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Qian Wu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Qian Wu Works 23 ,And Costume Drama 8 ,Romance 5 ,Feature 5 ,Youth drama 3 ,Urban drama 3 ,Contemporary 2 ,Year 2 ,Solve crimes 2 ,Ancient 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Magic 2 ,Idol drama 2 ,竞技1 ,成长1 ,Suspense 1 ,Love 1 ,legend 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Myth play 1 ,青偶1 ,Youth inspirational 1 ,Military 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Music 1 ,Struggling Play 1 。

Works Index

Qian Wu Filmography(23)


冰糖炖雪梨 (TV)[2020]


剧照小学里,胆小怯懦的黎语冰一直被“大王同桌”棠雪欺负,他们的共同之处,是都有一个冰上梦想。当他们在霖大重逢时,黎语冰已经成了霖大冰球队的“冰神”,而棠雪却是个迷茫学生。黎语冰设计让棠雪变成了自己的“受虐”小助理。在这场报复行动中,黎语冰渐渐发现,棠雪性格中的优点,而自己打冰球最依赖的勇气,正是来自棠雪,而棠雪也在黎语冰的帮助下,找回了曾经失去的速滑梦想。两人终于互通心意,但随着小时候的误会爆发,花滑天才喻言介入,棠雪初恋边澄回归,与棠雪不合的表姐周染干扰,父母阻挠,比赛受伤,运动生涯面临抉择。一个个压力接踵而来。在爱与梦想交织的冰面上,两个热血盎然的心将爱化为动力,滑向未知而悸动的人生 。


夜空中最闪亮的星 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《夜空中最闪亮的星》剧情介绍:讲述了“星空娱乐”是中国顶尖的娱乐公司。老板陈天浩与 Du WanQing 曾经是恩爱夫妻,现在却因为对公司经营理念的不同,陷入婚姻危机。热爱音乐的 Yang ZhenZhen ( Wu Qian (actress) 饰)进入“星空娱乐”工作,成为当红歌手 Zheng BaiXu ( Z.TAO 饰)的助理。 Zheng BaiXu 是一名偶像派歌手,性格狂傲不羁,难以驾驭。 Yang ZhenZhen 在与 Zheng BaiXu 的相处中逐渐了解他,帮助他改正缺点,发展特长,最终成为具备真正实力的歌手。 Yang ZhenZhen 自己也从一个职场菜鸟转变为一名成熟的经纪人。 Du WanQing 着手培养新人 Yu ZiRui ( Junfeng Niu 饰), Yu ZiRui 与生俱来的音乐天赋给 Zheng BaiXu 形成了巨大的压力,同时也成为他不断进取的动力。几个热爱音乐的年轻人在青春的道路上互相鼓励、突破极限,寻找着属于自己的人生方向。在经历了重重困难与挑战后,最终都迎来了事业和情感的收获 。

我只喜欢你 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《我只喜欢你》剧情介绍:讲述了 Zhao QiaoYi Yan Mo 是高中同桌,一个是沉默寡言的学霸,一个是开朗迷糊的学渣,不对路的两人其实互相暗恋着对方。毕业前夕, Yan Mo 仓促表白,乔一因为家庭的变故拒绝了他, Yan Mo 愤然离开。四年后的同学会,两人再次见面,乔一鼓起勇气去 Yan Mo 工作的城市。学习和工作无人能敌的 Yan Mo ,却不善于表达自己的感情,他为乔一做的那些事,只有他自己知道。而外表大大咧咧内心却敏感自卑的乔一也始终说不出那句喜欢。和 Yan Mo 一起经历了无数困难和挫折后乔一才明白,要走过去争取自己的爱人,有勇气的人才值得被爱。好在那个她以为一辈子都不会原谅她的人,一直站在原地等她……他告诉她:从见到你的那天起,我就没想过要分开。


Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" tells the story of Qianlong (Wallace Huo) ascended the throne in 1735 AD. Since then, the two in the court interpretation of a period of love and acquaintance to lost lost marriage process. New Emperor ascended the throne, such as Yi and Qianlong childhood sweetheart became Xian Fei, which was crowded by the crowd, and Empress Dowager (Vivian Wu ornaments) and the Yi family have feuds, such as Yi crisis. At this time, Qianlong also faced the same problem of Empress Dowager in power and the veteran's domination of the government. In the process of power change, Qianlong and Lu Yi supported each other and jointly tide over the storm until the two cleared out the obstacles. After many years of hard work, Emperor Qianlong also made her wish to push her to Queen's position, sharing the world with him. However, as the queen did Yi found that Qianlong had grown from a young man to a mature emperors, his misgivings and fickleness and self-esteem constantly revealed, the emotional trust between the two gradually shattered. However, such as Yi still stick to good memories, abide by the Queen's duties, until death .

An Oriental Odyssey (TV)[2017]

Feature: Master Tang SanCang is dead, leaving behind a series of Jiuxing Tianzhu inscribed with the ancient nine-nation exquisite spells. Two disciples Tian Qiao and Tianshu seized the heavenly beads. . Nine Tianzhu scattered, Tian Qiao Sanqizhidan rescued the body for meritorious dedication, but also to the emperor to contribute to help the Tang army achieved great success in the battle, was named Datang Division, and Tianshu was intended to seize the beads, betrayal division door Crimes became the first-class wanted criminals. Nineteen years later, the Gaozong and Wu Hou Dynasties under the rule of the Tang Dynasty era, prosperous and charming Luoyang, continue to lively strange event. True and upright, probationary minister Assistant Minister Ye YuanAn spent together in Quebec, and cold and capable, martial arts superior county governor Zhao LanZhi do not know each other; and out of sympathy, from the ghost market On the purchase of a strange physique, powerful Amnesia small slave, received as a servant, named Mu Le. Unexpectedly, a rib Mu Le absolute loyalty to the Yuan, and gradually sprouted lovesickness. Mu Le in Yuan's mind did not know it and favored Zhao LanZhi, causing great dissatisfaction with Mu Le. Yuan An, Zhao LanZhi and Ming Hui also love and hate each other. After experiencing the story of angry Thousand-end House and burning Luo Tian-dong, in the secret room of the South King's palace, in the magnificent mansion of General Guo's house, in the rugged Mount Huodu, Control of the colorful lottery division, cunning fierce mountain thieves take turns. Yuan An, Mu Le, Zhao LanZhi three closely cooperate, repeatedly breaking odd cases, continue to be strong in the battle again and again, and Tianshuanyuan behind Tianan also see the hidden behind these cases, Ming Hui Lord for the country Master Tian Qiao collected the secrets of Jiuxing Tianzhu and exposed the truth about the fire at Ci'en Temple. Mu Leo, who grew up as a great master, remembers fragments of his former life from time to time. What is his real identity? Ming Hui governor to get Zhao LanZhi, did not hesitate to propose a future marriage proposal. Feeling lost Yuan, angrily to marry Mu Le, but also lead to misunderstanding again and again. Mu Le sad, actually restored the memory, stole Jiuxing Tianzhu. After days of raging anger, Yuan An, Zhao LanZhi and Ming Hui had to follow the path and went to the mysterious Miluo State. Behind all this, there seems to be a bigger conspiracy waiting for them ...

Choice of mind (TV)[2017]

