Qin Lang (Azerbaijan) took a chance and volunteered to help Qin Lang finish her purpose in Taiwan and look for her first love lover, Chen Guang, so both A Zheng and Qin Lang started a fantastic Tracing journey. Personally bad day two, get along day and night and verbal warfare slowly find each other's prejudices, but also gradually initiation of ambiguous feelings, with the exposure of Chen Guang, the last to find not only grandmother first year lover , But also found a happy answer anxious life ...

Victory Costs 2 (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Costs of Winning Women 2" Mother Xia Ping was unable to afford medical expenses for her daughter suffering from congenital heart disease. She transferred her daughter into her home party to save her daughter and lost contact with her daughter. Mrs. Fang Shu YuXi raised the girl as a fraternal twin sister of Fang YiFei. Fang YiFei was born in an ordinary Hua TianQi. Shu YuXi mind days Qi origin account for the two to break up, change the Philippine and populace Kang Jie set a marriage contract, and Kang Jie love is Yixuan. In the Yifei decided to fly away with the days of Qi actually unexpected death. At this point Shu YuXi found Mu XiaoYan and Fang YiFei looks the same, then Xiaoyan mother Xia Ping's medical fee for the transaction conditions to Mu XiaoYan Fang FangFei Fang to inherit their own business. The unwitting Hua TianQi thought Yifei betrayed her for the benefit of her decision to revenge her, but unforgettable old love, fell in love with her again. Sick daughter, Xia Ping, thought of the transfer of the year, and the arrogant Fang YiXuan became so self-sensitive that Kang Jie silently guarded her. Also Xuan met the sick mother and recognize her, Shu YuXi also reluctantly nurturing feelings. Mu XiaoYan and Fang YiXuan started living with two mums. Xia Ping recovered with the care of two daughters, and both daughters each gained their own love.

Sui and Tang Dynasties (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties" tells the story of Qin Qizhen Qin Qiong (Yan Yi Kuan ornaments) grew up together with the Cheng bingjin (Jiang Wu ornaments), with a martial arts was promoted to a lower rank by the government officials, a day Qin Qiong met Lintong Hill Li Yuan was killed by Golden Snake, rescuing Li Yuan from his family alone. Later, when Luzhou was injured and had to sell his horse for his livelihood, he was fortunate enough to be helped by Dan XiongXin. Sui and Tang dynasties Cheng bing gold robbed Yang Lin in Changye Lin 480000 two silver silver outline. Qin mother longevity day bite gold was arrested for the bail-out process bite gold, Jialiu shop sworn brothers (Jia House forty-six friends) planning rebellion and robbery, by chance coincidental binging done Wagangzhai leader Monster devil. Emperor Sui (emperor Dragon ornaments) go to Yangzhou to see Qionghua, Wawangzhai united with other rebel forces gathered in the Simingshan intended to kill Emperor Sui Yang, overthrow the Sui Dynasty. Emperor Sui Yang for the anti-anti-Wang placed bronze flag array. Li Shimin (Du Chun ornaments) due to Emperor Sui emperor subordinates to send troops to go before the array, forced to rebel. Lee Mi fled to Wagang and welcomed by the crowd and said Wei king. After Emperor Sui Emperor was killed. Wei Wang Jade Seal in exchange for Xiao Mei Niang, the corrupt government gradually, Wagang mountains and rivers will be for animals and birds scattered. Qin Qiong rate bite gold, Luo Cheng (Zhang Han ornaments) cast under the command of Li Shimin, Li Li repeated the exploits, eventually helping the Tang Dynasty dynasty down to the world & nbsp ;.

The price of winning women (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Costs of winning women" tells the story of Lin XiaoJie, Beihai Haiyatt Department store miscellaneous young girl, inadvertently get boss Gao ZiQi high-profile confession at a press conference! However, on the eve of the wedding, the actress Bai JiQing suddenly appeared. Xiao Jie understood that she was not a true friend of Zi Qi. She left Shanghai to meet Tang Jun when she was sad. Tang Jun, Xiaojie's close friend on the internet, Tom, is the son of Shanghai's Huanghai Shengshi Mall. Xiao Jie does not know that Tang Jun is Tom. At this point, Tang enterprises under threat, Xiao Jie determined to help them. With extraordinary ability to work, Xiao Jie Tang House not only out of the woods, but also the achievements of their own careers. At work, Xiao Jie accidentally learned that Tang Jun is Tom and has always loved himself. Xiao Jie misunderstood Tang Jun as being unobservable by himself. Tang Jun has always been concerned about and support Xiao Jie silently, Xiao Jie finally got the approval of Xiao Jie, the two came together. Xiao Jie finally realized the dream in my heart, not only become a battlefield queen, but also gain a sweet love.

