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Minghan He TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Minghan He Works 44 ,And Romance 15 ,Feature 12 ,Urban drama 6 ,Costume Drama 5 ,War 5 ,Action 4 ,Suspense 3 ,抗战3 ,Family drama 3 ,Comedy 2 ,Fashion 2 ,Idol drama 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Year 1 ,反特1 ,Motivational film 1 ,公路1 ,Myth play 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Magic 1 ,漫改轻科幻爱情喜剧1 ,Modern 1 ,Revolution 1 ,Love 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,话题1 ,轻喜剧1 ,Modern legend 1 ,当代涉案1 ,惊险1 ,legend 1 ,Biopic 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Documentary 1 。

Works Index

Minghan He Filmography(44)


清平乐 (TV)[2020]


北宋皇帝赵祯得知将自己养大的当朝太后 Liu E 并非亲生母亲,而自己的生母乃是太后当年的婢女李兰惠,深感愧疚。为了报答李家,赵祯将自己最心爱的女儿徽柔嫁给了李家的子孙 Li Wei 。朝堂之上,庆历新政大臣和老派权臣之间针锋相对,斗争风起云涌,赵祯治国如执秤,权衡各方势力,为国事殚精竭虑。徽柔与陪伴自己长大的内侍怀吉建立了深厚的感情,对志趣不和又木讷平庸的 Li Wei 万般排斥,终于与婆家起了冲突,不顾一切地夜扣宫门,打破帝国最严苛的规矩,引发滔天非议, Si MaGuang 甚至要在大殿之上“碎首进谏”。赵祯一生悉心呵护的“言路通畅”、“监督国君”的风气,使得他在爱女之情和维护治国理念之间挣扎得遍体鳞伤。最终,公主以半疯狂的抗争,始终未屈服于“成为 Li Wei 真正妻子”的命运,却与怀吉永生不得相见 。


一场遇见爱情的旅行 (TV)[2019]


《一场遇见爱情的旅行》讲述了当代都市上海,普通白领 Li XinYue 以千万重金拍下大画家 Chu HongFei 的画作《宝贝》,这个奇怪的行为引起了警方的注意,被卧底警察 Jin XiaoTian 像影子一样追踪。俩人阴错阳差地一起上了 Chu HongFei 之子 Chu ZhiHan 的创业项目直播旅行房车,开往心月想念又害怕的故乡香格里拉。在风景如画的旅途中, Li XinYue 与一直保护她的 Jin XiaoTian 互生好感,但 Jin XiaoTian 碍于卧底的身份一直不能表白。为保护画作《宝贝》的真迹,心月被贩毒集团绑架, Jin XiaoTian 只身营救,在生死的考验下, Jin XiaoTian 终于向心月表明心迹,两人立誓同生共死。当贩毒集团与 Chu HongFei 联合导演的所有丑恶在香格里拉的阳光下曝光后,心月为画家父亲讨回了公道。而小天也圆满完成了任务,成长为一名优秀的人民警察。

破局1950 (TV)[2019]


一九五零年,抗美援朝时期,国民党反动派制定了破坏我铁路运输及军用物资的“春雷计划”行动。为粉碎敌特阴谋,以韩立冬和刘玉娥为代表的安东铁路公安人员在我党领导下密切合作,慢慢接近特务组织。特务头目周春山频频用计,韩立冬见招拆招,终将特务组织一个个连根拔起,却招致周春山的暗中追杀。在公安处长郑新民的精心策划下,韩立冬成功打入敌特内部,凭借过人的侦查手段,找到日本关东军当年藏在安东的秘密军火库地图和一份极其重要的潜伏特务名单,及时铲除一直深潜在公安内部的特务“老刘”。经过一系列紧张而激烈的战斗,周春山及其特务组织最终被一网打尽,而被美军炸毁的鸭绿江大桥也在群众帮助下及时抢修完毕,从而保证前线物资供应 。


Attain the highest level in one step (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Step by Step" tells the clues of the tremendous treasure missing after the "Fukien Palace Fire" in the Forbidden City in the early years of the Republic of China when Na Lan threw himself into the royal prince. Everyone knows that the matter has long been a major warlord heartwash, local faction Qiu Song rock, progressive groups, "Patriotic Association" or even feudal feud, have long been eyeing this rumor. All walks of life secretly stamped, are ready to snatch the treasure. Na Lan finally won the treasure map, by virtue of this figure in the water of all walks of life but eventually lead to fire, almost lost their life and love. In order to help themselves, Na Lan with Baodi, abbot princes elder brother, oil hammer and so on to the southern treasure hunt, Na Lan boyhood dependency partner and over the years never forget the lover drunk also chase along the way. A journey full of love and conspiracy, desire and betrayal began. Na Lan, who after untold hardships and numerous calamities, by virtue of wisdom and force cleverly defuse the crisis eventually find a treasure that affects all parties, Na Lan refused the temptation to finally complete protection of the treasure down & nbsp ;.

Set up Bureau (TV)[2018]

Feature: During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Shanghai Anti-Japanese Armed Faction was severely damaged by the mutiny of Hu Shizhong, one of the leaders. The huge amount of money raised by overseas compatriots in overseas countries was also sacrificed because of the in-charge leader Liu Ren and several insiders, resulting in the missing of whereabouts. At a crucial moment, CCP member Zhao Xinyi at all costs, with the adherence in Shanghai, the Communist Party of China anti-Japanese armed members, in the face of cruel and cunning treacherous Hu Shizhong, ambitious ax leader He Yuxuan and has always been secretly in love with this valuable jewelry Japanese spy agency, began a thrilling treasure hunt tour. While trying to clear off the traitor Hu Shizhong, they found the places where the lost jewels were hiding and eventually sent jewelry codenamed "red gold" to the anti-Japanese base areas to purchase arms for the anti-Japanese armed forces and to extend the troop's contribution to patriotic compatriots Heart effort.

Limit 24 hours (TV)[2018]


On TV series limited to 24 hours Li Xin And tech eyeglasses. An Ding "A pair of friends who have fallen in love and killed each other. The hangover-induced hyperpowers of tactile people made the objects in An Ding's home into real people, but these "objectified people" with their own unique skills only appeared for 24 hours at a time. Li Xin and An Ding were thus caught up in a series of bizarre but insidious incidents

Come on! Little Mo (TV)[2018]


"Come on! Xiao Mo talks about the youth who work in rural areas to work in the city Qiu XiaoMo and the youth who returned to the United States to study abroad Talent Ni Kun happened to know each other, the two fell in love and took a flash marriage between the two families. Ni Kun accidentally lost his life. Qiu XiaoMo found that she was pregnant. She did not know if she should leave the child. After Qiu XiaoMo contacted Ni Kun's family, he discovered that Ni Kun's family was very rich, and Ni Kun was the heir to the family business. Ni Kun’s premature death brought endless pain to his family. Ni Kun's mother Xin Lan does not believe his son will have a relationship with Qiu XiaoMo, but Ni Kun's father He and Grandpa are very hopeful that Ni Kun will have a future generation and will take Qiu XiaoMo into the house. The sudden arrival of the girl and the surrendered child completely disrupted the life of the Ni family, and Qiu XiaoMo's own life trajectory was completely changed. There are many contradictions in the luxury home. Qiu XiaoMo resolves the gap and crisis with simplicity, kindness, and wisdom. Qiu XiaoMo successfully produced a descendant of the Ni family. The family gradually emerged from the haze and ran toward happiness.


Age of legends (TV)[2017]


TV series "Age of legends" : tells the story of blood, youth and justiceLiu ZiGuangFor the representative of the young people in the hearts of the king, this point from the dayLiu ZiGuangcame back from eight years left jiangbei. Eight years ago, he was just an ordinary young man who had no choice but to leave. Eight years later, he came back with a lot of vicissitudes and gunsmoke, just want to be an ordinary filial son, but again and again was involved in the flood of society. He became a hero in the hearts of his friends and an idol in the hearts of his youth.Liu ZiGuangmade some achievements through his outstanding skills and talents, and helped his friends to realize their childhood dreams. During this time he met the policewomanHu RongAlthough they are in love with each other, in reality they are in love with each otherNie madeIn the fierce struggle between the leading criminal groups,Liu ZiGuangnot only fought alongsideHu Rongto help the police break up the whole criminal group, but also gained a precious love with Hu Rong.

President wrong pet substitute sweetheart (TV)[2017]

Feature: Originally supposed to be the most dear twin sister, she embarked on a different path after her parents divorced. Sister became cruel and cold-blooded, unscrupulous in order to achieve the goal, and sister mellow, has been taking care of the sick mother, in the temptation of money and power, a seemingly joke of marriage, the fate of several people closely together . The thought is to do a simple sister sister sister, but did not think of the final achievements of a beautiful love.

Lover comrade (TV)[2017]

Feature: On the eve of the Great Revolution, Shen MengSu (Li Xiaomeng), a small town in a remote town in Guangdong Province who posed for the poster stage of "lover's gratuitous youths," and Chen Gui, a self-proclaimed female originating from a fisherman, came to the rich people who advocated new ideas in the town The impact of her son, Ou YangChunXiao, came to Guangzhou to escape her unlucky love and marriage. Chen Gui entered the factory and worked as a reeling worker. Shen MengSu, with the help of Ou YangChunXiao, entered the Kun Ya Girls' High School to study. At the new school, she learned eagerly the new culture and received the baptism and influence of new ideas. She met young teachers, Communist Party member Mai Qiu Shi (Wang Lei). From then on, three young women of different origins and different personalities, together with Mai Qiu Shi and others, experienced violent revolutionary struggles in the revolutionary struggles such as the general strike in the province of Hong Kong, the revolt in Guangzhou, and the white terror. While sticking to the traffic line linking Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Jiangsu Soviet Area, these young people have experienced the test of blood and fire. In the face of danger, betrayal and misunderstanding, Shen Mengsu and Mai Qiu Shi together firmly believed and set foot on the flames of war New journey.

My mom mom and dad (TV)[2017]

Feature: In 1977, a pair of educated youth gave birth to a single boy unmarried during the jump. When the child was born, the biological mother sacrificed to save his good friend Bai Ge. Bai Ge vowed to take care of the boy for life and fulfill her mother's duties for the mother. In order to raise children, Bai Ge endured all kinds of hardships: educated youths insulted, misunderstood boyfriends and lost opportunities to return to the city. Finally, Li Jiushi, the child's father, rescued Bai Ge to the city and took away his son, but Bai Ge was reluctant to return the child. Li Jianghu and Bai Ge each married, two couples and four families, in order to fight for the child, suffered all kinds of joys and sorrows. Li Jianwu learned that Bai Ge was unable to have children and decided to give his children to Bai Ge. In an accident, Li Ji-hui in order to save his son, lost his daughter, his wife Wang AiPing hurt too much fall caused paralysis, two families in order to give Wang AiPing suffered ailment, and make every effort to send their children to college. In the end, the boy found her half-sister and cured Wang AiPing's mother's illness, returning the happy life of the two parents to success. Finally, she married and gave birth to her son and realized the expectation of both mother and father.

铁血荣耀 (TV)[2017]


电视剧《铁血荣耀》剧情介绍:讲述了1940年,日本人意图剿灭江南和江北的新四军。日军策反并安插了 Yuan XiangChen 的副官 Dai MingYang ,设下毒计,将 Yuan XiangChen 部引入日军埋伏圈将队伍全部歼灭,只有 Yuan XiangChen 一个人侥幸死里逃生,为地方民团女首领 Gao YiRan 所收留。 Yuan XiangChen 在民团内部组建了小分队,和新四军游击队密切合作,开始针对敌人的猎鹰计划,展开一系列针锋相对惊心动魄的坚决斗争,除灭为虎作伥的汉奸,护送新四军重要领导人到根据地,破获日军密码,护送国宝转移,炸毁日军导航站,消灭日军细菌战武器,为抗日竭尽全力,最后在和日军六面扫荡根据地的顽强作战中全体壮烈牺牲。

Double gun (TV)[2017]

Feature: Tie ShengNan, a national enemy of hatred and hatred, trained under Shuanghushan bandit Wang TianBa to make two guns and set up a women's two-gun team. After guerrillas under the guidance of Xiang QianJin, together with the guerrillas to fight the Japanese invaders. They were working together in Warburg Pincus and Shanghai, cracking down on the Japanese army, assassinating Japanese special envoys, rescuing weapons experts, assassinating Wang puppet officers, transporting drugs for the front lines, smashed opium, persuading Shanghai gang gang leader Yu Huangqiao to resist the Japanese invasion. Destroy the ultimate plan "blood sun", destroy the enemy, won the war of resistance against Japan.

Ten company commander one class (TV)[2017]

Feature: During the Long March, the Battle of Qingliangpo caused heavy casualties in the Red Army. There were only a few fighters left in the regiment. Nine Corps commanders even became commander in chief of the Guangbang Army. Stubbornly blocking the enemy. The members of the special classes are all brave and fierce. However, they have very different individualities and are not convinced of each other for their lack of solidarity. They are almost destroyed by the enemy's exploits and their bravery. They finally made the special class members make concerted efforts to fight the enemy together. Miao girl Liu YaoGu and Jiang Jinhu passed through life and death and gradually gained a good impression, leading Miao compatriots to join the revolutionary ranks and the army and the people wholeheartedly gave heavy blows to the Kuomintang reactionaries. In the arduous battle, special class soldiers at the expense of life, completed the blocking task, for the smooth withdrawal of large units won the precious time & nbsp ;.

