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Lele Dai TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Lele Dai Works 27 ,And Comedy 11 ,Romance 8 ,Feature 6 ,Urban drama 5 ,Family drama 3 ,Contemporary film 2 ,轻喜2 ,Love 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Workplace film 1 ,亲情1 ,怀旧1 ,Sitcom 1 ,美食1 ,Year 1 ,道德1 ,Ethical play 1 ,Action 1 ,Crime 1 ,警匪1 ,Child 1 。

Works Index

Lele Dai Filmography(27)


安家 (TV)[2020]


房似锦年纪轻轻已经是安家天下中介公司的金字招牌,她在上司翟云霄的授意之下,空降静宜门店担任双店长。门店原生店长徐文昌是个“高贵的人”,他推崇“人性流”管理方式,也不屑对付手段卑鄙的对手。到任后房似锦施展雷霆手段坚壁清野,对外辣手反击,对内冷血整肃。虽然在房似锦的铁血管理下众人苦不堪言,但是业绩的提升的确振奋了门店士气。房似锦的管理方式和处事之道与徐文昌截然相反,而业务员们也在两位“神仙”的较劲中左右为难。身为房产中介的他们不仅要帮助客户买房卖房租房,还时常被裹挟着卷入他们的人生,见证他们生活中的歌舞升平与一地鸡毛 。


情圣2 (Movie)[2019]


Tian Xin 和 Fang Yuan 一身复古装扮梦回民国,面对公司日益下滑的业绩,总部决定派 Fang Yuan 以单身的身份打入竞争对手内部。要求看似荒诞,却正中饱受恋爱之苦的 Fang Yuan 的下怀。但乐极生悲的 Fang Yuan 从睡梦中笑醒,发现自己只是做了一场白日梦,于是不甘心地另辟蹊径,找来业余“情圣” Xiao Yao ,布下“重获自由”的特殊任务。一场关于单身与恋爱,自由与束缚的对战由此悄然展开,而业余情圣 Xiao Yao 又误打误撞地引发了多少啼笑皆非的囧事。


创业时代 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《创业时代》剧情介绍:讲述了在一次偶然的机会中,软件工程师 Guo XinNian 找到了新的灵感,他决心开发一款新的手机通讯软件,可以将手机短信以语音的形式在用户之间传送,这个想法让 Guo XinNian 激动不已,他怀着一腔热血,走上了创业之路。在天使投资人和旧日朋友的支持下, Guo XinNian 经过艰苦的研发,终于令手机软件诞生,起名为魔盒,并获得了巨大的成功,同时也与投资分析师 Na Lan ,成为了莫逆之交。然而创业的道路并非一帆风顺,在激烈的市场竞争和技术更迭中,同行的竞争,技术上的难关,种种问题纷至沓来, Guo XinNian 经历了一次又一次磨难,终于令新技术得以推广。在 Guo XinNian 最艰难的时期,他收获了 Na Lan 的爱情,在爱人的鼓励下,他意识到,眼下的困难并不是终结,而是新的开始,最终, Guo XinNian 和 Na Lan 一起携手,继续走上了创业之路。

来电狂响 (Movie)[2018]




City of Rock (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Hu Liang, a young man from the town, is guarding his hometown of rock and roll parks and invited Cheng Gong, a music agent with a high salary. The final collection of drummer Zha Yao bass player Ding JianGuo guitarist Yang ShuangShu, keyboard player Xi Xi. They co-founded the "sewing machine band." Six people from the deserted band recruiting live side by side with thousands of spectators performing stage. Performance preparations, the local real estate tycoon as soon as possible demolition of the park, is willing to cancel the show at high prices. A series of ridiculous stories happened on the way of chasing dreams.

Complex Master (TV)[2017]

Feature: Complex master Li Duan dedicated to helping the emotional breakdown of the couple or couple regrouped. Breakup master Mei YuanGui is inspired by his career is also a competitor. For a variety of reasons, the composite master oath will eliminate the break-up master, and lead the team to create a composite firm. The rich second-generation girl Zhou Mo was dumped by Li Duan. Inauguration compound office, half-sister on the wrong track on Monday, inheriting the mantle of breaking up masters, took over the brokerage firm. In all kinds of emotional events, the two firms have been fighting for one another, love and hate, divided into groups, and staged a good show.

Housewife also fight (TV)[2017]

Feature: Mei Li, post-80s financial assistant, Yi Lan, post-70s business owner, and Hao WeiEr, a fresh college graduate in 1990. The three women, either active or passive, became housewives; they alliances and supports each other After a period of hardships such as losing her eyebrows, financial crisis and her husband's unemployment, Mei Li turned from blind coping to losing weight and eventually became a virtuous wife and mother. Yi Lan changed from being a man and a woman The "Flower of a Woman" not only repaired the gap between her and her daughter, but also won the love of her mother-in-law and strengthened the unbalanced marriage. After her marriage to investment bank boss Ma GuoQing, Hao WeiEr lived a boring golden bird life and realized Love can not be the supremacy of money, and ultimately chose to break through the dream of marriage success & nbsp ;.


