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Jianyi Li TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jianyi Li Works 53 ,And Feature 15 ,Costume Drama 15 ,Urban drama 11 ,Romance 10 ,Motivational film 6 ,Love 6 ,Family drama 5 ,Historical play 4 ,Comedy 3 ,Youth drama 2 ,Family ethics 2 ,生活2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Criminal investigation 2 ,Year 2 ,Contemporary 2 ,Sports 1 ,温情1 ,轻喜剧1 ,都市题材1 ,Fashion 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Modern 1 ,Revolution 1 ,Suspense 1 ,当代涉案1 ,惊险1 ,Action 1 ,legend 1 ,Anti-corruption 1 ,检察1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,权谋1 ,三国1 ,Spy war 1 ,谍战剧1 ,Modern legend 1 ,Workplace film 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Crime 1 ,Biopic 1 ,War 1 。

Works Index

Jianyi Li Filmography(53)


天衣无缝 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《天衣无缝》又名《猎谍者》剧情介绍:讲述了1931年春天,中共中央在上海、广东大浦、哈尔滨等城市建立了红色交通站,交通站直属中央交通局。红色特工“烟缸”与“青瓷”一组人马试图在西欧建立一条地下新航线,建立秘密仓库,护送中共中央重要物资及护送地下党重要情报人员抵达目的地。“巴黎”临时红色交通站遭到叛徒出卖,“烟缸” Gui Wan 牺牲,小组成员一一被设计清换。 Gui Wan 同父异母的弟弟 Zi LiPing 精心策划了一个复仇大计,设局引其兄 Gui Yi 入局,借 Gui Yi 之力破解谜团,真正的“叛谍”浮出水面,兄弟同心铲除叛徒,重建红色交通站。生死迷局一旦揭晓,石破天惊 。

庆余年 (TV)[2019]


某大学文学史专业的学生张庆熟读古典名著,但他用现代观念剖析古代文学史的论文命题不被 Ye JiaoShou 所认可。为了让 Ye JiaoShou 成为自己的研究生导师,张庆决定通过写小说的方式,进一步阐述自己想要表达的观点。 在他的小说中,身世神秘的少年—— Fan Xian ,自小跟随奶奶生活在海边小城澹州,随着一位老师的突然造访,他看似平静的生活开始直面重重的危机与考验。在神秘老师和一位蒙眼守护者的指点下, Fan Xian 熟识药性药理,修炼霸道真气并精进武艺,而后接连化解了诸多危局。因对身世之谜的好奇, Fan Xian 离开澹州,前赴京都。 在京都, Fan Xian 饱尝人间冷暖并坚守对正义、良善的坚持,书写了一段光彩的人生传奇。

银河补习班 (Movie)[2019]



Side by side (TV)[2019]


人物海报图册少年 Ping An 患有自闭症,因自己身上显露的运动天赋在羽毛球运动中获得肯定,在与弟弟 Zi Hao 的合作中不断成长 。 Xiao Na 是性格俏皮开朗的少女,假期在爷爷的羽毛球馆帮工 ,与兄弟二人关系亲近,对 Zi Hao 暗生情愫。然而成长的道路上没有一帆风顺,当兄弟二人身处运动生涯抉择的岔路口,当三人背后家庭的旧日恩怨纠葛逐渐浮出水面 ,一场冲突与救赎的温情治愈故事就此展开。“不感谢苦难,只感谢有你陪伴。”

亲爱的新年好 (Movie)[2019]


离乡打拼的 Bai ShuJin 早年间为了有个更好的生活,放弃了向往的图书行业,转行成为地产经纪,不想工作成果惨淡,职场遭遇劲敌。到北京的第十个年头, Bai ShuJin 屡遭挫折,面临事业停滞、情路不顺、房租暴涨、母亲病情加重等多重打击,此时初到大城市打工的合租室友女孩突然闯入她的生活,在这个女孩的身上 Bai ShuJin 似乎找到了十年前的自我,同时她也遇见了小七岁的同事仲要,渐渐地她开始有了变化……


创业时代 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《创业时代》剧情介绍:讲述了在一次偶然的机会中,软件工程师 Guo XinNian 找到了新的灵感,他决心开发一款新的手机通讯软件,可以将手机短信以语音的形式在用户之间传送,这个想法让 Guo XinNian 激动不已,他怀着一腔热血,走上了创业之路。在天使投资人和旧日朋友的支持下, Guo XinNian 经过艰苦的研发,终于令手机软件诞生,起名为魔盒,并获得了巨大的成功,同时也与投资分析师 Na Lan ,成为了莫逆之交。然而创业的道路并非一帆风顺,在激烈的市场竞争和技术更迭中,同行的竞争,技术上的难关,种种问题纷至沓来, Guo XinNian 经历了一次又一次磨难,终于令新技术得以推广。在 Guo XinNian 最艰难的时期,他收获了 Na Lan 的爱情,在爱人的鼓励下,他意识到,眼下的困难并不是终结,而是新的开始,最终, Guo XinNian 和 Na Lan 一起携手,继续走上了创业之路。

我的亲爹和后爸 (TV)[2018]


《我的亲爹和后爸》又名《亲爹后爸》讲述了大学教授 Li Liang ( Yi Zhang 饰)的新书签售会上,消失多年的亲爹 Li YiSheng ( Guoli Zhang 饰)突然出现打乱了 Li Liang 一家原本平静的生活, Li Liang 和妹妹 Li Nan ( Chen Pan 饰)视养父 Li DongShan ( Jianyi Li 饰)为亲爹,并不承认眼前这个没有参与过他们成长的 Li YiSheng , Li YiSheng 自觉对 Li Liang 兄妹亏欠太多却并不介意,他努力渴望参与到子女的家庭和生活中却频频捅娄子,子女还要为他处理后事。 Li YiSheng 打年轻就女人缘极好,甚至连 Li DongShan 家的保姆也莫名其妙地爱上了他,还闹出了一段夕阳红三角恋。就在此时, Li YiSheng 另外的一个儿子 Li Zhuang ( Zhenjia Guo 饰)刑满释放,他为救身患尿毒症的女友小慧而四处筹钱,甚至花样频出地去找 Li Liang 要钱以至招来 Li DongShan 全家对这对父子更深的误解,当真相大白,所有人都原谅了 Li YiSheng , Li YiSheng 也因病住院,回想往昔种种画面, Li Liang 终认亲爹 。

Daddy daddy (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Daddy daddy" tells a series of interesting stories that happened when one son faced two daddy whose personality was different. Sudden appearance of Li Yi Sheng (Guoli Zhang), a longtime disappearing professor at university professor Li Liang (Yi Zhang), disturbed Li Liang's original quiet life. Li Liang and sister Li Nan (Chen Pan Li YiSheng (Jianyi Li ornaments) as his dear father, do not recognize that this did not participate in their growth Li YiSheng, Li YiSheng consciously owe too much to Li Liang brother and sister do not mind, he is eager to participate in their children The family and life are frequently poke Louzi, children still have to deal with the funeral for him. Li YiSheng playing young women on the edge of the very good, and even nanny Li DongShan home also inexplicably fell in love with him, but also downtown for some red triangle love. Just then, another son of Li YiSheng, Li Zhuang (Zhenjia Guo), was released from prison. He raised money for Xiao Hui, a girlfriend who saved uremia, and even frequently went to Li Liang for money and even Li DongShan attracted a deeper misunderstanding of the father and son, when the truth, everyone forgave Li YiSheng, Li YiSheng also hospitalized due to illness, recalling the past all kinds of pictures, Li Liang eventually recognized his father? & Nbsp ;. "Daddy Daddy" is produced by Zhejiang Changsheng Film and Television Production Co., Ltd., Beijing Changsheng Film and Television Communication Co., Ltd., Shandong Film and Television Production Co., Ltd. and Beijing Anrui Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., directed by Chen Guoxing and screenwriter Zhao Dongling, Yi Zhang, Guoli Zhang, Jianyi Li starring, Mai Hongmei, Sophie, Yuan Yao, Zhenjia Guo, Chen Pan, Haozhen Li starred in the family drama.

I am not the elite (TV)[2017]

Feature: My childhood sweetheart Mi Yang and Wei Jing have been secretly in love for some time. The reason I want to hide my parents is because Mi MaMa, a white collar worker of foreign-owned enterprises, always dismisses Wei Jing, who is not a serious graduate. However, with the exposure of love affair, the two clashes broke out. Mi MaMa Mi Yang possesses an excellent and handsome poster, looking for a "highly educated, high IQ, high emotional business" of the "Three Highs" girlfriend. In order to preserve her love and become a successful person in Mi MaMa's eyes, Wei Jing decided to venture into "foreign companies." Yin and Yang errant, she actually went into the work of a hundred foreign enterprises in a world, became a "Western" white-collar workers. However, Mi Yang, who was originally an excellent Interpol, was transferred to the community as an IPTV because of a job mistake. The identity of the two completely reversed, this gap also let their love full of tests. Two young people while trying to adjust their mentality, while hard work, in the face of life's hardships and work-related troubles, they use love to give each other courage. In the face of the ups and downs of life, no one dares to claim that it is successful. Only strong and optimistic can we gain happiness.

Three Kingdoms hidden dragon in the Yuan (TV)[2017]

Feature: At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Wang Mi, a priest of Princess Lingdi, gave birth to a twins. Because of being persecuted by He HuangHou, they claimed that they only had one son, Liu Xie, and the other, Liu Ping, was secretly taken out and kept secret. Eighteen years later, feudal princes conquered each other and the puppet emperor Liu Xie was seriously ill. In order to save the Han dynasty that the building will lean, he closed his palace and replaced his own. Liu Ping, who never knew his own life experience, stepped into an agony with Si MaYi, who grew up with her childhood. When Cao Chong's cronies Man Chong and Guo Jia et al. Launched their investigation of Liu Ping's life, Liu Ping solved another round of crises with the help of Queen Fu Shou and others. At the last moment, Liu Ping recognized that the changes in an era have become immutable. He has achieved the greatest victory in a non-war way. However, unlike its political opinions, it is a harsh division

In the name of people (TV)[2017]

Feature: When a project director of a state ministries and commissions was reported to have received bribes of tens of millions, Hou Liangping, director of the Investigation Department of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, came to the search to see what he saw as a simple and honest old peasant with a simple, In the rude old house to eat noodles. While the mask of the corrupt elements was finally ripped apart, Ding Yi Zhen, deputy mayor of the capital city of Jingzhou in Hantong, a province of Han Dong province closely tied to the case, was assisted by the secret agent of a mysterious figure Reconnaissance methods to escape the French in exile. The case trail ends up in the fight for equity of a typhoon garment factory in Han Dong Province led by the Guangming Lake project in Beijing. However, the various political forces implicated in it are complicated and confusing. Chen Hai, director of anti-corruption bureau of Han Dong Procuratorate, suffered a bizarre car accident in the investigation. In order to complete the unfinished business of those same year students, capable and capable Hou LiangPing was appointed to take over the unfinished business of Chen Hai. In the political scene in Han Dong Province, "Politics and Law Department" represented by Gao YuLiang, deputy secretary of Provincial Party Committee and Politics and Law Committee of Han Dong Province, "Secretary Gang" phase represented by Li DaKang, member of Standing Committee of Han Dong Province and secretary of Jingzhou Municipal Committee For many years, regardless of Xuan 轾. The arrival of Sha Rui Jin, the new provincial party secretary, is destined to break this balance of politics and bring a new flavor to the reform in Han province. People's name poster

Age of legends (TV)[2017]


TV series "Age of legends" : tells the story of blood, youth and justiceLiu ZiGuangFor the representative of the young people in the hearts of the king, this point from the dayLiu ZiGuangcame back from eight years left jiangbei. Eight years ago, he was just an ordinary young man who had no choice but to leave. Eight years later, he came back with a lot of vicissitudes and gunsmoke, just want to be an ordinary filial son, but again and again was involved in the flood of society. He became a hero in the hearts of his friends and an idol in the hearts of his youth.Liu ZiGuangmade some achievements through his outstanding skills and talents, and helped his friends to realize their childhood dreams. During this time he met the policewomanHu RongAlthough they are in love with each other, in reality they are in love with each otherNie madeIn the fierce struggle between the leading criminal groups,Liu ZiGuangnot only fought alongsideHu Rongto help the police break up the whole criminal group, but also gained a precious love with Hu Rong.

old boys (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Old Boy" tells the story of Wu Zheng, an old boy who has experienced love and growth in the never-confused age. Wu Zheng, Captain of Civil Aviation, has an enviable career and appearance. He is skilled in flying and responsible for carrying countless passengers. His life unrestrained love freedom, wanton sway, regardless of other people's vision. In his own world, to be an honest old boy. Until one day, a 16-year-old son descends from heaven, followed by a just female teacher Lin XiaoOu, both of whom have completely reversed the existing life of Wu Zheng. Lin XiaoOu, carefree optimist, trendy a bit hard, a little reckless justice, she is a kind student sister, hearty friend and not a good teacher. When he learned that Xiao Han, a mighty student, had become a homeless orphan, she struggled to communicate with her father. When she saw her father, she found out that he was himself a long time ago traveling abroad Nightmare - always against her, very unfriendly Wu Zheng & nbsp ;.