GoodessEra (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Zhou Yang, a silken new jewelry designer, met Su Fei on the first day of the interview. Not only that, but also with the company's new colleagues in the future have experienced a thrilling jumped building "drama", which loves the emotional drama drape! The second generation of Shao Mo in love with the pursuit of a single Su Sui six months, every day to send flowers, can not be opened again Su Fei cruel refused to choose jumped, Su Fei did nothing else, Zhou Yang righteous courage to save it, from changing the concept of love , Wealth has to be capricious, million flowers in the past, a film does not stay, Su Fei began to change Zhou Yang's attitude. Su Fei led the elites to attend WP Group's Jewelery Design Competition with confidence. Zhou Yang handsome appearance changed a reeling image, another Su Fei admiration. Jia Mei, the glamorous designer in the company, has always been jealous of Su Fei in her heart. She has long been desperate for her and always seducing Su BangGuo. Unfortunately, she did not succeed. This time, she focused her eyes on Qin Zong, an opponent's company. In the middle of the banquet, an accidental fire broke out at the venue. Su Fei was knocked to the ground and was fortunate to have Zhou Yang rescuing himself. Su Fei, who returns home, has a big fight with Jin XiuNa, a good girlfriend who lives together. Jin XiuNa, out of the house, fell in love with Zhou Yang, who was working in a bar, at the bar. Zhou Yang sat in his father's bus to get off work from home, in the face of shameless rogue Su Fei actually appeared to save Zhou Yang, with Zhou Yang racing, this night, Zhou Yang Su Fei both inside have occurred Subtle changes. Qin Zong rival company threatened, Su Fei was forced to set a military order, if not successful, automatically exit the jewelery industry. Jin XiuNa happily came to the bar to find Zhou Yang, but found Su Fei and Zhou Yang chatting together and came back home. Su Fei and Xiu Na quarreled and she took away Su Fei's cell phone and letters while she was packing. Su Fei found crazy after the search, the next day, Zhou Yang took a candy to find Su Fei, Su Fei and Xiu Na and good. Zhou Yang has a new understanding of Su Fei: No wonder Su Fei is cold and does not accept new feelings. How to unlock the shackles in Su Fei's heart to win the hearts and minds. Su Fei and Zhou Yang are intensely preparing their entries. Are they really capable of designing works that break the conventional creative design? Shao Mo comes to the company threatening Su Fei with explosives. The result was a big joke. While the feelings of Zhou Yang and Su Fei gradually warmed up, Jia Mei also smoothly hooked Qin Zong. Su Fei took Zhou Yang up a paraglider from the peak of a mountain and flew to a blue sky and a blue sea. Su Fei in the company of Zhou Yang, put down all the troubles in life, enjoy the freedom to fly the excitement, feelings and soul release! The crisis is always coming at a happy moment, the sky suddenly blowing a strong wind, the two fell sharply in the air, dangerous, in contact with the ground moment, Zhou Yang creative use of the backup umbrella, in the sunset, Depends on the two landed slowly! Zhou Fei's hand was wounded and Su Fei was frightened. At the hospital, Zhou Yang's words opened Su Fei's heart and Su Fei decided to put down the shackles of love in his heart and accept Zhou Yang's tight grip in the hospital. Live Zhou Yang's hand! Sweet romance is always short.In the design competition scene, Qin Zong took a rival jewelry company idea in an amusing explanation. Zhou Yang and Su Fei realized what it would mean. Su Fei could not believe what was happening. This idea was invented by Zhou Yang , All my colleagues have heard, and now it all! Impossible, impossible. So secret creative design was stolen, Su Fei came to the waterfront, took out messages from Cheng Ren on his cellphone, and Zhou Yang chased down Su Fei's cellphone. Su Fei remarks completely hurt Zhou Yang. Do not love the two come to an end so cold noodles finally opened the heart it once again hurt? The distraught Su Fei gazed back at the places where the two had left footprints with Zhou Yang. Zhou Yang resigned, both of them silently licking grief. Su Fei stopped his daddy's bus and they were reconciled. Zhou Yang moved into Su Fei's home on the pretext of it. What a person moved to the house, was actually a few days ago appeared in the company Cheng Ren! Su Fei never forget her boyfriend! Two people silently rivalry at dinner, Zhou Yang moved away. Su Fei learned Zhou Yang's story from Zhou Daddy and regretted it. Faced with obstacles, whether Zhou Yang and Su Fei won the design competition champion, to save their love and the company.

Custom happiness (TV)[2016]

Feature: Tian XiaoNi is the first fashion designer, she follows the principle of "perfect self + perfect gentleman = perfect life". Therefore, she vowed to fight himself as a "goddess of 100" in the mind of a man, while the other half must pass her "perfect gentleman 18". She put the perfect custom fashion and the attitude of the perfect copy, replicated in the perfect love she imagined. Zhan Wang's study experience, as well as senior driver, car modification division identity, let him always with luxury cars, celebrities, high-end clubs linked together. That Tian XiaoNi mistake Zhan Wang mistaken for his "perfect gentleman", take the initiative to start the pursuit. When Tian XiaoNi found Zhan Wang a "counterfeit", she decided to break up and continue to search for "Mr. Perfect," even though she found herself in love with him. However, when the goal is achieved, Tian XiaoNi found that everything that seems perfect actually runs counter to their original intention, and she finally understands the essence of a perfect life & nbsp ;.

Tai Sin Yamen (TV)[2016]

Feature: Tai Sin Yamen Wang YuanFeng was born in an official family, not love money fame and wealth, not familiar with the bland of men and women, but the solution to the case of a mystery. Wang YuanFeng inadvertently saved the seal fox Xiao Cui. Xiao Cui is gratitude, married to his wife. Wang YuanFeng not resuscitation, not nearly female color, so the two different beds in the same room. Xiao Cui weird, often with Yuen Fung nonsense, so that Queen Mother endless pain. Unexpectedly, Xiao Cui's prank, but overreaching to help Wang escaped the monarch to remonstrate the framed, and remediation of corrupt officials. Therefore, Wang YuanFeng got popular support and became magistrate. He is honest and honest, with the help of Xiao Cui, broke a lot of odd cases, people call it "Tai Sin Yamen." Not good, Xiao Cui because the time has come, after all, foxhuotu, leave yuanfeng. Yuan Cui love love Xiao Cui Lost illness, Xiao Cui could not bear to cast Yuen Fung forget myself, fall in love with the clock's daughter. One day, Yuen Fung accidentally opened the collection of portraits before remembered the way Xiao Cui used to, crying & nbsp ;.

Housewife Detective (TV)[2015]

Feature: Photo Early Republic of Shanghai. Housewife Gou JiXiang suffered an unfortunate death when her husband passed away and was mistreated. To find out the cause of death of her husband innocent, auspicious to become female detectives. Mao RuYi is auspicious partner, kind-hearted, but arrogant. Detected in the case, they both make many contradictions. With the deepening of cooperation, they came to a tacit agreement, under the pressure of the leader Fu LanKe, to crack many suspicions, not only to punish the wicked, but also to help many of the bottom poor people. Auspicious by the loss of self-housewives transformed into a new self-confidence and independence of women, Confucianism by the unarmed son of brother brother into a responsible brave detective. While both cherish their love, they also understand the meaning of life: they are determined to help more ordinary people in need of help. In the handling of the case, auspiciousness and Confucianism saw the true colors of the imperialist colonists and exposed the panic of Fu LanKe and his profiteers. They left the patrol room and opened the auspicious detective agency dedicated to serving the people, writing justice with youth and blood. & Nbsp ;.

TheStalker (TV)[2015]

Feature: Li ZhengBai, an economic genius, was accidentally involved in an economic war against Japan and Japan and met the mentor Wu YunZhao, who eventually led himself to find faith. In action, he encountered a lifetime lover Lu QingYao. In the meantime, insidious Wan LiYa and wily Jiang Chengda took the stage to fight Li ZhengBai. After experiencing the baptism of blood and fire, Li ZhengBai clings to his conviction and led the "Hunting Storm Action Group" through arduous efforts. With the help of Lu QingYao, an underground party member, he and Xu ZhengFang et al. A smoke-free war aimed at undermining the economy of Japan. Guessed, after the success of Li ZhengBai and others came to the military order of a mass suicide. On the occasion of life and death, Li ZhengBai et al. Saw through the shamelessness of the corrupt KMT government and resolutely chosen the road to revolution and joined the ranks of the people who genuinely resist the Japanese.

Knife light gun shadow (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Dao Guang Gun Shadow" tells the story of Gao TianXing, a young man who cherished the patriotic ambitions during the War of Resistance Against Japan. Standing on the old Shanghai, he tried his best to fight Japan and save the country. Gao TianXing got acquainted with Ren Fei Chang in an operation. The two young people sympathized with each other and became brothers. They fought battles with the enemy repeatedly and made outstanding achievements. Both the Kuomintang and Japan tried their best to integrate the two. Just for a moment, the emergence of Communist Party member Jiang Pan opened a bright light for two young people. However, in front of all kinds of tests, Gao TianXing and Ren FeiChang drove away from each other and chose different paths of life. Although self-centered Ren FeiChang has the strength to make ends meet because of selfish narrow-mindedness, he became a national singer, ruining his future and happiness; and the passionate young Gao TianXing, under the leadership of Jiang Pan, understands the current situation , Identify the right and wrong, completed the conversion of personal identity and growth, embarked on a revolutionary journey & nbsp ;.

On the wrong wedding sedan three marriages (TV)[2015]

Feature: "The Wrong Marriage of Three Marriageable Romances" tells the story of Daming Wanli nine years, held in Hangzhou, "New School blind date" activities. Dong QiChang and Chen JiRu go to hangzhou to find good friend Jiang HuaiYi, on the way, the robbers were rescued by Lin TianSu. In the event, Dong QiChang and Lin TianSu girlfriend Yang YunYou saw the blind date, but was taken away by the Yamen. When Dong QiChang that Yang YunYou true identity is "thin horse" after the emotional frustration. Yang YunYou forced to run away from home, the road met Dong QiChang half-brother Shi Kong, Shi Kong to see Yang YunYou beauty is Dong QiChang love loving heart, Shi Kong brought street bluff Huang TianJian posing Dong QiChang With Yang YunYou married, the results of the failure of the plan, Shi Kong grudges, chasing the capital kidnapping Yang YunYou not the defendant to the capital Yamen. Dong QiChang to the capital Zhang Zhangzheng's daughter Zhang XiZhen fancy Zhang XiZhen see Dong QiChang heart only Yang YunYou, desperation collusion Shi Kong chase Yang YunYou. After Yang YunYou learned about Zhang XiZhen, Dong QiChang made up his mind to save Dong QiChang's decision to get married. When Shi Kong caught up with Hangzhou to prepare explosives and wanted to kill all the people who had been attempted to be brought back by officers and soldiers captured by Dong Qihang, Dong Qihang and Yanyun Yunou finally reached a happy ending.

Love bodyguard (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Sun HaiShan is the "Liu Yang boxing" successor. The greatest wish of a lifetime is to carry forward the martial arts, but his old-fashioned teaching simply can not recruit students. While the martial arts business as a teacher Bai ZongYuan but the business is full of sound, peach Lee over the world. In order to win the piece of authentic old plaque with Sun HaiShan launched a dark grab, or even take advantage of his son Bai YunFeng Sun TieZheng feelings, the result self-defeating, but contributed to the son and divorced mother Mary's marriage, let him Regret not too late. Sun TieZheng Thirty have not found the object yet. Mom Peng HongXia attributed all this original sin to Sun HaiShan, for which they quarreled for decades without word or divorced. The arrival of Lin YiHao brought vitality to the traditional martial arts and was deeply touched by the mysterious boxing art of Liu Yangquan. The spirit of the Chinese Wuhun Spirit made him and Sun TieZheng love, and allowed Sun HaiShan and Peng HongXia to walk again Come together

Love is back (TV)[2014]

Feature: The strongwoman Ming Liang and her colleague Gao Jian are the same people on the job. However, both of them contradict the marriage and want to talk about no love affair. Therefore, the two clashed to become a secret couple. Mutually attractive to each other, they are afraid of the relationship one step closer, resulting in friction. Petite girl Bao NianNian was attracted by veterinary Fang SiQi, the initiative to pursue but accidentally pregnant, both parents forced marriage. On the day of the issue of the card, she misinterpreted her abortion, without a reason for her marriage, and her relationship with Siqi was more vulnerable. However, Siqi had come up with a "new marriage relationship" to retain her thoughts. Although Cheng Lei, Yu XiaoNuo 's boyfriend, is poor at singing and dancing, she is unwilling to marry him. However, Cheng Lei unexpectedly became famous when Little Connold actively sought for her. Little Connaught found himself and Cheng Lei farther and farther. Three couples, experiencing numerous conflicts and divisions and divisions, finally understood the true meaning of marriage. "Brilliant" and "miss" decided to accept the challenge of marriage, while Little Connaught decided to make himself a woman eligible for marriage.

Switch (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Yuan Dynasty painter Huang Gongwang masterpiece "Fuchun mountain map", known as "China's top ten famous paintings" one. Due to various reasons, this book of "useless teacher volume" and "left mountain map" points across the Taiwan Strait, across the sea. In 2011, "Fuchun Mountain Residence" is expected to be on display. Who knows this insured amount of billions of masterpieces has attracted the criminals in all countries? Earlier, the "Missed book" was stolen in Taiwan. The first Japanese-owned artillery smuggler Toshio Yamamoto (Tong Dawei), who lost his identity in Taiwan, later targeted the "Left Mountain Map" in Hangzhou. In the meantime, domestic Lao FoYe (Siqin Gaowa ornaments) and cultural dealers in Europe and the United States and other countries have gathered here, just around the corner. In the midst of spirits and speculations, Xiao JinHan (Andy Lau), an overseas anti-smuggling unit of Hong Kong Police Station and smuggler Wang Chih-Ching (Lin Chi-ling) joined hands with smugglers led by Mr. Yamamoto, Corner, one after another move, life hanging line. Close to the date of the exhibition, the fate of national treasure is difficult to explore ......

Do not let me see (TV)[2013]

Feature: Liu YuSheng, who spent a lifetime in Interpol, was appointed Secretary General of the Foundation for Righteousness and Courage. At the start of the foundation, he somewhat disliked his work. Because I heard some brave courageous heroes were rescued because of weakness and social protection agencies imperfect and innocent, he decided to find a lawyer for Justice Foundation, well-known lawyer Wang YuJia volunteered, Ji Zhe Su LiLi to stand up The more let Liu YuSheng a new understanding of the work of the Foundation. However, in real life, the cost of being courageous is very high. Once it is corrupted, the cost can often change one's life. A middle school student salvaged a fainted old man in the street and was blackmailed by relatives of the elderly. Liu YuSheng led the social discussion in this incident, supported this kind of courageous act in public opinion and law, and made people The hearts of those who are willing to help have been comforted. With their continuous efforts, the social atmosphere has been purified and the Foundation for Righteousness and Courage has been playing an increasingly important role. Liu YuSheng also has a new understanding of this responsibility. The film is close to life, to promote righteousness, full of positive energy.

Spring under the gallows (TV)[2013]

Feature: Du KuRong met communist Chang YongYuan in prison, and the goodness and righteousness in his heart gradually became felt by him. Du KuRong tried every means to get out of jail, hoping to find the truth for his case and atone for his past domineering. Du KuRong, who escaped from the detention center, saw Wang Sen hurt her mother and was more suspicious of being trapped by her. Hiding in the compound, began to help those poor children, to help the underground party printing progress publications, was found on the whereabouts of prisons into the desert island. Du KuRong escaped after being jailed and was arrested in the academy, where he once again met Chang YongYuan, often told him to leave with his own signature after graduation. Du KuRong was Chang YongYuan as a public feeling, experience The baptism of the soul, from childhood to me, and ultimately completed the task assigned by the party, but also to understand the truth of their own case, punished the wicked, justice.

