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Joe Chen TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Joe Chen Works 41 ,And Romance 21 ,Feature 16 ,Comedy 6 ,Action 3 ,Suspense 3 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,Youth drama 2 ,Year 2 ,legend 2 ,Fantasy 2 ,浪漫1 ,Funny 1 ,青春偶像剧1 ,八点档连续剧1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Family marriage 1 ,时尚都市言情偶像剧1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Reality show 1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Xian xia 1 ,Warm blood 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Ancient 1 ,Family drama 1 ,Adventure 1 。

Works Index

Joe Chen Filmography(41)


独孤皇后 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《独孤皇后》剧情介绍:讲述了因家族遭到权臣迫害, Du GuGaLuo 自小就以独立坚强要求自己。时其夫君 Yang Jian 已展现不凡气概,他骁勇善战,立下赫赫战功,并在乱世之中登上皇位,建立隋朝,统一中国,而后大力发展文化经济。 Du GuGaLuo 尽心辅佐,与 Yang Jian 一同倡导节俭,协助 Yang Jian 成就“开皇之治”,国泰民安,与 Yang Jian 并尊为“二圣”,在 Yang Jian 开创隋朝盛世中起到了不可或缺的作用。 Du GuGaLuo 和 Yang Jian 携手走过人生风雨,始终夫妻恩爱,伉俪情深,她时刻督促 Yang Jian 勤政爱民,无论处于人生何种际遇,夫妻二人保持着勤俭朴实的家风,创造了中国古代帝王夫妻后宫生活的佳话。

Master brother (Movie)[2018]


The film "Master Brothers" plot introduction: tells the new teacher Chen Shi, when he enters the job, he meets the school to kill the school crisis, but also faces a group of students who are all inferior in quality, including Wei Cong, who is brave and brave. The Indian-Indian ancestors, the men’s heads, the lack of concentration, and the Qixian who only played the game consoles. Chen Xia uses a very teaching method to resolve the problems of each student and finally accepts the whole class. Just as everything was getting better, there was a serious accident in the class, and the head teacher Chen Xia became the subject of public trial. Chen Xia’s teacher qualifications are even more revoked by the Education Bureau. When teachers and students make up their future and work hard for the school, they do not know that there are unscrupulous businessmen who look at the school's land. The conspiracy is quietly brewing. Chen Xia, who has been through a hundred battles, was forced to put down his teacher's identity again and work together with a group of teachers and students to launch a school guardian war.


Legend tycoon (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the 1930s, Shanghai, Gu family four brothers joined the film and television industry. For the sake of the older brothers' stills, following the move of the third elder brother to Singapore to open up the Nanyang movie market, Gu YanMei has long been destined to remain indissoluble with film industry for a long time. Coincides with World War II, the rapid changes in the current situation, Gu brothers will be moved to Hong Kong production base. As the war ended, Hong Kong was in full swing. The brothers entrusted the Hong Kong studio to Gu YanMei. In the face of today's non-cinema market, Gu YanMei always regards the audience as the driving force for making their own films. It has finally made Gu Brothers' film the first in Hong Kong. It has not only made Hong Kong's film industry a flash star, it has also become Asia's highest priority. Its reputation is growing, was honored as "Chinese film tycoon." For many years sincerely charity, enthusiastic public welfare, Gu YanMei also become the world recognized big philanthropist.

Xiuxian morta (TV)[2017]

Feature: An ordinary village poor boy, by chance, into a small sectarian rivers and lakes, became a registered disciple. In this capacity, he has gained a foothold in martial art and how to enter the ranks of immortals with mediocre qualifications, so that he can be among the three disciplines and mediocre qualification to enter the ranks of cultivating immortals and other devils , Immortal immortal division tied for both inside and outside of Shanhaiguan, immortal world intrigues, law of the jungle, the road long, immortal dangerous, to see how ordinary mountain village Han Li difficult cultivation immortality. Although mediocre, but rely on their own efforts and reasonable calculation practice immortality. Cultivation of immortal process is not easy, not only need to overcome its own shortcomings, but also to accept the test of the enemy and heaven and earth, after numerous "trekking" in order to obtain.

Dandelion love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Yao SiHan childhood and grandmother dependent, is a strong, brave, love and hate girl. Zhang YiJie is the cousin of Chen YiFeng, a lovely, naive, kind girl. Chen YiFeng lives in a superior family and is a self-esteem boy. Cold Jing is a very considerate of people thoughtful people. Love is like a teenager, falling in love with dandelions in the autumn mountains. That is a plant full of ideas. Pale, weak, slender, plain. And beautiful. Its beauty is blooming only to those who understand it. At that time, a precocious little girl, once wanted to be a dandelion seed. Without any thoughts and feelings, only the bodies not bound by the soul are blown away. The wind stopped, it fell, where are not tired.

New Horizon (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Aspiration High" tells Hu Bing handsome Miaoxia First Deputy Xiao Mo in a flight unexpectedly found the fire, indirectly caused the mother of the airline Prince Edward Xia Yu passed away. Although the company finally ruled that Xiao Mo was not responsible, Xiao Mo became a maintenance division because of a guilty conscientious resignation as a pilot. Two years later, Xiao Mo returned to the fleet. During the reclaiming period, Xia Yu, who had been a flight attendant, remembered flying unexpectedly. Both were more surprised to love Wu Di, a girl with real character. The three fell into emotional disputes. At this time an unfinished investigation report suddenly appeared. Two years ago, the unknown truth made everyone suspicious of Xiao Mo. As Xiao Mo faced grounded again, Wu Di's heart began to gradually move closer to Xia Yu. At this moment, Xiao Mo no longer flinched, and exhausted the method to find out the ins and outs of the incident two years ago. Xiao Mo proved his innocence and strength as a pilot to return to the blue sky again.

