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Xixi Gao TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Xixi Gao Works 30 ,And War 9 ,Feature 9 ,Historical play 6 ,Romance 6 ,Costume Drama 4 ,Action 2 ,现代军旅1 ,Spy war 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Military 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Shootout 1 ,Business War 1 ,家庭伦理剧1 ,古装历史剧1 ,近代革命1 ,Family drama 1 ,Biopic 1 ,故事1 ,Comedy 1 。

Works Index

Xixi Gao Filmography(30)


八子 (Movie)[2019]


上世纪30年代的赣南地区,在这个被称为中国革命“红色摇篮”的地方,曾经有这样一位母亲,她将八个儿子先后送入红军,奔赴战场前线。但战火无情,兄弟中的六人陆续牺牲,只剩下大哥杨大牛和最小的孩子满崽。满崽找到了大牛的部队,成了哥哥麾下的普通一兵,经过一场场战役的淬炼,新兵满崽迅速成长为一个真正的战士。最后的战斗打响了,为了掩护大部队安全撤离,杨大牛带领弟弟满崽和全体战友浴血肉搏,直至弹尽粮绝…… 英雄的身前,是枪林弹雨的沙场,而在英雄的身后,家乡的村庄依然宁静安详,微风吹过金黄的稻浪簌簌作响,一位年迈的母亲正在村头的小路旁孤独的守望……


Jiangshan Ji (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Jiangshan Ji" also known as "Jiangshan Yongle" tells the story of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming dynasty, the fourth Yanzui Zhu Di raised the banner of Fengtian Jing difficult, with a weak force launched a war to change Chinese history. After four years of bloody battles, Zhu Di ascended the throne, change the number of "Paradise." During the reign of Twenty-two years, during the reign of twenty-two years, Emperor Zhu Di revived the ancient land of Annan, made seven seventies of the western and northern Mogok counties, and repaired the ceremony. In addition to drastically reformed while in office, Zhu Di was not a smooth sailing. Instead, he staged a wonderful "Usurpation" drama. As is known to all, the vicissitudes of imperial civilizations in the successive dynasties were always accompanied by massive killings. The most famous of these was the "Nine-child Conflict" during the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing dynasty. Nine princes counted each other in every possible way. Although he did not compete for the throne with his brother, Zhu Di took away the throne of the emperor's grandson Zhu Yun-登 who was thrown in front of him. It was even more dangerous than that of the "Nine-prince snatchers." Because his thrill was no less than a tiger's mouth, The "Gong Dou" is also a major aspect. The media exposed the strength of the actor Feng Shaofeng will partner Chen Baoguo, Zhang Fengyi two plays bone plays Huanrui new drama "Jiangshan Ji" (aka "Jiangshan Paradise"), the lineup called the annual drama of the top configuration, national treasure actor Chen Baoguo, Zhang Fengyi The play has always been cautious, the first time together, together with the strength to send actor Feng Shaofeng, composed of three super God of the Lord after the exposure of exposure as a blockbuster audience, the instant burst of social media. According to broke the news, the show will be directed by the famous director Gao Xixi, the total investment is as high as 320 million!


Feature: The play is adapted from Xu Guixiang original novel "Just the World." During the Great Revolution of 1928, Chen Qiu Shih escaped his father's marriage and went to the revolutionary road with the help of Zhao Juzi, a progressive young man, who was sent to Whampoa to study military affairs. Thin but he is quite strategic talent, grow mentally trained under the mentor. Due to different beliefs and eventually divorced mentor. The outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, he led the army to win less frequently, repeated Li Qi Gong. However, he arbitrarily changed his tactics and defied orders from higher authorities, causing him several times to be derogated and upset. Chen SanChuan, son of a son who never returned home in 17 years and never met, has become a heroic fighter among his team, refusing to recognize his hatred for his mother in that year. Chen QiuShi full of guilt, silently nurture, teach his son. Chen SanChuan gradually changed his attitude towards his father. In the war of liberation, Chen Qiu Shi was hit by shells due to cover warriors. Bed, father and son finally recognize each other. The two men joined together to write a touching battlefield legend on the battlefield.

Zhao Song of the Great Song KuangYin (TV)[2015]

Feature: Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, Divine bloody, people struggling on the line of death, Hope God sad ask: When the disorder? ! When the state of Dazhi? 21-year-old Zhao KuangYin, farewell to his parents and his wife, leaving home to battles, sent to Jing Niang for a long journey, suffering. Troubled times hero, Zhao KuangYin defected to Guo Wei, due to the outstanding performance of the battle of Gaoping, became the senior general of the Forces. Zhao KuangYin gradually formed its own forces in the Forbidden Forces and ended up with "ten brothers in the society of justice." Chai Rong died, Zhao KuangYin launched Chen Qiu Bing change, yellow robe plus body. After proclaiming the emperor, Zhao KuangYin first defeated the remnants of the aftermath of the Zhou Dynasty and took the strategy of "moving south from north to north," attacking the separatist regime and strengthening the defense of the north. Then he did not hesitate "cup of wine release military power." Adhere to the "heavy text," the national policy, creating a magnificent flourishing Song Dynasty. On October 12, 976 AD, Zhao KuangYin died suddenly, leaving the eternal mystery candle shadow. Only one day his brother Zhao GuangYi succeeded him, known as Song Taizong.

Fluttering age of clouds (TV)[2015]

Feature: The "era of white clouds" tells the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, and the troops of the Eighth Route Army of the Northeast captured all the fourth trained flight crews of the Second Kwantung Army of Japan. With the tireless efforts of the leaders of East and Northeast Bureau and Air Captain Lu HaoTian, ​​the Japanese instructors were finally moved to leave them as instructors of the first generation of communist pilots. Instructors or Yan'an Aviation Group, the KMT insurgent, Xinjiang Airlines team arrested and release personnel. Such a multi-party force brought together a contingent of troops and fostered the first pilots of new China in a war-torn environment that lacked aircraft and fuel and kept evadeing attacks and chase by the Kuomintang troops and overcoming various life difficulties.