Fairy tale half (TV)[2012]

Feature: "One-half of a fairy tale" tells Zhao TingXuan, a group of twins who had been separated since childhood. Since her grandfather was old and her sister was seriously ill, sister Zhao TingYu was brought back to protect her family and revive Family duties. In order to smooth the transition Zhao enterprises, in the face of the ambitious Jing QingYu, the original two strange sisters must eliminate the gap, cooperate with each other, make concerted efforts against rivals, and always accompany them to face this battle is the sister's fiance Du Jing Wei, the son of YuFeng and Jing QingYu. In the process, the two sisters inspire their own strength, but also taste the sweetness and bitterness of growth. The most important thing is that they finally realize the real meaning of "family" and "loved ones." & nbsp ;.

Tai PingGongZhu Secret History (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Secret History of Tai PingGongZhu" narrates the legend of the two princesses of the Tang Dynasty in their reconciliation. Datang Dynasty is an unprecedented era of women's makeup era, a group of women come and go as flying e wing, chase the highest authority of Datang dynasty. Tai PingGongZhu participated in five court coup in his life, two emperors forced to abdicate, an emperor died in vain. It is this group of surging into the imperial power of the red makeup amazing woman, leaving a period of secular history of the story. The princess was born in peace Taipingzong Yong emblem for four years, Wu ZeTian is in the pain of childbirth, Chaotang is a cry, to Wu ZeTian Buddhist temple at the time of practice and priest monk alms almighty reason, force Gaozong Li Zhi Obsolete Wu ZeTian Zhaoyi bit, into the cold palace. Xiao ShuFei has bought a gynecologist and took the opportunity to kill Wu ZeTian during Wu ZeTian dystocia. Wu ZeTian dystocia, female physician to knife knife cesarean section. At this moment, nurse mother Zhao Niang escaped Wu ZeTian with her mother, a birth attendant in the village, and gave birth to a daughter. Li Zhi seal daughter Tai PingGongZhu, intended to pray for peace. The murder of Taiping Wang HuangHou was scolded by Li Zhi. This morning she came to visit Tai PingGongZhu and found that the princess room was open with a window to shut it. As a result, the little princess was poisoned and fainted. Wu ZeTian thus created Wang HuangHou murder princess incident. But the little princess woke up after opening the window, but the news was already known to the emperor. As a result, Wu ZeTian reluctantly choke her daughter and was seen by Zhao Niang. Wu ZeTian threatens Zhao Niang to say nothing. When Zhao Niang changed the clothes for the little princess to prepare for the entrance, she suddenly realized that the little princess was alive again. Zhao Niang understands that Wu ZeTian will let the child die too. Good-natured Zhao Niang uses a pillow to make an emu, acting as the body of a princess, putting the princess in a fruit box and stealing the palace. Wu ZeTian came to embrace the body and found it to be a pillow, knowing that things were serious, and that Li Zhi, who had concealed his grief, put the dead body in the coffin. Zhao Niang took a carriage into the palace of charcoal out of Xuanwu Gate, but the baby cried, was just entering the palace of Queen's Palace, a palace ladies heard. Tai PingGongZhu was reorganized as an angels by Li Zhi and was buried in the cemetery of Yangye Temple. In the name of the emperor, Wu ZeTian secretly sent Gao Qi to kill Zhao Niang and the princess. Gao Qi, the princess in the Queen's Palace, reported to Wang HuangHou Zhao Niang who saw the palace outside Xuanwu Gate and heard her cry. Wang HuangHou realizes immediately that the little princess did not die, therefore, informed Sikong Zhang SunWuJi. Zhang Sun Wuji and Minister Sui Liang immediately sent Yu Linjun Right Captain Gao Kan sent his troops in two separate ways and chased Zhao Niang all the way around the cemetery of the Yoye Temple. Gao Qi first finds Zhao Niang's home and kills Zhao Niang's husband, while Zhao Niang takes the opportunity to hug the princess and run away. Chu SuiLiang Chaotang Biao, forced Li Zhi coffin post-mortem examination. Goblin opened and found that "little princess" in the body. The original clever Wu ZeTian had let the presiding teacher of the Buddhist temple put the coffin in advance with the body of the girl he had found. However, the wily Zhang Sun Wuji saw Wu ZeTian's