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Kefa Cui TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Kefa Cui Works 39 ,And Feature 11 ,Love 6 ,Comedy 5 ,Urban drama 5 ,Contemporary film 3 ,Costume Drama 3 ,Suspense 3 ,Romance 3 ,Campus drama 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,Modern legend 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,War 2 ,Crime 2 ,Youth drama 1 ,成长1 ,抗战剧1 ,时装1 ,Business War 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,都市家庭轻喜剧1 ,Spy war 1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,都市题材1 ,legend 1 ,Family ethics 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,生活1 ,公安1 ,轻喜1 ,抗日谍战1 ,Historical play 1 ,Music 1 ,Thriller 1 。

Works Index

Kefa Cui Filmography(39)


少年派 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《少年派》剧情介绍:讲述了精灵活泼的少女 Lin MiaoMiao 中考超常发挥,意外考入重点高中,妈妈 Wang ShengNan 扬眉吐气。高一住校,挣脱妈妈掌控的 Lin MiaoMiao 如鱼得水,结交了三个好友,校花 Deng XiaoQi 、学霸 Qian SanYi 和 Jiang TianHao ,成为校园广播站主播,俨然“人生赢家”。学神如云,林妙秒成绩惨遭碾压,面对来自“我儿子成绩全市第一”的 Pei Yin 的正面暴击, Wang ShengNan 的斗志被全面点燃,开启陪读生活。冤家路窄,竟和 Pei Yin 家成了邻居。王裴二人冲突不断升级,却因婚姻问题惺惺相惜,成了闺蜜。高三来临, Lin MiaoMiao 经历了父母感情的震荡, Qian SanYi 隐忍着父母的貌合神离, Jiang TianHao 突遭家庭破产, Deng XiaoQi 因为妈妈的秘密被曝光跌入谷底。少年们桀骜不驯,迎着阳光、风雨,如春草般蓬勃生长。高考结束,少年各奔前程,内心充满伤感及对未来的期待。四个家庭经历波折,找到了各自的方向,收获着动人的成长。

闪光少女 (TV)[2019]


《闪光少女》剧照陈惊是音乐学院附中民乐扬琴专业一位古灵精怪的姑娘,因为喜欢钢琴她决定去给同校的师兄王文当钢琴翻谱员,却因对西洋乐知识的匮乏和民乐背景遭到王文的冷落,还引起校园两大专业间的摩擦。为了证明自己的能力,也为了证明民乐可以登上更有实力的舞台,陈惊联手502宿舍的女孩们组成民乐团,演奏出自己的心声。陈惊的表姐陈和煦是音乐学院附中的老师,在两大专业学生产生隔阂的时候,她帮助学生化解了偏见与误会,并默默地给予陈惊鼓励和帮助。在学校之外,陈和煦阴错阳差结识了演员冯安宇,陈和煦对待自我的真实态度,让冯安宇有勇气重新审视自己的生活,并在陈惊组建乐队的过程中多次伸出援手。学生们在陈和煦等诸多老师的帮助下逐渐成长,西洋乐、民乐的学生打破成见和平相处,陈惊最终证明了民乐的魅力,登上了更大的音乐舞台,收获了美好的青春 。


Childrens happiness plan (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Children and grandchildren plan of happiness" tells Ye WenYuan who is anxiously expecting to hold a great grandson, whose grandson Ye Tao is a celibate. Girl Xie YuTing rescued, Ye Lao found she is the daughter-in-law candidates. Ye Ye can not know this "prospective Sun daughter-in-law," but it is anxious to find a fall in-door son-in-law daughter of the three generations. Ye Tao suffered from grandfather's persecution, and Yu Ting fake marriage, during which two young people who had mutual antagonism and wits were gradually getting better and better, and finally overcoming the difficulties and finally getting married. Two generations of four people broke a series of conflicts, conflicts, and eventually reconciliation and tolerance. In order to solve the relationship between Ye Lao and his grandson Sun Sun's daughter-in-law, Xie's mother and her daughter accompany each other. The two children's and her daughter's relatives finally decided to move Xie family to Ye's house to become a true family house of four generations.

Our Shining Days (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Chen Jing is a weird, dare to love the girl, rivers and lakes who call nerves. As a wonderful figure in the middle school of music, Chen Jing has a bad affinity with only You Gui, a girlfriend who is willing to be a horse behind her. Confident Chen Jing falls in love with the school grass teacher brother, but it was ridiculed and ridiculed grass-roots school, but also caused a big melee between the two campuses of the campus. In order to prove himself to the teacher brother, Chen Jing together with the 502 dormitory mysterious characters composed of 2.5 times the orchestra, challenge the authority, get rid of stereotypes, staged lively funny funny youth.

Leave the next stop (TV)[2017]

Feature: "The next stop" tells the story of an unmarried young male doctor Sheng Xia, due to genetic disease, anxious to get married, have a baby. Qiu Yang, a company executive with two failed marriages, suffered a career crisis. In order to save the company, Qiu Yang was forced to marry relatives and friends. Two people who yearned for redemption through marriage were overwhelmingly neighbors, triggering a series of misunderstandings. They both know what they did not know, and started a contract as a de facto marriage, aiming to get rid of trouble caused by marriage or divorce. During the friction, the two sides resolved the exposure risks one after another and concluded a profound friendship. During this process, the two men also gradually opened their hearts to each other, deepened their understanding of marriage, corrected many radical and immature thoughts of the past, and realized that only marriage for the purpose of love is the guarantee of a happy life. In the end, they overcame their own difficulties, boldly stated the most realistic thoughts in their hearts, and gained true love.

Orange Street stock men (TV)[2017]

Feature: Stills Residential neighborhood Orange Street Li's family, Li Grandpa, father, mother for the family's four sons Li DaHuo, Li ErHuo, Li SanHuo, Li SiHuo growth, exhausted heart. Li DaHuo is the eldest left male, finally found his favorite woman Yao AnNa, but facing the problem of unable to bear children; Li ErHuo woman is very good, but do not know how to cherish the existing happiness, lost his real favorite woman Can not find it back; Li SanHuo clumsy, repeatedly offended He BingBing; Li SiHuo college entrance examination failed but baffling to help the teacher raising children warm. Grandpa, father and mother use different methods to influence and help them face all the tests they have given in life, but their work and marriage still remain puzzling questions. Orange Street Li, Li DaHuo hunger strike to his mother said he was going to marry Yao AnNa determination, the final Zhao FengYing could not bear to watch her son hungry was forced to surrender. Encouraged by his father, Li Shengli, Li ErHuo cheer up and restart his life, but unexpectedly met Jiang XiLe, who once disappeared into the sea. Regardless of how Jiang XiLe evaded refusal, Li ErHuo always gave up and finally won back the love of Jiang XiLe again. Li SanHuo gave her a warm companionship while He BingBing was the most frustrated, and two happy lovers married at the fastest speed. Li SiHuo was inspired by the warmth of taking care of the warmth and was eventually admitted to the ideal art school and became a good friend with her warm mother. Four young boys have finally gained their own happiness.

Devil Lord Do not kiss my second season (TV)[2017]

Feature: After stinging with open rifles, the campus life in early summer is getting better and better, and the feelings of the seven recorded are also getting warmer. Just then, seven recorded ex-girlfriend, genius girl designer Xiang ManKui to return to become the early summer classmate, which makes the original calm school instantaneous surge! Xiang ManKui ulterior motives close to early summer, the use of her to regain the trust of seven recorded, looking increasingly close to the two, early summer sorrow, but the surface is stubborn. Jiang ChenChuan, a noble son who persistently pursues early summer, has been very uneasy about injustice because of her jealousy. The annual design competition started in early summer decided to sign up, brave dream. The seven haze left in my heart thinks that in the early summer, Xiang ManKui, like then, would give up him and leave him again to close himself and incarnate the cold, unfriendly devil. The early summer tired to deal with, at the same time, clues about the life experience has gradually surfaced, all this seems to be put into the summer covered with reef glaciers, the danger quietly to & nbsp ;.

For happiness (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Toward happiness" Because her husband's ex-wife took her son to the scene of the wedding, the bride Han Xiao out of control led to a car accident was taken to hospital. Yan PeiQing, the husband of a gynecologist, found that the wife not only had a pregnant wife, There are also malignant tumors on the ovary, Pei Qing tears hand-made surgery for his wife, removal of malignant ovaries and goodwill to hide the truth to his wife. Han Xiao collapses in the reality of losing her child and unknowingly suffers from depression. Her husband's ex-wife, however, caused so many misunderstandings that Han Xiao was suspicious of her marriage and husband, and made many incredible things about it. His wife's suspicions, his ex-wife's harassment, his son's plea, and his mother's intervention made him emaciated, but as a husband, son, father and more as a man he took responsibility for every one of his life All the important women - mothers, sons, ex - wives and wives paid their sincerity. In addition, as a doctor, he even tried their best to protect his wife and family and eventually let his beloved people abandon the avenues, understand each other and walk with a smile new life.