Awakening (TV)[2017]

Feature: The Awakening tells the story of Li Yi, the second son of the patriarch Li Zhongzhi in 1925, in the Yueyang town of Jiangnan. Li Yi, Li Xiao This disagreeable brother fled to Guangzhou. With the help of Zhao Ziyue, the brothers were admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy. Li Yi was enlightened by Zhao Ziyue's communist ideas and became a good soldier through counter-insurgency and expeditions to the Northern Expedition. Li and his struggle with Lee Hsiao, who entered the Kuomintang's political core, was a controversy. "Four one two", Li Xiao was ordered to kill Zhao Ziyue, so the two brothers parted ways. In order to protect Zhao Ziyue's beloved wife, Li Yi secretly established a peasant association with her in Yueyang Town and organized an anti-donor farm to win the support of the people and also suffered the misunderstanding of her lover Yu Dan. Li Yi launched an uprising, taking the lead in dividing its own land, carrying out the agrarian revolution, establishing the Soviet power and being severely strangled by Li Xiao. Li Yi bloody battles to cover the Central Red Army, completely crushed Li Xiao's encirclement and suppression, captured the Xiao-Chou Wu Guomindang lost his law and cooperation, hand in hand Li Yi ran to the battlefield of resistance.

Yangtze River past (TV)[2016]

Feature: Two different families and two groups of people with different ideals experienced a love-hate business battle. However, in the face of the country's peril, the national sentiment was aroused by the organization of the stills in the "Yangtze River Past" of the CCP's underground party , Righteousness first to abandon the avenues, unite together, with the main forces tightly to keep the anti-Japanese defense of the Chuanjiang - Shipai Fort positions. And hesitate to sink their ships blocked the Japanese ship channel, completely smashed the Japanese offensive inland delusion. With the family business, flesh and blood, fight life, build a Great Wall on the river. Their brilliant twists and turns, the legendary experience, condensed a song to save the national crisis.

Good luck coming (TV)[2016]

Feature: Wan Ling is a senior editor of "Good Pregnancy Magazine", in charge of "Bao Ma for Pregnancy" section. At work, Wan Ling is the "Wan Ling Photo Sister" who has always been able to handle everything. In life, she and her husband Su Shi have a happy marriage and a happy little son. Zhang Chunmei, the grandmother who retired from the hospital's vice president, hugged Sun Xinqie and urged the couple to conceive as soon as possible. The couple decided to prepare for pregnancy after consultation, can go to the hospital for a check, Wan Ling was found suffering from infertility. She has been in charge of many years of "Bao Ma for Pregnancy" section. Wan Ling helped a lot of infertility patients. She did not think this was a big deal. She started to make her pregnancy according to scientific methods. However, she did not have the best chance of getting pregnant. Although life may not always be perfect, both Wan Ling and Su Shi face the challenges of work and family and are mutually inclusive, eventually winning the crystallization of their love. Adhering to the optimism of life, the stubborn attitude of love, they have got their own good luck.

Custom happiness (TV)[2016]

Feature: Tian XiaoNi is the first fashion designer, she follows the principle of "perfect self + perfect gentleman = perfect life". Therefore, she vowed to fight himself as a "goddess of 100" in the mind of a man, while the other half must pass her "perfect gentleman 18". She put the perfect custom fashion and the attitude of the perfect copy, replicated in the perfect love she imagined. Zhan Wang's study experience, as well as senior driver, car modification division identity, let him always with luxury cars, celebrities, high-end clubs linked together. That Tian XiaoNi mistake Zhan Wang mistaken for his "perfect gentleman", take the initiative to start the pursuit. When Tian XiaoNi found Zhan Wang a "counterfeit", she decided to break up and continue to search for "Mr. Perfect," even though she found herself in love with him. However, when the goal is achieved, Tian XiaoNi found that everything that seems perfect actually runs counter to their original intention, and she finally understands the essence of a perfect life & nbsp ;.

Our innocence (TV)[2016]

Feature: Tu Qiang fell from the chimney on the night of the Tangshan earthquake and was the only You Ling present. Youjia spent five years in the spat of other people. Tu Yang's brother Tu Yang has been guarding You Ling and silently encouraged her. Five years later, You Ling and Ma XiaoJian fell in love, strongly opposed by both parents. Tu Yang settles with Liu Qing under the arrangements of his family. Ma XiaoJian's business failed. You Ling borrowed money from Hong Kong businessmen to set down a restaurant and hoped to start a new business with Ma XiaoJian. However, Ma XiaoJian thought that You Ling betrayed her and left alone. You Ling hugged Ma XiaoJian's children and concealed them from children. Sixteen years later, You Ling Restaurant was well-respected and Tu Yang and Liu Qing ended the marriage. Ma XiaoJian returned home and thought that her children were beaten by You Ling. They vowed to take revenge, and by whatever means eventually led You Ling to liquidation. You Ling fell back to civilian circles and was not allowed to marry him. This marriage eventually ended in Peace broke up. You Ling is not depressed after the setback, the second venture, at the suggestion of Tu Yang, "You Wonton Shop" came into being, sadly remorse Ma XiaoJian sadly left. You Ling, successful in business, finally accepted Tu Yang's confession & nbsp; with the encouragement of her daughter.

GoAwayMr.Tumour (Movie)[2015]

Feature: On the day before the 29th birthday, Xiong Dun lost his job because of Tucao Wonderful boss, suffered the best boyfriend and lost his love, but the bad luck did not end. After the birthday PARTY jubilant, Xiong Dun suddenly fainted in his own room. From that moment, Xiong Dun embarked on a painful but still full of fun, embarrassing thing anticancer journey ... ... From the emergency room to hematology and then to chemotherapy, each journey, accompanied by different "companions" - Liang YiSheng, protagonist of Xiong Dun 's love fantasy, mischievous adorable boy "Soybean", and Xia Meng, a sexy, old - fashioned woman with a bare head. Such a group of special people, for a common reason, met in this special place of the hospital, and their special encounters brought countless ironic pleasures to the treatment that had always been boring and bitter. Each of them gained a strength from Xiong Dun here, even smiling in the most fierce moments of his life. At the same time, these colorful people have also brought infinite joy to Xiong Dun's limited life.

Fairview edge gorgeous adventure (TV)[2015]

Feature: Gorgeous Edge Adventures takes a shot at Shanghai in the 1930s and talks about the relationship between actress Zuo Zhen (Xiaoming Huang), the protagonist and actress Joe Chan, Misunderstanding and turn around thousands of stories. In the 1930s, Chen Sheng, a noble lady who came from a medical family, was saved by the painter Jin Shengyuan's gorgeous adventure. Jin Hui with Chen Sheng left the gold pocket watch, went to Shanghai to find the enemy. On the steamship bound for Shanghai, Fairview covers the illustrious Zuo Zhen character in the Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, and they pretend that the couple escaped vendetta. Pocket watch was accidentally taken away by Zuo Zhen, Splendid to find Zuo Zhen into the Paramount Ballroom, actually met the other half sister Pearl. At this point the pearl has become a popular dancer, but also the industrial tycoon Xiang HanChuan's lover. Fairview Park was accidentally injured in the chaos and was sent to the Lion Grove Hotel by Zuo Zhen. It was mistakenly thought that it was rescued by Xiang Ying Dong, brother of Xiang HanChuan, and grateful. Maeda, a Japanese businessman who killed the entire Fairview family, also traced Shanghai. In order to control the entire economy in Shanghai, Maeda resorted to measures to control the pearl. Not only did she let her work between her brothers, but also exert great influence on her. After all kinds of hardships, Fairview and Zuo Zhen also become good friends.

Beautiful Lady Wonderful Life (TV)[2015]

Feature: A single mother, Lan Jiahui, left Hong Kong and marry her with a child, marrying Qingdao with Li WenXuan, a high school teacher who also divorced her and her son, who was going to restart her life. Faced with her unexpected "complicated situation" Moment could not shelve. The identity of Hong Kong-in-law made her mother repeatedly attacked, the crowd of people have not let themselves know short-sighted, single mother's bitterness only their own clear, entrepreneurial passion repeatedly crushed, painstaking research and development of cosmetics eventually being acquired. At the same time Jia Hui's hard-won mother-in-law's understanding, Jia Hui saved her mother's role in the war with her ex-husband. "Blue Marlin Restaurant" as the second spring of Jia Hui's career, almost at a critical moment to be changed hands, and good with her mother defeated rivals. As a contemporary woman with "unique identity", Jia Hui must learn to be self-reliant in the special environment where she lives and eventually make her mother-in-law know her true self and hard work to create the peak of her own career.

Graduation song (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the summer of 1939, Shanghai, under Japan's occupation. Wang MuTian and three or four boys of the same age of 16 or 17 were also motivated by their childish anti-Japanese graduation opera. Wang MuTian sister's fiancé Hong WangNan is an engineer of the Kuomintang Air Force. He secretly sneaked back to Shanghai network aircraft manufacturing personnel, contributing to the manufacture of fighter jets at the Central Aircraft Factory. In the meantime, Wang MuTian's cousin Sang Xia came to Singapore from Singapore. In fact, this Sang Xia is an impostor. She is a communist whose purpose is to open a channel for the New Fourth Army to buy medicine and other substances overseas. Led by Sang Xia, Wang MuTian gradually grew from a ignorant patriotic youth into a determined revolutionary fighter. During this time, however, these young people, both Wang and Hong, also underwent trials and tribulations, embarking on different paths of life.

Married daughter to law (TV)[2015]

Feature: The single mother, Lan JiaHui, left Hong Kong to marry her with her children and married her to Li WenXuan, a high school teacher who also had divorced children. Lan JiaHui, who intended to restart her life, faced her unexpected "complicated situation" Can not stand. The identity of Hong Kong-in-law made her mother repeatedly attacked, the crowd of people have not let themselves know short-sighted, single mother's bitterness only their own clear, entrepreneurial passion repeatedly crushed, painstaking research and development of cosmetics eventually being acquired. At the same time Jia Hui's hard-won mother-in-law's understanding, Jia Hui saved her mother's role in the war with her ex-husband. "Blue Marlin Restaurant" as the second spring of Jia Hui's career, almost at a critical moment to be changed hands, and good with her mother defeated rivals. As a contemporary woman with "unique identity", Jia Hui must learn to be self-reliant in the special environment where she lives and eventually make her mother realize her true self and hard work, and also create the peak of her career.

Wrong mandarin duck (TV)[2014]

Feature: "The wrong mandarin duck" tells the story of the mid-Northern Song Dynasty when profiteers Su GuangPing wanted the property of Shi WuJi, owner of Aonong Fort, and put forward the marriage requirement. Has always suspected Su GuangPing Shi WuJi and 20 years ago, the case of door-to-door outbreak of Su Shu Chung selected daughter Su HuanEr marriage as a target. Su HuanEr falls off cliff when escaped. In order to conspiracy can be carried out smoothly, Su GuangPing threatened to grow somewhat similar illegitimate daughter Yang YiLiu on behalf of marriage. Pure and sensible, good personality Yang YiLiu suffered cold-hearted in the Shijia, ridiculed, but in the midnight struggles to save the Shijia Si no stone, cleverly defied Shi JiaJie heart of the young master Shijia. Su HuanEr unconsciously brings warmth to the cold Shijia and melts the heart of Shi WuJi and his younger brother Shi WuHen. Ma XianMei, a friend of mine, also came to Shijia to share her fantasy with her. She not only proved her trueness to Shijia, but also defends her own family. She eventually won the trust of Shijia She and the brothers together to undermine the Su GuangPing conspiracy to identify the truth of the case that year.