Feature: Lin Kai, an undercover agent of drug trafficking syndicates, gradually found Li Jianguo behind the "Double Eagle" drug trafficking syndicate and found behind-the-scenes leader "Lao Ying" in connection with Li Jian Guo, an undercover drug trafficking syndicate eight years ago. At that time, Li JianGuo's superior, eventually Lin Kai and Li JianGuo cleverly cooperate to destroy the entire drug syndicate.

My Jinshan Yinshan (TV)[2017]


My Golden Mountain Yinshan focuses on reform and opening up, new rural construction and accurate poverty alleviation work. Through the form of light comedy, the first school secretary Tang Liang and entrepreneur Tang Xiaojun return to their hometowns. Indefinite love, with the village director Fan Xinghuo working together to make the hometown get rid of poverty and become a well-to-do off-town story, shaped the good image of the party secretary in the new era, demonstrated the lofty pursuit of party members and cadres in the party, and embodied the party’s Huimin Policies and enterprise poverty alleviation measures have brought real sense to the villagers.

The TV drama “My Jinshan Yinshan” is based on the fact that the First Secretary of the village’s first secretaries and township cadres and companies work together to overcome difficulties and lead the poverty-stricken population out of poverty to become the main line, with practical measures for poverty alleviation as the highlights. Give the people a sense of "acquisition" and the realization of a well-off society in an all-round way. Through the expression of light and comedy, it is possible to realize the sentimental feelings of laughter and joyful tears. In the film, people familiar with the "precision poverty alleviation", "Suining cooperation", "ten thousand enterprises to help ten thousand villages" and other characteristics of the nation as a whole, but also the concept of Fujian highlights will be rich in interpretation. The screenplay is the masterpiece of the famous screenwriter Xu Jundong after four years of field work. The main team that interprets the story is led by the chief director Shen Yan, director Yan Fang, Fan Ming, Dai Lele, Li Hongtao, Ma Shuliang, Zheng An, Wang Wei and many other stars. Mr. Li Jingyang, the chairman of the production company Fangjin Film and Television Culture Communication (Beijing) Co., Ltd., said that we must make “My Gold Mountain Silver Mountain” an “educational book” that is pleasing to the audience and the participants involved in poverty alleviation. Poverty alleviation "main theme video.


DevilandAngel (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Because of a car accident, Cha XiaoDao, a high-intelligence, low-eloquence student, meets unexpectedly with a full-time dugout solicitor Mo FeiLi. Cha XiaoDao, severely extorted by Mo FeiLi, is in a state of depression, recalling that she broke off her relationship with her mother and was desperate for her to be expelled from her employer. Occasionally, Cha XiaoDao saw the advertisement of typhoon Zhe ErGen, a conspiracy psychologically difficult victim. She was determined to go to the doctor's office and did not expect to see another villain Mo FeiLi in the clinic. Panic-stricken Cha XiaoDao was afraid to see villain Mo FeiLi, but did not expect to be referred to Mo FeiLi suffering from severe insomnia by being a "medicine" who was anxious to divert attention. Doctors also told Cha XiaoDao, Mo FeiLi is also a "medicine" to cure her psychological problems, to dispel suspicions of Cha XiaoDao eager. And therefore, the two different characters to become partners. Two extremely arrogant and despotic, an extremely cowardly timid, in the process of collecting debt in a series of laughter also tears story.

Peach blossom (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Peach Blossom" tells you salesman You Bin and the beautiful white-collar Zhou QingQing do not know each other, the two one after another and continue to friction. You Bin ex-wife misunderstood his lottery winning non-stop debt recovery; Zhou Mu worry young wedding, love boyfriend LuoyangWei five years of long-running love is not married, green broke up with them. Zhou Mu see the green feelings No photos of landing, distressed green. To avoid worrying about his mother, Green proposed to help You Bin repay the debt, provided that You Bin and her posing as a couple. Girlfriend Zhong Ti aspirant, in the process of teasing Lu YaoWei fell in love with him. Zhou Mu See You You and Just Bin You soon fell in love, advised them not to impulse, the feelings are not children's play. Zhou Mu anxiety for this, fall hospitalization. You Bin day and night take good care of, get Zhou Mu recognized. You Bin to Zhou Mu confessed that he actually fell in love with the green, but can not give a good life green, afraid to confess. Zhou Mu encouraged You Bin to make a bold statement. Finally, Zhou QingQing and You Bin become true couple, Zhong Ti and Lu YaoWei also have a lover married.

