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Yongdai Ding TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yongdai Ding Works 51 ,And Feature 14 ,Urban drama 9 ,War 7 ,Romance 6 ,Suspense 6 ,Action 6 ,Year 4 ,Motivational film 4 ,Historical play 4 ,Crime 4 ,Love 4 ,Modern opera 3 ,Costume Drama 3 ,Spy war 3 ,Family drama 3 ,警匪2 ,Comedy 2 ,Workplace film 1 ,剿匪1 ,Contemporary 1 ,现实1 ,Settle a lawsuit 1 ,公路1 ,legend 1 ,Modern 1 ,Revolution 1 ,Military 1 ,近代革命题材1 ,年代传奇1 ,民生1 ,抗战1 ,婚恋家庭1 ,怀旧1 ,婆媳大战1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,医疗1 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Resistance against Japanese aggression 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Child 1 。

Works Index

Yongdai Ding Filmography(51)


狼殿下 (TV)[2020]


《狼殿下》讲述了唐朝末年,梁王 Zhu Wen 篡位称帝,建立后梁。后梁奎州城主马瑛之女 Ma ZhaiXing ( Qin Li 饰),结识了自小生长于山林间的野少狼殿下年( Darren Wang 饰)。不谙世事的野少年为救幼狼遭到追杀,失足坠崖,被 Zhu Wen 收为义子,封为渤王。十年后,渤王偶遇并救了摘星。他心动于摘星的聪慧与勇敢,摘星也发现,出身草根的渤王虽然已经身居高位却依然保有着天性中的善良和正义感。在摘星的感化和支持下,渤王反对苛政、扶助百姓、匡扶正义、阻止兄弟相争,在这个过程中两人的感情也在不断加深。虽然此后也有过争执和误会,但是二人始终怀揣良善之心,坦诚相待,不离不弃。在历经重重磨难和考验之后,渤王和摘星秉持善良和正义战胜了各种危机与挑战,最终也收获了属于自己的幸福 。

我是 yu huanshui (TV)[2020]


Yu HuanShui 是公司里业绩最差的员工,退让隐忍、得过且过是他的生存法则,直到嫌他窝囊的妻子提出离婚, Yu HuanShui 仍未做出改变。某日借酒浇愁后, Yu HuanShui 身体不适查出癌症,万念俱灰的他破罐子破摔,性情大变,还在阴差阳错之下,成了见义勇为的英雄,到达人生巅峰。但阴差阳错的命运仍在继续,危机和挑战接踵而至,直到 Yu HuanShui 找到真正的尊严与幸福 。

安家 (TV)[2020]


房似锦年纪轻轻已经是安家天下中介公司的金字招牌,她在上司翟云霄的授意之下,空降静宜门店担任双店长。门店原生店长徐文昌是个“高贵的人”,他推崇“人性流”管理方式,也不屑对付手段卑鄙的对手。到任后房似锦施展雷霆手段坚壁清野,对外辣手反击,对内冷血整肃。虽然在房似锦的铁血管理下众人苦不堪言,但是业绩的提升的确振奋了门店士气。房似锦的管理方式和处事之道与徐文昌截然相反,而业务员们也在两位“神仙”的较劲中左右为难。身为房产中介的他们不仅要帮助客户买房卖房租房,还时常被裹挟着卷入他们的人生,见证他们生活中的歌舞升平与一地鸡毛 。


天衣无缝 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《天衣无缝》又名《猎谍者》剧情介绍:讲述了1931年春天,中共中央在上海、广东大浦、哈尔滨等城市建立了红色交通站,交通站直属中央交通局。红色特工“烟缸”与“青瓷”一组人马试图在西欧建立一条地下新航线,建立秘密仓库,护送中共中央重要物资及护送地下党重要情报人员抵达目的地。“巴黎”临时红色交通站遭到叛徒出卖,“烟缸” Gui Wan 牺牲,小组成员一一被设计清换。 Gui Wan 同父异母的弟弟 Zi LiPing 精心策划了一个复仇大计,设局引其兄 Gui Yi 入局,借 Gui Yi 之力破解谜团,真正的“叛谍”浮出水面,兄弟同心铲除叛徒,重建红色交通站。生死迷局一旦揭晓,石破天惊 。

锦衣之下 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《锦衣之下》剧情介绍:讲述了天赋异禀的六扇门女捕快 Yuan JinXia ( Tan Songyun 饰)因为一桩案件和性情狠辣的锦衣卫 Lu Yi ( Jia Lun Ren 饰)结下梁子,今夏本以为此生与他再无交集,奈何冤家路窄。朝廷十万两修河款不翼而飞,今夏奉命协助 Lu Yi 一起下扬州查案,替朝廷找回丢失的官银。本是道不同不相为谋,却因惊天密案联手。两人从势同水火到刮目相看再到情难自已,命运的齿轮从此旋转在一起。然而事与愿违,今夏竟是当年夏言案的遗孤,背负家族血仇的她与 Lu Yi 之间横生了无法跨越的鸿沟。最后,两个有情人历经苦难,为救百姓、抗倭寇、锄奸佞,放下家族仇怨,联手对敌,冲破世俗枷锁,勇敢地走到了一起 。

山月不知心底事 (TV)[2019]


《山月不知心底事》讲述了20世纪90年代, Xiang Yuan ( Victoria Song 饰)接受叶家资助,从婺源考入上海读大学,聪明的 Xiang Yuan 从学校到职场不断成长,经济终于独立。 Xiang Yuan 爱叶家大儿子 Ye QianZe ( Oho Ou 饰),二儿子 Ye Yun 却喜欢 Xiang Yuan 。 Ye QianZe 和叶家收养的女孩林灵有情愫,但最终叶、向二人结婚。婚后两人因价值观产生冲突,而林灵的去世更是让 Ye QianZe 受折磨,为了 Ye QianZe 精神稳定, Xiang Yuan 接受离婚。后 Ye QianZe 被绑架,和绑匪都在沉船事故中身亡。四年后, Xiang Yuan 带领江源成为上海最好的地产公司, Xiang Yuan 成为知名女企业家, Ye Yun 敞开对 Xiang Yuan 的爱,但 Xiang Yuan 心理上没有办法接受他。 Xiang Yuan 当年和绑匪的对话录音落到人手, Xiang Yuan 愤怒中说出来话,对 Xiang Yuan 和江源的名誉有毁灭性打击, Ye Yun 用生命保护 Xiang Yuan ,勒索犯落网, Xiang Yuan 在病床边,用爱等待 Ye Yun 醒来。

一场遇见爱情的旅行 (TV)[2019]


《一场遇见爱情的旅行》讲述了当代都市上海,普通白领 Li XinYue 以千万重金拍下大画家 Chu HongFei 的画作《宝贝》,这个奇怪的行为引起了警方的注意,被卧底警察 Jin XiaoTian 像影子一样追踪。俩人阴错阳差地一起上了 Chu HongFei 之子 Chu ZhiHan 的创业项目直播旅行房车,开往心月想念又害怕的故乡香格里拉。在风景如画的旅途中, Li XinYue 与一直保护她的 Jin XiaoTian 互生好感,但 Jin XiaoTian 碍于卧底的身份一直不能表白。为保护画作《宝贝》的真迹,心月被贩毒集团绑架, Jin XiaoTian 只身营救,在生死的考验下, Jin XiaoTian 终于向心月表明心迹,两人立誓同生共死。当贩毒集团与 Chu HongFei 联合导演的所有丑恶在香格里拉的阳光下曝光后,心月为画家父亲讨回了公道。而小天也圆满完成了任务,成长为一名优秀的人民警察。


Pentium years (TV)[2018]


The TV series "pentium years" tells the story of the late 1970s, in the wave of reform and opening up, educated youth Zhou XiaoQiang (Calvin Li) with Liu LiXia (Ruth) the story of hard and pioneering work profoundly shows the valuable spirit of Chinese private entrepreneurs who dare to do, struggle and innovate under the background of the big era, which is full of the characteristics of The Times. Pentium years strives to depict the characters' characters, each of which is deeply rooted in the soil of The Times and presents its uniqueness. In this painting scroll of the era, there is Zhou XiaoQiang, who is full of passion and perseverance and with the temperament of "doubi". Liu LiXia, who looks like xue baochai and feels like Lin daiyu, is helping her husband reform. Zhou Fu, who seems to be bossy and old-fashioned, has great love in his heart and firmly supports his son's adventure. Lu yongnian, a reform cadre with a surface as still as water and a heart as turbulent as storm, does not take individual "black gauze cap" as the meaning. A villain who has experienced pain but is more proud and competitive Xiao Xiong ; There is a contradictory figure who once abandoned his wife and son, finally sacrificed his ego and stuck to the bottom line. There is spoony pure love but the fate of the tragic "princess" Liu LiQiu ...... The struggles, struggles and antagonisms of the protagonists, as well as the kinship, love and friendship between the characters, make the play reflect the unique temperament of "struggle, abuse and burning". Behind the characters' joys and sorrows, there is a deep reflection on human nature and the vicissitude of times. Performed by clothing entrepreneurs Zhou XiaoQiang career struggle as the main line, from the educated youth returned to the city to seek a way out, from business difficult to industrial upgrading, from the domestic market leader, to the final Chinese brands and Oriental culture shine on the international stage, Zhou XiaoQiang reflected in the mountains, and one thousand ways, strenuous "fighting spirit is what China's private entrepreneurs to flash. The emotional lines of the whole play are quite interesting. Among them, the emotional entanglements of Zhou XiaoQiang and sister Liu LiQiu and Liu LiXia can be said to make a lot of tears. If the relationship between Zhou XiaoQiang and Liu LiQiu is romantic and innocent, then Zhou XiaoQiang and Liu LiXia are bosom friends of career and good friends of life. Over the past 40 years, Zhou XiaoQiang's final emotional attribution is believed to have resonated with people who lived through that era. Beyond the emotional lines, the brotherly love between Zhou XiaoQiang and Xiao Xiong also caught the eye.From "brothers" to "rivals", from "cherish each other" to "draw the sword to each other", from all the way to kill each other and finally to reconciliation, it reflects the man's friendship in the form of "crossing all the waves and brothers, and laughing at the old feud". The two men also encapsulate the different fates and ultimate destinies of China's private entrepreneurs. After three years of continuous improvement and continuous polishing, the scriptwriter interviewed nearly a hundred private entrepreneurs, and based on their entrepreneurial path and inner journey, the script was authentic, vivid and emotional. During the shooting process, actors and directors often read the script again and again together, studying the characters' characters, words and behaviors, and striving for accuracy and vividness and perfection in every scene, shot and line. "The strength play" "the strength play" the ace play bone " The exquisite performance interprets the time-honored gallant Calvin Li, which changes the gentle and elegant image of the noble son of the republic of China in the eyes of the audience. The show, which spans 40 years, is also a big challenge for Calvin Li. In the preliminary preparation, Calvin Li read a lot of biographies of entrepreneurs and related film and television works, looking for the fulcrum and characteristics of characters. During the shooting, the amount of more than 1,000 scenes had inevitably encroached on the normal rest time, but he still sacrificed his sleep, insisted on repeatedly reading the script, and communicated with the scriptwriter and director over and over again about details Unconsciously, xiao qiang's humorous, optimistic and indomitable spirit is naturally presented in his performance and life. "Pentium years" also has the outstanding player such as Yongdai Ding, jing-ming Shi and so on to join in, the numerous acting sends the strength to rush the play, the actors shout joyfully, the role also more outstanding in the collision. Focus on details, tears and snowflakes flying "pentium years" on the details of the requirements can be described as extreme. The whole drama was shot in nanjing and Shanghai, using a combination of real scenes and sceneries to try to restore the features and details of the era. The scenes of southeast university, nanjing west station and Yangtze river show the unique cultural environment of nanjing, which endows the whole drama with unique age texture. Modern scenes such as Shanghai pudong and the bund give the whole drama a fully modern sense. In order to perfectly show the age of the protagonist, every main character has nearly ten styles, and each model is adjusted several times according to the character's identity, character and age changes. Some even take three days to make up. There are dozens of main characters in the play with hundreds of styles, thousands of costumes, and hundreds of groups performing in different ages. To achieve the effect, the women in the costume group have to catch up with the shooting time, and they can't help but cry In order to ensure the shooting effect of the fashion show, the crew specially hired Taiwan professional team for the overall visual design. More than 10 European and American models were recruited from all over the world for interpretation, and nearly 100 overseas models were recruited for performance. From the show clothes, site layout to the use of each shot lens, full expression of texture and ingenuity.

When the wind comes up again (TV)[2018]


In 1978, China opened a new era of reform and opening up, in 1985 entered the stage of comprehensive reform, made the "million disarmament" strategic decision, Fang BangYan, He YouLin and other outstanding military officers, transferred to enterprises, the government and other jobs. With Fang BangYan as a representative of a new generation of entrepreneurs, based on rapid development and changes of the motherland, to promote the reform of economic system reform, foreign trade, in our country to join and lead the era of economic globalization tide, after the transformation of foreign trade, price and axle, self-employment, market competition, state-owned enterprises reform, the ups and downs of international mergers and acquisitions and other legends, suffered from the trials of the international and domestic, cause family, stick to, be indomitable, surprise, to lead Chinese enterprises in the fierce international competition, make positive contribution to the national development.