Shahai veterans (TV)[2014]


Sand Veterans tells the old soldier Li Feng to see an item on the ward The newspaper articles for the "Sturdy Village of Sandy Sea Veterans Village" have fallen into memory. Shortly after the founding of New China, Li Feng, who was the first field army and a soldier group capable of attacking the heroic regiment, led Zhang Yuanfa, Sheng Chengfu, Yao Dayong, Guo Xuecheng and others went to Xinjiang to cross the desert and fought against the Kuomintang troops in Hetian. In the battle, Sheng Chengfu was cut off from the spine, and Zhang Yuanfa was protecting Li Feng from losing his right arm. After the liberation of Xinjiang, the heroic regiment took root in the frontier and built borders. Together with the female soldiers who arrived in Xinjiang, the heroines finally became partners. Liu Deshou was sacrificed in the desert for the protection of grain and his wife Liu Xing became a vegetative man after the earthquake. Li Feng was relied upon in Beijing and decided to take Liu Xing and change his name to Li Xing to take care of him. He married his son Li Liang left for Zhang YuanFa. After many years, LiXing learned everything and decided to return to veteran village with Li Wei, the son of a Beijing-based Xinjiang cadre. At the 100-year-old banquet that separated many years later, Li Feng learned that she died and brought the ashes back to the veteran village. Before Li Feng’s tombstone, the frontier guards and their descendants paid tribute to Li Feng.


World people (TV)[2013]

Feature: "The World" tells the story of Big Brother Tang ZhongQiu (Hewei Yu), a makeup artist in a funeral home: a career that is even somewhat disgusting by most people, and a deep, unforgettable regret in his heart. Twenty or so years ago, he lost his parents with two young brothers (Huo Qubing, Tong Bing Yu ornaments) and a picked up sister (Yixiao Li ornaments), wandering around the fence. Fathers and mothers (Stone Xiaoman, Yeping Li ornaments) poor family, two younger brothers were forced to leave, from the separation. The sister fostered Pang Yi (Mingqi Li), a man who picked up for a living, for various reasons. After many years, two younger brothers appeared, one was the second generation of the politically prospective government officials, and the other was a fucker living on the ground floor. Destiny arrangements for them to meet. The sister also graduated from college at this time, is heading for an unknown future. The career of make-up artist has taken Tang ZhongQiu into the cold of the world, but with his awe and ethics of professionalism, everyone began to gradually accept, understand and respect this sacred and special occupation. He used his kindness and dedication to bring one family back together.

Legend of Chu and Han (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Legend of Chu Han" tells the story of Xiang Yu aristocratic family origin, gifted, head double pupil, heroic cloud, power can lift Ding, in his early twenties, world-class hero. Liu Bang is over forty years old and has a combination of "grass roots" and "bachelor sticks". He is active all day and does not know how to work. His father is responsible for "rogue". However, he is generous,诩, and the county Xiao He Xiao He mixed very familiar. Qin ShiHuang Sudden death, traitors to get power, II succession, brutal, indiscriminate force, the people live in trouble, flow bandits everywhere. Just as the occasion of the occasion, the heroic hero, apiculture eclipsed, have the sea, the group race deer Central Plains. A time machine rude, moving competitive strategy show competing. Precisely when the occasion of this occasion, the heroic hero, rose from the sky, have the sea, crowded Central Plains. Hero sad beauty pass, overlord, Yu Ji, Liu Bang, Lu, after the legendary romance staged love. In the end, Liu Bang won the victory. On the basis of continuing the original political system of the Qin Dynasty, he established the Han Empire, which ruled the world for more than 400 years.

Three Kingdoms Guan Yun (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Liu Bei family dependents trapped in Cao Ying, Guan Yunchang for the loyalty of Gan as prisoners, forced into battle for Cao. A war, Guan Yunchang single horse beheaded the enemy generals, scared four, and appreciated by Cao Cao. However, Guan Yunchang, however, is still in Cao Ying's heart. All the courtesy of Cao Cao made euphemism! After Cao Cao found out Guan Yun long favorite Liu Bei concubine did not go concubine 'Yee Lan', only because of a 'meaning' but did not dare to confess. Cao Cao secretly cunning, to send aphrodisiac poisoning, Yuanyuan trapped in injustice! Guanyu cliff horse, which with full of hatred of Yee Ching out of Cao Ying! Along the way, Guan Yu even killed Cao Cao general, however, behind mighty, suffered emotional torture! At the same time, Cao Ying in the public due to Cao Cao repeatedly allow Guan Yu, morale shaken! Cao Cao to stabilize the military forces, and personally set off, vowing to capture Guan Yu! After many hardships, and finally came to the Yellow River ferry, the quiet river has laid the face of Cao's army of soldiers on both sides of the ambush! Life and death moment, rival Cao Cao actually treated with courtesy again and again; loyalty, such as Guan Yu can not help but shaken! Beside the Qilan painstakingly remonstrance, Guan Yunchang must make a choice between 'love', 'justice'.

HengMenBaoWeiZhan (Movie)[2011]

Feature: "Cross-door Warfare" is a Chinese movie released in 2011, directed by Gao Xixi. Zhao Xin Yu and others starring. The "cross-door security war" portrays and praises the typical campaign of KMT-CPC cooperation that fought for the best interests of the Chinese nation during the Anti-Japanese War in the Pearl River, Lingdingyang waters and military strategists during the Anti-Japanese War - the direct leadership of the officers and men of the South China Anti-Japanese Zhujiang column in Zhou Enlai Under the command of Ye Jianying and Liao Chengzhi, with the small slab facing the mixed fleet of five Japanese aircraft carriers, cruisers and destroyers, the "Nobile Golden Flower" was dispatched to fight with the Chinese Air Force Surprisingly "New Nagasaki" airport.

XueZhanChangKong (TV)[2011]

Feature: In 1937, the Lugouqiao Incident broke out and Japan invaded China in a massive way. At a crucial moment of life and death in China, corruption within the Kuomintang could no longer be covered up. The Air Force was vulnerable to Japan. When the crisis, the Air Force emerged a large number of young militant pilot. In time and again in the air battle, they win with less, with unyielding fighting spirit and the Japanese Air Force desperate struggle. Flight captain Liu ZhangLing fell in love with Ma XinLin intelligence lieutenant. However, he did not know that Ma XinLan was a CCP underground party. In order to bring about a complete yield to China, Japan launched the tragic massacre in Nanjing. Using his own life, Liu ZhangLing defended the country while using his own life to tell Ma XinLan. Ma XinLan was touched, however, she rejected Liu ZhangLing. The air strikes in Wuhan and the air raids in Chongqing led Liu Zhangling and Gao Yuntian to meet the aggressive Japanese offensive with indomitable fighting. Gao Yuntian lost one leg and one left eye during the air war, but Liu Zhangling was sacrificed. Ma XinLan hugs Liu ZhangLing's relic and tells himself chokingly as a communist. Finally, Ma XinLan returned to the Communist Party, Gao YunTian commanded his guerrillas and continued fighting with the Japanese.