Fathers identity (TV)[2016]

Feature: Stills In 1948, there was a case of assassination of the U.S. forces in Qingcheng. Special Commissioner Yu BeiPing was sent to Qingcheng to investigate the case. He was well aware of the deep-seated purpose of the commission's own investigation of the case in order to identify himself. Deep in crisis, Yu BeiPing saw his lost biological daughter in Qingcheng for years. My daughter is mysterious and is investigating myself. Yu BeiPing and current wife's daughter Xu DanNi in Qingcheng University, left-thinking, scornful of his father's spy identity, is in love with a family professor, Yu BeiPing very distressed. Yu BeiPing on the one hand to complete the organization's highest task, on the one hand and carefully protect their two daughters. In the end, the eldest daughter sacrificed to protect him, the little daughter until separated from his father, came to understand: his father is a true communist. But since then the two never stop horizon.

Cloud of Van (TV)[2016]

Feature: Stills (1) Twenty years ago, demon king Jiang ShiLi was sealed in Nv Wa blood jade by Shushan and four big families. Twenty years later, from the dead demon King Nv Wa blood jade purification limit is approaching, the demon king will once again be alive. Four families have been searching for the whereabouts of the demon king's son, in order to avoid future troubles. Wild wind cottage child Yun Yun YunFan just want to be a good banditry, robbing the rich and the poor. However, in the face of the dangerous Mozu animals, Yunfan showed amazing power. It turned out he is the demon king Shippi's own son. Understand the truth of the cloud, where decided to use their own power to change all this, however, no one expected that when he broke through the Shushan Quxian Demon Array, to get the artifact, but faced with a bigger problem: blood jade once Destroyed and released in advance of the devil, Tang YuRou will die because of the failure of blood jade fragments within the body. If he does not release the demon king, his father will be abolished by the blood jade at the expiration of his captivity. Affection and love, he can not afford to choose.

Female doctor Ming Fei Biography (TV)[2016]

Feature: The prosperity of the Ming dynasty, but it is harsh ethical education, low status of women, not from the doctor, hidden disease refractory. Tan family medical family, generations of ancestral physician, because of being framed by the treacherous victims, leaving ancestral training, future generations can not practice medicine. But bright Tan YunXian from childhood, secretly learning Chinese medicine with grandmother knowledge, not only Xuanhujijian, skilled hand benevolence, has been praised and supported by ordinary people, and gradually save the world's women's heart. As a result, Yun Yin not only faces numerous difficulties and obstacles in the path of medical study, but also faces the impact of feudal ethics and secular ideas. However, Yin Yin overcomes all kinds of difficulties with his obsession and love of medical science. He not only absorbs and integrates medicine in his own way, but also breaks through the harsh legal and religious restraint. He has created and established a system of female doctors, The body to save the soul, and then by saving people to save the country, spread and carry forward the medical culture of the motherland, eventually becoming a generation of women's medicine, famous world.

Immortal sword cloud where (TV)[2016]

Feature: Twenty years ago, demon king Jiang ShiLi was sealed in Nv Wa Blood Jade by Shushan and four big families. Twenty years later, from the dead demon King Nv Wa blood jade purification limit is approaching, the demon king will once again be alive. Four families have been searching for the whereabouts of the demon king's son, in order to avoid future troubles. Wild wind cottage child Yun Yun YunFan just want to be a good banditry, robbing the rich and the poor. However, in the face of the dangerous Mozu animals, Yunfan showed amazing power. It turned out he is the demon king Shippi's own son. Understand the truth of the cloud, where decided to use their own power to change all this, however, no one expected that when he broke through the Shushan Quxian Demon Array, to get the artifact, but faced with a bigger problem: blood jade once Destroyed and released in advance of the devil, Tang YuRou will die because of the failure of blood jade fragments within the body. If he does not release the demon king, his father will be abolished by the blood jade at the expiration of his captivity. Affection and love, he can not afford to choose.

Mission impossible (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1941, the couple of European mathematicians Lan ZhiBing and Ceng JieRu deciphered the Japanese telegraph and password and returned to the New Fourth Army with their one-of-a-kind son Lan Tian. Whoever knew of the intelligence leak had just arrived in Jiangcheng and the Japanese invaders were arrested and the Blue's couple arrested Martyrdom. Lan Tian, ​​who mastered the code book, was rescued by the New Fourth Army but the Japanese invaded the city gates and captured Lan Tian. Dui Zhang Yin San, a Jiangcheng security guard, was originally an underground party member who lost contact with the party in an accident. In a critical situation, he assumed the task of protecting Lan Tian and started working with the Japanese military police Dui Zhang Gao Qiao. For security, Yin San hides Lan Tian in the backyard of the hotel. And with the help of her boss Shang GuanYu and others, I tried my best to protect Lan Tian. In order to send Lan Tian out of the city, Yin San overcomes numerous obstacles and ultimately sacrifices justice and lives with the enemy. Lan Tian and others escorted by the New Fourth Army by train to leave Jiangcheng and go to the base area. Organizational decision: Pursue Yin San as revolutionary martyr & nbsp ;.

Fatal password (TV)[2016]


The Deadly Code, also known as the Impossible Task, tells the mathematicians of Europe and the United States in 1941 Lan ZhiBing , Ceng JieRu couple deciphered the Japanese military cable code, carrying a son Lan Tian returned home to the New Fourth Army. Who knows the information leaked and just arrived in Jiangcheng. The Japanese ambush set up, the Lam and his wife Arrested to defend the country. Lan Tian who had mastered the code book was rescued by the New Fourth Army, but the Japanese nephew closed the gate and rounded up Lan Tian. Jiangcheng Security Team Dui Zhang Yin San was originally an underground party member but lost contact with the party in an accident. In a critical moment, he took up the task of protecting Lan Tian, ​​and began to intervene with the Japanese military police Dui Zhang Gao Qiao . For security, Yin San hides Lan Tian in the hotel backyard. And with the help of the boss's Shang GuanYu and others, they are doing their best to protect Lan Tian. In order to send Lan Tian out of the city, Yin San overcomes numerous obstacles, and finally he goes to justice for justice and ends up with the enemy. Lan Tian and others left the city by train under the escort of the New Fourth Army and went to the base area. The organization decided to ratify Yin San as a revolutionary martyr.


JianBingMan (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Popular idol DENG PENG (Dong Chengpeng ornaments) suffered an unexpected event, so that it fell into the bottom of his life, leaving his girlfriend Jie Cai (Guo CaiJie ornaments) away, only assistant Dong ChengLong (Binlong Pan ornaments) and confidante Liu Yan (Liu Yan ornaments) never give up on him. Dapeng sloppy film signing the contract, but unable to do anything because of funding problems, but also by the underworld brother Wang (Jiang Chaoliang ornaments) threat. In desperation, Dapeng had to find a small star Du XiaoXiao (Shanshan Yuan ornaments), Qun TouMaTao (Yun Yunhe ornaments), paparazzi photographer Hu Lai (Zhijia Cui ornaments) formed a temporary crew, ready to shoot an All-Star team Large format, and filming is an unprecedented attempt, Deng Chao, Wu JunRu, Ceng ZhiWei, Northeast F4 and other first-line coffee can successfully starred? Dapeng desperation will encounter what kind of difficulties?

Cherish what you have at the moment (TV)[2015]

Feature: Tang YuFeng posters Blood FANG Gang twice suffering from acute leukemia, were a volunteer called Cheng ZiYue selfless donation of marrow and save, after Tang YuFeng never forget the purple moon. Purple moon's husband Zhao SiWen and ex-girlfriend Huang WanPing revival, Zhao SiWen worried about their emptied Cheng company assets were found, then divorced with the purple moon. Soon, Cheng Cheng bankruptcy, Cheng ZiYue's father, angrily died, her daughter lost orange, purple moon unbearable blow, falls into frustration led to unconscious. At this point Tang YuFeng came forward to take care of the purple moon, while looking for orange. Zi-month-old husband consciously ashamed Cheng family, categorically with his son Zhao SiWen cut off from. Under the zealous help of the Tang family and the careful care of Zhao's parents, the Ziyue regained consciousness and thereafter Cheng ZiYue was as stubborn and optimistic as a grass. Tang YuFeng learned that Huang WanPing had evidence of Zhao SiWen's use of Cheng's company funds and that he had been tempted to reclaim the conscience of Huang WanPing. Huang WanPing was finally touched by the goodness of Tang YuFeng, confessing Zhao SiWen's evidence. Zhao SiWen Was brought to justice, Huang WanPing got due punishment. Tang YuFeng back to find the orange, purple moon thanksgiving, eventually married lover eventually.