To taste is Qing Huan (TV)[2017]

Feature: 70 Uncle Ding RenJian (Tong Dawei ornaments) In order to meet his wife Lin Yue (Lin Peng ornaments) living alone, the desire to leave their parents, led colleagues and the boss asking for a raise, the result was dismissed, had to after 90 Di ZhiWei (Wang Yibo Decorated) work. After things were known by Lin Yue, he was fueled by "Xiao Zang Gang" (Gangrirao Zhu), Lin Yue divorced Ding RenJian and chose Tang XiaoGang. Ding RenJian fall into the trough of life. Di ZhiWei's company was crushed by Tang XiaoGang, coupled with his father's death, but also sluggish. Ding RenJian again unemployed, admitted to the home of 80 senior white-collar An QingHuan (Joe Chan ornaments) home, but also with An QingHuan to help Di ZhiWei out of the shadows, Ding RenJian and An QingHuan gradually has the signs of love, the two wishfully Together, Di ZhiWei also grow into a mature and responsible man. null

TheWonder3D (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Miracle: Chasing the Rainbow tells a rather fantastic story: in Oakland, the three children encountered a bizarre rainbow that traveled to China through the energy fluctuations of the rainbow. Because of their reckless move, caused the energy imbalance in this world. They who have been helped in China have finally overcome many obstacles to recover the world.

Ghost Blow the lamp is absolutely ancient city (TV)[2016]

Feature: Hu BaYi (Dong Jin ornaments) went to the Gangguo border Ganggang Gangzi, with the only remaining a book - "Sixteen words Yin and Yang Feng Shui," nothing to book Chinese The word back pass melon. After joining the army to Tibet, Avava collapse encountered a huge trench which, Hu BaYi use their own tomb mystery escaped undead. After the demobilization, Hu BaYi and her buddy Wang Fat (Da Zhao) joined an archeological team that went to archeology in Xinjiang. A pedestrian traveled to the fine ancient city ruins in the Taklamakan Desert after experiencing 10,000 dangers and entered the underground "ghost hole." The organs of the cave are numerous and the pitfalls are constant. This mysterious ghost hole seems to be under the control of a prophet.

TheGreatestLove (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Whirlwind dutiful son" is a large-scale filial piety reality show jointly launched by Hunan Satellite TV and Hualu Baina and Blue Flame, with a total of 13 programs. The program consists of six celebrities, Huang Xiaoming, Chen Qiaoen, Du Chun, Zheng Shuang, Cao Ge and Baobei, returned to their hometown for 6 days and 5 nights and fulfilled their parents' wishes. The program consists of 90% fun and 10% touched, the program to win the truth. The program will be broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV every Saturday at 22:00 on January 23, 2016 and closed on April 16, 2016.

Give up me, hold me tight (TV)[2016]

Feature: An accidental drowning, a long time of hypoxia in the well-known fashion designer Li WeiWei (Joe Chan ornaments) lost some memory, her memory stays at 23 years of age. Memory of the same as the designer's boyfriend became a competitor, and the male girlfriend Huo Xiao has become her fiancé. Li WeiWei did not believe she would break up with her ex-boyfriend Chen YiDu (Kai Wang), and she tried to investigate the cause and effect. Fiance Huo Xiao (Qiao Renliang) In order to protect Vicki and recover his fiancee, do everything possible to prevent Vicki investigation, keep her around. Li WeiWei went back to the past and found himself and those around him gradually forgetting their initial dreams. The reason that Vivi and Chen YiDu broke up is also because they neglected the relationship between love and communication and vanguded and misunderstood. As Chen YiDu mistook the relationship between Wei and Huo Xiao, She broke up. 30-year-old Li WeiWei decided to change the status quo, she gradually solved past misunderstandings, and her opponents, not only to recover the love, but also regain the beginning and the dream & nbsp ;.

Plastic surgery season (TV)[2016]

Feature: Cosmetologists of both China and South Korea have operated a mysterious plastic surgery hospital to meet the aspirations of all people and demonstrated the friction between human nature and society, the awareness and the normal state through a special client who welcomed them. When people face the desire to hurt Indulge and avoid pain.

TheQueens (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Song Hye-kyo, Joe Chan, and Vivian Wu are good sisters who have known each other for many years. Annie and Zhang Yi (Qin Hao ornaments) dating for many years, however, Melissa (Annie Yi ornaments) appear to make their love split, finally, Zhang Yi abandoned Annie. Melissa not only snatched Anne's lover, but also in the work of Anne everywhere so that trip, leading to Anne's career fell into the trough, at the same time, Conti with her boyfriend Tony (Yang Youning), Tina with her boyfriend Jia Wei (Jiang Wu ornaments) the feelings of these two pairs of lovers have also entered a bottleneck. Annie then met Shawn Dou and the wealthy sophomore Wang ZiYu (Joe Zheng), who could not find her way around in her relationship. Finally, Anne knew that the world could Rely on, only yourself.

ReturnoftheCuckoo (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The Moonlight on the Fifth of October tells the story of how Wen Qiu, Zhu Junhao and Qi Qi face the joys and sorrows of life and how to return to the beginning to make love choices. Fourteen years ago, Zhu JunHao and Wen Chu got acquainted with each other. However, their common friend Stuart Li also fell in love with him. Wen Chu quit this feeling for his good happiness. In the end, he married Marilyn Stuart and left Macau, where he grew up. Fourteen years later, after the unfortunate death of a gentle husband and children, one man returned to Macau where he re-met with Wen Chu, who had cured "dumb illness" and became "Mantong", while Wen Chu Qi Qi, a dumb girl with a similar experience with Wen Chu, appeared beside him and finally finally bravely confronted the love in the hearts of Qi Qi. However, at this time, Wen Chu was diagnosed by a doctor instead of dissipating more and more of the congestion in his brain. He often did not hear it. If surgery may lead to memory loss, Wen Chu afraid of forgetting the king, then write the note "good, I'm fine" in my hand. Wen Chu finally successful operation.

