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Yang Wang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yang Wang Works 32 ,And Romance 10 ,Feature 9 ,Urban drama 6 ,Comedy 5 ,Family drama 4 ,Costume Drama 3 ,浪漫2 ,Motivational film 2 ,Historical play 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Crime 2 ,Love 2 ,Spy war 1 ,正剧1 ,Action 1 ,警匪1 ,亲情1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Ancient 1 ,Palace 1 ,Military 1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Ethical play 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,权谋1 ,轻喜1 ,轻喜剧1 ,War 1 。

Works Index

Yang Wang Filmography(32)


庆余年 (TV)[2019]


某大学文学史专业的学生张庆熟读古典名著,但他用现代观念剖析古代文学史的论文命题不被 Ye JiaoShou 所认可。为了让 Ye JiaoShou 成为自己的研究生导师,张庆决定通过写小说的方式,进一步阐述自己想要表达的观点。 在他的小说中,身世神秘的少年—— Fan Xian ,自小跟随奶奶生活在海边小城澹州,随着一位老师的突然造访,他看似平静的生活开始直面重重的危机与考验。在神秘老师和一位蒙眼守护者的指点下, Fan Xian 熟识药性药理,修炼霸道真气并精进武艺,而后接连化解了诸多危局。因对身世之谜的好奇, Fan Xian 离开澹州,前赴京都。 在京都, Fan Xian 饱尝人间冷暖并坚守对正义、良善的坚持,书写了一段光彩的人生传奇。

青春斗 (TV)[2019]




Xiang Zhen 、 Qian BeiBei 、 Jin XiaoNi 、 Ding Lan 、 Yu Hui 五个性格迥异的女孩相识于大学,志趣相投,结为闺蜜。毕业后,她们留在北京,立志奋斗。然而,年少激进的她们时常碰壁,考研失败、被传销组织骗、失业、失恋、做生意惨败、被父母勒令回老家、几个女孩的友情也经历了无数的纠葛和考验。面对这些问题,她们有过顽强坚持亦动过放弃的念头,但最后 Yu Hui 勇敢站出对自己的错误负责, Ding Lan 收获真爱, Qian BeiBei 出国学习, Xiang Zhen 更是经历磨难还能保留纯粹和热情继续生活。人生十字路口,她们探索寻觅,最终明白要通过自我斗争改变命运。

精英律师 (TV)[2019]


Luo Bin 是全景律师事务所资深合伙人, Dai Xi 为了闺蜜的一场官《精英律师》定妆照司去律所找 Luo Bin 理论,误打误撞,机缘巧合成了 Luo Bin 的助理。在共事过程中,俩人因在为人处世上的见解差异,频发冲突。同时,出于对律师这个职业的热爱, Dai Xi 把过多的时间和精力投入到工作上,最终引起男友的不满,二人分手。在经过几个项目上的相互协作后, Dai Xi 和 Luo Bin 对对方都有了更多的了解, Dai Xi 由最初讨厌 Luo Bin ,逐渐对他产生尊敬,而 Luo Bin 也受 Dai Xi 感染,不仅在关心输赢,也变得去关爱他人。历经磨炼, Dai Xi 最终成长为一个优秀富有正义感的律师,在工作上,和 Luo Bin 也有了更多的默契,两人成了一对颇得业界认可,所向披靡的最佳搭档。

谍战深海之惊蛰 (TV)[2019]


1941年上海,混迹江湖靠贩卖情报为生的街头小混混 Chen Shan 因长相酷似军统特工肖正国,被日本梅机关特务头子 Huang MuWei 意外看中,从此卷入一场腥风血雨的地下战争。 Huang MuWei 挟持了他的妹妹 Chen Xia ,逼迫 Chen Shan 成为日本间谍。为了营救妹妹,具有特工天赋的他只能接受秘密特训,冒名顶替肖正国前往重庆潜伏到军统内部,准备窃取重要情报。潜伏生涯惊心动魄,然而作为一个中国人, Chen Shan 并不想真的背叛祖国,在共产党员 Zhang Li 和 Qian ShiYing 对他的不断影响下, Chen Shan 逐渐成长,毅然站到了抗日的阵营。之后,为粉碎日寇阴谋, Chen Shan 和 Zhang Li 冒着生命危险再次回到上海,反潜伏进入汪伪特工总部,他们一次次携手合作,生死与共,在与敌人的斗智斗勇中, Chen Shan 最终树立了信仰,成长为了一名真正的战士,并成功粉碎了侵略者的险恶阴谋 。


City of desire (TV)[2018]


"City of desire" tells the story of his wife, Qiao Na, who beats off their children in pursuit of her dreams.Jiang NianHuaTherefore, he suffered a lot. After divorce, he fought hard and finally got rich, but unfortunately suffered from depression. When he decided to give up his life, he met smart and kind young professional womenLin Li,. Not long after meeting Jiang NianHua,Lin Li,and her "" elite boyfriend" "Wang Yang,Emotional crisis. They are in the same company, and because of the increasing conflicts at work, they often start a "fight" mode. Like all young lovers, they argue with each other after a single word. Finally,Lin Li,felt unable to stay together with Wang Yang, feeling depressed and despondent, and planned to resign.Jiang NianHuaencouraged her to be a better self. Lin Li finally became the person she wanted to be because of Jiang NianHua.Jiang NianHuahas completely walked out of the gloom of anxiety and depression and rekindled his passion for life with Lin Li. The two of them are each other's fire of life, lit up, healed, lit up each other's life.