My heart is brilliant (TV)[2014]

Feature: "My heart is brilliant" tells the story of the late 70s, a small courtyard in a small town in southern life Zhao, Ye, Peng three families. Zhao FangYuan and her husband Tang MiaoXiang nurtured Zhao JiaRen. Five children and one family live a poor and warm life. Zhao FangYuan Help her father save a picture by her father. In an accident, Na Hong, a fiancé who rescues the family, falls into Peng ShiZhong's hands and Peng ShiZhong continues to blackmail Zhao and even his daughter Peng XinHua joins them, thus breaking up Zhao JiaHui and Ouyang's love. Ye WenXiang, Ye's elder son, has always been in fear of having a problem of origin. He refuses to acknowledge that the antiques are related to himself. After the reform and opening up, he learned about the true value of the antiquities and worked hard on Zhao FangYuan's return of the ancient paintings. In order to abide by his father's promise, Zhao FangYuan and Peng started a long contest. Around the ancient paintings, the three sons and daughters also embarked on their own entangled love and hate. After several decades, Zhao FangYuan Witnessed the return of the original owner & nbsp ;.

Naive encounter reality (TV)[2013]

Feature: Yang TianZ, a divorced man, is having a hard time with his daughter Chong Chong. Innocent sent to the hospital by the elderly people fleeing vehicles dizzy, but their families were identified as the perpetrators. Inadvertently, Yang TianZhen's dilemma was hit by his classmate Zheng XianShi. Based on her classmates' feelings, Zheng Xianshi assisted and won the favor of Yang TianZhen, both of whom established a relationship of love. Reality home sister Zheng XiaoMi came to reality with her husband Hu Zi, to see this divorced woman with a child actually wrapped his own "diamond bachelor" brother, millet fire full open, but also invited Mrs. Zheng, Be naive to go out. Immediately staged a family conflict, after some twists and turns, the reality and innocence cut back and played directly received a marriage certificate. Married innocent and real family together to find the problem really came. Has experienced a lot of twists and turns, this remarried couple see the truth, naive and reality finally happy together. Is a typical perfect ending drama.

FanJuYeFengKuang (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Feng LaoBan (Liu Hua (actor)), an upscale hotel called "Man of Nature," is worried about how to deal with a disc that he has stolen from his hotel, but something more troubles him: the employees are in default of long-term wages All left, only three relatives to help his home, heaven and earth will collapse at a glance. Renowned Chinese learning, success, Feng Shui master Tan Dashan (Fan Wei), entrusted by Feng LaoBan, brought him a table meal to enable Heaven to negotiate the purchase with Mo NiKa (Monica Mok), an executive director. When, do not be too cold. Tan Da Shan brings guests: mysterious Da LaoZong (Han Tong Shan ornaments), upstart owner Cai Ge (Yajin Liu ornaments) and the snake follower Xiao HuDie, action star Jia Ming (Huang Bo ornaments) one after another arrived. Interpol Lao Mei (Guanhua Liang ornaments) a family of three also choose the day a meal. Feng LaoBan no one can only have begged to come to collect money fishmonger Lao XiaMi as Da Chu, hectic meal everyone thought each other, the collision of a series of unexpected stories ... ...

Angry Kid (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Sun XiaoAo is a weird naughty bag. Dad Sun JianYe and mother working in Russia, proud little has been taken care of by the deaf grandfather. The holiday is approaching, grandfather sick into the hospital. Little proud birthday party, who had long been eager for parental love, was rebuffed by his father on the grounds of his work again. Little proud to find the little girl Lan Lan in the moving car accidentally. Little proud to Lan Lan from the tracing her stupid rescued with a slingshot that Lan Lan turned out to be a small beggar used by criminal gangs. Lan Lan wants to flee the criminal gangs and return home to find treasure and go global. Xiaomin suddenly nowhere to go interest, determined to walk with her. Lan Lan reluctantly promised two angry children embarked on a journey away from home and go home.

