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Benny Chan (actor) TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Benny Chan (actor) Works 46 ,And Costume Drama 23 ,Comedy 8 ,Myth play 6 ,Romance 6 ,Feature 5 ,Martial Arts 5 ,Fantasy 4 ,Action 4 ,Suspense 3 ,Romantic drama 2 ,Historical play 2 ,Youth drama 2 ,Ancient legend 2 ,Magic 2 ,Ancient 1 ,legend 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Xian xia 1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Celebrate the New Year 1 ,Palace 1 ,Love 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,民国爱情1 ,都市情景喜剧1 ,大型动作武侠古装剧1 ,大型古装神话剧1 ,Family drama 1 ,Terror 1 。

Works Index

Benny Chan (actor) Filmography(46)


New Six Finger Magic (TV)[2018]

Feature: "The New Six-Finger Chin" tells the story of Dong Fang Bai, Sui Keng and Shui Ling Long gathered again two decades later to find out the truth of the incident. On the other hand, the younger generation led by Wan Chong (Yeh Pin Ming), Sui Yuan (Shen Yao) and Yuan Fei (Zheng Peng) experienced love, affection and friendship under the rivers and lakes brought by the enchantment The layers of test, and eventually grow into a new star and hope. Legend has it that evil "Six Fingers Magic" reproduce rivers and lakes, once known as martial arts hope Dong FangBai, Sui Keng, Shui LingLong retreat twenty years later meet again to join forces against the violin, pull out 20 years ago, . The original "magic" is Dong FangBai Twenty years ago, the old love Yun MiaoMiao, because of love to revenge martial arts hate. The last generation of grudges is still gone, the next generation of martial arts novices Wan Chong, Sui Yuan, Tokgo Red, Yuan Fei also fall into emotional entanglements. Various types of people in martial arts in the design of Yun MiaoMiao suspicion each other under the impulse to fight. Under the efforts of Dong Fang Bai and others, the plot of Yun Miao Miao was punctuated and the martial arts factions united to oppose Yun Miao Miao. Dong Jing Cao JingCi at this time also 觊 觎 "Mo Qin", stay in Yun MiaoMiao around opportunistic move. Ultimate Dong FangBai probation Yun MiaoMiao, he and Sui Keng, Shui LingLong sacrificed their own defeat Cao JingCi; Yun MiaoMiao hug piano jump to death and died. Wan Chong, Tokgo Red and others revitalize martial arts.

Strange Heaven, The City of Demon (Movie)[2018]


The City of Qi Demon: The City of Demons tells the story of "sticks and buddhas, Wu Xin

a> is a devil." Jin Xizi IX westbound was buried in the Liusha River. Keep obsessions, go to the heart of magic, named Wu Xin. To the Tenth Xuanzang, stone monkeys, canopies escorted to get through, again Liushahe. Tang Seng , Sun WuKong , Zhu BaJie men and women three days After taking a trip to the place where a group of people passed through thousands of miles, Tang Seng was arrested, Sun WuKong and Zhu BaJie were rescued as Tang Seng, and they stopped at the only village of Baisha in Liusha River, where they met a kind of demon Xiao Man , and Xiao Man to save his own people, mistakenly Ling Po has been trying to steal the heart of Sun WuKong. This “stone” of Qi Tian’s sanctuary actually began to move at the beginning of every heart, and the result of turbulence was that the stone body was destroyed, and its diamond-like body became a bloody body. On the one hand, Wukong gets along and enjoys Wukong from morning till evening. On the one hand, it is the life and freedom of the whole villager. The destiny drives her to make a choice.

皇甫神医 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《 Huang FuMi 传奇》剧情介绍:讲述了魏晋时期,皇宫突发一起血案。宫女 Ying Hui  在父母被杀后逃出皇宫。据传 Ying Hui 带走了父亲收藏的华佗《青囊经》最重要的部分章页, Huang Shang 随即令太尉 Si MaKui 和大臣王赞缉捕 Ying Hui 。  华佗弟子善珍因医术高明深得皇室宠幸,他创办的针灸治病的神针堂 家喻户晓。其弟子 Huang FuMi 聪慧过人,但定妆照医术尚欠火候,善珍望其脚踏实地、刻苦学艺。   Huang Shang 要赐一宫女给善珍,他故意说喜欢女弟子 Xiang Ling ( Ou Wang 饰 ),婉拒 Huang Shang 好意。但 Huang Shang 依然派人来赐婚,此时 Xiang Ling 正要被华镇梁记大药房公子 Liang Liu 娶走,本就不愿意嫁给 Liang Liu 的 Xiang Ling 趁机上了善珍的花轿。 Huang FuMi 等弟子将 Xiang Ling 抬回神针堂准备与师傅完婚,但他在花轿内发现了受伤的宫女 Ying Hui , Huang FuMi 让好兄弟 Bu Zhun ( Louis Fan 饰 )将 Ying Hui 送到山寨保护起来。  善珍在与 Xiang Ling 的婚礼中突然晕倒, Huang FuMi 却果断下针,却还是没有挽回师傅的性命。此时宫中派人来请善珍给小皇子治病,善珍已故,二师兄难当大任, Xiang Ling 果断决定让 Huang FuMi 前往。 Huang FuMi 稳定住小皇子复杂的病情,得到了 Huang Shang 的赏赐。但 Liang Liu 为了得到 Xiang Ling ,诬陷 Huang FuMi 想娶师娘而故意加害师傅,置其于死地。朝廷大臣王赞救下了 Huang FuMi ,因为 Huang Shang 的宠妃欲让 Huang FuMi 为其治疗不孕之症。 Huang FuMi 与 Xiang Ling 情感深厚, Liang Liu 对此耿耿于怀。 Liang Liu 在父亲被 Huang FuMi 气死后,决定与 Huang FuMi 拼个你死我活。 Liang Liu 的干爹 Si MaKui 在皇宫手握重权,他故意将 Huang FuMi 和 Xiang Ling 的事说予 Huang Shang 。 Huang Shang 见到 Xiang Ling 后心动不已, Xiang Ling 一再婉拒, Huang Shang 赐其贞节牌坊,这使得 Huang FuMi 与 Xiang Ling 的前路雪上加霜。   Si MaKui 怀疑 Ying Hui 与神针堂有关系,便要 Liang Liu 暗中调查。差点上当的 Ying Hui 在 Bu Zhun 等人的努力下,最终看清了 Liang Liu 的真面目。   Huang Shang 多次要求功绩显著的 Huang FuMi 进宫做官遭拒, Si MaKui 趁机挑唆,诬陷 Huang FuMi 藐视 Huang Shang 。与此同时名士嵇康因拒写《帝王世纪》被赐死, Huang FuMi 只得委屈求全同意为 Huang Shang 写史,但他更重要的任务是完成《针灸甲乙经》。路透图 瘟疫突如其来, Huang FuMi 请缨前往疫区;而 Si MaKui 与 Liang Liu 却贪赃枉法,并企图害死 Huang FuMi 。在 Bu Zhun 、 Ying Hui 等人的帮助下, Huang FuMi 和 Xiang Ling 先后脱险,两人感情日益深厚。   Si MaKui 寄希望于外甥女怀上龙种以达到控制皇权的目的一直未能如愿, Liang Liu 与 Li Fei 偷情怀孕, Si MaKui 担心被 Huang FuMi 发现,一心想将其灭口。   Huang Shang 将觊觎已久的 Xiang Ling 带入宫中强行封妃, Xiang Ling 逃出宫后前往西域。因欺瞒 Huang Shang 受到宫刑的 Liang Liu 不思悔改继续作恶,并带领兵勇将有着长生不老称号的封衡抓捕。 Huang FuMi 赴西域救封衡时巧遇 Bu Zhun 和 Ying Hui ,他们沿途又遇到了 Xiang Ling 所在的西域某国进献美女的马队。 Huang FuMi 与 Xiang Ling 虽然重逢,但 Xiang Ling 和西域国曼丽公主一同进了宫, Xiang Ling 跟 Huang Shang 说如果把她充斥后宫必会引起麻烦。果然西域国向朝廷腹地发起进攻, Si MaKui 带兵去反击却被毒箭射中。  为害死 Huang FuMi , Liang Liu 偷走其《帝王世纪》手稿,并将其扔进深山老林。 Huang FuMi 被 Xiang Ling 父母所救,因祸得福赢得了撰写史书的时间。 Xiang Ling 的到来使 Huang FuMi 对《青囊经》的完成更有信心。   Huang Shang 以为 Huang FuMi 再次逃跑,却在御书房发现了 Huang FuMi 如期完成的手稿。感慨万千的 Huang Shang 下令赠予 Huang FuMi 一车书籍,并给予其自由。 Huang FuMi 和 Xiang Ling 终在清静的山林里结为夫妻。


I love you little daddy (TV)[2017]

Feature: Twenty years ago, Jiang Chong (Jackie Lui) was unexpectedly absent from a god-eating contest and since then became an immersion coach. Kuan Chong was very angry at the behavior of Jiang Chong, Jiang Chong has been hated. Twenty years later, Timothy Zao faced the dilemma of being closed because of Jiang Chong's departure. Kwan in my shop was mysterious people tied to Shanghai, unexpectedly encountered in the church a good brother Jiang Chong. Wide enough to think of that year Jiang Chong's defeat, is preparing to tense Jiang Chong, the mysterious man appeared, it is their brother Bogot (Lawrence Ng ornaments), the atmosphere which can be eased. As soon as the three people see, remember the past towering. Bogor in order to retrieve the brotherhood of three people at the time, then funded a veggie hot pot restaurant, then quietly leave. In the meantime, Ma YiDao accidentally shattered the store's treasure when he attacked the hot pot restaurant. In return for compensation, Ma YiDao was forced to sign a sell-off contract. The story revolves around the width, Jiang Chong, Ma YiDao

Fight against Buddha (Movie)[2017]

Feature: After taking lessons, Sun Wukong put his body on the earth and practiced as an unlucky comic artist. Evil body incarnation Xiu LuoNvWang Monkey grievances left in the five elements of the mountain to condense into a dark monkey. Tie LanEr, a childhood friend of Sun XiaoFan and an orphanage, was attacked by unknown people and was secretly rescued by Zhu BaJie, who came to the world. The director of the orphanage is an incarnation of the land and has been secretly protecting Sun XiaoFan, slaying Sun XiaoFan after it was captured by a dark monkey. The Dark Monkey sneaked into Sun XiaoFan's dream and slowly eroded his consciousness, causing Sun XiaoFan to gradually become cowardly and cowardly. Under the Five Elements, Tie LanEr was petrified by dark monkeys. The loss of loved one finally inspired Sun XiaoFan's Monkey King to finally be stimulated. When Monkey King is about to kill the dark monkeys, Tie LanEr's flinch helps him to regain his mind. Xiu LuoNvWang appears, occupy the darkness of the monkey's body to destroy it. Monkey King realized the true meaning of "fighting to defeat Buddha" and also entered the body of dark monkeys to reconcile his own good and evil and became the real fight to defeat the Buddha.

Private Shushan Academy (TV)[2017]


"Private Lushan Academy" tells a group of seventeen-year-old boys and girls against the evil forces and fall in love with the youth story, focusing on mixing campus youth Xian Xiu. The “Private Lushan Academy” is an urban Xia Xia network drama jointly produced by Daewoo Information Softstar Technology (Beijing) and Beijing Star TV Film Media, directed by Huang Junwen and Song Ping, Wang Yibo, Yuqi Chen, Riley[3], and Jane. , Benny Chan (actor), Joe Ma (actor), Tim Pei, Wei Chai and Michael Miu.


Kungfu Boys (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film tells the story of Lin QiuNan (Lin QiuNan), who grew up in the United States back with a "super hero dream" from his childhood in China. He lives with his uncle Yuan Lai (Ruilin Liu) and has always believed he can take care of "Uncle's Uncle." But his unique way of thinking and a kung fu instead of their own campus life and uncle's affair. Once again, he was involved in an international crime unconsciously, and a thrilling showdown was unavoidable ...

AHappyLife2 (Movie)[2016]

Feature: About ancient times, Liu Fu Fu second generation of hunting demon family single biography son Liu Sik (Chan Ho Man ornaments) gifted, any demon or person sucked his essence can greatly increased skill, but also a playboy brother, all day deal with a woman heap. Lingling nine (Mu Tingting ornaments) Minimal princely princess, kind and lovely temperament refined, but it is also a letter.


Feature: Late Tang, Chang'an City, a strange series of murder occurred. Down artist Du GuZhongPing involved in solving the case. Wei RuoZhao, a girl who escaped from home, has astonishing memories. She was deeply attracted by the solo photo Zhongping and decided to study with him. Li XiuYi, a young and passionate private detective, came to Chang'an at this time to look for opportunities. Three characters and extremely different "geeks" began their journey to eradicate evil. In the process of going through a variety of odds and ends together, the feelings among the three people also created various disputes. Li XiuYi and Du GuZhongPing were both enemies and friends. Wei RuoZhao also had a heart of love for Du GuZhongPing. Under the investigation of Li XiuYi, Du GuZhongPing's past also surfaced. He turned out to be a member of the "Qian MianFu" criminal gang, and later repented. After some soul-stirring contest, Qian MianFu eventually died in front of Du GuZhongPing, and Du GuZhongPing finally learned of his own life experience.

Every day, there are two love hi love (TV)[2016]

Feature: Liu Si Fu second generation of hunting demon family single biography child Liu SiXi (Benny Chan (actor) ornaments) gifted, every day you like 2 people love what demon or people sucked his essence can increase skill, but also A dude brother, full day deal in a woman heap. Jiu Mei is the youngest princess of (Monica Mu) fox, kind and lovable temperament refined, but also a "inventor" "poisonous house", Jiu Mei want Liu SiXi essence for the mother, they sneaked into Liu , But unexpectedly two dark love affair, the enemy becomes a lover, since then, Merry demon division and his savage fox girlfriend staged a ridiculous fairy chasing love remember.

Liu Hai play Jin Chan (TV)[2016]

Feature: Liu Hai (Benny Chan (Actor)), a superb spell, suffered innocent injustice from being a traitor for the blessing of the Nanzhao kingdom, and was saved by enemies Hu XiuYing (Mu Tingting) Meng Zheng (Yu Lin Lu), Liu Hai and others from the Nanzhao Kingdom lurk to the radiant women's country, to deal with Mo Sha, Liu Hai and others only to find the polygamy, they must gather together "piano, Chess, books, paintings, and swords "Five Channuals, Jin Chan, the Five Poisoned Chief Who Loves to Love, Endorsed Liu Hai Against Liu Hai for Enduring Liu Hai and Jin Chan (Patrick Tam (actor)) Enemy friends, and went to the Indiana battle.