Back to Twenty (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Back to Twenty," aka "Back to Twenty," tells the story of a couple, Niu WenZheng and Meng LiJun, chasing after themselves and their love for redemption while returning to their 20s. 70-year-old Shen MengJun recently all the trouble: his son failed in business, beg her to help pay the debt; daughter married soon, waiting for her to pay the money to buy a house; get a dismantling money, who knows she was tricked; YuMei borrow money, anti ridicule. And never care at home things, when a lifetime "good man" companion Xiang DaHai, this time is still on the relatives and friends to borrow money to those who refuse. After Shen MengJun quarrel with Xiang DaHai, Angry swallowed a half-bottle of "sleeping pill," but unexpectedly turned back to 20 years of age. The young Shen MengJun is determined to live for himself. She has become a good friend with her granddaughter Xiang XinRan, participated in the music competition, because she is pretty and capable, got a lot of young guy's favorite. At this time, his wife Xiang DaHai discovered the secret of "sleeping pills", saw the dream of being pursued by others, desperate to eat the rest of the medicine. Wake up, the old man who worked leisurely has become a muscle tight "small fresh meat." Xiang DaHai, who had been young again, also joined the draft competition and became a competitor with Mengjun. Although the appearance of both are beautiful young people, but still remain in the elderly thought, so keep a joke. They do not want others to see each other's relationship, but 50 years of husband and wife bring the twist can not hide, and then lead to misunderstanding; has never been aware of the true identity of the two people Tan ZiMing began to pursue Shen MengJun, granddaughter Xiang XinRan has a great affection for the young Xiang DaHai, all of this will undoubtedly make the old couple get in a hurry and do not know how to refuse ... Even the old schoolmate Chen YuMei, who has long suspected them, has been pressing harder and harder. A marathon finally ran to the finish, but was kicked back to the starting point, but also re-run again. All things have to go through it again, but whether these two 70-year-old heart can really control the 20-year-old life. "Back to Twenty" is a youth idol fantasy drama based on the comedy movie "Back to Twenty," co-directed by Tang Films, Kao Ling Bao and Xu Hui Kang, Elvis Han, Hu Bingqing, Gua Ah-leh, Chin Han, Helen Yao, Chao Zhang, Zhang Yaqin, Yang Wang, Jiang dust, Yang Qing, Zhong-wei Jiang, etc. starred together.

Gantry station (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Longmen Inn" tells the story of the Longmen Inn in the desert of the Dragon Gate Inn. There is an old lady waiting for her husband for ten years. She is proficient in the Qi Men Dun Jia, almost omnipotent, but can not recall her beloved people. A shopkeeper who never sleeps, he was once a murderer of torture officers, and his daughter is a divorced man is a ghost, sister is the sister of psychic girl. There is also a small postman who sends messages to people, and he is determined to write down the wonders of a thousand years of silk ... Here is the entrance to paradise and the gate to hell. When greed, desire, hatred and killing are intertwined, Avoid the occurrence of many weird and even some horrible events ... Here records life and death, love and love, grace and resentment, as a field thriller, cruel nightmare, however, a serious look at these stories, Not terrible, because each one contains endless love and hope, tolerance and redemption. When the disaster is over and tears are left behind, it is the first moving legends about life and courage.

Gao xing meets you (TV)[2018]


"The Gao Xing,Meet you, also known as prince's coffee shop, tells ofThe Gao Xing,being mistaken for a boy. Her father, a barista, died 10 years ago, leaving a coffee diary written by him for many years. Gao Xing's dream is to inherit his father's career and be an excellent barista. After his father's death,The Gao Xing,lived with his sister and mother on a shoestring. To pay off his debts, the unemployedThe Gao Xing,came to work at the newly opened prince cafe near his home, the ownerJiang ShangWuShe wants to open a specialty coffee shop, so she cannot disclose the fact that she is a girl, but she turns from a happy enemy to a friend with overlord President Jiang ShangWu. She also met Jiang ShangWu's cousinQin ZheMoQin ZheMo is the mild-mannered sunshine boy President of white deer cafeHan XiaoHan Xiao came back to China and asked for a reunion.The Gao Xing,advisedQin ZheMoand relieved his troubles.The Gao Xing,and Jiang ShangWu,Han Xiaoand Qin ZheMo, two lovers who have experienced emotional entanglements and career backwardness, andThe Gao Xing,finally became a barista through its own efforts.


Prince Cafe (TV)[2017]

Feature: Gao Xing was mistaken for a boy, her father was a barista who died a decade ago, leaving a coffee diary written for years. Gao Xing's dream is to inherit the father, to be a good barista. After her father's death, Gao Xing and her sister and mother are dependent on each other and live a tight life. In order to pay off the debt, unemployed Gao Xing came home near the newly opened Prince coffee shop candidates, the boss Jiang ShangWu want to open a specialty cafe, so she can not be open is the fact that she is a girl, I did not expect even the overbearing president Jiang ShangWu from loving friends Become a friend. At the same time, she also met Jiang ShangWu's cousin Qin ZheMo, Qin Wenmo, a warm and gentle male president at White Deer Cafe, but suffering from the departure of his girlfriend, Han Xiao, and Han Xiao returning to seek compound, Gao Xing advising Qin ZheMo Trouble-shooting. Gao Xing and Jiang Shang

Deep sea sword (TV)[2017]

Feature: Submarines are the strategic weapon of the country and an important guarantee of national security. In the face of the repeated violations committed by the X attack submarine "black sharks," the Navy formulated the "T Plan" speedily and launched a nationwide special campaign to foster command officers for a new submarine being developed. Stills A group of 90 after college students through various layers of screening, into this mysterious submarine world. In unusually harsh training, they grew up into armed soldiers who shoulder the responsibility of national defense and navigated the deep-sea snorkelling by our army's new submarines. They scourged and harassed the "black shark" class submarines in State X again and again , To defend our territorial waters security. Under the strong leadership of our party, let the enemy be in a hurry. They have passed the test of life and death, built a mobile Great Wall with my life and blood, and practiced the "epee" spirit of bloody waters and defended the immortal vow of "listening to the party's command, life and death, and never sunk." & Nbsp; .