Walking on the tip (TV)[2011]

Feature: The Walk on the Knife tells the story of a cowardly Bai DaYi who was trapped by Japanese forces and forced to serve the Japanese army in the early 1940s. He inadvertently discovered a shaking secret: the Japanese are secretly developing a large-scale special drugs for children in China, the user will brain atrophy, destruction of nerve tissue, willing to be enslaved. The conscientious Bai DaYi, determined to expose the conspiracy, passed the secret with the intention of being "assassinated" and sacrificing himself. Soon, Yan'an, Chongqing won the Japanese invaders this sinister plan. In Yenan, Lin Ying-ying, a senior agent lurking in the Kuomintang's military command system for many years, was activated. In Chongqing, the senior agent Jin Shen Shuai was commissioned to smash the Japanese invaders. Jin ShenShui, Lin Yingying From then on and Chuan DaoYeFu, Japanese opposition forces led by Ono died in battle. In a joint battle, Lin Ying-Ying succeeded in counterattacking Jin Shen-Ssu to join the Communist Party. Jin ShenShui After Lin and her sacrifices, they completed their historic mission, smashed the Japanese invaders and made them known all over the world.

Three Kingdoms (TV)[2010]

Feature: Eastern Han Dynasty, North Korea chaos. There Dong Zhuo (Xiaohe Lu ornaments) adulterer right and wrong, dominance; domineering outside the Yellow Turban, shake the boat. Sometimes Cao Cao (Chen Jianbin ornaments) hiding a low profile, want to harm the country. After he escaped from the capital, Cao Cao and Dongzhao, together with local giants such as Yuan Shao (Wenguang Xu), Liu Bei (Hewei Yu) and Sun Jian (Yulin Fan), fought against Dong Zhuo. After several campaigns, Dong Zhuo finally died in the hands of Lv Bu (Peter Ho). At this point the number of big man approaching, the heroic hero is all over the world, so staged a crowded hegemony theater. Zhou Yu (Weide Huang ornaments), Xia HouYuan (Li Qin Long ornaments), Lu Xun (Feng Shaofeng ornaments), Zhang Fei (Kai Kang ornaments), Zhu GeLiang (Lu Yi ), Jiang Wei (Peng Ye ornaments), Si MaYi (Ni Dahong ornaments) and other influential people have joined the WTO, Wei, Shu, Wu one-third of the world, the legend of the ages so far.

Exclusive Disclosure (TV)[2010]

Feature: Zhu WuYi (Yiwei Zhou) is an "exclusive disclosure" poster "China Times" newspaper publisher, a day a robbery case, because the tooling is printed with "Zhongdu Times" words, the gangsters mistaken for a reporter. Persuaded by the police, he impersonated reporters to negotiate with criminals and resolve the impasse. His performance aroused the attention of the newspaper president. Xiao Yuan, director of the press department of the newspaper, interviewed Zhu WuYi to see if he could work as a reporter and listened to Zhu WuYi's experience and persisted in leaving him to be a reporter in the Department of Public Information and devoted himself to training. Zhu WuYi accidentally encountered Shen HongYe (Yixiao Li) in the hijacking case and started the investigation. She was hit by a massaging event. Massage female amnesia, Zhu WuYi was as "clients" back to the police station, and as a result, the incident caused Fang Zhou (Ruby Lin ornaments) disgust. Under the arrangement of Xiao Yuan (Huo Qubing), Zhu WuYi pretended to be expelled and successfully entered into an interception by Li Jian Company to investigate evidence of Li Jian's illegal pyramid selling. With the help of Shen HongYe, the evidence was delivered to Xiao Yuan. Here, Xiao Yuan debunked the female "amnesia" of the massage and forced her to explain the situation to the police. Zhu WuYi regains his honor and returns to the newspaper office. Fang Zhou started to feel good about him, but there was also love between Zhu WuYi and Shen HongYe. Due to work needs, he and Fang Zhou partner, although the quarrel, with the understanding is also understandable. Fang Zhou secretly like the simple and honest Zhu WuYi. Exclusive disclosure of the stills Zhu WuYi back to Yongchuan mum, coincides with the Yongchuan earthquake. Fang Zhou and Zhu WuYi traveled to the Shiliogaoshan area for interviewing. However, they found that a philanthropist donated 300,000 donations to local non-school children back to school 20 years ago. Reporters "Zheng Yi" to Yongchuan interview found that children still drop out of school at home, and someone forged a letter of thanks sent to philanthropists, he doubted the Bureau of Education accounting gujilang corruption but committed suicide, whereabouts of charity. Zheng Yi is Xiao Pen's pen name. He told Zhu WuYi that there are other beneficiaries behind that donation and hope Zhu WuYi will work with him to find out the truth. In fact, Xiao Yuan has been secretly investigating Fang ShouDao. He doubted that Fang ShouDao was fortunate enough to win the money, but he still could not obtain any evidence. Fang ShouDao and Zhu JinYu admitted that the school building was indeed their donation to wish that the nominal donation of Hibiscus Lan just want to help her atonement. Zhu WuYi In painful time, another unexpected incident took place: collapse of freeway culverts and the death of Cao DaWei. For the benefit of the company, He GuangLei, general manager of Boulevard Company, obtained the filming scene agreed by Fang ShouDao. After making photos, it started arranging concealment. Zhu WuYi went to investigate and was sentenced to being stolen. Shen HongYe applied for permission to visit Zhu WuYi for permission to visit Zhu WuYi. Cao DaWei hijacks Shen HongYe and fled to the field and raped her. Fang Zhou used a web search to find Cao Dawei's hideout. When Zhu WuYi was released from prison, he found Shen HongYe lost his life after giving birth. When he was depressed, Fang Zhou stayed with him. By chance, Zhu WuYi discovered that Fang Zhou's childhood copybooks were exactly the same as those handwritten by "thank you letters," Fang ShouDao and Zhu JinYu explained:In those days, Zhu Yu Lan had let Fang Zhou help her copy letters, and they did not know ... ... for many years old Fang Fang's old driver Zu Lin died of re-admission, knowing that time is running out, then let him take care of Zhu WuYi Xiao Yuan was called and told about the truth: Under the direction of Fang ShouDao, Zhu JinYu urged Zhu Jilan to move the donation to Fang ShouDao for business and wish no return would be made after Jalan Lan died. Fang ShouDao, Zhu JinYu After the arrest, Avenue Company collapsed. Fang Zhou is overwhelmed and does not know where to turn after resigning. Zhu WuYi also resigned to return to Yongchuan to participate in the reconstruction as a volunteer. He met another volunteer at Shiliu Primary School - Fang Zhou. (Album "Exclusive Disclosure Stills", "studio photos, photos taken photos" from Sina Entertainment)