Fragrance (TV)[2016]

Feature: The "Dou Xiang" tells the story of the "poisonous incense plan" of the Japanese defeat Huacheng in the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan. It not only wanted to steal the secret of making incense, but also wanted to plunder the important incense, "Hong King" descendants of Wang and Mei family of two to defend the Huacheng, to give up the family grudges joint forces with all sectors of the enemy tenacious struggle story. Studied abroad by family Clan Wang LiLun of France learned that mothers were insane due to being persecuted by Japanese agents and had to return home to heal their mothers. In the order of Mayor of Huacheng festival of incense to make incense Temple incense when the accident was Japanese spies fraudulent prison, but also taken to Wang Jiazu handed down hundreds of years, "Hong King" plaque. Wang LiLun has been bailed out by her stepfather Wang Da Zhu and three days to find out the real murderer. Japanese spy took the opportunity to secretly want to control Wang LiLun Wang Jia Yu Hong made. Seemingly bohemian Wang LiLun secretly use the ultra-keen sense of smell, wit and courage, seize the murderer. Wang LiLun, regarded by the Japanese spies as Wang Jiayu's successor, awakened her mother and found all the curse was Japanese. He is motivated by his mother's intentional or unintentional progeny, coupled with what he has learned, with great concentration on the Royal incense that can deal with the Japanese-controlled Mei Ji incense. In the process of regaining the "Hong King" plaque, Wang LiLun confronted the pseudo-government and the Japanese rulers secretly, ascertained the cause of his father's death and ruined the attempt by the Japanese spies not to use force but to control the Chinese people's ideas and souls with incense. Aromatic Plan. " After Japan surrendered, Wang LiLun, who thought the world was peaceful, found that the true behind-the-scenes murderer is still hidden in Huacheng. In his investigation, he found that the dying Japanese spy won the hopeless taste of making home-made incense and tried to implement the "poisonous incense plan" that destroyed the city of incense. Wang LiLun together with the KMT and CCP members of the bipartisan group to dig out the possession of more than twenty years of Hong Kong attempt to steal Wang homemade incense art spy agents found the real murderer killed his father, destroying the Japanese agents attempted to destroy Xiangdu's "poisonous incense Plan ", with their own lives to protect the incense, he was re-known as the world" King of incense. " Huacheng people in honor of him, re-called him as "King of incense," future generations enshrined.

Beggar emperor and big foot queen legend (TV)[2015]

Feature: Yuan Dynasty, the official corruption, people live in abyss, intensified class contradictions. Juvenile Zhu beggar emperor and the big footsteps of the legendary emperor According to the death of his parents and brothers died of poverty and plague, Yuan was forced to go to the royal temple monks, became beggars, became well versed in civilian suffering. A few years later, the revolt of the Red Turban rebels against the tyranny of the Yuan Dynasty broke out. Zhu YuanZhang decided to join the rebel forces and quickly revealed his outstanding military capabilities and became the chief of the rebel forces. "To win the hearts and hearts of the people", Zhu YuanZhang has won the hearts and minds of his countrymen, capable and capable of running the army, protecting the common people and cracking down on the corrupt officials and the benevolent people. Finally, with the assistance of his wife, Ma XiuYing and others, Zhu YuanZhang overthrew the decadent rule of the Yuan Dynasty, established the Ming dynasty, completed a legendary transformation from a beggar of abjection to a founding emperor who was brave and mighty, and Ma XiuYing also moved from an informal Big feet girl section becomes a generation after virtuous.

Iceman3D (Movie)[2014]

Feature: During the Ming dynasty, "Ying Yingjie" - He Ying, dragon, tiger, mastiff famous inside and outside the hall. He Ying and Mastiff were orphaned by Taoyuan Village, and they both joined the training camp at the age of nine. After this, they both met the dragon and tiger brothers and four of them formed profound friendship during the training and development. One day, He Ying went to Tianzhu State on the orders of the emperor to escort the legendary "Golden Globe", the forerunner of the future. On the way back, but suddenly the dragon, tiger and mastiff these three brothers came to capture themselves. The original imperial court Du adult one was killed, the scene of murder evidence also point to He Ying. The crowd is in battle, trembling, a huge avalanche drowned four. After 400 years, He Ying, who had been unexpectedly thawed, came to modern society and met drunk Metropolitan girl Xiao Mei on Halloween's evenings. Xiao Mei fashion beautiful, the surface of worship, but in fact good-hearted. With the help of Xiao Mei, the talented He Ying quickly learned to adapt to the high-tech modern society. At the same time, with her life and understanding, the feelings of He Ying and Xiao Mei also changed subtly. At the same time, the tiger and the mastiff two people also successively thawed from the ice seal. Due to the memory still standing 400 years ago, the two started to hunt He Ying and fiercely warmed against the Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong. He Ying and Tiger , Mastiff battles at the same time, they encountered a mysterious third party fired anesthetic shells, He Ying shot in a coma crashed into the sea ... ...

Xinji Gong Living Buddha (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Merchants Lee's wife, the old man, named repair yuan. Xiuyuan was persecuted at the age of twenty, parents died. So he turned his grief into insight, and then fled to Buddhism, will be the love of parents turned to love of beings, with medical help, the world is known for his holy monk Ji Gong. Economic fame, the former lover Yu Chan to vulgar married to her. Jigong uses tact and skill to let Yu Chan learn about the ambitions of the world. Yu Chan finally sacrificed a little love to make love. The fraudulent Li Jia two old people also find Jigong, want to injure Ji Ji, but one by JI Gong resolve. The last traitor escaped the sanctions, volts and died. Justice is done, economic and social arrangements, following the rescue of people with the road. Jigong in the world wide good ways, save countless people, is loved by the people living Buddha.

Shaolin Temple legendary Buddhist scriptures Club (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Juvenile hero Wei Zi Revival, from the family tragedy killed by traitors to grow up in the tragic fate, the final story of a family hate revenge. Apart from maintaining the essence of the Shaolin film and television drama in the past, the plot strives for innovation and adds more modern flavor and rich emotional content.

New Ji Gong Living Buddha (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Living Buddha of New Ji Gong" tells the story of Ji Gong's sacrifice in life, demotion, demon and Purdue. Ji Gong encounters a pair of sisters, sister Qiu ManFeng and sister Qiu NingYu fell in love with the same man Zhao JianWen, from the sisters buried two knots, Ji Gong use wisdom, after all, to resolve the two sisters, let them know the feelings of sisters valuable. In addition, Ji Gong also met a gas mask chef Tu, because many years ago devoted themselves to cooking but ignore the family, resulting in a fire, her daughter died in a fire cave but failed to see the last side of his daughter, Tuo Dou blame Endless, from living a degenerate life. Ji Gong Qiu NingYu Qiu NingYu go with exorcism chef revolving around, under the guidance of Ji Gong, finally let the kitchen god recaptured kitchen knife, climbed out of adversity. Finally, although Ji Gong found Qiu NingYu Qiu NingYu find his mother's news, but her mother has passed away, Qiu NingYu followed Gong Gong to see all aspects of life, although the sad news, but also can not accept it. Ji Gong has been praying again and again and finally succeeded in merit, returning to heaven. [2] Cell plot Bloodstone dare to talk about Gui MianGuanYin steal the baby to supplement their own strength, the ultimate failure. Tell the bad guys after all, there will be no good news. Chaotic point Yuanyu spectrum tells the relationship between Du Juan, Peony, Sai ZiDou, Sai ZiDou is the capital of the first beauty of the United States, and Peony is the capital's first beauty, Du Juan Zhong Zhong's sister's descendants, Zhong Yun please Ji Gong gave Du Juan a good marriage, Du Juan's mind is very good, but it is ugly and fat, so married out, Ji Gong gave a son a beautiful figure, in the above spell, so that the child can see Du Juan was a beautiful angel until the day of his marriage, Peony was envious of his heart, water was given by Gui MianGuanYin to awaken his son, who had discovered the real face of Du Juan immediately regretted marriage, but Gong Gong told him to look hard, Children think Du Juan's heart is beautiful, so negative Jing apologize, and finally the lover eventually get married. Tell us: People as long as the soul of beauty, is the most beautiful. True and false daughter peony love Xu Gang, and change to look like Jiang Yun Yi Xu Gang. Xu Gang and Jiang Yun-yi were married from the small pulp, and were repeatedly indifferent to Jiang's family because of their poor family. Later, Xu Gang knew he fell in love with the peony essence rather than Jiang Yun-yi when he was nominated for gold. Peony refined immortality but give up immortality, forever to the mortal world, stay in Xu Gang side. Buddha's theft generals daughter Pang ZhiLan love deputy Luo Wei and take the initiative to approach, but helpless Luo Wei unmoved. Lo Po stolen all the clues directed at Luo Wei, with clues to move step by step, Luo Wei's grievances have been rehabilitated, but also brought out his unmoved reason. The suzerainty of Ji Gong Cheng Cai's suzerain had been confined to a patriarchal fan, whose mother, for reasons unknown to sue Ji Gong, After some investigation, Ji Gong told Cheng Cai that there are three ways to get rid of the Confessor Fan. Cheng Cai eventually chose to marry Meng Yao. Guang Liang Guang Liang's deity and Wang Damu were exchanged and sealed in cypress wood. After experiencing the constant changes of the owner from Lei ChunMei and Qi DongHua, Hou BaTian finally became a monster . Lo Han Luo Han Luo Han idol thrown into the river by the robbers, and even the Dragon Lohan are not spared.To restore mana, Ji Gong and Chung Lohan decided to help Mei FuQi regain his confidence by marrying Jin YuYun. As a result, the marriage of the two men was obstructed by Meng Fanchun and finally finally came together after many catastrophes. Real Gong Ji Ji Gong was found guilty of deception for one month and was deposed in the world, fell to a folk house of women, and let the woman that Ji Gong is her true son. The wood master Yang Mu-sheng would also like to ask Ji Gong to help his sister find the "real heaven" Son of Heaven, the surprise is that Ji Gong fell into that woman is the sister of Poplar wins sister, coincidentally ah. As both sides do not understand each other, together with the wicked make bad, both experience has become more legendary. Yu Fuhuan Gui MianGuanYin continue fighting Ji Gong, the whole death of Ji Gong's evil thoughts. Unfortunately, Bi Qing is a tool used by Gui MianGuanYin. Ji Gong came to Lingyin Temple for handling a couple's family affairs and invited Yue Lao to become an avatar of Ji Gong. Ji Gong got a brace of her husband, Stomach, who wear a bracelet, who can make her husband never betray. Gui MianGuanYin possessed by Bi Qing from the trouble, so that the man has a wife with two wives, the result cited the real house partial room wars, partial room crime should be miserable death, Gui MianGuanYin trick again to be seen. The story of the current emotional life of men and women also have a lot of inspiration: Couples, couples as long as mutual respect and mutual love, mutual understanding and mutual trust, mutual trust, do not listen to rhetoric, do not suspect each other, so, they simply do not have access to " Yu Fu Central ", the third child can not have any chance of entering the opportunity. Ji Gong in the story of this Ji Gong was enjoying themselves, not only in the temple and Gui MianGuanYin life and death contest, both lose and wounded, the sibling Luo Han all because of injuries fell into mortal ... In the human palace, Ji Gong experienced more Soul-fighting palace fighting, killing, seizing power.

Shaolin Temple legendary Buddhist scriptures Club (TV)[2014]