Minus thirty-eight degrees (TV)[2013]

Feature: At the beginning of 1940, Chang Qing, a doctor of the Manchukuo Hospital, was a progressive doctor who always used his position to provide drugs to the secret anti-personnel "Sub-thirty-eight Degrees" crew. For safety's sake, he has been without any knowledge of his husband. When Chang Qing and her husband Nian DingBang want to leave the puppet Manchuria to go inside, they accidentally learned that the Japanese army had a large number of arms secrets entering China. Chang Qing decided to stay blocked, which made the unknowing husband very puzzled and anxious. Husband Nian DingBang was a KMT-led anti-Japanese faction. The fact made him realize clearly that the Kuomintang really suppressed the negative anti-Japanese essence. Cheats in a seclusion in seclusion, seclusion and Chang Qing fell in love with the combination. At this point the wind was also found by the KMT agents and the safety of Chang Qing as a bargaining chip, forcing its participation in preventing the Japanese military transport of arms. For the safety of the country and each other's safety, the couple concealed their identities from each other and produced many misunderstandings. In this operation, Nian DingBang was impressed by the dauntless spirit of the anti-UNF warriors. In the battle of baptism, the two eventually honest, hand in hand to complete the task.

AMY GO (TV)[2012]

Feature: Ai Mi is an optimistic girl who interviewed Chen Yan while she was interviewed by the actress Zhao Yan. Director Zhao Lai chose Ai Mi for her eyeballs. Chen Yan was very active and was eliminated. Ai Mi, who was a pioneer in the company, was under pressure to meet Zhang HePing by chance. Ai Mi got help from Zhang HePing and Zhao Lai, and gradually came to prominence through unremitting efforts. In contrast, girlfriend Chen Yan career development is in trouble. When Ai Mi and Zhao Lai walked from the workplace to the emotional relationship between men and women, Chen Yan was unacceptable, though she was surrounded by her childhood friend Zhao Sicheng.

The love is waking up (TV)[2011]

Feature: Liu XiaoBei (Tiffany Tang) is the musician's dream of round peach Lee children's school. She enrolled in "My Princess" organized by Heriot-Watt Group and woke up the drama with the aim of winning only one prize. Piano, music teacher in Tao Li Primary School. Liu XiaoBei's performance was endorsed by judges and audience. Only objection Mu ZhiQing (Qi Wei), wife of Xiang TianQi (Roy Chiu), general manager of Hermes Group. Xiang TianQi was plotted for memory by Chou Yan (James Wen), thanks to Liu XiaoBei's rescue, and named him Liu Fish. Their romantic time did not last long, and Xiang TianQi, who recovered his memory, quickly forgot the previous What happened. Returning to reality, Xiang TianQi and Mu ZhiQing are about to marry, leaving Sadly Rui Wen (Jones Xu), Mu Hsing song singer. Xiang TianQi To demolish peach Lee Village, would like to build a resort, Beckham advised him not to do this short-sighted action, a moment, once the memory of the influx of Xiang TianQi mind & nbsp ;.

Disadvantage is a blessing (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Loss is a blessing" tells the story is not a friend does not gather, Bao LiGong and Ma Weimin two men of similar age, go almost every step is synchronized, but each step has gone so different! From 80 years into the red star barber as an apprentice, then positive, housing distribution, promotion, in order to the same girl, for the children, the two are fighting in the end. Ma Weimin on the surface handsome Sven, sincere words cut, but in fact, for personal interests, he can sell himself, betrayed friends and family. The Bao LiGong "sell apologies", but in fact kind-hearted honest, often before the arrival of the interests of "defeated." However, at the time when he was the most proud, Ma Wei Min eventually collapsed in the final handicapped building. In the end, Bao LiGong's kindness won his life's greatest asset, beloved girl Gao Yan. Although Gao Yan's biggest regret is that she can not give birth, the adoption adopted by her adopted daughter brings happiness to the couple. No matter how many ups and downs experienced in life, Bao LiGong and Gao Yan always look forward to the future with a bright future, as they believe - loss is a blessing.

MeineverrückteFamilie (Movie)[2010]

Feature: The "Crazy Stone - Alpine Water" that brings together the "Crazy Stone" original cast will be unveiled on the screen recently. Starring Guo Tao said that "National Treasure" is more comic than "Stones." "Crazy Stone", the one who frown, but the total was unforgettable "Bao Ge" left a deep impression on the audience, this time joining the "crazy national treasure," Guo Tao pick beam in the male one "Shang Bin ", continue with" Tao brother "Liu Hua play opponents. In the play, Guo Tao is a designer who has lost his right hand and has continued his "cruel man" character. Zhu Yuchen, a young actor who performed well in the series such as "" and "plays", plays his younger brother "Shang Yong" in the play. He is very enjoyable with a happy and loving style of character. "Crazy National Treasure" (formerly known as "Crazy National Treasure - Mountain Water") is a urban suspense drama that combines thrilling, funny, love, suspense and many other elements. The play tells the story of the Shang brothers accepting his father's exhortations as one Antique paintings to find the owner's story. During this process, the two experienced a series of besieged beggars and their betrayals and atonement. The ultimate outcome of the story was unexpected and moving. One day, the mounting artist Shang YuLin was busy with the work in his shop suddenly and suddenly made him lose his consciousness. When he woke up in the hospital, he found that he had been terminally ill and would soon be dead. Before his death, he entrusted his oldest son, Shang Bin, with one of his own unfulfilled things until his death. He found a customer he named. He left a painting 20 years ago at the mounting shop and has yet to take it. On the road to find a difficult, for which he lost his beloved woman, lost his favorite job, but more with his own brother against ... However hard though, lost almost everything they own, but still Bin looking for the owner of the painting at the same time, found a long-lost value - integrity and got one's dignity.

Exclusive Disclosure (TV)[2010]

Feature: Zhu WuYi (Yiwei Zhou) is an "exclusive disclosure" poster "China Times" newspaper publisher, a day a robbery case, because the tooling is printed with "Zhongdu Times" words, the gangsters mistaken for a reporter. Persuaded by the police, he impersonated reporters to negotiate with criminals and resolve the impasse. His performance aroused the attention of the newspaper president. Xiao Yuan, director of the press department of the newspaper, interviewed Zhu WuYi to see if he could work as a reporter and listened to Zhu WuYi's experience and persisted in leaving him to be a reporter in the Department of Public Information and devoted himself to training. Zhu WuYi accidentally encountered Shen HongYe (Yixiao Li) in the hijacking case and started the investigation. She was hit by a massaging event. Massage female amnesia, Zhu WuYi was as "clients" back to the police station, and as a result, the incident caused Fang Zhou (Ruby Lin ornaments) disgust. Under the arrangement of Xiao Yuan (Huo Qubing), Zhu WuYi pretended to be expelled and successfully entered into an interception by Li Jian Company to investigate evidence of Li Jian's illegal pyramid selling. With the help of Shen HongYe, the evidence was delivered to Xiao Yuan. Here, Xiao Yuan debunked the female "amnesia" of the massage and forced her to explain the situation to the police. Zhu WuYi regains his honor and returns to the newspaper office. Fang Zhou started to feel good about him, but there was also love between Zhu WuYi and Shen HongYe. Due to work needs, he and Fang Zhou partner, although the quarrel, with the understanding is also understandable. Fang Zhou secretly like the simple and honest Zhu WuYi. Exclusive disclosure of the stills Zhu WuYi back to Yongchuan mum, coincides with the Yongchuan earthquake. Fang Zhou and Zhu WuYi traveled to the Shiliogaoshan area for interviewing. However, they found that a philanthropist donated 300,000 donations to local non-school children back to school 20 years ago. Reporters "Zheng Yi" to Yongchuan interview found that children still drop out of school at home, and someone forged a letter of thanks sent to philanthropists, he doubted the Bureau of Education accounting gujilang corruption but committed suicide, whereabouts of charity. Zheng Yi is Xiao Pen's pen name. He told Zhu WuYi that there are other beneficiaries behind that donation and hope Zhu WuYi will work with him to find out the truth. In fact, Xiao Yuan has been secretly investigating Fang ShouDao. He doubted that Fang ShouDao was fortunate enough to win the money, but he still could not obtain any evidence. Fang ShouDao and Zhu JinYu admitted that the school building was indeed their donation to wish that the nominal donation of Hibiscus Lan just want to help her atonement. Zhu WuYi In painful time, another unexpected incident took place: collapse of freeway culverts and the death of Cao DaWei. For the benefit of the company, He GuangLei, general manager of Boulevard Company, obtained the filming scene agreed by Fang ShouDao. After making photos, it started arranging concealment. Zhu WuYi went to investigate and was sentenced to being stolen. Shen HongYe applied for permission to visit Zhu WuYi for permission to visit Zhu WuYi. Cao DaWei hijacks Shen HongYe and fled to the field and raped her. Fang Zhou used a web search to find Cao Dawei's hideout. When Zhu WuYi was released from prison, he found Shen HongYe lost his life after giving birth. When he was depressed, Fang Zhou stayed with him. By chance, Zhu WuYi discovered that Fang Zhou's childhood copybooks were exactly the same as those handwritten by "thank you letters," Fang ShouDao and Zhu JinYu explained:In those days, Zhu Yu Lan had let Fang Zhou help her copy letters, and they did not know ... ... for many years old Fang Fang's old driver Zu Lin died of re-admission, knowing that time is running out, then let him take care of Zhu WuYi Xiao Yuan was called and told about the truth: Under the direction of Fang ShouDao, Zhu JinYu urged Zhu Jilan to move the donation to Fang ShouDao for business and wish no return would be made after Jalan Lan died. Fang ShouDao, Zhu JinYu After the arrest, Avenue Company collapsed. Fang Zhou is overwhelmed and does not know where to turn after resigning. Zhu WuYi also resigned to return to Yongchuan to participate in the reconstruction as a volunteer. He met another volunteer at Shiliu Primary School - Fang Zhou. (Album "Exclusive Disclosure Stills", "studio photos, photos taken photos" from Sina Entertainment)

silence (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Silence" tells the story of Lin Yin being transferred to the director of Chuncheng Branch of Fengchun City. Shortly after he took office, he received a mysterious phone call. He went by the agreed single and was attacked suddenly and stunned. After waking up, Ren DaXiang, the director of the original Spring City Branch and the deputy director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the current Municipal Public Security Bureau, has come to the branch office to personally direct the detection of the case. Lin Yin knows from his mouth that after he was stunned last night he also found a man The corpse, confirmed by the cell phone found on the body of the corpse, was the one the man had called him. According to various characteristics of the murderer Jing Cha engraved with hatred, so a fugitive called Geng FengChen into the line of sight. A year earlier, Geng FengChen and brother Geng Fengjun had seized upon the industry of Yuan WanChun, a well-known entrepreneur in the city. When the big captain Chen Yunqing was shot and killed by Gengs brothers on the spot, Geng FengChen was gone. In view of the current situation, Lin Yin set up a task force and lured Lu Peng, director of the Lushan Police Station, into the task force. However, this decision was blocked in various ways. Lin Yin put pressure on Lu Peng to stay in the task force and, on his proposal, absorbed Zhao Min and Xiao Ma into the task force. While pursuing stalemate, Geng FengChen called Lin Yin and stated that they were framed, except for Yuan WanChun and Ren DaXiang, Xu JinAn and Guan Wei, who collapsed, Set a trap, killed Chen Yunqing, also killed Geng FengChen's brother, took away their industry. Lin Yin restored Chen Yunqing's scene that year was murdered, proving that Geng FengChen's words are true and that Xu JinAn and Guan Wei have major suspicions. However, Ren DaXiang, Xu JinAn, Guan Wei and Yuan WanChun were unwilling to die and they cut off all the clues. Lin Yin has done a careful deployment and has finally mastered the ironclad evidence of their crimes and put them all together.

I am a grass (TV)[2009]

Feature: "I am a grass," tells the story of a lot of girls who dream of being different. There is no vanity in the grass, there is no extravagant hope, and I just want to change my fate by my own efforts. So she day and night without a taxi, support her boyfriend Yue Feng finished college, do not want to have a new love Yue Feng, came back to the grass to break up, but when he was just ready to mouth suddenly collapsed. Regardless of good Po Po's kindly blocked, despite the family's hard advice, the grass resolutely decided to marry Yue Feng life and death. Since then the grass and Po Po dependent on each other to help each other, the two women put all their energies together on the same man they love. I was a grass stills a few years past the grass has discovered the secret by chance, the husband does not love myself, he loved the other woman. Bitter for so many years turned out to be a person who does not love myself, Po Po knelt down for his son to pay the blame, the grass almost collapsed. Yue Feng go forever, with his wife deeply remorseless unplug his tube! Under the instigation of the young man, the distance between the grass and Po Po was shortened, although she was still obliged to assume the responsibility of daughter-in-law. Po Po, who survived the blow of his son, was blind and his mood became very irritable. The grass suffered every day, when she actually found her husband had a son hidden outside. Children with autism and blind Po Po, but also to face everywhere count your own little girl, all friends and relatives actually can not feel a trace of pain on the grass, the grass is still enthusiastic about helping everyone, still believe in the world Have true love - she melts everyone's heart with her simplicity and dedication, including Liu Shui, who came to revenge. When Liu Shui learned the truth, he was completely shocked, he started the pursuit of the grass, but the grass has escaped again and again, she desperately told myself this man is by no means sincere, because as good as his man does not May fall in love with oneself, do not move emotion. However fate is so strange, when the grass finally move the truth, she found the resistance from Po Po, surrounded by all her opposition to her and Liu Shui together. At the same time, it is hard to cultivate the feelings of the child facing the mother was going to go, no one thought, in the child's struggle also hides more twists and tortures ......