Master Lin in Seoul (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Master Lin in Seoul" tells about Seoul, South Korea, Furong Church boss Park passed away. Furong Hall, a famous restaurant of Chinese Sichuan cuisine, was in danger of becoming bankrupt. Pu ShanJi was very worried about her family's situation. She had no alternative but to look for Jin ShengShi, hoping to extend her lease term. Do not want, the old landlord not only avoided, but also to push Pu ShanJi Jin GaoLi to deal with. Jin GaoLi, the other small landlord, went to funeral home and fell in love with Pu ShanJi at first sight. Pu ShanJi learned from her mother that Jin GaoLi turned out to be her dear brother and her mother asked Pu ShanJi to continue to keep this secret. Pu ShanJi sought Jin GaoLi and Jin GaoLi for a month to help Gyeonggi from his father, provided that Furong-tang, a month later, could make the Sichuan dishes he was satisfied with And Pu ShanJi signed a new contract. Pu ShanJi Chef, who rescued Hurray Hall, resolutely quit his job and turned to a Chinese restaurant previously working with her father, told Pu ShanJi that there is a chef in China called Lin Fei There is hope for his hotel. Pu ShanJi flew to Chengdu, China immediately. Lin Fei's escaped marriage partner Yu JiaNing made a move to call Lin Fei into South Korea. Lin Fei Tired of staying in the Park home. In order to prevent Park from finding out that Lin Fei is the chef Pu ShanJi was looking for, Carin asked Lin Fei to hide her true identity and skill. Pu ShanJi's former manager called Goodheart and told her she wanted to bring her staff to dinner together. Because most of my former colleagues were members of some important eating and drinking clubs, their evaluation would have a huge impact on Furong Hall. Unfortunately, chef Li YongYu just diarrhea, there is no way to cook, Yu JiaNing asked Master Lin to help. In the face of his fiancee's request, Master Lin agreed without hesitation. With the exception of Yu JiaNing and chef Li YongYu, others simply did not realize that the dishes of Sichuan cuisine were virtually from Master Lin, but in any event the dinner was a great success and received great appreciation from guests. Let Pu ShanJi, who knows no truth, and hotel employees, excited. Later, in the face of complaints from customers who came here on the dishes, Pu ShanJi was confused and confused. Helpless Pu ShanJi cried to Yu JiaNing his own difficulties, Yu JiaNing learned the truth was shocked, the original, Furong Tang has reached a critical moment. The day was agreed upon with the landlord. The landlord asked to eat that non-spicy Sichuan best. The key moment, Lin master into the kitchen to complete the taste of the landlord can meet the food. At the same time, Yu JiaNing also explained the truth to Pu ShanJi. Lin is a good chef looking for the chef. Pu ShanJi surprised and delighted. Lin master superb craftsmanship conquered the old landlord critical taste, save the Park and Furong Hall, but also has been worried Ji Huan saw hope. In the face of insisting that Lin Jia, who is going to bring back to Chengdu, insists on doing everything, Yu JiaNing and Pu ShanJi finally agreed to allow Master Lin to stay and help. Through this crisis, Pu ShanJi had an inexplicable love and dependence on Master Lin.Reluctant Miyamoto in Furongtang signed a contract on the banquet on the extra thought of a dish to cook hard, and asked this dish to do all the food to congratulate those who are satisfied. Lin master with a magic bean curd, and with a wide variety of professional ingredients to meet the tastes of all, and conquered all the guests. With his wit and ability, not only to help Furong Tang was renewed, but also won the respect of all gourmet. Good Ji unwittingly, more worship and reliance on Master Lin, and gradually fell in love with Master Lin. Master Chef Lin reputation came out, since then Furongtang began reputation among the food far, turnover also will increase. Furong Hall temporarily out of the crisis. Fellow landlord Jin GaoLi puzzled Pu ShanJi, want her to marry himself. He did not know that he was actually a child adopted by the old landlord and was Pu ShanJi's elder brother. Good Ji's mother helpless, only to find the old owner get the idea. If both parties can not let Koryo know the truth, Pu ShanJi must marry as soon as possible. In the face of the desperation of Pu Jia and Lao Chengdu, Yu JiaNing, who saw Pu ShanJi's intentions, came forward and felled Lin Master and Pu ShanJi to save another crisis in the family. At the moment of the crisis, Master Lam promised Good Hime fake marriage request. In this semi-true and false marriage, Lin and Pu ShanJi's hearts are getting closer and closer. Jin GaoLi discovered the truth, at the same time, learned his true identity. As a patriarch, he did not allow fake marriage, Master Lin out of the home. Master Lin had to break up with Pu ShanJi, desperate to return to China. Just as Master Lin's plane was about to take off, Pu ShanJi suddenly found herself in love with Master Lin and could no longer leave him. In order to save his love, Pu ShanJi runs madly to the airport.

please forgive me (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Please forgive me," tells the system of state resumption of college entrance examination in 1977. The five young people Xu Tian, ​​Wu Qing, Lu QinSheng, Fei Bing and Mei Guo became members of the college entrance examination. Xu Tian, ​​educated youth in the countryside and Wu Qing, a factory worker, decided to get married. Two people who were originally happy because of Xu Tian false political information was canceled college entrance examination results and the emergence of the girl Mei Guo regretfully broke up. Wu Qing went to medical college to go to college with Xu Tian's children and Lu Guang-hu who loved her. Xu Tian took his father's class and went to work as a factory worker. Mei Guo, a girl helped by Xu Tian, ​​was spirited for failing to sit on the college entrance examination. Fei Fei, who loves her, helped with the help of Xu Tian and delayed her college entrance examination. Four years later, Wu Qing married Xu Qin's child to Lu QinSheng. Mei Guo went to the United States with Xu Tian's love. Fei Bing was admitted to the archeology department and Xu Tian opened a home audio-visual club. These young people continue to grow and mature with too many missed and too many regrets as the times change. After the baptism of feeling, career and even death, they finally found their place and realized their dreams when they were young.