trick and ordered General Gao Kan to continue chasing Zhao Niang. Zhao Niang went through many hardships and difficulties, but the little princess was still taken away by Gao Kan. She jumped off the cliff and fell to the bottom of the pond but was hunted down by her Gao Qi.Gao Qi was touched by the benevolence and righteousness of Zhao Niang and refused to kill the princess of the emperor. So he went to Liulin Poste at night and killed his nephew Gao Kan, rescuing the princess, returning Zhao Niang and reporting to Wu ZeTian himself. And the princess killed to blind Wu ZeTian. Another Tai PingGongZhu was born Wu ZeTian heard that her daughter is really dead, had to swallow hard water, tears heart. Shi Dan, the son of Shi Lan, a peasant woman who died with the petty princess and rescued them, led a northbound trip over the mountains and rivers to the gates of Ganzhou. There was also a list of arrests sent by Zhang Sun Wuji's minister Zhao Niang's graphic announcement. Sun ShiZhong, a teacher who served as assistant minister at Imperial College, took them away. Princess An followed four years old studying. At this time, Wu ZeTian was already a queen, giving birth to her second daughter in Luoyang, where Li Zhi was the daughter of Tai PingGongZhu. Turks sentimental Ann princess grew up In the past eighteen years, Ann princess grow into a beautiful girl; Shi Dan quietly love sister. But Zhao Niang has been Princess Ann disguised as a gentleman. Ann princess stole her mother's shabby dress, the day quietly came to the river, changing her daughter installed, with water as a mirror, delightful look, met the Prince of Turks A JieNaSiMu Turks to work in Ganzhou. A JieNaSiMu Princess Ann see the dress and beautiful body does not deserve, donated her four aya silk cloth, but fell a "Book of Songs." Shi Dan vividly saw her sister's affection for this passing Turkic teenager, hiding her love for her sister. Turks A JieNaSiLun small Khan soldiers attack Ganzhou. An princess was a young man when the army called for military protection Colt, was severely wounded in the fierce battle was rescued by A JieNaSiMu, came to Ku Keer grassland. A JieNaSiLun know brother saved a Han beauty, to occupy; Mrs Khan loves admire, against her husband won the love of his brother. A JieNaSiLun rudely assassinated his wife, which aroused the revolt of A JieNaSiMu, led troops into Khan big account, rescued sister-in-law, rescued Princess Ann, we embrace Si Kusi as the new Khan. Ann princess married An Ann also fell in love with admire Khan, held a turkish wedding. But at this moment, Zhao Niang took Shi Dan and Gao Qi to find the Kooker steppe, met Princess Ann and told Princess Ann everything. You are the princess of Datang, one day you want to go back to the parents, you can not marry a Turkic little Khan. Ann princess still married. The next day, a Tang cavalry attacker killed Zhao Turk and Gao Qi as Turks. This provoked Ann's determination to avenge his revenge and persuaded Imam Khan to avenge Luoyang to be discouraged by Mr. Sun ShiZhong. This revenge is hopeless. After a year counterfeit Tubo minister forced Tai PingGongZhu and pro-do not allow, that is, recruited troops into Chang'an. Li Zhi is afraid. Wu ZeTian would rather not want her daughter. Tubo attack, approaching Chang'an. An princess got the news, to attack the Western Turks, with the Tubo attack, to force sister Lu Ping to Ping Lu Ping. Sure enough, Li Zhi was afraid, dreamed of the first emperor, with the emperor empress to Zhaoling Mausoleum fame, the Tai PingGongZhu fooled to Changan, dawn of righteousness, Tai PingGongZhu sent from Changan and pro. Wu ZeTian got the news, it was too late.Princess Ann Ashina make up a Qingqi, in and on the pro-way raid, grabbed the teeth Ping Tai PingGongZhu. Tai PingGongZhu got off the carriage and saw a Han girl who looked exactly like herself. Ann Princess laughed, she is most worried about is that their sisters look different. After two years of training, Princess Anh learned the habit of Tai PingGongZhu, leaving her sister in Khu'er Er, sadly saying goodbye to Ashinah, and asked me to take a good look at my sister. If you fall in love with my sister, you let her take the place of me Be your wife. An princess was sent to Chang'an Ganzhou government escort to Changan, was encountered escorting Luoyang trial second brother Li Xian, Li Xian did not see the exception to her as the Pacific sister; Ann went to Luoyang, third brother Li Xian, four Li Dan also