Feature: During the Apocalypse of the Ming Dynasty, Japanese general Xiao ZeZhengXiong lost power in the battle for general Shuofu, led thousands of people in the remnants of the Shaolin Temple, and escaped into the Shaolin Scriptures Pavilion of the Shaolin Temple. As the coast of our country southeast along the coast, As a curse of China. At that time, the Ming emperor was young and the eunuch Wang Qi dictatorship. Wang Qi vainly attempted to usurp the throne and colluded with Japanese pirates to injure loyalists and destroy me. The people living in the water and fire, Daming Jiangshan faces internal and external problems, precarious. Xu ZiHao is the son of Kyoto chief Xu Chao, an emperor's childhood playmate. He is intelligent, resourceful, but coveted play hard work. Since Xu ZiHao's father, Xu Chao, has been maintaining the Ming dynasty and accompanies the evil spirits Wang Qi, Wang Qi designed to fraudulently conquer Japanese pirates and Xu Chou was copied and chopped. Only Xu ZiHao was saved by Shaolin monks from birth. With the encouragement and companionship of Princess Zhu RuoQin, Xu ZiHao escaped to the Shaolin Temple and practiced martial arts to revenge. Shaolin Fang Zhang learned that Xu ZiHao Xue Wu in order to take revenge, the unwillingness to admit, but sympathy Xu ZiHao encounter, together with Xu ZiHao unique talent, have never forgotten ability, so arranged Xu ZiHao made a Buddhist scriptures small Small monk. Fang Zhang left Xu ZiHao in the temple for the sake of protecting him. On the one hand, he wanted to protect him. On the other hand, Fang Zhang wanted to let him gradually wash his hatred in Buddhism and stimulate his extraordinary talents to play more important occasions. Xu ZiHao usually only has access to martial arts unrelated Buddhist scriptures, he wanted to learn Wu hesitated. By chance, he finally saw the first martial arts classics, "Shaolin Trail Fighting," he secretly practicing tracing boxing law, but also repulsed the Japanese pirates sent to the middle of the night to steal the book of black people. Friends Wu XinTong and Xu ZiHao came to Shaolin with Xu ZiHao, but failed to enter the temple. While waiting in the mountains, they met GelaLe, a princess of the Wara area. Wu XinTong fell in love with Ge ErLe at first sight and finally tried his best to get Ge ErLe heart. Unexpectedly, Ge ErLe demanded Wu XinTong so much that Wu XinTong practiced martial arts every day. Wu XinTong had a hard time trying to escape Ge ErLe even though he was a monk. However, he also had an excellent dodge. Xu ZiHao urged by Zhu RuoQin every day to practice martial arts. With her, Xu ZiHao felt pressured to find obscene objects in the days of the Shaolin Temple. Unconsciously, he and a mute rescued from the market by himself The girl became a good friend who never said anything. Dumbfounded never heard, turned into Xu ZiHao best listener. But this dumb girl does not look so kind on the surface, she is actually a Japanese female ninja, mixed with Shaolin Temple is the Book of the Buddhist scriptures for the Shaolin Temple. Xu ZiHao found that dumb pupils behaved strangely, and they used the false script test. Sure enough, they tried to find out that dumb puppets were trawlers. As a result, Xu ZiHao, together with Shaolin monks, drove away all the Japanese pirate warriors. Xu ZiHao deliberately let go of the dumbfounded, although it is clear that the dumb is a pirate, but his heart had a different feeling for this girl. Princess Ge ErLe, Walla Department The trip to the Central Plains was also ordered to come to Shaolin martial arts and wanted to get the scriptures of the Tripitaka. However, Ge ErLe was a heroic hero. After seeing the powerful martial arts in Shaolin, he gave up the scriptures of the Tripitaka The plan.Xu ZiHao After being deceived by a dumb boy, with some frustration and self-confidence, he has already practiced martial arts for a long time and went back to Beijing to seek revenge from Wang Qi. Although wounded Wang Qi, he was also seriously wounded by Wang Qi and captured at a crucial moment Or Shaolin Fang Zhang shot saved. In order to save Xu ZiHao's life, Fang Zhang came up with "Yi Jin Jing" to Xu ZiHao practice. Xu ZiHao finally went further in the martial art with the help of the Yi Jin Jing, a treasure of the Shaolin. At the same time, he also realized a deeper understanding of Zen in constant practice. Xu ZiHao has been completely different from the past. Wang Qi finally found Xu ZiHao hiding in the Shaolin Temple, sent people to arrest Xu ZiHao, the emperor sent a messenger to inform Xu ZiHao. After seeing the messenger, Xu ZiHao decided not to drag on Shaolin, but decided to go to the anti-Japanese coast off the southeast with her princess and Wu XinTong. Came to the southeastern coast Xu ZiHao know pirates chief is none other than it is the Xiao ZeZhengXiong brother Xiao ZeXhengZi, Xu ZiHao use their own martial arts and military law learned in the Buddhist scriptures, a change in the local anti-Japanese decline, and eventually catch Xiao ZeZhengXiong. When Wang Qi learned that Xiao ZeZhengXiong was arrested and was afraid of colluding with Japanese pirates, he issued a hunter-killing order and must kill Xiao ZeZhengXiong on his way back to Beijing. He also sent someone to join the king of the Wara department, king. Xu ZiHao went through dangerous steps to overcome the assassin along the way to bring Xiao ZeZhengXiong back to the capital, but Zhu RuoQin of the Ming dynasty was captured by Xiao ZeXingZi, and Xu ZiHao had to let Xiao ZeZhengXiong go to the princess. Xiao ZeZhengXiong eventually killed by Wang Qi. Xiao ZeXingZi sadly left the body with his brother left China. Wala Department Binglin City, the military within the capital has been mastered by Wang Qi, although the emperor had known Wang Qi will be reversed, but at this time still helpless. Xu ZiHao joined Shaolin monks out of siege. Under the persuasion of Wu XinTong and Princess Ge ErLe, a Wala princess, King Wala agreed to help defend the Daming Emperor. Xu ZiHao With the warriors of the Department of Warcraft retreated to protect the royal palace, Wang Qi to kill the emperor to grab the emperor, but a hand killed the princess Zhu RuoQin, Xu ZiHao saw the princess collapsed and Wang Qi launched a war, Wang Qi martial art higher than Xu ZiHao, but Xu ZiHao still kill Wang Qi on the spot. In this regard, the rebellion was settled, and the Ming dynasty also got rid of the pirate piracy in the southeast coast. The Wara department and the Daming knot into an amicable. Faced with the reward of the emperor, Xu ZiHao, instead of serving as an official, volunteered to return to the Shaolin Temple to become an ordinary monk & nbsp ;.

天天有喜 (TV)[2013]


故事讲述古代时期,刘枫和 Bai MeiYing 两人婚后,在一次次经历中学会包容,并共同化解婆媳矛盾,传宗接代,教育后代等问题的故事。狐狸小九妹在与金蟾大王的打斗中负伤逃下凤凰山,被樵夫刘枫救助。伤愈后的小九妹念念不忘刘刘枫的恩情,时常下山帮助刘枫,为刘枫对母亲的孝心感动。于是,她化名 Bai MeiYing 下山,嫁给刘枫,帮他洗衣做饭,照顾母亲,一家人其乐融融。 Bai MeiYing 和刘枫为救治母亲眼疾到华山天池寻找神水。金蟾大王趁机抓住 Bai MeiYing ,威胁她嫁给自己。刘枫的诚心感动天地,破除斧头咒语解禁斧头神后,得其相助救出妻子,并治好母亲眼疾。怀孕的 Bai MeiYing 借宝珠汲取日月精华,却遭金蟾大王偷袭,失去宝珠,化回真身。刘枫为救妻子,联手八位姐姐和斧头神,击败金蟾大王,夺回宝珠。金蟾大王被玉皇大帝降罪,口咬金钱到人间助刘枫店铺生意兴隆。 Bai MeiYing 产下幼子,刘枫的店铺生意兴隆。久而久之,其他商家纷纷效仿刘家,雕刻金蟾放在店内,寓意生意兴隆,财源广进。


Love Amongst War (TV)[2012]

Feature: Emperor Xuanzong years, Yu, Liu Erfei pet, Liu Fei Prince gave birth to lead Yu Fei murderous. Yu Fei while Xuanzong go out, want Liu Fei and Prince Edward. Eunuch Xue Xuan Prince Edward escaped from the palace, Liu Fei was postpartum weakness panic and died. Yu Fei learned that Prince Edward escaped from the palace, ordered to kill. Xuanzong reincarnation that the matter, then decreed to execute Yu Fei, and urgently sent to find Xuexing and Prince Edward, but Xue Xing was killed and unfortunately killed. Hospice Xuehao care entrusted, so Prince surnamed Xue, named Xue PingGui. Xue Hao is poor, and Xue Qi, a woman, is your favorite. You are extremely rare pupil learned superb equestrian, and the other Xue wonderful photos ho and friends are martial arts extraordinary, Pingguo Mondrian teach, both civil and military. Pinggui and long, adoptive father ailment, Ping expensive into Chang'an drug rescue father. Encounter Madam Xiangguo and three thousand gold into Ciyun Temple worship time. Phase House granddaughter Jinbi, the second female silver 钏 married generals Su Long and Wei Hu, only three women Po 钏 not yet married. Wei Bao, a younger brother of Wei Hu, who had long coveted Bao Bao but refused to cooperate with Wei Hu, rescues her from being saved by heroes. Flat expensive chivalrous cheeky leave a good impression. Wei Bao informed Wei Hu of the matter and Wei Hu found him a very serious injury. After all, he spent his time fighting with the Chinese in charge of installing the Chinese and Ling Xiao, and saved him from breaking the temple. Ge Da, Ge Qing Two begging through the temple, save your peace, and should heal his adoptive father. Who Wei Bao hated, killed Xue Hao, Xue Qi Xue, burning Xue Institute, Xue Hao before death to Pinggui life jade. Pinggui died every adoptive father, had to return to Changan to make a living and find Xue Qi whereabouts. Coincides with the king Wang Yun Yun Feng Crown Coronet Xiajian given, to take care of Choi Choi Choi floor. Youkai learned that the phase House took the Choi building, they came to apply for workers, but was Wei Hu brothers learned, driven away your flat, and ordered around the city were not allowed to hire someone expensive flat. Forced to livelihood, Pinggui had to beg and Ge Da, Ge Qing two begging. The matter is informed of Baoliao girl Kotori, told Baodi, Baodi about your precious meet, Baodi on the expensive your martial arts greatly appreciated. Po shame shame to level into the colorfull grabbing hydrangeas to achieve marriage, flat expensive conscientiousness, Po Lin words not expensive in the pool of dragon, eventually one day flies, you finally agreed. Ball day of pro-marriage, Pinggui according to the contract, but not anxious to enter the door, Komuro has long been waiting for you with the back door into the expensive. At this moment, Wei Hu arranged Wei Bao to win the hydrangea, and Baodi pushed the Hydrangea to throw it. Many people grabbed the ball, and Ping Gui struggled to win the ball with Wei Bao and all the others. He won the hydrangea with his skill, Wei Bao people want to grab, Koizumi wit shout someone got hydrangea! Wei Bao resentful. Pinggui achievements, Po Sang's "color floor with." In the phase of the house, Wang Yun was glad to meet her new husband. Unexpectedly, he took out a hydrangea but his clothes were shabby. Wang Yun's abandonment and Wei Hu continued to sow discord. Wang Yun then took out one hundred and two gold and sent Pinggui to level off your marriage contract. Flat expensive reluctant to leave hydrangea away. Baodi chase out blocking, Ping Gui still insist on leaving. Baoguole begged Wang Yun to leave Pinggui, which annoyed Wang Yun and wanted Bao Bao to marry Wei Bao as his wife.Wang Yun anger is extremely treasure If you insist on marrying your flat will cut off the relationship between father and daughter, Po Sang also firmly said that this life is not your marriage, Wang Yun furious and Baoji "three high-profile" cut off father and daughter, treasure In desperation, and Wang Yun "three high-profile." Mrs. Wang saw this grief and coma, Po Sok see my mother sad past, Wang Yun stop. Wang Yun and Bao Qiao take off Fengguanxiaobei, Baodi replaced underwear, be patient and say goodbye to parents away from home, chasing down expensive. Wei Bao got angry about it. Angry, the black hand stretched to stay around Xue Qi. Xue Qi thinks thief is husband, this bitter resentment and Baoji. Ge Da, Zhang Wei help to find you expensive, flat expensive refused to accept treasure 钏, Ge, Zhang Er human advised Pinggui, when you know that precious treasure for him and his father, "three strike" cut off the relationship between peace Your touch finally agreed. In Ge Da, Zhang Wei assisted Pinggui, Baoji cold kiln married, two very affectionate. At this time Xi Liangjun guilty of Yumen Pass and sent a "red bristle horse" Challenge Datang, this horse is the best in the world BMW, no one can surrender. The court, Ping expensive debut list and due to subjugation will surrender "red mane", the emperor pleaded to seal the officer, but Wang Yun but protect Su Long is marshal, Wei Hu Shuai Shuai, belittle your expensive pioneer, and immediately Sent out for West cool. You do not go home expensive kiln, treasure unfortunate, the couple did not cry. Wei Hu falsified the public and private interests on the grounds that you were late, so that the violation of military discipline, to kill you expensive, fortunately Su Long Paul. When fighting between the two armies, Wei Hu lost to Xizhan Dai ZhanGongZhu, and you were rescued with peace and dignity. Dai ZhanGongZhu was shocked to see you as the person who met Chang'an. Dai ZhanGongZhu lost to Pinggui. Thankful, Xi LiangGuoWang surprised Datang's military strength, the list surrendered. Tang Jun learned that the whole camp jubilant. Wei Hu premeditated for the celebration of drunkenness, tied him to the back of the "red mane" horse lit, the horse ran away in fright. Su Long can not find the flat expensive, Wei Hu told you that flat expensive drunk to try to break into the West cool has been killed. Su Long Your splendid horse into the West cool, Dai ZhanGongZhu cousin Ling Xiao kill you flat, war on behalf of the insurance and to see Pinggui body back to Xileng treatment. At this point Su Long class division back to North Korea, the king learned that the dead in your flat to inform Baodi, Baodi Wen smell collapsed, Mrs. King and sister Jin Ba Li urged Baoguo back to the capital, but the treasure is not from, adhere to the noble widow, Mrs. Wang reluctantly returned. And Wei Hu encouraged his wife, Silver, to persuade Baodi to remarry Wei Bao, and Baodi rebuked it to drive away the bank. Baodi will be your expensive clothing buried into a "crown mound", Baodi keep the tomb and day and night crying. Ge Da, Zhang Wei are sad too. After being rescued, Ping Gui was anxious to return to the Central Plains. However, he did not fight for war. See Liang Pinggui, a talented person, and his wife, Ling Xiao persuade your flat expensive, flat expensive helpless, but Ping Gui asked to return to the Central Plains trip, agreed on behalf of the war, but cousin Ling Xiao worried about your precious will never return, so accompany your return Central Plains. While Wei Bao did not give up on Baoji, Wei Hu offered to want Wei Bao to grab his relatives. Ge Da, Zhang Wei Arranges Baodi Runaway. Wei Bao defeated. Ge Da deliberately disseminated Baodi has been remarried and away from home. Wei Bao finally give up.Unexpectedly, at this time Pinggui back, but I heard that Po Sai has remarried and heartache, Pinggui had to return with the Ling Xiao Xi Liang and war on behalf of marriage. Xi LiangGuoWang was seriously ill, died at the time the throne passed Xue PingGui, but the military power to Ling Xiao. Yougui open trade exchanges between the two countries to promote prosperity, and came to business who learned that the Western Liang Wang was happy for the Han exception, competing rumors, the incident introduced Ge, Zhang two ears appalled, told Baodi. Baodi do not believe you stay in the West cool rather than go home. Ge, Zhang advised Baodi wrote a letter to tell your expensive, the two of them are willing to send letters to Xiliang. Baodi saw the kiln paperless pen, so tear off the dress, bite the middle finger, wrote a blood book. Ge, Zhang two after many hardships into the Xiliang, but unable to enter the palace to see your expensive, learned that your expensive hunting is broken into the hunting ground, but almost killed by your expensive. Ping expensive to recognize Ge, Zhang acute back to the palace, Ge, Zhang anger accused your excuse for your splendor glory abandoned Baodi, leaving blood angrily leave. Pinggui see blood book to know Baodi still bitter cold kiln waiting for him to go back, distressed spit blood coma. War that anxious care, flat expensive think away from the West cool, get cheat on behalf of the war clearance to leave. After the waging war wakes up, he knows that the anger with troops to catch up with the three shut down flat expensive, flat expensive to inform the Central Plains has long been the wife of the matter, the war was angry and sad, but flat expensive begged, the war finally agreed Pinggui, parting age Battle to Ling Xiao secretly protect your expensive. Yougui riding a red bristle mares faster than Ge, Zhang rushed to the "Wu home slope," but did not see the treasure. He remembered the year returned to "Wu Jiapo" Baodi remarry heard of the matter, suspicious mind. I think Baodi may be remarried as early as possible, or because of poor life back to the cold kiln, just waiting to see hesitate to see Po 采 pick wild plants on the hillside. Pinggui see Po 钏 did not recognize their own plan of one's heart, deliberately said that your flat owed money in the Xilianglilu poor, so Pingui has sold him the treasure 钏, Po 钏 a gas and angry, Open flat expensive back to cold kiln. Ping expensive This tells Baodi he is Xue PingGui, but Baodi do not believe. Ping Gui Speaking of the past and send blood on the book, Baodi open the door to meet, but reminds you of mediocrity matter, angry desperate suicide. Ping expensive exhortation and told Baodi Xiliang things, also learned Wei Hu misappropriation of wages and the thing that killed his life, so Ping Gui with the treasure to go to the phase of "food." Wei Hu learned that your death did not die when the West Liang Wang, and came to "count grain" and to the Golden Temple reported Wei Hu murder thing, hastily and phase Ye Wang Yun negotiate, Wang Yun on the court said Xi LiangGuoWang sneaked into Changan ready Rebellion, the court sent Liu Fei's brother Liu Yi captured your expensive, but Liu Yi jade recognized by jade Pei expensive that is lost for many years the prince. Urgent Belt expensive palace to see the emperor, father and son finally to recognize each other. Xue Qi comprehends all the facts and pains her heart, poisoning and Wei Bao went to Huangquan. Wei Hu was shocked to encourage Wang Yun to rebel. Su Long learned that the emergency notification was flat and defend the palace, while Ling Xiao learned that the war would have taken him to war. At this time Xuanzong died of old age, ascended the throne, killing Wei Hu and want to kill Wang Yun, Hsinki 钏 father seeking love from death. Baoji generously accepted the war, and finally a family reunion.