God Machine Magic Bo Liu BoWen (TV)[2007]

Feature: Zhu YuanZhang daughter Yufeng lost in the early years of war, Ma Queen lost her love, sad endless. Over the years have also been looking for whereabouts of people missing, but after all, no calculation, the calculation should be twenty-eight years, every time the thought of Queen Mary For melancholy, sigh, tea dinner inadvertently .Zhu YuanZhang guess Jade Phoenix may not be persuaded the Queen of Mahjong to see some, but the horse queen did not give up believing that it will be able to find a love girl. Cinnabar birthmark is very good to recognize that this Margaret Wang decorated Zhao Feng Wu Mei also the original princess named Jade Phoenix allusions is precisely because of this reason.Ma Huang Queen convinced that there can be no second person in this world will have such a birthmark; one day Hu WeiYong Zhu YuanZhang lied to have inquired about the princess news, but never seen Jade Phoenix can not be sure that it is not a real princess, it is recommended by Liu BoWen to identify if the princess will welcome the return to the North .Because Liu BoWen Yufeng Princess when Seen, this task number of DPRK Minister Liu BoWen only the most suitable, so Liu BoWen on purpose to go, but do not know the road ahead there is a serious crisis waiting, this time Liu BoWen should No life! Zhu YuanZhang also to make Liu BoWen along the way to be able to send troops to deploy, the smooth return of Princess Yufeng, specially sealed Liu BoWen as the imperial envoy, and the Royal gift "as a sign," a piece of gold can have full power or even You can cut back afterwards. So Liu BoWen on the wind of the light of the road.

sweet (TV)[2007]

Feature: The story began in the late 70s of last century, a farm in northern China, a vicious cadre of children Lei Lei Encounter was accused of "broken shoes" beautiful young girl Ye QingEr, the two did not make no deal, began a period of two gratuitous pure friendship, which dark Students love, the common love of Teresa Teng "sweet honey" so that two young love began to germinate. ..

New nine products sesame officer (TV)[2007]

Feature: During the period of full coverage of the Qing Dynasty drama series, the surface of the world is peaceful and the people live in abundance. However, in fact, corrupt officials and people are not attracted to the community. Only those who are wealthy or tyrants can truly enjoy the so-called peaceful day. Officials are not good, the sky is young, but fortunately there is still a little noble, so that all over the world, sun and the moon. There is a saying in Guangdong Fenglai Village, the village is not an adult is not much, but there is a "Ming Feng restaurant," rolling tea Liang, complex with a group of young women composed of music day and night musician Fuqin, that add a bit Ya tea restaurant , "Ming Feng restaurant" then surging business, such as water. The boss Lu Yiru, reluctantly remember the old, but happens to be the only son of Lu XiaoFeng dusty mouth tongue trick, courageous and does not act in accordance with the law, but in fact envious of revenge, has a good heart. Lu Yiru had been young when Jiupeng magistrate, soon after resigning from the government, the operation of the restaurant, but for some time still remember the official, so Xiaofeng monasteries from childhood, especially on the Qing Dynasty Long package deep admiration, Day Night One day I want to be able to learn to pack a sky like a mirror hanging high and solve the difficulties of the people. "Ming Feng Restaurant" music class clever month, and Xiaofeng grow together in Fung Lai, not interested in being a wealthy businessman in the neighboring village, satisfied that concubines, Xiao Feng and a Confucian be personally married, but unexpectedly the night of the wedding , Qiao Yue was tortured to death by the wealthy businessman's positive room. Xiaofeng indignant and inexplicable, told the officer, surprise, collusion between officials and businessmen, not only injustice difficult snow, but also Xiao Feng re-play fifty plates. Where the buttocks bloom, Xiaofeng vows not bow, spared no expense invited to the world famous Song ShiJie as Qiaoyue snow injustice, unexpectedly Song ShiJie money eyes open, turn the gun tip Xiaofeng, Xiao Feng Fatal bereavement, fortunate enough to run out of money, in order to check back a life. Publicity posters Xiao Feng's official evil Qingyun Road is the beginning of this. Xiaofeng acquaintance officialdom sinister, as the official heart is more determined, a Confucian lover eager, only to make up for family wealth to donate nineteen sesame officer. Wish to eventually pay, Xiaofeng apparently laughing on the job, but in fact my heart has long been issued under the ambition, civil unmarried one day, one day vowed not to return the official hometown. The new official took office three fire, Xiao Feng is the new officer seven fire. Different chances coincided with the recruitment of martial arts Ranger Fair catching the wind to catch the fast, but also to find the GongsunAnFen GongsunAnFen Gongsun Cezan Song Gongzuo, but also the bandit gangs of the four green forest evil evil rehabilitated as the four major law enforcement, So a group like the "Kaifeng House" afterlife team success. To report the same day, the innocence of revenge, small Feng Mao directed at Guangdong. Originally, he was not allowed to take the place of origin in accordance with the rules of the court. However, due to the presence of four major names, Song ShiJie, Fang TangJing, Liu HuaDong and Chen MengJi, successive county magistrates were all arrested by four people, leaving no one willing to go to Guangdong Xiaofeng also got his wish, then immediately take office, gearing up ready to confront Song ShiJie. However, did not eat the four big names bitter, but first to suffer the tyrants of gentry and tyrants. Martial Arts has always been invincible to the head pests, local tyrants and evil gentry together with the bureaucrats one after another laid off, the desire to destroy the new government arrogance.Somehow, but Xiaoduo counterattack bow in the Confucianism, Gong SunAnFen and show the help of the wind together, the ground bug one by one defeat, on a solid lesson, began to grasp the officialdom Tips. Finally, the top four appearances, Song ShiJie and Xiaofeng finally met. Song ShiJie saw Xiaofeng hit this undead character, but also a little admire, but also an exception to tell Xiaofeng, to become a good man like Baoguo like admirers, not just "clean" is enough, The four names are but a few like-minded teachers in the province. There are even more powerful names outside, more cunning prisoners, more complicated and difficult cases, and even if this small trial can not be passed, Please call for the people. Shijie in court as an unreasonable clever argument, only to teach Xiaofeng one fact - the truth is always hidden in the deepest caves of the deepest, and only insisted can make the truth to see the light again. Xiao-Feng Shi Shijie understand the painstaking efforts, but still can not beat the four names, but Xiaofeng and Shijie also enemy friends, sympathy, but have been planted in each other's heart. Despite the setbacks, Fortunately, with the help of exhibitions, the Xiaofeng finally calm down and reunited with all the government officials, , The criminals one by one carefully crafted crime ruins detection, under the true evidence and justice under the truth, vertical is the four great division, also one by one in the hands of Ren Xiaofeng, and Shijie for the first time defeated Xiao Feng's hands, small Phoenix is ​​ecstatic, Shijie surface congratulations, but my heart was secretly indignant. Xiaofeng fame more and more, the iron selfless name spread like wildfire, although won the people love, but also offended a lot of power, brought a calamity, fortunate to show the wind regardless of the protection of life, small Feng just live in life, but Xiaofeng dream never imagined, the martial arts show was actually the daughter of the wind, and get along for some time, the wind has long fallen in love with the Xiaofeng do not know. Sadly, Shijie secretly gave birth to the wind. However, this period of affection, but for a Confucian repeatedly obscure. It turned out that Confucianism resigned at the beginning because the dark power and corrupt clerks and colts were colluding with each other and were forced to sentence an injustice to cause the prisoners to jail for death. Although there is also a Confucianism, Confucianism, there is no heart of perseverance, guilty conscience I will not make up for it, and retreat from the hidden no longer involved in the dark bureaucratic. The exhibition wind, it was unjustly prisoners. A Confucianism is only afraid of the wind sooner or later found the truth, then multi-block obstruct the emotional development of the wind and Xiaofeng, but at this time, Xiaofeng reputation as flourishing, the ghost lost his or her heart, began to embark on personal reputation and forget The first wish for the public petition, and finally even fell to the Betrayer, and even the best partner Gong SunAnFen away from the Xiaofeng, and the wind began to despise Xiaofeng, a ray of love gradually sent to the embrace of Song ShiJie . Xiaofeng finally awakened, I do not know too late to remedy the situation, in order to fight back to the wind with the wind, Xiaofeng then agreed to wind drama promotion, and rival and enemy Song ShiJie set a gamble, if within six months Snow was a civil ten cases of injustice, so that people willing to create gold medal in recognition, the wind may change their minds.The "Ten Cases of Injustice" bet began immediately. The three big names Liu HuaDong, Fang TangJing and Chen MengJi came together to help the world. Turns and Xiaofeng confront each other in court. Once lost the direction of Xiaofeng, and finally slowly return to the right path, and then the right path difficult and sinister, unable to step by step, especially the return of Gong SunAnFen to help Xiaofeng one by one to break through the storm. In the last case of injustice, Xiaofeng justice for justice, at the court eunuch Wang Gongzhi. Wang Gonggong hate heart, check out the year was actually a Confucian Buying pass the book clerk, secretly cheating, so that even Xiaofeng carelessness even get fame, Confucianism that is, the crime of lying on the back, the crime asked cut. Xiaofeng thunder and lightning, confusion chaos. The imperial edict is even less, life Xiaofeng personally tried a Confucian case, if partiality, father and son with the cut. Xiaofeng now dilemma, Confucianism cheating really true, if not correct, it is difficult to account to the world, if the Fa-rectification, then the hand blade father. The biggest test finally came, Song ShiJie breeze show the other side revealed, determined to abandon the hatchet to help Xiaofeng arm. In fact, the wind has already known a Confucianism is the father of his father, but after years of folk floating in the air, I realized that when a Confucianism had the slightest, not deliberately to be a traitor, but also because of years of experience, understanding of Confucianism its honest integrity , Has long been disregarded, is willing to rescue a Confucianism and the Quartet. With the wind finally under the clear and unannounced visits to grasp the Wang Gonggong abuse of power, overwhelming evidence, would like to make a private deal with Wang Gong, in exchange for a Confucian life. However, a Confucian self-justification has been wrong in the year, can not be wrong today, they resolutely pleaded guilty, thinking that Xiao-Feng to retain the name of future generations. In the Xiaofeng tears cut a Confucian day, the emperor suddenly lowered the imperial decree of a death of Confucianism. In fact, the emperor now actually heard Xiaofeng, "Ten injustice," the matter, my heart quite a bit on the Xiaofeng God, I hope Xiaofeng really is a reincarnation of the sky, so that the world example is unhealthy. Then purposely Xiaofeng personally tried a Confucianism in order to see Xiaofeng as the official way, the son of the Road, and the human way. Confucianism case, the emperor Xiaofeng commendable endless, but the test cheating thing is true, the holy dynasty emperor when rewards and punishments, the emperor then made the Xiaofeng lifelong to do nine sesame small officer, will never be promoted. Finally Xiaofeng retain the name of a long time ago, a Confucianist also step from the gate of hell, and Xiaofeng after many hardships with the sister of the sister of Philippine Feifei sentiment, eventually married. Xiaofeng does not mind life as a nine small, anti-feel so in order to really close to people, dance with people. Song ShiJie, also help Xiaofeng eradicate traitors, go hand in hand with the wind, extending the legend of a generation.

A lock for fifty years (TV)[2007]

Feature: Stills Fifty years ago, the Qujiang merchants' brothers promised to keep the shrine for a long time in the same hospital and kept it for fifty years. Until the throat gas was exhausted, the two sons were confessed again and they were asked to keep their promise and wait for the landlord Back. He BuMing (Bing He), the youngest son, is a staff member of the Cultural Center. He is a man of loyalty, filial piety and indifference. The value of standing in the legislature, the eventful autumn, their own because of waiting list, marriage, with his brother got sick, etc., in urgent need of money. Despite the frequent on-site temptation to buy at a high price, He BuMing again and again withstand the temptation to sell homes, insist on honest man, his family, love life repeatedly traumatized. With the deepening of the story, He BuMing sticks to his father's promise with goodness, honesty and dedication. He sticks to the old yard while sticking to his family and keeping his life. Finally, the old yard finally completed the homecoming Zhao, He BuMing ordinary life won an extraordinary glory.