YouthNeverReturns (Movie)[2015]

Feature: In the youthful university campus, Hans Zhang and Feng Song et al. Established the "brotherly covenant" in the hope of maintaining the friendship between them. However, contrary to expectations, Feng Song likes a beautiful girl named Zhu Ting (Shi Yufei), however, what he did not think is that Zhu Ting's heart has long been vested with handsome looks like a school with good reputation Fai, however, deliberately merry water fall, Jin Hui's eyes only the sexy hot Zhou Hui (Joe Chan ornaments). A twists and turns bizarre polygamy kicked off. In a blink of an eye ten years later, once brothers and sisters entered the society and went their separate ways. One day, Zhu Ting organized a grand gathering of classmates to bring old friends back together. When everyone recalls the once green years, what will be relieved and perception it?

OurTimes (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Successful white-collar Lin really heart (Joe Chan ornaments) because of their superiors oppressed, subordinates Tucao, into a deep memory of the girlhood. Originally an ordinary girl (Vivian Sung ornaments) really have a burst of laughter but there are sweet first love memories. Maiden really had the crush on the school OuyangFeiFan (Dino Lee ornaments), but always missed the school flower Tao MinMin (Jane Yan Rui ornaments) charm, distress her, an accident that she and school tycoon Xu Taiyu (Darren Wang ornaments) Composed of the "Alliance of Love Lost Front," they are bound to seize love, staged scenes of lively, funny young fun things, but in the relationship between the two emotions have also undergone a delicate change ... a few years later, the adult world Lin ZhenXin can regain the beginning?

Foreverlove (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Wang XiaoMo (Sun Yizhou ornaments) is rich young master with a golden spoon was born, was young and was sent abroad to study art design, after returning from studies, Wang XiaoMo into the company's work, hoping to break a position in their own The world. However, Wang XiaoMo did not think that he should have been assigned to the work of Li Baotian. The main job was to take care of his diet. Shi ChangGong's personality is weird and harsh, and there is no shortage of Wang XiaoMo on weekdays. However, in the process of getting along, Wang XiaoMo found Shi ChangGong's heart hidden in the hottest path under the indifferent appearance of Shi ChangGong. Shi ChangGong also had a feeling of trust in Wang XiaoMo, a patient and kind-hearted man. Wang XiaoMo has a strong curiosity about Shi ChangGong's past. The romance between Shi ChangGong and technician Xue YaLan (Joe Chan) has gradually surfaced.

The Continent (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The first ray of sea breeze in the Pacific, the message of bid farewell, and the three young people who have never had a hometown have started a journey across the mainland. Cities, towns, mountains, jungles and deserts, they feel caught off guard and unspeakable sadness, meet those who miss only with miss girls, wandering homeless animals, enigmatic legendary traveler. Repeated confession and farewell woven this journey, out of several different lives.

Fairview edge gorgeous adventure (TV)[2015]

Feature: Gorgeous Edge Adventures takes a shot at Shanghai in the 1930s and talks about the relationship between actress Zuo Zhen (Xiaoming Huang), the protagonist and actress Joe Chan, Misunderstanding and turn around thousands of stories. In the 1930s, Chen Sheng, a noble lady who came from a medical family, was saved by the painter Jin Shengyuan's gorgeous adventure. Jin Hui with Chen Sheng left the gold pocket watch, went to Shanghai to find the enemy. On the steamship bound for Shanghai, Fairview covers the illustrious Zuo Zhen character in the Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, and they pretend that the couple escaped vendetta. Pocket watch was accidentally taken away by Zuo Zhen, Splendid to find Zuo Zhen into the Paramount Ballroom, actually met the other half sister Pearl. At this point the pearl has become a popular dancer, but also the industrial tycoon Xiang HanChuan's lover. Fairview Park was accidentally injured in the chaos and was sent to the Lion Grove Hotel by Zuo Zhen. It was mistakenly thought that it was rescued by Xiang Ying Dong, brother of Xiang HanChuan, and grateful. Maeda, a Japanese businessman who killed the entire Fairview family, also traced Shanghai. In order to control the entire economy in Shanghai, Maeda resorted to measures to control the pearl. Not only did she let her work between her brothers, but also exert great influence on her. After all kinds of hardships, Fairview and Zuo Zhen also become good friends.

DestinedToLoveYou (TV)[2015]

Feature: Still life In 1916, Qian BaoBao (Joe Chan), a civilian girl, rescued ill mother as a replacement for Xiao Han (Zheng Shuang (actress, born 1991), an accidental death of foreign nationality doctor), while Shen WenTao (Bosco Wong) and Xiao Han's fiance Xiang Hao (Jia Nailiang) on ​​one side. In order not to reveal the true identity, Qian BaoBao should evade the growing feelings with Xiang Hao and dispel Shen WenTao's doubts and temptations. Under the emotional entanglements, the crisis emerged. It turned out that Xiao Han did not die. Her return brought Qian BaoBao a conscience torture. Japanese dark forces are eyeing the dragon city, military academy into danger. Qian BaoBao and a group of blood-loving men in the military academy smashed the enemy's conspiracy again and again for the sake of the great national and ethnic righteousness, united, and made ends meet to successfully resolve the crisis. Eventually Qian BaoBao and Xiang Hao have lovers married. poster

Marry a husband to live (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Marrying a Husband to Live" tells of a beautiful stewardess from Taipei, Chen JiaYu (Joe Chan) and a native Beijing guy Zhen Hao (Yi Zhang) fell in love and married to the Beijing Sihe family. Cai Ming (actress) as the head of Beijing's 100-year-old Xingyuanzhai, the 17th generation, opposes the marriage with her parents. Hair small Beijing alley girl Song XiaoZhuang (People also ask decoration) silently crush on Zhen Hao, and Chen JiaYu is a competitive relationship but shows the free and easy kindness of a feminine man. The cultural differences between the two people in different places are not in line with the objections of the family members, and "Zhen Hao" as the inheritor of the old restaurant "Xingyuanzhai" has also been infected by Chen Jiayu and infected by her unique nature to help Zhen Hao find it again Their own life positioning and goals, after the joint efforts of the two eventually run a family business booming, but also get the recognition of family and everyone, really can be described as a career double happiness harvest & nbsp ;.