Surgical Storm (TV)[2017]

Feature: The story originated in a medical incident that caused murder many years ago. A successful car accident victim died of an outbreak of drug allergy. Zhang ShuMei, the responsible nurse, was questioned on the mistake of using the wrong drug to cause the patient to die and was forced to leave his post. Zhang ShuMei, an 8-year-old son, was fined for detaining a 4-year-old sister home after he failed to believe the death of another patient caused by his mother's negligence. As a result, his sister was abducted by traffickers. Zhang ShuMei was accused of missing her daughter and "causing death due to medication errors" and gradually became suspicious and committed suicide. Her son's whereabouts in the outskirts of the city were still unknown & nbsp ;. Chinese-American surgeon Zhuang Shu (Dong Jin) came to Metro Renhe Hospital to trace the truth of the accident that happened to her mother Zhang ShuMei 30 years ago. The deceased daughter, Lu ChenXi (Bai Baihe) and chef Shaohua Ma, became the primary thoracic surgeon and was transferred to the emergency department because of repeated offenses to chief director Yang Fan (Yijun Liu). And Zhuang Shu repeatedly reinstated the superfluous Lu ChenXi back to the chest operating table. Day and night get along, Zhuang Shu's surgery to Lu ChenXi amazing, thoughtful consideration of the patient also let Lu ChenXi reflection, two gradual affection, eventually, Zhuang Shu recovered his sister, but also with the help of Lu Chenxi to restore the mother's accident The truth & nbsp ;.

Ode to Joy 2 (TV)[2017]

Feature: New Year has come, happy floor, every one of the new problems also ensued: An Di (Tamia Liu) Bao YiFan (Yang Shuo ornaments) ushered in the new possibilities of emotion, but also from the life experience and the internal package Fan ShengMei (Xin Jiang ornaments) try to start a new life, but still difficult to escape from the mud of the family, Wang BaiChuan (Luyi Zhang ornaments) everywhere rely on every pressing; Qu XiaoXiao (Wang Ziwen ornaments) and Dr. Zhao ( Kai Wang) There is still a gap between the scores and the numbers. However, the seemingly stable family relations between Qu Jia and the artist seem to be in perilous situations. Qiu YingYing (Zi Yang) is unlucky and infatuated with Ying Qin (Hao Chen Wu) ; Guan JuEr (Bridgette Qiao ornaments) encounter rock youth Xie Tong (Deng Lun ornaments) fell in love, but was fierce parents opposition & nbsp ;. Five girls in the bump each other with care before, eventually, An Di and Bao YiFan come together to face and resolve the An Di life experience and package problems; Fan ShengMei gradually face up to me, family problems can be resolved and decided with Wang BaiChuan Shared the wind and rain; Qu XiaoXiao and Dr. Zhao learn to live in harmony and successfully save the brink of collapse of family relations; Qiu YingYing impressed by the truth Ying Qin, the two entered the marriage hall; Guan JuEr determined to uphold themselves and brave pursuit of love. Five girls work together to face life sharpen, further growth & nbsp ;.

Razor Edge (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the 1930s, Jing Cha Xu CongLiang (Wen Zhang), a man of outstanding ability, tactfulness and courage but without firm belief, won Jing with excellent detective skills in the sinister internal struggle in Harbin's Jing Cha Hall On the other hand, out of his love for Guan HaiDan (Yili Ma), chief of criminal division of Jing Cha Hall, and his admiration for the Communists, Xu CongLiang helped Guan HaiDan turn every corner for many times During the operation, he and Guan HaiDan fought side by side and grew up to be a true communist. In the bloody Jing Cha Hall, Xu Cong Liang has been on the edge of the razor, from Guan HaiDan from hostility to cooperation, and then to heart and soul, eventually won the love of Guan HaiDan, also gained a firm belief & nbsp ;.

Sword across the sky (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the late 1930s, Liang Zijia, the opera troupe of the Peking opera troupe "Sheng Jia Ban" and the knight Jiang YouCai in northern China, tragically died in the midst of the clashes with his father and mentor Sheng Sheng Hao, the forerunner of the conflict. Father dying before forcing Sheng ZhongHao made poison vow not revenge, tolerate the pain with his teacher Wen LiXuan and her sister Zhen YuHuan fled to Tianjin. Several people on the way were ruined by routines, in order to cover with the door Sheng ZhongHao was arrested, fell into the Japanese labor camp, in the process Sheng ZhongHao killed traitors for revenge, and therefore missed the chance to reunite with her sister Zhen YuHuan , A deep love each other with one of the same day lover. Years later, three brothers and sisters meet each other in the field of battle, mixed feelings. Sheng ZhongHao was finally integrated into the torrent of revolution. The Longjiji Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Forces was formally reorganized into the Eighth Route Army Independence Camp. Sheng ZhongHao became commander and Wen LiXuan served as instructors. Once again, the two brothers fought side by side, eventually wiping out Wu TengXiongYi's ministry.

Snowy forest (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the winter of 1946, the Kuomintang set up a "Central Pre-war Cell" composed of puppet officials, landowners, bullies and bandits in the northeast region. These gangs of Uzbekistan continued to carry out military harassment of our army. Among them, bandits Xu DaMaBang (Weidong Qin), Zuo ShanDiao (Ni Dahong) and Ma XiShan (YongDai Ding) and others gathered in the mountains and forests, Long-term assassination and destruction, the means cruel. For a time, banditry in the northeast region caused great threats to the work and life of local people and severely damaged the achievements of the land reform. In order to clear the banditry, the leaders of the military region decided to change tactics and organized a detachment of 36 personnel. Under the leadership of chief of staff Shao JianBo (Ray Chang), Yang ZiRong (Guangjie Li), Sun DaDe (Solution Teng) and Gao Bo (Zhang late Italian) Wisdom Take Tiger Hill, encirclement large pot helmet, and these "shark sex, mahjong-style" brutal enemy wits, desperate struggle. After timeless and arduous fierce battles, the criminals were eventually wiped out and the unit made the full victory of banditry.


Feature: Lin Kai, an undercover agent of drug trafficking syndicates, gradually found Li Jianguo behind the "Double Eagle" drug trafficking syndicate and found behind-the-scenes leader "Lao Ying" in connection with Li Jian Guo, an undercover drug trafficking syndicate eight years ago. At that time, Li JianGuo's superior, eventually Lin Kai and Li JianGuo cleverly cooperate to destroy the entire drug syndicate.

Expeditionary Expedition (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Expeditionary Expedition" tells the story of 1941 With the Yunnan and Vietnam railway was cut off, the Japanese military strategy of sweeping Southeast Asia's conspicuous, half-sunken China's connection to the outside world's only blood-Burma Road is in jeopardy background, spent years at home in the Yunnan Army Duan ZhongYi ran to the front of the story. In 1941, the only access to the outside world, halfway through the sinking of China's Burma Road, was in jeopardy! Jiang Jie Shi personally interviewed Duan ZhongYi, an accomplished lieutenant general of the Yunnan Army, and entrusted allied troops with the task of military coordination to participate in the planning and coordination of the Burma war. The eldest son, Duan Li Guo, went to the forefront as a Chinese expert on the road to build the Burma-Burma Road and died with his wife, while the lord liaison officers of Duan An Guo and Shi DiWei witnessed the cruelty and decision-making of the battlefield Dispute, resolutely went to the front line and common soldiers dead and throat; the third son Duan ZhenGuo, due to misunderstanding of his father, to give up their studies to die in the heart to join the "bayonet" Rangers. After knowing that he was the adoptive son of Duan Jiazi, he went from fighting reconnaissance in Burma to blocking the war with Cuba and retreating from Savage Hill to Gaoligongshan. He became a hero of war and sacrificed his life for the country during the Great Counterattack. Arduous battles took a great deal of photographs and became loyal recordters of that war.

Huang DaNian (TV)[2017]


The drama “Huang DaNian” introduces the story: It tells us that competition in the field of international aviation and geophysics is no less than that of nuclear research, deep exploration of high-precision equipment and equipment, foreign blockade against China, and competition for talent. After the country’s high-level late-night conference, Huang DaNian, who is doing experimental work on foreign military submarines, returned to the motherland. He aspired to achieve a curve overtaking of the results of 50 years of similar projects abroad. Cheng Guo, who worked as a technician on the front line, joined the research team with a frustration and studied for a doctoral degree. After the 90th, Li SiHua took a brilliant dream and met the head teacher Huang DaNian in the “Li Siguang Experimental Class”. The development and needs of the motherland allowed Huang DaNian to swear to be a “scientific madman” and “a hard-working Huanglang”. After a collision of ideas and a team, his research eventually escaped foreign blockades and demonstrated Chinese power. Huang DaNian has fulfilled his parents' wishes and made China's project stand on top of the world. He used his own life to sing "I Love You, China."

Iron blood tea city (TV)[2017]


The plot of the TV series "tie blood tea city" tells that in the early 1950's, guangxi just liberated 20 days, the kuomintang was not willing to defeat, sent secret agent zhong yu Lin into the strategic heavy land tea city in northern guiyang. Zhong yulin in the tea city to contact the remnants of the kuomintang, the bandits in the big tea mountain, as well as hidden in the communist party secret agents, ready to attack the tea city, the delusional lighting of the tea city as a base, to command the anti-communist forces in guangxi to retake guangxi, a full-scale counterattack on the mainland. Chung yu-lin gang robbed, assassinated and mutilated innocent people in the tea city area, became a group of political bandits. Mu JianChen, an army medic in the fourth, fourth, fourth and eighth company of the fourth field army of the people's liberation army, became a scapegoat in zhong yulin's plot. As a staunch communist revolutionary fighter, Mu JianChen did not give in. In order to protect the people's safety in tea city and the fruits of the victory of the new people's regime, he risked his own safety and fought tirelessly with zhong yulin gang. Eventually, Mu JianChen, under the command of the party committee of tea city, cooperated with the PLA air force to wipe out zhong yulin, a group of political bandits at one fell swoop. .


Ode to Joy (TV)[2016]

Feature: Fan ShengMei (Xin Jiang ornaments), Guan JuEr (Bridgette Qiao ornaments) and Qiu YingYing (Zi Yang ornaments) come together from Shanghai to work in Shanghai. The three girls share an apartment with An Di (Tamia Liu) Qu XiaoXiao (Wang Ziwen), a super-rich rich girl, lives on the 22nd floor of a medium-sized district called "Ode to Joy." The five women, each with a different personality, each carrying difficulties and disappointments from work, love and family because of the neighbors' relationship and mutual acquaintance. They conceived each other to gradually accept each other and open each other's hearts. In the process, they worked together to solve each other's problems All sorts of problems and confusion in life, and witness each other in Shanghai, the magic of growth and transformation & nbsp ;.

Bandits (TV)[2016]

Feature: In the early 1950s, just a few days after the liberation of Guangxi, the Kuomintang unwilling to defeat and dispatched a spy agent Zhong Yulin into the tea plantation in the strategic area of ​​northern Guangxi. Zhong Yulin contacted the remnants of the Kuomintang in the Tea City, the ruthless bandits in the Dasan Mountain, and the secret agents lurking inside the Communist Party. They were ready to attack the tea city and delusional drama was based on the Tea City and directed Guangxi's anti-Communist forces to recapture Guangxi and comprehensively counter-offensive to the mainland. Zhong Yulin gang of criminals looted, assassinated and mutilated innocent people in the vicinity of the Tea City and became a group of out-of-band political bandits. People's Liberation Army Fourth Field Army Four hundred forty-four regiment Eight even with the military medic Mu JianChen Yinzhongyangzhong became a scapegoat in Zhong Yulin plot. As a firm revolutionary communist commander, Mu Jianchen did not give in. For the sake of the safety of the tea-tree people and for the sake of defending the victory of the newborn people's regime, Mu Jian-chen fought indomitable battles against Zhong Yuelin in spite of his own personal safety. In the end, Mu Jianchen, under the command of the tea city party committee, cooperated with the People's Liberation Army flight team to annihilate the group of political bandits Zhong Yulin.

Begonia still (TV)[2016]

Feature: According to Zhou Enlai, Zhou Enlai's niece, Zhou BingDe, "My Uncle Zhou EnLai," an adaptation of Zhou BingDe, who grew up at the prime minister's age and witnessed and heard many little-known and touching things about Zhou Enlai, including early Into the Zhongnanhai, West Flower Hall of the brothers and sisters, respect for the elderly is Zhou EnLai's family style, occupation selection criteria is to look at the needs of the country and other stories. Looking at Zhou EnLai from an ordinary perspective, Zhou EnLai saw Zhou EnLai's mission of "the rise of China" all his life. What he saw was that Zhou EnLai "spared no efforts and died" for the Chinese nation. It saw Zhou EnLai's lofty but Great "no-self" spirit; looking at Zhou EnLai from a family perspective will reveal his noble charisma. Si people passed away, Begonia still.

Home (TV)[2016]

Feature: Transformation of Beiliang shantytow in deer city is in full swing. The headmaster Zhang JiaQi demolishes the foursome makeup comic to lead Ma Qian, a grassroots cadres at Beiliang, Huang Ming, the captain of the unemotional urban management team, and Yang TianWang, a high school teacher familiar with Beiliang's local conditions. As well as Ling Shan, a second-generation girl, formed a group of resettlement teams with different backgrounds to carry out relocation work in difficult times. Experienced a series of twists and turns, the members of the group witnessed the joys and sorrows, warm and cold. Qin CuiLian, a chicken farmer who lives with her daughter, Zhao DaYe, who is in a fight with her brother for her legacy, and Zhao DaYe, her dream of becoming her four generations, are full of passion for fireworks behind every family. In the process of relocation, each member is also undergoing changes and growth: Ma Qian finally out of the feelings of coveted to find their own existence value; Ling Shan out of the burden of the rich second generation, become the backbone of the unique; Huang Ming for a long time Despised his wife discovered the bloody and arrogant husband, and Zhang JiaQi did not think that this reluctant relocation task, let him know Bei Liang again, to re-know the people living here.