Police flower and police dog (TV)[2015]

Feature: Li ShuHan and Ni Na entered the women's police dog team very much in conflict with each other, respectively, in a different way against the inevitable fate. Tang YouYou first into the new group. Li ShuHan's mistake, resulting in "cherry" injured and facing elimination. By helping the fierce Marinus lost amnesia return to bashing dogs ranks, to explore a set of emotional concerns of the new method of taming and successfully help dogs to get rid of the psychological shadow to return to work. Ni Na and his own Springer Spaniard met with "malicious complaints" in the subway security check and "fatal errors" in the search and explosion scene. Coupled with Li ShuHan's own misunderstanding and a series of setbacks and difficulties, Ni Na began to reconsider himself and eventually defeated The challenge of training large bites dogs, and in the field rescue distress and Li ShuHan repair relations. Tang YouYou led the shepherd crossed the obstacles over the pursuit of difficulty, resulting in police dog deafness, so that she understood the hobby and professionalism of the difference, to help police dogs break the training bottleneck, the perception of growth and self-realization of truth, with " The dog as a teacher "concept, to achieve the perfect combination of human and dog realm & nbsp ;. Police flower and police dog

head towards happiness (TV)[2015]

Feature: Ren YiFan, a girlfriend Chen Qing, a creative man in Imagination Advertising Company of the century, goes without saying a word. Every night, she goes back to Chen Qing, where they had been dating. Three years did not wait until Chen Qing returned, instead waiting until a looming woman Chen Yang had similarities - Ye Lin. Ren YiFan decided to start a new life, the two saw it. Unexpectedly, Ren YiFan arrived at the company the next day and found Ye Lin a new boss for his company. Even more unimaginable is that Chen Qing, the half-sister of Ye Lin, reappears in the life of Ren YiFan in retaliation for Ye ShuangCheng's father, Ji XuGang reached a tacit understanding. Ren YiFan experienced confusion and growth in this complex emotion, founded his own company and successfully helped Ye Lin defeat Ji XuGang. Along the way, Ren YiFan and Ye Lin finally realized that each other is true love. After Chen Qing lost everything, she realized that love can resolve grievances. There are too many beautiful things in life that are much more important than hatred.

Out of line every life (TV)[2015]

Feature: On July 1945, on the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Lin Hong, a division of the New Fourth Army Corps of Service, lurked in the Arctic Merchants Bank to secretly raise funds for military supplies of stills. Chaofuding, the boss of the commercial bank, has been a leader of the Kuomintang Central Committee for many years and holds many secrets. His identity has been questioned by many parties. Both Japan's high-tech corporations and Wang pseudo-government are paying close attention to him. Lin Hong was exposed as a police officer and was arrested by Yan BiQiu, the spy chief of the Wang Pseudo-Spy, and Yu ErDou, who was arrested, was also closely resembled Chafudin. The true Chafudin had escaped. In the meantime, Zhou Jiu, KMT's military secret service, came to Suzhou with a high-level order and intercepted Lin Hong and Fake Fortune from Yan BiQiu in an attempt to secretly escort the two to Chongqing. On the westbound road, with several forces competing for their respective purposes, Lin Hong, as the core of the capture, resolutely resolves the crisis with the determination of a communist party and finally fulfills its mission. Under the inspiration of Lin Hong, Yu ErDou changed his face and found his own direction in life. Zhou Jiu, the former sweetheart, finally recognized the true colors of the party and state, abandoned the dark one and took the road to revolution.

Father is a dragon (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Dad is a dragons," tells the story of a humorous Wang DaLong 40-year-old met supermarket supervisor, more embarrassing than unemployment is the new boss is his little Peng Fei, Lin JiaoYang was his father was a stalker stills High School Dark goddess. Wang DaLong never give small hair work, anxious to find work and always laughing and joking, went to commit suicide and accidentally saved Peng Fei's son. He forced his work under the pressure of his wife and daughter and at the same time set foot on the battlefield: the two sent small battles for money and moral contests, while Gao CaiYun, a sanitation defender of Wang DaLong, and several women of lawyer Lin JiaoYang were entangled. Wang DaLong supported three families and a company and created his "good dad" theory: If you are unfortunate enough to become a sand, do not grudge and try hard to build yourself Into a pearl, is worthy of the title of a man & nbsp ;. The above content source

Ultimate confrontation (TV)[2015]


The drama “Ultimate duel” is introduced: In 1936, in the acrobatic village near the Taihang Mountains, a Japanese acrobatics group called the “Dawa Class” came to the “Yongchun class” and “China”, the most famous acrobatics group in the area. The courageous class has studied skills, but hidden behind the competition is a great conspiracy, and took the opportunity to humiliate China's national acrobatics art. The Yamato class successively defeated Yongchun and Huayong classes through treacherous means. In the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Long ZhanHai of the Yongchun class and Feng Gu Liu Kui of the Huayong class abandoned their predecessors and joined forces to fight against the enemy. They defeated the Yamato class several times in the downfall and eventually defeated the Yamato class to defend the honour of Chinese acrobatics. In addition , Hu ZhenGuo , the younger brother of the Eighth Route Army’s Feng Gu, shattered the conspiracy of the devil.


Ship in the Gulf of Aden (TV)[2014]

Feature: Captain Mao DaHua directed the anti-piracy exercise. Female reporter Su Xing intervened in the exercise zone and was mistakenly "hostage" tied. After several collisions until touching the spark of love. Captain Xiao WeiGuo flew to the Gulf of Aden for naval formation and his wife, Gong XinHua, took the helm of the Family Committee. Because Jun Ling Yang opened the restaurant, Junsao Zhou Yun participated in the model contest, Jun Wu OuyangChun to foreign high-paying high pay do not children, Gong XinHua and his old schoolmate Cao BingBing clashes. Cao BingBing is the wife of Captain Han ShiJie, who serves as the director of District Office. He is in charge of the joint construction of civilians and civilians and is currently working on Gong XinHua's work. Xiao WeiGuo dementia old father and always mistaken Cao BingBing home for their own home, resulting in Gong Cao two public-private conflicts continue; Mao DaHua has been led team members devote themselves to the study of Somali pirates, our most powerful rival black shark. Several times the danger, eventually won the admiration of the admirers of the Chinese Navy.

PayBack (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Zhang Jin (Louis Fan ornaments) is the famous gangster Aberdeen, that day, just released from prison in a restaurant was beaten to kill each other even after he fired a few quick escape. Zhang Jin, who should not be killed, did not die. In a panic, he wondered who exactly wanted to put him to death. After some careful consideration, he decided to investigate alone. First of all, he wrapped a taxi by Yang Yan (Francis Ng) as a means of transport. From then on, Yang Yan's fate was tied to him. Zhang Jin baffled to know who they have offended, not to allow each other to claim their own lives, he locked three enemies before he was jailed, and finally denied that they are the culprit hunting their own, Zhang Jin early years The criminal career has been peeled off layers, Yang Yan employed by Zhang Jin is also another map, the story is confusing ... ...

LoveNeedsOneMoreNight (Movie)[2013]

Feature: "Love at a Break" is love, feature film directed by Zheng Zhen, Wang Xiao (politician), Aohui Qu. "Never mind" tells the story of the impact of the internal economic environment, both an anti-cowboy clothing enterprises in the face of heavy crisis, young business successor Xia YiNuo seek new ways for business development backhanks, lurking into another cowboy business happen A series of ridiculous and touching love story.

AllLifeWithYou (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Zhang LouBai, an archeologist with an obsession with artefacts, confused "pick-up" at the airport to see Taiwan-seeking girl Lu NianNian because she did not know where to send her and had to take her home to stay . At the same time, he also began to help Lu NianNian together to find their loved ones. The film by Xiulin Xu, Kefa Cui two old interpretation of the ancestral love spanning 60 years across the Strait, the new generation of actors Xu Haiqiao, Liu Shuxing plays the role, is in the vagaries, from encounter to fell in love, Strung two elderly love story.