Yang NaiWu and Xiao BaiCai (TV)[2006]

Feature: Stills in the late Qing Dynasty in Zhejiang Yuhang County warehouse town. On the 1st, the young and beautiful Xiao Bai Cai at Yang NaiWu, a restaurant where Yang NaiWu Dayton wrote a petition for help, attracted the beauty of Xiao Bai Cai and Xiao Bai Cai rented the house of Yang Nai Wu again. Yang NaiWu pity Xiao BaiCai's life experience, let her help organize the new study and do some miscellaneous living, to supplement the family. Two people get along day and night, Xiao BaiCai fell in love with Yang NaiWu versatile. The incident was noticed by maid Ge SanGu, who coaxed Ge SanGu and Ge SanGu promised to keep it. Xiao BaiCai To entrust his life, Yang NaiWu promised to wait for his move to help Xiao BaiCai and Ge XiaoDa to rescission, to get rid of Yang Jen's own, and then marry her as a wife. Two exchange letters. Xiao BaiCai full of joy, day and night longing, but think of it with his fiance Ge XiaoDa round room, can not help foolishly. Yang NaiWu and Xiao BaiCai's affair was finally discovered by Yang NaiWu's wife Yang Jen and her sister Yang ShuYing. Under pressure, they agreed to cut off their personal feelings and concentrate on the countryside examinations to obtain their fame. However, Yang NaiWu still had no alternative but to meet with Xiao Bai Cai. Yang Jennifer reminds Ge XiaoDa should be with Xiao BaiCai room as soon as possible. This caused Shen Yu and Ge XiaoDa alert, they discussed as soon as possible to move out from the Yang family. Xiao Bai Cai and find Yang NaiWu to discuss. Yang NaiWu advised Xiao BaiCai to be famous, immediately cut off their personal feelings. Xiao BaiCai angry and hate, accusing Yang NaiWu only fame, take the truth. After moving out of Yang Family, Xiao Bai Cai refused to immediately close his house on the grounds that Ge XiaoDa was not good. Liu ZiHe, son of Liu XiTong in Yuhang county, was mesmerized by Xiao Bai Cai at the Bonjour club. Liu XiTong's master Chen ZhuShan designed Liu ZiHe to betray Xiao Bai Cai. Xiao BaiCai desperation, Ge SanGu from the side to persuade. Liu ZiHe find it hard to break away any longer, really touched Xiao BaiCai, two people's love, often tryst. Liu ZiHe is determined to make a facelift and vow to marry Xiao Bai Cai. However, due to Ge XiaoDa, find another way for Chen ZhuShan. It was just Ge XiaoDa who was a fiery one again. Chen ZhuShan came up with a poison meter and stole the longan and the ginseng while buying the medicine with Ge SanGu. Yang NaiWu held a banquet back hometown. He personally invited Xiao BaiCai's family to join him and caught Ge XiaoDa in bed. Explained later, was Ge XiaoDa away. Not far from being seen by Ge SanGu. Ge XiaoDa relapse, Xiao BaiCai fried medicine has been out of package for him to drink, and soon exacerbated after the tragic death. Shen Yu's body found the same sample, nose and mouth bleeding, they suspect his son is poisoned to death. Shen Yu Shi then wrote to the Earth Treasurer Wang Lin wrote to the county and drumming injustice, directed at Xiao BaiCai and conspirators murdered Ge XiaoDa. Liu XiTong interrogates Xiao BaiCai and Xiao BaiCai. Liu at the request of the Ge family coffin autopsy. In Shen for Shen Shen inspection, actually found GeXiaoDao poison in the death. Under intimidation, Xiao Bai Cai's confession was caused by Yang NaiWu's poisoning of Ge XiaoDa. Liu XiTong presented and bribed Hangzhou magistrate Chen Lu, asking him to take a leap to Yang NaiWu's loftier status. Chen Lu reported Zhejiang governor Yang ChangJun, Yang ChangJun that is entitled to the court. Ci Xi summoned North Korea's Weng TongHe Palace to talk about the theme of Yang ChangJun, Weng TongHe think the case must be scrutinized before finalization. Liu XiTong received approvals and immediately sent people to bring Yang NaiWu to the county government and confront Yang NaiWu and Xiao Bai Cai. Xiao BaiCai bitter heart can not say.Liu XiTong Criminal Trial Yang NaiWu, Yang NaiWu finally tortured into a move. Liu XiTong called Chen ZhuShan Daqing criminal law drafted the "Xiao BaiCai murder pro-husband, died later, Yang NaiWu adulteress intended to seek a husband and wife, cut and set" charges to the province. Yang case to Hangzhou prefect. Chen Lu's criminal name teacher Zhou Zhou found a flaw in the file, to know prefectures Yang case all the people committed to the provincial trial. Liu XiTong bribed Chen Lu and Chen Lu to set Yang as the iron case. Xiao Bai Cai still pinning Yang NaiWu in the lobby. And Yang NaiWu shout injustice, Chen Lu immediately beat Yang NaiWu. And forcing the poison come from. Yang NaiWu wrote a man. When the testimony was taken, Yang NaiWu never imagined that he was a fan of someone who was fanatical and suddenly desperate. While Yang NaiWu was desperate, his good friend Chen Dan suddenly came to visit him. When the matter is reported, the court will review it. On the night of the court trial, Liu ZiHe came to jail and urged Xiao BaiCai to bite Yang NaiWu as an adulterer. Opened again, Xiao BaiCai really bite Yang NaiWu, Yang NaiWu fainted on the spot in the past. Weng TongHe has interviewed all the files of Yang case, convinced the case is a case of injustice, and found that involves many Zhejiang officials, then see Ci Xi, Chen Chen took this opportunity to crack down on local strength faction. Ci Xi school Hu Ruilan to investigate the case. Hu Ruilan arrived in Zhejiang overnight interrogation Yang NaiWu and Xiao BaiCai, two people straight trial exhausted. Finally, "the original intention of the case, check out no entry" to the court, and wrote the "handbook." At this point, Yang Zhanshi in despair cantilever himself. Yang ShuYing to the capital, asked Xia TongShan to help her to the Ministry of Punishment, Xia TongShan did not agree. The Cabinet Secretary Luo Xuecheng found Weng TongHe, saying that their 18 Zhejiang and Beijing Kyu-k'uan presidents jointly filed a petition with the SDRC and demanded that Yang be referred to the criminal department for trial. Weng TongHe promised to see Ci Xi play the matter. Ci Xi led the revolution to the post of the 18th officer, who was charged as a common person. Yang ChangJun learned that 18 officials from the capital of Zhejiang Province were dismissed by the Empress Dowager, and he was very happy. He decided to iron out the case of Yang NaiWu and died without evidence. Liu XiTong felt that things might get out of sight. Under Chen ZhuShan's persuasion, he was prepared to send someone to sneak Ge XiaoDa's body. However, when he led his men to open Ge XiaoDa's coffin, he found the coffin was empty. Xiao BaiCai still insisted that the murderer Yang NaiWu. Ge SanGu was brought in and also said that Yang NaiWu killed Ge XiaoDa. Weng CengGui and fortitude, Lin Zheshu announced Yang NaiWu, Xiao BaiCai, Yang ShuYing the following day. Yang NaiWu who returned to jail did not panic, thinking that there should be a secret. Sure enough, a jailer took him to a house and Xiao Bai Cai was brought in. Two people meet in the chamber, eventually Xiao BaiCai reveal the truth. Weng CengGui with Weng TongHe, Xia TongShan et al overheard, as soon as a man listened to record. After Xiao BaiCai finished, the secret door of the secret room was opened, and Weng CengGui and resolute leader Lin Hsuan-ch'uh came out and immediately let Xiao BaiCai draw a charge on the donation form. Weng CengGui They think they can close the case. Xiao BaiCai sentenced to death later, Liu ZiHe cut. However, Weng TongHe disagreed with the idea of ​​opening an autopsy. He volunteered to ask for permission, Ci Xi finally made a decree. After listening to Yang NaiWu's conversation with Xiao BaiCai in Ci Xi's room, Ci Xi also let Liu ZiHe meet with Xiao BaiCai. Weng TongHe arranged for Xiao Bai Cai to meet with Liu ZiHe.Liu ZiHe said he was sincere about Xiao BaiCai and said he never wanted to kill Ge XiaoDa's heart. Both of them cried together and Ci Xi and Weng TongHe eavesdropping on the side of the chamber. Ci Xi said she could not think of all three people as a single word. The criminals arrived at the Ge XiaoDa grave and the coffins were empty. Weng CengGui finally got out of Ge SanGu mouth Ge XiaoDa was buried in another place. The coffin was shipped to Beijing to verify Ge XiaoDa was not poisoned. Qian Tan had to recruit the fact that he found the whole dregs of longan and ginseng in dregs. Asking for admission Chen ZhuShan transferred to Ge XiaoDa sent longan and ginseng, but in fact is the cause of death of Ge XiaoDa. Yang case finally truth. In the investigation of officials who dereliction of duty, the court appeared in two factions. Ci Xi Weng TongHe called to deliberately revealed the investigation of officials in charge of malfeasance, the fight against local power to send. When Weng TongH knew Ci Xi's words, he found Wang Xin in the evenings, and proposed a memorial book to impeach Yang Jun and Ju Ruilan in handling them. Ci Xi strike memorials, understand the time has come, and personally declared: the Ge goods with the trial of the trial of the false members of the respective revolutions decree. Chen ZhuShan cut, Liu ZiHe hair with Xinjiang, Xiao BaiCai after suffering, hair cut for Nigeria; Yang NaiWu can no longer recruit people.

Meet after the rain (TV)[2006]

Feature: This is a famous city. The city has a long history of civilization developed, the city life in different poses and with different expressions, the city's multi-car, multi-urban people, many places, naturally divided into different communities, and then there are different levels of life ...... Stills (a) Li Jun family of three living in the city. Li Jun is a primary school teacher and wife Zhang Hua is a film projector. Daughter Mao Mao is 8 years old and their life is just like their ordinary name. Tens of thousands of such families in this city fate chose to tease them mercilessly. The city's sky was blue, Li Jun's home sky was shrouded in haze, heavy rains will be ... Hospital diagnosis Mao Mao kidney failure, need to change the kidney. Young she can not understand the seriousness of the matter, but Li Jun couple is hard to fall under enormous financial pressure. In order to pay huge surgical costs, they began to run around. Liu Han, a hospital doctor, volunteered. Her wife Lin QianRu is a reporter, and she even urges the whole society to rescue Mao Mao in the newspapers. After the article was published, it caused great repercussions in society. Letters, e-mails, remittances, etc. are as numerous as snowflakes. The whole society is concerned about this little girl lying in the hospital. Li Jun colleague Wang and headmaster launched school rescue. Everyone you point me a little, although the number is small, but it represents everyone's mind. Liu Han has studied abroad and has extensive clinical experience. He proposed to the hospital that Mao Mao complete the operation for himself free of charge. Zhang Hua once had a lover named Wang Jin, who left Zhang Hua to inherit his legacy. Now in order to redemption, Mao Mao assumed the cost of surgery. Even if Li Jun is struggling to solve the problem, Mao Mao is the top priority at the moment, so he did not go into any detail. Together with Mao Mao Ye Ye, uncle II and the hospital doctor Liu Han, who helped economically, Mao Mao owned a new kidney. However, money is not the only problem. After the new kidneys had a serious rejection reaction with Mao Mao's body, Mao Mao had to undergo a transplant-to-parent transplanta- tion. At this point, Li Jun and Zhang Hua are no longer hidden secrets of Mao Mao's natural parents. Lin QianRu again published an article in the newspaper, hoping Mao Mao's biological parents can appear to save his daughter. Although there is no news of Mao Mao's biological parents, there are more and more enthusiastic people who care about Mao Mao. Many people provide clues, hoping to do their own modest. However, things are not so simple. With an exploration of Mao's life experience, Zhang Hua embarked on a long journey to find a relative. Chen LianSheng turned them away when they worked hard to find Chen LianSheng, who had raised Mao Mao in Yongzhou. With help from local police Yang Guang and the civil affairs department, Zhang Hua met Chen LianSheng. Chen LianSheng was moved by lovely Mao Mao and uttered a dusty seal in his mind. It turned out that he did not know Mao Mao's biological parents exactly who. Li Jun and Liu Han's wife, journalist Lin QianRu, found clues in Shuanghe Town. Mao Mao's biological mother is singer Meng Zhen. Li Jun and Zhang Hua can meet Meng Zhen and journalist Lin QianRu plays a big role. Although Meng Zhen broker An Ni made all kinds of troubles, Lin QianRu let Meng Zhen know Mao Mao's condition.Stills (2) Just when Meng Zhen has no news yet, Li Jun looks for Mao Mao's biological father unsuccessful. Meng Zhen no longer hesitate, even if the fame and fortune, all-starred way to save his illegitimate daughter Mao Mao. A wave of ups and downs. Meng Zhen hopes to raise her daughter. This means that Li Jun and Zhang Hua will say goodbye to Mao Mao forever. In order for Mao Mao to regain his health, Li Jun and Zhang Hua endured grief and promised Meng Zhen. Meng Zhen found Mao Mao, who has lived with Li Jun Zhang Hua for eight years, is already her daughter. For Mao Mao, he can only be an aunt forever. Meng Zhen decided to no longer have any condition, donate their own kidney. Liu Han, a doctor, has told the public that Meng Zhen's kidney can not be matched with Mao's body. The only hope for the health of Mao Mao right now is to find her biological father. Meng Zhen alone looking for Mao Mao father, the crowd waiting for good news. Li Jun a family to Mao Mao, bankrupt. But the reason why they can be strong support is not only the firm belief that Mao Mao can certainly be healthy, but also the help of many people. Mr. Wang and other teachers from elementary school, Mr. Gong, the second worker who wiped glass with Li Jun, Qian Duo and Mr. Ma, Doctor Liu Han and his wife Lin QianRu, Zhang Zhang, Song and Dance Ensemble, Chen Lian Sheng from Yongzhou, Shuanghe police ... All of them, including Mao Mao Ye Ye and Uncle II, both physically and mentally helped the Li Jun family and Mao Mao health. Whether they are economically affluent or poor, their spirits are noble! However, Mao Mao's biological father, a university professor and writer Yeda, wandered between hypocrisy and beauty. Mao Mao complications, arrhythmia. Li Jun, Zhang Hua and Liu Han, Lin QianRu forced Meng Zhen to say the news about Yeda. Li Jun's persecution on college campuses, coupled with Mao Mao, a self-inflicted mistress on her own in bed, was deeply impressed. Yehuda's son Ye Liang's girlfriend, Xin Ya, tried to save Mao Mao by negotiating for Ye Liang to replace Mao Mao for his father's kidney replacement. People and things around Ye Da finally let him lay down his hypocrisy and stand up bravely to save Mao Mao. Transplant success! The sky of Li Jun is sunny again. However, they chose to leave the city. Not because they have forgotten so many people who helped them, but because they do not want the young Mao Mao to know their childhood, and they hope Mao Mao can really grow healthy!