Full love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Four boys who grew up together since childhood - Lotte, Tan ShaoYu, Lei Lei, and Li Peobao are all over the age of 26, and marriage is imminent. Li Tao Bao finally put aside the family bondage, rejected the blind date object Xue Meng, chose the dumb girl Xia Dan. Lei Lei without a car without a room had to help Li Tao Po rehearsal Xue JingJing, the two fell into real love. In order to save his father's business, Mei LanNi is interested in getting close to the second generation of Rakuten. As a result, Rakuten did not think that Rakuten had already broken the relationship with Regal and Dad. It was a very poor man. However, Mei LanNi and Lotte had fallen in love with each other and were unable to extricate themselves . Rich young master Tan ShaoYu eight years ago and first love girlfriend Yi Ran love, but was severely dismantled the family. Yi Ran secretly gave birth to daughter Yi Lian, and said that she is her sister. Tan ShaoYu came back from the United States, met Yi Ran accidentally, produced no small misunderstanding, and Tan ShaoYu was found to have advanced cancer, the two eventually return to good, enjoy the final happiness & nbsp ;.

Infernal Affairs (TV)[2016]

Feature: Infernal Affairs tells the story of Wei JunXuan (Him Law), an intern inspector of the Hong Kong Police Force, determined to become the fastest-rising inspector in history. An anti-drug operation, Jun Xuan hit a 50% off the suspect, gazette revenge, so that half of the drug poisoning. Jun Hsuan found fifty percent of the deaths after the accident, it has been feeling uneasy guilt, relying on the treatment of psychiatrist Hu JiaLin (People), to a little calm. Mainland police Jiang ZiDan (Yang Wang) came to visit his friends and found that 50% of overdosed drugs were falling dead. Bullet amazed at this, that this is impossible, decided to find out the truth to prove friend's innocence. It did not take long for the bullet to find out about 50% of deaths related to a drug trafficking network run by a Hong Kong gang of gangsters that is now in collusion with a foreign drug cartel and plans to open up this huge market in China! He immediately contacted the Hong Kong police and jointly deployed operations between the two places to destroy this cross-border drug trafficking syndicate & nbsp ;. In the second quarter, Wei JunXuan (Him Law) indirectly killed Hu GuanYou (Damian Lau), the father of Hu JiaLin (People also ask), who was regretful and unwilling but was again replaced by Han Lang (Gallen Lo) Threatened, had to cooperate with it. Jun Xuan wanted to overthrow Han Lang in conjunction with an undercover bullet (Yang Wang), but unexpectedly Han Lang burst out of his bullet friend Wu YongZhe (Edmond Leung ornaments). Under the impulse of bullets, Jun Heung's black-guard status was revealed to the police. Jun Xuan was taken into custody and was not prosecuted for the evidence being destroyed by Han Lang. However, he has lost his identity as a police officer forever. Hu GuanYou died, winning the league rudderless, everyone right infighting. Jia Lin inherited all the heritage of Hu GuanYou, because of fear of his brother Luo Wei (Kevin ornaments), Jia Lin himself involved in the competition of the boss. Jun Xuan seized the opportunity to win the winning couplets, in fact, this is the chief inspector of anti-narcotics Zhang Ding (Berg Ng decoration) of the plan, the original Zhang Ding re-Jun Jun and get in touch, so Jun Hin mixed victory to do Undercover, contact with colleague Su Qing (Toby Leung ornaments) to obtain information, wear meritorious service. Junxuan squeezed within the win, especially the old lover Jia Lin Jun Jun Hin has been known to participate in the killing of her father, and Jun Xuan against enemies. Jun Xuan suffered a blow, but in the winning stubborn tenacious survival, meritorious service, and tried to explain to Jia Lin, a lot of ease between the two. In the third quarter, the former gangster's daughter Hu JiaLin was admitted to hospital by Han Lang attacker. Wei JunXuan, the former police victor who has been a member of the UEFA team, has been guarding her at home, taking care of her and apologizing to her Lynn was discharged, finally accepted Junxuan, the two married. Han Lang support Jun Xuan to become the boss, but still behind Jun Xuan. Jun Xuan was just assassinated, Han Lang stay Jun Xuan Guan Sheng United, alone to Thailand to get through all drug trafficking routes in Hong Kong, but was attacked by enemy ambushes in Thailand was arrested, unexpectedly met in the cell was caught Thailand bullets, bullets to kill Han Lang, but because of the sense of justice and can not afford to hand. When the two were held in captivity and rescued, they were rescued by a mysterious man who was Chen YueQi!Before the original bullets and Yue Qi into crisis, to be executed, Luo Wei did not kill Yue Qi, but the Qi Xue hid up, and other opportunities for bullets and Yue Qi reunion, Yue Qi learned that the bullets were robbed to Thailand , Desperate to rescue. The bullet was determined to paralyze Han Lang, proposed a reconciliation with Han Lang, and the two collaborated to rehabilitate Thai underworld forces and return to Hong Kong.