S five agents 2 (TV)[2012]

Feature: Ma YunFei and Gao Han wedding day came an uninvited guest - "Vs5" old friend of the old, implore them to go out again to perform a task that can not be done by others: to track down the double spy Ji theft of US nuclear weapons information Ji ChuanMengFu. To this end, Gao Han did her job as a bride-to-be, followed up with Ouyang Jianping and Li ZhiBo for a mission in Yunnan. Ma YunFei and He Jian were also forced out of the mountain. Therefore, five members of the "Fifth Agent Group": the language expert Ou Yang Jianping, Li ZhiBo, agent Ma YunFei, password expert Gao Han, "thief" He Jian once again assembled on the front line. In the meantime, Japan sent their killer, Jiu JingChaoXiang - a sister to Miyabi Sakai and a senior female spy on her wrist. "Vanguard of the Falun Dafa" team was unfavorably instructed and was not jailed by Ji ChuanMengFu's unposed partner. The No. 5 jailbroken. While hiding from the hunt for the U.S. troops, he chased Ji Chuan Meng Fu and eventually uncovered a traitor inside the U.S. military and grabbed stolen nuclear weapons before Jiu JingChaoXiang. As the war intensified, large-scale virus infections were reported to soldiers in front of the battlefield. Investigation team No.5 was ordered to investigate. On the way, the victim of the virus attacked Hashimoto. Hashimoto was also a Frankenstein who was above all else in science experiments. He injected Gao Han with a virus and abducted her as a test-taker, all the while protecting the research. Ma YunFei, Li ZhiBo and He Jian went deep into the border between Burma and Myanmar and touched the enemy's biochemical base in Myanmar after a difficult pursuit of the jungle. At this moment, Gao Han almost sacrificed his life in order to save the virus serum and rescue a large number of soldiers on the front line. Urgent war, the front battlefield shortage of supplies. Jiang JieShi eyeing Yan Xishan's secret possession of arms in his early years, Yan Xishan did not provide military supplies to Jiang JieShi on the ground of the disappearance of Li Yang, the arsenal of firearms. Dai Li had to resort again to the U.N. agents to let the four Ma YunFei sneak into Shanxi for the whereabouts of Li Yang, the arsenal builder. On the 5th, the special agent team took advantage of the Japanese commander Yi Bo's love of Chinese painting and stole the ancient famous paintings of Jiang JieShi's home as bait to catch the romance of Yi Bo. Ji Yun by selling paintings, in-depth Yi Bo live headquarters, took the opportunity to candidly photographed the Japanese Jinzhong battle record and roster, this time Sakai also came, Ma YunFei cleverly dealt with, on the eve of being recognized, successfully escaped the Japanese commander unit. On the 5th, according to the plan, Ma YunFei and He Jian entered Kang Hang Naturalization Prison through counterfeiters' means. The two went through twists and turns and finally gained the trust of Zhu Feizui, the prisoner's leader, to help him escape. Zhu Fei failed in his operation and told Ma YunFei before his death that he was Li Yang. On the 5th, he finally found an arsenal before the Japanese. Zhen Wu, Chunyu Shanshan, Lin Liu, Jing-ming Shi, Likun Wang With the beloved Chinese paintings of Song MeiLing returning to Chongqing, the V Corps was ready to return to the capital. Chen NaDe, Captain of the Flying Tigers Attack at the airport. No. 5 agent team did not have time to get out of the old and Dai Li was blocked in the door.On the 5th, from the shooting scene of Chongqing Airport, using the knowledge of physics and firearms, relying on psychology and deduction, the scene of the shooting was restored from the extremely limited clues. Along the clues, the Japanese completely smashed the assassination conspiracy . After revealing the truth, Ma YunFei and others were ordered to protect Chen NaDe in Chongqing. Mrs. Chen NaDe also invited U.S. security consultant Rhodes to ensure the safety of Chen NaDe. After the arrival of Rot, he accused Ma YunFei et al of more actions and the endless stream of accidents caused the U S Volunteer Team to repeatedly become passive. Ma YunFei et al. After several twists and turns, found the culprit of all incidents, caused by security consultant Lott, he is a fake. Upon receiving an invitation from Chinese Expeditionary Force General Sun Lireu, Task Force V sent an important river chart to Myanmar and was also jealous of Gao Han, an old fellow with accompanying reporters Cui YuanYuan and Ma YunFei. They do not know that Cui YuanYuan at this time is in fact a post-Yi Jiu JingChaoXiang. Sakai murdered and pretended to be Cui YuanYuan. The purpose of following along with the fifth was to mix with the expeditionary base and cooperate with Japanese bomber to bomb it. Only Gao Han saw Cui YuanYuan one person personally, others all think she is jealous suspicion, do not believe her. When one of them was thrown into the trap by a drunk Sakai and instructed the Japanese bomber's bonfire to be ignited, Ouyang Jianping, who left for a long time, arrived with Chen NaDe's rescue. Jiu JingChaoXiang repeated the fate of her sister, another agent on the 5th group reunited.

TheOldFamousStar (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Movie "Old Star" on January 6, 2011 boot in Xiamen. Old Star is a motivational movie about older men. "Old Star" Starring: Kao Ling Feng, Cui Kefa. Kao Ling-feng is a famous singer in Taiwan, is also a famous variety show host and film and television actress, Qiong Yao movie starred in the early years, is the song "a fire in the winter," the original song. Cui Kefa, a national actor and head of the Beidahuang Art Troupe participated in dozens of film and television works, such as the TV series "The Military Anthem", "Five Star Hotel" and "Deng Xiaoping".

Man to forty (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Man to Forty" tells of a 40-year-old psychiatrist Liang GuoHui was initially diagnosed with lung cancer, life, leaving only half a year. Zheng Jie, the wife of Liang GuoHui, is the director of ICU's intensive care unit. Is busy implementing Liang GuoHui's job mobility issues. As a husband, as a child's father, Zheng Jie Liang GuoHui's evaluation of three words: unqualified! She thinks that if Liang GuoHui continues to work in a psychiatric hospital, the day can not be done. Liang GuoHui without telling his family to let iron buddy Li ChangJiang Li testament. Li ChangJiang cried, saying that since God gave a deadline, do what you want most to do. Liang GuoHui astonishing, saying I want to divorce! The fear of death and the annoyance of survival simultaneously afflict. At this time, the same sun Hua Shuo walk until forty arrived Liang GuoHui side. Hua Shuo was originally looking for Liang GuoHui to resign, Liang GuoHui smiled and told Hua Shuo that he had a terminal illness in a few days. Moment, Hua Shuo made a decision, she tear the resignation report, told Liang GuoHui, she likes him, she decided to spend the final moments with Liang GuoHui. From this day, her daily task is to make Liang GuoHui happy, see Liang GuoHui laugh. Hua Shuo did, Liang GuoHui really relaxed and happy with her, but after this happy, Liang GuoHui always have a sense of guilt. When he confronted his wife Zheng Jie, he was no longer calm, and Zheng Jie detected Liang GuoHui's anomaly. At this time, Hua Shuo came to the door to tell Zheng Jie Liang GuoHui got cancer. Zheng Jie first instinct is to do everything possible to Liang GuoHui live. Let him live a happy life! To make Liang GuoHui happy on the last days, Zheng Jie acquiesced to the existence of Hua Shuo. Dying Liang GuoHui decided to live naked, Zheng Jie as a pastor, even with Zheng Jie admitted that he loves Hua Shuo ... But Zheng Jie is not a priest, Zheng Jie instinctive reflection is shock and anger, she felt Liang GuoHui betrayed himself. Can there be any reason to condemn a person who faces death? As a wife, Zheng Jie would like to leave some of the best memories of Liang GuoHui's last days. In the face of death, there was a great friendship between two women. In the face of his imminent disappearance, the two women at the same time love together with interest advance advance. Liang GuoHui Experience unprecedented happiness, realize the ideal of men in the world. He said I really hope this moment of pause, no concept of time, no life, no death, I stood between two lovely women, is the happiest man in the world. Zheng Jie and Hua Shuo decided to let Liang GuoHui surgically remove the lesion. Liang GuoHui promised because he realized that giving up his life would mean leaving "the guilty conscience" to all who love him. The surgery ended smoothly, the doctor told Zheng Jie surprise, the tumor is benign and has been successfully resected, Liang GuoHui will soon recover. Into the ward to wake up Liang GuoHui moment, the two women slowly pulled the hand pulled. Liang GuoHui Living, you have to face the embarrassment of life, two women, there must be a fade out of his life. If one survives, there will be future fortunes. Liang GuoHui was promoted to vice president Yuan Su of Sunshine Hospital. Liang GuoHui Rong Sheng, Zheng Jie heart more tangled.Liang GuoHui to work, to face the Hua Hua Hua Hua youth pressing, one pair is one day. Zheng Jie at the thought of this knife. Liang GuoHui reborn in work with passion, he talked and lavished. If Hua Shuo showed her love of alms when "on the occasion of danger", Hua Shuo was truly fascinated by the mature charm of Liang GuoHui. Zheng Jie rush to go Hua Shuo, anxious with Liang GuoHui. Liang GuoHui All the words that have been said in the past when he was in serious aggravate circumstances have become Zheng Jie's weapon against him in his later life. Nearly death, he thoroughly unmasked the "truth" of their marriage, and there was no real naked stitching between Zheng Jie and him. However, he was "alive", and maybe thirty or forty years later he had to face Zheng Jie. Liang GuoHui really feel scalp tingling ... Hua Shuo realize that three of them must stand up to break this embarrassing situation. Hua Shuo brought the Italian Tuo Di to the hospital, grandly telling everyone that she and Tuo Di are getting married next month. Loss of confidante, my heart has complained about life, the evil fire all set to Zheng Jie body. Zheng Jie got into trouble with her old hatred and regained her identity immediately. She even treated Liang GuoHui even harder. Hua Shuo still focuses on Liang GuoHui, even close to their son Liang SiYu. Zheng Jie a forbearance, tolerance, tolerance, to endure, proposed a divorce. Zheng Jie and Liang GuoHui left. The two divorced like a rebirth. Zheng Jie has never had a good mood, Liang GuoHui also felt unprecedented freedom. Liang GuoHui delightedly told Hua Shuo about her divorce, Hua Shuo was away from home, and her 80-something Hua Shuo was still testing Liang GuoHui's feelings. Zheng Jie, who had been freed from marriage, met Shen Hang, a street-side heat stroke, where Zheng Jie's second spring came. Like a soldier Zheng Jie too need a man's favorite, and she identified Shen Hang is able to give himself a storm, and soon accepted Shen Hang's proposal. I learned that my ex-wife should get married, Liang GuoHui ups and downs in mind. Liang GuoHui questioned Shen Hang's character and hoped that Zheng Jie's remarriage could be cautious. Liang GuoHui 's concern for his ex - wife also envied young Hua Shuo for more than a decade. In terms of Hua Shuo, Zheng Jie is deeply rooted in Liang GuoHui' s heart. Hua Shuo scratched her eyes during a treatment accident. Liang GuoHui was deeply blamed and decided to marry Hua Shuo. Zheng Jie asked Father and son not to object. Hua Shuo, with the help of Zheng Jie, saw the light again but refused to marry Liang GuoHui because she did not accept the sympathy. Hua Shuo decided to leave Sunshine Hospital. Liang GuoHui burst into tears on the day Hua Shuo was sent, Liang GuoHui did feel that life suddenly dimmed. Shen Hang was detained and examined by the discipline inspection department. Although Zheng Jie wanted to share with him, Shen Hang was disheartened and took the initiative to break up Zheng Zheng. Zheng Jie's remarriage ran aground. Yang Liang, my father suddenly collapsed. Father dying nothing else, they find Zheng Jie, Zheng Jie admitted to the ICU. Liang GuoHui collapsed when he lost his father's mountain. He prescribes himself medicine, antidepressant ...... Zheng Jie quietly accompanied by Liang GuoHui those days.Experienced the storm, Liang GuoHui and Zheng Jie and well. Continue the middle-aged days, shoulders carrying the middle-aged carry everything ... This does not mean that they will never live in future waves ... no one can guarantee that one day no one because of a Suddenly the reasons come to an impulse ...