Feature: Too early first year, God stone fall from heaven, scattered around the world. Legend has it God stone inscriptions secret machine. Stone has since become the world's sacred objects, the world so chaotic for a long time. Until Terran United Western Yaozu, the Mozu will be driven to the polar prairie, the beginning of peace. Juvenile Chen ChangSheng (Lu Han) mysterious life experience, in his midst of being Master Ji DaoRen saved from the gold dragon mouth, received as close disciples. Ten years passed three thousand volumes. However, Chen ChangSheng physique-specific, unable to practice, the number of live, but twenty years old. Chen ChangSheng, a teenager, went down the mountain to go to the gods of the Zhou Dynasty to seize the first name of the "dynasty test" in order to view the gods and change their lives. Wind from the tiger, the cloud from the dragon. Due to its interdependence with its own efforts, Chen ChangSheng has resisted the suppression of various forces and has passed through the path of practicing Buddhism. Also met the juvenile genius Tang SanShiLiu, the Yaozu Princess Bai LuoHeng, Yaozu generals Xuan YuanPo these best friends, with their help, in the strong hand of the "DPRK test" come out on top. After entering the goddess Mausoleum, night view of the monument before the tomb, attracted astronomical vibration. However, everything was just the beginning. As the world changed, Chen ChangSheng had to get involved.

Old love song (TV)[2017]

Feature: Well-known wooden loneliness (Victoria Song ornaments) character rate really good. The incredible Chi Yun (Xiaoming Huang ornaments), grew up in the mountains with a martial arts name. Once encounter, Chi Yun on wood lonely at first sight. Two years later, the two met again, and Chi Yun started a warm pursuit of wood loneliness and acquired the lonely heart of wood with a passion for wood. Wood-lonely brother (Tianlin Zhai ornaments) at this time to give her a kiss, Chi Yun put down everything just want to bring wood seclusion mountain. However, God wants to get people, wood loneliness eventually married to the family refers to the object of marriage Ling YunChengLun (Peter ornaments). Wood Desire to Sheng Lun frankly and Chi Yun's emotion, Sheng Lun promised not to ask wood lonely. Gradually Sheng Lun lonely wood was attracted, do not want to let wood leave alone. Wood lonely because of accidental injuries and lost memory, Chi Yun spell power for healing woody, and carefully wake up all the memory of wood lonely. After healing, wood loneliness and Chi Yun cherish the feelings, decided to lay down the secular bondage, together. Unfortunately, God get people, wood lonely again into danger. Chi Yun do not want to let wood lonely injury, he chose to sacrifice his life to complete wood loneliness, to wood loneliness in exchange for a bright sky & nbsp ;.

The world does not look at the face (TV)[2017]

Feature: "The world does not look at the face" tells the story of Tao XiaoTing and Tao XiaoDi is a pair of twin sisters, came to big cities to work hard. Sister Tao XiaoTing has been making progress, sister Tao XiaoDi is hoping to take a shortcut from the beautiful. From the two faces, two kinds of life. Business Genius Lian Sheng shoulders the responsibility to return home to solve the acquisition of Uno, and Tao XiaoTing did not know each other. Tao XiaoDi is targeting Chou YingShu, the new Ounos of East Asia. Lian Sheng's passion for sun-shattering Tao XiaoTing is from being tempted, mistrustful, contemptuous, teasing, to appreciating, caring, The character is deeply attracted. Tao XiaoTing, with her own efforts, encouraged a group of being active after 90, but also inspired Lian Sheng with her own true sincerity, finally achieving her love. Under the influence of Tao XiaoTing, experienced ups and downs Tao XiaoDi also realized that the world does not look at the face, only by a strong heart, the two sisters to maintain their original heart, to each other to support the way to the future & nbsp ;.

Love O2O (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film tells the story of a pair of college giants Chennai (Jing Boran ornaments) and Pui Wei (Yang Ying ornaments) in virtual games and real world acquaintance love story. The Department of Computer Science and Technology spent a small amount of time loving online games and highly skilled. She was the only female player on the game charts, but she was abandoned as a "demon" in the game because she did not burst the photos. In the "ex-husband" wedding scene, she ran into the game's first master "smile", even more unexpected to her, the god actually even proposed to her. Game master "Smile" What is the reality of the famous computer Xiao Shennai. In a chance encounter, he inadvertently see Tony slightly skilled game operation, which gave her a different kind of emotion, and Tony slightly did not realize the advent of love God. Known for the campus of Xiao Nai God, began online and offline, virtual and reality in all directions to hunt beauty. A period of fantasy online games began in the second love, quietly began ... ... The film adapted from the novel of the same title of the novel.