took her as a Tai PingGongZhu, and even Li Zhi and Wu ZeTian took her as hell (but Wu ZeTian secretly observed it and knew she was not Tai PingGongZhu, but An Ann.) An heart hung over the princess fell down. But she had anyone but Mongolia Xue Shao, a Tai PingGongZhu lover. Bridal chamber night, Xue Shao Jian Ann Princess, you are not my peace. Princess Ann simply tell the truth, tell your beloved peace in my hands. But Xue Shao did not blame the princess, knowing that she also has difficulties. Court battle Ann princess before his father dying, told him that he was twenty years ago died princess. Li Zhi excited, will defend Li Tangshan mission to the daughter. Emperor died; Wu ZeTian want to be Queen. Xue Shao's mother, Princess Cheng, learned from her son that Princess An is a daughter-in-law and regards it as evidence of Wu ZeTian's murdering of Wang HuangHou twenty years ago in conjunction with the Yangzhou rebellion and the imperialist rebel. Xue Shao sacked Princess Ann. Insurgent defeat, Xue Shao captured. Wu ZeTian to kill Xue Shao. Ann princess 夤 night hit drum knocking Court, kneeling in front of the palace seeking Wu ZeTian forgive Xue Shao, while flying pigeons, so that his sister arrived quickly Luoyang Pacific peace. Wu ZeTian Reluctantly Forgives Xue Shao for Death, but Lives with Disadvantage. When Tai PingGongZhu arrived in Luoyang and saw Xue Shao in the Dali Temple Prison, Xue Shao had been tortured to death near Lai JunChen. Xue Shao is dead, too sad. Wu ZeTian Married Tai PingGongZhu to Wu ChengSi. Tai PingGongZhu where Ken would marry Wu ChengSi looked disgusting, she has fallen in love with her sister's lover A JieNaSiMu Koo Er grassland. Saint life difficult to violate, that now only sister Ann princess married. Sitting on the fiery phoenix, Princess An was taken to Wu ChengSi's mansion, and fell into a dangerous political whirlpool from now on. She embarked on a hard road of no return to defend Li Tang's estate. She and Wu ZeTian and her male pet Xue HuaiYi and Wu ChengSi attempting to act as princes fought the struggle and clever addition to the cruel Lai JunChen a party, several life-threatening, to make every effort to help disfigured brother Li Dan and Li Xian. In the days of confrontation with his mother, Wu ZeTian, ​​Princess Ann discovered that her mother loved her very much. Her mother was an amazing woman, and she finally released her hatred against her mother. Princess Wu ZeTian want to pass the princess, Princess Ann declined. In the same way that Wu ZeTian thought about the princess of the end of the reign, the most emperor of the imperial family was Li LongJi, who was relegated to Luzhou. Wu Zetian wrote the edict, called Li LongJi immediately returned to Beijing.Ann gave the imperial edict, but this night, Shenlong coup took place. Wu ZeTian was forced to step down; Li Xian ascended the throne. After the death of Wu ZeTian, ​​Ann plans to smash the Queen's dream that Wei HuangHo collaborated with Wu SanSi. However, betraying the friendship of Shang GuanWanEr as Li Dan's queen, knowing that the princess holds the hand of Wu Zetian Li LongJi as emperor Sun's widow, in Li LongJi and Ann princess courageous coup, after killing Wei HuangHou, instigated the new emperor Li Dan give death Ann princess. Habayashi quickly control the princess house, a white damask suspended from the beam, the princess calmly toward white damask, set foot on the stool. Shi Dan led the guards to kill, want to save the princess, but outnumbered, all died under the Yu Lin army gun. Ann princess sad tears suddenly, at this time know, my life is my brother, favorite. Li LongJi heard news troops marched into the princess house, rescued aunt from white damask, shattered Shang GuanWanEr brutal plot. Princess Ann personally tried Shang GuanWanEr; however, she read Shang GuanWanEr for the sake of her sister who had joined forces to eradicate evil. Shang GuanWanEr in Qianling Wu ZeTian without word monument self-styled. According to Wu ZeTian's widow, respect for Li Dan is too on the emperor, the throne passed the throne to the imperial talent and wisdom of Chu Wang Li LongJi, completed the father's death to her the historic mission. Then, in order for Li LongJi to display his own emperor's talent alone, Princess Anh was no longer involved in the government and marched to the depths of Zhongnanshan. She practiced as a nun in an nunnery. Bells, birds, a Hong Fei waterfalls, Qianshan pine forests, and human pure soul forever.