Juvenile Kang Xi (TV)[2005]

Feature: Juvenile Kang Xi stills go die along, leaving half an essay, Li Kang Prince Jie Shu for the emperor. However, under the impetus of the empress Xiao Zhuang, after a turbulent political struggle, it eventually pushed Xuan Ye to the throne and changed Kang Xi. It also laid the crisis of winning more contests in the future. Junji's life, dedicated to Manchurian, which touched the full benefit. When the four ministers set foot in Kang Xi when they were still unprincipled, the literary prison (Ming Dynasty case) and Tang RuoWang (day case), the spiritual leader in Hanchen, were set off. Kang Xi, who had friendship with Lu Jian and Tang Ruo Wang, one of the main protesters in the Ming Dynasty, confronts his ministers. After a series of successive battles, Kang Xi gradually grew up. And after the first assistant Suo Ni died, Ao Bai successfully knocked down Su KeSaHa by enclave. At this point, Ao Bai had the right to fight and started fighting confrontation with Kang Xi. Kang Xi played his political wisdom, after a round of forced abortion, counterattack, finally captured Ao Bai! North Korea in power, has done in the hands of Kang Xi. San Francisco, the early Qing Dynasty to assist Pingjiang in the south of the Ming Dynasty, the closure of the Queen, the support of their own weight, became the court's worries. However, Kang Xi was overconfident. He mistakenly assessed the San Francisco forces. Fortunately, at the last minute, he realized that not only the crisis in the harem but also the sanctions in San Francisco were settled in time. At this point, the world rule, the people enjoy a hundred years of prosperity, Xuan Ye is also revered as the Lord Kang Xi.

Spy war special contest (TV)[2005]

Feature: Stills Zhao ZhiQiang (Deng Chao), a veteran pilot at Changping Airport, has astutely avoided a major accident. After the plane landed, it was discovered that the chemical composition of the tank had been added to the tank, and if it was not found in time, it would certainly take the toll. The key issue is that this plane is a central leader. Provincial Department of Safety and Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately investigate. Since the leader just visited the upcoming research project of the Changping Group 113 Institute, the K2 missile guidance system is ready to leave and report to the Central Government and conduct exercises on an optional day. The accident probably involves national security issues. Security Department sent reconnaissance chief Qiu Feng (Hai-Bo Huang ornaments) led the anti-spy team to participate in the investigation.

Vino Veritas (TV)[2005]

Feature: Photo Pure innocence of the rural girl Sun Hui Mei (nickname Er MeiZi), due to his father's love of wine, owed tens of thousands of debt at home, was forced to marriage. Er MeiZi reluctantly ran to the city's cousin Li Gong, carrying a craft left behind by his mother, a small cloth tiger. Li Gong's wife, Li Gong's wife, is a snobby eye and Er MeiZi, who makes every conceivability and self-esteem for Er MeiZi, leaves Li Gong's home for work. Zhang BaoShan, chairman of Zhang's group, and Zhang DeHou, the cousin of the old incense tavern, have been resentful and the two families do not come. However, the two hands each ancestral handed down half a brew recipe. Zhang BaoShan tried to recreate the ancestral aged white wine, want to buy another cousin Zhang DeHou's secret recipe, was told the secret has long been lost. Zhang BaoShan finds the secret recipe in the hands of Zhang DeHou. In order to let the secret recipe reach hands, Zhang BaoShan set up a wine tasting meeting and brought Zhang HaiLe, son of Zhang DeHou, to a bucket of wine. In the meantime, Er MeiZi was named Zhang BaoShan's Lao Liu counterpart for his talent in wine tasting, and represented the Zhang group in wine tasting. Er MeiZi and fun two meet each other in the tasting stage, the two fought a tiger fight, comparable to a period of love but therefore unfolds. Er MeiZi inadvertently fell into two vortex of competition. Er MeiZi encounter liar after the tasting party, cheated away luggage. Small cloth tiger is also in it, Er MeiZi is very anxious. It turned out that there is also a half hidden in the cloth tiger wine recipe. Goodwill For Er MeiZi to retrieve a small cloth tiger, unsuccessful, only to bring Er MeiZi vintage incense. The hidden Tibetan baby tiger unexpectedly fell into Zhang Chao's son Zhang Chao and started a strange journey. In order to win the other half recipe, under the arrangements of Zhang BaoShan, Lao Liu sneak into Lin NuiSui nobility incense. Er MeiZi has a good opinion of music, but he likes to be cheerful and easy to follow, but with the pursuit of another, Zhang Chao is. Chasing Lin SuiSui to Zhang Chao of Chen Nianxiang and forming friendship with Er MeiZi. Along with the Bacchanalia Contest framed vintage incense, Zhang Chao suddenly appeared in the competition, not only undermined the plan to follow, but to make the aging more prosperous. Zhang Chao and Er MeiZi were mistaken for love, and both had to be wrong. Players also mistakenly thought that with their own interest, but I do not know as early as possible interested people Zhou DaPing. Emotional clues temporarily confusing. Secret recipe missing, the focus of contention gradually fell on Er MeiZi body, honest Er MeiZi constantly implicated, but at a loss I do not know, in a well-planned plot, Er MeiZi became a thief. In the meantime, Zhou DaPing, an accompanying boyfriend, was also involved in the fight. Er MeiZi accidentally discovered that Zhou DaPing was actually her friend's hazel hazel boyfriend. The people come to the old incense pub for different purposes, gathering more and more people, the contradictions intensified and the explosive.

mission (TV)[2005]

Feature: "Mission" tells of a province, Shimizu, late at night, a gang of criminals crazy smashed vehicles of individual drivers, and then go away. In the face of gangsters provocation, the victim's questioning, the police station seemed helpless, inaction. Lin Yin, a young police officer, was appointed as the new police chief of the city of Qingshui. Lin Yin takes the mission and takes the job. On his way to office, he witnessed a group of villains beating individual drivers. After a fight, Lin Yin seized the three brawlers who were fiercer and another ran away. Lin Yin ordered the three criminals to be severely punished and the runners were chased and the first gun was started. However, the ambiguous attitude of deputy director Niu Ming and the dispatching of director Zhao TieJun to run out of gangsters undoubtedly gave him a disappointment. In this chaos, Lin Yin met with his party to meet the political commissar, Zhou, deputy director and deputy director Li and others. Soon, one night, the municipal party secretary and other leading office stolen, on duty were killed, thieves escape. Fang Shuji temper, accused the Public Security Bureau of negligence. Lin Yin set a military order, said the case within a month, if not broken, resign on the spot. He DaLai suddenly came to Shimizu, who instructed Zheng GuangJun, chairman of the Municipal People's Congress and Guanghua Company, to present Lin Yin at the most luxurious "Dynasty Restaurant". During the banquet, Tao SuSu, the restaurant's manager, felt sorry for Lin Yin's solitary singing voice and became interested in her origins. Qin ZhiJian misunderstood Lin Yin's contacts with He DaLai and Zheng GuangJun et al., And Lin Yin resigned. Lin Yin was very surprised and persisted in his stay. Qin ZhiJian gave a complete account of his investigation into a group of Zheng GuangJun. Lin Yin finally realized the source of the dark forces in the water. From then on, Lin Yin relied on the honest police officers represented by Qin ZhiJian and Gao Xiang. With the support of Deputy Secretary Chen, Mayor Hung, and political commissar of party committee and other people, Lin Yin and internal forces of the evil forces and public security forces led by Zheng GuangJun Corrupt elements launched a desperate struggle. While Lin Yin was having a hard time worrying about his work budget, Hao Zheng, deputy director of the bureau's office, suddenly found Lin Yin saying that Municipal Junta Guan JuZhang was able to get money from the Public Security Bureau through a chief of the Provincial Department of Finance. The condition made by the Commissioner was that Lin Yin would allow his friend to come to Clearwater to open the casino, and Lin Yin furiously refused. However, the Director's remark told Lin Yin that there is a big casino in Clear Water, which is the Dynasty Hotel run by Zheng GuangJun. Lin Yin has long wanted to knock it out. Now there is one more reason to solve the funding problem by confiscating gambling money and fines. Lin Yin developed a well-conceived action code-named "Thunderstorm Operation." "Thunderstorm Action" had a great response. He DaLai and Secretary Wan all interfered in the "Thunderstorm Operation," and Lin Yin, the vice mayor of Chen, learned that Tao SuSu is the secretary of the million. Repeatedly attacked Zheng GuangJun and others summon the last bit of courage, collude with corrupt elements and launch a counterattack against Lin Yin. Under their false accusations, the joint investigation team of the District Politics and Law Committee and Discipline Inspection Commission came to Shimizu to investigate the issue of Shimizu Public Security Bureau, which is Lin Yin's problem. Investigation team found nothing, soon withdrawn. The attitude of the prefectural committees makes a group of Zheng GuangJun know what to do. He went to the provincial capital invited Provincial People's Congress Zhao FuZhuRen.Shortly afterward, there were rumors that the prefectural committee was ready to mobilize the leadership of the Public Security Bureau of Qingshui County, and Lin Yin accelerated the pace of work. Qin ZhiJian led Huang JianQiang and Gao Xiang secretly boarded the train south to Guangzhou to arrest He Gang and the two men. In Guangzhou, the two armed forces opened fire on their prisoners and sacrificed Huang JianQiang. The Second Army and He Gang fleeing in disarray, but their two accomplices, Xue Huai Li and Li DaXing, have been arrested. They have admitted the criminal act of embezzling and framing Xu ZiMin and have said that Niu Ming was involved in creating the wrong case of Xu Zimin. Shen Yong, a prisoner who has served his sentence in prison, suddenly needs to see Lin Yin, Lin Yin and the party committee go to jail overnight to ask Shen Yong. Shen Yong said that in the case of the municipal building, he concealed a lot of facts: 100,000 in cash alone at the office of 10,000 secretary, several passbooks in total, more than 3 million in sum, and several cases However, he said that he did not say anything during the interrogation because Niu Ming let him do so. Lin Yin and Fang Zhengwei heard stunned, almost hard to believe. On the eve of New Year's Eve, the Public Security Bureau held a luncheon group solicitation. Lin Yin delivered a speech, thanked police officers and said goodbye to everyone and hoped everyone took care of it. However, a decisive battle quietly started. The convoy escorted by Lin Yin and his counterparts was intercepted by criminals such as He Gang. In a fierce gun battles, Gao Xiang was seriously wounded, still using his body to suppress He Gang. Two military run to the accomplices, but was shot dead. Gao Xiang sacrifices in the arms of Lin Yin. After Tao Susu's death, a diary was found among her remains, recording every evil thing she knew about Zheng GuangJun and the relationship, time and place of Zheng GuangJun's work with the secretary of the million people. It was clear. 000 secretary was "double regulation", reluctantly left the water. In the meantime, Niu Ming was invited by the district procuratorate law discipline and never came back. The prefectural committee decided that Lin Yin should continue to serve as director of the Qingshui Public Security Bureau and concurrently serve as deputy director of the Baishan District Public Security Bureau. Director Gu once again sent Lin Yin to Shimizu. On the mountain road leading to Shimizu, they ride jeeps and drive fast to the distance.