Catman (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Liang Qu, who was forced to leave her beloved girl after being surprised by her cat accident at a young age, developed an "APP" app by Miao XiaoWan, an internet product manager, nine years later and was attacked by zoo expert Liang Qu. In order to ask Liang Qu to withdraw the bad review, Xiao Wan became his temporary assistant and learned cat language with him. Two people get along with each other in love. Liang Qu was surprised to find that this is not the first time they fell in love.

My Wonderful Boyfriend (TV)[2016]

Feature: Xue LingQiao (Kim Taehwan) After being asleep for a hundred years, she was awakened by the unfortunate actress Tian JingZhi (Wu Qian (actress)) in a car accident. Life strange, extraordinary ability Xue LingQiao hard and soft and into the home, Tian JingZhi do not care about the surface, but actually find ways to get rid of this "monster." Unexpectedly, this mutual torture, actually let the relationship between the two is getting warmer, ambiguous love thread quietly spread. However, it is becoming clear that not only are the hearts of Xue LingQiao and Tian JingZhi in love, but also a shaking conspiracy spanning a hundred years slowly surfaced.

Tai Sin Yamen (TV)[2016]

Feature: Tai Sin Yamen Wang YuanFeng was born in an official family, not love money fame and wealth, not familiar with the bland of men and women, but the solution to the case of a mystery. Wang YuanFeng inadvertently saved the seal fox Xiao Cui. Xiao Cui is gratitude, married to his wife. Wang YuanFeng not resuscitation, not nearly female color, so the two different beds in the same room. Xiao Cui weird, often with Yuen Fung nonsense, so that Queen Mother endless pain. Unexpectedly, Xiao Cui's prank, but overreaching to help Wang escaped the monarch to remonstrate the framed, and remediation of corrupt officials. Therefore, Wang YuanFeng got popular support and became magistrate. He is honest and honest, with the help of Xiao Cui, broke a lot of odd cases, people call it "Tai Sin Yamen." Not good, Xiao Cui because the time has come, after all, foxhuotu, leave yuanfeng. Yuan Cui love love Xiao Cui Lost illness, Xiao Cui could not bear to cast Yuen Fung forget myself, fall in love with the clock's daughter. One day, Yuen Fung accidentally opened the collection of portraits before remembered the way Xiao Cui used to, crying & nbsp ;.

Why Sheng Xiao silent (TV)[2015]

Feature: In her early career, Tiffany Tang (Tiffany Tang) admired the straightforward, sheer and straightforward "stalker" catch-up of the big genius of film division C of the C Department of Law at Wallace Chung, a distinctive way of attracting He YiChen's eyes, a pure campus love quietly breed. However, He Yi Chen foster family sister He Meimei (Ken Tenrati ornaments), courage to declare war on Zhao MoSheng. When Zhao MoSheng went to find He YiChen confirmed, he did not expect to get the cold response of He YiChen. Zhao MoSheng, who mistook for He YiChen and He YiMei, lonely and obeyed his father's arrangement and went to the United States for further studies. Seven years later, Zhao MoSheng, a photographer, came back and once again met the unforgettable man He YiChen. The fact that the lover who broke up for seven years and was among them is the fact that Zhao MoSheng was married in the United States because of his life. There is a foul of Ying Hui (Kai Tan) These did not allow the lovers who broke up to continue to miss each other. Instead, they learned more about the feelings of love each other over the years in various misunderstandings and real tests.