TheLegendofCrazyMonk2 (TV)[2011]

Feature: Benny Chan (actor), a Buddhist monk in Lingyin Temple, is helping the world to save human suffering and make every effort to promote humankind. This drama will continue the story of "Living Buddha Ji Gong". The main story is still around Ji Gong led Liang Liang (Lam Chi-chung ornaments), Bi Qing (Zuxin Ye ornaments), Zhao Bin (Jungle ornaments) The world began interspersed with the Dragon Demon Demon demons demon myths, as well as Ji Gong living Buddha and local evil bully wits vivid story. The play is divided into "Gorefiend was born," "Chastain", "Painting in the cents," "Marriage" "double off marriage" "Wan Ying Temple" "mad girl robbery" "Snow Legends" "Ghost Langjun" 9 unit story Expand.

Q in ξ Anglia N (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Qin XiangLian" tells the story of Emperor Zhenzong during the Northern Song Dynasty, Han Xuan Academy homes are Qian Qin XiangLian because of national beauty, talent full name both earthquake state. Officials merchants have come to mention the pro, Qin father bent on making her daughter married Princess. When Pang Hu, a son of Taishi, was forced into marriage, Qin XiangLian accidentally fell into the water and was rescued by scholar Chen ShiMei along the river. Accompanied by Chen ShiMei, Qin XiangLian, already aphasian, went back to the city to find her relative and Zhao Zhao, a daughter of Zhaoyang who had been living in the city for years, Qin Chen two human intentions, but also found each other was originally childhood sweetheart, unrequited love Zhao Zhao from time to time implicated. In the prefectural city, Qin XiangLian wants to help Chen ShiMei enter the Han Xuan Academy. To protect this pure love, he must take into account the safety of the Qin government and his parents. Pang Hu et al. Frequently resorted to hardship and Chen ShiMei was wrongly imprisoned. In the end, Qin XiangLian did not hesitate to self-destruction celebrity, law-abiding rescuers, and the Qin father shot back home, married into Chen. Overnight, the identity turned abruptly, Qin XiangLian desperately concealed the grief and Chen Mu was extremely satisfied with virtuous and virtuous Qin XiangLian. Unexpectedly, after the two married, Chen Mu learned that Qin Father was actually a murderer. Qin XiangLian bent on holding household chores and serving his mother-in-law, while Chen Mu had to remove Qin XiangLian from her home. Kind-hearted Chen Mu wants to hurt himself to achieve his goal, leaving his son and daughter hurt even more. Qin XiangLian did not want to be a mother-in-law and ran away from home. Chen ShiMei, however, was overreconciled by Qin XiangLian because of various reasons. Chen ShiMei eventually learned of Qin's identity. Sincerely, Qin XiangLian was expelled, pregnant she was home that is forced into a torture situation. Chen ShiMei career hopeless, and learned that their affiliation with Qin XiangLian may be related to the Royal Secret, although not made a big mistake, sinister intention has gradually emerged. Qin XiangLian did not notice, Qingli waited upon an elder brother, hard money to send Chen ShiMei to Beijing to take the exam. Xiangyang flood, are state plague, Qin XiangLian try the world well-being, suffering from hunger and cold, hard-working to support families, but can not save Chen Mu's life. Qin XiangLian selling hair buried her mother, want to mourn funeral home, but was bully driven out of the house, but unfortunately their children to Beijing to find husband. With the help of Zhao Zhao, Chen ShiMei became an upstart champion in the high school. She was even favored by Tai Hou and eventually became a go-between. Chen ShiMei into the main censor station, a moment of optimism, no one in the eyes. He wants to be the father turned over the case, topple down and replace it, just at this time, has been to the capital of Qin XiangLian was Pang hostage, Chen ShiMei marriage the truth is about to surface. Chaotang above, in order to protect the safety of Chen ShiMei, Qin XiangLian face the royal family did not know Chen ShiMei, bid farewell to the capital. Chen ShiMei was afraid of truth exposure, sending killers to kill his wife and children again and again, Qin XiangLian desperation, a paper complaint handed Kaifeng House Yin Bao Zheng hands. Qin XiangLian defy the powerful, Bao Zheng, who has always been in trouble, admires endlessly. Qin XiangLian announced his appeal to seven innocent people and denounced Chen ShiMei's conscience for deluding him, but his testimony has already been killed by Chen ShiMei. A hopeless trial came as a result of the debut of Zhao Zhen, who was finally cut off and led by Chen ShiMei. Renzong want Qin XiangLian stay in the palace, Qin XiangLian but returned to the Kyushu children, return to plain life. She surpassed love, sacrificed the worldly happiness, but achieved great righteousness, was sung so far.

Zodiac legend (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Chinese Zodiac Legend" tells the ancient prehistoric era, the Yellow Emperor and Chiyou start a massive war!蚩 especially dominate the world, at the betrayal of the soul demons charm. Xing Hu, an orphan whose parents died in the war, was raised by the tiger in the forest and admired by a kind girl, Yan Er. Yan Er to save Xing Hu died, Xing Hu evil fire hearts! Xue Lian, a friend of Shen NongShi and Yutu, arrived in time and brought Xing Hu to Yao Xiaoshan for treatment. Xing Hu In order to save the impending end of the world, the following artifact, "The Twelve Pills," an artifact of the Chinese Zodiac, was sealed with Xue Lian, an inexperienced figure who dazedly embarked on a journey to seek salvation in the reincarnation of the zodiac . To find the Lunar New Year, we must first assemble four water and fire of the people, they came all the way to the tree city of Phoenix, after the demon blood lizard and other zodiac legend starring catastrophe, had just found a wise but passionate narcissistic Mi JunFei, and the weird kid king Xiao YuEr, and won the "goddess of health". Xing Hu was also taken to the far Helan wasteland by the jade plate power, Zhi Shen who passed the twists and turns to find the reincarnation of the Chinese zodiac. Unexpectedly, the evil demon charm followed, the use of human greed, hatred, jealousy and other desires to turn them into the gold demons, poisonous demon, black hair and other horror demons in order to persecute Xing Hu and others crisis! On the way, a mysterious woman named Ling Ji suddenly appeared, is also evil also, looks exactly like Xing Hu old love Yan children! Xing Hu regardless of Mi JunFei and Xue Lian and others blocking, determined to bring her peers. Xing Hu and other four people through the jade plate flow of time and space among the gorgeous glazed glass after all over the country, the full length of the country with three eyes of the Three Heads of State, the men are half the body half of the body of the United States Magical strange land, hard to find the hidden person of the Lunar New Year reincarnation.

TheLegendofCrazyMonk (TV)[2010]

Feature: "New Ji Gong Living Buddhas" is a collection of entertainment by the wind, Liang Xinquan as the director, Benny Chan (actor), Monica Mu, Lam Chi-chung, Ayoko Chen, Molly Qian and other stars. This drama is not the fourth in series "Living Buddha Ji Gong" written by Jane Yuan, and each unit tells the story of Ji Gong in sacrificing his life in the world. The upper part of the play was broadcast on August 20, 2014 at Hunan Satellite TV Golden Eagle Autopass Theater, and the lower part was resumed on October 20, 2015 at Hunan Satellite TV Golden Eagle Autopass Theater.

TragicHero (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Gloomy, it seems a storm is coming. The two armies confronted the rebels of Fangla, and the Archer fired up Deng YuanJue, another front-facing army commander. Suddenly, the high morale of the Song army shouted to the rebels. Hua Rong, who had eliminated the rebels, was territorialized as a soldier and entered the territory of Tianfu. He was attacked by a group of officers and men. This group of officers and soldiers is the future subordinate to Hua Rong - should Tianfu soldiers deputy Dudu. Always give a feeling of ruthless Lei Zhen rely on the superb archery, no one in the heart of obedience, though he had heard of the name of Xiao Rong Hua Rong, but then to his subordinates, the heart More unbalanced. Therefore, he led his cronies to "intercept" Hua Rong in the middle of the attempt to give Hua Rong a "disappointment." Lei Zhen did not think that his move not only failed to achieve his intended purpose, but made himself Of cronies have one kind of sincere admiration for Hua Rong - Hua Rong amazing archery once subdued these people ... ... just took office shortly after the discovery: the law and order should be Tianfu very bad, business and arena Often, "gang" factional incidents occur, causing ordinary people to panic throughout the day. Hua Rong soon learned that before he came, Lei Zhen, who had never known his parents, had not stopped any harsh suppression of those who were in trouble. However, the severe crackdown by Lei Zhen not only failed, The fight is even more fierce - these arena activists have turned their grudges against Lei Zhen's "harshness" into resentment against their opponents. But one day, Hua Rong even invited two elders to "have a drink." No one knows what Hua Rong said to the two elders at the banquet. Anyway, after this time, the whole seems to have become "peaceful world" all of a sudden. It is also after this time that Hua Rong "justified" The name should be spread in the Tianfu, and already handsome young idol who spent the eyes of local young people, it has become a lot of girl admire objects, and those romantic sites of women, all with "and Hua Rong drinking together "as a prize. On this day, a few "eldest-class" figures mysteriously dragged Hua Rong, asking him to go to the local most famous romantic place "Yi Honglou" to drink. The invulnerable Hua Rong had to go with friends and relatives to "Yihong House ". It turned out that "Yihong House" came a superb color arts, was shocked as heaven singer. Never imagined: With Xiao Xiao's "Encounter," actually evoke the infinite thoughts of his brother in his thoughts - Xiao Xiao playing all the pipa no one is full of thoughts of his loved ones , While Xiao Xiao's kind-hearted acquiescence Hua Rong had a feeling of mutual hate. Anyone who made mistakes did not find out: Xiao Xiao, a soft, flirtatious person, turned a bit of resentment on his face at the moment of turning around, but fleeting. Hua Rong also did not expect that after the Fangla rebels were flattened, they were wanted by the imperial court to actually appear in the realm of the earth, and apparently directed at him - on that day, Hua Rong and a few go hunting, a pedestrian Just riding to a forest outside, a sharp arrow suddenly shot from the forest, whining and direct to Hua Rong.Eye-catching, grabbed the arrow shot on his face soon, Hua Rong was too late to bow on the bow, then, is also a few sharp arrows flying at the same time, Hua Rong with the bow and arrow in hand Several arrows, and then use the teeth to bite the last arrow. As soon as they got out of the forest when they got out of nothing, Hua Rong has returned to calm and his face is still smiling gracefully. He calmly told his people that it might have been done by former Greenwood men. They will be skeptical. Hua Rong did not find out: he has been secretly watching him for every move. Somewhat discouraged to persuade - Deng YuanJue's daughter - to leave: a man, perhaps, they find Hua Rong revenge is wrong, although Hua Rong personally shot Deng YuanJue, but after all, this is the result of the confrontation between the two armies, Hua Rong and Deng YuanJue do not have any personal grudges. However, Xiao Xiao categorically told Pang WanChun: She is a woman, no matter what kind of person Hua Rong is. In her mind, taking revenge on her father was the sole purpose at that time! In order to achieve this goal, Xiao Xiao even at the "reduced" dust, there are other reasons for this weak woman to give up the plan of revenge? In the face of Xiao Xiao's resolute and resolute expression, Pang WanChun was speechless at a single moment ... A large number of government officials were dispatched to take Pang WanChun around with wanted signs of portraits. Moreover, also ordered: just see Pang WanChun, shoot to death! Lei Zhen was found straight ahead and excitedly told the latter that this was something between Pang WanChun and him, hoping Lei Zhen would not intervene. However, Lei Zhen told Hua Rong coldly: Hua Rong was a court official at that time, and Pang WanChun was the most wanted person in the court. What happened between them was his business. Unless Hua Rong is "", there is no such set to be dropped at all, and even Pang WanChun has his own plans - Lei Zhen's words are full of disdain and mistrust of Hua Rong. Hua Rong tried hard to restrain his anger and firmly told Lei Zhen that he was conscientious no matter how Lei Zhen looked at him and that he absolutely did not allow Pang WanChun to die anymore - although Pang WanChun was a court-wanted criminal, the court did not order To die at the crime! "A man who has never been able to escape the thief's thief has never been imprinted, and once made an anti-retrogression will always be possible to prevent them from reinventing the best way is to exterminate completely!" Coldly said, his face clearly With a provocative look. Lei Zhen's words deeply hurt Hua Rong's heart. Later Lei Lei shot it with an arrow. Hua Rong got angry and let Liu Da and others stop going to the school yard. He went to Lei Zhen for fights with him and eventually used a sword to nail it on the wooden post of Xiao Xiao's body. She then sent the body to Pang WanChun, where Pang WanChun took Xiao Xiao's body away and Hua Rong came to see him. Finally, Hua Rong and Wu Yong 缢 died in the big tree in front of Song Jiang's grave.