Nirvana in Fire (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mei ZhangSu (Hugh ornaments) Mei ZhangSu (Hugh ornaments) far in the arena, but the name emperor. Rivers and lakes rumors: "Jiang left the Mei Lang, unicorn only, have access to the world." As the world's largest gang "Jiang Zuomeng" leader, Mei ZhangSu "Mel Lang" reputation. However, Mei Zhang Su, who has the highest status in all corners of the country, is a frail young man. Despite the treacherous grudges and bloodshed brought to us a dozen years ago, even the hidden secrets behind his lifetimes are hidden. It turned out that twelve years ago, Nan Liang Chase years, the Northern Wei Xing soldiers south, Chiyan Marshal Marshal Lin Shu expedition, the rate of 70,000 officers and men to fight the enemy, unexpectedly, seventy thousand soldiers due to misconduct buried bone Meiling. Lin Shu picked up his life from the door of hell, after the loss of pro-pro-loss, cut the pain of easy-dressing, incarnate the world's largest gang Jiang Zonghui leader. Twelve years later, Mei ZhangSu relied on the opportunity of recuperation to return to the imperial capital with a whitish coat of arms and set foot on the path of vengeance, sorrow and contempt. In the face of the engagement of Ni HuangJunZhu (Tamia Liu ornaments), the old friend Jing Wang Xiao Jingyan (Kai Wang ornaments) and all the familiar in the past, he can only quietly endure everything, in the seemingly casual, with the weak body Hands off the wave of blood stunned, assisting Ming Wang Jing Wang ascend the throne, for the seventy flames loyal soul wash snow stigma. However, due to the dynastic rule of Emperor Liangdi in his later years, the territory in the south was full of chaos. The Eastern Wei Dynasty, which stood on its own in the Northern Wei Dynasty, took the opportunity to start its army southward. In order to resolve the national crisis, Mei ZhangSu decided to arm her armor in defiance of its physical weakness. In only three months, the military led the arm and beam to calm down the northern border and set the beam at peace and stability. Mei ZhangSu at this time, also suffered a last-ditch effort, finished his life on the battlefield.

The crisis of your legend (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Crisis" stills In 1931, Japan invaded and occupied the three northeastern provinces of China. The fall of the northeast gave the people of the country a heart-felt tragedy and a frenzied anti-Japanese patriotic trend of thought was set off across the country. Ye ZongShou, a martial arts mastermind in the martial arts town of Cangzhou, Shenzhou Martial Art Museum knows Yeongju well, and hates Japan for invading China. She devoted her entire life to the anti-Japanese armed donation in Northeast China. The magical effect of Kim Chong-San has aroused the great attention of Japan's Kwantung Army. Shortly after Ye ZongShou was assassinated, his will was made public at the funeral, Ye ZongShou handed the martial art to the beloved Wei HongSheng and split the Jin Chong San prescription into two for Wei HongSheng and eldest son Ye ShanQun. The original two incompatible, each holding half of the prescription to continue the pharmaceutical, but unfortunately the efficacy is far worse. Japanese Yamamoto and Nakamura colluded with Yang ShiXuan, the police chief, in an attempt to seize the prescription. Finally, both Yeh and Wei finally unite with each other in order to hold their own Chinese medicines and conduct a just and evil battle of life and death with the Japanese. Eventually, Yamamoto killed, Nakamura and other fled, Yang ShiXuan also get due punishment.

Wild geese (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the spring of 1948, Li Mei, head of the two detection and prevention departments at the Nanjing Station of the Security Bureau, in a single operation, suffered some amnesia and forgotten his identity as a communist. CCP intelligence agents pretend to betray design to revive Li Mei's memory. Li Mei, who has resumed contact with the party organization, collaborates with the organization to complete the task and finds time to gather Gao Feng, tactical instructor at the Army University. Hu YiFu, head of the Nanjing Bureau of the Security Bureau, has been secretly monitoring Li Mei and Li Mei for several times. During her life with Gao Feng she died, wiped out a spark of love, and married. Finally, Li Mei assisted Gao Feng in announcing the uprising, and the PLA's million-strong army crossed the river and Nanjing Liberated.

Jagged light Jones (TV)[2015]

Feature: In 1944, the New Fourth Army won the Battle of the Axle Bridge. Subsequently, the Japanese troops successively occupied the main thoroughfares along the Yangtze River in an attempt to stop the growth and development of the New Fourth Army. The Chaoyang City, the main town, fell into the hands of the Japanese army. The division dispatched headed by Nie Tianming Of the New Fourth Army assault squad rushed to Chaoyang City, rescue and transfer of personnel and supplies have been exposed troops station, the squad learned that the Japanese military secretly and Chaoyang City Yokota Dojo and Toyo Co., Ltd. as one in an attempt to Chaoyang City Development Into the Japanese military important intelligence stations and supplies base. The division decided not to let the devil succeed. When the unit entered Chaoyang City and started an investigation, it was found that Chen Hancheng, who was originally an object of reprisal, was actually an anti-Japanese heroes. In the ensuing battle, Nim Tianming led the assault squad to destroy the secret chamber of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and intercepted a great deal of valuable intelligence and joint Four Seas Martial Arts defeated Yokota Dojo. Experienced a series of wits and wars, and finally matched with the large forces, annihilating the enemy and liberating Chaoyang City.

Red flame (TV)[2015]

Feature: The "Red Flames" story happened in some places in Guizhou Province in 1934 in the twentieth century. There is a natural cliff at a distance of about 10 kilometers from the county seat. It is the only way for the Red Army to break through the encirclement by the enemy and complete the strategic transfer. Red Army chief Tian HaiQing and political commissar Fang MingLi decided to appoint Chang Rong as team leader, leading 18 Red Army soldiers to break through the cliffs of the natural barrier and clear the way for the Red Army forces. Self-confidence often think they can quickly resolve the battle, easily complete the task, who knows in an attempt to break the natural cliff, the 18 soldiers responsible for assault was heavy machine gun array fired by a powerful fire, all sacrifice, often Because after the break to survive, wounded constant remorse for his light enemy, painful. At this moment, the regiment leader let him serve as captain of the captaincy team and lead several capable team members to accomplish the task of opening up the life-and-death passage for the large army. He often accepted the task and led the team of seven Leviat, The members march forward courageously and finally open the life and death channel for the Red Army forces.

Jedi Blade (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the early days of liberation, an unidentified transport aircraft crashed near Lingyun Village when it flew over the Guilin area in Guangxi. The Jedi Blade front contained confidential documents purporting to undermine the new Chinese government by the Kuomintang. Liao ZhiGang (Hongrui Zhang), our deputy commander in Guangxi, and the political commissar Xiang ShaoJun (Xilin Zhang) were responsible for investigating the incident. Ling Yunzhai remote mountainous areas, steep terrain, staff mixed. During the investigation, Liao ZhiGang conducted an arduous battle with bandit gangs and KMT remnants in Lingyun Village. Liao ZhiGang, a Communist Partyer, was greatly assisted by local people and eventually found and deciphered top-secret documents to curb the remnants of the Kuomintang. He constricted the bandits and won the Yang AYing (Dong Fangzhuo ornaments) admiration and love.

Iron Face Royal History (TV)[2014]


The drama “Imperial Censor”, also known as “Dali Ming’s Checkpointing on the Case”, introduces the story of Zhou Xin’s arrest and investigation of photos, punishing evil, and pacifying the people. Zhou Xin Trials and anti-corruption saga. The drama was performed by Fu Shilang, the murder of the bronze mirror, the disappearance of the craftsman, the fatal murder of the laurel tree, the flooding of the young girl, the four-finger suspicious case, the murder of the Qiannu woman, the death of Yan Guanqi, the murder of the ink town, and the death of the tiger Horse case and other 10 cases were connected in series. After Zhou Xin inquired to investigate and deal with corruption and Ji Gang's contradictions, Ming Chengzu Zhu Xi listened to Ji Gang and Zhou Xin was mistakenly killed. In the end, Zhu Xi awakened and imposed a penalty on Ji Gang, a corruption minister, and sealed Zhou Xin as a Hangzhou city manor.


FallenCity (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Wang LaoShi (Yongdai Ding), a police officer in a southwest city, has been embarrassed and vowed to capture Liu Chuan (Huang Jue), a bank theft who had escaped five years ago. Liu Chuan hid in Tibet for several years, for his daughter, he once again sneaked into the town, but unexpectedly met with the king police officer. Two people start chasing life and death. At the moment when Wang LaoShi captured Liu Chuan, the whole city exploded. Liu Chuan woke up for convenience, put Wang LaoShi police uniforms, but did not expect this uniform to get him trapped in rescue can not get out. The rebellious girl Qin XiaoXiong (Ruby Lin ornaments) because of the courage of Liu Chuan, heart love. With the deepening of the rescue, Liu Chuan seems to have forgotten his true identity, and for a moment he truly regarded himself as a police officer. The emergence of police officer Wang LaoShi, broke his dream. However, Wang LaoShi's hand was handcuffed by Liu Chuan as he escaped, so it was mistaken for criminals. At a critical juncture, the two temporarily put aside their grievances and rescue efforts, but each has its own thoughts. In the ruins of the city, the "cat and mouse game" between the police and criminals continues ...

Nine Dan (TV)[2013]

Feature: Mountain girl Tao JiuDan fate, his father Tao LangZhong to Chen Fu young master treatment, was two rooms You YueE framed, was forced to marry a woman Chongxi, anti-marriage and his wife died in a sea of ​​flames. Zhao JianWu, a childhood sweetheart of Jiudan, lives and die unknown for saving her rolling cliff. Ji Dan looking for Jianwu fainted on the way, was rescued by his grandmother and forcibly allocated to her silly son Zhan Chun, she failed to escape several times, pregnant with grandchildren flesh and blood. Jianwu find Jiudan mistakenly into salt help, destiny time and time again to the hardy mandarin duck apart. Wen Xiu, sister of Zhan Chun, fell in love with Jianwu and started a period of love for Gods and a merciless love affair. At this time, Chen HouseKunsuoKuo Chen TianKuo looks very similar to the dead lover Xiao Lily, but with her indissoluble bond. When Jiudan learned that the truth of his parents died, the former benefactor became enemies, Jianwu to take revenge after several life and death. After Zhan Chun's death, Chen TianKuo, a jiu jin rescued and rescued by the worldly customs and clan pressures, forced her orphans and widowers to marry into the government. Jiudan finally had her fate.

LengFengBao (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Patriotic Shen MuFeng was ordered to eradicate the big traitor Yi AnZhi. Shao YiFu, planning the "Cold Storm" project, is an underground party lingering from the organization, hiding in a Chinese coalition of concessions to help Shen MuFeng successfully enter enemy headquarters with the aim of eliminating Yi AnZhi, the traitor. Let Shen MuFeng think that the No. 2 agent Yang YunXuan at the headquarters of the agent is not a traitor, but a potential underground party. Yang YunXuan shouldered an important task. He demanded that Shen MuFeng not temporarily remove Yi AnZhi but lurk beside Yi AnZhi to do more work for the party. Under the leadership of underground people Yang YunXuan and Ou YangQian, Shen MuFeng completed the tasks assigned to him by his superiors many times. In the end, Shen MuFeng, who joined the revolutionary ranks, tried to rescue his comrades by igniting explosives and ending with the enemy.

When the wind blows again (TV)[2012]


Luo Zheng The father Zhang BaoJin Shortly after his birth, he became suspicious of his wife Lan Fang He was bullied, and in a fit of rage he cut him to death. After Zhang BaoJin was imprisoned, Lan Fang gave his son to a family surnamed luo, and he remarried himself to a peddler Chen QiTai . Luo Zheng grew up and became a policeman, taking care of her mother Liang ShuYing And my sister Luo Lei . Chen QiTai has been struggling for many years to become a wealthy elite in the upper class of society, but he is facing litigation crisis and sharer TV. It was Luo Zheng who arrested him. The younger son Chen ZiJie To borrow a female prosecutor An Ran The hand drives the witness mad, so the father is saved successfully, and at the same time, An Ran is caught in the whirlpool. Chen QiTai gradually learned Chen ZiJie's conspiracy and true identity, and recalled the eldest son Chen shijun to squeeze Lan Fang mother and son. An Ran helped Luo Zheng and the criminal police find evidence of Chen ZiJie's crime. Chen ZiJie finally got his comeuppance, but An Ran got Chen ZiJie's gun and became a vegetable. Years later, Luo Zheng achieved success in her career, Luo Lei got a new destiny, and An Ran fell asleep in the arms of her lover forever.


ToLoveorNot (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Never-confused year-old man Su Dong and senior girl Gu Ting has been standing in the early spring noon after the encounter in the wild, paradise-like lakes and mountains ignited the lust of two lust desire fire, night limbs entangled, wheezing scream The long-suppressed anxiety and depression of both men were completely released. The short wilderness romantic journey is over, and the two are back in the noisy city of their own real life. Su Dong Su Dong knew that the encounter with Gu Ting is destined to be a love game, which Su Dong can not extricate themselves indulge them. In God's deliberate arrangement, Su Dong and Gu Ting meet again unexpectedly, and both have the second lingering night. Gu Ting's re-emergence made Su Dong have a beautiful vision of love and future. He wanted to find a result between them and give himself and Gu Ting a warm life answer. Gu Ting is just enjoying the pleasure of such a process, without considering the result or the result. There is always an accident in life, Su Dong accidentally left in Afghanistan. When Su Dong disappears from this world, Gu Ting knows how much Su Dong loves her, and for 80% of her life, Su Dong actually made a bet on God. Gu Ting finally realized that she had lost her favorite man and her favorite man in this life. Gu Ting went to the hospital in a rainy afternoon, she was going to Su Dong's child, she wanted to give him a house. Unfortunately, the doctor told her that Su Dong was commissioned before she went to Afghanistan to use the hospital for her own sperm. Walking in the rain, Gu Ting was completely empty. She missed this precious love in the dispute between love and no love. Everything was a dream, but a dream was quite good.