Cherish what you have at the moment (TV)[2015]

Feature: Tang YuFeng posters Blood FANG Gang twice suffering from acute leukemia, were a volunteer called Cheng ZiYue selfless donation of marrow and save, after Tang YuFeng never forget the purple moon. Purple moon's husband Zhao SiWen and ex-girlfriend Huang WanPing revival, Zhao SiWen worried about their emptied Cheng company assets were found, then divorced with the purple moon. Soon, Cheng Cheng bankruptcy, Cheng ZiYue's father, angrily died, her daughter lost orange, purple moon unbearable blow, falls into frustration led to unconscious. At this point Tang YuFeng came forward to take care of the purple moon, while looking for orange. Zi-month-old husband consciously ashamed Cheng family, categorically with his son Zhao SiWen cut off from. Under the zealous help of the Tang family and the careful care of Zhao's parents, the Ziyue regained consciousness and thereafter Cheng ZiYue was as stubborn and optimistic as a grass. Tang YuFeng learned that Huang WanPing had evidence of Zhao SiWen's use of Cheng's company funds and that he had been tempted to reclaim the conscience of Huang WanPing. Huang WanPing was finally touched by the goodness of Tang YuFeng, confessing Zhao SiWen's evidence. Zhao SiWen Was brought to justice, Huang WanPing got due punishment. Tang YuFeng back to find the orange, purple moon thanksgiving, eventually married lover eventually.

Brocade Night (TV)[2015]

Feature: The Night of Bridal Veil tells the story of the early Ming Dynasty when Xia Xun, a civilian, blindly replaced the deceased wealthy scholar Yang Xu to become a pawn of Jinyi Wei and decided to protect himself after witnessing the ruthlessness of his supervisor Zhang ShiSan and others And for the people remove the pests. At the same time, he met the future wife Xie YuFei, the two began to get along like joyful enemies. Soon after, Xia Xun was chased by Guardian Wei on his way home and was rescued by Ximen Long and Ji Gang. As soon as the three were killed, they were worshiped by brothers. The latter three inadvertently saved the Yan Wang couple and the county chief, and Xia Xun's ability caused the concern of Bai YiXia and Luo KeDi, leaders of the two armies. Xia Xun has been trained by Bai YiXia and Luo KeDi to become an excellent Guardian. After Zhu YunWen ascended the throne, she started to cut the feudal clan, and Xia Xun, with her family, suffered more suffering for the common people, and decided to help him to set up the throne. He and Ji Gang in the Yan Wang side of the perfect match for the future of King Yan Deng made a significant contribution to & nbsp ;.

Bi Xue Shu Xiang Meng (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the early years of the Republic of China after the victory of the Revolution of 1911, Shen BiYun, a talented female of the Jiangnan community, wanted to gain access to all the students' rights to study in the largest private library in China. , Marrying the main propaganda house of the library, but then fall into the Xuanjia intrigues, vying for power victories, suffered a lot of crises, taste the warmth of human well-being, was born and died several times, Xuanjia also experienced a catastrophe, With the help of Xuan XiaoJi, the young Xuanjia master, and Wu Shi, a progressive youth, the cloud, with its strong conviction and extraordinary wisdom, saved the Xuanjia and became the new Xuanjia family member and identified the culprit. Incest father revenge. In the end, Shen BiYun break through the feudal ancestral open library, students, including Pik Wan to ascend to study & nbsp ;.

Orange password (TV)[2015]

Feature: The Orange Password tells the story of Shanghai Concession during the Republican Period. Tang Ren and Ma Ya returned from the German police academy. In the face of the dark reality of corruption, a couple of childhood lovers chose different paths. Ma Ya, who was in trouble, went into the police station and became a detective. Tang Ren, just right, chose a private detective as a career. Tang Ren, a friend of a friend who easily investigated the murder of a lamp, was strangely caught in a schizophrenic state. With Ma Ya's help, Tang Ren recalled the memory of the Tang family's struggle over treasures with He RunYu many years ago. Both of them jointly defeated the forces of the East that shook our treasure and kept their national treasures. Antiquarian Xia SanQiu went to Shanghai to search for heirloom exquisite tripod, by the Japanese spy stalking. Tang Ren was employed by Xia SanQiu, but unexpectedly became the suspect who killed him. Yi ZhanDeng and Ma Ya scrubbed off charges against Tang Ren. The three men worked together to find an exquisite tripod that smashed the Japanese plot to steal the national treasure. Since then, Tang Ren and Ma Ya joined hands and bravely challenged the darkness. They tried their utmost to solve many strange cases and became the heroes of civilians under the rule of law who were bent on sacrificing their rights and being the people. Emotional course of the two, for the gray era of projection under a ray of bright dazzling sunshine & nbsp ;.