JuniorParents (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mo Fan and Jian Dan These 80 couples in Shanghai who are self-proclaimed petty bourgeoisie "hot mom tide", and the first year of their never appreciate the real "old and young have small" troubles, Instead, all the burden will be passed on to both parents. Until Jian Dan's mother Liu YunYing was diagnosed with rectal cancer, the collapse of the family trapped in the Tian Collapse still caused the two men to say goodbye to the comfortable and comfortable life. In the process of seeking medical advice, the young couple have experienced the hardship of seeing a doctor, and realized that they had to face the predicament and actively nurture them. The efforts of the young couple did not restore the lives of their loved ones, Liu YunYing's death, Mo Fan's father's heart attack, a series of more difficult problems such as home care, children's education and other issues come one after another. To take care of the whole family, Jian Dan, once a boring life of two years of a full-time wife, also once separated from her husband and longed for marriage. However, her daughter, Mauch's autism, gave trouble to the young couple in a dilemma. With her family's efforts, Mo Fan and Jian Dan, the once-victorious marriage ship, finally returned to a loving harbor.

PerfectCouple (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Jin Yu Liang Yuan" Official Stills During the Ming Dynasty, Yu QiLin alone with the letter of the mother came to the capital, met Jin Fu son Jin YuanBao. The two were noisy and did not intend to know that the mother was the only insider who had been framed by her adoptive mother. Miss Jiang XiaoXuan was rescued by Gu ChangFeng for her marriage to Jin YuanBao due to her Taiwanese marriage. In order to confirm the identity of Jin YuanBao, Yu QiLin married to the Jin family, and Jin YuanBao became a pair of happy lovers. In the end, Jin YuanBao was confirmed as the identity of Yu QiLin, and Jin FuRen's evil deeds were exposed. Jin YuanBao temporarily unacceptable, leaving the Golden Palace. Jin crisis, Yu QiLin Jin YuanBao never betray, the ultimate truth of the truth, Jin FuRen also suddenly repentance, the family started a new life.

Naked marriage (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Nude Marriage" Miao QingQing and Chi Xiang YI Cheng and Huang YiLin The young couple started their married life surrounded by flowers, wine, cars and houses. When Huang YiLin exhausted all her time and energy to try to keep this Beautiful scenery, it was discovered that the beautiful scenery of the hero has been lopsided with her. After graduation, Chi Xiang and Miao QingQing from other provinces will stay in Beijing to create a bright future. After the marriage, the two people have confused and depressed the real life tests of their careers, housing and childcare. With their persistent love for each other, The city has found its own place, work together to create their happy life. Four young men and women, who have just stepped into the threshold of marriage, have witnessed the changes of the concept of the times with their own different marriage experiences. However, they also understand that the true connotation of happiness is consistent. After the ultimate nude marriage of youth rely on Chi Xiang shoulder, abnormal happiness.

Tian sister hot girl (TV)[2014]

Feature: Due to the premature death of their parents, the three sisters, Tian JiaMin, Tian JiaHui and Tian JiaYun, who have been known as Bohai Sanzhhua, have become deeply dependent on their lives. The second best Jiahui is one shoulder raised the family burden, not only arranged for the elder sister's marriage event, but also for the Sanmei career in a firm hegemony to give up their favorite stage of the game. Time flies, Tian's three sisters's daughters also grow up to marry the age of marriage. Jia Hui daughter Tian Meng bright and lively personality, the face of many suitors, she chose the ambitious, but penniless poor child Gan Zhe. Although this decision was opposed by everyone, Tian Meng has made up his mind to work with Gan Zhe to work hard to create a beautiful era for them. Finally, with the help of Hao JianGong, a former friend of Tian JiaHui who had not heard more than 20 years of information and now an overseas Chinese, their dreams were realized. Both of them got the blessings of their relatives and friends and marched into the hall of marriage. The emergence of Hao JianGong, deep Tian JiaHui heart more than two decades of heart knot to be solved, and eventually conclude the dream with Hao JianGong.

TheYoungDoctor (TV)[2014]

Feature: Publicity Poster Cheng Jun grew up to see the hard work his parents had in the medical professions. But Cheng Jun, who loves medicine, decided to become an emergency doctor. Doctors work under pressure, but Cheng Jun of Lotte can still find happiness. When she was suddenly diagnosed with a late-stage liver cancer from a small grandmother, Cheng Jun was already suffering. As a doctor, she could not save her grandmother's life. Cheng Jun likes to work with Ouyang Yuuu, a doctor in his department. Shen QingChuan, a big brother returning from studying in the United States, joins the heart surgery department of Xihua Hospital and has launched a strong offensive against Ouyang. Shen QingChuan to join, Ouyang, Cheng Jun are caught in the whirlpool of feelings. The three newly assigned interns in the emergency department also brought a lot of trouble to the emergency room and added a lot of stories to the group. Cheng Jun and the emergency department, the small group, overcome difficulties and constantly dig themselves and practice medical ethics in the course of treating patients. They persist in exploration and protection on the road of occupation and find the meaning of emergency room guarding their lives.