Passionate life (TV)[2008]

Feature: Stills In the summer of 2007, Xiang ShaoYang (Benny Chan (actor)), chief executive of Xiang Group, lost his close friend Li Jingyun. Since then he bears the feeling of guilt, Jingyun's girlfriend Xiaoyan responsible for self-righteous love and moral responsibility. Xiao Yan can not accept the fact that Jingyun disappeared, and deliberately keep a distance with less Yang. Ai Qing (Han Xue (actress)), a lively and lovely girl, was in love at first sight because Young Young resembled her little chocolate brother. Jing Yun's twin brother Li XunFeng appearance, Xiao Yan's mood once again faced with the impact and test. With less distrust and repeated attitudes, Ai Qing was disappointed and saddened to decide to temporarily go abroad for further studies and to leave behind a promise of goodbye a year later. Ai Qing When I was young, I got a boy with a scar on hand. The boy gave her a piece of chocolate and said, "After eating this piece of chocolate, you will become brave and strong!" Ai Qing has since A bit of "chocolate brother" endless admiration, she vowed to find him, and give him all the happiness and happiness, then began his romantic journey. Every day, she always took the chocolate, the United States and the United States to eat, always thinking about one day, she was looking forward to the chocolate brother can appear in front of her. Finally one day she was knocked down by a fast-moving jeep, and she noticed that the man who hit him was exactly the "chocolate brother" whom she had thought of day and night, and she was overwhelmed with madness Xiang ShaoYang, the general manager of the Xiang Group. The prominent general manager, there is a different period of ordinary people's emotional life. His friend Li Jingyun encountered mountain difficulties in a rock climbing, but with the help of his can do nothing, which makes his girlfriend Zhang XiaoYan distraught. Prior to this, Shao Yang also likes Xiaoyan, but Xiaoyan only Jingyun, simply can not accept less Yang paid her and care. Under the "design" of Xiang's chief executive, Mrs. Ai made Ai Qing and Yang Young go closer and closer. However, Young was filled with indifference and contempt for the newly appointed personal assistant. She builds feelings. Because, in his heart, rest assured that chocolate chocolate shop owner, Miss Zhang XiaoYan. Xiao-ying's gentle and generous lady-like temperament are so very envious of Ai Qing, but this did not shake her determination to pursue his own chocolate brother. Finally, once an absurd Oolong incident brought Ai Qing and Shao Yang together, the grandmother was anxious to let Shao Yang take charge of Ai Qing. Yang Yang under enormous pressure I do not know where to go. FENG Yi-wei, a reporter at a newspaper, met Ai Qing on the street for the first time and accidentally knocked Ai Qing down to the ground. The reason was that he did not know each other. The collision made him a friend instead. After hearing Ai Qing's Chocolate Manifesto, he suddenly realized that the boy who helped Ai Qing many years ago was exactly himself. It also made him feel good about Ai Qing, a stupid and always troubled girl. One day, Ai Qing finally paid attention to the scars on his arm, just as Xiang ShaoYang did. Since then, she gradually learned that Wilson is his chocolate brother over the years to find.However, Ai Qing at this time has been in contact with Xiang ShaoYang for a long time. In her mind, Young Yang is an irreplaceable love companion with whom she lives all the time. She knows that this relationship is not to be eclipsed. Therefore, politely rejected the chocolate brother's love. May be the dedication of this love, and finally make Xiang ShaoYang all day immersed in the emotional pain of moving heart, less Yang in the company has gradually become accustomed to the existence of Ai Qing, without Ai Qing, he seems to have no happiness , Without the enthusiasm and confidence of the work, so he re-positioning their love correctly, let yourself relieved.

Search God Biography (TV)[2008]

Feature: An ordinary town - "Samsung Town", an ordinary woman - Ji CaiZhi, actually has an extraordinary genius adventure search god poster! Choi Chi is the prestigious live treasure in the town of Samsung. Though she was ill, her mother-in-law, but her sorrow, treated her as a pro-woman and loved to teach. In addition, she was influenced by his father, Ji Shen Chi optimistic, enthusiastic and helpful, widely loved by the townspeople, it is "good Choi Mei" title. Choi Chi has two flawed personality, not popular friends Shi GanDang and Jiang Qian: Dare to be named "three jin," because of her childhood weak and thin, so often bullied, but always won the embarrassment of Cai Zhi. Once daring to seek shelter in the Wong Tai Sin Temple, it only unexpectedly woke up, daring to become strong and strong, Kong Wu powerful, but since then has become supercilious. On the other hand, magistrate daughter, there is an unusually thick mouth, a large mole on the lips with an ugly Jiang Qian, asked Caizhi accompany Yan Yun Dong House looking for immortals, in order to become a man's dream of becoming a beauty. But originally hidden in the hole in the House is ordered by the demon Wu JiTianZun demon. Jiang Qian has a beautiful face, at the exchange of friendship with Caizhi for many years. Due to the jealousy of Choi Chi's beauty, Jiang Qian has started unscrupulous attacks on his side and made more courageous and flattering. Yan Xi, a fratricidal husband-in-law who divorced himself from his finger, refused to go out and dared to deal with Yan Xi Grabbed the marriage book, tired Yan Xi fell into the lake, Caizhi to save Yan Xi, was wrapped around the water ghost, life hanging line, fortunately, the last to be sad to help save, Chi Chi therefore know that stepmother is Tian Tian immortal incarnation. For the sake of helping to save the leak of Xian Zhi Chi gas leak was Xianzun found, for the use of its immortality tears to repair its destroyed face, actually forgotten Abduction, but also to Ji Shen into a pig. Choi Chi to save their parents, trying hard to practice learning at the same time, found that the original three generations of Yan Xi curse by the lazy root entangled body, after Yan Xi was Soul Jiang Gan possessed Gan Jiang to find a lost wife Mo Xie Instead of giving back the reincarnation, Yan Xi and Choi Chi learned that Gan Jiang was a lover of love, and that she was grateful to both for their justification. She also promised to help teach Professor Yan Xi's Kuang Sijian to re-establish and help Choi save his mother. On the other hand, daring to be influenced by Jiang Qian, the concept of getting too rich and getting rich is even more aggravating. He even disagrees with his younger sister Liu Yi in love with the poor scholar, and forces Liu Yi out of town by force. Dare to say sadness, illness can not afford. Wu JiTianZun pay attention to cause evil deeds caused by God, bad luck so mother strange disease, business failure, and dare to speak of the disease is also no cure, dare to help Wu JiTianZun anti-being used to planted gold snake curse. Thanks to Caizhi never forsaken, it was awakened by the rescue of the world's supreme Yu HengZi. After hard work, Dangdang finally found Liu Yi, but Liu Yi Long Nv because they have a meal of grace, because her husband He Bo out of style and clam fine private, and Long Nv abuse, their commitment to Long Nv first, to send a letter to the Dragon for his help, after the incident with the courage to go back, but He Bo and mussel fine blocked, so Caixi, Yan Xi after several obstacles, and finally Liu Yi successful pass book, save the Long Nv. At the same time also made with the help of Long Nv Bing Shen God beads can be successfully soaked sulfur sulfur springs to lift the evil curse. Search gods propaganda activities dare to be determined to help Choi Chi magic to save the mother.Choi Chi, Yan Xi, dare to be three and then go hand in hand to set foot on the demon palace of the journey, but the Magic Palace has not arrived, has given first place to protect the first law enforcement Jia Lou Lou hit the first blow to Yan Xi hit wits, Choi Chi, dare to be almost killed together, but I do not know where ran out of a Taoist named Yu HengZi, knock back Jia Luoluo. Choi Chi, dare to be lost with the Gan Jiang Soul Soul, looking for Yan Xi's three souls and seven soul during this period, met enchant Du San, with the help of Du San, the potential to successfully submerged Yunyan Dong Fu, When Yan Xi's three souls were found in custody by Jia Lou, Gan Jiang recognized that Jia Lou Luo was actually the man who had been searching for a centuries-old wife, Mo Xie! However Mo Mo Tianzun demon law manipulation, lost heart, Gan Jiang can not recognize each other finally only saved Yan Xi three souls and other prisoners of ghosts. Cai, Yan Xi, Dare to Know Yu HengZi is not a very good person. In order to save his parents, they begged Yu HengZi to accept them as disciples. They believed that in today's world, only Yu HengZi is the only one who can compete with His Holiness! Yu HengZi distressed, because hate spell out the power is impossible to estimate ... ... It turned out that Yu HengZi and celestial, thousands of years ago is a pair of pythons husband and wife, the volition to join together to immortality, but during the time male python Yu HengZi once Bunny confused, eventually female pygmy fine revere revelation of two personal affair, when the female python a hundred years of scattered power, by this big blow, resulting in half of the Yan Rong to destroy, the couple from the opposite, the female python over a thousand years by the destruction The world is happy to balance the trauma. Yu HengZi was deeply remorseful of the past, referring to the deity as a calamity, he is also hard-pressed to blame, and will be his life-long training, all passed to three, then the three decided to once was the fairy immortal three , To find the legendary three kinds of "heaven", "earth", "human" magic weapon, I believe the magic of magic and three mana, will be able to defeat the esteemed. Choi Chi, Yan Xi, daring to work with the same faith, work together to overcome the heavy obstacles on his way, finally climbed the Great Ridge, to find the magic, then went to the Forbidden City to forget to worry about. The three men arrived at the devil's palace, which was trapped within the Seven Mighty Devil. It turned out that Yu HengZi received three of them as soon as possible, and laid the magic array for three in the morning so that the three cast their nets. Three successful break the devil, the wizard will be able to command the Millennium Magic Order demon demon destruction, but also make the emperor revealed the real body, piercing its snake, just about to end, Yu HengZi arrived, frankly admit to God respect , And sacrificed themselves, will give their own snake bosom, reverent, and Yu HengZi release, the two together, into a double-headed snake, escape hidden in the mountains and forests. Cai Zhi, etc. finally rescued from the abyss forgetfulness, but forgotten the edge of dust has to do, to return to the celestial world, to continue the unfinished post of immortality, and Cai Zhi, Yan Xi, dare to destroy the devil three active, were God "Fu", "Paul", "Shou" Samsung, Tai ShangLaoJun To educate the world, kind of good because there must be good fruit, then the three deeds recorded, called "Search God Biography"!

Legend of Chu LiuXiang (TV)[2007]