Broken throat crossbow (TV)[2010]

Feature: The "Broken Crossbow" tells the story of the heroic campaign by the anti-Japanese small crossbow archery unit of a five-people organization in Hainan during the Anti-Japanese War under the guidance and leadership of the Communist Party. Tells the story of the heroic daughter of Hainan Dao Feng and his family servants detachment in Hainan during the Anti-Japanese War to defend their homeland and defend the dignity of the nation against the invasion of Japan in the dense humid rainforests and Japanese agents, lurking opponents battle of death. Returned to Japan, Dao Feng, a returnees from Japan, met with Communist Party member Ma Xiao and national army officer Wang ShiBei and received the Japanese relic - Broken Crossbow. Unexpectedly returned to his hometown Hai Tong City, Dao Feng is greedy to take away the family business and mother's tablet, and his father will be sentenced to capital punishment. Angry Dao Feng pick up the broken crossbow, led the old house servants Zou ShenPo, ghost tert, Ji FanZai, Jia BanXian, Fei ZaiMa public, rob the field to save his father, regained his family business, became famous in Hainan. Meanwhile, the spicy and brave fiancée Mai Zi and communist Hu Pan walked into Dao Feng's life. Japanese landing, blood and smoke everywhere. Dao Feng, a former rich young master, led his family and his accomplices to Hu Pan, Ma Xiao and Wang Shi Bei to sprinkle the blood on the vast land of Qiong Ya to interpret a magnificent anti-Japanese legend.

Nuren hua (TV)[2007]

Feature: In 1898, the Reform Movement of 1898 failed. An Zhenqin chief engineer Liu ZhenBang was instructed to examine the Wang WenQian mansion who participated in the reform. On the night of the night, Wang WenQian, who got the message, took the three minor daughters to the Butler. In order to recognize each other in the future, Wang will wear a piece of Pei jade split into three, respectively, sewn in the three daughters underwear. Housekeeper led them from the drain to escape the mansion, encounter officers and men to kill, the three sisters were separated. Wang family was cut out of doors that night, the house was a fire burned. Wang's one of the three sisters, big sister Wang Ziqian, later renamed Lin name snow lotus. Called a widow, looks so bright. Sister Wang Zi Ying, renamed Qiao Ju, childhood with Pan's wife married into Wu, Wu handsome handsome handsome soft spot. Second sister Wang Zi Yin, renamed Huang MeiEr, Huang Qing opera troupe Deng QingFeng collected. Fifteen years later, in 1914, three years in the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai steal the fruits of victory as the president and the democratic regime that has just been established is precarious. As an important center of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Anqing has become a battleground for both Yuan Shikai and the Revolutionary Party. A big storm is coming. At this time Huang MeiEr has grown up and became the anqing breeze class actress. This year's National Day, Anqing city, a Miss Vettoria activity so that this can be safely and quietly calm life girl caught in a whirlpool of destiny. "Woman flowers" stills Wu Liu Anqing two families. Wu is Anqing's business leader. Master Wu YuSheng study in Japan, worship Song Jiao Ren as a teacher, became the most proud disciple Song. After returning to Anqing justice. Liu ZhenBang was a former Qing Zong Bing, son Liu JianXiong relied on Liu forces in Anqing, bully dominate the market, nonsense. Huang MeiEr took a fancy to Huang MeiEr, who was deliberately allowed to make Huang MeiEr, but rejected by Huang MeiEr. He was furious and accused of assaulting a widow, Lin Xuelian (big sister Wang Ziqian), and Huang MeiEr's lover, a tailor, Xie Yangliu, and using former Qing dynasty chief Hu MingJiu, Anqing police chief, to hold the two in prison and torture them to death . Wu Yu-sheng, who has always admired Huang MeiEr, has reached out to a helping hand, and there is strong evidence that innocent widow Lin and her tailor are innocent. To defend against deception, Liu JianXiong malicious in the fire was set to burn two people. Although the small widow Lin Xuelian and the small tailor survived, but the small tailor lost memory, Lin Xuelian again to prevent Liu JianXiong murder, anonymity to avoid other places. I do not know the story of Huang MeiEr distraught. In order to marry Huang MeiEr, Liu JianXiong, who refused to let go, and forced Huang MeiEr to marry Huang MeiEr, was forced onto the path to prepare himself for the enemy. Wu YuSheng gradually appreciated her loving woman while appreciating Huang MeiEr's help. Regardless of his family's objections, he planned to divorce his wife, who had never been in the same room, and marry Huang MeiEr. That Huang MeiEr married Wu YuSheng. Liu JianXiong hate teeth. Think Wu YuSheng and Liu everywhere, provoked a larger storm Anqing city. Chrysanthemum Huang MeiEr married Wu YuSheng, when the aunt wife completely did not expect, because of love into hate, by the Liu family became the accomplice framed sister. At the occasion of the fighting in Anqing city, Song Jiaoren was assassinated.Wu YuSheng was arrested for imprisonment because of an investigation of the dark thorn in Song dynasty. Liu family retaliation took the opportunity to set him to death. Huang MeiEr ran around rescue husband, precisely at this time she learned of her own life experience. Wu YuSheng, persevering in the struggle persistently in jail, finally found the murderer who killed Mr. Song Jiaoren and exposed the assassination attempt by Yuan Shikai. After the victory of the revolution, Wu YuSheng took great pains and printed it off. Huang MeiEr followed the wandering horizon, an uppercase essay and a place for singing. Finally, Huangmei Opera flourished.