Diablo first season (TV)[2014]

Feature: "The Dark Season One" tells the story of a serial homicide of the exposure caused a huge sensation, one by one signed "Diablo" notice quietly in the face of the open challenge of the mysterious murderer, the police immediately set up a task force to contend with , It is surprising that all the members of this team are "People in the Dragon and Phoenix" - Luo Fei (Jingfei Guo) with high IQ, Mu JianYun (Kam Lu decorated), poker face Han Hao (Mincheng Li), "Yin Jian (Jingchao)", "Liang Yin (Li Qian (actress)"), Ceng RiHua (Stay Dan) Xiong Yuan (Wong Jing). Task force team called a group of exotic flowers. After a pile of bizarre crimes ensued, the task force in the constant run-in all the increasingly powerful, make every effort to fight with the mysterious drowsiness, as the case progresses, a surprising secret is about to be opened.

Old by the (TV)[2013]

Feature: "The old place" tells of Jiang MuLan and Lv Xi are husband and wife, working in Beijing, there are old and young. Because both are the first generation of one-child children, the burden of supporting the elderly is rather heavy. Magnolia's father, Jiang KaiGuo suffering from cataract, but also take care of grandfather Jiang DuoFu. Magnolia clashed with Lv Xi because of her old-age support. Jiang MuLan's superior Lei SongHua also worried about his parents' affairs, and always looks for the work of Magnolia at work. Lv Xi's father was accidentally killed, Lv Xi can only take care of Lu Mu. By chance, Jiang MuLan saw the mayor explained his own problems. The mayor said that the government has long included the issue of pensions in the agenda and will certainly give the people a complete answer. Jiang KaiGuo, who lives in a private home for the aged, helps take care of his son, Lange, all year round, and makes good friends with Lei SongHua parents. The piece of land for the nursing home originally belonged to the land for municipal planning and was about to be demolished. Jiang MuLan hit the mayor's hotline and the government came forward to save the nursing home. Jiang MuLan eventually settled with Lei SongHua. Jiang KaiGuo and Jiang DuoFu in order not to drag Mulan, want to go home. Finally, Jiang MuLan will answer the elders, the whole family reunited.

IfIWereYou (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The film tells of a mentally handicapped DJ Man (played by Jimmy Lin) and Yao Di (actress), an idol lover who used to be a hoax, in an accidental encounter, bizarrely turned into a science Frankenstein's experimental product. A sudden shift led to a fantastic transformation between two men - the gender swap. Two completely unrelated strangers were forced to tie together, and in search of ways to save their bodies, the non-lover had to resort to a "disgraceful life" as a last resort Started a bizarre and comedy romance journey. A century-old solar storm is about to explode, and the beautiful encounter of passion in this universe will release tremendous energy. Bo Shi, who hopes to subvert the emotional world of men and women through science, walks into the crowd with his experimental artifacts. Originally, strange men and women of each side meet each other, and at this moment, they become the turning point of their life ... At a moment when they stutter, they long for music programs Dan Min, DJ's radio editor, met clever and foolish guy Xiao Ai and did not expect to catch Bo Shi's umbrella in the chaos, the lightning current generated by the two instantly passed the body's role in thunder and lightning Next, the two exchanged with each other, into each other's look. The only way to get back is to really fall in love with one another. Bo Shi left the two for a love index instrument, when true love is coming, love index instrument will be rapidly rotating. It is as if the unknown men and women in the world who have fallen in love with each other in the shortest period of time seem to be ridiculous in the world. Xiao Ai Xiao Dan and women Dan love in accordance with their love staged a variety of love bridge.

Palace lock bead curtain (TV)[2012]

Feature: Yong Zheng years, alternate four products Code Ling Zhu Lian Lian Lian Fu father made acquaintance with the Seventeen Prince Yun Li HD stills - palace lock bead curtain, the two are two lovers, I want to be married, I did not expect Yun Li to save A LingA, a teacher, was forced to marry Jia Ling, a daughter of A LingA. Lian Er, a heartbroken man, was walking in the palace for a long time and was eager to get out of the ordinary palace. She did not want to be exploited by various forces in the palace. Li Wei wants to form an alliance with her. Tai Jian Su PeiSheng To give her a gift, Yu Shu, a sister-in-law, betrays her. There are all kinds of secrets hidden in the harmonious palace. When Lian Er is breathing out, she accidentally Yong Zheng Fancy, has become a favorite of all kinds of Xi Fei, but at this moment, she suddenly found that all things are complicated at once, stopped to be persecuted, go down may not even myself Know yourself, at the fork in the road, she chose to believe the sun, I believe the storm will always be past, so in her perseverance, finally for their own break a piece of heaven.

Best male and female diary (TV)[2011]

Feature: Ding Jian, a high-level white-collar worker, has a life of ironing, a beautiful wife and enough income. A peaceful life was broken by three urban girls who met at friend KTV - Chu Yang, Li Chu and Ye XiaoRan. Ding Jian had to work hard for the family, ignoring the feelings of his wife Gao Wei, which led to a seven-year feeling of rift. Liu Yang, a new employee of Ding Jian, made a good impression on Chu Yang during the interview. While Chu Yang met Zhang Yan, who was on a business trip to Beijing, by chance. With regret, Liu Yang put all his energy on his work and was appreciated and affirmed by Ding Jian. Zhang Yan met new customer Han DongMing. He regarded the cooperation as the beginning of the first pot of gold, but he strayed into the trap of calculating each other. Ding Jian, Liu Yang, Zhang Yan, finally experienced after experiencing all kinds of difficulties in life: Blessed happiness, faith in one's life is the most beautiful eternal nbsp ;.