On the arrow (TV)[2012]

Feature: After the September 18 Incident, the Japanese aggressor deployed a plan to attack the Jehol in an all-round manner. Xu YiHang wedding On this day, Rong Shi saw the Japanese want to take advantage of the Xu family Xujia conspiracy to take the wedding blood, unexpectedly, his message was stopped by Xu traders, the Japanese invaders. Xu was deserted, only Xu YiHang and sister Xu ErHang rely on ancestral god arrows highlighting the siege. Second Brother Xu JinChuan hurried home. Sister and brother three revenge for the family, embarked on a road to fighting for the nation. Reckless recklessness, persistent revenge for Xu YiHang repeatedly troubled, luckily she always get Rongcheng grand master who dominate Chengde side - Rong Shi Mingli secretly help. Rong Shi repeatedly helped a flight, and the two gradually became acquainted with each other. When the two finally put aside their confession, the one-year-old fiance Zhao Hua died. In an operation, Xu's brother and sister were ambushed and Xu JinChuan and Xu YiHang were arrested. Fortunately, they were saved by communists. Three siblings joined the anti-Japanese allied forces and defended the Japanese troops with their swords and arrows, completing another unsuccessful attempt The task. When the National Government actively opposed Japan and sent the Central Military Army to encircle the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces was forced to declare dissolution. Shortly afterwards, the three sisters and brothers lost the direction of the struggle. However, they soon returned to Chengde and went on to persevere in their way and dealt with the Japanese in a series of deeds of hatred and hatred, story.

DiYiDaZongTong (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In 1912, Sun ZhongShan (Qiu Xinzhi ornaments) was elected Provisional President of the Nanjing National Government. The design of Yuan ShiKai (Qiuge Zhang), which sits in Peiping, forced the Qing Dynasty to abdicate, seizing the fruit of the revolutionary victory and becoming elected president. After that, Sun ZhongShan returned to Japan and went to Japan, where Song JiaoRen (Tian Liang) smugly gathered himself to form the National Assembly, run for the presidency and continue to promote the republican administration. As a result, he was assassinated by the Yuan Party. Heard the bad news, Sun returned to the motherland, issued a statement to discuss the Yuan, and set off a second revolution in a hurry. Due to various reasons, the revolution failed in the end. Sun and Huang Xing (Yao Jude ornaments) fled to Japan one after another, and their old friends parted ways and the domestic revolutionary situation was not optimistic. At this point, Song QingLing (Nie Mei ornaments) appeared in Sun ZhongShan's life. She has witnessed the military career of the father of the mother trying hard to think and reciprocate for the sake of the motherland's future.

The girl in blue (TV)[2010]

Feature: Female student You JiaQi and Meng HePing met, fall in love, but Meng HePing "good dream" stills mothers firmly opposed. Meng HePing proposed to break up, Meng HePing angrily went abroad. Ruan ZhengDong, a rich family member who met during the festival, was accidentally hospitalized and went to visit during the good times and reunited with Meng HePing at the hospital. The original Meng HePing is Ruan ZhengDong's hair small. In order to avoid Meng HePing re-emergence of the pain brought by, and Ruan ZhengDong beautiful dealings. Ruan ZhengDong sudden stomach spasm admitted to the hospital, even found out is advanced gastric cancer. He was determined to complete Meng HePing and best sellers and chose to quietly leave. Good times began to find hard to find whereabouts of Ruan ZhengDong. The festival finally found Ruan ZhengDong and told him that she had fallen in love with him. Zhengdong knew he was running out of time and wanted him to help him recover a set of properties that had a memorable value for him. Good times to the destination, found that Zhengdong to her, she has been eager to get back the old house keys. Good times to open the door, see the table has the east of the note: "good times, and finally until you go home." East. "You JiaQi tightly holding the note, burst into tears.

Slightest heart (TV)[2010]

Feature: Born in a well-to-do home, a handsome, optimistic girl named Zhang XiaoRou (Jenny Zhang) dreams of becoming a successful intellectual actress and aspiring woman and her friend Mei arrived in Xiamen for an internship. Ouyang Chen (Lan Cheng-lung) saw Xiao soft and left the hair of Xiao soft Impressed, as if seen missing long time ex-girlfriend Lu TianEr (Ying Er ornaments). Zhang XiaoRou hired HTV in Xiamen, but the leader who led her was a grumpy, stubborn director Lin AnDi (Danfeng Zhang). In an effort to rescue the downturn in the story of "Discovering the Story", the company staged a major overhaul of the show. Andy Wei was overwhelmed by the show's daughter-in-law, Li Wei (Ni Jingyang), who let Lin AnDi take over the show. Faced with harsh, critical boss every day - Lin AnDi and jealous producer Li Wei, Busy terribly hard also Lin AnDi praised, but optimistic Xiaofu every day to the TV station always smiling face to do more learning , Hope that through their own efforts can get everyone's approval. Silky heartbreak Xiao Zhao in the morning get along with the intellectual taste of Ouyang Chen, warm and friendly personality and rich experience in life has deeply attracted the soft, both teachers and friends, more sympathetic to each other's talent. Because of an unexpected opportunity to make Xiao-fu temporarily replaced by the opportunity to host the appearance of her host style, as one of the official host of the location. However, the morning and Xiao soft interaction there is always a fog zone. One day, curious Xiaofu questioned the artwork of a pair of mini-tap shoes hanging on the wall in the coffee shop, unexpectedly strong reaction in the morning. It turned out that the early morning pair of shoes art has a special emotion, and Xiao soft but can not know the morning heart that can not say the story. Xiao soft ability to host more and more, the program is getting better and better, internship end of the day, be formally employed. Li Wei, who had been dead with Andy, came forward to invite her to be the host of the new show. Lin AnDi admired her more and more enjoyed the girl during her time with Xiao-soft. Xiao-you accidentally also learned that the secret behind the secretly turned out to be Andy, was touched, Andy finally could not help but show love to the soft, but dawning heart or morning. While Xiao-Sophia and Chen struggled endlessly, Lu TianEr, a former girlfriend who had spent many years in the morning, came to a floating coffee house in a wheelchair and left for many years to meet again. Xiao soft shocked. Morning to take care of children, had to give up love with Xiao soft. At this time, Andy Kennedy side to help her overcome her emotional damage, and strive to complete her most difficult task at a mission, the show hit a record high. Eventually, Xiao soft sit on the console, launched her career new milestone. The morning to treat the day's legs went to the United States, and finally in the United States this time, the days of children know the morning has not love her, legs cured after they returned to China, Xiao-soft and morning hand again. "Slightest move"

Tian Shi Zhong Kui (TV)[2010]

Feature: Zhong Kui tells the story of Zhong Kui, the god of exorcism in ancient Chinese folklore. Allegedly everyone knows the story of Zhong Kui playing the master demon Zhong Kui. Very deep and wide. According to ancient classics records, Tang Xuanzong ascended the throne that year, Zhong Kui went to Chang'an examination, was the examiner official reputation as "Wizards", take the first of the tribute. However, when the temple test, the villain Lu Qi actually appearances, Diego into words, so that the champion election. Zhong Kui huff, head hit the temple column and died, shocked both the ruling and the opposition. Xuanzong Xia Zhao Zhong Kui as "Exorcism God", traveled the world "demon exorcism." Yu Di Feelings of Zhong Kui In order to strive for fairness, he did not hesitate to die in martyrdom. So Zhong Kui led his knot brother Liu HanYan, Wang FuQu began their soul-stirring, epic quest for justice.

MingTian (Movie)[2009]

Feature: "Tomorrow" tells the story of actor He YiFan returned from studying abroad and found his girlfriend Xiaoyun infected with drugs. In order to prove that drug addiction can be quit, one who chose to take their own drugs, and then accompany Xiao Yun detoxification. But he is also caught up in the situation. The story is destined to tragedy: Xiaoyun jumped to commit suicide, one who was placed in drug rehabilitation centers, young drug abuse has become a shocking serious problem. The movie "Tomorrow" cuts in from the drug-related issues in entertainment venues and depicts in depth the psychological and physical suffering experienced by several young people after they have been infected with drugs. Using the image of the film language, the film today presents a serious reflection of the serious harm the new drugs pose to young people. Clarified the misunderstanding of the new drugs "little damage to the body and no addiction" and enhanced the education and warning function against the new drugs.

MingTian (Movie)[2008]

Feature: "Tomorrow" tells the story of actor He YiFan returned from studying abroad and found his girlfriend Xiaoyun infected with drugs. In order to prove that drug addiction can be quit, one who chose to take their own drugs, and then accompany Xiao Yun detoxification. But he is also caught up in the situation. The story is destined to tragedy: Xiaoyun jumped to commit suicide, one who was placed in drug rehabilitation centers, young drug abuse has become a shocking serious problem. The movie "Tomorrow" cuts in from the drug-related issues in entertainment venues and depicts in depth the psychological and physical suffering experienced by several young people after they have been infected with drugs. Using the image of the film language, the film today presents a serious reflection of the serious harm the new drugs pose to young people. Clarified the misunderstanding of the new drugs "little damage to the body and no addiction" and enhanced the education and warning function against the new drugs.

End of the World (TV)[2008]

Feature: Main characters In the thirties of the last century, China was in a precarious and difficult time. Long XiaoZhi ethnic capitalists, one hand, carefully operating the largest shipping company on the beach - Long Chuanghong, one side should be a good head of a propped up a big dragon home. After the fall of northeast China, the situation in north China was not stable. Long XiaoZhi Lin HuiRu, a longtime wife who lives in Peking, had to relocate to Shanghai. The story begins here. Although Lin HuiRu ladylike, doing things carefully, but did not give the Dragon brought the slightest quiet. Although Qi GuanNan, a pianist who is a pianist, respects Lin HuiRu very much, she has won the favor of Lin HuiRu. However, Tang NaYing, the third wife of Huanghua Hua, is anxious and fiddled with new forces. For a time, dragons up and down, chicken fly dog ​​jump. In the face of chaotic home affairs, Long XiaoZhi had laments: modern civilization should be monogamy! Feudal family system is really exhausting. In the same year, Long XiaoZhi, 17, married Lin HuiRu, a five-year-old princess who grew up as a parent, and has two sons, Long GuanYi and Long MingEr. At the age of 20, Long XiaoZhi, a mature intellectual, was studying in France and met Qi GuanNan, a Shanghai girl studying art in Paris. They fell in love and got married. After studying both returned to Shanghai, and gave birth to a son and a daughter: Long ZunSan and Long SuSi. At the beginning of the venture in Shanghai, Communicative Flower Tang NaYing helped Long XiaoZhi to socialize and get acquainted with the political and business circles on the beach. After her homeless gangster Liu RongGui was displaced by the other gangs to flee Shanghai and was displaced, she pleaded with Long XiaoZhi to take her residence. Long XiaoZhi took her as her third wife and gave birth to a son, Long Shou Wu, for her loyalty. Today, the eldest son Long GuanYi has followed his uncle to become a national revolutionary officer; second son Long MingEr is a profit wise businessman, and father-in-law to run their own business; Long ZunSan love the movie, the pursuit of his director's dream; Long SuSi, like her third brother, loves art and specializes in photo photography. The younger son Long ShouWu, who is young but shows extraordinary business skills and enjoys his father's appreciation, helps his father run a family business. Stills (a) Tang NaYing repeatedly rude and provocative, Lin HuiRu no retreat. In desperation, Lin HuiRu designed to Shanghai to run over to their poor relatives, half-sister Lin HuiShan, and the drunken Long XiaoZhi relations. Lin HuiShan pregnant with Long XiaoZhi children, Long XiaoZhi under pressure, had to marry her into the door. Lin HuiShan's door, so domineering Tang NaYing speechless, jealous. And Lin HuiRu after sacrificing her sister's happiness and consolidate their position, but dejected, did not get any joy of victory. The worst injury is Qi GuanNan. Long XiaoZhi, the most beloved and most knowledgeable person in the world, can not believe how long it is. Qi GuanNan and Long XiaoZhi have become strangers to each other since then. Long XiaoZhi, a hundred-unscrupulous advocate, can only suffer enormous pain alone. Stills (b) With the gradual southward forces of the Japanese people, Jiangnan people have taken precarious parents in the short, entangled.The same applies to the Long family. They need to put aside their grudges and unite to move forward and retreat with the entire country. At this point, Lin HuiShan married Dragon House also been exposed the truth. In the face of facts, Lin HuiRu and Lin HuiShan have no recluse; Qi GuanNan gave sympathy and understanding to the situation of Lin's sisters and also dispelled her misunderstanding with Long XiaoZhi; but Tang NaYing could not accept the result, Son of Long MingEr partnership hoard rice, plan to earn gold bullion to go to the United States. Due to his integrity, patriotic Long XiaoZhi refused to please the Japanese and offend Guo Haifeng, a big traitor who had been helping Japanese people for their lives. In retaliation for Long XiaoZhi, Guo HaiFeng sacked the room and instigated Long MingEr, his son-in-law, to resemble an arms sale to the Japanese. After the incident broke out, Long XiaoZhi became furious. He tried his best to kill off his relatives and sent Long MingEr to the police station. He also punished Tang NaYing for his collaboration with Naruto. At the same time, all the ill-gotten gains they have gained are donated to the country and the two parties serve as funds for resisting Japan and saving the nation. Stills (c) "8.33" After the Battle of Japan and Shanghai, Shanghai fell. For family safety, Long XiaoZhi sold all his belongings and took the family to take Chongqing by train to Hong Kong. Unexpectedly on the train accident, Long XiaoZhi and his family were lost, no news. Qi GuanNan with the whole family back to Shanghai has no place to stand. Without Long XiaoZhi, Qi GuanNan became the homestay. She firmly believes that there is a home in the country, so she encouraged her children to join the ranks of the War Rescue nation, and she and Lin HuiRu et al together started a hard life of self-help life: four sneakers, Lin HuiShan dead heap Pick up trash. Lin HuiRu and Tang NaYing also realized that the age of fame and fortune has long passed and that only when families trust and support each other can the difficulties be overcome. In order to maintain the life of this big family, Tang NaYing had to repeat her old career and once again became a dancing girl. Over time, the Dragon family gradually believed that Long XiaoZhi was no longer in the world. At this moment, Long XiaoZhi appeared as a Japanese in front of his family. This scene is like a bolt from the blue, let the dragon family completely unbearable. The dragon home into a great deal of grief. It turned out that Long XiaoZhi lost memory in the train accident, after being Japanese officer Hashimoto's sister Taro Hashimoto saved. Enjoying Long XiaoZhi's long-time Keiko, in order to leave Long XiaoZhi with him, he fabricated the lie that Long XiaoZhi was a Japanese and married to himself for many years. Long XiaoZhi regained his memory. In order to eventually destroy the enemy by his own identity, and at the same time to protect his family, he did not rush to meet his wife and daughter in Shanghai. He can only secretly win the help of Keiko and hopes that through his own efforts, she will join the torrent of anti-war peace. In 1945, the war victory. However, the Dragon Family still experiencing all kinds of hardships: one has been sacrificed, Ming II guilty of death, three to follow the director's dream, and the producer's niece Yao FengE away from Taiwan, Su-4 marry the United States, keep five and Lin HuiShan Sub-Po six live in Hong Kong. Grandmother Lin HuiRu has been blind, Third wife Tang NaYing died of tuberculosis, Fourth wife Lin HuiShan remarried and went to Yan'an. At this point, although everyone has been a party, but Qi GuanNan heart firmly believe:As long as there is love in our hearts, even if separated by ocean, each other's heart will always be "End of the World"!