TheMonkeyKing (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Sun WuKong (formerly known as Pu TiZuShi) made a seventy-two change and is determined to become a god. However, Jiu WeiHu (), a friend of two, has been killed and has mistaken Niu MoWang (king of the Devil) as the enemy of heaven. On the other hand, Niu MoWang instigated Sun WuKong to join forces to sow the heaven in order to return his beloved wife, Tie ShanGongZhu (), and her 300-year-old Ai Zihong boy to heaven again, eventually forcing Emperor Yu (led by Er Lang Shen ) And other cents against, start ghost war. Since the Pan-Pian epoch, the two clans of the gentry and democrats have vied for the rights to command the Three Realms. In a protracted campaign, the spiritual world led by Yu HuangDaDi once again repulsed the Mozu led by Niu MoWang. Nv Wa In order to avoid regenerating battle spasm, Nantianmen defend the heaven, and one of the spar collars, the mortal world of the mortal world, turned into a monkey monkey, Sun WuKong. Sun WuKong into Pu TiZuShi door, quickly gifted but unfettered, he was expelled from the door, the Dragon Palace to take the gold hoop bars based Huaguo Shan Zhan Shan Wang. On the other hand, Niu MoWang pretended to give up fighting to pacify Tie ShanGongZhu, the sister of Jade Emperor, and conspiratorially plotted a more devastating offensive to heaven. Sun WuKong to save Jiu WeiHu and heaven, Niu MoWang value Sun WuKong ability to pretend to call his brother secretly use Jiu WeiHu design to deceive Sun WuKong and heaven, a shaking conspiracy and love and hatred of the war imminent.

TheContinent (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The story begins with the fictional East Island, the easternmost island in China. Hu Shengang Gao, a mentally retarded youth, tells the story of two of his buddies, Ma Hao Han (Feng Shaofeng) and Jiang He ( Chen Bolin ornaments) story. When he returned to his hometown after many years of battling outside, he found that the entire island was facing demolition issues. Jiang He, his best friend and the only teacher on the island, will also be transferred to the more remote areas. So Hao made a decision that is to drive Jiang He to report to the school more than 3000 kilometers away. Brothers and three people embarked on an unprecedented journey, they entertained them as an extras' childhood playmate Zhou Mo (Joe Chan), astray Su Mi (Luodan Wang ornaments) Pen Ying Liu YingYing (Quan Yuan ornaments), and uninhibited motorcycle driver A Lv (Wallace Chung ornaments). The seemingly ordinary journey is hidden hides, Hao Han and Jiang He eventually came to an end, began a very different life trajectory. The film is a famous writer and driver Han Han's film director debut.

TheSuspicious (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Liu Hua (actor), the boss of a hundred-year pharmaceutical factory who contracted pharmaceuticals, decided to sell real estate for sale and did not want to sell drugs anymore. His heavily hired Hong Kong executive, Ruan DaZhi (Wilson Lam), leads a Japanese buyer, Miyashita. Do not want to see the palace is only able to cure insomnia Lu Yu scattered tablets of the exclusive formula. Just as the two sides reached a stalemate in negotiations, the appearance of "Mystery S," which claimed to hold a secret prescription, made the negotiations even more foggy. Lin YiTai, sales director of Chenggong Pharmaceutical Factory (Alec Su), a patient with severe insomnia, who was working as a non-awakened doctor all night, had a profound understanding of the transactions between S and Japanese buyers. After being a cataclysm, Lin YiTai found that both her immediate boss, Ruan DaZhi (Wilson Lam), the ambiguous senior secretarial secretary Joe Chan, or the Japanese representative Mei ChuanMeiJiZi (Hong So-hee) Everyone has a guilty conscience, and even his most trusted pharmaceutical factory employee, Lao Song (Liping You), is eccentric and everyone is the best suspect! At this time, hiding in a corner of the inner ghost "Mystery S" but everyone's every move is well aware of ... ...

Swordman (TV)[2013]

Feature: Huashan school disciple Ling HuChong open-minded uninhibited, "New Swordsman" Stills into the Huashan martial arts ordinary, in the face of the Supreme awarded "Tokgo nine swords", but also accidentally obtained the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains of various schools of thought, which led to Master Yue BuQun Suspicion, an excuse to excommunicate. In fact, Yue BuQun surface integrity, treacherous inside, as the only secret Kui "Sunflower Collection", actually designed to make martial law faction mutually depict, only the final act of self-death. Ling HuChong Yu LingShan, a young and a non-affiliated girl, cast her mind in anticipation of the emergence of Lin PingZhi, turning Yue LingShan into her arms. After Ling HuChong met Blackwood Cliff boss's only daughter Ren YingYing, the two share the same interests. After several misunderstanding between life and death, each other only understand each other deeply love each other, however, Ying Ying has been extremely toxic in the body, dying. Experienced the world's hegemony disputes, Ling HuChong and Ren YingYing finally compliment, become husband and wife, since the Swordsman.

Happiness (Movie)[2012]

Feature: 2012, are you happy? Dream in the choice and temptation to stretch between desires, affection between the merging and gains and losses, love in the only love between the lost and reality. As a Chinese version of "Sex and the City," the film sketches the reality of materialistic sexuality in urban and rural areas by describing the stories of urban Jinling, fashion stars, big-name celebrities, startup youth, career rookies and retired seniors. Different in the lost and confused. Without exception, they suffered a stormy and bumpy journey on their way to happiness: marriage derailed, friends betrayed, business failed, and their loved ones alienated ... Movie boss Song Hao (Yi Sha) married his wife Hu Fang (Aya Liu) for many years , Housewife Hu Fang always wanted a child, helpless but confused husband refused to cooperate, but also with her star actress Mises (Monica Mok ornaments) one night stand after life. In order to make up for her son's mistakes, Song Hui (Kara Hui) had to hurt two women in a row. Song Hua (Joe Chan), the daughter of Song Hua (actor), learned that the incident was almost completely cut off from her son and that her daughter, Qiqihar (Joe Chan), who had been injured while traveling to Europe, was still worried about her. Song Qi boyfriend Fang Lei (Shao Bing ornaments) found the cause after losing love ...