Legend of Meng LaiCai (TV)[2010]

Feature: Legend of Meng LaiCai tells the story of the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China in Tianjin, where Han Lai Cai (Yongjian Lin), a German munitions trader who was forced to sell his daughter's snowy and occasional abjection, managed to help Han NaiGen Han NaiGen into the court, signed orders with the Forces nouvelles Army. Meng LaiCai became the comprador of the German foreign exchange in a dramatic way and became wealthy overnight. From then on, he tried to interdependence between the Northern Warlords and the German and Japanese arms merchants. When Meng LaiCai became wealthy, she wanted to find the daughter she sold when she was poor, and married Yao, a pretty girl. However, she did not know she was a piece of Japanese chess piece that was interrogated by him. The eldest daughter, Lu Chen (actress), disliked the insidious stepmother and returned to war with Yao, who was struggling to make ends meet. In order to survive, Meng LaiCai carefully struggles in a family trapped in troubled businesses and conflicts. If China and Germany cut off diplomatic relations, Meng LaiCai was copied, jailed and jailed again. His encounter with ups and downs ups and downs of the times of turmoil ups and downs, for the righteousness of the nation gave up the wealth and wealth, from poverty to wealth and then sink to impoverished frequently changing positions made him feel strongly cruel and with ironic world life.

I owe you a hug (TV)[2009]

Feature: (Photo by Wu Xiao Min) In order to save the lives and property of Tibetan compatriots, they were electrocuted to severe burns and led to amputation of their arms. Female protégé white collar Lin XiaoMin (Wu Xiaomin), in order to help him out of the bottom, Regain the courage to survive, and decided to give up the generous work, devoted himself to take care of him. Experience various twists and turns, the two married, and got the blessings of loved ones and friends.

Secret Bureau gunfire (TV)[2007]

Feature: Stills In early 1949, the eve of the liberation of Shanghai. Chinese Communist underground Huang XianCai suddenly mutinied, undercover agent Liu XiaoChen of Shanghai City Station desperate to create a car accident, protect the joints of the Shanghai underground party leader Yue ZhongSheng and Zhou PuXiang, he himself was seriously injured, and by the Security Bureau from top to bottom suspicion . At a reception hosted by the Security Bureau, Zhang ZhongNian, the new stationmaster, unexpectedly encountered the old acquaintance who had not seen for many years. It turned out that Yue ZhongSheng was originally named Gao. Yue ZhongSheng Yagai Denies, Zhang ZhongNian Comes Out of Yue ZhongSheng's File of "Translucency" - No. 2, So Yue ZhongSheng secretly scared and clumsy countermeasures. Under Zhang ZhongNian's intimidation, Yue ZhongSheng provided Zhou PuXiang, a single-line contact with the undercover agents. Zhou PuXiang was arrested and tried his best to protect Liu XiaoChen. In order to find out the details of Liu XiaoChen, Zhang ZhongNian secretly directed his lover Cheng Fei to seduce Liu XiaoChen, meanwhile, Liu XiaoChen was under the surveillance of the original stationmaster and was in danger. Zhang ZhongNian refused to give up, with Yue ZhongSheng daughter Yue XiaoShan as a bargaining chip to force Yue ZhongSheng to capture the underground party. Yue ZhongSheng only got the answer, but the Yang Feng Yin, set the trap, Zhang ZhongNian outdone, both wits and brave, regardless of the upper and lower. In order to test Liu XiaoChen again, Zhang ZhongNian sent him and Cheng Fei to go to school for investigation. Jiang Hui, the niece of Yue ZhongSheng, expressed his sincere affection to Liu XiaoChen. At this point, Yue ZhongSheng is trying her best to arrange her daughter to flee the Dongjiang River. Under the direction of Yue ZhongSheng, Feng Bin repeatedly assaulted Zhang ZhongNian, all of them failing without success and recognizing himself as a former lover, Cheng Fei. After the two met, Cheng Fei realized that when Zhang ZhongNian got himself, the truth about Feng Bin was framed. Feng Zhong again assassinated Zhang ZhongNian failed identity was Zhang ZhongNian see through. Cheng Fei pains, decided to help Feng Bin assassinate Zhang ZhongNian, and then two run away. Liu Xiao Chen has been actively planning to steal the Dongjiang sabotage program, both failed, Liu XiaoChen anxious. Jiang Hui and Yue XiaoShan pretended to allow Yue ZhongSheng to leave the Dongjiang River, secretly armed and assaulting the Secrets Bureau, assassinating Zhang ZhongNian, but fortunately Liu XiaoChen skillfully rescued several individuals out of the woods. To this end, Liu XiaoChen further arouse the suspicion of the Bureau, the situation more and more difficult. Shameful Zhang ZhongNian warns Yue ZhongSheng to take good care of her daughter or you're welcome. Jiang Hui and Yue XiaoShan both left their homes, Yue ZhongSheng was driven into despair. And Zhang ZhongNian decided to send Liu XiaoChen to attack Jiang Hui and Yue XiaoShan, double-edged sword. For the sake of the overall situation, Liu Xiao Chen has no choice but to shoot Yue XiaoShan and Jiang Hui. Although to resolve their own crisis, Liu XiaoChen heart painful. Xiao-Shan and Jiang Hui were rescued by a party organization prepared in advance. Xiao-shan died in a violent death. Jiang Hui was saved from the death of a bullet and hit the left heart with a bullet. Her heart was different from the ordinary and grew to the right. Zhang ZhongNian convinced Yue XiaoShan and Jiang Hui are dead, and Yue ZhongSheng finally relieved. It turned out that Jiang Hui is his real daughter, Yue XiaoShan but his niece, Yue ZhongSheng foresight, many years ago, the identity of the two exchange. Under Feng Bin's persuasion, Cheng Fei stole the "Subtle Float" No. 2, with Feng Bin connector, but was surrounded by Zhang ZhongNian, at a crucial moment, Feng Bin Liu XiaoChen cleverly rescued.Zhang ZhongNian told Cheng Fei that he had not framed Feng Bin. It was Feng Bin who traded Cheng Fei for a bargain-chip after the mutiny, and Zhang ZhongNian forgave him a victor for Cheng Fei. Proof of evidence, Cheng Fei had to believe, almost desperate. Feng Bin escaped unmasked, revealing the news that Yue ZhongSheng's daughter was not dead, to Zhang ZhongNian's hand Yang YuLin. Zhang ZhongNian overjoyed, it turns out, Feng Bin assassination and steal "Subtle Float" 2 is precisely by Yue ZhongSheng's instructions, and Liu XiaoChen probably knew before shooting Jiang Hui's heart is different from ordinary people. Security Bureau launched a search and capture of the city, arrest Jiang Hui. In a critical situation, desperation, Jiang Hui was transferred to Liu XiaoChen's residence. Through Shi Xiuying, Jiang Hui learned that Liu Xiao Chen was undercover at the Secrets Bureau of the CCP and almost died for his own life. Jiang Hui moved. Under the direction of Zhang ZhongNian, Cheng Fei did not give up on Liu XiaoChen's temptation. Time and again cleverly deal with Liu XiaoChen Cheng Fei offensive aggressive. Zhang ZhongNian again to find Yue ZhongSheng showdown, Yue ZhongSheng deal with. Jiang Hui, who secretly returned home from the two conversations, learned that Yue ZhongSheng turned out to be her own father and a traitor. Zhang ZhongNian decided to let go of Jiang Hui for the time being to control Yue ZhongSheng through her. Painful Jiang Hui went to the Secret Security Bureau, wounded Liu XiaoChen, died under the spy gun heroic sacrifice. The original, knowing that because of their own endanger the life of Liu XiaoChen, Jiang Hui decided to give up to prove Liu XiaoChen 'innocence'. Jiang Hui's behavior caused Zhang ZhongNian doubts Liu XiaoChen is undercover again. Daughter died, Yue ZhongSheng almost collapsed, with the hatred of Zhang ZhongNian, the villa was put to a sudden, disappeared. Faction Kidnapped Feng Bin, For Common Enemy - Zhang ZhongNian, Yue ZhongSheng Resolved with Feng Bin. Under the plot of Yue ZhongSheng, Feng Bin came to Cheng Fei, asking her personally to call Zhang ZhongNian for clarification as to whether she would mutiny or not. Zhang ZhongNian think twice after the implementation of the contract, the two sides fierce gun battles, Feng Bin was killed on the spot. In the meantime, Liu Xiao Chen tries to get in touch with officer Ji A to set out the key and password, smoothly steal all the files of "Subtle Float". Liu Xiao Chen and Shi Xianying found that all archives of "Subtle Fragrance Float" are not archives of the CCP traitors as Yue ZhongSheng said is the Dongjiang destruction plan. The two began to suspect Yue ZhongSheng. File theft, all doubts are concentrated in Liu XiaoChen body. When the Chinese People's Liberation Army came to the city, Zhang ZhongNian ordered to destroy all important facilities in Dongjiang City. In a critical situation, Liu XiaoChen was dying and must obtain the Dongjiang sabotage plan within a very short period of time. At this point, the Secrets Bureau and the Communist Terco's real battle was kicked off.

Zhang LiHongs modern life (TV)[2007]

Feature: Zhang LiHong is confident about his life. Career, the company has just experienced the loss of veterans of the accident, but in her efforts, the company's business progress smoothly, she will likely be the new general manager; family, marriage smoothly through 20 years, the daughter of Zhou Chang has been Junior student, husband Zhou ZhiJun is a typical scholar, most of the time immersed in their own personal world. Everything is as she manages the company, organized, ease. However, a multimedia message ended the quiet life of Zhang LiHong: she and the other man in the picture are ambiguous ... The blackmailer constantly presents all kinds of unimaginable extortion to Zhang LiHong, and his goal does not seem to be money ... Zhang LiHong Middle-aged friend and radio host Sun Bo was also involved in the crisis. She witnessed Zhang Li-hong's being pushed by her hand but could not help it. Zhang LiHong's inner world slowly show up, as a woman, she is not so outsider looks so beautiful. Zhang LiHong put all his energy and time into work, neglected to communicate with her husband, Zhou ZhiJun, and led to the separation of husband and wife's life, which made Zhang LiHong have a lover in an accident ... The rational Zhang LiHong finally cut off and Valentine's contacts, but the blunders have been cast - the appearance of blackmakers is only a trigger for the intensification of family conflicts ... Zhang LiHong's modern life stills Zhang LiHong In order to maintain the family and his reputation as a step by step compromise, she tried to meet the blackmailers Of the request, to extort money, to accept the extortionist let her out of ugliness in public places conditions, but the fact is more and more evidence that the extortioner is likely to be a mental illness patients, he is not really asking for money, but in shame Zhang LiHong. Finally, the blackmailer attacked Zhang LiHong's LAN, violating Zhang LiHong's bottom line. Zhang LiHong dialed an alarm call to reject the blackmailer's game. Zhang LiHong decided to admit his own fault to his own relatives, although she knew that her confession would put the family in a storm of wind and rain. Sun Li tried to stop Zhang LiHong from succeeding, Zhang LiHong finally said everything ... In the face of Zhang LiHong's confession, Zhou ZhiJun actually surprisingly calm, as if already know everything: the original, long-standing couple, Zhou ZhiJun Zhang early Zhang LiHong After a moment of impulse, he hired Zhang LiHong, a master of the Internet called "The Eye of God," and after giving all the information of Zhang LiHong to the Eye of God, the "Eye of God" disappeared. This "God Eye "is the culprit Zhang LiHong extortion. Zhou ZhiJun Into panic and conflict, Zhang LiHong has admitted all his mistakes, but also prepared to bear all the consequences of their own, then he should do? Family crisis has not yet passed, daughter Zhou Yin Chang also unauthorized changes to their own professional, but also brought home a boyfriend with their parents the same age! Daughters' new thoughts on family and career touched Zhang LiHong and Zhou ZhiJun. They broke free from their complaints and misunderstandings and began to try to understand each other's heart. Zhang seems to have escaped familial crisis brought by Zhang LiHong.But the hidden secrets of Zhou ZhiJun really torment him. Finally, Zhang LiHong, who is beginning to learn to make his character soft, and Zhou ZhiJun, who is getting more and more open, tell the story behind the blackmailer ... This Careful maintenance of the family finally collapsed, they decided to divorce, but many years of emotional divorce process so that they become extremely delicate and difficult, divorce turned into two people memories of the past, recalling the warm catalyst that year, when both were aware of each other Of the time, the divorce certificate got ... ... are already single Zhang LiHong and Zhou ZhiJun finally met without the responsibility and obligation of marriage, the two finally said the true feelings of their own heart, Zhou ZhiJun Zhang LiHong's successful career did not understand the traditional idea of ​​patriarchal success, while Zhang LiHong stubbornly forgot that he was his wife, mother and woman. They found themselves full of misunderstandings and subjective guesses - lovers and extortiones were not the reason for their divorce, they were unable to communicate and their indifference toward the other end led to an end to marriage. Zhang LiHong take off his strong camouflage, begin to feel life again. With the help of Sun Bo and her daughter began to change, learn to smile and learn life. She began recording her daily mood with a video camera. Zhou ZhiJun also began to nirvana rebirth of the sharpening: his climbing club in the exercise of will; he opened Zhang LiHong's modern life, the main actors learn how to buy gifts for their loved ones; he learned to drive, ready to walk out of their personal world to experience life. When I heard that Zhang LiHong crashed into the mountains, he rushed back into the cliff and used his life to defend his loving woman. Zhou ZhiJun takes Zhang LiHong to start an outdoor trip. Mutual support in the heavy rain, waiting for sunrise common red face, they calmly enjoy the blend with the world. Can they regain lost love?