LuXiaofengzhifengwujiutian (Movie)[2006]

Feature: In an emergency, Yu PingGongZhu, daughter of Tai PingWang, suddenly abducted. The prince was furious and both were black and white. At this moment, Lu XiaoFeng, the only savior of our time, had already gone away from hometown and was quietly at ease. Far on the road, Lu XiaoFeng encounter Yue Yang, Niu RouTang and other mysterious masters Dayton curiosity, so try to go hand in hand. Qifeng Protrusion, a shipwreck Lu XiaoFeng falling on the island, who knows not only crouching on a desert island, but also a mysterious woman Sha Man let Lu XiaoFeng at first sight. At the time of lingering feuding, Lu XiaoFeng proved that Yu PingGongZhu was locked up on the island, and everything here was controlled by a great master nicknamed "Gong Jiu" (son of Tai PingWang). Lu XiaoFeng and government officials work together to rescue the island to rescue the princess, but can not see the traces of Gong Jiu and Sha Man. The storm subsided, Lu XiaoFeng escorted the princess back to the palace, Gong Gong suddenly came out from inside, Lu XiaoFeng suddenly realized that the real conspiracy was in the flat palace. Gong Jiu is Taiping son, he wants to murder Tai PingWang. The saved princess is a fake, is Niu RouTang play, the real princess is dead. Finally, Lu XiaoFeng cast a trick "Fight for nine days" to defeat Gong Jiu.

Love Ball (TV)[2005]

Feature: "Love Ball Pretty Ball" is a domestic love youth idol drama. Director: Di Jie. Video tells. Xin Ling, a female student returning from Korea, learned that being a golfer's sister Jing Wen was hit by her feelings and then gave up playing. She traveled abroad to go abroad to heal the truth of her healing wounds, Tired to break into the green golf club, began to make fun of never met, as the club's former sister-in-law, former boyfriend Hu ZiJun. Unexpectedly, in the process of teasing, Hu ZiJun was overwhelmingly in love with Yan Ling, in order to escape the entanglement of Hu, Xin Ling decided to give up. Just as Xin Ling was ready to leave the club, she unexpectedly discovered that her sister, Junzi Jun, was a sister friend and now Jie XiKa, a sub-Jun girlfriend, made her a bad secret.

Legend of the sea (TV)[2005]

Feature: On the East China Sea in the 1930s, Liang GuiFeng, a marital woman who killed the legendary drama of the sea and was rich in poverty, was active in the East China Sea. Liang GuiFeng assassinated Gu SiYe, a tribe woman on the beach, but was found guilelessly by Gu SiYe, who vowed to ramp up the island of Liang GuiFeng. Liang GuiFeng is diametrically opposed to Gu SiYe's dry daughter Suo Fei and Gu's darling A Lin, knowing that two people are running away with Gu SiYe and that Gu SiYe is sending people around. Daughter Yu Lian fears her mother will be in trouble, advocating the release of Suo Fei and A Lin, and Hai Long, Liang GuiFeng's son, resolutely opposes Liang GuiFeng and her daughter Yu Lian to launch an open fight ...

Divorced woman (TV)[2005]

Feature: This strange wedding a large skiing in the northern city gathered a lot of people come to see the crowds Luxury wedding car slowly into the next pair of very uncoordinated couples people talk about the insider told the bride and sister wedding ceremony began, I saw Xuefeng on a red and blue two people generally flying arrows to the crowd at this time, an accident occurred. A young man armed with a sharp knife suddenly rushed out, holding the bride and stabbed the groom's abdomen; after a false alarm, the lawyer Wei Zhuang came to the wedding to find her husband Wu BanJiang mysteriously disappeared after dialing the phone busy, Wei Zhuang started looking around. At this time, Wu BanJiang was hiding in the bathroom and called her sweetheart Zhang Lili. Liu ShengShi, who just stepped into the bathroom, saw that Wu Zhuang found Wu BanJiang and the two clashed. At this moment, Liu ShengShi came out from the toilet and solved for Wu BanJiang. It turns out Liu ShengShi is an old friend of Wei Zhuang. Wu BanJiang claimed to have been on a business trip and left in a hurry. In the meantime, Chen Xiang and Kong San, the other pair of lovers, came late in the quarrel. Chen Xiang was so jealous of complaining that there was only Aqiu's clerk in the heart of Kong San. Jiang Xin for Chen Xiang backing, but made unhappy. Liu ShengShi sent Wei Zhuang to go home with his son Lele. The two recalled their student days, making them smile at each other with a smile but with infinite emotion and helplessness. Wei Zhuang knew that Liu ShengShi was divorced and was silent. Suddenly, Wei Zhuang remembered something and asked Liu ShengShi to send her to the airport. Inside the airport, Wei Zhuang looks at the boarding people traveling to a certain city. Confirming that there is no flight from Wu BanJiang, Wei Zhuang, in a complicated mood, is unable to get out of the airport. Jiang Xin and Yang YiFan returned home with Wei Zhuang's children. Yang YiFan watched the joy of children overflowing with pleasures and expressed to Jiang Xin that they also wanted a child's wish. After he kidnapped the child, he was anxiously waiting for a bath in the bed by Jiang Xin. Jiang Xin was deliberately unhurried, and when she came out, Yang YiFan had fallen asleep. Two newcomers to the "divorce woman" Jiang Yan and Luo Hao went back to more than a dozen square meters of new home to appreciate the sweetness brought to each other by the wedding. Jiang Yan was very satisfied with her life. Luo Hao was guilty of the face. For the naughty wife, I can not wait to give her all the happiness and promised Jiang Yan that she should have a good life. She was dark at night, while Chen Xiang was still at home wiping the floor. Kong San returned home with a drink, Chen Xiang asked Kong San whether he was with Aku again, though Kong San had a few mouthpieces with Chen Xiang but still took his wife back to the room to sleep. Kong San says breakfast wants to eat buns, and Chen Xiang said it must package Kong San's favorite buns. Although the two noisy, but little days had a fairly sweet; dawn, a man and a woman still in bed lingering, the man is Wu BanJiang, then the doorbell sounded, milkman waiting at the door. Wu BanJiang opened the door and Wu BanJiang opened the door. She was surprised to find Wei Zhuang standing at the door. The court was solemn and quiet. Wei Zhuang and Wu BanJiang were on two sides. Jiang Yan When Wei Zhuang, Jiang Xin, Yang YiFan, Luo Hao , Liu Sheng Shi and others sitting in the gallery.Very angry Wu BanJiang harsh language ridiculed in court, said Wei Zhuang cold, heartless, not feminine, Wei Zhuang calm response, one only want to return the child, which may play into the hands middle Wu BanJiang, verdict: children, house Leave Wei Zhuang, Wu BanJiang dingy. Wei Zhuang looks strong, this time hiding in the bathroom silently tears. Jiang Xin came to Wei Zhuang's home and wanted to comfort Wei Zhuang. However, Wei Zhuang said she only wanted to be quiet. Jiang Xin ate the loss, feeling boring and depressed. Yang YiFan let go after returning home, Yang YiFan all smiles, obedient. One side of Jiang Xin's father can not see the eye began to blame his daughter, he told his personal experience Jiang Xin what is trustworthy man, do not bless in the blessing. Jiang Xin frustration alone sulking in the room, Yang YiFan come coax again advised, and finally Jiang Xin laughed. Wei Zhuang alone with children, has encountered many problems. One day, his son was in a fever, Wei Zhuang was busy carrying his son to the hospital and hurriedly forgot to bring money. Arrived at the hospital, Wei Zhuang had to call Jiang Xin, but no one answered. In desperation, she thought Liu ShengShi and Liu ShengShi apart from saying anything went to the hospital and helped Wei Zhuang to take care of LeLe. Finally, Wei Zhuang Mother and child take home. Wei Zhuang Lele day and night care, had a bad mood, he was tired too sick, with the help of Liu ShengShi Lele's condition finally stabilized, Wei Zhuang gratefully for Liu ShengShi for breakfast, two relaxed Pleased to chat, talked about the past era of students, filled with emotion, Liu ShengShi speech revealed the love of Wei Zhuang, Wei Zhuang though heart, but old-fashioned, stubborn personality or make Wei Zhuang quietly rejected Liu ShengShi's hint. However, Liu ShengShi good for yourself, let Wei Zhuang feel a touch of warmth and sweetness. Wei Zhuang carelessly went to the law firm, Jiang Yan litigation for Wei Zhuang, Jiang Yan won the first case easily, to thank the parties to ask Jiang Yan to eat, Jiang Yan promised, during the meeting found that the parties Lin Nan, humorous, chic, romantic, quite appreciate. Jiang Xin came home from work, Jiang Xin Yang YiFan told that he was fired by the company, Jiang Xin an indifferent attitude, arrogant, said Yang YiFan have a job does not matter, and the Yang YiFan damned, Yang YiFan plead guilty, Yang XinFan sang Yang Shun 's order Yang YiFan was a full - time writer and woman at home, and took care of frail sick father Yang YiFan promised. Jiang Xin At the unit where Yang YiFan, who was in charge of organizing the room, made several phone inquiries about Jiang Xin's home, Jiang Xin was very upset and dropped the meal from Yang YiFan to the ground. Jiang Xin too lazy to go home after get off work, had to use shopping, shopping crazy to eliminate depression. Turn around and went to Kong San's cosmetics shop, inadvertently found Kong San and Aqiu do honey dear, so as to misunderstand their relationship ambiguous. After a few cynical attempts by Jiang Xin to find Chen Xiang, Chen Xiang urged Chen Xiang to look tight with the example of Wei Zhuang and Wu BanJiang in order to avoid repeating the mistakes Wei Zhuang had. She also told Chen Xiang what she saw in the afternoon and Chen Xiang was in a hurry and hurriedly hurried home.In the meantime, Kong San was afraid to offend her because she had entered into several best-selling cosmetics and was being bitten and run by Zhang Jialin next door. Returning home, Chen Xiang queried about the relationship between Kong San and Ah Qiu and fought Kong San. Chen Xiang was beaten and later returned to her parents for complacentness. Her family was very brave. When Chen Xiang's family dared Kong San, Kong San's lower body Was kicked bad, sent to the hospital Chen Xiang did not know what they are, deeply guilty. Chen Xiang took care of Kong San in the hospital and watched Kong San look so painful that she was getting overly angry and blame everything on Aykut and came to the shop while Kong San was recuperating at the hospital. Hit the fight. Chen Xiang did not dare to face Kong San after he hit Akiu and came to Jiang Xin. Jiang Xin advised him that the woman should play. Chen Xiang then release. Kong San, just discharged, insisted on going to the store to see Chen Xiang angry not to go home first. Kong San arrived at the store and noticed that the door was closed. Zhang Jie, next door, was cynically told him what happened in the store a few days ago. Kong San found Ah Qiu. Ah Qiu cried and said to Kong San that she did not want to do any more. Kong San All sorts of comfort, to Aqiu bought a beautiful coat, only to keep Aqiu. Chen Xiang went to Kong San's make-up shop, was in the face of Kong San and Ah-Qiu's come-back purchase, Chen Xiang angrily smashed all the goods and scolded Ah-Qiu, Ah-Chiu ran out crying , Kong San chase out. Afterwards, Chen Xiang was still regretful and scared. He made a table-style meal for Kong San and waited for Kong San to come back and make a mistake to him. Upset Kong San, but find a buddy went to play cards, did not return overnight. After returning home, Kong San took a phone call and hurriedly left home. Chen Xiang unconsciously found something out and went out. Chen Xiang saw Kong San walking into a hotel laughing and laughing with Ah Qiu burn. After Kong San came back, the two quarreled and Kong San shot Chen Xiang again, and Chen Xiang ran to Jiang Xin's home. Chen Xiang At Jiang Xin's home, staying for several days made Jiang Xin very upset. Jiang Xin advised Chen Xiang to divorce Chen Xiang has been crying noncommittal. Jiang Xin had to bring Chen Xiang to look for Wei Zhuang. Wei Zhuang persuaded Chen Xiang not to divorce himself and to live well with Kong San. After listening to Wei Zhuang's persuasion, Chen Xiang decided to show Kong San good. Kong San bought vegetables in the farms and happily entered the house but found Kong San lying on the bed while Aku was seated by the bed. Angry Chen Xiang ran out of the house, attempted suicide and was taken to the hospital. Frustrated Chen Xiang finally decided to divorce. Kong San returned home and received a summons from the court. Due to mismanagement and the market environment, Jiang Xin's business was getting worse. And Yang YiFan also feel that he is less and less at home, he pleaded Jiang Xin, Jiang Xin hope he can go to work for the company, Jiang Xin Yang YiFan in the sales department to learn business. A recently graduated college student met Yang YiFan honest, frank and kind, she felt very warm, the two quickly became friends. Having troubled the company, Jiang Xin reprimanded Yang YiFan as a punching bag at any time because of his father's protection at home. Yang YiFan was regarded as a tiger in the company. Seems cowardly Yang YiFan actually secretly anxious for the company's future. In a chat with Wang Yue, he thought of a plan to save the company.In the evening, Yang YiFan in the bed gingerly uttered his thoughts to Jiang Xin, and Jiang Xin found it quite surprising at the same time. Yang YiFan strike while the iron is hot, that Wang Yue relationship can be through to carry out new business. Jiang Xin barely agreed. Yang YiFan and Wang Yue set foot on a business trip, Jiang Xin found Chen Xiang. Chen Xiang, who was divorced from Kong San, looked haggard and unaccompanied. Jiang Xin scolded Chen Xiang for nothing and took Chen Xiang to go home for dinner. Jiang Xin sisters and Jiang Xin sisters chatting with each other during the recent developments, but only Chen Xiang sullen, Yang YiFan called to report themselves to sleep, everyone envy, Jiang Xin mouth I do not know enough, in fact, very proud. Chen Xiang and Kong San finally reached this stage, and the two accepted mediation and divorce. The next day, Yang YiFan and Wang Yue came to the city where Wang Yue's relatives were located to discuss business. They were deeply intoxicated. Wang Yue took care of Yang YiFan and kept guarding him in the hotel room, unknowingly falling asleep. Jiang Xin, who had been with Yang YiFan since her marriage, slept on her bed alone, suddenly struck a sense of senseless sense of loss. She even looked forward to Yang YiFan's phone number, left and right, and finally stopped Yang YiFan's phone call. The other side of Wang Yue was awakened by the phone, she did not think too much, for Yang YiFan connected to the phone. Jiang Xin heard Wang Yue's voice, shocked and angry, the phone severely fell to the ground. The next day, Yang YiFan learned that Jiang Xin had called and returned immediately, explaining Jiang Xin to the reason. Jiang Xin took Chen Xiang to hide in Wei Zhuang's home. Yang YiFan caught up with her smiley face and did not expect Jiang Xin to scoff at Yang YiFan in the face of so many good friends, turning up a pile of old books and saying Yang YiFan is a pug, get nothing, Yang YiFan suffocating but did not dare attack, drunk smoked, sleeping on the roadside. After Jiang Xin got home, my father asked Yang YiFan. Jiang Xin said that he wanted to divorce him. After Father heard him angry, he urged Jiang Xin to find Yang YiFan several times. However, Jiang Xin pretended not to care for it. Father picked up their own clothes go out to go out, just go out on the encounter at the door of Yang YiFan curly up, the two men talked about a heart. Wang Yue talk of the business into a win for the company a lot of benefits, but Jiang Xin was lukewarm treatment of Wang Yue, and eventually Wang Yue out of the company. Yang YiFan deeply guilty, find Wang Yue good relief, the result was again found by Jiang Xin, noisy quarrel. Daddy is exacerbated by illness and Yang YiFan is with her in the hospital every day. Jiang Xin arranged for Chen Xiang to find a new job. Jiang Yan receives the rose every day, but does not know who, finally one day, Lin Nan comes to Jiang Yan, tells her to oneself to his affection, invites Jiang Yan and oneself birthday, Jiang Yan gracious difficulty, After a romantic birthday with Lin Nan, Jiang Yan has a good impression on the handsome Lin Nan. Compared with Luo Hao, Lin Nan knows more about enjoying life, and Luo Hao knows Pimlico all day and starts to frequently meet with Lin Nan. Inadvertently, Luo Hao finds Luo Hao to follow the two people. Jiang Yan feels humiliated. Nan go fly.One day Jiang Xin's company was running out of strength and Xin Jiang Xin was in a dilemma. Jiang Xin suddenly found himself pregnant. Yang YiFan was very happy. She also told Jiang Xin's father about the incident. Father was very happy, of course, but did not think Jiang Xin Most afraid of losing their coy body, with the company and so much at home, decided to knock down children. Yang YiFan furious, inadvertently told the story Father, heart attack angrily under the influence of the Father, Jiang Xin, Yang YiFan sad, and was met Jiang Yan Lin Nan together with the sea, so Father did not see Jiang Yan last On the one hand, leaving the only regret. Jiang Xin then saw the arrival of Jiang Yan, angrily gave her sister a slap in the face. Wu BanJiang's relatives want to give him the legacy of the condition is Wu BanJiang want to have inherited the Wu family incense son. Wu BanJiang's new wife, though rich, can not give birth, which makes Wu BanJiang play a happy leap of mind. Wu BanJiang used despicable means to frame Wei Zhuang's failure to take good care of his son to let his son go away, eventually causing Wei Zhuang to lose his case and lose custody of Lele. Liu ShengShi speaks with great urgency to Wei Zhuang and encourages Wei Zhuang to strive for their own lives and not to give up. Wei Zhuang was impressed by Liu ShengShi and finally accepted Liu Sheng Shi. Wei Zhuang was surprised to find out that the life of the couple was so wonderful. Finally, Wu BanJiang's newlywed wife, with her remorse, was also a woman who learned that her mother's feelings with her children were hard to give up and decided to let Wu BanJiang return her son to Wei Zhuang. When Wei Zhuang with children and Liu ShengShi really want to come together, Liu ShengShi said never marry again. Wei Zhuang, who has experienced life experiences, understands and accepts such living conditions. Jiang Xin routinely went to the hospital for examination because of pregnancy. The doctor advised her to do a whole body examination. After the examination, the doctor diagnosed her as having breast cancer. Jiang Xin was dumbfounded. But when she thought of the baby in her abdomen, her maternal instinct suddenly disappeared when she wanted to destroy her child. She refused surgery and chemotherapy but the mood was very bad. Kong San finds Gumugazi chatting and says he lives outside alone and miss Chen Xiang. Although Akut often helps, she does not take care of her and does not even bother to do housework. After drunken Kong San shouted the name of Chen Xiang, happened to be returned home Akutai heard, then Asha be decided to leave Kong San. Aku gave Kong San's store space to someone else, leaving Kong San with a money-book. Gazi wanted to persuade Kong San, but she did not know what to say. Both of them put their words in the wine. Lonely Kong San returned to his home with Chen Xiang. He undressed his clothes in bed, still holding the Chen Xiang blanket, and his tears flowed silently; on the other hand, Chen Xiang came to a strange city without Jiang Xin TV series to find someone who introduced the press conference introduction, they do not mean to say, alone battles, the results run into trouble, in the end has also been cheated. Chen Xiang helpless home, just hit the decadent Kong San. Kong San said after seeing Chen Xiang instinctively: "I'm hungry." Chen Xiang said: "You eat a pole or a sassy one." Kong San said: "I want to eat buns." The two cried, and they said good things.Lin Nan is a person who pursues freedom. Love is a kind of faith to him. When Jiang Yan depended on him deeply, he started to withdraw. Lin Nan's classmate told him: He actually loves love itself, not Jiang Yan. He was silent, and he had the decision to leave. Jiang Yan also exhausted, choose to study abroad. Jiang Xin suddenly felt the fragility of life, so she insisted on giving birth to her children, not only for her own sake but also for her own Yang YiFan and her deceased father. Yang YiFan learned from Wei Zhuang that Jiang Xin had saved her children and she had the most doubts. They finally learned the truth from the doctor. Jiang Xin Facing the stomach of children and their own illness, becoming more vulnerable, choose a person to hide. Wei Zhuang They finally found her and gave her comfort and encouragement. Yang YiFan also took care of Jiang Xin. Doctors to report: Jiang Xin mother and child safe. Yang YiFan then encouraged Jiang Xin to continue treatment well. Two years later, Jiang Yan came back from China and got off the plane. At the airport, Luo Hao still waited. Luo Hao both saw each other and left the airport together. Wei Zhuang, Liu ShengShi and Lele to see the wedding car was particularly cordial, and Chen Xiang and Kong San happy to prepare for the wedding of the wedding.