HappinessMeToo (Movie)[2012]

Feature: 2012, are you happy? Dream in the choice and temptation to stretch between desires, affection between the merging and gains and losses, love in the only love between the lost and reality. As a Chinese version of "Sex and the City," the film sketches the reality of materialistic sexuality in urban and rural areas by describing the stories of urban Jinling, fashion stars, big-name celebrities, startup youth, career rookies and retired seniors. Different in the lost and confused. Without exception, they suffered a stormy and bumpy journey on their way to happiness: marriage derailed, friends betrayed, business failed, and their loved ones alienated ... Movie boss Song Hao (Yi Sha) married his wife Hu Fang (Aya Liu) for many years , Housewife Hu Fang always wanted a child, helpless but confused husband refused to cooperate, but also with her star actress Mises (Monica Mok ornaments) one night stand after life. In order to make up for her son's mistakes, Song Hui (Kara Hui) had to hurt two women in a row. Song Hua (Joe Chan), the daughter of Song Hua (actor), learned that the incident was almost completely cut off from her son and that her daughter, Qiqihar (Joe Chan), who had been injured while traveling to Europe, was still worried about her. Song Qi boyfriend Fang Lei (Shao Bing ornaments) found the cause after losing love ...

Woman on bread tree (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The story will start with the reunion of Lin Fang Wen and the two after breaking up - the third anniversary of graduation, the emergence of Lin FangWen broke the peace, three years ago has been "dead" Lin FangWen still alive. That year, she thought that love is all life, is a deep sleep of the sea, covering you whole body. That year, he became her everything, woke up only to find that love has passed. That year, she thought he was dead, she had her own dream, began another life. Only to understand the best love is still on the way, the way of arrival is unpredictable. The transition of life, then all sorts of difficulties, one day suddenly glanced back, the original flight across the mountains. It turned out that after the growth of love, with a beloved man measure a size with a tape measure is picking a lamp, is to choose a beautiful curtain original, after the growth of love, is more mature love. It turned out that growth, is the woman's final destination. This is the story of Cheng Yun and Lin FangWen.

2012 Doomsday love brave love (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Micro-film around the "" Unfolded, tells the "Doomsday", and across time and space, brave love story. In the film, Joe Chan encounters the "Junior III Crisis," her boyfriend decides to break up with her, overeating, decadent buy drunk, in the "Doomsday" is approaching the encounter "Real Life Son". When the only three-way phone in life, a mysterious call in time to call ... ... the end of the meteorite, wearing space calls and other elements, as "" the title is generally full of magic, tangled colors, posters presented by the two protagonists A cold, lonely feeling, mixed with the fear of the advent of "Doomsday", Joe Chan for love, roar heartbreak, occasionally encounter true love, silently guardian, "Doomsday" Suddenly, rich artistic atmosphere of color with emotions Entanglement of music, who will bravely take that step to love? How two people will face the test of love or life and death? Before the end of the day, give you the answer!

The price of winning women (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Costs of winning women" tells the story of Lin XiaoJie, Beihai Haiyatt Department store miscellaneous young girl, inadvertently get boss Gao ZiQi high-profile confession at a press conference! However, on the eve of the wedding, the actress Bai JiQing suddenly appeared. Xiao Jie understood that she was not a true friend of Zi Qi. She left Shanghai to meet Tang Jun when she was sad. Tang Jun, Xiaojie's close friend on the internet, Tom, is the son of Shanghai's Huanghai Shengshi Mall. Xiao Jie does not know that Tang Jun is Tom. At this point, Tang enterprises under threat, Xiao Jie determined to help them. With extraordinary ability to work, Xiao Jie Tang House not only out of the woods, but also the achievements of their own careers. At work, Xiao Jie accidentally learned that Tang Jun is Tom and has always loved himself. Xiao Jie misunderstood Tang Jun as being unobservable by himself. Tang Jun has always been concerned about and support Xiao Jie silently, Xiao Jie finally got the approval of Xiao Jie, the two came together. Xiao Jie finally realized the dream in my heart, not only become a battlefield queen, but also gain a sweet love.

TheAllureOfTears (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Tears of the First Tears (Tears of Blood): You Le is a workaholic who lacks a taste for life and is suddenly diagnosed with serious illness. In the hospital, he gave up trying to meet those Lotte patients who made him incomprehensible and saw their beautiful dreams that could not be achieved. Until You Le met Gei LiMei, with her encouragement, he finally began to gradually out of the haze and regain the sunshine. Between him and her, but also because of so many moved, but gradually goodwill, become profound lovers. However, as they promised to make their vows, they agreed to go out to death together, but suddenly they betrayed the covenant and wanted to be a chance for those who were afraid of death and wanted to seek survival. The second tear (dream of tears): the brink of bankruptcy Xinyi Conservatory of Music, is Chen career career, but also the late mother of Chen unforgettable care. Until now, only the former disciple was found - Yang Lin, an internationally renowned musician, and a concert to save the school. In order to persuade her to go out, once the Lutheran tigers have gone out of their way, each superficial, especially Yang Lin past gossip boyfriend Ding DaKe, exhausted all one's skill. Surprisingly, Yang Lin can not play the piano at all because of hearing impairment caused by an accident. Ultimately, with the help of Yao Jue, a violinist, Yang Lin finally came out. However, the ensuing difficulties kept faltering righteous fallacies and the loving affirmations of Yang Lin and Ding DaKe were constantly sharpened by this obstacle. Can their dreams come true? This mix of dreams and responsibilities of love will go? Tears of the Third Tear (Rain Tears): Chen Sheng, a well-known public relations company boss on the beach, was robbed by criminals and lost his lover on the wedding day. No one knows how Chen Sheng really fortune, no one knows what his wife is. When Chen Sheng announced it was going to hold a wedding as scheduled, it even shocked the entire beach. It turned out that everything was intimate.