Golden paper (TV)[2009]

Feature: In 1944, fog Chongqing. Although the previous year Japan has stopped its bombing of Chongqing. However, the nightmare of "Chongqing's bombing" remains in the shadow of people's hearts. Devastating, broken walls, vivid in the eyes. In the seven years of war, it recorded all the things that "capital" had gone through. Wei DuanBen a small civil servants, is crowded in Chongqing, a "river people." Wei DuanBen former Nanjing government a service, after the war broke out evacuated to Chongqing. On the way to meet the same girl is hard Tian PeiZhi. The same is the end of the world, the occurrence of feelings, the formation of afflicted couples. This is already six or seven years ago. Now they have a couple. Family crowded in the backyard of a grocery store. This is peculiar to Chongqing then "Diaojiao" - built by the cliffs, from the top access, for many years not see a trace of sunshine. Tian PeiZhi lively and lively. Although already a mother, but his own child or childish. The pursuit of fashionable women, she can not be immune. In the foreseeable future, the victories in the war of resistance against Japan will be bored. She was hooked on gambling if she did not have the heart to do her housework. The first bet she joined was at the neighbor Tao BoSheng's home. Tao BoSheng is a small businessman, active in his hand. Although his wife gambled many times to discourage him, but can not do his Lord. Tian PeiZhi here is a slapstick, win or lose. However, she got to know her friend Hu TaiTai. Hu TaiTai is a generous, family solid, spacious residential. Often gather some friends to play cards to kill. It is inevitable that one of the three missing, called on the Tian PeiZhi. Her home gamble is out of the ordinary, Wei DuanBen that poor "State Wage" how to afford Tian PeiZhi scene? As a result, noisy has become a routine. Every bickering ends with Wei DuanBen bowing down. Because, Wei DuanBen has a ghost in his heart - he was at home in the fall with a "fallen lady" who was three years older than him. He has been telling Tian PeiZhi about it. Tian PeiZhi got acquainted with Fan BaoHua, a successful man in the betting game. From the beginning of her abnormal life. Fan BaoHua is a guerrilla merchant born, looking at the shortage of goods during the war, buying and selling down, or hoarding, waiting for the price and sell, the past few years already have a decent net worth. Opened the company, rented a room in the office, as well as Li Buxiang and other small businessmen ran the street for him, listen to him drive. He glanced at Tian PeiZhi on the hand and saw her as a flower that could be picked. He took Tian PeiZhi restaurant, shopping, watching movies, it is Tian PeiZhi yearn for aspiring life. He found Tian PeiZhi gambling great addiction, and took her to the "Stud" field. "Stud" this card game was quite popular at that time, faster than the Mahjong winning more and more exciting. Tian PeiZhi suddenly fell in love, can not extricate themselves. The god of gamblers always joke about her - whenever she sees the victory in sight, she'll fall short. The more she tries to turn the pages, the more she will lose the combined album. Finally empty-handed. Leaving only the next revenge hate fishing dreams. Fan BaoHua does not count on the casino as he is getting into a bigger "gamble" - buying gold vouchers. Just this year, the government of Chongqing announced through the Central Bank that it should sell public gold to withdraw its currency. The price is only half of the black market gold.But currently sells only securities. Just six months after the cash real gold. Fools are counted out, this is a good opportunity for profit! Fan BaoHua sent Li Buxiang and others queuing to buy tickets for him, buying a large number of do not say, but also think of a "snowball" wonderful plan. He will hand the vouchers as collateral, and then to the private bank discount loans to buy gold bonds. If the constant return, go round and round. Fan BaoHua former co-living girlfriend, Miss Yuan San reminded him: everyone wants this idea, the government is not a fool, do not be taken aback. But Fan BaoHua where to hear? Wei DuanBen brought back a bag of money, ready to be posted the next day. Tian PeiZhi is losing his hair and claws net, eager to turn the page, regardless of thirty-seven twenty-one, borrowed to say. Unexpectedly, a "Stud", but also lost almost. Tian PeiZhi can not explain to her husband, seeing desperation. Encounter Fan BaoHua invited her to write a small room Syria. She saw a lot of money in Fan BaoHua drawer at a glance, took the opportunity to steal a stroke, her husband perfunctory past. Fan BaoHua found no sound after. He deliberately laid the bait. Tian PeiZhi first invited card, let her lose a light; also lead her to the writing room. Tian PeiZhi I do not know is the plan, really start, fall into the Fan BaoHua network, last resort "with goodwill", be regarded as the debt of this debt. However, as long as the gambling addiction, how can the debt be clear? Tian PeiZhi can not face her husband, no previous righteousness. Fan BaoHua also used Tian PeiZhi to get acquainted with Wei DuanBen, and set up a business relationship with Liu KeZhang of his agency - selling the stocks he had accumulated to the authorities to cash in on the gold bonds. Liu KeZhang collaborates with Fan BaoHua to raise the bidding price and take the opportunity to get a rebate, as well as a small amount of money to Wei DuanBen. Wei DuanBen has always been diligent public service, do not drink pirate spring. These money let him tossing and turning, it is difficult to fall asleep. Finally decided to return to the public. Unexpectedly, the money has gone missing, but also by Tian PeiZhi did gamble, never go back. Wei DuanBen turned his face with his wife. But Tian PeiZhi is even bigger than he is - she has found Wei DuanBen's ex-wife with a verbal abuse of husband as a liar. No matter how Wei DuanBen explains, he and his ex-wife are arranged marriages and have no emotional basis. Not to mention seven years without news, the other dead or not. But Tian PeiZhi is irrelevant. Of course, he