she (TV)[2005]

Feature: This strange wedding a large skiing in the northern city gathered a lot of people come to see the crowds Luxury wedding car slowly into the next pair of very uncoordinated couples people talk about the insider told the bride and sister wedding ceremony began, I saw Xuefeng on a red and blue two people generally flying arrows to the crowd at this time, an accident occurred. A young man armed with a sharp knife suddenly rushed out, holding the bride and stabbed the groom's abdomen; after a false alarm, the lawyer Wei Zhuang came to the wedding to find her husband Wu BanJiang mysteriously disappeared after dialing the phone busy, Wei Zhuang started looking around. At this time, Wu BanJiang was hiding in the bathroom and called her sweetheart Zhang Lili. Liu ShengShi, who just stepped into the bathroom, saw that Wu Zhuang found Wu BanJiang and the two clashed. At this moment, Liu ShengShi came out from the toilet and solved for Wu BanJiang. It turns out Liu ShengShi is an old friend of Wei Zhuang. Wu BanJiang claimed to have been on a business trip and left in a hurry. In the meantime, Chen Xiang and Kong San, the other pair of lovers, came late in the quarrel. Chen Xiang was so jealous of complaining that there was only Aqiu's clerk in the heart of Kong San. Jiang Xin for Chen Xiang backing, but made unhappy. Liu ShengShi sent Wei Zhuang to go home with his son Lele. The two recalled their student days, making them smile at each other with a smile but with infinite emotion and helplessness. Wei Zhuang knew that Liu ShengShi was divorced and was silent. Suddenly, Wei Zhuang remembered something and asked Liu ShengShi to send her to the airport. Inside the airport, Wei Zhuang looks at the boarding people traveling to a certain city. Confirming that there is no flight from Wu BanJiang, Wei Zhuang, in a complicated mood, is unable to get out of the airport. Jiang Xin and Yang YiFan returned home with Wei Zhuang's children. Yang YiFan watched the joy of children overflowing with pleasures and expressed to Jiang Xin that they also wanted a child's wish. After he kidnapped the child, he was anxiously waiting for a bath in the bed by Jiang Xin. Jiang Xin was deliberately unhurried, and when she came out, Yang YiFan had fallen asleep. Two newcomers to the "divorce woman" Jiang Yan and Luo Hao went back to more than a dozen square meters of new home to appreciate the sweetness brought to each other by the wedding. Jiang Yan was very satisfied with her life. Luo Hao was guilty of the face. For the naughty wife, I can not wait to give her all the happiness and promised Jiang Yan that she should have a good life. She was dark at night, while Chen Xiang was still at home wiping the floor. Kong San returned home with a drink, Chen Xiang asked Kong San whether he was with Aku again, though Kong San had a few mouthpieces with Chen Xiang but still took his wife back to the room to sleep. Kong San says breakfast wants to eat buns, and Chen Xiang said it must package Kong San's favorite buns. Although the two noisy, but little days had a fairly sweet; dawn, a man and a woman still in bed lingering, the man is Wu BanJiang, then the doorbell sounded, milkman waiting at the door. Wu BanJiang opened the door and Wu BanJiang opened the door. She was surprised to find Wei Zhuang standing at the door. The court was solemn and quiet. Wei Zhuang and Wu BanJiang were on two sides. Jiang Yan When Wei Zhuang, Jiang Xin, Yang YiFan, Luo Hao , Liu Sheng Shi and others sitting in the gallery.Very angry Wu BanJiang harsh language ridiculed in court, said Wei Zhuang cold, heartless, not feminine, Wei Zhuang calm response, one only want to return the child, which may play into the hands middle Wu BanJiang, verdict: children, house Leave Wei Zhuang, Wu BanJiang dingy. Wei Zhuang looks strong, this time hiding in the bathroom silently tears. Jiang Xin came to Wei Zhuang's home and wanted to comfort Wei Zhuang. However, Wei Zhuang said she only wanted to be quiet. Jiang Xin ate the loss, feeling boring and depressed. Yang YiFan let go after returning home, Yang YiFan all smiles, obedient. One side of Jiang Xin's father can not see the eye began to blame his daughter, he told his personal experience Jiang Xin what is trustworthy man, do not bless in the blessing. Jiang Xin frustration alone sulking in the room, Yang YiFan come coax again advised, and finally Jiang Xin laughed. Wei Zhuang alone with children, has encountered many problems. One day, his son was in a fever, Wei Zhuang was busy carrying his son to the hospital and hurriedly forgot to bring money. Arrived at the hospital, Wei Zhuang had to call Jiang Xin, but no one answered. In desperation, she thought Liu ShengShi and Liu ShengShi apart from saying anything went to the hospital and helped Wei Zhuang to take care of LeLe. Finally, Wei Zhuang Mother and child take home. Wei Zhuang Lele day and night care, had a bad mood, he was tired too sick, with the help of Liu ShengShi Lele's condition finally stabilized, Wei Zhuang gratefully for Liu ShengShi for breakfast, two relaxed Pleased to chat, talked about the past era of students, filled with emotion, Liu ShengShi speech revealed the love of Wei Zhuang, Wei Zhuang though heart, but old-fashioned, stubborn personality or make Wei Zhuang quietly rejected Liu ShengShi's hint. However, Liu ShengShi good for yourself, let Wei Zhuang feel a touch of warmth and sweetness. Wei Zhuang carelessly went to the law firm, Jiang Yan litigation for Wei Zhuang, Jiang Yan won the first case easily, to thank the parties to ask Jiang Yan to eat, Jiang Yan promised, during the meeting found that the parties Lin Nan, humorous, chic, romantic, quite appreciate. Jiang Xin came home from work, Jiang Xin Yang YiFan told that he was fired by the company, Jiang Xin an indifferent attitude, arrogant, said Yang YiFan have a job does not matter, and the Yang YiFan damned, Yang YiFan plead guilty, Yang XinFan sang Yang Shun 's order Yang YiFan was a full - time writer and woman at home, and took care of frail sick father Yang YiFan promised. Jiang Xin At the unit where Yang YiFan, who was in charge of organizing the room, made several phone inquiries about Jiang Xin's home, Jiang Xin was very upset and dropped the meal from Yang YiFan to the ground. Jiang Xin too lazy to go home after get off work, had to use shopping, shopping crazy to eliminate depression. Turn around and went to Kong San's cosmetics shop, inadvertently found Kong San and Aqiu do honey dear, so as to misunderstand their relationship ambiguous. After a few cynical attempts by Jiang Xin to find Chen Xiang, Chen Xiang urged Chen Xiang to look tight with the example of Wei Zhuang and Wu BanJiang in order to avoid repeating the mistakes Wei Zhuang had. She also told Chen Xiang what she saw in the afternoon and Chen Xiang was in a hurry and hurriedly hurried home.In the meantime, Kong San was afraid to offend her because she had entered into several best-selling cosmetics and was being bitten and run by Zhang Jialin next door. Returning home, Chen Xiang queried about the relationship between Kong San and Ah Qiu and fought Kong San. Chen Xiang was beaten and later returned to her parents for complacentness. Her family was very brave. When Chen Xiang's family dared Kong San, Kong San's lower body Was kicked bad, sent to the hospital Chen Xiang did not know what they are, deeply guilty. Chen Xiang took care of Kong San in the hospital and watched Kong San look so painful that she was getting overly angry and blame everything on Aykut and came to the shop while Kong San was recuperating at the hospital. Hit the fight. Chen Xiang did not dare to face Kong San after he hit Akiu and came to Jiang Xin. Jiang Xin advised him that the woman should play. Chen Xiang then release. Kong San, just discharged, insisted on going to the store to see Chen Xiang angry not to go home first. Kong San arrived at the store and noticed that the door was closed. Zhang Jie, next door, was cynically told him what happened in the store a few days ago. Kong San found Ah Qiu. Ah Qiu cried and said to Kong San that she did not want to do any more. Kong San All sorts of comfort, to Aqiu bought a beautiful coat, only to keep Aqiu. Chen Xiang went to Kong San's make-up shop, was in the face of Kong San and Ah-Qiu's come-back purchase, Chen Xiang angrily smashed all the goods and scolded Ah-Qiu, Ah-Chiu ran out crying , Kong San chase out. Afterwards, Chen Xiang was still regretful and scared. He made a table-style meal for Kong San and waited for Kong San to come back and make a mistake to him. Upset Kong San, but find a buddy went to play cards, did not return overnight. After returning home, Kong San took a phone call and hurriedly left home. Chen Xiang unconsciously found something out and went out. Chen Xiang saw Kong San walking into a hotel laughing and laughing with Ah Qiu burn. After Kong San came back, the two quarreled and Kong San shot Chen Xiang again, and Chen Xiang ran to Jiang Xin's home. Chen Xiang At Jiang Xin's home, staying for several days made Jiang Xin very upset. Jiang Xin advised Chen Xiang to divorce Chen Xiang has been crying noncommittal. Jiang Xin had to bring Chen Xiang to look for Wei Zhuang. Wei Zhuang persuaded Chen Xiang not to divorce himself and to live well with Kong San. After listening to Wei Zhuang's persuasion, Chen Xiang decided to show Kong San good. Kong San bought vegetables in the farms and happily entered the house but found Kong San lying on the bed while Aku was seated by the bed. Angry Chen Xiang ran out of the house, attempted suicide and was taken to the hospital. Frustrated Chen Xiang finally decided to divorce. Kong San returned home and received a summons from the court. Due to mismanagement and the market environment, Jiang Xin's business was getting worse. And Yang YiFan also feel that he is less and less at home, he pleaded Jiang Xin, Jiang Xin hope he can go to work for the company, Jiang Xin Yang YiFan in the sales department to learn business. A recently graduated college student met Yang YiFan honest, frank and kind, she felt very warm, the two quickly became friends. Having troubled the company, Jiang Xin reprimanded Yang YiFan as a punching bag at any time because of his father's protection at home. Yang YiFan was regarded as a tiger in the company. Seems cowardly Yang YiFan actually secretly anxious for the company's future. In a chat with Wang Yue, he thought of a plan to save the company.In the evening, Yang YiFan in the bed gingerly uttered his thoughts to Jiang Xin, and Jiang Xin found it quite surprising at the same time. Yang YiFan strike while the iron is hot, that Wang Yue relationship can be through to carry out new business. Jiang Xin barely agreed. Yang YiFan and Wang Yue set foot on a business trip, Jiang Xin found Chen Xiang. Chen Xiang, who was divorced from Kong San, looked haggard and unaccompanied. Jiang Xin scolded Chen Xiang for nothing and took Chen Xiang to go home for dinner. Jiang Xin sisters and Jiang Xin sisters chatting with each other during the recent developments, but only Chen Xiang sullen, Yang YiFan called to report themselves to sleep, everyone envy, Jiang Xin mouth I do not know enough, in fact, very proud. Chen Xiang and Kong San finally reached this stage, and the two accepted mediation and divorce. The next day, Yang YiFan and Wang Yue came to the city where Wang Yue's relatives were located to discuss business. They were deeply intoxicated. Wang Yue took care of Yang YiFan and kept guarding him in the hotel room, unknowingly falling asleep. Jiang Xin, who had been with Yang YiFan since her marriage, slept on her bed alone, suddenly struck a sense of senseless sense of loss. She even looked forward to Yang YiFan's phone number, left and right, and finally stopped Yang YiFan's phone call. The other side of Wang Yue was awakened by the phone, she did not think too much, for Yang YiFan connected to the phone. Jiang Xin heard Wang Yue's voice, shocked and angry, the phone severely fell to the ground. The next day, Yang YiFan learned that Jiang Xin had called and returned immediately, explaining Jiang Xin to the reason. Jiang Xin took Chen Xiang to hide in Wei Zhuang's home. Yang YiFan caught up with her smiley face and did not expect Jiang Xin to scoff at Yang YiFan in the face of so many good friends, turning up a pile of old books and saying Yang YiFan is a pug, get nothing, Yang YiFan suffocating but did not dare attack, drunk smoked, sleeping on the roadside. After Jiang Xin got home, my father asked Yang YiFan. Jiang Xin said that he wanted to divorce him. After Father heard him angry, he urged Jiang Xin to find Yang YiFan several times. However, Jiang Xin pretended not to care for it. Father picked up their own clothes go out to go out, just go out on the encounter at the door of Yang YiFan curly up, the two men talked about a heart. Wang Yue talk of the business into a win for the company a lot of benefits, but Jiang Xin was lukewarm treatment of Wang Yue, and eventually Wang Yue out of the company. Yang YiFan deeply guilty, find Wang Yue good relief, the result was again found by Jiang Xin, noisy quarrel. Daddy is exacerbated by illness and Yang YiFan is with her in the hospital every day. Jiang Xin arranged for Chen Xiang to find a new job. Jiang Yan receives the rose every day, but does not know who, finally one day, Lin Nan comes to Jiang Yan, tells her to oneself to his affection, invites Jiang Yan and oneself birthday, Jiang Yan gracious difficulty, After a romantic birthday with Lin Nan, Jiang Yan has a good impression on the handsome Lin Nan. Compared with Luo Hao, Lin Nan knows more about enjoying life, and Luo Hao knows Pimlico all day and starts to frequently meet with Lin Nan. Inadvertently, Luo Hao finds Luo Hao to follow the two people. Jiang Yan feels humiliated. Nan go fly.One day Jiang Xin's company was running out of strength and Xin Jiang Xin was in a dilemma. Jiang Xin suddenly found himself pregnant. Yang YiFan was very happy. She also told Jiang Xin's father about the incident. Father was very happy, of course, but did not think Jiang Xin Most afraid of losing their coy body, with the company and so much at home, decided to knock down children. Yang YiFan furious, inadvertently told the story Father, heart attack angrily under the influence of the Father, Jiang Xin, Yang YiFan sad, and was met Jiang Yan Lin Nan together with the sea, so Father did not see Jiang Yan last On the one hand, leaving the only regret. Jiang Xin then saw the arrival of Jiang Yan, angrily gave her sister a slap in the face. Wu BanJiang's relatives want to give him the legacy of the condition is Wu BanJiang want to have inherited the Wu family incense son. Wu BanJiang's new wife, though rich, can not give birth, which makes Wu BanJiang play a happy leap of mind. Wu BanJiang used despicable means to frame Wei Zhuang's failure to take good care of his son to let his son go away, eventually causing Wei Zhuang to lose his case and lose custody of Lele. Liu ShengShi speaks with great urgency to Wei Zhuang and encourages Wei Zhuang to strive for their own lives and not to give up. Wei Zhuang was impressed by Liu ShengShi and finally accepted Liu Sheng Shi. Wei Zhuang was surprised to find out that the life of the couple was so wonderful. Finally, Wu BanJiang's newlywed wife, with her remorse, was also a woman who learned that her mother's feelings with her children were hard to give up and decided to let Wu BanJiang return her son to Wei Zhuang. When Wei Zhuang with children and Liu ShengShi really want to come together, Liu ShengShi said never marry again. Wei Zhuang, who has experienced life experiences, understands and accepts such living conditions. Jiang Xin routinely went to the hospital for examination because of pregnancy. The doctor advised her to do a whole body examination. After the examination, the doctor diagnosed her as having breast cancer. Jiang Xin was dumbfounded. But when she thought of the baby in her abdomen, her maternal instinct suddenly disappeared when she wanted to destroy her child. She refused surgery and chemotherapy but the mood was very bad. Kong San finds Gumugazi chatting and says he lives outside alone and miss Chen Xiang. Although Akut often helps, she does not take care of her and does not even bother to do housework. After drunken Kong San shouted the name of Chen Xiang, happened to be returned home Akutai heard, then Asha be decided to leave Kong San. Aku gave Kong San's store space to someone else, leaving Kong San with a money-book. Gazi wanted to persuade Kong San, but she did not know what to say. Both of them put their words in the wine. Lonely Kong San returned to his home with Chen Xiang. He undressed his clothes in bed, still holding the Chen Xiang blanket, and his tears flowed silently; on the other hand, Chen Xiang came to a strange city without Jiang Xin TV series to find someone who introduced the press conference introduction, they do not mean to say, alone battles, the results run into trouble, in the end has also been cheated. Chen Xiang helpless home, just hit the decadent Kong San. Kong San said after seeing Chen Xiang instinctively: "I'm hungry." Chen Xiang said: "You eat a pole or a sassy one." Kong San said: "I want to eat buns." The two cried, and they said good things.Lin Nan is a person who pursues freedom. Love is a kind of faith to him. When Jiang Yan depended on him deeply, he started to withdraw. Lin Nan's classmate told him: He actually loves love itself, not Jiang Yan. He was silent, and he had the decision to leave. Jiang Yan also exhausted, choose to study abroad. Jiang Xin suddenly felt the fragility of life, so she insisted on giving birth to her children, not only for her own sake but also for her own Yang YiFan and her deceased father. Yang YiFan learned from Wei Zhuang that Jiang Xin had saved her children and she had the most doubts. They finally learned the truth from the doctor. Jiang Xin Facing the stomach of children and their own illness, becoming more vulnerable, choose a person to hide. Wei Zhuang They finally found her and gave her comfort and encouragement. Yang YiFan also took care of Jiang Xin. Doctors to report: Jiang Xin mother and child safe. Yang YiFan then encouraged Jiang Xin to continue treatment well. Two years later, Jiang Yan came back from China and got off the plane. At the airport, Luo Hao still waited. Luo Hao both saw each other and left the airport together. Wei Zhuang, Liu ShengShi and Lele to see the wedding car was particularly cordial, and Chen Xiang and Kong San happy to prepare for the wedding of the wedding.