The girl in blue (TV)[2010]

Feature: Female student You JiaQi and Meng HePing met, fall in love, but Meng HePing "good dream" stills mothers firmly opposed. Meng HePing proposed to break up, Meng HePing angrily went abroad. Ruan ZhengDong, a rich family member who met during the festival, was accidentally hospitalized and went to visit during the good times and reunited with Meng HePing at the hospital. The original Meng HePing is Ruan ZhengDong's hair small. In order to avoid Meng HePing re-emergence of the pain brought by, and Ruan ZhengDong beautiful dealings. Ruan ZhengDong sudden stomach spasm admitted to the hospital, even found out is advanced gastric cancer. He was determined to complete Meng HePing and best sellers and chose to quietly leave. Good times began to find hard to find whereabouts of Ruan ZhengDong. The festival finally found Ruan ZhengDong and told him that she had fallen in love with him. Zhengdong knew he was running out of time and wanted him to help him recover a set of properties that had a memorable value for him. Good times to the destination, found that Zhengdong to her, she has been eager to get back the old house keys. Good times to open the door, see the table has the east of the note: "good times, and finally until you go home." East. "You JiaQi tightly holding the note, burst into tears.

Magistrate Ye GuangMing (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Ye County, known as county magistrate" tells the era of warlord melee, water County ravages of people added to the troubled times many can not appeal to the odd injustice. People deliberately wanted to get rid of the warlords Yuan Kong Kong and Ye Guangming and other well-known strangers Ye YuanMing et al. Ye GuangMing, a magistrate that did not have the solemn intention of justice for the common people, came out of his most solemn sentiments and was struggling with the evil forces of all parties such as Cai Wan, the water county police chief of the fish people. Detect odd cases, to preserve a small town peace. Ye GuangMing and his assistants are gradually becoming more and more ordinary people, becoming the embodiment of the people in the water county's mind. In dark times such as chaos, they light up the light and prop up one side of the sky.

FatedtoLoveYou (TV)[2008]

Feature: In this city, there is a love story of "sticking and sticking to ..." The story of "Fate I Love You" starts with a genre of girls based in Asia. This girl, called the "sticker girl." She, simple, simple and secure, small in desire, has never been a "Somebody" and does not expect to become a "Somebody." They are small, but essential, like a handy tear-paste, modest or unusual, but you must have her around! A trip to the "luxury cruise", so that an ordinary girl hit the history of the most extraordinary ... ... Xinyi she was very afraid of others do not like myself, so she has been very hard to be good to others, as long as Someone gave her a little bit of response, and she would easily like each other. Everyone called her to stick the girl, because when someone needed her it could be torn off and littered when not needed. But she is a very emotional fool, personality is not strong enough to make her determined when often soft-hearted, one day in order to restore boyfriend Gu Chi, spent a lot of travel on the boat of love, did not expect a wrong place to go wrong, After waking up, she was shocked to find out that she had a one-night stand with a stranger. She also found her boyfriend Gu Chi stealing food and getting rich widows to leave her leaving her as a bolt-on strike. A month later, when she saw the results of a pregnancy test, she regretted not jumping off the boat. A 25-year-old law firm staff, for a bad boyfriend, 200,000 in debt, but also pregnant with an unknown child, is simply the most ironic jokes all over the world. She asked the company for a week off and was ready to return to her hometown of "Ginger Island" and think about what to do. That day stranger named Ji CunXi bed, he is the dream of all girls Prince Charming, golden handsome, young talent, when he met the ordinary office girl Chen XinYi, I do not know the beginning of trouble, or the happy start . Because Ji Ji's genetic disease, each generation of male-type micro, since nine generations of single biography. This makes the eldest family pearl grandmother sleep every day is not stable, afraid of such a little bit of incense accidentally broken! Grandma wholeheartedly hope that grandson Ji CunXi and other businesses can be as small, mercy around. But this grandchildren are clean themselves love. One day, my grandmother inadvertently found Xinyi cherished the child surviving, perhaps the ancestral blessing of Ji family, did not think God actually gave her a 'little gold great-grandchildren', let Grandma say what should be preserved Xin Yi married door. So when she was driving a crane to the west, there were faces facing the disciples' ancestors. So my grandmother wanted to fight Hsieh three years of girlfriend broke the news to blackmail, want to save Xixi Xinyi, was "cheating" and had to marry Xinyi wish to complete my grandmother's life. However, Hideo discovered that he did not want to face the fact of marriage, and that he could not decide whether to flee or courage to bear the consequences. Suddenly, they found that they had to start dating love at the request of her grandmother.In fact, there is a Greek surviving Greek ballerina girlfriend Anna for three years, many romantic proposals during the Anna Anna deposit for a touch of soft nails, but the deposit has always been waiting silently, waiting for Anna willing to put aside all his promise . Anna is not married to the cause, but at this time he was unexpectedly pleased to Xin Yi pregnancy, but fortunately Anna tour performance abroad so that Cushing can hide the Oolong incident. However, Xiyi concealed her grandmother, and Xin Yi signed a prenuptial agreement that contains two children will be divorced, Yoshitoshi promise to give Xinyi a sum of money and then pat the ass each owe, Xinyi in order to The future of the child in the future, after careful consideration also agreed. The wishful memory of Hussein is that when Xinyi gave birth to her child, Anna returned to tour the tour, and his contractual relationship with Xin Yi just expired, and Anna can be the front line. Guangdong fans meet without knowing Xin Yi moved into deposit Greek home, began to learn and survive, two strangers never adapt to the habit of each other's existence, is a very subtle evolution, originally thought to just live under one roof However, because of the trivialities of many lives, Xinyi moved into the depositor's bedroom at the request of her grandmother and saved her to move to the guest room by the excuse, but found she did not like to sleep alone Lonely, three nights in the middle of the night will always return to the original room, as time goes by, there is a person beside him seems to be kind of used to it. Do not like to go home to eat the deposit also began to go home to eat, vowed not to help save anything, but also began to buy baby room wallpaper, children's toys. In the thought that this is the so-called happiness, has been neglected to hide the unexploded Anna appeared, save the hope he had no clear relationship with Anna hurt Xin Yi, leaving only a divorce agreement disappear No, I thought this is the end of the best period, did not expect Xinyi as early as unconsciously occupy his heart, he vowed that if he let him find Xin Yi, he must regain Xin Yi, no longer Is the appearance of the mom of the child's father to the child, but based on the attitude of a man to a woman ......