You are my brother (TV)[2011]

Feature: "You are my brother" tells the story of the growth of four brothers in the family of ordinary people. Four of the Ma brothers lived with their parents in the alley of the alley of pots and erected a period of poverty and quiet. After her parents died in a car accident, boss Ma XueWu (Jiayi Zhang) resolutely dropped out of school and assumed the "Parents" responsibility. Since then, her brother, four people, are connected by hands and feet, but in the face of "money", "love" and "pursuit" Life direction, the four brothers have different choices have a completely different fate and situation. "You are my brother" is directed by Liu Huining, a TV series starring Deng Chao, Jie Dong and Jiayi Zhang. Ma, who played by Deng Chao, fell in love with her when she first met Jie Dong's "One Flower", and both of them performed a fresh and amazing love story in the play. The play on February 10, 2011 in Beijing, Shenzhen, Heilongjiang, Jilin, the four major satellite broadcast on the star.

Invincible three-legged cat (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Invincible three-legged cat" tells the story of the small tail alley of the capital, Zhao ZhaoWu family. Innocent and kind Zhao XiaoWu is a typical fashion 80 after 70 after her husband Guan Jian is a never-ending toy designer, two are "dink" family, during the summer vacation, a well-behaved 10-year-old boy Dong Xing came to their home , And the two live together, starting from a funny story & nbsp ;.

Call for Love (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Happy marriages are the same, unhappy marriages each have their own differences. Having failed to withstand the seven-year itch test, Xu Lang finally said goodbye to her esthetic-tired wife. One night, Xu Lang, who originally planned to repair the phone, came across a mysterious man calling himself Tian Shi, who gave Xu Lang a cell phone and claimed that the cell phone could satisfy the owner's wishes just like Aladdin's lamp, Xu Lang dream of the ideal woman to bring him around, the option of the hands of Xu Lang, only ten chances. Tian Shi did not lie, from the moment she got her cell phone, one after another 10 different types of women broke into the life of Xu Lang. They were either glamorous, capable, or budget-conscious, or elven or intellectual , Or innocent, or worth millions, or mysterious and flirtatious ... ... These have made Xu Lang into a non-non-non-woman, eventually brought him what is inexhaustible happiness, or inexhaustible sense of loss, a series of The absurd absurdity is about to be staged.

Confused little angel (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Confused Little Angels" stills story takes place in a city in a villa. The basic story is a lovely and confused beautiful angel came to earth, and lived in an apartment with three different personality men live together, her role in a muddlehearted fairy, their lives have a laugh, There are realities, there are tears ... ... IT industry engineer David originated urban civilians, people are handsome, very good face life, and his ex-wife Ai Ma lot of broken links; clerk Fu Min has been doing career dreams, a chief position Let him tea is not fragrant, and the villagers Tsui Tsui girl's perseverance stalker let him both proud and distressed; wealthy stuff is a nothing to do with "eating the old tribe," because nothing is missing so I feel myself The days of boring empty no content, the pursuit of love repeatedly failed, the only hobby is shouting to be a pop icon pop class singer. Bland and troubled life, due to the emergence of fairy has been completely changed ......

What to move, do not move the feelings (TV)[2006]