The Drive of Life (TV)[2007]




Control by Zhen Guan (TV)[2006]

Feature: Tang Emperor Taizong In 620 AD, Tang Takenori three years in July, the second son of the founding emperor Li Yuan of the Tang Dynasty - Qin Wang Li ShiMin east Luoyang implied. Luoyang is the former capital of the Sui Dynasty and has a pivotal significance in all aspects of politics, military affairs and economy. The battle of Luoyang became the most important battle of the unified Central Plains in the Tang Dynasty. After months of siege by Li ShiMin's army, Luoyang's Wang ShiChong, the leader of Luoyang, had no power to confront the Tang army. Instead, his hope was pinpointed on the rescue. Dou JianDe of Hebei led hundreds of thousands of mighty troops to the mighty Luoyang to solve the vicinities of Luoyang. Li ShiMin brother Wang Qi Li YuanJi stay camp, personally personally armed with Dou JianDe's army. Taking full advantage of the terrain, Li ShiMin defeated Dou JianDe's army with thousands of people and captured Dou JianDe himself. Wang ShiChong see the trend has gone, had to surrender Kaesong. Li ShiMin beat Datang's two most powerful enemies in one fell swoop, credit spread throughout the world. In recognition of Li ShiMin's achievements, Li Yuan sealed him as a chief strategist and granted all his privileges, almost as much as Prince Edward. Ma Yue Tang Taizong Li ShiMin Li ShiMin sharp expansion of power caused Li YuanJi's hatred, but also to Prince Li JianCheng uneasy. Li YuanJi is growing greedy of power and status. He is seemingly reckless, but in fact has designed a huge conspiracy. He decided to unite the prince with his brother Li ShiMin, and then regain the throne from the prince. Li YuanJi use Li JianCheng Li ShiMin suspicion, took the opportunity to sow discord. Li JianCheng and Li YuanJi while suppressing the surface of Li ShiMin, while secretly develop their own power. Conspiracy brewed step by step, eventually Li YuanJi developed a complete concrete plan of action to get rid of Li ShiMin. The news reached Li ShiMin ears, Li ShiMin consulted with the advisers decided to pre-empt. The next morning, Li ShiMin occupied the Xuanwu Gate, cutting off the ties between Li JianCheng, Li YuanJi and the troops outside the city. Then a bloody fight began. In the fight, Li ShiMin personally killed his two brothers. This is the history of the famous Xuanwumen change. Interior Scene Li ShiMin became a prince, mastered the political power. Instead of wiping out the remnants of Li JianCheng and Li YuanJi, he instead received some competent personnel, including Wei Zheng, a consultant who is known for his steadiness. From then on, Li ShiMin could not escape the fate of being personally reproached by Wei Zheng. In order to show his determination to reconcile the world, Li ShiMin not only ordered not to trace Li JianCheng and Li YuanJi's remaining party, but also sent Wei Zheng to work as an envoy to Hebei to convey his own meaning. AD 626, Takenori nine years, eighth day of August, Li Yuan Biography Datang emperor Li ShiMin is located in Prince Edward, he became too King. On August 28, Takenori, August 8, the Turkic Turkestan took advantage of the political instability in the Tang Dynasty to infiltrate the Central Plains and arrived at the Wei-Kwan River off Kwan-ch'in into Chang'an. Li ShiMin clear heart, with the strength of the Tang, still can not confrontation with the Turks, simply wanton commissar, tribute to Turkmenistan, in exchange for peace and the Central Plains. After Li ShiMin ascended the throne, he deeply felt the huge gap between governing the world and defeating the world.He revised his reign to replace the original "Takenori" with "Zhenguan" on behalf of tolerance and kindness and formally started an era in which more than 20 years later been called "the rule of Zhenguan". In order to launch the New Deal, Li ShiMin began to clear some of the great obstacles on his way to governing the country. One of them is the king of various names. When the imperial crown was too busy Li Yuan to win over the world, to all walks of life casually add cadres Jin Jue. Although some of them are merit-based ones, they also dominate one side and occupy a large amount of land resources. They also receive huge salaries every year. Taizong and Wen ChengGongZhu Li ShiMin have not yet announced the idea of ​​cutting the king, which has aroused great repercussions in both the government and the public. The reduction of the king of seals has affected the direct interests of many princely and nobility. The Yasukuni Wang Li Xiao Chang, in conjunction with some other opponents, intends to use force to intimidate Li Shi Min in the name of Qing Jun. Li ShiMin has long mastered their movements, neatly crushed their conspiracy and, with their dignity, has deterred the DPRK middle officials. Guanzhong drought. Li ShiMin to move God, negative Jing pray rain. But Li ShiMin's sincerity did not ease the drought. Li ShiMin helplessly, can only release the switch, allowing people affected by the earthquake to go begging for a living. Xuan Zang also started his journey in the Western Regions with the removal of the victims' team. After several years of construction, Datang dynasty's national strength has accumulated a certain amount of strength. In order to solve the border issue, Li ShiMin decided to conquer the Turks. Zhenguan three years August 19, Li ShiMin life department Li Shang as marching officer, conquest Turks. At this time there was a serious dispute in the Turks, the two Khan conflicts. After a moment's impact on Li Jing's army, the Turkic Army collapsed. Shaohua Ma decorated Zhang SunWuJi pacified the Turks, Northwest around more than 20 countries have come to celebrate. At the suggestion of Gaochang Wang, Li ShiMin was hailed as "Khan" by various countries. For a time, from the Central Plains to the Western Regions of various commercial and diplomatic channels have opened, Chang became a veritable cosmopolitan city. With the growing national strength, Li ShiMin's eyes had to start to invest in the future. A thorny issue was before him - who to choose as successor. Prince Li ChengQian although eldest son and ability to trust, but do not want to study, eccentric, indulge in color all day long. The second son, Li Tai, is a very motivated man who has been favored by Li ShiMin in all aspects under the help of some capable people. The DPRK Ministers also made their own choices, some supporting Li ChengQian and others supporting Li Tai. Only Zhang SunWuJi fancy Li Zhi weak and loyal, and gave Li Zhi great help. Wu CaiRen, deeply loved by Li ShiMin - that is, later Empress Wu Zetian and Li Zhi have an extraordinary relationship. She told Li Zhi that while Li ChengQian and Li Tai are both strong, they may form a clash of claws and claws, and by that time they will only have to reap the benefits of fishing. Li ChengQian more and more feel the pressure from Li ShiMin and Li Tai. Eventually, under the persecution of the situation and the instigation of all, Li ChengQian decided to kill the emperor and his brother. Li ChengQian's naive plan was smashed before it started. Li ShiMin unwilling to kill relatives, they will Li ChengQian exile.With the efforts of Zhang Sun Wuji and Wu CaiRen, Li ShiMin did not establish Li Tai as the prince, but instead set Li Zhi as the prince. After a dozen years of trekking, Xuan Zang got back to Chang'an. With Li ShiMin's support, Xuan Zang opened the first largest foreign cultural project in Chinese history in Hongfu Temple. North desert insurgency, Li ShiMin Yu driving pro levy. However, the harsh climate makes the Tang army always suffer heavy losses. Li ShiMin also fell from this failed war. Li ShiMin's body has not allowed him to continue to preside over the government. He entrusted Li Zhi with government affairs. Imagine yourself after leaving life, Li Zhi to take full responsibility, still do not worry. He entrusted Li Zhi to Zhang SunWuJi, asking him to help the future new emperor. Fang XuanLing, Li Jing and other veterans have died, leaving Li ShiMin alone spent the last time. In 649 AD, Zheng Guan twenty-three years, May 26, the second generation of emperor Taizong Li ShiMin died. After that, is the prosperity of Datang.

High Latitude Quiver (TV)[2006]

Feature: Stills Provincial Public Security Department reconnaissance hero Lao DongLin (Li Xuejian ornaments) has nominally resigned, actually sent to Tory Reagan on the "11.12 deputy mayor murder case" for a secret investigation. Provincial Public Security Bureau individual leaders unknown truth, sent Shao ZhangShui (Zhifei Wang ornaments) to discourage. Vice Mayor Zhu Lei (Baojun Niu ornaments) committed suicide in the detention center, the explanation materials left behind missing, and Sheng Tang Group CEOs Rao ShangDou (Li Qiang ornaments) are also concerned about Zhu Lei's problems in an attempt to get Zhu Lei's account of materials to cover up his "over." Lao DongLin investigation gradually clear, but died in a mysterious car accident. Shao ZhangShui's mission turned into a tracing of Lao DongLin's death cause, while Shao ZhangShui encountered a series of strange things during his exploration: Lao DongLin was stolen, the thief turned out to be his leader, and the task force was almost withdrawn. The safe was blown up and the investigation fell into heavy fog. With the support of the leadership of the Provincial Public Security Bureau, Shao ZhangShui overcome numerous difficulties and ascertain the truth, bringing to justice Rao ShangDou, the murderer behind the scenes.