BeginningofTheGreatRevival (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In the winter of 1911, returning from overseas, he became Provisional President on January 1 of the following year. At the same time participated in the recovery of the new army. Soon, with the strong military power and prestige in the royal family, the identity of Grand Marshal was taken from Sun ZhongShan and the government of the Northern Republic of China was established. In October the same year, the Kuomintang was established. The outbreak of the summer of 1914, 1915 Yuan ShiKai and Japan set a twenty-one secret and change the state, self-styled as the Chinese Emperor, since embarked on a road of no return. Sun ZhongShan and Cai E set up to protect the national army, to discuss the yuan. Yuan ShiKai soon died in an all-out denouncing. After that, with the failure of restoration, China entered the melee situation of warlords. While Mao ZeDong ,, and others, although living in different places, are pondering over the road to national salvation and national salvation, and the fate of the meeting is coming.

WindSong (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Wind Sect" starring role modeling Liu Bang became the emperor, the northern Huns continue to harass a strong, according to the Lingnan Zhao Zhao from the self-control to the establishment of the South Vietnam country. However, most of Liu Bang's suspicions are the eight surnames Wang, headed by Han Xin, half of the Western Han Dynasty. As a result, he took office at the beginning of sending Lu Jia to South Vietnam to appease Zhao Xun. Following the Royal Expedition, the Northern Expedition did not expect the defeat of the Northern War and was beaten by the Duke of Mount Duin for seven days and nights. Policy and the Huns concluded "brotherhood." Beginning of the border smooth, he waved inward again, Jianfeng directed at Gong Xin Han Xin. He Han Xin Xiang Xiang Yu harboring generals to leave the premise, the first soft-shelved Changan, after Lu design cut. Following Seoul, cut Ying Bu, chop Peng Vietnam. Except for Wu Rui, who lives in Changsha, he has seven of the eight surnames Wang. Later, Liu Bang sealed his six nephews as the king and completely established the Liu surname dynasty. During this visit, Liu Heng, a son of Bo Ji who had been left out by Liu Bang, was also a generational king at the age of six. Liu Heng, who is naturally good and who believes in Huang Lao's doctrine, has always been cautious, courteous, and concessionist as a standard practitioner. You NianLiuHeng, on the one hand, During the generational Wang's career, with the help of his mother and uncle Bao Zhao, they solidly promoted the policy of governing the country by frivolously superfluously, rejuvenating agriculture, developing population and rest with the people, thus accumulating abundant experience for the subsequent management of the Han . After the death of Liu Bang, Lu Ying and Liu Bang, born by Liu Bang, succeeded Han Ying-hui. The political spicy, resolute and resolute Lv pheasants, who had been spooked with hysteria in the early years, were wimpy and tyrannical, killing them with cruel means until they forced the emperor to marry his in-laws Zhang Yan Afterwards, on the other hand, Liu Bang and his people took a break with the policy of running the country and prospered the economy. Hui Di unhappy, died after seven years in power. Lv empowerment more inflated, while Liu Lu marriage by eating Liu power, while a large seal Lu clan, solid Liu Lu world. After Lu's death, the surnamed Wang and the military veteran were unbearable, and there was another bloody war of "punishing Lu," another war of kings against the emperor. At this moment, the decision-making power has been held in the hands of Zhou Bo, Chen Ping and Guan Ying, ministers of the DPRK and Central China. It is the stability of Liu's country and the interests of their military elders. They selected the politically moderate experience of governing the border kingdoms Liu Heng for the emperor. Liu Heng was in the inner trouble (dissatisfaction with the same surname Wang) and the foreign plague (the attack by the Huns and the independence of South Vietnam). In order to consolidate the whole world, he relied on the powerful military and veteran. For this reason, he would rather sacrifice his relative uncle Bao Zhao. On the other hand, he comforted the surnamed Wang with brotherhood and kindheartedness. However, with the surname Wang refused to accept the first, the desire to be the first to punish the largest and most ambitious Lu Zhang Liu Wen, emperor to rewards him as a reward for the city of Wang Yang, he said Liu Heng sinister cunning, is to ask him and his brother Liu Xiang And his six sons to disperse their powers. At last he did not hesitate to raise troops and seek rebellion. Liu Heng was unbearable and eventually the army was besieged. Liu Zhang himself was fugitive; Wang Wenhua, governor of Huainan, rebuffed again and again because of his arrogance and domineering, In disregard, grass-roots life, deliberate rebellion, and was sent to go on hunger strike in Sichuan;When the kings and sons of Liu Qi, Liu Wang, the younger brother and the prince, were killed by Liu Qi, they were not killed in 30 years. The Emperor Wen always comforted and softened his heart with no complicated contradictions and struggles Ups and downs, showing Liu Heng succession at the beginning of the difficult. At the same time, since the emperor himself took the throne, he started a series of policies of reforming the state and governing the country. Naturally, he can not but relied on military and veteran officials. However, he deeply felt that they had formed a huge interest group. They were proud of themselves and enjoyed pleasure. Doo rich, comparisons, palace, than the cemetery, car ride. They gather in Chang'an, the extravagance of the wind onwards. In order to reform the old Ding, the emperor advocate the recommended talent, young Confucian students such as Jia Yi, Chao Cuo, he boldly enabled; which is not only where the royal family as the Queen's brother Changjun, Shaojun, he did not give half Official post. This naturally enjoys popular support. However, the measures that Jia Yi advocates for the reduction of privileges by bureaucratic groups, the relocation of fiefs, the extravagant style of the monarchy violate the vested interests of the veterans, and therefore the monarchy also has to compromise Jia Yi transferred out of the capital and first served as the leader of Changsha Taifu, then as the leader of Liang Taifu. Later, due to the sudden death of Liang Wang, Jia Yi became depressed and left the world at the age of 32; in order to develop agriculture, he pioneered the development of agriculture field. Henan Naohuang disaster, he publicly praised the locust hero Lingshi County Order Chen Xian; a few years later, Lingshi County was another drought, Chen Xian will only leave the grain for the elderly and the elderly, the rate of young farmers to go Wu Zhao flee to work for dinner, because of dissatisfaction with the package and complacent Bao Bao took the opportunity to exploit the famine in Lingshi County, overhaul in his hometown, Chen Xian angrily play the newspaper Emperor, the emperor in recognition of Chen Xian's disaster relief innovation, one side to send People rebuked Bao Zhao, Bao Zhao, killing Chen Xian, Emperor Wen Zhenzhao, had to give up tears. In order to flourish commerce and promote trade, he issued a lawsuit; in order to demonstrate human rights, let the offender also Can be changed, he ordered the waste meat punishment, resulting in the composition of the Ti Ying on behalf of the father told the Imperial Court, the famous doctor Chun wishful to rehabilitate the famous drama. On the frontier, he sent two other factions to Lu Jia, who conscientiously enrolled Zhao Zhaoxian; on the Huns, he practiced the strategy of stationing garrisons, strengthening the border by solidifying the border and keeping the country strong. When the Huns were too rampant, he had held a large-scale pro-levy drive, causing the Huns to retreat for thousands of miles. In the last battle, Zhang Wu was determined and determined to act razor-sharply so that the Huns broke down and entered the city. The Emperor Wen steadfastly won the command and executed Zhou YaFu and Li Guang, finally exiting the Huns for a thousand miles. At this time, Emperor Wen due to heart failure, died young, only 46 years old. In the occasion of dying, he repeatedly asked him to make a funeral by changing the three years of Shouxiao to three days. So far, his grave is still the youngest of the Han tombs in the Western Han Dynasty. There are only pottery in his tomb, no gold, He took the initiative to open a pioneering diligence and love people.