WoodySambo (TV)[2008]

Feature: Invincible Shan Po Shan Shan Po childhood wish is to want to talk about a sweet love, after marry as a wife, shame on the whole chard ashamed, but unscrupulous Shanbu efforts to hide the charcuterie flavor and strange power, continue to love forward, But the object is always because of the discovery of astonishing divine power and covered with cheese taste and scared away. Susan was extremely troubled by this, life volunteer let "Guangji" collapse, from far away from pork, but because it was shot a "horror roasted meat shop" movie is teasing "Chestnut." Since then, Shan Po life need to overcome one more difficulty. Shantou to be the first love lover Amin abandoned Sambo gave way to a young boy, but was kidnapped, hungry, "Tien Hsiang House" a small open Sun enemies, after many years met two met, but has become A pair of lovers. Because the first encounter misunderstanding, making Shantao believes that the only green is the only one who does not mind the body with the charcuterie taste and biceps real life, that only green have a good impression on their own, not only for the performance of different people only show the way of love, More on the only pay unconditionally. But for the only green, Sapphire is only a crazy Fans. Not really like Shanbao, although the only green is not good for Shanbao, but Shanbao still journeying for him, because she thinks it is true love. There is a different logic from ordinary people. Although it is absolutely sincere, it often makes people weird by making strange and extreme actions. It makes life a joke, but it keeps wiping away tears forever.

Prince turned frog (TV)[2005]

Feature: "The prince turns a frog" tells the great masculine are Hao in the engagement before the acquisition in order to acquire the United States fishing village converted into a new sightseeing spot along with his fiancee Yun came to this encounter on the road a special deception tourists Tian Yu. In order to Yunxi an unforgettable memory, mistakenly bought the hot air balloon Tianyu, originally intended to marry him at the top, did not expect a sudden burst of hot air balloon, the two fell into the sea, marriage ring is gone. Tianyu, such as the money as life to raise 5 thousand yuan to buy a beautiful fishing village of the most beautiful clothes to participate in the death of the mother to rehab honor the music memorial, sign up to carry the gods sedan competition. When she passed the seaside accidentally picked up all the way that the wedding ring that happily thought it was a gift of heaven and take up their own, seeing the end of the game soon arrived unfortunately drowning cramps, but fortunately encountered a sea inspection Are all Hao, she was awakened to wake up and found her all kissed her (in fact, artificial respiration), anger to compensate her first kiss all Hao, Hao are direct call to know do not save this to steal his ring and die Female liar loving money. On the other hand, Zi Qian has always been deeply in love with Yun Xi, the most painful thing is seeing Yun Xi will become the wife of Jun Hao, but he never had the slightest thought, and his worship friend to help him Take back the favorite, Yun Hee and Jun Hao engaged on the day are all Hao Hao engagement, the car pulling a while led to the two crashed into the sea, all survived hard to climb ashore helpless, but was driving home family day Yu accidentally hit , A family in a hurry with Hao escape from the scene. They all lost their memory when awakened. Tianyu and his family lied to him to steal his pass from the mainland and took a name for him, "Chrysanthemum," leaving him to work in the grocery store. In the simple life of a fishing village, coupled with the suppression of Tian Yu and his mother Jinzhu, from this personality changes, become aware of how to understand others, gentle and compassionate. Unconsciously, Tian Yu and Jun Hao produce emotions, both in love, are Hao restore memory. Jun Hao restore memory can not remember the love of two people, but still remember the days before Yu Yu for his money to kill all sorts of acts, so I will certainly leave Tian Yu. On the other hand, Yun-sheng has always been unacceptable in the face of her feelings of sub-Qian, but her gentleness and considerateness have left her unable to refuse. When Jun Hao disappeared, Zi Qian suddenly became her heartbreaking rely on. As the days passed away, just as she decided to accept her feelings, she came back. After the restoration of memory are Hao returned to the former strong personality and forget the memory with Tian Yu, ready to get married with Yun Xi, while humiliating Tianyu, do not want to believe that he had loved Tianyu. In the loss of "Chrysanthemum", Tian Yu found that she fell in love with Hao who rather than money, and how to awaken the days of heaven Yu love memory, rescuing the love between Jun Hao? & Nbsp ;?

Daughter hundred percent (TV)[2003]

Feature: "One hundred percent" tells the story of Yang ZhuFang is a surrogate mother, her mother was strongly awakened during pregnancy, so she left one of the girls as an account, quietly took away another; the year left Daughter, now the crown jewel of Chairman of Enterprise Group - Flies, took over acting chairman because of his father's crash. Bi De gave the warmest shoulders at the height of its flight, but to perform a brutal plot, Bi De pushed his cliff down with a broken car in a broken car ... Wei Xiang, Ma Ji, Pa Zi, Ba Bi and Cicadas formed a group of five young people who met Fei Xiang while serving as a cocktails for the flying birthday party. Flying after the cliff, was saved by a strange doctor, will be reshaped into the same with his daughter's face. Wei Xiang miraculously appeared in front of her and brought her back to the Jurassic. When she saw the digital photos of Xiaofeng betel nut Shihstridge, her mind could not help but emerge a wonderful revenge plan ... Liang XiaoFeng, One of the twins taken that year, in order to share for the mother, working day at a gas station, secretly to betel nut stalls and poor betel nut Shih Tzu at night, Xiaofeng promised to do flying substitute, to help fly back step by step. Meng ZheLin has been quietly in love with flying, and flying on the Xiang Xiang affectionate, but Xiao Feng also loved Wei Xiang from the beginning, gave birth to a flying face, but did not walk into the heart of Wei Xiang. A complex multi-angle love story, who is the true love of his life? Feiyang and Xiaofeng twins sisters flower, can life experience, sisters concentric, flying the father's effort - Formosa to rescue come back and happy?