did not dare to ask that rebate. Tian PeiZhi followed Hu TaiTai and opened her eyes on the third gamble of her life - Zhu SiNaiNai home. Zhu SiNaiNai lives in a foreign building, which was a symbol of Chongqing's status at that time. She is a daughter-in-law of some elite, and self-reliant. Home is often full, bottles of wine is not empty. Often upstairs licensing, downstairs ball. Another group of young and beautiful, charming and charming girlfriend here, attracted a large number of business tycoons, political officials. Tian PeiZhi is naturally lost again. Since Zhu SiNaiNai borrowed money, there is still no return. Seeing debt, Zhu SiNaiNai just showdown. Ask her to be a member of her "Red Corps", and learn to make money from men by getting her hands on the board and making money. Like everyone in the back of the river are doing "demobilization dream." Until the victory of the war, returned to his hometown, do not say Jin Jinrong owned, there is always the pen money in order to settle down.Tian PeiZhi knows that with Wei DuanBen's income as a small civil servant, she can not support her longing for life. Not to mention his home there is a "Huanglian Po" yet. Wei DuanBen is doing the same dream. His boss handed him a pillow. Director and Liu KeZhang decided to use a sum of money to buy gold bonds. Cash back to the black market after cashing. Remove the public funds quietly under the account, there is a lot of money the difference, can be swallowed. Wei DuanBen is a cashier, also attached to Ji tail. Although, he knew this matter is trivial, trembling, first mouse both ends. But Liu KeZhang could not help but threaten temptations. Not to mention Fan BaoHua that business, he has been under water, had no choice but to drift. At the same time, he also wants to please Tian PeiZhi for several money to arrange the day after the victory. Where did he know that he can no longer meet Tian PeiZhi extravagant hopes. Tian PeiZhi could not help but had to listen to Zhu SiNaiNai arrangement. Zhu SiNaiNai think she had a hand in the Fan BaoHua hand, you must retreat, the other for clever. Tian PeiZhi had to find a stubble and Fan BaoHua must die. Fan BaoHua furious, asking what is going on. Another Red Corps general Oriental Manly just "played." In accordance with her grandmother's arrangements, she won Fan BaoHua, became his cohabiting girlfriend. As for Tian PeiZhi's new assignment, he fell in love with rich family member Xu JingLi. Two go with Chengdu, Shuang places go fly. Win the evidence, to be excused grandmother design. However, Tian PeiZhi conscience found that the presence of a timid, let the grandmother is not disappointed. However, she did not miss Xu JingLi. The use of Xu fear extramarital affairs exposed psychology, or knock him twenty-two gold. Four grandmother cuff, Fan BaoHua also both ways. None of them had an accident, but Wei DuanBen, who had only one shoe wet, got out of trouble. The boss found embezzlement, tracing down. Director and Liu KeZhang decided to sacrifice Wei DuanBen, asked him to accept on behalf of others. Wei DuanBen do nothing, drunk. Looked at a pair of children, asked Tian PeiZhi take care of children, like farewell, desolate miserable. However, Tian PeiZhi did not see the clumsy, but also went to play a night card. Wei DuanBen is in jail. Director and Liu KeZhang fled. Fan BaoHua fiery with the East Manly. Wu Ma hate his servant hate, do not think of the East Mary as hostess, cynical. She got Miss Yuan San, ironically advised the owner. Yuan San told Fan BaoHua: Oriental Manli is female demolished white, is the masters of Zhu SiNaiNai. Fan BaoHua do not believe. Yuan three had to admit: he was close to Fan BaoHua, is also an arrangement of Zhu SiNaiNai. But his feelings with Fan Department, could not bear to start, Fan FanHua saved a catastrophe. Fan BaoHua woke up like a dream, but still skeptical. Unexpectedly, the real collapse came unexpectedly: the first private banking manager He Yu cheat him to buy gold bond funds, as a position, embezzlement. This is a trifle. The event was announced by the Ministry of Finance: Given the crackdown on gold speculation, gold bonds will be halved upon expiration! As a result, Fan BaoHua and all others who make golden dreams will lose. Equal to their white lost six months of high profit, empty-handed! All silly. Whether it is the small door of the small family Li Buxiang, or big out of Fan BaoHua, including the bloody mouth, secure win coupons Zhu SiNaiNai, are caught in redemption.Ministry of Finance Zuo Zhuang, placed the largest casino, and they opened a big joke! Tian PeiZhi went to Zhu SiNaiNai home, looking for new opportunities. Unexpectedly, this is the last supper. Bank manager committed suicide. Fan BaoHua did not know it. At this very moment, the great news of the victory of the war came ... Wei DuanBen found two crippled children in the countryside after he was released from prison. He still wants to call back their children's mothers, teach their two children to sing "Mom's Song" and sing to the streets. Although Tian PeiZhi also heard, but she has been unable to extricate themselves, had to flee. Wu Mau came forward, blocking the creditors, cover off Fan BaoHua. Fan BaoHua swept the last of the property bonds, fled the suburbs. Tian PeiZhi pretended to revisit his old dream with him and stole his bond. Unexpectedly, after the yellow bird hijacked the bond, Hong WuYe, also fooled by Tian PeiZhi, made Tian PeiZhi a busy day. She was so helpless that she had no choice but to defeat Zhu SiNaiNai. Do not want to, Oriental Manli casually told her: four grandmother also committed suicide! ... victory in the war of resistance against Japan, the people of Chongqing Jiangxia busy demobilization, aircraft, ships hard to find a vote. Of course, Wei DuanBen become a beggar more do not do this paranoia. Who knows, untold hardships, Wanli husband's wife Wang YuLan has come to Chongqing, she clutched the two children in their arms. Excited children exclaimed "Mom" ...... The fog over Chongqing gradually dissipated, Jialing River speechless flow, take away many people intoxicated fortune dream, gone.