Feature: What action do not move the drama of a drama shows the city of Beijing, a civilian family's emotions. In a family of three generations, his sister, He Jiaqi, has been increasingly aroused his disgust. Wan Zheng, who promised to be a sister of Jiajia sister He JiaYin, agreed to win the favor of his family during the Wanted period. May Wan Zheng not only late, but also on the stage glamorous non-Soviet Su non-trance. Sufismo was former ex-girlfriend of Wan Zheng. Good news full of looking forward to like your own network writer Xiao LiMeiDao will come as a star face judges, on the one hand to confirm their invincible love, on the one hand make their own award. However, the knife never came. The most annoying thing was that Koyanagi, who had always loved the beautiful knife, did not even have a tacit understanding of it. The good news was extremely bad and led to a surprisingly poor performance. He was ridiculed on the stage by the Soviet Union and Africa. Originally, the United States knife in the day of the Good News competition to Koyanagi's appointment, see Xiaoliu painstakingly dressed himself as the good news look, the United States knife out of sympathy and Koyanan talked about a romantic love for two months, and promised not to tell good news. Jia Zheng was disappointed with Wan Zheng's disappointment. She dated company manager Peng Shou Li and was hit by her colleague Liao Yu. Conservatives therefore do not allow Liao Yu, who has done a bad job for a few more years, reside at the company. Liao Yu is nowhere to go and has no choice but to defend Liao Rongjie, a living father who has been living in Hejia. Good home to see Liao Yu, think incredible, do not allow Liao Yu in the company openly with their own kinship. Koyanagi began publishing love diary online. Regardless of her agreement with the American knife, taking advantage of Yoo-woo's return to her hometown, Yo-Mae had a meal at He's dinner party, triggering a war that caused Lao Lao's infuriating outbreak to join the battle group and Mu Ye fury Escort willow milk back home. Good afternoon's father, Suphanburi, please help, hire good news to be her assistant. Wan Zheng made some money during the decoration company to give Liao Yu and goodwill rebates. Liao Yu did not look down on the rejection of the good times, and gave the matter to the courtesy. The courteous ceremony was to expel Liao Yu. During the goodwill period, she also regretted having relatives, and Liao Yu was assigned as a cleaner. Mu Ye lived a fairy day in her hometown and did not want to go back to the city. Lao Lao finally sit still, go home to collar people. But she is still overbearing, Mu Ye life and death do not come back. Under the condition that Wang Zheng and Sufism did not recognize each other's feelings, they could not themselves reconsider their old sentiments with the Soviet Union and Africa. Sofia bought several houses during the Goodwill Company and put on a show that was very familiar with the festival. Wanzai greatly appreciated the festival due to the great discount during the festival. Su and Africa non-cis-push Wan Zheng for her decoration. The non-verbal ambivalence of Su-Fei makes Wan Zheng find his place in the new house, dreaming about their future life from time to time. He Shengli, a beautiful father, seems to be a bit unimpadent to Sufi. Sufi did not make full use of the men who liked to look after themselves. On Valentine's Day, Wan Zheng went to Pakistan to cede the Soviet Union and Africa. The victory was passed on to her daughter for gifts originally intended for Sufisma. Father and daughter each have their own heart. Disheartened period also idle idle time, and keeping a date of compliance is still in the process, how many times to keep the ceremony after, but also willing to start from a friend. Because abbot is very harsh on the new staff, staff trouble, goodies to help out the beginning of the ceremony.However, the company was still sued in court, eventually losing the lawsuit and being stammering. Victory found Sufismo's backstage was originally a married deputy director, talkative to tell the truth the good times. Finally, the decoration of the house in Sufismo was completed. Wan Zheng was renovated and brought furniture to the house of Su, bringing all the money he had received from the company. In the light of the usual contempt for the third party, the festival unwittingly revealed the background of Sufism Africa to Wan Zheng. After this battle, Wan Zheng also realized the simplicity of the festival and decided to live a solid life with the festival. Wan Zheng urged Sufismi to refurbish the Sufi Africa. Sufi Africa flew away from the United States for leaving the newly renovated house and the unforgettable good news because of the affair with the director, and Wan Zheng angrily went up and down. After her insight into the truth of Wan Zheng and Supacruppen, Jia Zheng increasingly can not accept Wan Zheng. The better she is, the harder she feels. Good News did not work, but soon became a scrap of entertainment scrap. Lonely Lao Lao began to reflect, to improve relations with his neighbors, and actively campaign Lou door team leader. Wan Zheng was getting closer to her wedding, but she was getting more and more upset during the wedding season. Once she was in a wrong mood, she confided to Liao Yu and unexpectedly broke out with Liao Yu. Good times found themselves facing a new choice, good courage and sweetheart sister told the good news to tell their own thoughts, good news is also a fool of mind, can not think my sister actually had to compete with their own. Due to the events between Goodwill and Liao Yu, Wan Ze tried his best to delay the marriage with Wan Zheng. Wan Zheng changed the momentum of the past and began to engage in good family relationships. Things get more messy. Finally developed to Wan Zheng to go to beat the courtesy, the period just said he and Liao Yu something, so the whole family big. What annoys the family is that Good News announces that it also loves Liao Yu and is competing with Goodwill. After the US knife discovered the new situation, he was greatly interested in being in love with a young boy at the same time. He would have been cynical about this unscrupulous writer, but at the same time, because this guy was a celebrity, he could at least take advantage of this good guy and barely accept it. Long industry company because of the case, finally closed down. Good times to find a new job, but Liao Yu completely unemployed. Liao Yu and Good News formed a strange relationship between. Liao Yu only recognized good times, good news for Liao Yu. Liao Yu dates with the good news, good news as long as you know to go with. The sisters did not tear his face, so often the threesome. The family members have no other means to begin to jointly exert pressure on Liao Yu. Liao Yu's father wants to send Liao Yu back to her mother, Liao Yu does not return, and broke off relations with you, mixed in Beijing alone. Goodbye birthday, seeing the growing age, and always do not fly around sister, heart war tired emotions, let Liao Yu give sister. She received the ring from Wan Zheng and was ready to get married. Liao Yu depressed to the extreme, good news to see the Lord really fall in their own hands, but panicked God. Think before thinking sister and do not do not like people together. Xiao LiMeiDao's new book is published, is dedicated to good news, good news in the end never seen this battle, on the slope of the donkey. Liao Yu and the best season has finally come together.