EyePupil (TV)[2007]

Feature: Jinjiang City, director of the Major Crime Investigation Section Fan GuangTian led two cadres Jiang HuSheng and Li Yun, fighting wits with criminals. Jiang HuSheng home is the big river. After graduating from police academy, he returned to Jinjiang City to take care of his grandmother. Li Yun is younger than Jiang HuSheng two sisters, childhood tomboy character. In the police station, she and the Interpol teammate Zhao Gang - Jiang HuSheng's good partner in love. Just as the two men were getting married, Zhao Gang sacrificed during the arrest for Jiang HuSheng, and the criminals fled. Li Yun in order to avenge Zhao Gang, transferred from the internal police team. Jiang HuSheng gave her extra care, and the two became happy lovers. Three years later, the murderer killed Zhao Gang was finally captured by two people, and then look back two found each other has become their best partner.


Feature: Shifang City, a hospital boy money expensive kidney failure, must be found within 48 hours of his biological father. In the past three years, the mysterious figure "Dragon in the Sky" who has been walking around the edge of the law and the former marines in the city now have taken over the matter. Their dark and clear chivalry over the years has aroused the International Criminal Police while on holiday in China, a curiosity of Wendy Ya, a master of American psychology. She used her to count on the double mouth of Yang Gui, who was not a dumb one. 16 years ago, Qian's biological father had ordered him to "handle" his newborn child, and he was rescued by money and money. Both money handed over to the dragon in the days of a jade, trying to say the secret 18 years ago, the money you died, the money was all killed by the car, the clues cut off ... ... all the signs of doubt for the richest man Snow is the child's biological father, Zheng multiple parties to investigate and collect evidence, accidental discovery plum seeking snow may be 12 years ago, the case of arsonist overhang, and the city of Shifang is no money double this person. What kind of money double what? Really unexpected death? Why plum Mo fire for burning house? In the end the expensive father and the fire have what kind of implicated? While everyone was confused, May beg snow was kidnapped ... Wendy Ya decided to use hypnosis to open the memory of intermittent mental illness Mo Kexin looking for a breakthrough in the truth, unexpected unexpected loss of mood out of control Mo Kexin actually held a sharp knife to kill the benefactor who saved her out of the field that year, the only source of the fire's death, once again the entire incident deadlock ... ... In order to quickly identify the case, Zheng Qianfang together the then Marine Corps comrades Qi Hai laugh, withstand the pressure and blocking all parties vow to check in the end, the economic lifeline of Shifang City, the "elephant invisible" - Wencheng Lin gradually surfaced ... ...

Golden Wedding (TV)[2007]

Feature: The Golden Marriage story started in full swing in New China in 1956 when Wen Li (Wenli Jiang), a young and pretty elementary school math teacher, and Tong Zhi (Guoli Zhang), a young pitcher technician at the heavy machinery plant, became married. When they were young, they were a pair of lovers of flirting. They were incompatible with their habits of life, they were parents at an early age, and they had four children in a row for their son. In marriage, from the basic necessities of life to the education of children to the relationship between mother-in-law and then to sexual relations, contradictions everywhere. When they were middle-aged, they entered a period of frail marriage, with less and less communication between husband and wife and often plunged into a more dangerous Cold War. Couples seemed to come to an end from indifference to the Cold War to strike hard. Elderly, they entered a period of solid marriage, Wen Li had serious illness in the line of life and death; three daughters of emotional marriage are not smooth, and even the youngest son of the most loved one died young, is to support each other through their life the most support Dark years, the final hand into the golden wedding. & nbsp;

Revival (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Revival" tells the story of 496 BC, the Wu of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Vietnam more than blame for the outbreak of a war. TV series "Revival" Jia Yiping decorated Fan Li war in Zhejiang alluvial plain in Jiaxing. The commander of the war was both the king of the two countries. Wu Jun was an elite division trained by the master of the "thirty-six plan" master grandson. The Yuejun not only the number of small, young and young. Young King Gou Jian to Fan Li as a military division, Wu Jun defeated, the old king of Wu also died due to injury. With the help of First Deputy Minister Wu ZiXu of Wu, the young Fu Chai boarded the throne. He vowed to destroy Vietnam. Three years later, Fu Chai led the pawns to attack Vietnam. After the two sides engaged in the war, the defeated Wu Sheng and Wu Guojun attacked more and more Huiji. TV drama "Revival" Daoming Chen decorated Wang Yue Gou Jian Wen Jiaotong buy Wu detached between the Minister of State Wu Bo and Fu Chai struggling, and finally let Fu Chai move heart of friendship, immortal Vietnam. The more countries can be saved. Gou Jian led the queen to Fan Li into Wu Nu. Fan Li saved Gou Jian's life and demanded that Gou Jian give up all the dignity of being a king and a man so as to win the mercy and sympathy of Fu Chai and not allow Wu ZiXu to kill the man who has been moderate like a lamb, Gou Jian. Three years later, Fu Chai became ill. Gou Jian seize the opportunity to find a source for Fu Chai taste manure, this act thoroughly Fu Chai. Because Gou Jian was stabbed by Vietnam minister, he was on the verge of death, and Fu Chai was afraid that he would die in Wu and cause trouble, thus releasing Gou Jian. Gou Jian returned to Vietnam, to give up the comfort of the Royal Palace, moved into the old stables to live. He was sleeping on firewood, hanging a rope under the beam, and one end of the rope was tied with a brisk pig. The first thing he wakes up every day is to taste the bitter gall. Twenty years, he could not move, every day. TV drama "Revival" Hu Jun decorated with the king Fu Chai With the assistance of the Minister, Gou Jian inside start to census population, reward fertility. Foreign, Wen constantly out of Wu, tribute treasure. Fan Li's beloved Shih Tzu, because of the beauty of the world, Gou Jian also urged him to relent. Western Shi Wu Palace, because of holding the country for their dedication, but also eventually get Fu Chai's pet. In 473 BC, Gou Jian escaped the 30,000 male soldiers hidden in the folk and in one fell swoop encircled Gusu City. At this point, Fu Chai there are 50,000 soldiers and horses, but because of the difficulties of forage and not out of town a war. Fu Chai actually want to follow the summation of Gou Jian 20 years ago, however, this time Gou Jian is not the year Fu Chai. He had the same ambitions of Fu Chai that year, but he had not given up the compassion of a lamb. The territory of Wu was incorporated into the whole country and Fu Chai committed suicide.

Accompanying (TV)[2005]

Feature: Wei JiaHong and Zhao HongYing, in order to allow her daughter Wei Xiaoyu successfully admitted to the ideal university, resigned the superior work admitted to accompany the compound, becoming one of the many parents to accompany. Zhao HongYing is a middle-aged, outgoing, kind-hearted woman whose quality is not high and "middle-aged crisis" made her somewhat neurotic. On this day, I came again to attend the compound.

Catch up with the love I may have lost (TV)[2005]

Feature: Shi RuoYu After her son Guan Jian and daughter Guan HaiLi, her husband Guan ShouJia did a ligation. Ten years later Shi RuoYu suddenly became pregnant with her daughter Shi XiaoYu. Guan ShouJia suspected she had an affair and Shi RuoYu did not explain it. , The two divorced for this reason. Three children recuperated by Shi RuoYu, Guan ShouJia transferred from Beijing to Yunnan. Twenty-four years later, Shi RuoYu saw Guan ShouJia, a husband she had not seen since her divorce, while she was dancing on the street square. In the meantime, Shi Ruoyu, a 26-year-old daughter, is going to marry her boyfriend Yang Xu back to Beijing. Her boyfriend suddenly escaped on the eve of boarding and left Shi XiaoYu alone in the departure lounge. Shi XiaoYu grief, to give up boarding. Wei JinGe, the same host, took her to the plane and flew back to Beijing. Guan Jian, son of Shi RuoYu, has no feelings with his wife. His wife went to the United States with her children and left her for six years after leaving her home. He was immersed in the computer and memories of his first love Yao QiQi. Shi RuoYu's eldest daughter, Guan HaiLi, wanted to conceive always pregnant, feeling bored when her husband Tang ZhengYuan out of a car accident. Guan HaiLi was overwhelmed and tortured when she was with her and took care of him. The day passed without Guan HaiLi divorcing him on the day of recovery from Tang ZhengYuan. Because no room, two people still live in a unit after the divorce. Catch up with the love story I may have lost Tang ZhengYuan fell in the room, wake up and do not remember anything. Guan HaiLi also looks after him like his wife and helps him regain his memory through various kinds of training. Tang ZhengYuan recover quickly, and he remembered anything, just can not remember who is Guan HaiLi. On the 40th birthday Guan HaiLi moved out of her home with Tang ZhengYuan for a dozen years. She met Li JiangHu, who runs a car repair shop, in the most painful time. Li JiangHu helped her open the pottery workshop when she was in a dilemma. Her life gradually improved, the two began to fall in love. Yang Xu hurts Shi XiaoYu, Shi XiaoYu still nostalgia for the feelings between them, she hopes her efforts can be exchanged for marriage. During this period Wei JinGe became her good friend, two people talk about nothing is never thought of love. Yang Xu turned around in emotion and came back to find Shi XiaoYu. Shi XiaoYu discovered that she did not love him anymore. Yang Xu begged to Shi XiaoYu to marry him, Shi XiaoYu was wrapped but agreed. Wei JinGe quarrel with her for this, the two swear never meet. I chase after the love story I might have lost When I left the Beijing Railway Station, Shi XiaoYu found Wei JinGe driving her chariot. At this moment I realized they fell in love with each other, Shi XiaoYu jumped all the way to Beijing with Wei JinGe. Through paternity testing, Guan ShouJia knows Shi XiaoYu is her own flesh and blood, Shi RuoYu again pregnancy is the phenomenon of vas deferens recanalization after ligation. Guan ShouJia regretful, desperate to save the relationship between his wife and children, through his tireless efforts, Shi RuoYu, Guan HaiLi and Guan Jian have forgive him, only the youngest daughter Shi XiaoYu refused to forgive him. Guan ShouJia suffering from a cold is always not good, but later found to be lung cancer. Shi RuoYu collapse, she cursed Guan ShouJia to the end of life did not forget to hurt her.Shi XiaoYu mixed feelings, Guan ShouJia said Shi XiaoYu if forgive him, he was treated, otherwise not as good as dead. Shi XiaoYu cried to recognize the father. Guan ShouJia after surgery is in a very bad condition, and his family takes turns with him. Guan ShouJia lived the last life of his life dream life, chase to lost their loved ones and love. Guan HaiLi and Li JiangHu pregnant after getting married, she was wearing a big belly in the street, Li JiangHu stay with her. Guan HaiLi saw Tang ZhengYuan, who is also walking with his pregnant wife. Tang ZhengYuan watched Guan HaiLi hard to remember, he finally remembered that this woman is living with him 15-year-old wife Guan HaiLi. Tang ZhengYuan heart taste, mixed feelings. Shi XiaoYu and Wei JinGe still endless arguments over the day, their content is not the same every day noisy, the same result. Feel deeper and deeper, immediately approached the palace of marriage. Guan Jian decided to abandon the past and live it in the face of reality by talking with her friends. Shi RuoYu also go dancing Yangge every day, she began to tell others her husband, about everything he did, of course, not a good one. He and her days were well-intentioned to delete her, and the rest is wonderful.

Migrant workers (TV)[2005]

Feature: Ju GuangDa (Fan Ming ornaments), a middle-aged farmer who is still optimistic about migrant workers, is one of millions of migrant workers in China. In order to improve his life, in order to let his son concentrate on reading a person, he is diligent in the field, hard working. Although save a lot of money, but the bitterness of several people know? The vast majority of son dual (Chen Sicheng ornaments) three years college entrance examination, three years off. Love known to work hard in the majority of the city severely forbidden son embarked on this hard road, but the duality of academic disappointment finally stampede bound for the county train. Outside the world of flowers that always hold the dual in the country at a loss, he accidentally helped a man beaten old Zang, for the table of gratitude, Zang introduction of dual into a site. The so-called innocence book, the majority also work in this site. Father and son quarrel with the workforce, or even cut off the relationship. Soon, the dual encounter also came from rural woman Li Ping (Yuchen Pan). Li Ping, who has an unlucky love experience, walks slowly into love with the dual element of longing for love, but then a good love must face the cruel reality of the test.

Living migrant workers (TV)[2005]

Feature: In Songjiang, a small town on the northeast border, a group of migrant workers from all over the country came here to survive, soaking sweat on the construction site of one of the city's most modern high-level apartments. In the shanties next to it, hundreds of migrant workers questioned the workers for work payments around the head of the labor department, Xie LaoDa, Xie LaoDa reluctantly told everyone that the responsible person who promised to pay today did not appear. Angry migrant workers do not believe Xie LaoDa words, they broke the office door, but found it empty. Sweat wages have been mercilessly appropriated illegally. The wages of migrant workers who live on their families are being procrastinated indefinitely. In order to make a living, they are forced to recover collectively. However, they are threatened by violence and deadly intimidation. The vulnerable groups that lack humanistic care Suddenly life at stake. After discussion, everyone decided to go home for the autumn harvest and leave five people, Wang JiaCai (Song Sun), Lu ZhangYou (Tao Zeru), Yang ZhiGang, Xie LaoDa and Shuan Zi (Ding Ning) Migrant workers to negotiate wages.