FireWire hero (TV)[2014]

Feature: Stills Ding ZiLong, Mei Yuan, Jiang ErBao, Cheng Peng, Zhang ZhiGang, Liao Jun joined the army for various reasons as firefighters and they grew up in fire and water again and again. They are involved in the rescue of dangerous chemical releases, road traffic accidents, construction collapses, major accidents in production safety, mass distress cases and public health emergencies, where they are dangerous and where they are. The unfortunate thing happened, a fireworks factory explosion, emergency rescue, Zhang ZhiGang bravely sacrificed. In the face of enlisted friends, Liao Jun can not stand the immediate impact of death and other combat, early retirement. Four of Ding ZiLong, Mei Yuan, Jiang ErBao and Cheng Peng squandered their tears in the songs of "sent comrades in arms" and completed the evolution from rookie to fire vanguard to become the most lovely firefighter in the new era.

Sui Tang hero 4 (TV)[2014]

Feature: Tang Zhenguan years, Xiliang rebellion, Li ShiMin Yu Jia pro-levy, the enemy Shuai Su BaoTong besieged in the lock city, coach Xue RenGui Su BaoTong also poisoned the knife, life and death. Xue DingShan, son of Xue RenGui, learned that his father was killed and took part in the 2nd Army, where he went to save his father. Along the way, Xue DingShan overcame the thief Dou YiHu, Su BaoTong, eventually rescuing Xue RenGui and Li ShiMin from Lions. Li ShiMin class teacher back to North Korea, leaving Xue's father and son to continue the chaos. Su BaoTong moved to rescue and sent his general Fan Hong to challenge. Fan Hongzhuan Fan LiHua Xue DingShan fall in love at first sight, at the expense of his family, sacrifice Guan Xue. Xue DingShan, however, listens to precepts and mistakes Fan LiHua, an unrighteous person who killed his eldest brother and brother and expelled Fan LiHua from Tang Ying. Later, with the help of Cheng YaoJin et al., The touching story of "Fan HuHua" was released. After the final couple, Xue DingShan and Fan LiHua finally married. Under their joint efforts, Tang Junping set Xiliang upstairs.

The Duke of Mount Deer (TV)[2014]

Feature: Humble Wei XiaoBao how to grow fortune and eventually return to life story. Han Dong version of the Deodor record Stills from the market, tricky Wei XiaoBao due to accidentally know the secret palace, posing as a small eunuch into the palace, to help Kang Xi capture the ministers Ao Bai and become Mo inverse, but also by the world will be chief ruling chief Chen JinNan received as disciples, But because of Chen assassination Kang Xi, so dilemma. Andy inadvertently learned that Kang Xi, the God Emperor, was still alive and was sent to Wutai Mountain to visit and make great efforts to reunite Kang Xi with his father and son. He also helped Kang Xi to work in Yunnan and successfully disclosed Wu SanGui's efforts to collude with aliens and cult to rebel Conspiracy helped Kang Xi pacify San Francisco to exterminate Dragon; teach the Princess Sofia of Romania the success of power seizures, but also repelled the invasion of Romania, forcing it to sign a peace treaty. Repeatedly Qi Xiao Bao was first-class deer Dinggong, favored by many confidante, to enjoy the happiness of all. Kang Xi in the mountains Da Tong command Xiaobao destroy the world, loyalty and hard both Xiao Bao fled back to lakes & nbsp ;.