Eighteen-year-old sky (TV)[2004]

Feature: Jiaying Middle School principal Xiong Bo decided to teach in small classes in the third year of high school. In order to let the children really understand the quality education of Jianfeng Bao, the eighteen-year-old sky, bring happiness to the children, Xiong Bo hired a teacher from a middle school YueTao. At the opening ceremony, Gu YueTao and Pei Pei were surprised to find out that when the other party turned out to be teaching in the same school, Pei Pei could not believe that Gu YueTao was the teacher who was the myth of everybody. Besides, she was full of personality, innocence and love to show. Gu YueTao realizes that Pei Pei, like himself, is also a teacher employed at Jiaying High School. At the opening ceremony, Gu YueTao made the most of the teachers and students feel disappointed. Gu YueTao's behavior so that teachers and students scratching their heads, after the placement, because the elite of the class are gathered in Gu YueTao class, really make the new class teacher miserable, the first test of his class At the end of the whole year, he took the first-year full-time Chinese course. Children's faith in the eighteen-year-old sky shot down to freezing. In the face of Shi YanFeng's attack, in the face of the show off competition among female students, in the face of the problem of Wu DanDan who just transferred, in the face of the consequences of the deteriorating relations between Wang Chen and her mother and the face of Lan FeiLin and Wu DanDan Due to the contradictions caused by the drama protagonist, in the face of Wang JunZe overly arrogant personality, Gu YueTao euphemism patience as a friend of their students, successfully adjusted the children's mentality. The non-existent classes have been adjusted to a sunshine team, and with a step-by-step approach, the entire class of children can truly feel that quality education is sunshine education. He let the children experience and embraced a quality education model that he had practiced. Graduation exams, children with astonishing achievements in the character of this cool teacher. He conquered the people who had doubted him with facts. At this moment, Pei Pei finally entered his heart. The students are going to break up with him, explaining to his children the philosophy of his own unique approach to education. He said he will always be a friend of the children rather than a teacher. He hopes all children have their own space to study in a relaxed environment. He hopes every child will be a sunshine boy and he will use his own actions Give the children an 18-year-old sky. The above comes from

family tree (TV)[2003]

Feature: Family tree actress modeling story in Shanghai, the mid-eighties. Sun Yu Xin admitted to Peking University, but just before her report, her mother died in a seemingly unexpected accident and left her with two younger sisters and a younger brother. All three siblings were children of female prisoners adopted by the mother when she was a prison police officer. In order to raise and take care of younger brothers and sisters, Yu Xin decided to give up her chance to go to college and work in Shanghai to earn money. Tian Feng, a student of Peking University who was admitted to Peking University together with her, lives with her and always lives with her. Yu Xin deliberately managed to lose contact with him in order not to drag him. A few years later Tian Feng won a scholarship to go abroad. Yu Xin first apprenticeship in a small tailor shop, and later married to the teacher's son, but this marriage eventually ended in a divorce. Ten years later, younger brothers and sisters have grown up: Yu Yue University has just graduated, found a job as a teacher, but also handed in a journalist boyfriend LonghaiFan. Yu Huan, a young girl, is still studying at the university and has also started to fall in love. Her boyfriend Luo Ning is a star and has a very good family background. Yu Le, a younger brother, studied for two years at home and finally admitted to his favorite Jiaotong University. Yu Xin, a high school amateur colleague and deputies, has been helping Yu Xin for many years and sincerely hopes Yu Xin will marry him. After a failed marriage, Yu Xin hesitates to marry a kind and generous department. The days of this family look better day by day. However, Yu Yue's boyfriend discovered the secrets of this family bloodline. In spite of Yu Yue's objection, he published it in the media for the sake of the future of his journalist work. As a result, four of his siblings were raised in their lives Heavy waves.

EndlessLove (TV)[2000]