Feature: Crescent Legend: southeast coast of the pirates often pirate invasion, the court appointed a middle-aged and elderly woman known as Du XianSheng eliminate the bandits, but the Kou River thieves and other gradually be settled, a more powerful Pirates of the history of the king did not Rise. Scoop king history said that only the daughter of the court envoy jade princess married to him as a truce condition. Chu LiuXiang intervened in this incident by accidentally saving the princess's father's father. The Du XianSheng Chu LiuXiang this side of the new biography, the designated Hu TieHua escort Crescent Princess to the thieves cave. Noodles spread, flowers aunt found Huang sick husband, Hei ZhuGan, Yuan Lei assassination of the king of history. Jiao Lin entrusted Chu LiuXiang to find her daughter she had never met before, and only knew that her daughter had a crescent birthmark. Chu LiuXiang received the sign of Hu TieHua's distress and went to the tree house for Hu TieHua. In the tree house, Hu TieHua was a painter of four women, but their layout was seen through by Chu LiuXiang and they escaped. Hu TieHua was invited to escort Princess Jade Sword and Shi Tianwang, Chu LiuXiang decided easy to follow. Chu LiuXiang found a female ninja in the inn Ying Zi, Xue ChuanXin to Ying Zi to discuss the woman in the box, who knows the box was Chu LiuXiang pre-emptive take away, the box turned out to be Jiao Lin's daughter. Chu LiuXiang handed the box to Wanxing Escort He Yulin custody, to find Hu TieHua. See Hu TieHua out of danger, Chu LiuXiang go back to find He Yulin, only to find a dead body and sitting on the box Xue ChuanXin. Chu LiuXiang came to Yujian Villa and did not expect Du XianSheng turned out to be a woman. Later she learned that Princess Yujian was not only the daughter of Jiao Lin but also the daughter of Du XianSheng, the former wife of Jiao Lin. The original coastal area along the southeast coast often pirates piracy harassment, the court sent a special envoy to the identity of rivers and lakes, contact the Quartet hero, to deal with bandits, the envoy's daughter was also booked as a princess, Du XianSheng is one such. Du XianSheng clear the shore, King of history dominate the sea, the two potential is over. Japanese pirates also hope that the two sides Rush, sit income harvest. Hu TieHua realized that Chu LiuXiang wanted someone to deal with the king of history. Chu LiuXiang was assassinated by the Ninja Spring Thunder Iraqi, who committed suicide in the midst of an unchanging routine. Shi TianZhai lured Chu LiuXiang to kill Shi Tian Wang with money but was rejected by Chu LiuXiang. In conversation with Ying Zi, Chu LiuXiang learned that Shi Tian Wang had taken Shi TianZhai's concubine, so Ying Zi would steal the princess of Jade Emperor Sword. Ying Zi actress princess maid Hong children, the princess out of Yu Jian Villa. Bai YunSheng used Chu LiuXiang's old acquaintance as bait, with Chu LiuXiang see the history of the King. Two Generals Panther because fear Jiangya Princess pet, sent four Tian Tian assassination protect the princess Hu TieHua, and Shi Tianwang sent to protect the princess Bai YunSheng also been plot. Leopard Ji asked Chu LiuXiang to choose between the three items of treasure, food and water, and Bai YunSheng. Chu LiuXiang unexpectedly chose Bai YunSheng, who was on the verge of death. Chu LiuXiang successfully arrived at the fishing village where the king of history was. Who knows the king of history turned out to be exactly the same seven people, even Chu LiuXiang did not start the opportunity. The marriage between the king of history and the princess of jade sword was held as scheduled. In the fishing village by the sea, Chu LiuXiang learned that Princess Jade Sword had already cut off the head of history king!Chu LiuXiang suddenly realized that can kill the king of history only King's wife, this is why the princess jade sword must marry the true purpose of the king of history. Legend of a ghost romance: a wise Chu LiuXiang met a life never encountered before, the most absurd, the most bizarre, the most mysterious, but also the most terrible thing. He never believed that this happened in the world. The original two pairs of Wulin family lovers forced to flee their parents forced marriage, pretend to exchange the soul after a serious illness in order to seek peace and love of people together. Chu LiuXiang made it clear at the end and gave them blessings. Chu LiuXiang (Biography of Zhang Zhiyao) "in the play of" The Rebel of the Dead "in the East meets with the modern western detection technique. It seems complicated and turbulent. In fact, it is only the natural desire of human beings. Several pairs of young men and women take the initiative to fight for love and marriage, very anti-feudal breath, Chu LiuXiang here, it seems like pulling the red line "moon." Chu LiuXiang visits his friend Zuo QingHou and learns that Zuo QingHou's daughter Zuo MingZhu is seriously ill, and even the doctor Zhang Jianzhai can not be cured. Soon after Zuo MingZhu died, Zuo QingHou heartbroken. However, Zuo MingZhu suddenly resurrected that night, resurrected Zuo MingZhu claiming to be the daughter of Mrs. Jin Gong, but also the use of Mrs. Jin Gong's home martial arts "Kitty Hawk." When Shi Yin was found in Chu LiuXiang in ShiJiaZhuang, she had just passed away and the furnishings in her boudoir were exactly the same as described by Zuo MingZhu. Chu LiuXiang was discovered by Hua JinGong and Xue HongHong inadvertently as Ye Shenglan seducing Shi Yin. Xue YiRen invited Chu LiuXiang to visit his sword room. Chu LiuXiang revealed her intention was to trace the occupational assassins that appeared a few years ago and suspect Xue YiRen, the leader who now lives on top of her. Shi Xiuyun revenge for the sister to find opportunities to assassinate Xue Bin, Xue Bin often come to snatch the news because her sister dying. Coincidentally, Shi Fengyun's death time and Shi Yin, Zuo MingZhu's death time is almost the same, and the second day hurried burial, the person who handle Shixiu Yun's uncle. In Shifeng Yun's tomb, a teenager is wearing plutocrats kneeling in the tomb crying, this person was actually Xue Bin's book lean sword, the original Shifeng Yun Zhang Zhiyao version of "Chu LiuXiang New Biography" still lover actually reliance sword. Black people suddenly stabbed Chu LiuXiang, Chu LiuXiang with pollen posing ecstasy Hong deceived people, but he was seriously injured, was here after two small flowers saved. Chu LiuXiang let beggar help him find the whereabouts of Ye Shenglan. Three more hours, Chu LiuXiang dig Shifeng Yun's grave found actually actually empty. Shi Xiuyun found lying in the coffin of Shi Yin turned out to be his sister, it is her uncle to replace the body of her sister Shi Yin. In Tsing Yi Lane, Ye Shenglan and Shi Yin were seized by Chu LiuXiang. Shi Yin used Shi Fengyun's body to pretend to cheat and die with the help of Liang Ma and escape her engagement with her second son, Xue Jihuang. Chu LiuXiang accidentally found Xue XiaoRen loaded crazy, and is the best cold-blooded killer in the world. Xue XiaoRen plain revealed, angry to Chu LiuXiang shot. Xue YiRen suddenly appeared, admitting that he is the leader of the assassin organization, just because of their own retirement, need extra money to maintain their livelihood. Xue XiaoRen In order to protect his brother committed suicide.Chu LiuXiang with Zuo MingZhu arrived Xue XiaoRen practice before the cabin, and has long been waiting here Xue Bin meet. Xiao TuZi recognized Xue Bin and Zuo MingZhu once met and gave him the money. Zuo MingZhu do not recognize the face, face Escape met Shi Yin real. The truth, in order to escape marriage and eloquence, Xue Bin find Shi Fengyun body posing as Shi Yin, Shi Yin and Ye Shenglan escape. Zuo MingZhu pretend Shi Yin, escaped marriage with the help of the doctor Zhang Jianzhai. Chu LiuXiang exposes the secret and completes two pairs of lovers. Chu LiuXiang fell in love with Shi Xiuyun, but eventually ended with Shi Xiuyun's departure. Bat legend: Chu LiuXiang and Hu TieHua tracking Huashan School Master Wu Mei dock, but suffered in the river plot, young Ding Feng and Master Mei Mei leave with the ship. "Quick Web" Zhang San stole the pearls from Jin LingZhi's head and led Jin LingZhi to kill him. In fighting, Jin LingZhi even resorted to the Huashan School's secret "Breeze Thirteen" Sword Act. Ding Feng Wu Gong Qi Gao, who is also a number of peerless martial arts, but happens to refer to the deer as a horse, rescue for Jin LingZhi, "Breeze style" as Emei sent "Cattail Sword Act," and Jin LingZhi seems to Ding Feng heart has Dread, all this makes Chu LiuXiang very curious. Several Fung Mei help people were killed. After investigation, Hu TieHua considered that several Bangzhong were killed by the strong bow of Wuwei Yang. Chu LiuXiang was aware of the fact that someone deliberately made a decision to help Fung Mei to help Wuwei Yang and Wuwei Yang must have been poisoned. Behind the scenes, Chu LiuXiang and others just needed to prove Wuwei Yang was still alive. His deep-seated demeanor, Astounding Chu LiuXiang, Hu TieHua came to Sanhe upstairs, and Wu Weiyang, who was found dead by Chu LiuXiang, was also present. Dragon help gang main cloud from the dragon and Wuwei Dong SanNiang Yang war, was killed on the spot. Dragon to help comply with the wishes of their helpers, read the letters in public, the contents of the letter was actually the two mergers, Wuwei Yang for the Lord. On top of the ship, everyone went to the sea looking for gold cave, ugly appearance Miles Miles also accompanied apprentice white candles. There are six coffins placed in the warehouse, turned out to be unwittingly placed before the voyage, meaning there are eight of ten people on board to die. Deck helm to the Flying Man has disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood. The next day, the vast sky disappeared, the six sailors are also one by one cinnabar palm strange death, people tracing a long time still fruitless. Ying Miles, hook long toast to ease the atmosphere, did not expect Dingfeng drunk actually poisoned. Chu LiuXiang said the poison was smeared on the glass when the crowd was in a hurry. When Hu TieHua think the murderer is Ying Wanli, Ying Wan showed his true identity, the god of white clothes, the best in the world to capture the "Condor" Miles, hook long is the real Jiang Yang bandit. Chu LiuXiang found a straight passage through the cargo hold, where Ding Feng's coffin was empty and he drank the "flight" wine cheat. Beside the other coffins, the names of these people have already been engraved on them, and Chu LiuXiang concluded that the length of the hook and Ding Feng are collusive. At this point the water tank on the ship has been pierced, Ding Feng want to thirst for everyone. Hook long left the box is puzzling, who knows there was explosives, the ship blew up, six people can only sit in a coffin to escape.According to Chu LiuXiang's judgment, six people were living on an island. Chu LiuXiang et al. Conclude that Ding Feng killed the vast sky by resorting to his vessel. The unified two gang Wuwei Yang is only a fickle easy to cloud the dragon from the dungeon has been given hint. The real Wuwei Yang and Yun from the dragon together, have been killed, the Yangtze River basin from Ding Feng to grasp. The map of the cloud leaving from the dragon was recognized by Jin LingZhi, which is a map of Pinnacle Cave, also known as Bat Island. Chu LiuXiang After going through this series of inexplicable things, go to Bat Island for answers. Who knows more conspiracy conspiracy, more shady behind the scenes, numerous mist behind the truth was Chu LiuXiang, who gradually unveiled the original original villager Yuan SuiYun undisputed Hill smart and studious, quite good qualifications, but unfortunately due to illness Blind, so in order to search for wealth, set up a trading site in the island of bats, specializing in rivers and lakes can not buy a variety of products. There is no curiosity, there is no wine pool Lin, but there are more than these things are precious. In order to ensure the secrecy of the transaction, the cave is not allowed to have a little light, which is undoubtedly beneficial to his late childhood "Bat Son" Yuan SuiYun beneficial, but unfortunately, the matter was Chu LiuXiang found clues, so Hu TieHua Buddy came to the island, revealing the true face of Yuan SuiYun. Yuan SuiYun martial arts high, could kill Chu LiuXiang et al, but his lover Jin LingZhi like Hu TieHua, so to protect the crowd safe, Jin LingZhi design and Yuan SuiYun die, the weird bat island since then ceased to exist. Legend of Peach: There is a mysterious family martial arts, no one knows where they come from. They believe in a kind of gods and religions, the selected woman as a virgin, must be devoted to the family and religion, can no longer have a mortal life. Wanfu Wanshou Park coincides with the death of Aunt Jin, Hu TieHua drunk, Chu LiuXiang rescue Ai Qing. To thank Chu LiuXiang's rescue, Ai Qing and Chu LiuXiang met each other more and gave him 500 silver. At this point out of a female back rockery, named Zhang JieJie. Chu LiuXiang was assassinated by Ai Hong, sister of Ai Qing in the small shop. Three more hours, Chu LiuXiang Wanfu Wanshouyuan in the back garden to see Ai Qing is not, but Zhang JieJie. Zhang JieJie pointed him to Ai Qing's position and reminded him to pay attention to the earrings. Ai Qing wants to kill Chu LiuXiang, but heartbroken. A hand appeared in the window, Chu LiuXiang chased out and realized he was counting, returned to the house found Ai Qing disappeared, but also left a broken hand. Xia Qing decorated Zhang JieJie Chu LiuXiang frequently plot, Cheng Gong Tuo Po, Bo DanFu father and daughter, pub Lao BanNiang, have been Chu LiuXiang 11 resolved. Zhang JieJie With Chu LiuXiang Looking for the owner of the mysterious arm, Chu LiuXiang enters a high wall and enters the room of the girl, who acknowledges she is the behind-the-scenes assailant to Chu LiuXiang. Suddenly a burst of gong sound outside the room, the room was surrounded by Jin SiYe. Jin SiYe is Miss King's father, Chu LiuXiang said he is among other people's trap. Jin SiYe do not believe, and Chu LiuXiang fight, but can not help but Chu LiuXiang nothing. Jin SiYe admits that her daughter is about to die, and her illness can not be cured until she is married. Zhang JieJie accidentally left, Chu LiuXiang looking for unsuccessful.While Chu LiuXiang did not do anything, a Hei YiLaoYu appeared unexpectedly. When she learned of Chu LiuXiang's determination to find Zhang JieJie, she instructed Chu LiuXiang to seek out the altar in the cave. Chu LiuXiang was taken to the altar, where Hei YiLaoYu, who gave him advice, appeared here. At a crucial moment, Chu LiuXiang untied the acupuncture points and set off the mask of the goddess to teach the goddess, and found that the saint actually was his dream of Zhang JieJie. The original Hei YiLaoYu is the mother of Zhang JieJie, all the previous arrangements for her. According to the doctrine of Mai teach, as a saint Zhang JieJie no love the right to marry, in order to avoid his daughter embarked on the loneliness of the previous generation crazy old way, Hei YiLaoYu fancy Chu LiuXiang, step by step with the beauty "Please enter the urn" , Designed to love Chu LiuXiang and Zhang JieJie, and to allow Chu LiuXiang to remove the mask of God from the altar to gain the approval of the tribe. A month later, Zhang JieJie became pregnant. Chu LiuXiang decided to take the ladder in order to take his wife and children out of the dead cave. Chu LiuXiang's character is always most interested in fresh, dangerous and exciting things. Although he has given birth to Peach Blossoms, Chu LiuXiang's character has been repeatedly robbed. True love, false love, tenderness, net, all this make Chu LiuXiang difficult to extricate themselves. This time Chu LiuXiang is more like a "mortal" than a "hero." He talks about a real love. He is not only in love but even married and has offspring. "Peach Legend" peach, refers to a brilliant smile like peach Zhang JieJie, while metaphor Chu LiuXiang's peach blossom, and their love story peach robbery. The three levels of peach blossom images unfold in sequence, culminating respectively in Chu LiuXiang's euphoria and the last two deaths.

When happiness knocks on the door (TV)[2007]


In Zhang Meng (actress) and Benny Chan (actor) starring in the youth idol drama “When happiness knocks on the door”, Zhang Meng (actress) plays witty, beautiful and cute girl Yuan Yuan has different emotional entanglements with Benny Chan (actor) and Yu Bo. Faced with love and being loved in love, Yuan Yuan played by Zhang Meng (actress) is like a double-faced divorce. When faced with two people, they will have different attitudes. They will experience the bittersweet love in two completely different emotions. . In the play, Zhang Meng (actress) is a gentle and considerate girl who faces the one she loves, like all the little girls in love. When faced with someone who is passionate about her but has no feelings, Zhang Meng (actress) with a relaxed attitude can not only reveal his true nature, but even reject him in an overbearing or self-willed way, just like a Chinese version of the "savage girlfriend." According to Zhang Meng (actress), spoiling and ordering are the two secret tricks of the “savage girlfriend” to subdue each other. Because the other side likes herself very much, so if only one of the two strokes is used, it can be easily managed. .


Concubine Of Qing Emperor (TV)[2006]