Sniper (TV)[2009]

Feature: Stills The story takes place in the middle of the Anti-Japanese War around the Battle of Chungshan, tells the story of a young man living in a wealthy family, fighting bloody battles with the Japanese invaders, and the Eighth Route Army continue to friction, and fought side by side, and gradually grew into a heroic story . At the same time, Jiu Er, the Eighth Route Army female warrior, Da Chun, the Eighth Route Army commander, Su Yunxiao, the first Ryoko lover, and her husband, Wenxuan, the little brother Shi Tou, and the Japanese cold-blooded sniper Akutagawa, Department deducted divine magic, full of legendary TV series.

sweet (TV)[2007]

Feature: The story began in the late 70s of last century, a farm in northern China, a vicious cadre of children Lei Lei Encounter was accused of "broken shoes" beautiful young girl Ye QingEr, the two did not make no deal, began a period of two gratuitous pure friendship, which dark Students love, the common love of Teresa Teng "sweet honey" so that two young love began to germinate. ..

Glorious years (TV)[2007]

Feature: In 1937, a group of passionate youth, represented by Yuan ZhiHao and Bai XiangMing, inspired by the May Fourth Movement and decided to join the revolution resolutely. Talented Yuan ZhiHao not only brave and fierce combat, but also with the wealth of knowledge for the troops to improve combat effectiveness; Bai XiangMing grow from a fragile student stills to enemy bravery hero of the battle "Bailian", two people in the eyes of all the "model revolution couple ". After the liberation, Zhihao devoted himself to the construction of national defense science and technology. His firm beliefs and convictions guided him to overcome one difficulty after another. However, his stubborn character was not understood and the old comrades who have been carrying grievances over the years Zou DaLun also failed to get his understanding. Bai XiangMing devoted herself to education. When the couple took different views on their work, friends and relatives, Bai XiangMing held up the whole family and supported the cause of Zhihao. Zhihao treats his son Yi Kai is too harsh, father and son eventually split, Yi Kay sacrificed in battle, comrades in arms buried for many years innocent mistakes died, Zhihao seems to understand this family members and comrades to understand too harsh. Xiangmeng full of distress and want to separate from him, but still expressed in the will of Zhihao forever love. Xiang Ming died, Zhihao distraught, he sold all his life for his wife made a collection of precious souvenirs. In Bai XiangMing kindly smile, three generations of grievances draw a full stop.

New Beach (TV)[2007]

Feature: "New Shanghai Beach" tells the bizarre old Shanghai in the 1930s. Xu WenQiang (Xiaoming Huang), who has just arrived, runs into a dispute with the Chamber of Commerce and meets with Feng Cheng Cheng (Betty Sun), the aunt of Feng JingYao (Li Xuejian), the number one chamber merchant on the beach. Stubborn and beautiful Feng ChengCheng and the old love Fang YanYun (Chen Shu ornaments) somewhat similar, but this time Fang YanYun is the beach's first socialite. Xu WenQiang Ding Li (Hai-Bo Huang), who grew up with the slums of Zhabei, inadvertently saved Feng ChengCheng, both of whom became the turn of the century. With the help of Fang YanYun, both of them got the appreciation of Feng JingYao and decided to break the fame together with the beach. Both Xu WenQiang and Ding Li both liked Feng ChengCheng at first sight, and the three started a complicated love story. However, after many hardships, Xu WenQiang returned to her home and found her family tragic death. She decided to return to Shanghai for revenge.

Just heart (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Wantong general manager Gao Jian was accused of manslaughter, killed was the company's financial manager Liu Xing, the first instance convicted Gao Jian. Judge Zhang Yue accepted the second instance of this seemingly ordinary criminal case. In the investigation, another case surfaced. In the joint efforts of three farmers in Nanyuan Township, Gao Jian swallowed up their 10 million road construction loans while Su Qing, chief executive of North China Construction Group, delayed to start work on the ground of 10 million yuan. After verification, Wantong company account ten million yuan was actually transferred out of the country, Zhang Yue will be two cases in parallel. During the verification process, Zhang Yue found many doubts: Su Qing is a friend of Gao Jian for many years. Instead of saying anything about Gao Jian, Su Qing hoped to convict Gao Jian sooner rather than later. Liu Xing had a cohabiting relationship with Gao Jian before his death. His boyfriend Mao Lei is transferred out 10 million suspects; 10 million other than the rest of the road funds Su Qing misappropriation of stocks, Su Qing doubt increasingly obvious. With the increasingly clear case, Zhang Yue's work has been subjected to more and more resistance, "bribery", "selfish" and other charges toward Zhang Yue more face to face. For the benefit of peasants, Zhang Yue decided not to arrest the suspect Mao Lei at first but to recover the peasants' money for repairs, reduce the peasants' loss and try their best to safeguard the peasants' interests.

Live with love (TV)[2005]

Feature: In the course of treatment Lin Yidan, Su LiYing, Xia Meng three people because of transfusion infection terminal illness. Since then, a car accident has brought the fate of Lin Yit Dan and Su LiYing to tragedy. Due to the intervention of Lin Yidan's parents, Li Yueping, divorced Shen Ning, the stepmother who loved Lin Yidan, and Lin ChengJun, the father of public security; Lin ChengJun colluded with the drug dealer in order to earn his son's medical expenses. Opened the undercover identity of Lin ChengJun ... Before the car accident, Hao LianDe was going to have a wedding with his fiancee An Yue, because he mistook herself with the love of life drama, brought his fiancé to a computer company friend Meng Hui Department work, Find ways to match them, I hope An Yue can live a happy life. When Hao learned that he did not have a contagious disease and wanted to chase his beloved, he saw An Yue and Meng Hui rubbing their knees together. An Yue was really happy and he gave up. Su LiYing was expelled by her husband because of terminal illness, and even after her child was born, her husband, Zhou GuoTong, wanted to take her son away from her. Gui was guilty of being in pain because of a car accident. Get the custody of his son, they proposed marriage with the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union is not willing to hurt. However, after two days of getting along with the two, Hao had a feeling of suffering from terminally ill Su, Su Hao also had a good impression. Xia Meng was killed by the same party. Jin HaiRong was wanted by the police. On his wedding day with Su, she was caught by Jin HaiRong and was chased by the police. Hao LianDe joined the roundabout and was stabbed by Jin HaiRong and his lungs were injured. Into the hospital for rescue ...... Accident calamity caused by accident accidental crisis, dangerous truths hide the truth of the world. A taxi collided with the container truck, causing a serious car accident. Taxi driver Hao LianDe, female passenger Xia Meng, high school student Lin Yidan, pregnant woman Su LiYing were seriously injured. All of them were infected with AIDS because of blood transfusions. Where are they going to find them? Ning, not only has taken good care of life as it has already been, but also gives him soothing and supportive spirit. Due to the intervention of Lin Yidan's mother, Li Yueping, Shen Ning could not divorce Lin ChengJun and reluctantly left Lin ... Hao LianDe fled to his friend Meng Hui's company and tried to match them with his fiancee An Yue's happiness. Later, he knew he had no contagious disease and wanted to recover his lover. He also found that An Yue and Meng Hui had gummed his knees. Su LiYing was expelled from his home by her husband, Zhou GuoTong. After the child was born, go. In order to help Su get the custody of the only child, Hao decided to marry him. After two days of getting along with the two have feelings ... ... Xia Meng thought he was terminally ill, the result is just a false alarm, but he has a new perception of life, determined to break up with the unscrupulous businessman Jin HaiRong. Kim made a big fuss about AIDS in an attempt to control Xia Meng, at a crucial moment, Hao LianDe bravely stood up and punished the bad guys ... Lin Yat-sen's bed calendar has been closed for 365 days and tomorrow's hope is waiting With him.