Rip your wounds (TV)[2005]

Feature: For three years, Long ZaiTian - a mysterious visitor who has taken the edge of the law, has become a legend in Shifang. Now, with the radio show "Money Without Money" hosted by Ye Bei, he once again foreshadowed his actions - getting the pay back for a hundred migrant workers. As soon as Zheng QianFang, acting in the spirit of Long ZaiTian, ​​became aware of the news, he immediately prepared for the move to hunt down the mysterious guest who created an irreparable trauma in his mind. However, he still did not succeed. In the past three years, after he left the Interpol team for drinking, he persevered in pursuing Long ZaiTian as an individual. However, except for a military boots, he never saw the shadow of Long ZaiTian. In the end, who is Long ZaiTian? After returning to Shifang City, Er YaTou, who was on her vacation, was immediately attracted to Long ZaiTian, ​​a mysterious figure circulating among the cellars. Out of curiosity, Er YaTou bought her a variety of sweethearts who had a connection with the Long ZaiTian Fitness City's Laobaigan, intended to know him through the Long ZaiTian mysterious off. Er YaTou learned from Laobai dry mouth, trying to find Long ZaiTian, ​​only to touch the shadow of Long ZaiTian - a provincial squadron Zheng surname Sanda coach. Through the investigation, Er YaTou learned that the coach was named Zheng QianFang, when he was drunk and injured the student and became a leaving coach. After Er YaTou chose "rich and have no money" - the Long ZaiTian fixed choice of media to gradually investigate, she used various identities contact with Ye Bei, coincides with Ye Bei intent to help both dumb money to find the right kidney source to rescue The son of kidney failure money expensive. Er YaTou seems to know psychology, she saw the money is not a dumb double, and the use of psychology to force all the money out of the hearts of more than a decade secret: Qian Gui did not own their own children, eighteen years ago, the money Father of a birth - a man who holds half of the wealth in Shifang City, ordered him to kill the newly born little money, out of conscience, he did not start, but with Qian Gui, as a dumb identity hide 18 years, The money to raise adult. You must find the money your father's father kidney, can save money. Ye Bei has no clue about looking for your father through radio. After Long ZaiTian learned about the incident, he announced through the radio station that he was going to intervene to find the biological father for the money. The money seems to have a heart full of secrets, unwilling to disclose too much information, even if the matter related to money and your life. This brought great interest to Er YaTou. After Long ZaiTian's announcement of her intervention, she was even more excited and wanted to find out the secretive secrets of her heart and soul as well as to gradually investigate Long ZaiTian. Er YaTou told netizens "Chinatown" online, hoping to get his help to accomplish this meaningful thing. Ye Bei received an anonymous letter titled "Insider," and the insider told her that both of them were real names. Sun Zhaolin was a big drug dealer 18 years ago. Long ZaiTian abducted the money Shuang Quan, Qian Zongquan handed a piece of jade Long ZaiTian, ​​just when the money both want to say eighteen years ago when the secret, the hospital called, saying that money and death, both money grievances, toward the hospital When the car was killed, the clues cut off.Ye Bei, a Long ZaiTian phone, asked her about Zheng QianFang's direction of action, in which she deliberately stung Ye Bei's heart disease. Ye Bei has never enjoyed a normal woman's family life for three years. Zheng QianFang lives in only two people in the world, he and Long ZaiTian. Living in a world of only one mind, the world, all the bustling, numerous temptations, his only heart was dedicated to Long ZaiTian. Zheng QianFang Extremely suppressed, often to help Ye Bei for gas, repair the old comrades in the waterway laugh, fighting in the fighting field spit, now has fallen into a big Ben driver laugh laugh slowly and cowardly character, so that Zheng QianFang disappointed him. Zheng QianFang found expensive sacrificial offerings at the tomb of Qian Gui and Qian Shuangquan at Shifang City, where strangers do not have any relatives, and some people even send a lot of sacrifices to Zheng QianFang Er YaTou, with keen insight, aware of the secret hidden deep inside Zheng QianFang is that he has been lost by Long ZaiTian, ​​the mysterious figure, lost in spirit and lost his self-life. In turn, she also sympathized with Ye Bei, the woman who was hurt indirectly and hardest by the two men, Long ZaiTian and Zheng QianFang. As a psychiatrist, Er YaTou helped Zheng QianFang and Ye Bei to resume their normal life. However, under the pressure of great vigor, Zheng QianFang, once a mighty creature, was suppressed to impotence. Zheng QianFang This man has a powerful mental world in his chest. He is born with the unobtrusive mental personality. To his surprise, he could not handle things that even an idiot could do, and how punctuated the punctuated soul was enough to lead to a spiritual avalanche. Perhaps he simply disdains the love of this mundane mortal, because he has his spiritual world, admiration for the man named Long ZaiTian, ​​indulge in that illusory world, so there is no need to have compassion on him, Naturally destined to be painful. Er YaTou's goodwill touched Ye Bei, Ye Bei launched a psychological hotline in the show, want Er YaTou to help more mentally ill people. The prostitute Jinhu, who was removed from the Fitness City, suddenly announced that she would become a millionaire in a few days. She intended to use one of her diaries to extort a certain millionaire from Shifang City. After she was denied talking to a rich man, she opened up "rich No money "hotline, said he holds the secrets of your father, want to find help Long ZaiTian. Laobai Gan has been investigating the news for Er YaTou but no big progress has been made. Er YaTou consulted Chinatown and decided once again: To ascertain Long ZaiTian, ​​he must follow Zheng QianFang, the shadow of Long ZaiTian, ​​from now on She is the shadow of the shadow. Zheng QianFang contacted a informant, let him closely watch the jade, and then explore Long ZaiTian's tail. Long ZaiTian announced his acceptance of Jinyu's business through the "money without money" hotline, and asked Jinyu to work closely with himself. Long ZaiTian informed Jin Yu at the cement factory joint and then dealt with the diary's gigantic but was disrupted by the unexpected appearance of Zheng QianFang, who was abducted by several mysterious people.Ye Bei received a letter from Long ZaiTian containing a picture of jade pendant, met Zheng QianFang and said that there is money for your father's message. Zheng QianFang came to a similar place alone, but did not see Long ZaiTian, ​​looked around Zheng QianFang suddenly found in Shifang City, the most luxurious elephant group signs of the neon lights, even with the picture jade exactly the same, is a Dragons, Zheng QianFang Zheng QianFang said to Ye Bei that her doubts about Mei QiuXue, an elephant group, might be Qian's biological father, were denied by Ye Bei because when she was an intern reporter, she knew Mei QiuXue, a formerly unknown reporter, who was a Mei QiuXue Ten years ago, he was married to Mo Kexin, who was mentally disturbed by the blaze of fire because he was recognized by the community and honored by the government. Since then, he has gained social recognition and took the opportunity to gradually start business Make big, come to now the status of the richest man in Shifang. The succeeding generations of Qian Shuang and his father and son, both of whom are the general donors, are entrepreneurs who are very keen on repaying the society and doing good deeds. It is also impossible for Mei Qiu Xue to be a biological father. Zheng QianFang still expressed doubts, and tried to get closer to Mei QiuXue by letting Qi Qiao laugh at Mei QiuXue. Mei QiuXue received the mysterious letters from Long ZaiTian. When Zheng QianFang was visiting Zheng QianFang, she was hired to protect Zheng QianFang. Laobai Gan and Gun DaoRou intend to divide up millions of jade jade, even after the disappearance of jade, still dreamed of getting these millions, and they began to search around men who were related to jade jade. Shortly afterwards, they found three tarps and one jade Mouldering white powder ghost, and according to the three pole Tam clues, continue to investigate. Er YaTou has been following Zheng QianFang's interrogation by sniffing Ye Bei's tone, and from time to time chatting with Chinatown online to make his own judgment. Long ZaiTian kidnapped Mei QiuXue under Zheng QianFang's eyelids, and while everyone was saying something, Mei QiuXue came home safely and said he had proven to Long ZaiTian that he was not the biological father. Zheng QianFang laughs through Qi Hai: Mei QiuXue is a patient with congenital intimacy. Therefore, it can be determined that Mei QiuXue has no blood relationship with Qian Gui and the clues of probing Qian Gui's father are cut off again. Zheng QianFang determined to thoroughly investigate the clue Jin Yu. Ye Bei once again received a letter from an insider who signed the letter. An insider told Zheng QianFang: Actually, what was recorded in Jin's diary was a big fire in the city twelve years ago. In that mysterious fire, The couple died in the secret. The biological father of money, and the fire has a direct link. Ye Bei confirmed the fire and told him about the tragic death of Mei QiuXue's wife, Mo Kexin's parents. When the case was closed, the result of the investigation was the fire caused by smoking when Morokhir entrance was lost. Zheng QianFang found a high school classmate. Now Gao Jing, director of the big case, brought up the file of the Mohung fire that year and hoped that Gao Jing could secretly assist him in re-investigating the case. In his research on the files, Zheng QianFang decided to re-investigate the parties involved: Mo Kexin, Zhang Xiuchen and the then police officer Liu Chuang.Er YaTou saw Ye Bei discuss the progress of the case online with Chinatown after looking at the newspaper about Mei QiuXue and Chinatown seemed increasingly interested in the matter and decided to formally join the game as long as Er YaTou would provide him from time to time Intelligence you acquired. Zhang Xiu-chen could not find for a while, Mo Kexin is intermittent neurosis and amnesia patients, Zheng QianFang had to go visit the case was responsible for Liu Chuang. When Ye Bei and Er YaTou described Mok Kee's mind as having the potential to hide a fire, Er YaTou wanted to discuss with Zheng QianFang and use her hypnosis to help Mo Kexin open the door to memory. Zheng QianFang find the original colleagues, the current Sanda coach Liu Chuang. Liu Chu underappreciated, but in fact it has long been determined to join Zheng QianFang team. Mo Kexin over the years because of the fire and hard to let go, often think of the time of the fire will be insane, Ye Bei to Mei QiuXue recommended Er YaTou for Mo Kexin treatment, Mei QiuXue agreed. Er YaTou began to hypnotize Mo Kexin, and she knew very well that she could not understand the secret of the fire twelve years ago, the most accurate memories, and the obstruction of her memory. What blocked her memory? Is a cruel reality in her thinking. Her parents' death was caused by her hand. This fact is cruel to anyone. Nobody dares to touch it. After all, it is a wound that can never be closed in the soul. What she has to do is to make Mo Kexin have to face the reality, first give her a spiritual hint, your parents responsibility of death is not you, let her from repentance and remorse out. > Liu Chuang's secret search for Zhang Xiuchen, dressed as a shish kebab, finally found Zhang Xiu-chen at a site that has changed its name to Zhang HongFa and won his trust. He approached Zhang HongFa and brought the city bureau's investigation into the fire 12 years ago Revealed to Zhang HongFa, first shaken him, and then began to investigate the secret of the fire. Er YaTou is gradually advancing Hypnotherapeutic treatment of Mo Kexin, Er YaTou found a doubt in Mo Kexin memory fragments, that is: Mok Kee's memory shows that her rescue her out of the sea that year My father, Mo Jinliang, and Zhang HongFa, witnessed on the scene, all showed that Zhang HongFa was not saved by the fire that destroyed Mo Ke. Er YaTou and Zheng QianFang analyzed that the characters they are going to track now must have five conditions: a wealthy billionaire; a drug dealer two or sixteen years ago; a third is a biological father of money; and a fourth with a jade Related; five, with the twelve years of Mo family fire incident. That Zhang HongFa has at least one of the two, and, from the age of the analysis, Zhang Xiuchen may also be the biological father of money and expensive. Long ZaiTian stole Zhang HongFa fitness ball, and telephone notification, give him twelve hours to consider the fire of the secret, told him after twelve hours. Zhang HongFa is horrified. The treatment of Mo Kexin appeared difficult, if all open her door to memory, must Mo Kexin and his family photo or affect the data, Zheng QianFang wait and see, in desperation had to give up temporarily. Long ZaiTian designed a car accident to relax the heavily guarded Zhang HongFa and take him away at the washroom.One day later, Long ZaiTian put Zhang HongFa back without any loss and told everyone on the radio that Zhang HongFa was not the rich they were looking for. When Ye Bei asked him why, he did not say it, just saying that he promised Zhang HongFa a secret for him. Mo Kexin's emotions become more undecided before she becomes taught, and she often shouts to kill Zhang HongFa. Zhang HongFa was put back by Long ZaiTian, ​​and gradually found two men Li Dong and Li Lin have different hearts, ready to carry money to absconding, they pondering Liu Chuang for his results Li Lin and Li Dong. Er YaTou learned through professors in the United States that there is another way to open the door to Mokhin's memory. That is to say, it synthesizes sound and uses sound to awaken Mokhin's memory. The insider sent an anonymous letter again, telling Zheng QianFang: Jin Yu was lost because he had mastered the secret of the Mok fire, and Jin Yu may still survive in the world. Er YaTou used the dialogue recording between Zheng QianFang and Zhang HongFa to synthesize Mo Jinliang's voice in preparation for further treatment of Mo Ke. Zhang HongFa's wife divorced herself and, together with the two iron hands exposed her anti-bone and boredom, often took a few yellowed old photographs from the drawers in a daze. When she was in her teens, she was with her mother. Er YaTou visits Mo Kexin, Mo Kexin recalled his boyhood, vent his hatred of his father and family. After the treatment, Er YaTou special attention Mei QiuXue, this period of Mok Kexin's situation can be described as blowing bullets, must not give her any psychological hint, or else its danger. Zheng QianFang and Er YaTou Psychologically Attack on Synthetic Mo Jinliang's Voice Zhang HongFa, Zhang HongFa are upset. Zheng QianFang once again go to Qian Shuangquan father and son currently probing, and gradually discovered that the mysterious person's memorial is a regular find. Zhang HongFa drove to the Meijia villa and stood idly out of the window and looked at Mo Kexin, who shouted to kill her, some of whom were in tears. Long ZaiTian called Zheng QianFang and advised him to give up Zhang HongFa as early as possible, because Zhang HongFa is not the only one they are looking for, and they use words to stimulate and insult Zheng QianFang. Liu Chuang In the Night At the request of Zhang HongFa, Li Dongli and Li Lin were tied to the hills, buried alive, and the two panicked to tell the secret of Zhang HongFa and the two of them: more than a decade ago they were still doing When demolishing a small business, he killed a lone old man because of violent demolition ... Mok Kee insanity shouted to kill Zhang HongFa, Mei QiuXue intolerable, picked up the dagger in the living room and said he was going to Zhang HongFa's office stabbed Zhang HongFa, After anger, Mei QiuXue abandoned his knife and picked up a dagger. He took a taxi to Zhang HongFa's office and stabbed Zhang HongFa before the Criminal Police Force came to arrest Zhang HongFa. Emergency room, dying Zhang HongFa said Mo Kexin himself and his wife Wu Jinliang's illegitimate daughter ... ... Zhang HongFa's secret already untied, but Mo fire is still a puzzle. Er YaTou recalls Zheng QianFang quite touchingly on one thing before. We made a huge mistake and ignored the spiritual world of human beings. Zhang HongFa's spiritual world? Mo mental heart of the world? Long ZaiTian spiritual world?Still more in the spiritual world of Mei QiuXue you suspect, and even you and my spiritual world, how much do you know? To crack this huge mystery must go into their spiritual world, to find their spiritual wound, and then rip it! Zheng QianFang again received anonymous letter: Mr. shadow, really hard you! For some reason, this letter, which should have been issued, was not sent until today. I listened to the radio program from last time and learned that the rich people in this city began to prepare their needles to prove their innocence. From what I understood, some things were not explained to you at first because the expensive father and The culprit in the Mo family case was the two demon linked to each other, and the man who created the fire was the only relative of his family. In addition, please be sure to do so that no one knows my existence. A bystander. After reading the letter, Zheng QianFang suddenly realized that they found that the original five conditions, not a person, but the two associated. Mei QiuXue continue to receive Jinyu tapes, panic he pulled Qihai laugh to the shooting range to relax in the shooting range, Qi Hai laugh even an ordinary bloated and slowly stature, active in the range such as the Dragon Tiger ... All this is hidden by the side of Er YaTou dv shot down. Zheng QianFang finally found the missing informant, the informant turned out to be Gun DaoRou. At this time, Gun DaoRou was poisoned by being slaughtered by the white powder ghost tribe and Zheng QianFang guilty of tears sent him to the drug rehabilitation center. Mei QiuXue once again received the tape from Jinyu: Master Mei, you are well-intentioned and ah, so that the driver of the Marine Corps origin day and night do not leave you, to protect their own lives, you are wrong! You can only save your body, in fact, your spirit is already dead. A spirit long dead you, there is no need to plug a knife to his chest. So, Mei always has to live, you must continue to live, because you are a glory, because you are a great mother of the pioneering act, your glory is the spiritual world of the great mother of all. Just now, Ms. Jinyu, who lives forever in the wounds of your soul. Zheng QianFang started to investigate the family of Mei QiuXue and learned of Mei QiuXue's mother and younger brother. Zheng QianFang find QI Hai Qiao laugh about the family situation of Mei QiuXue, QI Hai unexpectedly informed Zheng QianFang, he is Mei QiuXue's younger brother, Mei QiuXue is his mother - Qi adopted mother son! The two met and aroused their memory of acquaintance. Qi Hai laughed at the initial image of Zheng QianFang: At that time, I was fortunate enough to witness the generality of the generals fighting on the battlefield and even made me Jingzhe is the general's son who exudes an exuberant momentum, I know that I will live forever in your spiritual shadow, a child grew up from the slums, will never be able to beat you ... Qi Hai laugh once again recall On the days of the Marine Corps, during an exercise, Zheng QianFang pushed Zheng QianFang out of a bomb due to the improper operation of Zheng QianFang which caused the bomb to explode in advance. As Zheng QianFang himself Came from generals, in order to become a hero ... Zheng QianFang Shen language:Cut open the soul, the world's most sorry frostbite is me, he handed over the door to happiness after all, of course, I only reap the only insatiable wounds. Qi Qiao laughs to find Mei QiuXue said he already felt Mei QiuXue already in danger, hoping to help his brother, Mei QiuXue said with a smile when you understand what the elephant invisible to help yourself well, and told him to hide the two Relationship, no matter what happens in the future, Qi Hai laugh, always to Mercedes-Benz Mei QiuXue big driver. Qi Bei laughs in the phone Ye