Best in the world (TV)[2005]

Feature: "The best in the world" tells the story of Domingzigong Ironclad God Hou Zhu WuShi Xiongcai Wei strategy, with the world in mind, he established the well-known "Protecting the Dragon Villa" Paul the national security, under the command of heaven, earth, mysterious, yellow four spies . "Heaven, earth, mysterious, yellow," from "a thousand words," "heaven and earth Huang Huang, the universe prehistoric, sun and moon Ying 昃, Chen Suo column." Duan TianYa (played by Li Yapeng), Dang TianYa (Called Li Yapeng), calm and calm, grew up as a child and later adopted the "Ishpa School" to learn Ninjutsu and "Phantom Sword," adding " Dragon Villa "martial arts unfathomable. Gui HaiYiDao (Wallace Huo plays), proud of his words, with a melancholy brow, because his father was killed when Gui HaiBaiLian, he is determined to report his father's revenge, the best in the world, killing never use the first Two knives. "Guan Xuan Zi No. 1" Shang GuanHaiTang (Michelle Ye played), such as peach plum, extraordinary tactics, poetry and painting, doctors Buxingxiang, all know, but for men's wear on weekdays, presided over the "best in the world", Zhuang Economic, master the world secrets. Cheng ShiFei (Roger Kwok) is a mixed-race, witty, nonchalamic and witty writer who has become the successor to Gu SanTong, the unbeaten urchin. Once he put out the study of "King Kong is not bad magical powers," he will be turned into a gold body, turned into a gold man, immeasurable, frigid, fearless, invulnerable, invulnerable. At that time, the power of the government was under the control of Cao ZhengChun, the chief supervisor of the factory. Cao ZhengChun, an ambitious man who has practiced the power of "boy power," has taken the lead in world affairs and has taken the lead in governing the East and exercising power over the country. In order to dominate the court rights and ultimately seek to usurp the throne, Cao ZhengChun and Zhu WuShi vowed to seek opportunities to eradicate the dallion. Zhu WuShi is determined to protect the national security "Qing Jun side," Cao ZhengChun volt law to protect the Daming Jiangshan Sajik. At that time, the Izumo State dispatched two men and a woman master of martial arts to come to Turkey. In fact, there was another conspiracy behind them - they intended to abduct Emperor Tai Hou and embarrass the Ming dynasty. And Cheng ShiFei also coincides, with the emperor Yun LuoJunZhu conspiracy, by his posing as Tai Hou, Chi out of the cloud country master. Yun LuoJunZhu (played by Tammy Chen) and Cheng ShiFei also become lovers, but if Cheng ShiFei marries a county master, he can only become a prince of Cochin by following the instructions of Zhu WuShi. The case was opposed by the ministers, while Cheng ShiFei was unwilling to be bound by the rules of the palace. Cheng ShiFei ran away indignantly and punished corrupt officials along the way. Yun LuoJunZhu also sought Cheng ShiFei for her loyalty to love, and the two went hand in hand. Duan TianYa fell in love with Liu ShengXueJi (Huang Shengyi), an elder daughter of the local martial arts master Liu ShengDanMaShou, when he was studying in Japan. However, Liu ShengXueJi was opposed by Liu ShengDanMaShou. Finally, Liu ShengXueJi accidentally died of his father's knife in order to save his sweetheart Duan TianYa under. Duan TianYa swear before her grave, he will not marry life! When Duan TianYa went to Yunnan to investigate the case of Xian Fei, she met Liu Shengdan Massa. Enemy now meet, Liu ShengDanMaShou naturally will not miss this opportunity to kill Duan TianYa.Duan TianYa was saved by Liu ShengPiaoXu, the youngest daughter of Liu ShengDanMaShou. Coincidentally, Liu ShengPiaoXu (Gao Yuanyuan played) was young, all the things owned by her sister are all yearn for, my heart very much appreciate my sister's lover. To this end, Liu ShengPiaoXu repeatedly spent time with his father, Liu ShengDanMaShou, to save Duan TianYa's life. In the face of responsibility, Duan TianYa inevitably accepted her because she was Liu ShengXueJi's sister. Soon came Liu ShengPiaoXu a son of news, so Duan TianYa resigned from office, and his wife and wife both seclusion in the snake island. On the way, Shang GuanHaiTang, who has always had a chaotic feeling, finally understood that she was only a brother and sister to Duan TianYa. She sadly returned to Beijing, but because of the rescue of Cheng ShiFei things, inadvertently found Gui HaiYiDao had long loved him, so once again confused feelings of Shang GuanHaiTang chose to evade. Coincidentally, the East side also because of the regime party to borrow a knife thing to plant stolen dragon Villa. All of a sudden as if all the evidence is directed at the disappeared Gui HaiYiDao. Only Unfortunately, in order to no longer hurt Shang GuanHaiTang, Gui HaiYiDao already cut off his right arm, and in the vanity of Master who determined to completely magic, will be closed seven or forty-nine days, accompanied by Shang GuanHaiTang. However, due to the iron-clad God was persecuted, Begonia after all, leave. Back to the Dragon Villa, the horrible bloodshed did not stop, or even intensified, even the uncle and Wenhua Gubao was also killed. Knowing that Gui HaiYiDao's martial arts have lost, Shang GuanHaiTang strongly told the Emperor that this is definitely a conspiracy to be deliberately laid out by the intention of the enemy to give knife and protect the dragon. However, Zheng DeHuangDi has warned Begonia, all this is not as simple as she thought, only those involved East Factory. In the case of unsuccessful appeal, Shang GuanHaiTang watched Yoshitaka Tadao Zhu WuShi was put into jail on the factory. So "days, mysterious, yellow," the three masters decided to go to jail, see the iron God Hou Hou Wu Wu loyalty to serve the country, as hometown. After the rescue of three people is not the opposite but almost killed by the East plant. After this time, Zhu WuShi, under the brutal persecution of Cao ZhengChun, disregarded as a suicide and died. Just as the East Factory took the opportunity to succeed, Cao ZhengChun is preparing to monopolize the power when the magistrate Zhu WuShi actually miraculously resurrected it, kill it in one fell swoop, it turned out to be a suspended animation. Cao ZhengChun was deceived into being paralyzed, unexpectedly displaying "Succeed Star Dafa", and Zhu WuShi finally put Cao ZhengChun and his party squarely together to kill him. After the death of Cao ZhengChun, the forces of Protecting the Dragon Villa will be more prosperous. Zhu WuShi, a leader of great power in the tribe, has been hated by Emperor Tai Hou and the emperor for hatred and jealousy. , Suppress. And Zhu WuShi that Zheng DeHuangDi stupid mediocre, resulting in corruption in the government, especially the emperor and a bunch of pedantic courtiers would not allow him to marry his beloved Su Xin, let his infatuation, he felt extremely helpless and angry. Has been satirical for 20 years, unwilling to destiny and desires of the nature of him, and finally be fueled by love, at the expense of imperialism, the most drastic, all the people can not stop his pursuit of love.

Contest (TV)[2004]

Feature: Stills Zhao ZhiQiang (Deng Chao), a veteran pilot at Changping Airport, has astutely avoided a major accident. After the plane landed, it was discovered that the chemical composition of the tank had been added to the tank, and if it was not found in time, it would certainly take the toll. The key issue is that this plane is a central leader. Provincial Department of Safety and Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately investigate. Since the leader just visited the upcoming research project of the Changping Group 113 Institute, the K2 missile guidance system is ready to leave and report to the Central Government and conduct exercises on an optional day. The accident probably involves national security issues. Security Department sent reconnaissance chief Qiu Feng (Hai-Bo Huang ornaments) led the anti-spy team to participate in the investigation.

End of the World kill order (TV)[2004]

Feature: Bloody rivers and lakes tears, demon Zhengding enmity. Affected by the Emperor's pet faith, the Seven Empires (Zhonghua He) and Liu SiSi (Miki Lee), a dozen, were poisoned and killed in the door to shock the ruling and opposition parties, arousing a tragic struggle between justice and evil. "End of the World to kill Order" The culprit is actually a favorite new Princess Cheng Yuan Cheng Ren (Gallen Lo ornaments)! Xia HouXiong (Wang Xuebing), who was arrested in the capital, was ordered to recruit Cheng Ren, while the first hunter, Si MaDuXing (Gordon Lam) Behind the scenes "Wandering Wandering Order" Stills black hand actually in charge of the Ministry of Punishments, the history of the Nine Empires (Jia Zhigang ornaments), so that Cheng Ren hundred words mo, only desperation End of the World. Cheng Ren's father, Cheng Gong (Wei Liu) and fellow Benefactor Liu XiaZi (Shu Yaoxuan), died in a heroic death while defending Cheng Ren against corruption. Fortunately, Cheng Ren's two confidante, Liu Qing (Zhang Jia Nan) and her sister, Huo QingMei (Yang Rong (actress)), kept him on the safe side. Both of these awesome female horns make Cheng Ren difficult to leave because of Liu Qing's love of Xia HouXiong, who in turn has trouble with Si MaDuXing. The Atlas of Wandering Wanted Atlas Cheng Ren, Xia HouXiong and Si MaDuXing finally turned enemies into friends and become confidants through the intervention of Liu Qing and Huo QingMei. But the three protagonists are very different, each with its own strengths, Cheng Ren and Xia HouXiong finally become a peerless martial masterpiece "Fight through Jieyongpian", then how the evil of the nine emperors prevailed demons Nie Sha (Lin Quan ornaments) To deal with the two, Liu Qing was forced to commit Nie Sha, and Si Si resurrected as Yan Simei, provoking fraudulent efforts. Huo QingMei was even more threatened as a hostage, causing the protagonist to descend into a tragedy and the result was even more unexpected.

Juvenile emperor (TV)[2003]

Feature: The young boy tells the story of Junichiro's fourteen years of courteous initiation. The courtroom courtesy of the handsome Huang Hou - a woman he does not like. Before the wedding, the eunuch touted the dragon boots donated by Huang Hou and the needles hidden in the boots stabbed Junji's feet. The house of government crazy hunting victims, eunuch prison stills, palace women committed suicide, restless throughout the Forbidden City. Junji took the opportunity to expand the situation, the spearhead of the future Huang Hou, would like to put the marriage broke up. His mother, Xiao Zhuang, used all sorts of comforts, and the Manchus and relatives took turns persuasion while the Han Chinese minister was on the sidelines. Shunji gradually shaken, the bride was sick. Her high fever, refused to take medicine, who advised no use, paranoid eccentric character exposed. The Forbidden City is again in turmoil. The doctors are helpless, Xiao Zhuang Empress had to foreigners to think of ways. The preacher soup recipe is very simple: fill with boiling water. Cold and cure, everyone likes. Xiao Zhuang empress smiled, foreigners angry, the emperor also married. However, as if destined to be destined, the same period of Shunzhi's ill-fatedness began. As a country's respect, what it wants to do often can not be done, and people who do not want to do something are always forced to do something about it. Setbacks one by one, it is breathtaking.