Happiness is like a flower (TV)[2005]

Feature: "Happiness is Like Flowers" tells the story of Du Juan (Betty Sun), a purely good dancer who loves her career and loves her relatives and friends as the sun shines. Lin Bin (Bai Qing Xin) is a fighting hero, upright and talented, is an idol worship of Du Juan, Du Juan's first love. But this emotion did not stand the test of wind and rain. Du Juan was mistakenly married to Bai Yang (Deng Chao). Bai Yang is an immature big boy who stubbornly pursues Du Juan and touches Du Juan on his lovely and romantic side. After marriage, however, due to various contradictions, this immature marriage brings confusion and suffering to both young people However, the bumpy marriage life did not destroy the goodness and passion of Du Juan. In the face of the changing times, she always maintained the simplicity and simplicity. She insisted on her own dancers' dreams and upheld the principle of sincere life. When the first love affair Lin Bin suffered a heavy blow in life, life and death, Du Juan under tremendous pressure regardless of personal safety, running around and eventually help Lin Bin to be released; and Bai Yang because of jealousy, the two marriages in crisis. Du Mei's friend Da Mei (Yin Tao) is also a fantastic force dancer, a woman stepping on the waves. Her life after marrying Gao Qianzi did not satisfy her. After the tide of business started, she decisively involved in the business tide, and before her happiness she made a completely different choice from Du Juan & nbsp ;.

Big sandstorm (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Zhao Yong, a senior engineer of Northwest Petroleum Exploration and Development Corporation, and a core sample of Feng Ru escort core samples drove to the base from the exploration team to prepare for the transfer to Beijing for participation in the "demonstration seminar of oil and gas exploration in the exploration area" attended by both Chinese and foreign parties. In the area known as the sea of ​​death on the 5th area suffered a huge storm, car crash injuries. Air Force Zhou Tian crew and Li Zhen, Song Yang formed a rescue team, flying to the sea of ​​death to perform the rescue mission. In the meantime, the Air Force Hulunbui Station car with Lian Zhang Zheng Qiang and Wu Lu, a soldier, was ordered to drive the oil tanker on the way to refuel the aircraft on his way back. The crew met with sandstorm striker in Dayeashan Pass. Captain Zhou calm command, decisive disposition and the military in close collaboration, defeat the air spin down descents, before the sandstorm center area out of the pass. Helicopter search into the 5th area, Feng Ru woke up by the roar of the plane. She struggled to climb to the car, lit a backup barrels of gasoline, navigation for the plane. Li Zhen, Song Yang Discovered Zhao GongChengShi Due to excessive blood loss, deep shock and dying of life. Convince the captain, ready to place thoracotomy surgery to stop bleeding. Director Li's eyes broken, can not be used for vascular suture. At this point, the second sandstorm is approaching the fifth area. The captain decided to cancel the operation and the aircraft took off immediately. Song Yang resolutely opposed, she argued, demanding that she be the chief, and take all the responsibility. Captain Zhou, Director Li was moved by the spirit of Song Yang, Song Yang decided to surgeon, risk sharing. Song Yang in the director Li's cooperation, the surgery began ... ... airtight surgery outside the tent, sand strong, Zhou captain to protect the tent, fighting alone with the wind and sand. The operation was successful, we put the wounded on the plane. Storm off the tent, the helicopter roaring up. Zheng Lian Zhang, Wu Lu In case of landslides, large rocks rolled down on the oil truck and both were injured. Due to the inability of the plane to land, Captain Zhou decided to implement hovering. Zheng Lian Zhang tied the sling to Wu Lu and Wu Lu was put on the plane. He insisted on the name of the oil truck motor, Song Yang down to the ground to start the pump button, hovering fuel success. Unexpectedly, the fuel truck caught fire, Song Yang ran to the cab to seize the hand of Zheng Lian Zhang to pull him out, but the door was smashed deformed can not be opened, Lian Zhang Zheng Qiang heroic sacrifice. Helicopter landing at Populus Fort Airport safely. Captain Zhou, Song Yang, director Li will be the wounded and core samples, information on the jet airliner, fly to Beijing ... ...

History of the sky (TV)[2004]

Feature: Jiang Bi Da Daogua big teeth in his early years, due to escape the Japanese army to kill Kirin Hill intends to defeat the KMT army, but overreached broke into the base of the New Fourth Army. In the historic sky, he planned to wipe his foot in the hesitancy when a young female New Fourth Army officer heard the timely appearance of the military, changing his idea of ​​defecting to the Kuomintang army. On this step change, Jiang Dagami from the glorious road toward. With the help of the excellent political worker Zhang PuJing and others, he gradually showed his excellent qualities and excellent intelligence through the temperament of war and politics and his growth as a resourceful commander from an unruly reckless man who is the brave man Eventually became a senior general of the Communist Party with a high degree of political consciousness and art of struggle.