SuddenLover (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Handsome and honest appearance Xiao Xie was a cotton textile factory technician, laid off in a cabaret as Bao An, this day, he came to work as usual, but found the door close to the seal, parked outside a few police cars, there is a Xiao Xie, who had been killed by three escorters, lost his job and forced her to take a rental job for her livelihood. Middle-aged Lao Mo, a neighbor of Xiao Xie across the wall, used to work in the same factory. Now he is in the mobile phone business, bringing the girl Liu Ba who has just met in the shop home, See, anxious Lao Mo Liu Ba hidden in Xiao Xie home. Beautiful, outgoing Liu Ba Xiao love at first sight, regardless of Xiao Xie has a girlfriend, step by step catch. Liu Ba and his girlfriend, who are doing nothing, dance to the disco and are bullied by several rogues. Thanks to Xiao Xie, Liu has been rescued and Xiao Xie has been stabbed. Liu Ba takes care of Xiao Xie carefully, and Xiao Xie is deeply moved by her enthusiasm. In celebration of the night of Xiao Xie's birthday, Liu Ba boldly showed her feelings toward Xiao Xie. Honest Xiao Xie gently rejected this eighteen-year-old yet wayward girl. Liu Ba drunk drunk, alone wandering the streets, muddleheaded to kill the fugitive Li XiaoDong's car. Lao Mo finally got married with Fen Jie. At this moment, she was released from prison with her ex-husband Fen Jie, who found Fen Jie. Lao Mo could not bear to let his beloved woman suffer and quietly leave. As a parole condition, K sent a page to lead Li XiaoDong lead, K and Li XiaoDong is the birth and death, so the cunning Li XiaoDong rushed to the square without any preparation. At the other corner of the square, Liu Ba waits for a handful of white balloons at Roller's Hand awaiting Xiao Xie, for the day is her 18th birthday and the two have a beautiful agreement. An inevitable gun battle took place. Liu Ba, worried about Xiao Xie's safety, flew through the rollerblades with gunshots. A bullet shot and directed Liu Ba. A white balloon slowly rose to the sky.

mission (TV)[2005]

Feature: "Mission" tells of a province, Shimizu, late at night, a gang of criminals crazy smashed vehicles of individual drivers, and then go away. In the face of gangsters provocation, the victim's questioning, the police station seemed helpless, inaction. Lin Yin, a young police officer, was appointed as the new police chief of the city of Qingshui. Lin Yin takes the mission and takes the job. On his way to office, he witnessed a group of villains beating individual drivers. After a fight, Lin Yin seized the three brawlers who were fiercer and another ran away. Lin Yin ordered the three criminals to be severely punished and the runners were chased and the first gun was started. However, the ambiguous attitude of deputy director Niu Ming and the dispatching of director Zhao TieJun to run out of gangsters undoubtedly gave him a disappointment. In this chaos, Lin Yin met with his party to meet the political commissar, Zhou, deputy director and deputy director Li and others. Soon, one night, the municipal party secretary and other leading office stolen, on duty were killed, thieves escape. Fang Shuji temper, accused the Public Security Bureau of negligence. Lin Yin set a military order, said the case within a month, if not broken, resign on the spot. He DaLai suddenly came to Shimizu, who instructed Zheng GuangJun, chairman of the Municipal People's Congress and Guanghua Company, to present Lin Yin at the most luxurious "Dynasty Restaurant". During the banquet, Tao SuSu, the restaurant's manager, felt sorry for Lin Yin's solitary singing voice and became interested in her origins. Qin ZhiJian misunderstood Lin Yin's contacts with He DaLai and Zheng GuangJun et al., And Lin Yin resigned. Lin Yin was very surprised and persisted in his stay. Qin ZhiJian gave a complete account of his investigation into a group of Zheng GuangJun. Lin Yin finally realized the source of the dark forces in the water. From then on, Lin Yin relied on the honest police officers represented by Qin ZhiJian and Gao Xiang. With the support of Deputy Secretary Chen, Mayor Hung, and political commissar of party committee and other people, Lin Yin and internal forces of the evil forces and public security forces led by Zheng GuangJun Corrupt elements launched a desperate struggle. While Lin Yin was having a hard time worrying about his work budget, Hao Zheng, deputy director of the bureau's office, suddenly found Lin Yin saying that Municipal Junta Guan JuZhang was able to get money from the Public Security Bureau through a chief of the Provincial Department of Finance. The condition made by the Commissioner was that Lin Yin would allow his friend to come to Clearwater to open the casino, and Lin Yin furiously refused. However, the Director's remark told Lin Yin that there is a big casino in Clear Water, which is the Dynasty Hotel run by Zheng GuangJun. Lin Yin has long wanted to knock it out. Now there is one more reason to solve the funding problem by confiscating gambling money and fines. Lin Yin developed a well-conceived action code-named "Thunderstorm Operation." "Thunderstorm Action" had a great response. He DaLai and Secretary Wan all interfered in the "Thunderstorm Operation," and Lin Yin, the vice mayor of Chen, learned that Tao SuSu is the secretary of the million. Repeatedly attacked Zheng GuangJun and others summon the last bit of courage, collude with corrupt elements and launch a counterattack against Lin Yin. Under their false accusations, the joint investigation team of the District Politics and Law Committee and Discipline Inspection Commission came to Shimizu to investigate the issue of Shimizu Public Security Bureau, which is Lin Yin's problem. Investigation team found nothing, soon withdrawn. The attitude of the prefectural committees makes a group of Zheng GuangJun know what to do. He went to the provincial capital invited Provincial People's Congress Zhao FuZhuRen.Shortly afterward, there were rumors that the prefectural committee was ready to mobilize the leadership of the Public Security Bureau of Qingshui County, and Lin Yin accelerated the pace of work. Qin ZhiJian led Huang JianQiang and Gao Xiang secretly boarded the train south to Guangzhou to arrest He Gang and the two men. In Guangzhou, the two armed forces opened fire on their prisoners and sacrificed Huang JianQiang. The Second Army and He Gang fleeing in disarray, but their two accomplices, Xue Huai Li and Li DaXing, have been arrested. They have admitted the criminal act of embezzling and framing Xu ZiMin and have said that Niu Ming was involved in creating the wrong case of Xu Zimin. Shen Yong, a prisoner who has served his sentence in prison, suddenly needs to see Lin Yin, Lin Yin and the party committee go to jail overnight to ask Shen Yong. Shen Yong said that in the case of the municipal building, he concealed a lot of facts: 100,000 in cash alone at the office of 10,000 secretary, several passbooks in total, more than 3 million in sum, and several cases However, he said that he did not say anything during the interrogation because Niu Ming let him do so. Lin Yin and Fang Zhengwei heard stunned, almost hard to believe. On the eve of New Year's Eve, the Public Security Bureau held a luncheon group solicitation. Lin Yin delivered a speech, thanked police officers and said goodbye to everyone and hoped everyone took care of it. However, a decisive battle quietly started. The convoy escorted by Lin Yin and his counterparts was intercepted by criminals such as He Gang. In a fierce gun battles, Gao Xiang was seriously wounded, still using his body to suppress He Gang. Two military run to the accomplices, but was shot dead. Gao Xiang sacrifices in the arms of Lin Yin. After Tao Susu's death, a diary was found among her remains, recording every evil thing she knew about Zheng GuangJun and the relationship, time and place of Zheng GuangJun's work with the secretary of the million people. It was clear. 000 secretary was "double regulation", reluctantly left the water. In the meantime, Niu Ming was invited by the district procuratorate law discipline and never came back. The prefectural committee decided that Lin Yin should continue to serve as director of the Qingshui Public Security Bureau and concurrently serve as deputy director of the Baishan District Public Security Bureau. Director Gu once again sent Lin Yin to Shimizu. On the mountain road leading to Shimizu, they ride jeeps and drive fast to the distance.

The dealer (TV)[2004]

Feature: Yue Jianfeng graduated from Guangdong Yuexing Securities Co., Ltd. and was attracted by many industries and wealthy motivators and seated posters in the drama Zuozhuang posting with many advantages and opportunities. When Xue ShuYu was promoted to the general manager, he became a "trader ", Embarked on a new era of financial" gamble ", the heart of the rivers and lakes of pleasure. The leadership, mentor, lover, lover, friend, partner and even the enemy's position of non-stop conversion; repeatedly hit by the hiding of the material change: Xue ShuYu, letting his wife misappropriated public funds was sentenced to death, forcing close friends, sell pornographic, framed colleagues , Playing the law rubbing the ball, eventually becoming the company's general manager. Then crazy design a perfect match of the gamble, the amount of the ancient alarming.