Pingyuanqiangsheng (Movie)[2002]

Feature: During the period of the Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese Communist Party led the Chinese Communists in fighting the Japanese invaders, the Japanese invaders and the Japanese invaders. Ma Ying, a young Eighth Route Army cadre, was instructed to return to his home town of Xiaojia, mobilize the masses and organize an anti-Japanese contingent. Traitors Yang BaiShun, Liu ZhongZheng and Japanese captain Zhong Cun conspired to provoke people to kill each other and a bloody massacre about to break out. Yang BaiShun, Liu ZhongZheng Unable to fail, instigate Wang Jinlan, the leader of the bully Su JinRong gang Assassination Ma Ying, Ma Ying faces another severe test again ... With the help of Patriotic youth Su JianMei and the underground traffic police Lao Meng, Ma Ying took Su JinRong's firearms, executed Xiao Ye, executed the team and young peasants Wang Erhu, Zhao Zhenjiang, Zhang Yutian and others Guerrillas Zhong Cun furious Su JinRong, crazy counterattack. Ma Ying led the team to evacuate, but Wang Erhu did not fight the enemy without permission. Ma Ying was out of touch with his comrades in battle. In a battle, he met Chang Yun-hsiu and fought with his blood. Unexpectedly, Ma Ying was arrested. In order to save Ma Ying, Su JianMei rate Wang Erhu, Zhao Zhenjiang and others grain vehicles, destroy power lines, pull turrets, playing the enemy confused, mistakenly thought that Ma Ying is still outside the city. In the training camp of Zhuang Dingding, Ma Ying cooperated closely with Zheng JingZhi and Qin FangZhi from the underground, led by Shao Yang, Su Jiancai, Zhou Dagui and others in waging war against enemies, rescuing the aunt from killing the brutal Japanese invaders, and cleverly borrowing Enemy hand, get rid of traitors Wu fat child, eventually out of the tiger's mouth. Zhong Cun angrily, mobilized the army and launched a large-scale raid. Ma Ying led his unit in dealing with the enemy and bravely attacked the headquarters of Zhong Cun to lay down a bloodline. Su JianMei broke through the brigade and defused the enemy alone, Guerrillas guerrillas suffered heavy casualties, Su Jiancai, Li XiaoHei also fall into the enemy. The torture of the enemy failed to destroy Su JianMei's strong will, in the face of the temptation of beauty, Su Jiancai was in a state of anxiety ... Ma Ying et al. Encircled and concealed in Chang Yun-sheng's home. Yang Bai Shun charged Su from the information provided by the traitors JianMei follows. Yang BaiShun forced Su JianMei to persuade Ma Ying. Su JianMei heroic and unyielding, knocking down Yang BaiShun, Yang BaiShun shot her bullets of evil ... ... Su Jiancai and Li XiaoHei jailbreak, back to the guerrillas. The evil trick of an enemy using a traitor's report is about to succeed, but let Ma Ying see through. The traitor turned out to be ... Zhong Cun repeatedly frustrated and angered Yang Bai-shun. Yang BaiShun begged Zhong Cun to give him another chance. Yang BaiShun swaggering out of the city looking for Ma Ying them, but did not expect to wait for him to bursts into revenge bullets ... Ma Ying rate team and Zheng JingZhi should be co-operation, the potential of the county, touch the enemy Sentry, approaching the enemy possession of ammunition Weng Cheng. Zheng JingZhi Forge ahead with the headquarters of Zhong Cun, Zhong Cun While Zheng JingZhi is not available, he escaped from the command post and a fierce battle was inevitable. The fight for Weng Cheng started. Guild Wars, Xiao Yang, Wang Erhu heroic sacrifice. The guerrillas finally took over Weng Cheng, Ma Ying, Zheng JingZhi killed Zhong Cun, seized ammunition depot, welcomed the new battle ......

The best in all the land. (TV)[2002]

Feature: Liu Baoshan Tianjin Talented, twice to Beijing will try, all straight to take the champion almost "big world." However, he was reluctant to be supernatural power net, twice decided to give up the sky and the riches, was actually desperate, recluse in the play, became what was then known as "the next stream." When the champion champion, the city is full of rain and wind, the world anecdote. Liu Baoshan into the play class after playing ugly, carrying a small donkey Mo Yu on stage, a "visit relatives" to make it famous in the capital. The poor daughter Hideaki and Liu Baoshan interlaced, in vain; while Princess Wu GeGe love him at first sight, vow not to marry. Two beautiful ladies, make his life more ups and downs. Sau Kun because of stunning beauty was too coveted flowers. Liu Baoshan to save the show aunt, one day with a speech in three games, silver redemption, due to violation of class rules, was expelled from the pear orchard. Back to the stage, insisted on changing its name to "Liu GanSan". Lu Guingan censor Liu GanSan jealous, more afraid he was re-elected by the prince, hundreds of framed. Liu GanSan, with her chivalrous, resourceful and witty abuses, is too old to make fun of the invading army with iron blades and maneuvers. She is also used to scoffing and criticizing the current situation by clowning on stage opportunities and exposing unscrupulous enemies Of the six princes, resulting in the whip torture, kill the curse. Wu GeGe, who loves him, helped him to flee but unexpectedly fell into the "top secret of the court," a court battle over the supremacy of the Empress Dowager and Su Shun. Sook Gu was superintendent Ande Hai marry wife, his father died. Regardless of Wu GeGe's blockage, Liu GanSan risked his life to go south with An Dehai and rescued Siu Gur while he himself was treated as An Dehai's own party. Hidekuk to save Liu GanSan and Wu GeGe for help, reluctantly agreed to Wu GeGe's harsh conditions, to stay in the palace as a palace girl, will never see Liu catch the world's first ugly TV series; and Wu GeGe begging for the West Side, also To pay a painful price - to marry the giants she did not love, "Golden Curse," at the expense of Liu GanSan shared hope. Liu GanSan was alone, with only his friend, Donkey Mochi, acting together on stage. Emperor Tongzhi was lured out by Lu DengGao and Hanlin Wang Qingqi and died of a disease. The Queen was also forced by the Western Empire, "savior." The implementation of "double honor", two hundred days are not allowed to sing. Pear Circle into drowned, artists who changed their career to make a living. Liu GanSan secretly contacted Cheng ZhangGeng and other 13 top performing artists of all walks of life, dressed up well and asked the painter Shen Rongpo to draw a picture of "Thirteen with the Light" to prepare his biography. Qi BeiLe, the son of the six prince, collaborates with Lu DengGao to deceive famous paintings and sell them at high prices with Japanese ronin. Liu GanSan will be deceived by the trick. Qi BeiLe and other angry, told the Empress Dowager. Liu Cherng Hill was forced to sacrifice to the court, authentic hidden from the folk, become handed down the national treasure. Lu DengGao, whose face was exposed, was angered by the Empress Dowager, punishing him for making grimace on the clown. After years of turmoil, Wu GeGe reluctantly abandoned her love and fulfilled her love of showgirl and Liu GanSan. Through the trials and tribulations, Liu GanSan has become one of the "best in the world" fame in the capital and is renowned throughout the country.

l IU Bowen (TV)[2000]

Feature: Zhu YuanZhang daughter Yufeng lost in the early years of war, Ma HuangHou lost her love, sad. Over the years have also been around to find the whereabouts but after all, nothing, the calculation should be twenty-eight years, every time I think of Ma HuangHou are For melancholy, sigh, tea dinner inadvertently .Zhu YuanZhang guess Jade Phoenix may have persuaded Ma HuangHou to see some, but Ma HuangHou did not give up believe can find a love girl. Cinnabar birthmark is very good to recognize, this Margaret Wang decorated Zhao Feng Wu Mei also original princess named Jade Phoenix allusions precisely because of this reason. Ma HuangHou convinced that there is no second person in this world will have such a birthmark; one day Hu WeiYong Zhu YuanZhang lied to have inquired about the princess news, but never seen Jade Phoenix can not be sure that it is not a real princess, it is recommended by Liu BoWen to identify if the princess will welcome the return to the North .Because Liu BoWen Yufeng Princess when As we have seen, Liu Bo Wen was the most suitable leader of the Central Government for this mission. Liu BoWen then went to see him, but he did not know there was a serious danger waiting on the road ahead. Liu BoWen should be cut off from life! Zhu YuanZhang also to make Liu BoWen along the way to be able to send troops to redeploy, the smooth return of princess Yufeng, specially sealed Liu BoWen as imperial envoy, Everything can be done with the utmost power, and Liu Bo Wen is on the road to success.

Kangxiweifuxifangji2 (TV)[1999]

Feature: Kang Xi micro-service personal visit recorded 2 "steamed bread": Kang Xi (Guoli Zhang ornaments) Fifty years the emperor Xuan Ye want private visit to see a good mountain and river. Never wanted to be cheated by the local tyrannical gold mines, Kang Xi do everything possible to eliminate one's evil by one man. "Gui Yuan Ji": Kang Xi Fifty-one years, the holy disease, eating almost died of fake drugs, the more Kang Xi out of the palace, play toothpick private visit proved counterfeit drugs, the detective leave, deep skin pain. Xia Xi Ji: Kang Xi Fifty-two years, Yi Fei (Deng Jie ornaments) tribe, by Xia Xia to do umbrella, Qiu Guan Jazz, no evil, do not talk. The king broke the nephew's nepotism, to his life.

KA ng Department incognito travel (TV)[1997]

Feature: "Kang Xi micro-service private visit record stills" Zhang Kangli decorated Kang Xi The play mainly describes the Kang Xi year successive years the Yellow River floods, people along the coast miserable, Emperor Kang Xi compassionate inspirational rule of the river, personally Jiuxia Jiangnan Yellow River disaster inspection, and even more Drew a scene of legendary story. The drama has completed shooting five. "Kang Xi micro-service private visit book 1" is divided into "Plowshare" "Eight Treasure porridge" "Tripod" "Purple Sands" four stories "Kang Xi Weiliuiji 2" is divided into "Steamed bun" Gui Yuan Ji "Three Stories" Kang Xi WeChat Private Comment 3 "is divided into" Jin Pao Ke "" Food Box "" Bell Kee "three stories" Kang Xi WeChat Private Record 4 "is divided into" Golden DART "" Aya Luo Xi "" Tea "three stories" Kang Xi micro-service private visit book 5 "is divided into" casting money "" prodigy "" rocket mind "three stories five story twists and turns, soul-stirring, rich and vivid characters, drama Bright structure, style witty properly.

Royal Hanako (TV)[1996]

Feature: The play is based on Beijing and Jingdong eight counties in the late Qing dynasty. Taking a real person who escaped from the Qing Dynasty and was once Ci XiTaiHou's handwritten "Hua" character, this essay describes the "beggar" group active in Gyeonggi during the late Qing Dynasty - beggar prosperity story of decline. Qing Emperor Guangxu three years in October ten, Ci XiTaiHou coincides with the 40th birthday, she admired Daisy from the coal mountain back to Palace, went to the Great Neixi Erchangjie suddenly heard the child cry. The Empress dowager according to people to find out the children, the original child is Empress favorite nanny in the mother's child Ji HaiZi. Cixi casually said: "I say where a small beggar it!" Then eunuch Li LianYing's instigation, Empress in the child's left heart a "flower" book. The original Li LianYing into the palace and the child's mother in the mother was a lover of two no problem guess! Back to the shabby room where mother lived, Li LianYing stabbed the "flower" of Empress Shih-chuan firmly on her child's palm. Since then, because of this hand more words, Ji HaiZi's fate has undergone dramatic changes, a period of gratitude and grudge .In the Qing Dynasty Li LianYing privately brought a baby Ji HaiZi into the palace, and the Empress to talk, Yuchi famous Hanako, and in the child's palm stabbed Yuchi's name. Ci An learned that there is a wild child in the Forbidden Palace, and to take against this Empress Opposition. Fortunately, under the guards Li LianYing, Ji HaiZi successfully escaped to Jing Xu Temple, and apprentice Jing ChanZi learned a martial arts. Ji HaiZi righteousness, weakness and poverty alleviation, get to know the four brothers and rivers, and became a beggar gang. Ji HaiZi inadvertently learned his own life experience, was Empress seal as Royal Hanako, Hanako six Hanako Hanako. Jing ChanZi was killed in a assassination attempt. Yuan Shikai used the Boxer and beggar clashes to trigger a fire between the two sides. The sister-in-arms of the fellow imperial family broke the box on behalf of the Boxer and the Royal family.

Romance of The Three Kingdoms (TV)[1994]

Feature: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" stills The Eastern Han Dynasty, mountain and river turmoil, Liu Han dynasty will do its best. There are ten regular paternity upside down black and white, calamity toward the Gang; outside Zhang brothers shouted "Heaven should die, when the sky stands" slogan, setting off a vast peasant uprising. For a time, everywhere, the war was raging, Liu's court would like the building will be tilted, precarious. Is called the hero of the world, Cao Cao, Gong SunZan, Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Lv Bu, Liu Bei, Sun Ce, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhu GeLiang and other highways continue to emerge from the warlords to Red Cliff battle, from Wei Shu Wu Sanguo unanimously to the one-third unified, the grand curtain of the Three Kingdoms era slowly opened ... ... (part of the source of the stills)

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