rely (TV)[2006]

Feature: A harmonious atmosphere of family life is like a flash in the pan, leaving the home pillar off everything is chaos. So a hundred revolutions, soul-stirring stories one after another ... This is a story about three women, her husband ran away from home because of huge amounts of gambling debt, leaving mothers, wives and daughters with a hard time, the fate of the heavy blow almost ..

House front and back (TV)[2006]

Feature: Poster In Beijing in 1979, the atmosphere of reform and opening up is slowly affecting the most ordinary people. Cheng DaHe, a divorced firefighter, and Tang YuXiu, a widowed pickle factory worker, held their hottest wedding of their time in an ordinary small courtyard in South City. Cheng YuanYuan, daughter of Cheng DaHe and Fang Hai, son of Tang YuXiu, Reunite with deep hostility. Negative evasion of Cheng YuanYuan and the active struggle of Fang Hai after a series of events finally inspired by the sincemother's father's sincerity, but the crisis of the family has always been hidden under a calm surface. After the marriage, the family lived in the courtyard where Tang YuXiu's ex-husband was, and Cheng DaHe's younger brothers Cheng XiaoLin and Cheng Mu moved together. Cheng XiaoLin has been playing stick for not having got married, Cheng DaHe persuaded Tang YuXiu to fake a fraudulent deed to cheat Cheng XiaoLin's fickle, empathetic girlfriend Gu LiLi for her brother's happiness. No one thought of it, a false house planted the seeds of hatred. Cheng Jun, the youngest son of Cheng DaHe and Tang YuXiu, was born, but all kinds of unusual details caused Gu LiLi's suspicion. For Gu LiLi, determined to be avenged because of being cheated, was the best chance of revenge, but then she found that the child had some sort of relationship with her and her attitude toward the child changed dramatically. At the same time Gu LiLi's wrist, Cheng XiaoLin and brother and sister farther and farther, reduced to Gu LiLi and chess pawn. Despite repeated hard-fought attacks, Gu LiLi persevered with her slow and determined revenge program. An instant, ten years have passed. In the past ten years, grown-up Cheng YuanYuan met a very nerdy old man Lu Nan, who married and gave birth to her daughter Lu Cheng; Fang Hai also grew up and began to work with the resolute and courageous young building material manufacturer Xie BoDa to start a business , Opened a new chapter in life. The success of children's career did not allow Cheng DaHe and Tang YuXiu to enjoy too much ease. The seeds of hatred buried ten years ago finally took root. Cheng XiaoLin filed a petition with Gu LiLi, suing his brother-in-law to court. Ask for real estate, the evidence is that false deed. Cheng Mu, who has been partial to his youngest son, can not help but criticize his ungratefulness for his brother's resentment. However, in the first instance, Cheng DaHe and Tang YuXiu were surprised against the judge who was bought by Gu LiLi. With the concerted efforts of Fang Hai and Cheng YuanYuan, the lawsuit appealed to the Intermediate Court. Just before the verdict, Cheng Jun's safety and life experience became the focus of all.

The party member Ma Dajie (TV)[2002]

Feature: An old sister of Ma DaJie's former unit honorably joined the Chinese Communist Party before retirement. She deliberately told Ma DaJie about the good news because she wanted to work in the same year and wrote the first application for joining the party together. Ma DaJie, both happy and sad for her older sister, felt that she had to retire early to make her own politics.

Swim sea dragon (TV)[2002]