WuDaoXi (Movie)[2010]

Feature: The film is from the Northeast Normal University School of music original dance "Chinese mother" adapted. Tells the story of a group of dance students born in 1980s and even after 90s, who experienced a series of puzzled, contradictory, lusty and painstaking pursuits and thoughts while creating the works of Chinese mothers adopting orphans in Japan in the late Anti-Japanese War. The broad feelings of the Chinese mom understood the significance of peace to itself, to the country and to the world and understood the true meaning of dance art. It is reported that the film "Dance Department" is the first adaptation of the original students by the students dance film, is also a full participation by students in the creation, performance, shooting, production of youth inspirational films. The film producer Duan Qing said that for the first time to see the dance "Chinese mom" was held early on this year at the China Education Television Station for the 2009 Spring Festival Gala when he and the scene staff and audience were deeply shocked And almost all of them watched this dance with tears, and decided to make a movie on the basis of this dance. All the actors in "China Moms" will interpret their own real stories in the movie and show the unknown concerts of contemporary dance students in their study and life.

Q IU S good y UN (Movie)[2010]

Feature: A year's celebration of the National Day military parade, Qiu ShaoYun where the forces of supernatural power, high gas after the audience. An elderly white-haired elder on the reception desk was deeply moved by tears. She remembered her comrade-in-arms and remembered Qiu ShaoYun, who, for the overall good, used a disciplinary approach to life's superhuman will to endure the bitter fire burning till her sacrifice. One day in the early autumn of 1949, heavy rain splashed across the Anxi River. Qiu ShaoYun hurried along the Anxi River, ready to defeat the People's Liberation Army. Local security captain Li Shan with the township in the forced pull young men. Li Shan discovered Qiu ShaoYun and chased him with the country folk. Qiu ShaoYun fought a fierce battle with catch up security captain Li Shan and others. Qiu ShaoYun was hit dizzy, forced a young man. In the same year in December, artillery fire, smoke, Chengdu battle started. Qiu ShaoYun led all the strong men out of the Zhuangding camp and was liberated by the People's Liberation Army to join the army. In the Sichuan bandits, Qiu ShaoYun took revenge on disregard of discipline and privately took the gun to go home to avenge his father, Li Wenshan, as his father. Catching up comrades in a timely manner to stop Qiu ShaoYun. Qiu ShaoYun was detained by company commander. Under the leadership of the row cadres, Qiu ShaoYun gradually grew into a revolutionary warrior who took the overall situation into account and disciplined. In the chase bandit leader Liu Yi fighting. Qiu ShaoYun is not afraid of sacrifice, fighting courageously, captured the bandit leader Liu Yi with his comrades-in-arms, and killed the bandit chief of staff Li Shan, who was belligerent. According to Qiu ShaoYun, the CYL party committee remembered him and commended him. The smoke of the bandits has not yet been exhausted, and the war on the war against the United States and the aid Korea is burning again. March 1951, Qiu ShaoYun and his comrades across the Yalu River, went to the Korean battlefield. The hostile plane was indiscriminate and the house was raged. As a result, Qiu ShaoYun and his comrades, irrespective of life and death, broke into the sea of ​​fire and rescued North Korean children and women. Qiu ShaoYun bravely fought the enemy in the battle against Luo Jiashan, the leader of the first battle. The Battle of Shang Gan Ling started. Qiu ShaoYun handed over his application for joining the party, wrote a blood war petition and asked to join in the fight against the "March 9 Heights." Get the commander of the division's praise. Qiu ShaoYun and his comrades put on camouflage nets, secretly into the hidden area, waiting for the attack on "391 Highland" order. The enemy planes fired a bomb around "391 Highlands" and Mars lit the legs of Qiu ShaoYun and spread to the whole body. His hands into the earth, lips bite out of the blood, motionless. His comrades instructed him to fire to the side of the ditch. Qiu ShaoYun take a look at his comrades, in order to ensure the potential success, he did not do so. Attacking the "391 Highlands" artillery roar, Qiu ShaoYun's comrade in arms shouted the slogan of revenge for Qiu ShaoYun, desperate fight against the enemy, and destroy the enemy. Qiu ShaoYun With the superb will to discipline more than life, to endure the pain of the burning of the fire until the heroic sacrifice. Ensured the capture of "391 Highlands" victory. Commenting on the teacher to Qiu ShaoYun, Qiu ShaoYun commented: "Do not give Qiu ShaoYun a commendable hero!" Captain Qin Jiwei said excitedly: "Qiu ShaoYun should be a special master. He is a hero of indomitable spirit." Before the statue, the head of the army unit The new and old soldiers are sworn, the spirit of Qiu ShaoYun passed from generation to generation.

Study room (TV)[2008]

Feature: At the beginning of the Storytelling at the Study Room, Yong Zheng, due to his weak constitution, organized a policy to examine the princes. Four princes Hongli frankly frankly, all of what he learned in the study of the learned out, this frankly manner angered the emperor. Under the guidance of her master, Sago managed to deliberately disguise himself as a dutiful son by touching the line of affection and touched Yong Zheng, which shaken Yong Zheng's intention of reserving Li Hong. Coupled with Hongli erratum, Yong Zheng almost into danger, eventually, in the palace formed a fierce battle for storage. Three princes and five princes, Master Tian in this battle, the Hongli use a variety of means, so that Hong Li was forced to leave the study twice. However, Hongli was unmoved. He insisted on his principle of being honest, firm and kind, and finally overcame the trust crisis, the crisis of love and the test of life and death and finally regained the trust of the emperor and the admiration of all.