Married ten years (TV)[2003]

Feature: TV series Cheng Zhang fell in love with Han Meng at school, and after graduation Cheng Zhang came to a city called Bin, living in their dormitory. They can only see each other after get off work day by day, depending on whether Cheng's fellow or not is in the house because there are four people in Han Meng's dorm room, and there's only a glimpse of dating there. In order to have a small space, the two decided to get married. From the day of the next decision, they are inexplicably caught up one after another "troubles." Go to the hospital did not catch up to the bus, riding a bicycle is always out of chain, go to the wrong hospital does not say, anxious to jump Cheng Cheng has also been beaten. How can I get a wedding photo? Can see the house will be occupied by others, or bite the bullet came to the photo studio, the result should be left male right, they just sat a left male right. Waves, the waves, the original two people have no money, save all the furniture to buy a carpet, but the carpet was actually looked that the old pull; want to make a big event solemn marriage to small Restaurant ceremony about it, the fish that the lady brought up is smelly again. Fortunately, with the help of neighbors, the two thousands of miles to finally completed the marriage registration. The crowd who came to visit the new house crouched at the door and joked: "Bed? Where are you sleeping?" Zhang Zhang pointed to the shimmering carpet: "What more bed, is not this a bed?" Laughs: "No, this new home is simply a big bed!" This is the first year of "Ten Years of Wedding," and "married." The following year, they "have children." The third year, in order to help them bring their children, that far in the northeast and south of the "mom came." In the fourth year, they are "laid off." In the fifth year, they went to work to survive, to do business, "something went wrong." The sixth year, they are finally "a little money." The seventh year, "There are people outside." In the eighth year, in the face of the new problems in the new period, they lacked experience and calmness and "separated". The ninth year, "bankrupt." In the tenth year, they "reunited" with each other in the creel of Cheng Cheng's imminent demolition, who had loaded their love for them. Unknowingly, they have ten years of marriage age, for the first time in a truly calm, calm and beautiful mood in the face of each other, in the face of their home that has been living for ten years, facing the world outside the home And the future. A person's life is a Cheng Zhang process. Before he was busy, he was educated, and after his adulthood, he really entered a busy time of Cheng Zhang. And ten years after marriage is one of the most critical ten years, but also the most dramatic ten years, at this stage, everyone can not escape the beating and sharpening brought by Cheng Zhang, people are in those who every Every moment is gradually Cheng Zhang up, one after another or occasionally or necessarily, trivial and complicated or even ridiculous "troubles." The last decade of the twentieth century was a pattern of people's emotional thinking. From the tradition to the ten years of opening up, people may be confused, helpless and confused in these hectic and rich ten years, but eventually they understand how Cheng Zhang treats others, treats society, treats the future. Cheng Cheng was learned by Cheng Zhang.This is a very vivid and ups and downs, so you Kaiyan is not easy emotional drama. This is where everybody can see their own mirror.

Stand up (Movie)[2002]

Feature: "Stand up" is a high Greek Greek, white jade, starring Hu Yajie drama. The film tells the story of Zhang Yong Zhang Yong, Ganzhou City, the work and feelings of the story. Zhang Yong, a filmgoer in Ganzhou City, is on the way home on a business trip. Yao Xue, a performer in life experience, and a robber on the train. The path of the enemy is narrow, the gangster turned out to be the old acquaintance sent to prison by Zhang Yong. After several battles, the culprits took advantage of it. At the end of the bureau to score assessment, Zhang Yong ranked in the penultimate. He vowed to grab the escaped robbers and raise points. A battle to arrest bank robbers began. Zhang Yong was in a dilemma due to several self-defeating actresses Yao Xue and Zhang Yong and his mistress Lv Yan misunderstood. Finally Zhang Yong finally blocked the robbers at the bank, keeping the bank property and staff's life safety. At the same time, he and his fiancée Lv Yan did their best.

BingGe (Movie)[2001]

Feature: High school student Wang Da Wei's childhood dream is to be a general. After graduation Da Wei became a soldier, three months of recruits training, fought, Da Wei did not cry, he is indeed a good soldier. Good soldiers, of course, to be used where it is most needed. The Lieutenant drove him to a piece of vegetable fields on the Gobi Desert fifty miles away and told him to replace the forthcoming Lao Bing from today - planting vegetables. Lian Zhang walked away, Da Wei looked at the jeep that looked farther and farther and shouted: I did not plant vegetables, and ran chasing the smoke to the Gobi. Da Wei ran back to the station, sweating profusely. The lieutenant took him back to the post and asked him to look at the piles of canned food boxes the soldiers had eaten and told him that the troop station and post were the basic points, that the base was the center and that you were at the center of the company. Da Wei started to grow vegetables and Lao Bing told him before leaving: I would like to plan on this kind of tomatoes for three years without planting them. Lao Bing is gone, leaving Da Wei alone, and he begins to learn to live alone. The arrival of Wu YunQiQiGe and her Ye Ye every year with the migration of aquatic plants to the Da Wei vegetable plot will bring joy to Da Wei, drinking tea with three people and listening to Ye Ye Lama, like a family. Company welcomed a general to check the work, Da Wei in this ...

Cock crowing, hen laying eggs (Movie)[2000]

Feature: Old people often say that before the liberation of chicken claw village there are several families, very backward and backward. Nowadays, Jijiao Village is flourishing with people. However, people have new troubles, especially for the village chief. 500 mouth every day to eat and drink, the village can rely on a chicken factory to make money, the days naturally not easy. In recent years, several families raise their own foxes, raised some rabbits outside the block, the villagers are jealous, so Niu Laowan decided simply to contract chicken farms to individuals, so that the villagers are engaged in family farming, but also to broaden the rich the way. Cattle flourished a few years of school, is the village recognized scholar, his wife Qiaoqiao's support, he contracted under the chicken factory, the couple day and night darkest day, finally beginning to pick up. Qiaoqiao is a neat and quick-witted person. By chance, she found that if the chickens in the chicken factory were given to the stone-locked foxes, she replied by letting the stone lock help them to go to the city by her own tractor In the egg, the two so co-operation, both cost savings, but also save time. The idea came out, but also attracted the other two people to join, so the four formed a family called "Commonwealth of the family farming cooperation." After a period of business operation, the "Commonwealth of Independent States" business saw a success ...

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