Feature: Blue Life Professor Love Yin home added a lovely little sister, Junxi three years old and his father go to the nursery room to see sister Enxi, nurses do not pay attention, naughty Junxi exchange Eun Hee the same day Birth of a child near the brand. In this way, the two children were transferred to the wrong package. A flash over ten years in the past, Junxi has grown into a handsome boy, wonderful pen Dan is let him become a man of the school. Eun Hee (Wen Gen-Ying), 14, looks smart and adorable and enjoys family love. Brother Jun Xi favorite sister Enxi have added, brother and sister both very deep feelings. Jinghe, mother, cares for her only daughter, no more. Ample family environment, tender and attentive mother and great brother, all make Enxi in school envy friends. My classmate Han Chae-young, his father died young, and his brother was idle. Only her mother worked hard to run a restaurant and her life was tough. Therefore, the core love is very jealous of Enxi who wears beautiful clothes everyday. Coupled with loss of campaign leader, more bitter enxi. Between breaks, Enxi's petticoat was hanging in the tree branches. Enxi adventure climbing the tree, almost fall, Jun Hee happened to see this scene. After class home, Jun Xi asked about the matter, finally know is core love. Jun Hee angry resentment, went to question core love, Eun Hee do not want to make things big rush to stop, but unexpectedly collided with a truck coming out from the alley, a serious traffic accident. After being sent to the hospital, Eun-hee needs blood transfusion because of excessive blood loss. At this time found Enxi's blood type and Professor Yin's couple's blood type is completely different, Professor Yin couple found Enxi's birth hospital, only to understand the core love and grace Xi was replaced this amazing fact. Enxi's parents find the core love of the home, Professor Yin saw the innocent daughter heart love tragedy, heartache, determined to go back to his daughter. In order to meet Enxi's desire to participate in painting competitions, Jun Xi to find core love, happened to see their parents looking for biological daughter. Jun Hee determined to hold enxi anyway. Mother Jinghe also reluctant to separate with Enxi Hee Young (Moon Geun-young play), has been reluctant to recognize with the core love. However, the poor families have a core of dissatisfaction with love, that the truth, away from home to recognize biological parents. Eun-hee is hard to accept the brutal fact that Mom and Dad are not their own biological parents, but with the encouragement of Jun Hee, she decided to face the reality firmly. Beijing River do not want to lose grace, decided to send away the core love, to maintain the status quo antempt, Professor Yin determined to do so. Eunhee could not bear to her mother Jinghe dilemma, do not want to hurt his brother Junxi for her beaten, leaving home into the original core love of home, lived a completely different life with before. Core love in the new home started a rich life, all the joy. Enxi has to face the poverty of the family, rough mothers, rogue brother, but good Eun-hee decided to stay with his biological mother. In order to forget what happened, Professor Yin went to the United States with a core love. Eight years later, Ellen's life-and-death drama Song Hye-kyo was a telephone operator in the hotel. Encounter with the younger son of the hotel manager, Won Bin, by chance.Playboy has always been the game of life, good and lovely Thai Enxi had a good impression, began a fierce offensive. Song Seung-heon has become famous in the field of painting and has engaged young girlfriends who have been with many years of friendship. However, there is always a shadow of Eun Hee in his heart. In order to open a personal exhibition in South Korea, Jun Xi returned to South Korea. While he was a lecturer at the university, he was ready to open a painting exhibition. Tai-shei and Jun-hee and Jun-hei's fiancee Naomi Na-na Han were very good friends who used to study together in the United States. Before finding a house, Jun Xi temporarily admitted to the hotel in Thailand. Enxi and Jun-hee have passed by several times, but both of them feel a sense of familiarity. Finally Enxi saw missing brother Junxi for a long time. Thai tin and young Americans are extremely puzzled. Core love Enxi appeared worried. Reunited Jun Hee and Eun Hee found the feelings of the two are no longer the feelings of brother and sister, from each other hopeless concern into a strong love. Jun Xi no longer evade the call of their own hearts, decided to break up with the young beauty. Young beauty from Jun Hee to Eun-hui's portrait to see Junxi Hee Hee feelings, ask Enxi to fulfill them. Tai Xi know Enxi's tragic life experience, decided to guard forever Enxi never give up, love unremitting love core. Enxi in order to fulfill his promise to young beauty, accepted the feelings of Thailand and tin. Music can not be Yin JunXi (Song Seung-heon played) branch of Thailand tin decided to reborn, be a down-to-earth good man. Do not have the ulterior motives of young grace Enxi and Thailand tin together to come to Junxi's dining. Unaware of Thailand and Thailand Xi Xi Enxi more care, Enxi feel overwhelmed. Professor Yin couple suddenly returned home, happened to meet with Eun Hee in the hometown, the three mixed feelings. Jinghe love recovered from the daughter of all kinds, but also to like Chunxi love younger sister Enxi as a child, Junxi had agreed. Due to the intervention of parents, Jun Hee determined and Enxi only love each other only brothers and sisters, the grace entrusted to take care of Thailand and Thailand. Enxi moved out of the hotel's dormitory, suffering from nowhere to go. Mother's entourage know Enxi meet with the Beijing River, they drive out Enxi. Enxi find Junxi help, but happened to see the young beautiful Kiss Junhui scene. Enxi and Junxi quietly meet, spend the happy time belonging to both brother and sister. On the 1st, Tai Xi found Enxi and Jun Xi's computer camera photos in Enxi's purse, with a great suspicion. Young Mei Junxi expressed hope that the two get married as soon as possible. Junxi and Enxi together to Mizuki Park Villa to play. Unexpectedly, it rained suddenly and had to stay for a day. Both of them lied to Tai-tin and Young-mei respectively. At this moment, Young Mei is waiting for them to come back together with Tai-tin who came to find Jun-hee. Thai tin finally know things that love each other. Thailand tin determined to get Enxi no matter what, no matter who Eun Hee really love. He did not hesitate to use money to reward Eun-hee's greedy brother and buy his nasty plants and flowers in order to get Enxi's favor. Professor Yin decided to adopt Enxi. And because of the existence of Enxi, much loved by the core, the atmosphere is difficult, exposing the Junxi brother and sister love things. Professor Yin strongly opposes two people in love. Do not want to deceive each other feelings, Jun Xi throw away everything, and eunho ran to ranch, played a sweet two world. Jun-hee to Eun-Hyun propose, Echigo shyly agreed.Unfortunately, the good news is not long, Eun Hee phone call to his mother was overheard his elder brother Zhong Zhe, Zhong Zhe telling the news of Thailand tin. At this point, Jun Hee also want to marry Eun Hee, then with the Thai tin back home. Waiting at home, parents and young mothers, Jun Xi to Enxi to marry the decision is extremely angry. Junxi and Enxi agreed that no matter what happens, we should return to Mizuki Park, the pursuit of mutual happiness. Professor Yin wanted to send Eun-Hee to study in the United States, to compensate for the guilt over the years and to separate a couple. Jun Xi firmly married Enxi, Professor Yin cut off the threat of parent-child relationship. Young could not withstand the attempted suicide, from right hand can not draw. Elder brother begged Eun Hee Junxi, he can not not Junxi. Junxi because young children committed suicide, felt guilty and had to take responsibility. Two people failed to return to Shuimuyuan as agreed. Thailand tin was Enxi rejected, very frustrated, began to give up on themselves. Enxi see in the eyes very sad. Eunuch physically and mentally exhausted finally hospitalized, and her beloved Jun-hee but in order to take care of young Americans can not come, but instead of Tai-shee ran before her run. Jun Xi's solo exhibition was held in the hotel and conference hall of Tai Xi. The just recovered Enxi got this news and panicked. Enxi and Junxi accidentally meet, she lied to himself and Thailand tin well. Junxi confident to Tai Xi confirmed. Thai tin feel that they have been used, indignant, just took Enxi Hee Hee participated in the exhibition, deliberately pretend to look intimacy. Junxi's line of sight can not leave Enxi, young beauty to see in the eyes had moan and sighed. Thailand and Thailand refused Enxi plea, decided no matter how the family must be opposed to Enxi married. Enxi accidentally learned that he had leukemia. Desperate Eunhee Jun Jun to complain about, but happened to see Junxi told young United States together two months later returned to the scene, Enxi sad to leave. Thai tin see Enxi take medicine, know Enxi's condition. Thai-tin decided to be responsible for En Xi, and vowed to cure her illness, revealed to Enxi unselfish love without any conditions. Jun Hee do not know Enxi's illness, although he and young beauty together, but just think Enxi, young beauty helpless, just hope to return to the United States earlier. Continued sickness Enxi feel more difficult, Eun Hee Junxi again to find, I hope he will not go to the United States, spend the last six months with her, Jun-hee deeply puzzled. Jun-hee refused Eun-hee's plea, while he himself was painfully drunk and tortured himself repeatedly. Eun Hee returned home again fainted was taken to the hospital, get the careful care of Thailand and tin. Enxi promised to accept the treatment of Thai tin special advice, deceive mother said he found a job in the Seoul hotel, so to leave home for some time. En Hye-kyo plays for the last time Jun-hee, but she still concealed his illness and said she wanted to go to a new place with Thais to start a new life and live well. Let Junxi do not worry. Jun Xi regretfully broke up with her. Enxi admitted to the hospital, received a special bone marrow examination. Hee hee learned from the phone recording young beauty hands in fact no problem, young beautiful to Junxi frankly, lying to him because of fear of injury on the hands later, Junxi will leave, so he has been without telling him.Jun Hee hopes that young Americans gave him some time to arrange his feelings before going to the United States and went to the ranch. Thai tin heard of bone marrow transplantation can cure, on Enxi's family frankly all things, and asked the family must be Junxi confidential, because this is enxi meaning. Enxi exacerbated the pain reluctantly came to Mizuki Park, but met the first Junxi. Eun-hee until the last have to hide his condition, she quietly said: I love you forever, and Jun Xi was the last goodbye. Enxi returned to the hospital the condition continued to deteriorate, into a coma. Young hesitate to tell the truth after Jun Hee. Junxi rushed to the hospital in a hurry and said he still did not say anything, that is: I love you, Eun Hee. Jun He painfully recalls all the pictures with Enxi. He said to Young America: Let's go back to the United States. Even if Young is not going back, he himself has to go back. Young thinks this is not the real idea of ​​Jun Hee and thinks it is all his fault. The doctor said tonight is the key, so that everyone stable emotions. Family feel very desperate, core love that he and Enxi's fate in exchange for such a thing happened, Eun Hee instead of being sick, for which she is very self-blame. Eun Hsi unconscious, Jun Hei but indifferent. Tai Xi advised Junxi to visit the hospital, Jun He admitted that he was afraid of Eun Hee saw his own, may feel very comfortable, maybe it will be gone, so can not go. But the result he still went. Enxi actually woke up in front of Junxi, two people in order to spend the last time together, decided to revisit the children played together when playing the seaside in order to leave some of the last memories. Young decided to go study alone, Thailand and Thailand in order to complete the two quietly quit. Eun-hee In order to be happy with Jun-hee to spend less time, it is often Yoshihiro Shin (Han Chae-young plays) to endure the pain, which even makes Jun Hee sad. Eun Hee began to vomit blood, the condition deteriorated day by day. She began taking pictures, quietly preparing funerals. Enxi accidentally found Junxi in Junxi room quietly prepared for their own medicine bottles, Junxi promised not to die for her. The last two people came to play the seaside childhood, listening to Junxi told the story of childhood, Eun He quietly finished her life. Junxi commissioned Thailand and Western Thailand Hui Xi He ashes of the ashes spilled into the sea, alone came to a small village and Enxi traveled the country road. Scenes of childhood and Enxi games emerge in front of me. A dump truck knocked down Junxi, the body vacated, Junxi saw heaven Eun Hee smiled at him.

lux IA of Eng (TV)[2000]

Feature: Lu XiaoFeng was hunted down by a misunderstanding by Xi MenChuiXue and forced to flee into Ghost Villa. With his own intelligence and ability, Lu XiaoFeng got the trust of the owner of the villager, into a ghost town, and accompanied by Yin wife. The wedding night, Lu XiaoFeng found the ghost wife was actually the richest Korean Han Hangzhou's daughter. In fact, Lu XiaoFeng do everything possible to dive into the Ghost Villa is subject to the Korean prosecution, to save the Korean version of the Korean version of the home screen stills. But what he can not think of is that the owner of Ghost Villa was actually Baiyun Cheng Ye Gou Hung! In order to save the Han Rings, Lu XiaoFeng together with other friends such as Hua ManLou assassination leaf Ye Hong, Linna Yeh is not a leisurely generation, Lu XiaoFeng only melancholy go. A few days later, Han Ling disappeared while the killing of a Korean family killed Lu XiaoFeng. Lu XiaoFeng know murderer must be Ye Gu Hong, Ye also about Lu XiaoFeng to find his revenge in Death Valley. Lu XiaoFeng Into the Death Valley Discovery legend legendary "real light sword," so that he can not think that he actually met the Han Ling! After the two embracing passionate Lu XiaoFeng found himself trapped in the water, and "real light sword" and hanling but do not know where to go. Ye Xue came to hear Lu XiaoFeng rescued and told him there was a remarkable relationship between Han Ling and Ye Guhong. At this time, Han Ling and Ye Guhong have controlled the Daming Huang Di in an attempt to invade Jiangshan. While Ye Guoxing triumphantly, Lu XiaoFeng brought Xi MenChuiXue's war, to Ye Gu Hong decisive battle! Ye Gou Hung in the calculation, Lu XiaoFeng can only watch the beloved HANLONG suicide, Han Ling also loved Lu XiaoFeng, but she can not turn back. Xi MenChuiXue decided to return home in his wife Sun XiuQing because of his fast father! And just at this time, rivers and lakes occurred in a row murder, and actually killed and Xi MenChuiXue are inextricably linked, and finally even Sun XiuQing also killed for the mysterious man! Lu XiaoFeng With his own intelligence and intelligence to detect the incident is Ku GuaDaShi directed by his own son Duan Yi for. In the not-too-distant future, one hundred and three personal bodyguards and thirty-five million royal jewels evaporate from the world overnight, causing a great uproar! Pacific Prince eagle eagle forty-seven days to solve the case. Hawk seven looking for help Lu XiaoFeng, helpless land has gone away. On the way, Lu XiaoFeng met Yue Yang, Sha Man and others with curiosity. As they came to an island, they discovered the jewels they had taken so far. Lu XiaoFeng found Sha Man lost in life, the original Sha Man was sold to brothels as prostitutes, and later transferred by the Pacific Prince Gong Jiu. In order to save Sha Man Lu XiaoFeng into Gong Jiu's conspiracy, anti-slander into robbery planner, the entire government and martial arts have to kill him! Gong Jiu vowed to get rid of Lu XiaoFeng! Lu XiaoFeng and Gong Jiu launched a cat-and-mouse game ...

divorce (TV)[1999]