Bei, hoping to get an invisible interpretation of the elephant, Ye Bei puzzled, found Er YaTou, an attempt to understand the meaning of the elephant invisible, Er YaTou listen, very shocked ... Long ZaiTian Telephone contact Mei QiuXue, To do a deal with him, while on the phone, Long ZaiTian heard the electromagnetic interference and realized that Mei QiuXue's phone was under surveillance. Mei QiuXue put down the phone and said wildly: Long ZaiTian Zheng QianFang, hey! Hey! Hey! You na - a painstaking! no good! Elephant invisible, the elephant invisible, you can not regret that invisible person, he is the devil of the spiritual world, he put me Mei QiuXue too thoroughly, he freely in my soul, he accurately handle my fatal Wound wounds, he wanted me to carry painfully alive wounds, is a real wound, either physical or mental, it is too huge, so I can not touch. When I think of it, it will force me to lower my proud head. Liu Chuang seized the hidden three-pole and sent him to a large-scale case. Gao Jing sent him to the drug rehabilitation center where Gun DaoRou was located. He attempted to use Gun DaoRou to conduct a continuous investigation of Samil-bin Tam. Long ZaiTian notified Mei QiuXue by letter, giving him half a day's time to give an "elephant invisible" hidden behind the puzzle, and confessed the secret of Mo's fire. Zheng QianFang asked Qi Hai for her cold things and talked about her sister Qi Rubing's suicide. She told reporters that no one has told his sister why he committed suicide. The mother told him that these are not what you should Ask, your task is to defend the motherland and protect the great achievements of reform and opening up. Mei QiuXue smuggled Qi Hai into the resort, barring him from meddling in his own affairs. Mei, Mei QiuXue face the sister's crying: ice, I'm sorry you ... ... Resort, Qi Hai laugh memories of childhood, in order to establish a brilliant mother image of the cold mother bias adoptive son Mei QiuXue, blame yourself Past, painful ... Liu Chuang clues to investigate Jinyu clues, through the visit, he found the real name Jade Tsui, a decade ago with the county Environmental Protection Agency Wu Meng have romance, and Wu Meng is suffering from neuropathy, after suicide , While Wu Mengzheng was working with colleagues from the working group at the Environmental Protection Agency ... taxi driver motor suddenly found his wife, ordered him to approach Liu Chuang and reported to Liu Chuang et al.Yellow lights, dizzy little living room, old wooden furniture, covered with all kinds of pennants and the award-winning plaque ... ... Qi Qi alone with a clean cloth, cherish the "top ten mothers" and "top ten Jay Female "brass medal, shining on the gray flag on the pennant, full of emotion and incomparable pride of color ... ... cold mother rubbed his face and said humming. Qi aunt: good and evil finally reported, but also God has eyes ah! Fortunately, I adopted the Meijia only child, or I can get so much glory so much face so much happy. As the saying goes: Mother stay chicken stay chicken legs, stepchick chicken stay chicken intestine, hum! I do not! I give a son to stay is fragrant chicken, natural son is eating rotten chicken intestine. Which mother can do to me? Pro-do not love, instead of pain to adopt, who can do? I! This is not! Foster son to earn face to face the old widow, this face make big! The director of the small water Yamen not as good as my old widow scenery, "Top Ten Outstanding Women", "Top Ten Mothers," What is this? what is this? This is equal to the ancient arch of chastity Zheng QianFang and Liu Chuang found the former director of the Environmental Protection Agency, Wu Meng learned before his death went to his house, Wu Meng once said that Mo Jinliang was killed, died in a conspiracy, The reason was that a chemical plant in the county had violated regulations and caught Mo Jinliang. The other side, because of huge economic interests, created a huge fire plot. At that time, everyone knew that Wu Meng was a neuropathy, so he did not take what he said seriously. Liu Chuang and Zheng QianFang found out that the most polluted area in the county, with an average annual incidence of cancer patients up to a dozen people in the village, the village saw the place, all the things Mei QiuXue donated things to build public facilities, people widely praised Is also the kind-hearted owner Mei ... ... After investigation, that Mei QiuXue had opened in the early years of chemical plants here, to foreign processing, and these products are particularly carcinogenic chemicals ... ... Zheng QianFang concluded: it is Mo Jinliang and Wu Meng discovered the secret, intended to organize the behavior of Mei QiuXue, under the great interests of Mei QiuXue chose to set fire ... Mei QiuXue to the resort and Qihai laugh happy things, memories of the past, and Qi Xiao Hai explain why they want to hide the relationship between the two, and gave him a huge sum of money, told him that once something happens, let him go with the cold mother away ... ... Mei QiuXue drunk after leaving the resort, not long after Zheng QianFang Qihai laughter received a phone call that Mei QiuXue disappeared, may be kidnapped. After the motor receives a mysterious message, he immediately opens the woman and hurries to drive out to stare at Er YaTou at the intersection. Er YaTou sees Song aunt at the market and picks a basket. She is a jade pendant ... Mei QiuXue was kidnapped and held by Long ZaiTian in a basement. Long ZaiTian interrogated Mei QiuXue: What did Er YaTou come from, and hurt Mei QiuXue with verbal assault on cold mother ... Long ZaiTian phone Ye Bei, Hope to hear from her Er ErTou identity and propose a plan to detect Er YaTou. Zheng QianFang, who also has a long history of Er YaTou, decided to give it a try. Through the test, Er YaTou finally confessed to the true identity:New York Police Department, the first psychology laboratory, police officers, Chinese name is Wendy Ya, alarm is ××××××. Three years ago graduated from Harvard Psychology Master, entered the police research institute. Er YaTou said: In any country, the construction of the police force takes precedence over the rest. It is a state machine, and the machine is also made up of people. If we want to build it, we must study the people who constitute it thoroughly . In particular, police personnel engaged in criminal investigation are more worthy of study. On the one hand, it is the high-intensity mental and physical exertion, while on the one hand there is a disproportionate amount of income that is paid at any time, the possibility of death at any moment, and even more horrifying the mental pollution. Under the sun all the Interpol are living in the gray area, because they have the most contact is a crime, the Chinese have an old saying is "near black", the long run in that kind of gray zone, over time, their mentality will change , So there is a special research institutes for the Criminal Police who pulse, from time to time to their psychological counseling, at the same time out of healing their recipe. What you must give them to maintain a psychological balance. What to give? honor! This is why all the Interpol under the sun value the medal very much. "Chinatown" is Wencheng Lin, carrying a song carrying aunt to visit Villa Er YaTou, and brought us a duck pot. When Wencheng Lin left, the motor drove all the way to a taxi. Basement, Long ZaiTian asked Mei QiuXue: Wen Cheng Lin is not the father of money, is not an invisible elephant ... ... Qi, Qi Hai laugh courage to go in, was Qi Qia meal shame, Qi Hai smiled ... Qi Hai laugh asked her sister as the cause of death of ice, Qimin actually exceptionally open, revealing many years of hidden secrets: to blame the ice itself, can not think of it. I have never thought of like ice actually like your brother, they both blind me, it is estimated that already good on the. After I heard that, my head is gone, wrongdoing ah! What is what with this ah ... If the ice really want to get married with your brother, became a home, you want to ah, what is the matter ... ... Although common sense is not a bad idea, but I always think it is not the case, your brother In my eyes is not an outsider, is my son, than his son to get close, he wants to become home with the ice, you say, what is that ... ... Long ZaiTian phone Zheng QianFang said he would kill Mei QiuXue . Zheng QianFang and Er YaTou, who puzzled, it is difficult to understand why in the past few years have never touched the blood of Long ZaiTian why kill Mei QiuXue. In the basement, Long ZaiTian untangles the fabric covered on Mei QiuXue's eyes. Mei QiuXue was surprised to see that the legendary Long ZaiTian turned out to be a big driver and his own wicked brother, Qi Hai! Qi Hai smiles for decades to suppress depression and anger, torture and complain of Mei QiuXue ... ... vent, Qi Hai laughed thought of the lonely, with Mei QiuXue as the spiritual pillar of the mother, decided to let go Mei QiuXue! "I do not want to let the retribution fall on the lady.Even though she devoted all her maternal love to you, I still hope she will enjoy her destiny and walk her journey of lonely life in his illusory glory." Er YaTou repeated With a video of Qi Hai's laughter, and through the memories of Zheng QianFang, began to suspect Qi Hai's smile was Long ZaiTian.Her speculation was negative by Zheng QianFang, Zheng QianFang think this speculation is impossible to set up. QIU Hai asked Mei QiuXue what the elephant is invisible, who may have been sending anonymous mail to inform intelligence Mei QiuXue smile not say, just kept saying that the elephant invisible is a master of all people Wounds and spirit of the terrible person ... ... Mei QiuXue committed suicide, carrying more than billions of wealth and life's confession died. What he has left behind is an invisible infinite fear of the elephant: the invisible behind the elephant is the godfather of wealth and spirits, and he is wise to realize his superiority. He had pierced the essence of money long ago, he had penetrated the weakness of humanity. He made me his servant through money, and of course, the great man who was captured by him in this city was like me. He captures us is money, ultimately saving him is money, this is the magical power of money. To tell the truth, in fact, I am just a virtual billionaire, the real richest man is not me. Qian Shuangquan did not make a mistake, and nearly half of the wealth in this city is him. He is rich enough to let God give way to him. You and Zheng QianFang can not defeat him. All of you have a devil in your heart , Is a greedy desires devil, there is a wound in everyone's soul, no one need to feel for others, because when the end of life will naturally have to accept the foot of the loess, there are those who grow as repentant trees companion. In the basement, Qihai laughs with the motor, Qi Hai laughs from Mei QiuXue mouth that the elephant holds half of the wealth of Shifang City, the assets reached 10 billion, while the city's few rich together, you can reach hundreds Billion Assets Qihai laugh let the motor to investigate several large group companies in the city to see who owns most of their shares in which hands. Jinyu accidental appearance, she unconscious, abandoned in the vegetable fields, the body is always traces of the injection of drugs leave, Interpol sent to send people to detoxification. Qi Qian, Zheng QianFang, Liu Chuang, Er YaTou Several people gathered together to synthesize what happened before. They realized that some of them had been constantly revealing information to the elephants. The elephants seemed to walk forever in them Front, but after thinking, can not determine who in the end who revealed the information ...... Er YaTou psychological hotline suddenly received a strange call, several calls are talking about their sad love, a strange woman's phone so Peiyu miss Dead mother ... ... motor and Qihai laugh survey: Elephant Group, Xinyuan Real Estate Development Company, Vimy Pharmaceutical Group, Hongshan Textile Group shares are you in me, I have you, layman simply can not see In the end these shares in the end grasp in the hands of what people, desperation, Qi Hai laughed, this information to the Interpol team, the use of their public office and professional to verify the ownership of the shares. Zheng QianFang and Liu Chuang squatted in the cemetery of Qian Shuangquan's father and mother, awaiting the arrival of those who paid homage to the Buddha. Er YaTou asked Aunt Song, who for so many years did not know why her mother died and her mother's death left a hard-closing wound in her heart, but Aunt Song did not say it.Tramp wake up, Zheng QianFang et al. With him to identify behind the scenes the Lord made him, in the farmer's market, tramps recognize the figure behind the scenes, Zheng QianFang et al. Zheng QianFang et al determined that Wencheng Lin was most likely an invisible elephant. Although it was impossible to reconcile this enigmatic figure with a small old man in front of him, all the evidence seemed to point to Wen Cheng-lin. Recall the coincidence happened before, Zheng QianFang speculated that the taxi driver motor may be Long ZaiTian. Er YaTou finds Ye Bei chatting about his mother's death, telling his boyhood, his father's fortune and the confusion over his mother's death ... Wen Cheng Lin, Er YaTou once again asked his father's mother's death, Wen Cheng Lin just In the face of an invisible plaque written in a daze ... ... mysterious woman repeatedly called to talk about their own experiences, her story gradually Er YaTou into their own lives. Finally one day, the mysterious woman said his name - Xie Lan Yin, nicknamed Sangu. And admits that she is the money and the mother ... ... Xie Lan Yin living in the highest and most luxurious residence in Shifang City, Wencheng Lin came to visit her, chatting about his use of several major groups to capitalize on the operation of the chain ...... City Bureau of Interpol, police The officers detected about 80% of the shares in the four major group companies in Shifang City, which means that nearly 12 billion yuan of funds are in the hands of one of the leading American Avenue companies, and the owner of the company turned out to be Wendy Ya! The person who took the place of holding and operation was the son of the party secretary of Shifang City. Taking into account this situation, the Council decided to ask the superior after the action. Er YaTou found Xie Lan Yin, Xie Lan Yin told her about her mother's death, her relationship with Wen Cheng Lin, paternity, and Wen Cheng Lin is full control of the game ... ... by telephone records, etc., Zheng QianFang found mail anonymous letter Turned out to be Song aunt, they visit Song aunt, Song aunt even admitted very frankly to them about a miserable love story, and that the hero of the story is Xie Lan Yin and Wen Chenglin ... ... Xie Lan Yin and Wendia tears, pay homage to small money After that, they returned to Xie Lan Yin's residence, but at this time Zheng QianFang and Song aunt and others also came here waiting for them. Xie Lainin obsessed watching the room 28 sets of gorgeous wedding dress, so Song Yi help choose to put on a piece of tail jade to Wendy Ya, smiling and leaping down as many as tens of floors of the building ... ... Zheng QianFang intention Comfort Er YaTou, Er YaTou just joking smile, "In fact, the need to comfort not me, but we are in this era .Nothing wrong, change is inevitable.When the great China by a thousand almost overnight Years of farming culture, the transition to the era of great business, will certainly change out of character, the wake of the wake-up, the numbness will remain numb, the confusion will be confused, in short, everything is changing. Become monotonous, there is a word - money.In the fourteen years since I left the motherland, I came back in two hurdles but all came in a hurry. Only this time happened to you, I came into contact with the concept of Long ZaiTian and further collided with the money and the money. A huge mystery snatched cocoon, we saw what? We saw the original faces of so-called billionaires. From Zhang Xiuchen onwards, to the so-called wealthy Mei QiuXue, the most mysterious thing is that during this period the city's billionaires carry disposable syringes with them to prove that they have nothing to do with money. Why should the billionaires fear that? Because their hearts are extremely weak, they fear the sunshine and fear the forces of justice. In this environment, it is normal for an elephant to appear invisible. It should be noted that the elephant is his father invisible, his behavior is despicable, and his soul is evil. I will not defend him because he is my father, but he will still be my father. I can What is done is to be shunned so that he may receive the judgment of the world. I do not think I am noble, just know how to distinguish between good and evil nothing more ... Er YaTou chose to leave, as she was about to leave, Qi Hai laugh jade will hand jade hands to her, and the tail phoenix jade synthesis is a pair . Qi Hai laugh to Er YaTou talk about the pain hiding in their hearts, want her help to get rid of demons, Er YaTou as a psychiatrist advised Qi Hai laugh: take the initiative to stand up as Long ZaiTian, ​​you defeated the control Your demons, and then get the liberation of the soul. Er YaTou mouth remembered the words, Qi Hai laugh Honda cars, rapid driving, and gradually disappear in the midst of the night. Ye Bei in her new home has a wedding at home and is looking forward to the return of Zheng QianFang, thinking of starting a new life with Zheng QianFang, starting her normal life and enjoying her life as a woman. Qi Hai laugh to express objects, two sweaters. One is a dark gray sweater for men and the other is a pink, sweater for women. There is also a happy bouquet of the third anniversary of the wedding, plus a military boots, just Zheng QianFang that it is only a pair of hands. At this point the phone rang: Hello host! I am Long ZaiTian. If you remember correctly, tonight should be the third anniversary of your marriage, here I would like to bless you. Long ZaiTian has been tired, he was suffering, he wanted to relieve, he is waiting for you, invited to the suburbs West Sanzhuang flowers and trees base. Ye Bei flirtatiously came to the base of flowers and trees, she always could not believe that in front of this often sweater, wipe the car, to change gas, through the sewer driver, Zheng QianFang best friend, turned out to be her husband away from her hands Long ZaiTian who takes his own life ... An upcoming train is parked on the platform. Qi Hai wore a camouflage uniforms that year's Marine Corps, carrying a camouflage large luggage, holding train tickets, sandwiched between passengers, is the ticket, boarded the train ... ... Ye Bei home, Zheng QianFang looked military boots in a daze. The candle on the small table is gone. Zheng QianFang lying on the table, writing to stay ... ... "Bei, for your happiness, but also because of my happiness, please cool, I can only choose to go to life in the most ardent place to find Back to me before the injury.Zheng QianFang, the day of departure. Zheng QianFang has been wearing military camouflage pants and high cylinder boots, upper body is wearing the same blue and white navy shirt, he put on the camouflage outfit, back camouflage line, picked up Ye Bei sat alone on the small table with Zheng QianFang's note in his hand Ye Bei lit the candle and she lit the stick and placed it in the glass of wine in front of her, The "bride" flower, put into the wine glass in front of them, and later she put that flower "groom" flower into the opposite glass, lit ... ... Xie Lan Yin home where the dark, then Twenty-seven white wedding gowns are still dancing in the wind Ye Bei standing in front of the large glass curtain wall, staring at the city night ... Empty shot: the classic European clock is ringing. Display: midnight at midnight. Empty shots: a huge, brilliant, colorful stream of night city night ... ... Ye Bei Voiceover: Beijing at twenty-four in the dead of night, similar to the Radio Station in Shifang City art stage, large Variety live show Money is not money "to enter on time.I am your old friend, host" heart chicken soup. "First of all, we are not part of the rich, we are concerned about things other than money.Autumn: A few months later, the United States Boulevard International Investment Corporation Miss Wendia, a legal entity, donated all its assets to Shifang City, amounting to nearly 10 billion yuan, and Wen Shulin released her four-bird cage from her death in that ordinary little courtyard house.