Feature: Jiangnan giant Gao Shang, young and frivolous, offended toward the emperor, once lost wealth, become commoner, forced to re-start selling sesame seed. After 18 years of the stills in the sea, Gao Shang, with her daughter Xiao Qing, descended to the capital to continue his shabu-shabu business. Gao Shang's heart was always thinking of earning a hundred and two pounds of silver. Gao Shang's "Happy Shaobing shop" has finally opened, but things can be bothered one after another. Because of bad taste, the sales volume is so bad; daughter Xiao Qing's dream romance actually is the wealthy Wu WenCai, who is the capital of the country's bully, notorious for being Gao Shang's rival; inexplicably adopted a mentally retarded person named Chu Qi; For no apparent reason, she was forced to rent half of her shop to her friend Jin Zhu. Jin Zhu though pungent anomalies, mouth teeth, but kind-hearted, unfortunately, was Wenxuanwuhua to spend Wen ZhuoQun abandoned. Four people living together under one roof, noisy, provoked a lot of jokes. After the affair, Gao Shang and Jin Zhu exchanged their feelings. The two collaborated on the porridge cake house to jointly wrestle Wu WenCai, a treacherous and wealthy Wen ZhuoQun. After all the hardships, Gao Shang finally made "Hazel Shaobing" with the support of Xiao Qing and Chu Qi in Jin Zhu. Gao Shang, however ill-fated, did not expect that he was involved in a political plot in the court for adoption of Chu Qi. Chu Qi was a prince of the DPRK and was fraudulently deposed by aliens and spies. He mistakenly served as a drug of forgetfulness, causing intelligence to drop to young children's level. Although Gao Protect Chu Qi in every possible way, it may still be a calamity one after another, and he is also in jail. Chu Qi identity exposure also triggered emotional entanglement among several young people, Xiao Qing woke up, found Chu Qi is the love of their own people, while in the secret to protect the prince a long time Liu AnGuo is also secretly Chu Qi. Chu Qi into distress, had to choose to evade out of Enbai. Unexpectedly, the state has long been lingering ambitions of the Central Plains great rivers and mountains, and North Korea traitors collaborated with each other, Chu Qi caught in the state. Gao Shang, a successor to the sea, told Gao Shang that his children are less affectionate and save the country and save the people. Gao Gao can no longer sell only "happy biscuits" after his death. The crisis took the lead and inspired Gao Shang's responsibility and patriotism to save the country and save the nation. Gao Shang and his enthroned eighteen years of emperor emulated each other. Everyone responsible for the rise and fall of the country, not to mention Shaobing King Gao Shang almost? When Gao Shang decided to go to the foreign state to rescue Chu Qi, Wu WenCai, at the first sight of the situation with Yin HuGongZhu at the outbreak of the war between the two countries, fell in love with Qin and Jin Dynasties and made the battle between the Central Plains and the foreign states inevitable. After all was settled, Gao Shang and Jin Zhu finally became husband and wife, and continued their happy life. Liu An Guouo quit Chu Qi and Xiao Qing. Chu Qi ascend the throne, decided to Ren Zhizuo, a generation of Ming-Jun. Only if the country is prosperous and rich can the people live and work in peace and contentment. Is the so-called: peace and prosperity of the people, family and everything Xing.

Clever little Bu Dong (TV)[2001]

Feature: Family fortune An accidental opportunity, Bu Dong helped Husuo had a difficult time. Somehow, somehow, a little inexplicable intimacy. Bu Dong went to Gangnam to search for someone who would have a good Camellia because the other person might have been a loved one. A very dilapidated small temple in Jilong town, "Golden Pavilion Temple," housed the monk Wu Xiu who had already been investigated by Xiao Zong. Wu Xiu suffers from mild Alzheimer's disease. His memory is not good. Bu Dong often makes it ridiculous. Bu Dong just wants to get things done quickly and return to Kasyapa Temple for his previous life. Wu Xiu, a noble college in the area, felt that Camellia came into the back of the academy. Therefore, suspecting that the plantation was a student in the academy, he sent Bu Dong to the academy to play the role of teacher and professor of German drama. Bu Dong was assigned the most troubling class in the academy. The students in the class all have different kinds of problems. Among them, the first is the son of the academician's daughter. Bu Dong pays great attention to all the students in order to investigate Camellia. Bu Dong teaches students one by one with all sorts of bizarre teaching methods. Bu Dong began to meet, and he even liked to be a spring teacher. There is a student in the academy Zhu Zheng, though talented, but very lack of confidence. Bu Dong always had an inexplicable intimacy with him, not only helping him to regain his confidence, but also helping him catch his beloved woman Li FengJie into his hand. However, it turns out that Zhu Zheng is now the prince, son of filial piety. At this time, filial piety was seriously ill and Bu Dong and Wu Xiu were not able to find any clues yet, and they were forced back to their posts. When filial piety was in jeopardy, he suddenly sealed Bu Dong as a tutor and a bachelor, a product of worship, a rate of six, and the promotion of the new emperor. Bu Dong stayed, just about to push the occasion, filial piety has dumped collapse. Prince ascended the throne, change the title Masanori. It turned out that all deliberate arrangements Xiaozong. At that time, they were dispatched internally and in their own hands and they wanted Bu Dong to be able to stabilize the Masanori throne in a curious way. Bu Dong did not live up to the expectations of Xiaozong, and slowly began to see results, and the officials finally settled down. Just then, Bu Dong and Masanori found a big secret; it was Bu Dong himself who was the son whom Bukchon wanted Bu Dong to find. If age, he is more than Masanori, according to the law, he is the real son of Heaven.

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