Feature: This strange wedding a large skiing in the northern city gathered a lot of people come to see the crowds Luxury wedding car slowly into the next pair of very uncoordinated couples people talk about the insider told the bride and sister wedding ceremony began, I saw Xuefeng on a red and blue two people generally flying arrows to the crowd at this time, an accident occurred. A young man armed with a sharp knife suddenly rushed out, holding the bride and stabbed the groom's abdomen; after a false alarm, the lawyer Wei Zhuang came to the wedding to find her husband Wu BanJiang mysteriously disappeared after dialing the phone busy, Wei Zhuang started looking around. At this time, Wu BanJiang was hiding in the bathroom and called her sweetheart Zhang Lili. Liu ShengShi, who just stepped into the bathroom, saw that Wu Zhuang found Wu BanJiang and the two clashed. At this moment, Liu ShengShi came out from the toilet and solved for Wu BanJiang. It turns out Liu ShengShi is an old friend of Wei Zhuang. Wu BanJiang claimed to have been on a business trip and left in a hurry. In the meantime, Chen Xiang and Kong San, the other pair of lovers, came late in the quarrel. Chen Xiang was so jealous of complaining that there was only Aqiu's clerk in the heart of Kong San. Jiang Xin for Chen Xiang backing, but made unhappy. Liu ShengShi sent Wei Zhuang to go home with his son Lele. The two recalled their student days, making them smile at each other with a smile but with infinite emotion and helplessness. Wei Zhuang knew that Liu ShengShi was divorced and was silent. Suddenly, Wei Zhuang remembered something and asked Liu ShengShi to send her to the airport. Inside the airport, Wei Zhuang looks at the boarding people traveling to a certain city. Confirming that there is no flight from Wu BanJiang, Wei Zhuang, in a complicated mood, is unable to get out of the airport. Jiang Xin and Yang YiFan returned home with Wei Zhuang's children. Yang YiFan watched the joy of children overflowing with pleasures and expressed to Jiang Xin that they also wanted a child's wish. After he kidnapped the child, he was anxiously waiting for a bath in the bed by Jiang Xin. Jiang Xin was deliberately unhurried, and when she came out, Yang YiFan had fallen asleep. Two newcomers to the "divorce woman" Jiang Yan and Luo Hao went back to more than a dozen square meters of new home to appreciate the sweetness brought to each other by the wedding. Jiang Yan was very satisfied with her life. Luo Hao was guilty of the face. For the naughty wife, I can not wait to give her all the happiness and promised Jiang Yan that she should have a good life. She was dark at night, while Chen Xiang was still at home wiping the floor. Kong San returned home with a drink, Chen Xiang asked Kong San whether he was with Aku again, though Kong San had a few mouthpieces with Chen Xiang but still took his wife back to the room to sleep. Kong San says breakfast wants to eat buns, and Chen Xiang said it must package Kong San's favorite buns. Although the two noisy, but little days had a fairly sweet; dawn, a man and a woman still in bed lingering, the man is Wu BanJiang, then the doorbell sounded, milkman waiting at the door. Wu BanJiang opened the door and Wu BanJiang opened the door. She was surprised to find Wei Zhuang standing at the door. The court was solemn and quiet. Wei Zhuang and Wu BanJiang were on two sides. Jiang Yan When Wei Zhuang, Jiang Xin, Yang YiFan, Luo Hao , Liu Sheng Shi and others sitting in the gallery.Very angry Wu BanJiang harsh language ridiculed in court, said Wei Zhuang cold, heartless, not feminine, Wei Zhuang calm response, one only want to return the child, which may play into the hands middle Wu BanJiang, verdict: children, house Leave Wei Zhuang, Wu BanJiang dingy. Wei Zhuang looks strong, this time hiding in the bathroom silently tears. Jiang Xin came to Wei Zhuang's home and wanted to comfort Wei Zhuang. However, Wei Zhuang said she only wanted to be quiet. Jiang Xin ate the loss, feeling boring and depressed. Yang YiFan let go after returning home, Yang YiFan all smiles, obedient. One side of Jiang Xin's father can not see the eye began to blame his daughter, he told his personal experience Jiang Xin what is trustworthy man, do not bless in the blessing. Jiang Xin frustration alone sulking in the room, Yang YiFan come coax again advised, and finally Jiang Xin laughed. Wei Zhuang alone with children, has encountered many problems. One day, his son was in a fever, Wei Zhuang was busy carrying his son to the hospital and hurriedly forgot to bring money. Arrived at the hospital, Wei Zhuang had to call Jiang Xin, but no one answered. In desperation, she thought Liu ShengShi and Liu ShengShi apart from saying anything went to the hospital and helped Wei Zhuang to take care of LeLe. Finally, Wei Zhuang Mother and child take home. Wei Zhuang Lele day and night care, had a bad mood, he was tired too sick, with the help of Liu ShengShi Lele's condition finally stabilized, Wei Zhuang gratefully for Liu ShengShi for breakfast, two relaxed Pleased to chat, talked about the past era of students, filled with emotion, Liu ShengShi speech revealed the love of Wei Zhuang, Wei Zhuang though heart, but old-fashioned, stubborn personality or make Wei Zhuang quietly rejected Liu ShengShi's hint. However, Liu ShengShi good for yourself, let Wei Zhuang feel a touch of warmth and sweetness. Wei Zhuang carelessly went to the law firm, Jiang Yan litigation for Wei Zhuang, Jiang Yan won the first case easily, to thank the parties to ask Jiang Yan to eat, Jiang Yan promised, during the meeting found that the parties Lin Nan, humorous, chic, romantic, quite appreciate. Jiang Xin came home from work, Jiang Xin Yang YiFan told that he was fired by the company, Jiang Xin an indifferent attitude, arrogant, said Yang YiFan have a job does not matter, and the Yang YiFan damned, Yang YiFan plead guilty, Yang XinFan sang Yang Shun 's order Yang YiFan was a full - time writer and woman at home, and took care of frail sick father Yang YiFan promised. Jiang Xin At the unit where Yang YiFan, who was in charge of organizing the room, made several phone inquiries about Jiang Xin's home, Jiang Xin was very upset and dropped the meal from Yang YiFan to the ground. Jiang Xin too lazy to go home after get off work, had to use shopping, shopping crazy to eliminate depression. Turn around and went to Kong San's cosmetics shop, inadvertently found Kong San and Aqiu do honey dear, so as to misunderstand their relationship ambiguous. After a few cynical attempts by Jiang Xin to find Chen Xiang, Chen Xiang urged Chen Xiang to look tight with the example of Wei Zhuang and Wu BanJiang in order to avoid repeating the mistakes Wei Zhuang had. She also told Chen Xiang what she saw in the afternoon and Chen Xiang was in a hurry and hurriedly hurried home.In the meantime, Kong San was afraid to offend her because she had entered into several best-selling cosmetics and was being bitten and run by Zhang Jialin next door. Returning home, Chen Xiang queried about the relationship between Kong San and Ah Qiu and fought Kong San. Chen Xiang was beaten and later returned to her parents for complacentness. Her family was very brave. When Chen Xiang's family dared Kong San, Kong San's lower body Was kicked bad, sent to the hospital Chen Xiang did not know what they are, deeply guilty. Chen Xiang took care of Kong San in the hospital and watched Kong San look so painful that she was getting overly angry and blame everything on Aykut and came to the shop while Kong San was recuperating at the hospital. Hit the fight. Chen Xiang did not dare to face Kong San after he hit Akiu and came to Jiang Xin. Jiang Xin advised him that the woman should play. Chen Xiang then release. Kong San, just discharged, insisted on going to the store to see Chen Xiang angry not to go home first. Kong San arrived at the store and noticed that the door was closed. Zhang Jie, next door, was cynically told him what happened in the store a few days ago. Kong San found Ah Qiu. Ah Qiu cried and said to Kong San that she did not want to do any more. Kong San All sorts of comfort, to Aqiu bought a beautiful coat, only to keep Aqiu. Chen Xiang went to Kong San's make-up shop, was in the face of Kong San and Ah-Qiu's come-back purchase, Chen Xiang angrily smashed all the goods and scolded Ah-Qiu, Ah-Chiu ran out crying , Kong San chase out. Afterwards, Chen Xiang was still regretful and scared. He made a table-style meal for Kong San and waited for Kong San to come back and make a mistake to him. Upset Kong San, but find a buddy went to play cards, did not return overnight. After returning home, Kong San took a phone call and hurriedly left home. Chen Xiang unconsciously found something out and went out. Chen Xiang saw Kong San walking into a hotel laughing and laughing with Ah Qiu burn. After Kong San came back, the two quarreled and Kong San shot Chen Xiang again, and Chen Xiang ran to Jiang Xin's home. Chen Xiang At Jiang Xin's home, staying for several days made Jiang Xin very upset. Jiang Xin advised Chen Xiang to divorce Chen Xiang has been crying noncommittal. Jiang Xin had to bring Chen Xiang to look for Wei Zhuang. Wei Zhuang persuaded Chen Xiang not to divorce himself and to live well with Kong San. After listening to Wei Zhuang's persuasion, Chen Xiang decided to show Kong San good. Kong San bought vegetables in the farms and happily entered the house but found Kong San lying on the bed while Aku was seated by the bed. Angry Chen Xiang ran out of the house, attempted suicide and was taken to the hospital. Frustrated Chen Xiang finally decided to divorce. Kong San returned home and received a summons from the court. Due to mismanagement and the market environment, Jiang Xin's business was getting worse. And Yang YiFan also feel that he is less and less at home, he pleaded Jiang Xin, Jiang Xin hope he can go to work for the company, Jiang Xin Yang YiFan in the sales department to learn business. A recently graduated college student met Yang YiFan honest, frank and kind, she felt very warm, the two quickly became friends. Having troubled the company, Jiang Xin reprimanded Yang YiFan as a punching bag at any time because of his father's protection at home. Yang YiFan was regarded as a tiger in the company. Seems cowardly Yang YiFan actually secretly anxious for the company's future. In a chat with Wang Yue, he thought of a plan to save the company.In the evening, Yang YiFan in the bed gingerly uttered his thoughts to Jiang Xin, and Jiang Xin found it quite surprising at the same time. Yang YiFan strike while the iron is hot, that Wang Yue relationship can be through to carry out new business. Jiang Xin barely agreed. Yang YiFan and Wang Yue set foot on a business trip, Jiang Xin found Chen Xiang. Chen Xiang, who was divorced from Kong San, looked haggard and unaccompanied. Jiang Xin scolded Chen Xiang for nothing and took Chen Xiang to go home for dinner. Jiang Xin sisters and Jiang Xin sisters chatting with each other during the recent developments, but only Chen Xiang sullen, Yang YiFan called to report themselves to sleep, everyone envy, Jiang Xin mouth I do not know enough, in fact, very proud. Chen Xiang and Kong San finally reached this stage, and the two accepted mediation and divorce. The next day, Yang YiFan and Wang Yue came to the city where Wang Yue's relatives were located to discuss business. They were deeply intoxicated. Wang Yue took care of Yang YiFan and kept guarding him in the hotel room, unknowingly falling asleep. Jiang Xin, who had been with Yang YiFan since her marriage, slept on her bed alone, suddenly struck a sense of senseless sense of loss. She even looked forward to Yang YiFan's phone number, left and right, and finally stopped Yang YiFan's phone call. The other side of Wang Yue was awakened by the phone, she did not think too much, for Yang YiFan connected to the phone. Jiang Xin heard Wang Yue's voice, shocked and angry, the phone severely fell to the ground. The next day, Yang YiFan learned that Jiang Xin had called and returned immediately, explaining Jiang Xin to the reason. Jiang Xin took Chen Xiang to hide in Wei Zhuang's home. Yang YiFan caught up with her smiley face and did not expect Jiang Xin to scoff at Yang YiFan in the face of so many good friends, turning up a pile of old books and saying Yang YiFan is a pug, get nothing, Yang YiFan suffocating but did not dare attack, drunk smoked, sleeping on the roadside. After Jiang Xin got home, my father asked Yang YiFan. Jiang Xin said that he wanted to divorce him. After Father heard him angry, he urged Jiang Xin to find Yang YiFan several times. However, Jiang Xin pretended not to care for it. Father picked up their own clothes go out to go out, just go out on the encounter at the door of Yang YiFan curly up, the two men talked about a heart. Wang Yue talk of the business into a win for the company a lot of benefits, but Jiang Xin was lukewarm treatment of Wang Yue, and eventually Wang Yue out of the company. Yang YiFan deeply guilty, find Wang Yue good relief, the result was again found by Jiang Xin, noisy quarrel. Daddy is exacerbated by illness and Yang YiFan is with her in the hospital every day. Jiang Xin arranged for Chen Xiang to find a new job. Jiang Yan receives the rose every day, but does not know who, finally one day, Lin Nan comes to Jiang Yan, tells her to oneself to his affection, invites Jiang Yan and oneself birthday, Jiang Yan gracious difficulty, After a romantic birthday with Lin Nan, Jiang Yan has a good impression on the handsome Lin Nan. Compared with Luo Hao, Lin Nan knows more about enjoying life, and Luo Hao knows Pimlico all day and starts to frequently meet with Lin Nan. Inadvertently, Luo Hao finds Luo Hao to follow the two people. Jiang Yan feels humiliated. Nan go fly.One day Jiang Xin's company was running out of strength and Xin Jiang Xin was in a dilemma. Jiang Xin suddenly found himself pregnant. Yang YiFan was very happy. She also told Jiang Xin's father about the incident. Father was very happy, of course, but did not think Jiang Xin Most afraid of losing their coy body, with the company and so much at home, decided to knock down children. Yang YiFan furious, inadvertently told the story Father, heart attack angrily under the influence of the Father, Jiang Xin, Yang YiFan sad, and was met Jiang Yan Lin Nan together with the sea, so Father did not see Jiang Yan last On the one hand, leaving the only regret. Jiang Xin then saw the arrival of Jiang Yan, angrily gave her sister a slap in the face. Wu BanJiang's relatives want to give him the legacy of the condition is Wu BanJiang want to have inherited the Wu family incense son. Wu BanJiang's new wife, though rich, can not give birth, which makes Wu BanJiang play a happy leap of mind. Wu BanJiang used despicable means to frame Wei Zhuang's failure to take good care of his son to let his son go away, eventually causing Wei Zhuang to lose his case and lose custody of Lele. Liu ShengShi speaks with great urgency to Wei Zhuang and encourages Wei Zhuang to strive for their own lives and not to give up. Wei Zhuang was impressed by Liu ShengShi and finally accepted Liu Sheng Shi. Wei Zhuang was surprised to find out that the life of the couple was so wonderful. Finally, Wu BanJiang's newlywed wife, with her remorse, was also a woman who learned that her mother's feelings with her children were hard to give up and decided to let Wu BanJiang return her son to Wei Zhuang. When Wei Zhuang with children and Liu ShengShi really want to come together, Liu ShengShi said never marry again. Wei Zhuang, who has experienced life experiences, understands and accepts such living conditions. Jiang Xin routinely went to the hospital for examination because of pregnancy. The doctor advised her to do a whole body examination. After the examination, the doctor diagnosed her as having breast cancer. Jiang Xin was dumbfounded. But when she thought of the baby in her abdomen, her maternal instinct suddenly disappeared when she wanted to destroy her child. She refused surgery and chemotherapy but the mood was very bad. Kong San finds Gumugazi chatting and says he lives outside alone and miss Chen Xiang. Although Akut often helps, she does not take care of her and does not even bother to do housework. After drunken Kong San shouted the name of Chen Xiang, happened to be returned home Akutai heard, then Asha be decided to leave Kong San. Aku gave Kong San's store space to someone else, leaving Kong San with a money-book. Gazi wanted to persuade Kong San, but she did not know what to say. Both of them put their words in the wine. Lonely Kong San returned to his home with Chen Xiang. He undressed his clothes in bed, still holding the Chen Xiang blanket, and his tears flowed silently; on the other hand, Chen Xiang came to a strange city without Jiang Xin TV series to find someone who introduced the press conference introduction, they do not mean to say, alone battles, the results run into trouble, in the end has also been cheated. Chen Xiang helpless home, just hit the decadent Kong San. Kong San said after seeing Chen Xiang instinctively: "I'm hungry." Chen Xiang said: "You eat a pole or a sassy one." Kong San said: "I want to eat buns." The two cried, and they said good things.Lin Nan is a person who pursues freedom. Love is a kind of faith to him. When Jiang Yan depended on him deeply, he started to withdraw. Lin Nan's classmate told him: He actually loves love itself, not Jiang Yan. He was silent, and he had the decision to leave. Jiang Yan also exhausted, choose to study abroad. Jiang Xin suddenly felt the fragility of life, so she insisted on giving birth to her children, not only for her own sake but also for her own Yang YiFan and her deceased father. Yang YiFan learned from Wei Zhuang that Jiang Xin had saved her children and she had the most doubts. They finally learned the truth from the doctor. Jiang Xin Facing the stomach of children and their own illness, becoming more vulnerable, choose a person to hide. Wei Zhuang They finally found her and gave her comfort and encouragement. Yang YiFan also took care of Jiang Xin. Doctors to report: Jiang Xin mother and child safe. Yang YiFan then encouraged Jiang Xin to continue treatment well. Two years later, Jiang Yan came back from China and got off the plane. At the airport, Luo Hao still waited. Luo Hao both saw each other and left the airport together. Wei Zhuang, Liu ShengShi and Lele to see the wedding car was particularly cordial, and Chen Xiang and Kong San happy to prepare for the wedding of the wedding.

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