QingChunChuJi (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Ying Jia, Lu Chuan, Fang Yi, Wang Yang and other university graduates, at the same time into a media group under the citizen newspaper, coincides with the reform and expansion of the newspaper, shortage of staff, these young intern reporter slightly training and learning, hastily embarked on Editing the front line, becoming a front-line reporter. The story of the intern reporter Ying Jia, Lu Chuan, Fang Yi, Wang Yang and others career development, emotional disputes as the main line, and strive to focus on modern city young love concept and values.

Love is gone (TV)[2007]

Feature: Beautiful and gentle Dong XiaoHan (Yin Tao ornaments) has all the family and happiness envy, her husband Fang Kai (Feng Yuanzheng ornaments) is the general manager of Xing'an Group, girlfriends say nothing Qiao Yu (Yashu Ma Decorated) is the daughter of the chairman of Xingan Group, public-private relationship so that Fang Kai has worked diligently prepared, promising. However, an accident in the university era so Fang Kai loss of sexual ability, which has become Xiao Han's only happy life a touch of dark color. While Fang Kai was studying overseas, she went into the mountains with Qiao Yu and Qiao Yu's little Chen Feng (Deng Chao), and Qiao Yu did not mention that Dong XiaoHan was married and was unconsciously looking forward to what happened to both of them. It turned out that Joe has a shaking secret, Joe mother elope with people eighteen years ago, the case has not broken. In fact, Qiao Yu sent to teach her mother and her lover hooliganism missed. Fang Kai rely on this secret, long-term blackmail Qiao DaoHeng (Xu Nai Fu ornaments). Qiao DaoHeng gave everything Fang Fang wanted to protect her daughter.

CoffeePrince1stShop (TV)[2007]

Feature: Posters at Cafe Prince 1 Cui HanJie (Gong Yoo) is the new manager of a coffee shop. In order to revive the performance of coffee shops, Han Jie implemented an innovative solution that all the waiters in coffee shops are young and beautiful man. Gao EnCan (Yoon Eun-hye) was mistaken for a boy by Cui HanJie, and En Chan worked for a living in a coffee shop to make a living. Cui Hanjie's cousin Cui HanCheng (Lee Sun-kyun ornaments) is a film music director, his girlfriend Han YouZhu (Chae Jung-an ornaments) to go abroad to him, to comfort Han Cheng's cousin Han Jie Staff smile at coffee shop. Han Jie has been crush on his cousin's girlfriend Yu-ju, always did not say it, but, Han Jie and Encan get along to find their love between each other. Cui HanJie met with strange strange, noisy, a series of disputes. They gradually know each other, grace can in front of a difficult life without losing the smile and courage, which makes han jie gradually like "he". Forbidden Cui HanCheng once let Han intoxicated heart, because she was passionate about the art of painting, as well as the empathy for TK, leaving Han fell in love for eight years alone in New York. Lonely Hancheng had to talk about distress in the heart of the music, met the cheerful positive grace. In a foreign country, he actually understood more about how deep love is, and Yu-Chu returned to Han Cheng's side. At this time, Hancheng was no longer the same year.

If there is tomorrow (TV)[2007]