Lavender (TV)[2002]

Feature: TV series lavender Liang YiXun (Tammy Chen ornaments) Ji QingChuan (Ambrose Hsu ornaments) childhood hereditary heart disease from the urine of her take care of. On the eve of the farewell, Qingchuan promised "to wait for your twentieth birthday, but also for the season of lavender blooming, and I will certainly return for you." Ten years later, Qingchuan Log out "looking for Lavender Lovers" concert posters, and found to smoked, after twists and turns, true love to defeat the disease, the miracle comes to the lovers who have been waiting for true love, and they set foot on the red carpet . Kind and persistent to accept the new life in order to meet the advent of illness, she thinks it is a symbol of their true love. Riverside has been guarding her side, taking good care of, and to create a "happy moment" a song and their children. Just as Qingchuan dedicated all the feelings on the radio to this song, he smoked the fragrance of lavender and flew to heaven.

MyMVPVrlentine (TV)[2001]

Feature: Soon after Duan Chen Feng (Yen Hsing-su) hit a young girl who passed by while hurling to the race, the National High School League championship battle was about to begin and the police ambulance arrived at the scene and decided to let the race go round. Chenchen absence, let the old rival ICE MAN (Chen Yufan ornaments) Frequent sense of surprise, the end of the first half but received a sister Angel (Lin Michelle ornaments) injured in the car accident, refused to take the game hastily left. The original injured girl is ICE MAN's sister. The second half Chen Feng rushed to the stadium, overwhelmingly won the championship, becoming the MVP of the year! Angel accidental paralysis under the car accident, and ICE MAN also lost due to lose the game to keep the qualifications of foreign teams. In order to make up for this mistake, Chen Feng punished himself with abandoning his beloved basketball and his girlfriend, Xiao Xi (Angela Chang), who had been practicing with him for two years and took care of Angel wholeheartedly. Angel and Chen Feng on the relatives of the day and night, I found myself already like the wind, Chen Feng did not know it. Car accident indirectly changed the fate of another person, ICE MAN belongs to the cloud on the secondary school due to the loss of up to three years champion cicada's status, coach Dong QiShen was dismissed by the school, about to lose his son's strong guardianship can not do anything He, only drunk day by day, increasingly depressed. Kai-Sui Middle School and cloud-based secondary school in the same town, as long as the clouds on the place, Kai-Sui people have to get out, as Kai Sui secondary school principal Xiao Xi, just do not believe it, stand up provocative cloud, there She did not know Tarzan, actually offended Yun Zi High School Tai Zi (the mother is chairman of the Association of Fan ChunYi, one of the country's top business leaders), Coke fell on the head of Tai Zi, has always been above the Tai Zi , Do not think pestle, but happily entertain, because Xiao Xi is the first one does not treat him as a normal girl near the casually angry, Tai Zi decided to pursue Xiao Xi. Tai Zi attackers misunderstood the meaning of Tai Zi, launched the whole spike week, Xiao Xi therefore fought against Tai Zi, stating that the Kai-shui basketball team won the cloud if it was seen on the cloud Qisui flashpoint instead of Qisui to see flash on the cloud to stand. Xiao Xi Accidental Discovery Qisui won the national basketball championship, the legendary Jihad magic even led Xiao Xi to find the wind to come back to play basketball's hope, he hopes one day, like the legendary girl, as Chen Feng Wear jihad magic, once again won. However, Kai-Sui basketball club currently only two players, already facing the dissolution of the fate of the unassailable Xiao Xi how to rejuvenate the school basketball style it? Xiao Xi how to move the first teacher Dong QiShen, to this enrollment rate is low, transfer rate is high, there are financial crisis Kai-Su Secondary School. Xiao Xi how to let the stubborn courtiers again return to his favorite basketball court. Tai Zi, who is chasing after Xiao Xi, does not spend any money playing basketball to prove his love for Xiao Xi, whether he can do basketball qualifying for zero days. However, with the help of Xiao Xi, Kai Sui Basketball Club finally got into the game, but how to make it a real team to enter the National High School Basketball Championship.

The smiling pride (TV)[1984]


"The swordsman" is an ancient martial arts drama adapted from cha yong's original novel "the swordsman" by Hong Kong wireless television in 1984. It was produced by li dinglun and starred by Chow yun-fat, Rebecca Chan and Jaime Chik.

Ling HuChong (Chow yun-fat) with a younger sister Yue LingShan (Jaime Chik) childhood, very good feelings.

One day, chong accidentally learned that the qingcheng school wanted to seize the famous Lin family zhenhu's sword, anxious and master Yue BuQun Rushed to the rescue, but the end of a step late, the family has been destroyed, only the young son Lin ping survived, and have been collected under the door.

Heng heng female, Yi Lin And when they were carried away captive by adulterers, they rushed upon one another and fled to the barren mountains. encounter Qu Yang , Liu ZhengFeng When the crisis, music will be two people qin xiao cooperation of the smile of the huhu song wang, to be handed down in the world, wang xianran reply. Original song, liu belong to magic, are two pie, soul mate, become the intimate friend, but was so orthodox forced mutually, two people were hurt happeneth, orthodox people misunderstand and rogue group, to find, yue rushed to, will be washed away, though Lin has a crush on impact, but the body is becoming a monk, only dim, blunt penalty on cliff detention, therefore what made the flat, sandy a evil reason, make three people regret, on the cliff, rushed inadvertently found its sword send tips, and too ShiShu teach nine swords dugu, into the martial arts.

Chong for the rescue master door serious injury, repeated medicine effect.Rushed in the psychosomatic cui, meets the demons taught SAN gu Ren YingYing (Rebecca Chan), surplus hedge heretofore, side to seeking treatment for him, but rushed to bashan still infatuation piece, emotion towards surplus, in fact, yue ji yu Lin jian, he help encourage flat with the lins' search, flat to find sword spectrum, but soon was songshan parents to, comfortable in blunt, blunt desperate killed two people, sword spectrum, back injury faint, I woke up suddenly found sword spectrum has been lost, but be cause of this spectrum to steal. As a result, songshan was sent to ask for help, feeling that the world was too big and had nowhere to live.

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