Accidentally fall in love with you (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Love you by accident" tells the story of Qin Qing (Kiton), who has been living like a princess. Suddenly he discovers that he was not a part of Qin Lang and Qin Qing's family of high-definition stills that raised her 12 years. The rice grain (Feeling ornaments) but salted fish stood up and won the coveted glory. Qin Qing and rice grains returned to the present belongs to their own position, began to have a world of difference with the previous life. Qin Qing and brother Qin Lang (Hans Zhang ornaments) have a deep feeling since childhood, even after the division of 10 years, both sides can not forget each other. However, when Qin Lang returned to China with Qin Fen with his fiancee Ji FenFang (Qiao Qiao), the affection of the siblings gradually turned into love and became more and more intense. But Qin Lang's best friend, the wealthy son Shi Ang (Dennis Oh) could not help but fall in love with Qin Qing. Qin Qing temporarily unable to make a choice between the two, and just she finally out of the confused love out, Qin Lang's car accident gave her a heavy blow. This sudden incident awakened everyone to dreams. Qin Qing finally came to see Qin Lang in the end. At the ward, Qin Lang had no vital signs. Qin Qing sat beside his bed and burst into tears telling him the story. Qin Lang heard Qin Qing's voice and gradually regained consciousness, gently resting his hand on Qin Qing hands & nbsp ;.