Feature: Chen BuSen Young ups and downs experience If there are tomorrow still photos Second, parents divorced into society, gradually astray into a murder, he and his accomplices Da MaDeng et al. After the robbery and killing Li Ji set foot on the road to escape. Six months later, the absconded Chen BuSen secretly lurched back to Zhangcheng and lived with her girlfriend Liu ChunHong for fear of losing day by day. However, she unexpectedly met Tao Tao, the son of Li Ji, who at the time was playing games with him The child did not recognize him. He learned from Tao Tao's teacher that Li Ji's wife, Leng Wei, who was admitted to a mental hospital due to her husband's tragic death, gave him the illusion of approaching Leng Wei. On the one hand, he had compassion for this Let him heart of the woman, on the other hand if Leng Wei did not recognize him, it means his ultimate safety. As a result, Chen BuSen looked for an excuse to visit Leng Wei. Leng Wei did not recognize him and mistakenly regarded him as the father of Tao Tao. As a result, Chen BuSen started to suffer tremendous mental torment and suffering. His conscience was condemned, day and night torment, a single shadow hanging, an unattainable gradually closer to Leng Wei, hoping to help Leng Wei rehabilitation with their own help; Leng Wei because of serious irritation has completely lost his memory, she has no way Chen BuSen identify the true identity, in constant contact, she slowly peeled away the emotion of dust inside, in front of Chen BuSen, Chen BuSen was moved to forget that he was a murderer, and even two hazy Love. If there are still still photos tomorrow, and Chen BuSen's weird behavior drew the attention of Leng doctor Su Lei, the real identity of Su Lei was the police undercover ambush at the edge of Leng Wei. When he found Chen BuSen killed Li Ji Instead of immediately arresting Chen BuSen after one of the suspects, Chen BuSen used the method of exile. On the one hand, he wanted to restore Leng Wei's memory through the efforts of Chen BuSen, and on the other hand, wanted Da MaDeng and others to make every effort. At this moment, Da MaDeng et al. Have also discovered that Chen BuSen contacted Leng Wei. To stop Chen BuSen from exposing them and starting to chase Chen BuSen, Chen BuSen had to tell Liu ChunHong the truth. This made Chen BuSen Liu ChunHong into deep contradictions, after hesitation, Liu ChunHong convinced Chen BuSen to leave the city. Chen BuSen said goodbye to Leng Wei before leaving, but was persuaded by Su Lei to give Leng Wei the treatment of recovery memory of "scene reappearance" by letting Chen BuSen describe the crime scene to stimulate Leng Wei. Chen BuSen, Su Lei's request. Yang Wang plays Chen BuSen Chen BuSen described guilt over the unintentional killings and a true description of that day as he described the killings, but this did not restore Leng Wei's memory, Making Leng Wei more assertive that Chen BuSen was his husband and that Leng Wei committed suicide at the Chen BuSen and Liu ChunHong weddings to fight Chen BuSen and Su Lei who was sent back to the hospital staring secretly at Da MaDeng of Chen BuSen Appears again, kidnapped Chen BuSen, locked him in an abandoned mine and lured Leng Wei with Chen BuSen. Leng Wei's memory resumed before the abandoned mine exploded, and Chen BuSen was rescued by Liu ChunHong.Su Lei traps Chen BuSen through Leng Wei and Leng Wei also regains memory, everything seems to be coming to an end. However, when Leng Wei, who just recovered his memory, was facing Li Ji's portrait, he was ashamed and plunged into deep regret and self-blame. She decided to hate Chen BuSen and asked Chen BuSen in court to punish Chen BuSen. Leng Wei still can not be relieved, the public opinion strongly reacts, Chen BuSen sister and Liu ChunHong turns begging, the son is obsessed with Chen BuSen, Chen BuSen kind of hate and love complex emotions ...... Her contradiction and pain growing . When she learned that Li Ji's death was due to Da MaDeng's revenge plan, she could no longer afford the mental stress and finally, at work, she lost her hand and hurt the students. She was shocked, self-blame, parents of students refused to spare, let her completely collapse, fainting admitted to hospital. Unexpectedly, the doctor told: she has suffered from severe renal failure. As the sun shines through the grille, Chen BuSen regret in jail, writing a confession of a thousand words, decided to donate his own kidney device saved Leng Wei, but was deep in the inner entanglement and pain Leng Wei Chen BuSen, who rejects and is hungry for new life every day, has a hard time repentance and atonement, and if tomorrow is the same, he is willing to make a warm sunrise with his own life. When Leng Wei finally realized that forgiveness and reconciliation were the highest vengeance, Chen BuSen had nothing to know. Ultimately, we want to tell you that everyone is kind and evil in their hearts. Sin brings disasters and goodness to human beings. Only when everyone goes to goodness and reaches out to feel and redeem those lost People, society can achieve true harmony, people can get the real happiness.

Guessing hand (TV)[2006]

Feature: Datang prosperity, the capital Chang'an has a large pharmacy famous - Jishi Church. Jidoushe less home, is a handsome, extremely intelligent, nature rebellious boy. His name is Shen Kuang. Shen family generations practice medicine, the father of Shen Kuang Shen Xian was a royal doctor, is well known in Chang'an City, "medicine to sick." Mr. Shen Lao originally hoped that his only son would inherit his family business and promote his family learning. Who knows Shen Kuang instinctively rebellious, do not love to read medical books and pharmacopoeias in accordance with the rules and regulations, only "Wang Mei" why can "quench thirst", "Cup Bow snake shadow" in the end what is the interest and determined to be a cure " Guess the heart of the hand "...... Shen Xian bitter son advised to turn around, arranged for him and the generals daughter of Miss Zi Yun's sweet marriage. However, the young people make themselves known to each other: Zi Yun's girl should transform the indulgent, bohemian flower into a modest man. Shen Kuang Should transform the simple, stubborn, and deceitful country girl into a delightful and considerate person The United States Jiao Niang ... ... Results, he did not form a kiss, but ended up "friends."

Spy war special contest (TV)[2005]

Feature: Stills Zhao ZhiQiang (Deng Chao), a veteran pilot at Changping Airport, has astutely avoided a major accident. After the plane landed, it was discovered that the chemical composition of the tank had been added to the tank, and if it was not found in time, it would certainly take the toll. The key issue is that this plane is a central leader. Provincial Department of Safety and Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately investigate. Since the leader just visited the upcoming research project of the Changping Group 113 Institute, the K2 missile guidance system is ready to leave and report to the Central Government and conduct exercises on an optional day. The accident probably involves national security issues. Security Department sent reconnaissance chief Qiu Feng (Hai-Bo Huang ornaments) led the anti-spy team to participate in the investigation.

Contest (TV)[2004]

Feature: Stills Zhao ZhiQiang (Deng Chao), a veteran pilot at Changping Airport, has astutely avoided a major accident. After the plane landed, it was discovered that the chemical composition of the tank had been added to the tank, and if it was not found in time, it would certainly take the toll. The key issue is that this plane is a central leader. Provincial Department of Safety and Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately investigate. Since the leader just visited the upcoming research project of the Changping Group 113 Institute, the K2 missile guidance system is ready to leave and report to the Central Government and conduct exercises on an optional day. The accident probably involves national security issues. Security Department sent reconnaissance chief Qiu Feng (Hai-Bo Huang ornaments) led the anti-spy team to participate in the investigation.

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