Feature: Qing, Jiaqing eighteen years (AD 1813) Lin Tse-tung's Catholic Church in order to "clear the sky clear path" into the Tung Wah Gate in the name of straight, smashing the imperial palace heavy land, known as the "Gui unitary change." Jiaqing emperor fled to Chengde Mountain Resort Jeremy Reagan, stay Prince Edward National Superintendent, Trinity Protestant attacked the palace, Minning side of the Fu Jin (Concubine) button Emu embroider heart to save her husband from danger, wearing a yellow jacket opened the pursuit of soldiers, Was captured by the Catholic Church, fortunate enough to pay tribute to the Jiangsu tribute Sajian hired rescued, just to save their lives, embroider heart and hiring far difficulties support, decided to give up the honor of the palace, with the End of the World, the next two gave birth to a child , Named Xue Chen. However, poor husband and wife hundred sorrows, combined with Minning Deng Daoguang become Emperor Guangdi, has been around for the whereabouts of embroidery heart, in a stormy night, embroidered heart can not stand far and again to smoke opium, beat, throw away Capital, Daoguang overjoyed, seal it as a full example, the following year Sheng Huang Si Zi Yi (ie Xianfeng Di), Jin Fei Fei, temporary right behind palace. E Shuo, the father of Xi LinChun, was originally a court doctor and was framed for reluctance to help Princess defeat the fetus in Cheung's abdomen. Soon she was promoted to the Guillotine, and the annual draft is about to start. Xi LinChun intends to take this For his father to seek justice, his mother Gua ErJiaShi afraid of daughter into trouble, secretly assigned to the emperor's son Tong Yuqi drama as a concubine, and forged proof of disability, to the House to cancel her entry qualifications, stubborn Xi LinChun dissatisfied The mother, the day of the wedding resolutely escaped, the results met halfway on the rush to the capital of An XueChen, snow Chen was reluctant to meddlesome, but when he learned that she is the show women, readily promised to send her Into Beijing, two people on the road to each other to support, resulting in inexplicable feelings 愫. Xi LinChun came to the capital, the draft time has passed, plus her name has been crossed out, eunuch Liu Yugui not let her into the palace, this time, the Princess passed, she met Xi LinChun beautiful, Liu Yugui to open one side. Xue Chen first met Princess, exposing a strange expression. At that time the palace was divided into two groups, one after the Epidemic and Xiang Pin led the other party led by Princess, the two sides in order to obtain the throne of the Empire and infighting, Princess knew age, want to choose one of the show woman as their substitute , Competing with Cheung Pin length. Xi LinChun guilty of Cheung bin, was relegated to the Syriac library for the slave, the show was also very fierce battle of women, Fu Cha Lanxuan because of misunderstanding, public show was excluded, Xi LinChun to lend a helping hand and warned Her palace 闱 darkness, told her to silence. Xi LinChun saw he was not eligible to compete with the concubine, bent behind supporting Lanxuan, and her biggest competitor is from Mongolia's noble descendant Borjit Ji Jingzhen. Jing Zhen childhood and his nephew Xiaoqi camp Du Wei Rong GuangHai childhood sweetheart, was originally a good pair, but when the Mongol tribes decline, Jingzhen shouldered the mission of his father, bent to become a pet concubine, to win over the Ching court and Mongolia's relations, in desperation had to break up with Rong GuangHai, Xi LinChun, Lan Xuan, King Jane taciturn with their own purposes as a sister. Fei did not see Xi LinChun in the draft ceremony, very disappointed, she thought she was unsuccessful, then focus on the beautiful Lanxuan body.Guanghai often find an excuse to enter the palace and King Jane private meeting, accidentally saw Wusu 嬷 惩 because Xi LinChun violated the palace rules and punished her, Rong GuangHai shot and rescued, and seeking Xi LinChun for his fish goose book, two mutual Talk about things, be good friends. Snow Hill to see the mother with the joy Rongsheng troupe into the palace, and Xi LinChun reunion, thought to be able to make a story, but why Xi LinChun wholeheartedly revenge, desperately suppress their feelings, so Xuechen crash like fog, but at this time of Guanghai Due to Jing Zhen's dedication, put a heart entirely on the body of Xi LinChun, the three entangled in emotional entanglements. Xi LinChun Shen YinQiu Lan Xuan in Xi LinChun and the concubines with the help of a dark one quickly got the attention of Emperor Daoguang, but did not want to lead to jealousy, she designed evil Lanxuan, Lan Xuan get the light Imperial paternity bed night, alone overnight, became the laughing stock of daughters in the palace. Lanxun heartless city suddenly bad mood, she accidentally learned that Cheung bin with the actor Du JuSheng dyed, not to discuss with Xi LinChun, privately expose the matter, the results of Xiang bin was executed in secret, fierce and sad, Lan Xuan also become the palace In the exclusion of the objects of the ladies, in order to make Lan Xuan soon became the new darling of Daoguang emperor, Xi LinChun began to arrange everything in secret, Jing Zhen informed of their plans, Shi Qiao dollars make the concubine see Lanxuan have replaced the heart, Princess Furious, deliberately make an excuse to Lan Xuan up, Xingshen see Xuan Xuan pitiful, buy through the physician, said she was suffering from hidden illness, orchid Xuan escaped, was driven out of the palace. Jingzhen authorities do everything they can get the princess's appreciation, did not expect the concubine has yet to find the first step cited as a urinal Xi JunChun. At this point, opium was poisoned in the world, Daoguang emperor in the full support of the party, Xu Yunzhe appointment, to promote non-smoking, Empress Dowager Lu's smoking for many years is hard to break, that Quan Fei deliberately with her embarrassed, then find ways to get rid of her, A dead, so she was energetic, but she quickly noticed the ability to compete with the princess King Zhen, the Empressment arrangements, Jing Zhen became a quiet and elegant, and then because of pregnant with the dragon, was sealed Royal. Xi LinChun stepping all over the stepping intensified training, hoping to restore the heart of Daoguang Emperor, Sheikh I do not know Xi LinChun's plot, bent on making the Fei Fei plan failed, then deliberately hand in with Xi LinChun, do not want the two fell into love , Deeper and deeper. Daoguang emperor went out to hunt, Princess arranged Xi LinChun to go with, and secretly arranged everything, did not think people were terrible, Xi LinChun learned that the death of his father has nothing to do with the Princess, decided to abandon everything with Xuechen elopement. The Princess eyeliner learned everything, the report Princess, the Princess did not allow some people to undermine her plan, then sent a large number of killers, to kill Xue Chen, so Xi LinChun changed their mind. Just when the killer was dispatched, a Yu Xiao ordered the princess to find Xue Chen her son. She was immediately out of palace. She wanted to stop the killer and did not want to go one step further. Xue Chen's carriage had been chased by the cliff. Snowy night, Xi LinChun waited Xuemeng overnight outside the palace, the result came to his death.Xi LinChun depression because of Xuechen's death, she faintly aware of the matter with the Princess related, so fake a good princess, took the opportunity to assassinate, the result was counsel was Princess, Princess told Xi LinChun, Xue Chen life's biggest wish is No smoking, she hopes Xi LinChun can help her to ban smoking, Xi LinChun read and Xueshen's kindness, had agreed to stay around the side, the concubine to character on the grounds of discontent, Daoguang Di Na Xi LinChun Fei idea, during the wide The sea has been waiting silently beside Xi LinChun, Xi LinChun feel owed him a lot. Five years have passed, the Palace idle for a long time, Emperor Guangdi deliberately arranged the son of Princess Fei and the princess of quiet Royal Yi Xin and their hunting, the Princess got the news early in the morning, and the eunuch collusion, and finally make his son stand out, and soon Daoguang Di He decreed that she should be the queen. After taking into account Xi LinChun all the hard work for her and Guanghai married, did not expect, on the day of his marriage, Lanxuan did not appear for many years suddenly came, she brought a person - just hit the battlefield Saerfan, who returned from victory, was exactly the same as An XueChen of the year, but could not remember completely the past events. Xi LinChun once again caught in the entanglement of love and hate, during which she suddenly found that Lan Xuan is the capital's largest cigarette dealer, she and Jing Zhen collusion, is brewing a huge conspiracy, and Erfan is her accomplice. In the face of love and righteousness, love and hate, Xi LinChun did not know how to make a decision, but after all, she was driven out of the palace at this time. She was asked to lie in the embrace of the moon tower in Lanxuan and once again face the old familiar face. Xi LinChun mixed feelings, and Erfan also noted her because of Lin Lin repeatedly disorder, Lan Xuan Erfan who is the most important person in life, how could she let Xi LinChun plunder her position, so another fiery awaits Xi LinChun. After many twists and turns, Erfan finally remembered that he was An XueChen, but also revealed that he is placed under the Huang Jazz arrangements for the undercover identity Lanxuan, Lan Xuan died in the non-commissioned, the relationship between the whole post and Xueshen also face the danger of debunking , In order to consolidate their position, the Empress Dowager personally give the whole post-death. Xi LinChun want to leave with the Erfan Palace, do not want to say that Emperor Guangdi gave Erfan poison wine one step earlier, but thanks to Erfan read with his mother and brother, secretly sent to Japan, Xi LinChun waiting at the palace gate overnight Lost Irfan's message. Not long afterwards, Emperor Daodao collapsed and the Anglo-French forces invaded. Guanghai, however, died and died in the cover of Xi LinChun. Er Lin, who had gone through all the hardships, could not find Xi LinChun. At this time, Xi LinChun was sitting in Guanghai She prepared the carriage left the palace. Many, many years later, Erfan has been searching for the whereabouts of Xi LinChun. On the morning of the same day, he and his friends pass by the point where they first met Xi LinChun, who passively believe that one day he will Will find her, and Xi LinChun also with the same good wishes, the two farther and farther, farther and farther.

Dark Tales II (TV)[2006]

Feature: The stills "Yan Zhi of Liaozhai II" tells about EzChuan and Yan Xia and their relatives, Yan Zhi, who depend on their own life to jointly manage the restaurant left by their father. But the true power of sisters finally defeated the evil demons. Ying Ning, a scarecrow peeking at Peach Taoyuan, is longing for the world to pursue beautiful love. It is decided that one day he will definitely experience the taste of love in the world. However, her sincere desire was not accepted by the world. A good love finally came to an end and she met a royal love affair (Zhao Yi) and performed a true and touching love story. "LIAO ZI II the meaning of the dog" Strange Studio series (Yi dog) about the businessman Jia De by the grace of the beaver, will eat it. Ten years later, the ghost did not hesitate to escape heaven to Jia Jia revenge. Jia's daughter both accidentally rescued the roar day dog. Dogs in order to prevent the raccoon raging, launched a war, the beaver finally volts. Both for the redemption of sin, together with the dog, medical treatment for the world. "Liaozhai two of the Fen Die" tells the story of artist Yang YueDan and Princess Fen Die in love, was malicious blocking by the bee king. Fen Die in the closed eyes are Xianxian do not know, into the dream Valley of the Valley, witnessed a Holocaust, Fen Die horrified. Yang YueDan passed the test of fairy with the great sentiments of sacrificing oneself and won true love. "Lian Zhai II of Lian Xiang" posters about the ghost king want to snatch, the use of monks relics to achieve their ambitions. Kind of arctic fox Lian Xiang help justice Paladin - the mighty dart board general head Sang Xiao, the ultimate surrender of the devil story. "Liaozhai two of Rocha sea" about the genius Ma Ji pregnant and never reclusive. Occasionally saved the dragon girl Xiao Qiao. Having undergone numerous tests such as fame and fortune, she has finally lived a real paradise with the Dragon Girl.

Da Ran Fang (TV)[2006]