Phoenix Totem (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Phoenix Totem" tells Ning CaiDie and Mou FengYan is a pair of sisters flowers in the princess house, although the two are still the main story of the stills of love, a naive, a graceful, picturesque, they have fallen in love with childhood Duan FeiHong; however, master and servant's identity has changed overnight, Feng Yan posing as a butterfly into the palace draft, Fei Hong can not forget the thoughts of the wind Yan. Another huge conspiracy was brewing together, Feihong was actually the half-brother of the emperor, he is the real son! Intersection of various forces in the light and shade, all kinds of desires spread in the deep palace, who is Somewhere dominated.

Withtheviewofmeteorshower (TV)[2010]

Feature: Amnesia's Mu RongYunHai restored the previous memory, but forgot to "see the meteor shower together" poster Chu YuXun. But he could feel less of a very important thing to himself. He is determined to find the lost past. During the process, the sea of ​​clouds met Jiang Yuan, the two wiped out the sparks. After twists and turns, the sea of ​​clouds will finally rain and his net that bit by bit vaguely pieced together, only to find Jiang Yuan love for themselves has been so deep that they can not extricate themselves. Clouds and rain Xun feelings met a new crisis. In the meantime, the newly appointed headmaster of the school started to implement a comprehensive militarized management. Irish College turmoil again, H4, rain Xun, Jiang Yuan and others staged a series of interesting scenes filled with youthful atmosphere. Eventually, these kind and pure young people gradually become mature and steady after experiencing all kinds of joys and sorrows, and they are ready to meet the new challenges in life.

TheWaiting (Movie)[2009]

Feature: "Waiting" is adapted from a novel of the same title by a travel writer who won the American National Book Award. Told a story about "Waiting," waiting for 18 years with some of his nurses, and finally married his wife.

Withtheviewofmeteorshower (TV)[2009]

Feature: Chu YuXun, a grass-roots origin, is a high school girl with good academic performance and her dream of becoming the largest HD stills is to enter the famous Aristocratic College of Aristocracy. Rain Xun's uncle Xuecun borrow money, the rain Xun into Iriston. Sea of ​​clouds, Duan MuLei, Shang GuanRuiQian and Ye Shuo are the four aristocratic children of Elliston, all the handsome sun, became the school's girls touted idol. The four teenagers, unwilling to stay with their parents for a living, were reluctant to attend Elliston and bent on dismissing their headmaster. They conspired with all kinds of joke and became the F4 combination that made headmaster headaches. Rain Xun and F4 meet inevitably, rain Xun as a result of the fight against injustice and become F4 Tricky object, in the contest and competition become mutual appreciation become friends, F4 also for the strong self-defense Yu Xun shock eventually became the school's four Great students, but also grow to know how to love, know how to be responsible boys. In a series of twists and turns and suffering, rain Xun and F4 are growing up in the campus, they grasp their own lives, choose their own future, to achieve their dreams self-reliance.

KungFuPop (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Chu Dong, a martial arts student who was a martial arts student, had a great hip-hop talent. A rash and hurting impulse made him bear a heavy burden. A seemingly beautiful but oolong encounter pushed him deeper. swirl. The thrilling experience pushed him step by step on the competitive stage, the potential is infinitely inspired, while the unknown conspiracy was at this moment the trigger. Zhong ShaoXiong sought after by all the people outstanding dance skill, excellent, but inadvertently become a pawn under the interest-controlled groups. Gold medal between the two men DJ-Tina, is a temperament master, sexy but kind-hearted. Relatives and friends backed by Chu Dong solid backing, sympathetic opponents have become his yardstick. Chu Dong and his companions eventually found their own stage, affection, love and friendship. As a result, Chu Dong and his companions finally found their own stage. In quenching a little fullness of wings, youth, vitality, courage also turned into a more brilliant iridescence after the storm. They do not intend to trigger the dance of war, they lead the fashion trend, they passionate passion, they are invincible.

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