Luliang Heroes Biography (TV)[2004]

Feature: In the spring of 1942, the Japanese army launched a frenzied "mopping-up" campaign against my Jinsui anti-Japanese base area. The Eighth Route Army voluntarily retreated to the Lvliang Mountain area in order to concentrate its troops and fight back against "mopping up" forces. Lvliang people's war of resistance against Japan entered the most difficult period. Kangjiazhai, a village located in Luliang Mountain. After the Eighth Route Army withdrew, the situation in the village became turbulent and unpredictable. Kang XiXue, an old rich man, is glad that the time has come to fight the counter-offensive and conspire to reclaim the money lost in the fight for rent and interest, in an attempt to regain his power in the village. Kang ShunFeng, a farmer's cadre, saw the helm and willing Kang XiXue to work errands. Lei ShiZhu, a young communist and peasant association cadres, led party members Kang MingLi and Meng Er Leng to stand up and determined to expose Kang XiXue's conspiracy. Japanese captain Quan Yang led the assault Kangjiazhai, burning and looting. Liu Er villagers reported to the wife of hate, ax split Japanese. Quan Yang was furious, ordered soldiers from the machine gun, aimed at the villagers. Wang HuaiDang, a translator, offered to Quan Yang some of the villagers as hostages to the Han Shan town. Quan Yang, Wang HuaiDang With hostage threatening, Kang ShunFeng and Kang XiXue were bought, and a maintenance meeting was forcibly established in Kangjiazhai. Wu DeMin, the captain of the anti-Japanese war zone, dispatched a martial art commander to disguise himself into Kangjiazhai and called Lei ShiZhu et al. To convey the party's instructions. Lei ShiZhu had the idea in his heart, and led the anti-Japanese people in the village secretly and secretly dealing with the Japanese invaders, traitors, start life and death contest. Maintaining the will of the president, Kang Shun-Feng, upholds the will of the Japanese masters, urging the Japanese army for the military grain in the village and forcing the villagers to build fortifications for the Japanese army. Lei ShiZhu et al. Figured out ways to hand over Japanese food to swallowed food on time. On the construction site, they soft-scalped the foam so that the work could not be completed and the trap was set up so that Wang HuaiDang and Kang XiXue, Kang ShunFeng and other traitors ate the pet dog Quan Yang transferred to the supervisor but did not dare Sound Zhang. The incident in Kangjiazhai angered Quan Yang, sending troops of Qiu Deji, the chief of the Imperial Association, led troops into Kangjiazhai and determined to remove the anti-Japanese forces in the village. Qiu De Shi Zhiqi, arrogant domineering, as soon as the village will Kang ShunFeng, Kang XiXue scold a bloody head, nor put Wang HuaiDang in the eyes. Wang HuaiDang quite dissatisfied, heart resentment. Wu DeMin, who is in the village, is tailed by Wang HuaiDang and Lei ShiZhu covers him out of danger. Wang HuaiDang and Qiu Deshi accused each other of this, staged a dog bite farce. Qiu De-Shi band men in the village rampage, looting property. He broke into the villager Er XianSheng home, took a fancy to Mei Ying, daughter of Er XianSheng, and married his wife. He asked Kang ShunFeng and Kang XiXue to act as their cousins, but was severely rejected by Er XianSheng and Mei Ying. Qiu De Shi angry, abducted Er XianSheng, to force Mei Ying on the range. In a critical moment, Lei ShiZhu led Kang MingLi, Meng Er Leng and others trying to save. They crushed his sweet dream on the path of Qiu Deshi's marriage. Again, the defeat led Quan Yang and Wang HuaiDang to set up an intelligence organization in Kangjiazhai. They appointed Kang XiXue's son, the smoker Konka Bi, as intelligence chief and Wang ChouZi and other ruffian members. By doing so, they took advantage of bullying and extortion in the village, and the masses hated them. Wang ChouZi inadvertently discovered the true identity of Wu DeMin, he was ecstatic, to report to the Japanese reward.Lei ShiZhu plan to count, the use of Quan Yang hand to get rid of the traitor. Several Japanese troops broke into Kangjiazhai and ordered Kang ShunFeng to cooperate with their strongwoman. Meng Erlengqi blocked, angry kill the Japanese invaders, but was held by the traitors seized. Wu DeMin led the armed forces team arrived, rescued Meng Erleng, seized the opportunity to destroy the maintenance will be Kang ShunFeng traitor arrest and punishment. In the cheers of the villagers, Kang Jiasi's anti-Japanese militia was formally established and Lei ShiZhu was chosen as the militia's captain. Kang Jiazhai militia become a big trouble for Quan Yang, will be the addition of fast. He ordered Wang HuaiDang to step up the militia that destroyed Kang Jiazhai. Wang HuaiDang racked his brains to send traitor Wu YouCai to Kang Jiazhai to visit his daughter, to collude with Kang XiXue, to spy on militia intelligence and to opportunistically kill Lei ShiZhu. Lei ShiZhu almost in the calculation. Kang XiXue supported his own young chief Kang YouFu in militia, and then instructed Er Erxi to seize Kang YouFu, keeping him in his hands, forcing him to provide militia intelligence and undermine the liaison signals between his militia and his neighboring militia. Quan Yang and Wang HuaiDang conspired to make use of the advent of the Spring Festival and the militiamen might slacken their assault on Kangjiazhai. Wang HuaiDang proudly told Quan Yang that he had already arranged it. On the eve of New Year's Eve, Lei ShiZhu told the militia that it would have been impossible, but the militiaman who had stood guard had slept after Kang XiXue drank Kang Youxu's wines. Quan Yang, Wang Huai-Dang and Qiu De-Shih led the puppet army to surrender on the day. They were bypassing the militia's lookout and heading toward Kangjiazhai under the help of Kang Shun-Feng. Crazy Quan Yang killed Er XianSheng and Mei Ying daughter and captured militia Wu ErWa. Wu ErWa Hold the enemy cliff, heroic sacrifice. Lei ShiZhu, Kang MingLi and other militia deeply guilty of their own mistakes, leaving sad tears. In order to crush the enemy, Lei ShiZhu decided to take the initiative and went deep into the Japanese military bases to scout the enemy. They caught Wang HuaiDang. According to intelligence provided by Wang HuaiDang, the militia took a decisive attack and took away the enemy's food and military supplies. Quan Yang desperately desperately desperately attacked the militia with Kang XiXue and Kang ShunFeng making fake intelligence and inflicting heavy losses on the militia. Meng Erleng, Kang YouFu and other militia captured, tortured, Zhang YouYi bravely sacrificed. Lei ShiZhu through the anti-puppet troops, development inside, grasp intelligence, intercept prisoners, save Meng Er Leng et al. Kang YouFu repent enlightened and expose the evil of Kang XiXue and Kang ShunFeng. Kang XiXue knew crime was exposed, with Kang Jiabi panic to escape into the Japanese stronghold. Kang ShunFeng was captured by the militia. Kang YouFu broke into Han Shan Town alone and killed Kang XiXue, leaving it to the Japanese army. Lei ShiZhu, Wu DeMin While taking advantage of the empty Japanese troops, they went straight to Qiu Deji 's camp and moved them with emotion and reason to promote Qiu Dezheng' s uprising and killing. As the news of Quan Yang hurried back, it plunged into encirclement and surrendered. Luliang militia won the final victory over the Japanese invaders and traitors. "Luliang Heroes" horizontal version of the poster

跨国追逃 (TV)[2003]


跨国追逃宣传照《跨国追逃》是一部以检察系统反贪惩腐为主题的具有纪实风格的电视连续剧。《跨国追逃》缘于李景田的获奖报告文学《未扶正的反贪局长》,为基本原型精心创造而成。青年检察官 Li YaNing (先为大案组组长后为反贪副局长)在侦查香港投资商叶宗宪的走私、行贿案件时,发现他代表公司支出了数额巨大的“事业拓展费”,实为行贿专用资金。在侦查过程中,他屡屡受到强力干扰和阻挠。在检察长龚育新的巧妙支持帮助下,他渐渐弄清了叶宗宪背后隐藏着一张巨大的腐败关系网络,发现市公路局局长 Lu JianWei (后为省公路局副局长)是腐败行为的根源和核心人物。但 Lu JianWei 是省市经济发展的有功之臣、政治明星,蒙蔽了一些重要的省市领导,故使侦破工作开展步履维艰。 Li YaNing 咬定行贿案不放松,先遭诬陷强奸当事人,又险被谋杀,但他审时度势,曲折迂回,终于从枝枝蔓蔓、扑朔迷离的线索中发现了隐藏极深的 Chen JianJi - Lu JianWei 的同胞弟弟,一切贪贿、谋杀、诈骗行为的直接行使者,使侦查有了突破性进展。正当他们准备逮捕 Chen JianJi 之际,渗透到检察院的腐败分子泄密,使 Chen JianJi 潜逃到东南亚政局混乱的国度,无法获得该国的合法缉捕支持。因为一切犯罪行为的证据尽落 Chen JianJi 一人身上,冒险跨境追捕,成为当务之急。在经费有限、生命安全毫无保障的情况下, Li YaNing 和战友 Liu YangChun 以平民身份出境,同受当地黑社会保护的 Chen JianJi 展开了搏斗,历尽艰险,终于将他捉拿归案。


Founding leader Mao ZeDong (Movie)[1999]

Feature: For the first time on the screen, this drama shows the first generation of leading collectives with Mao Ze Dong at the center as the center for creating an epic chapter of New China and building a new China. Through a series of historical events such as visiting the Plenary Session of the 7th Central Committee of the Party, winning the victory of the entire nation, triumphing the course of the 5th round and peacefully liberating Tibet, Xinjiang, Mao ZeDong and the war on aiding the United States and aid the DPRK, the drama vividly demonstrated Mao Zedong's magnum opus Great style, as well as the first generation of founding fathers great achievements.

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