Junior Detective Di RenJie (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Di RenJie juvenile detectives" tells the story of the Tang Dynasty, Di RenJie years 20 to Beijing to participate in the test, Empress Wu personally proctor. A disguised as a candidate of the assassin suddenly spit out the examination room chaos, Di RenJie hunt mysterious assassin, accidentally found assassin is a disguised as men, assassins fleeing. Empress Wu Di RenJie continue to trace the origin of the assassin, Di RenJie found each other's assassination is carefully and carefully deployed. Young Di RenJie determined not to pursue in the end do not give up. Di RenJie talented, but also protect the meritorious deeds, soon became a Dan Zhuo Zhuo. In Danzhou, Di RenJie met his first love Chu Yun. Chu Yun Di RenJie was five years older, Chu Yun, like sister, take care of Di RenJie. Later Chu Yun married Zuo Shilang Wang Benli's second son Wang Yan, Wang Yan wedding night accidental death. Di RenJie met again at this time, two already heartbeat, but experienced great changes Chu Yun has been wise to know she and Di RenJie no future, and Di RenJie found Wang Yan's death is not an accident, the tragedy happened one after another, a Few of the royal family died in life, the murder scene beautiful and weird, and Di RenJie and Chu Yun underwhelming emotions for the case even more mysterious.

Bright moon (TV)[2009]

Feature: The original writer and screenwriter Zhu Zhongli, the wife of proletarian revolutionary Wang Jiaxiang, recorded a true history and portrayed the vivid images of a group of her familiar revolutionary partners and mentors who shared her experiences. The work has a unique revolutionary romanticism, throughout the pursuit of the revolutionary ideal. It records from a completely new perspective a group of passionate youths engaged in the revolutionary process, their rich feelings in the world where the story happened. The story's protagonist, Lin GuangWei (Changchun Liu), was baptized by the revolutionary storm in the early days of the Chinese New Democratic Revolution and accepted the theory of the proletarian revolution. With a firm revolutionary spirit and revolutionary ideal, Lin GuangWei, from the feudal and bourgeois family's old Killed in the fortress and devoted to the struggle for the liberation of all mankind. In bloody cruel circumstances, in the face of the butcher and muzzle they did not back down and shaken. Guided by firm faith and lofty ideals, they have overcome one after another the difficulties and the incomparable enemies with persevering perseverance, with their loyalty to the party, and with daring courage and strength. They have grown up and matured in the struggle. Aunt of the country, bringing beautiful young maid Yang Qiu Sheng. It is proposed to marry autumn Saint Guang Wei concubine, daughter after childbirth to aunt to live in good old age. Lin GuangWei, who possessed democratic ideas and joined the revolution, resolutely refused to annoy his aunt and simply locked up Lin GuangWei and Qiu Sheng in the room. Guangze Ma plays Lin JunXiong's stills Lin GuangWei and Qiu Sheng's stills in The Bright Moon

Lukdinggei (TV)[1984]

Feature: Humble Wei XiaoBao how to grow fortune and eventually return to life story. Han Dong version of the Deodor record Stills from the market, tricky Wei XiaoBao due to accidentally know the secret palace, posing as a small eunuch into the palace, to help Kang Xi capture the ministers Ao Bai and become Mo inverse, but also by the world will be chief ruling chief Chen JinNan received as disciples, But because of Chen assassination Kang Xi, so dilemma. Andy inadvertently learned that Kang Xi, the God Emperor, was still alive and was sent to Wutai Mountain to visit and make great efforts to reunite Kang Xi with his father and son. He also helped Kang Xi to work in Yunnan and successfully disclosed Wu SanGui's efforts to collude with aliens and cult to rebel Conspiracy helped Kang Xi pacify San Francisco to exterminate Dragon; teach the Princess Sofia of Romania the success of power seizures, but also repelled the invasion of Romania, forcing it to sign a peace treaty. Repeatedly Qi Xiao Bao was first-class deer Dinggong, favored by many confidante, to enjoy the happiness of all. Kang Xi in the country Daoxing command Xiaobao destroy the world will, loyalty and hard both Xiao Bao reluctantly landed.

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