Good morning birch forest (TV)[2005]

Feature: In the winter of 2002, a number of murders and a smuggling of cross-border arms occurred in Russia's Alta state, a city bordering the Chinese border city. A series of cases brought the two countries together. Scouting around two notable Chinese names, namely, Yuri and Wu Xiaojun, Zhang Zhiyuan, the principal culprit in the arms smuggling incident, and the witness of the car bombing, Sergei, were killed. Dr Vivalyev, an important witness to the killings on Neva Avenue, disappeared. Russian and Chinese police temporarily confused ... ... It turned out that Fu Fifi is the core figure of drug trafficking gang Fu Fifi himself hidden in the dark. She was the first to make the case of military personnel barrier to the eyes, to kill and expel someone to remove the yellow wife, indirectly kidnapped Suker's daughter ... ... After the incident was revealed, Fu Fifi and his men hostage Wu Na, Huang Jianhong fled to Lake Baikal, the Russian Ministry of Interior Urgently dispatch special forces to rescue Chinese counterparts. Fu Fifi et al. Suffered a snowstorm on the road to escape. Huang Jianhong escaped while the killers robbed the warm clothes. Wu Na with the branches made of snow plow frostbite Fu Fei Fei difficult to go to the rescue team, and in the moment they find the rescue team, Fu Feifei fired a bullet of evil ... ...

SwordsmenofthePasses-MeatPulp (Movie)[2003]

Feature: Knight civil war neither has a martial arts martial arts, martial arts is not to kill those who kill the industry as a hero. They are Guanzhong Earth everywhere, the country's scholar, country boy ... ... some of them do not even martial arts, but they are all chivalrous, distress, not fame and fortune, even at the blood and life ... ... these ten Stories, each story tells, a spirit of our nation, a kind of sharp attitude toward good and evil. From them, we can see the justice and affection, the bloody and masculine, the integrity and the atmosphere, the honesty and the atmosphere, which are what we introduced and promoted in 2013 ......

Bai Shan Hei Shui (Movie)[1997]

Feature: After the "September 18 Incident", many Northeast people sent their children to join the army. General Yang JingYu led the Anti-Japanese Forces to eliminate a large number of Japanese troops in the battle of the skyscrapers and won large quantities of loot. The old and the young were collectively shot.The enemy with a total of 700,000 Japanese and puppet troops attacked a total of 5 thousand anti-Japanese allied forces to create an unmanned area and brought the war of resistance in the Northeast to an unprecedented difficult period. The situation was so dangerous that no one could see the future and left the anti- In order to preserve the revolutionary forces, more than 100 soldiers of the Yang Jingyu lifeguard brigade were transferred with the South Korean political commissar, leaving only a dozen or so of his side. The grain on the hill was broken and everyone relied on Japanese bomber dropped leaflets and Vice-Chand proposed to negotiate with Yang JingYu.Yang Gen-sheng has decided to negotiate in person and decided to negotiate in his own time and to take the opportunity to negotiate when the entire team will be ready to break through, leaving only two guards behind him At the time of the negotiations, Yang JingYu was righteous, pointing out that exterminating a nation and annihilating a people is always an idiot! This shows the conviction of winning a war of resistance and denounces the shameful tragedy of the traitors. Chand was overawed in the face of Yang JingYu Kangkaichenci speechless. 194 ...

Bath blood Xijiang (Movie)[1990]

Feature: In the autumn of 1936, in western Gui Sui area of ​​Inner Mongolia, the Japanese invaders attacked the Ma Jiapu station where the Kuomintang stationed. The soldier of a certain company of the Kuomintang carried out an all-out battle with the Japanese army. Because of the disproportionate strength of troops, the entire army was annihilated. Fu Zuoyi himself dispatched a large number of military aids to Taocheng, escorted by Xi'min Hao San, and was suddenly abducted by bandit Huang LaoPiao as he passed the canyon. Yan SiPeng, head of the Kuomintang stationed in Taocheng, knew that military forces had been taken hostage and was prepared to compile this force for common resistance to Japan, taking into account the immediate situation. Communist Party guerrilla team member Zhang found Huang LaoPiao, urging him to send back the generals' fire and all enemy troops should be united in solidarity and unanimously to the outside world. Huang LaoPiao, a poor man who came to love with Hao San, always haunted Hao San. This time, Hao Ya's wife Feng Ya also robbed to prepare for her worship. Although Feng Ya and Huang LaoPiao were both childhood and grandchildren, they refused to marry Huang LaoPiao and disappointed Huang LaoPiao. Yan SiPeng is afraid the team will go to the Communist Party and send his own battalion, Jing Yanchun, to personally visit and relay the last hijacking arms to the Yellow Ministry. Huang LaoPiao was overjoyed and agreed to categorize the contingent into an independent battalion of the Kuomintang forces and joined forces with King Yan Chun. Unexpectedly, while Huang LaoPiao led the team down to accept the adaptation, Yan SiPeng ambushed the Yellow Troops to exterminate Huang LaoPiao alone, unfortunately, fell into the clutches of Japanese troops. Encouraged by the frustration of Hao San, Huang LaoPiao furiously embarrassed Feng Ya, insisting on going up to the mountains to help the soldiers and was shot by Hao San. Hong GuoZi, a lover of Huang LaoPiao, who was on the hill, just happened to arrive and heard the news from Feng Ya, who was on the verge of death, and led the rest down to rescue Huang LaoPiao. The guerrillas sent people to sneak into Japanese cells in the night and rescued Huang LaoPiao. Huang LaoPiao know right and wrong, decided to lead the guerrillas. The Japanese army frantically attacked Taocheng on a massive scale. Huang LaoPiao and Hong GuoZi went with the guerrillas to reinforce Kuomintang troops who were holding the Taocheng city. In the hail of bullets, Huang LaoPiao, Hong GuoZi and Batu have sacrificed their lives in battle. Yan SiPeng guilty of serious injuries caused by heroic heroic battle, can not help but shed tears.

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