Feature: TV series "Dazhen Square" stills Qing Dynasty, Shandong village. Fifteen-year-old Chen Liuzi parents premature death, to beg for food industry. But he is good, talent is clever, ambitious. In addition to dinner, love to go to the shed heard the book, immersed in traditional folk culture. During his cooking, he was often taken care of by the equally poor and unruly tribe, who remembered heartily and met Miao Han-dong, who later became the largest industrialist in Shandong, who later became an example of his later life. One morning, he collapsed frozen, down in the village of Zhoucun and dye Square door. Zhou ZhangGui, a man who has taken care of him, Shou Ting became a fellow of Tong Heian Square and was renamed Chen Shou Ting by Zhou Zhang Gui as a righteous son. Zhou ZhangGui has a daughter Cai Qin, two people know each other, kiss their siblings. Shou-ting dye business after the increasingly prosperous business. Liu ShiFu in the dye workshop is not correct, always threatening Zhou Zhang Gui with his craft. Chen Liuzi pleaded with Liu ShiFu to persuade Zhou ZhangGui to dismiss Liu ShiFu after taking the opportunity to steal the dyed cloth. Ten years later, as Chen ShouTing was well run, many of the original jars in Zhoucun gradually crushed. Once in the Zhoucun printing and dyeing industry ranked No. 1 Dachang Dairy Queen treasurer, after the failure to win over Shou Ting instructed her brother collusion bandits, Shouson hijacked forcibly, in the face of torture, Shuting pretend to throw in the towel, Bundled like chimney thickness) to myself 摁 on the chest, the bandits were shocked, but also admiration for their feelings. Since then became the largest dye village Zhoucun. Dazhenfang Posters Chen ShouTing's management talent is appreciated and trusted by the big Zhangdian, Lu LaoYe, influenced by new ideas. The latter invited Shuting to establish Dahua Dyeing Factory in Qingdao with extremely favorable conditions and arranged Lu JiaJu, the eldest son who returned to Germany to study dying and weaving, as its chairman. Chen ShouTing out of this on the dye house, embarked on the road of industrial printing and dyeing. At that time, the printing and dyeing industry in Qingdao was fiercely competitive and Chen ShouTing struggled. In particular, Yuen Heng dyeing factory run by Sun MingZu stopped the development of UOB. Shou Ting in order to open the situation, double attack, on the one hand secretly to the people in Qingdao cloth shop and the boss let profit, on the other hand to go to Bohai Hotel Kaifeng stop inter-provincial merchants, combined with their Flying Tiger brand dyed high quality, Sales gradually open. At the same time Shou Ting two ways to expand their business at the same time, May Fourth Movement broke out. Shuting out of the backlog of 40 narrow cloth, so that students make a parade banner, both to support the patriotic movement and made their own ads, Dahua dye factory and flying tiger brand dyed Zhenhua Island City. In order to defeat Shou Ting, Sun MingZu assigned himself with Jia SiYa using beauty meter to seduce Lu JiaJu, in order to fool out the dyeing formula. Ka-ku young and irresistible temptation tempted, deceived, Shou Ting accounting on account of Sun MingZu provided the hands and feet recipe. Sun MingZu, self-defeating, beat Chen ShouTing in one stroke and started all machine production. Sun MingZu proud, but I do not know Shou Ting hidden murderous. All the fabrics dyed with the Shuting recipe began to fade after three days and returned in various places. Yuanheng dyeing plant is about to collapse. Sun MingZu desperation to Chen ShouTing for help, Shouching generous, to help Yuanheng dye factory back to life. Since then, Sun MingZu bears the upper hand and is determined to work synergistically with Chen ShouTing. At this point Shou Ting and Cai Qin Cheng have a son, named Fuqing.With the continuous development of the factory, Shou Ting decided to buy a more advanced machine at the suggestion of Jiaju. As a result, he adopted a one-to-many competition and eventually bought it from Japanese businessman Teng Jing at a very low price. UOB made rapid development and became Qingdao's second largest printing and dyeing factory, second only to Yuanheng. Ten years later, the September 18 Incident and the refugees in the three northeastern provinces flee to Qingdao by boat. Natural beauty, extraordinary Shen YuanYi also come to the island to find lover, wounded Northeast Commander Huo ZhangHe. Unexpectedly lost and find lost and lost luggage, no plans to go home. Zhao DongChu, who visited the Sanyuanli factory in Jinan, talked about the current situation in China after the occupation of the three northeastern provinces. He felt anxious and felt the mountains and rivers were shattered and their mood was disturbed. He went home alone along the beach and encountered despair The attempted suicide Miss Shen, Ting Ting good words to comfort and generous. The next day is far enough to go defending aunt. Shuting has also taken in a large number of fugitive workers in Northeast dyeing plant and to be pampered. Daocheng set off boycott of Japanese goods movement. Chamber of Commerce also held a meeting to discuss the issue of boycott, Shou Ting took the opportunity to force Sun MingZu position not to buy a Japanese East Asia trading company Teng Jing a ship of gray cloth, meanwhile repair the path along the cliff, dark steal Chen positions, on the one hand to stabilize Sun MingZu Ka-kui, on the other hand step up Teng Jing's negotiations. Teng Jing Shuguang was sold to Shuting at a low price because of the urgency of the transfer of rations. Shouching limited financial resources will be decided to share with the East, East, East share, however, high self-proclaimed want to try the same level Shou Ting deliberately delayed in order to force Shoukui price cuts. Shoutou unwilling to make ends up so that East Jun bought a higher price. With the development of the current situation, Shuting felt that the business environment in Qingdao is deteriorating. Teng Jing as the garrison storage materials have received domestic rewards, identity changed. For the merger of UOB, Teng Jing both hard and soft, but Shuting unmoved. Dongjun East early brothers in Shou Ting find a good factory site. Once encountered a meal Jinan Bai QingSheng Bai QingSheng provocation, Shuting simply did not look down on him. After dinner, passing by the Furong Street in the red light district of Jinan at that time, see a green building Yanqi held high, the United States said "night Ming Fei Syria Museum." There are soldiers guard at the gate, Shou Ting asked the reason, introduced in the East is a northeast of the female college students, elegant taste and Empress Dowager appearance, interviewer network station But ordinary couple is rare to see. Shouching I do not know this person is Shen YuanYi, it did not care. Chinese New Year Shousiting with his wife and children go to the original savior Suo ZiShu Happy New Year, Shou Ting now was a shocking Shandong industrialists, but the former benefactor as pro-parents, the dripping of grace Chuan for the story. With Japan's intention to invade China gradually exposed, Teng Jing eager to get Shuting factory. After several battles, Teng Jing finally dumped Da Shou's Da-Hua dye-making factory at a price twice as high as the actual price. However, the workers were thankful for the character of Shuting and soon they collectively went to the new plant in Jinan, leaving Teng Well an empty plant. Before leaving, Ting Ting left all the fabrics and cloth samples dyed by the ancestors, and the Ming Zu mixed feelings. Shou Ting and Chou Ju affair with empathy hand, foot and ki, but Ka Ju feel that they have no business skills, always enjoy it, sorry, decided to quit the trip to the German foreign merchant. Shou Ting failed to retain him.Shen YuanYi, who has been reduced to dust, knows that after the benefactor has come to Jinan, she decided to send a gift. Dongjun Dong brothers vigorously assist Shuting to set up factories, spare time inviting Shuting, Ka-kui to Syria Museum, Shuting helpless but go with, but resolutely refused to go upstairs, it is still in the dark. Macro macro dye factory opened, the guest gradually to, actually are the business tycoon and Shandong dignitaries, the last Miss Shen paragraph, the venue uproar, sit surprised. It is far better to meet brother and sister with Shuting, shout overjoyed. In order to expand the influence of Japan in China, Teng Jing to Jinan advised Shou Ting to set up a dye factory. Japanese occupation of the three northeast provinces, Shou Ting hated the Japanese, invited Teng Jing was rejected again. Teng Jing had to partner with Zi WenHai, a notoriously poor man, to set up a dyeing factory named as a Model Dyeing Factory. Shuting factory is facing the problem of upgrading and transformation. Due to the lack of technical staff, desperation, Shuting hope and Shanghai Lin's six joint dyeing plant joint ventures. Shuting personally go to Shanghai to see Liuhe dye factory owner Lin XiangRong, Lin XiangRong despise Shou Ting's origin, the best humiliating energy. Shoutou furious, in the high salary to take away many of Shanghai's senior technicians, the costumes into a meal, the use of shock method with unbelievably cheap purchase Luhe dye factory 8,000 pieces of cloth. Lin XiangRong heard this shock, but refused to repent, not only refused to apologize but instead want to suppress the Shou Ting wealthy atmosphere. Miss Shen's lover is a military chief of defense department, in order to come to Jinan far, specifically to Shandong military orders to be served. Far should want to take this opportunity to repay the original life-saving grace. However, Shuting and Yuan Yi at this time with the same brother and sister, refused to accept the business, and advise far better. After knowing that the proceeds were far from good, Shuting reluctantly agreed. Shou Ting accepted the order, the 300,000 200,000 points to the ternary. After the completion of much better to quit, Shou Ting melancholy endless. In order to defeat Tianjin's port printing and dyeing plant, Lin did not hesitate to cut prices again. Shou Ting's macro-giant and Dong-jun's ternary dye factory also suffered a great deal and went down one after another. Despite the advanced technology, Tianjin Port dyeing factory director Zhou ZhouFei, the business elite who returned from study in the UK, members of the board of directors often dismissed the price cuts of Shanghai Liuhe Dyeing Factory. In desperation, inviting Shuting, a meeting in Tianjin in the beginning, aimed at the partnership to resist the Shanghai Liuhe. At this point Lin XiangRong found the then Inland Revenue Department Manager Wu Qichuan, let it suppress Shouting, but Wu believes Shuting can bear the army demand, has a background, not act rashly. In the meantime, Lin XiangRong again forced Takayasu to stop the supply of production materials to Hongma dyeing factory and help to stop it. Shuting since Miss Shen gone without saying goodbye, but also frustrated, but also some distraught, to the north with Tianjin in the early days to see the dye factory in the opening Zhou TaoFei and Ding WenDong, the three meet each other late to become friends. Lin XiangRong cut prices again. Shou Ting see the time is ripe, Lin XiangRong drop in price on the basis of another price sabotage, dyed factory opened on the same day announced the closure. Lin XiangRong get the news of the collapse of the port, cheap for the project, then sent his Shandong manager came to the shrine macro macro dye factory war. Shou Ting ordered the entire plant started to counterattack to Lin. Ka-kui returned to Shou Ting side. Lin XiangRong recruited all newspaper reporters, denigrated Shuting in the newspaper.Shuting is going to counterattack Lin XiangRong, unlucky, but inspired by Lin XiangRong's abusive, so the newspaper said in a statement, will own purchase of the Shanghai Liuhe dyeing plant corn poppy cloth thrown low, and free gifts To the beggar, overnight, the corn beauty brand was severely damaged. Lin XiangRong father saw her son I do not know whatever the outcome, with Shouson contest suffered heavy losses, desperation, to deal with. He and Shuting most respected person Mr. Miao Haidong is a good friend, then Mr. Tony Miao to come forward to persuade Shou Ting. Lin XiangRong father and son to talk with the Shouson Jinan, in order to seek common development. As a result, Shanghai's Lin Family and Jinan Shuting and East China Dongjun became comrades in the national industrial trenches, fighting side by side for the elimination of the traitor dye factory. Qingdao Sun MingZu has sold Yuanheng, opened a trade show in Qingdao, "Dazhenfang" line, became a giant flying tiger Jiaodong distributor, and Teng Jing phase. Zi WenHai and Tang Jing co-founded the traitor dyed factory opened dumping at a very low price, the market turmoil, macro giant ternary was forced to shut down, Shanghai Linhe Liuhe temporarily unable to sell to Shandong, three decided to jointly eliminate the traitor dye factory Business war. The traitor dyeing factory hit the market in Shandong. Zi WenHai and Teng Jing were very proud to try to force Chen ShouTing and DongJun to cooperate with it. Shouting its body of people who also rule the body, so that their dealers bought a large number of Teng Jing, sent to Qingdao Sun MingZu, cheap cloth into the Jiaodong, impact Teng Jing's own Dyeing factory, to make its own food. Long Crane made a divorce with the original wife of a traitor, far and later became a couple after childbirth, Shuting and other people heard the great joy, then sent his family to condolences. Zi WenHai although the impact of the dyeing market in Shandong, but they did not get the benefit from, and Teng Jing clashed. Zi WenHai found the same name because of the notorious and dead end Jinan Bank of China Gao Mingjun, the two hit it off, decided to partner. Teng Jing has no confidence in the Cheshire, want to come back to La Shou Pavilion occupation, intent to really control the market dyed in Shandong, and intended to follow the Shanghai Jinpu Road attack. He knew Ting Shing refused to give up, he tried to put together a large sum of Yuanheng, so giant and other plants can not cope. Shou Ting, Dong Jun brothers and Shanghai Lin's alarm was shocked. Zi WenHai is also very pleased to learn that expected Dingshou can not cope. Teng wells that the odds in the grip, forcing Shou Ting and its cooperation, together to join the so-called building of common prosperity in East Asia. Shuting has prepared a long time ago, but Teng Jing was originally a businessman. His policy of militarism in Japan distorted his humanity. The final negotiations failed, Teng Jing is about to call Qingdao, ready to ship, began to dump. Shou Ting resorted to resorting to killers, Teng Jing so feel Shouson mercy, suddenly thankful and ashamed, sadly leave, quit the father and son model of the dye factory. Zi WenHai invited Shanghai-based Ma ZiXiong, the top printing and dyeing industry in Shanghai, as manager. The latter proposed to compete with Shuting and other factories by openly bidding in Shanghai and obtaining low-priced raw materials. Shou Ting will count on the meter, began to design your trap into the urn. A businessman who claimed to be a Japanese well-known Japanese businessman Yoshinobu Akashi met Lin XiangRong and asked Luk Hop to organize 10,000 pieces of gray fabric, giving a very high price and a very strange request.Lin XiangRong looked at each other after the final recipe was shocked, I know this matter another organ. At Zi WenHai's fabric bidding ceremony, Akashi Nobuyoshi of Japan's Ishii Trading Company won the bid. Zi WenHai believes that it will be just around the corner to completely crush Shuting and others' factories and order to start production at full capacity but all the cloths are broken. It turned out that there is a letter from Akashi Ding WenDong play, cloth made special processing. Traitor factory closure, persuasion bank bankruptcy, father and son were finally punished. Two seven years after the incident. Shou Ting worry Zhou TaoFei and Ding WenDong personal safety, several calls to urge them to abandon the factory to economic. However, the two felt that Ting Ting was both an owner and a friend of his own life and always wanted to sell a little bit of money in return for his life-long experience. Tao Fei sold the factory cheaply to Germans and were shot dead by the Japanese when he was leaving Tianjin. The news spread to Jinan, Shou Ting urgent fire heart attack, vomit blood, personnel I do not know. After a period of conditioning, Shuting's condition has been resolved after the decision not to leave the factory to the Japanese. Jinan, all sectors of South Korea regarded as the lifan in South Korea, hope he can rely on the Yellow River natural hazards, blocking the Japanese. Shou Ting birthday banquet, Han Fubing abandoned the city to escape. Shuting on the country completely disappointed, vomit blood and died.

Shi Gongqi case (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Shi Gongqi Case" tells the story of Shi ShiLun At the age of eight, his mother brought Shi to visit relatives, Shi suddenly disappeared, returned after three days, but as crashes, become dull, all the things encountered within three days lost memory, left hand More broken, unable to mention since. E guilty of negligence on the care of Shi Shi, Shi Changzhong, everything for him to arrange properly, this excessive care has made it into a "do not mind all things" habit, the clever Shi, but due to neglect thinking and being Over-protection, anti-brain training, the hidden wisdom has been buried. Since the disappearance of Shi, even the books also have obstacles, the mother E had difficulty knowing the way to the official, can only be donated to make the official when the county magistrate, can be considered an account of ancestors. Behind the application of E to money through God, hired to help the ancient guile teacher, lightning often solve the case, since the humble Shi step by step self-confidence, self-righteous is a good officer, his wife also admired worship. Shi also went to Jiangdu County, assuming that with her niece and the three wives is to continue the holiday-style life, how unexpectedly it ran into a series of odd cases & nbsp ;.

Qing Hanyu also Jun pearl (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Qing Harem also known as the pearl," tells the story of Jiaqing eighteen years (AD 1813) Lin Tse-tung's Catholic Church in order to "clear the sky clear path" into the Tung Wah Group of Gate, pound the Royal Palace, known as "Gui unitary Change ". Jiaqing emperor fled to Chengde Mountain Resort Jeremy Reagan, stay Prince Edward National Superintendent, Trinity Protestant attacked the palace, Minning side of the Fu Jin (Concubine) button Emu embroider heart to save her husband from danger, wearing a yellow jacket opened the pursuit of soldiers, Was captured by the Catholic Church, fortunate enough to pay tribute to the Jiangsu tribute Sajian hired rescued, just to save their lives, embroider heart and hiring far difficulties support, decided to give up the honor of the palace, with the End of the World, the next two gave birth to a child , Named Xue Chen. However, the poor couple Pepsi sad, plus Minden became Daoguangdiji, has been around for the whereabouts of embroidered hearts, in a stormy night, embroidered heart can not stand far and again to smoke opium, beat, throw away the child abandoned In the capital city, Daoguang emperor overjoyed, sealed it as a full example, the following year Sheng Huang Sizi Yi 詝 (ie Xianfeng Di), Jin Quan Fei, right moment behind the palace. E Shuo, the father of Xi LinChun, was originally a court doctor and was framed for reluctance to help Quan Fei break the fetus of Xiang Pin. She soon got pushed onto the guillotine, and the annual draft is about to start. Xi LinChun intends to take this For his father to seek justice, his mother Gua ErJiaShi afraid of daughter into trouble, secretly assigned to the emperor's son Tong Yuqi drama as a concubine, and forged proof of disability, to the House to cancel her entry qualifications, stubborn Xi LinChun dissatisfied The mother, the day of the wedding resolutely escaped, the results met halfway on the rush to the capital of An XueChen, snow Chen was reluctant to meddlesome, but when he learned that she is the show women, readily promised to send her Into Beijing, two people on the road to each other to support, resulting in inexplicable feelings 愫. Xi LinChun came to the capital, the draft time has passed, plus her name has been crossed out, eunuch Liu Yugui not let her into the palace, then, Quan Fei pass, she met Xi LinChun beautiful, Liu Yugui to open one side. Xue Chen first met Quan Fei, showing a strange expression. At that time the palace was divided into two groups, one behind the mother and Xiang Pin headed by the other, led by Quan Fei, the two sides in order to obtain the throne and the infighting, Quan Fei knew age, want to choose one of the show as their substitute , Xiang Pin and fight for a long time. Xi LinChun offended Xiang Pin, was relegated to the Syriac library as a slave, the show was also fierce women and fierce struggle, Fucha Lan Xuan because of misunderstanding, public show was excluded, Xi LinChun lent her a helping hand and warned Her palace 闱 darkness, told her to silence. Xi LinChun sees himself unfit for competing with Quan Fei and wholeheartedly behind Lan Xuan, whose biggest rival is Jing Zhen, a noble descendant from Mongolia. Jing Zhen and Quan Fei's nephew from his childhood Xiao captain Rong GuangHai childhood sweetheart, was originally a good pair, but when the Mongol tribes decline, Jing Zhen shoulders the mission of his father, bent on becoming a pet concubine, to win over the Ching court and Mongolia's relations, desperation had to break up with Rong GuangHai, Xi LinChun, Lan Xuan, with their own purposes tacitly become sister. Quan Fei did not see Xi LinChun on the draft and was very disappointed. She thought she was unsuccessful and focused on the beautiful Lan Xuan.Guanghai often find an excuse to enter the palace and privately with Jing Zhen, who inadvertently saw Wusuuanguang punishing her for violating the palace rules because of Xi LinChun. Rong Guanghaai shot and rescued him and asked Xi LinChun for his fish ante-messenger Talk about things, be good friends. Snow Chen to see the mother with the joy Rongsheng troupe into the palace, and Xi LinChun reunion, thought to be able to make a story, but why Xi LinChun wholeheartedly revenge, desperately suppress their feelings, so Xuechen crash like a fog, but at this time of Guanghai Due to Jing Zhen's dedication, put a heart entirely on Xi LinChun body, the three entangled in emotional entanglements. Xi LinChun Shen YinQiu Lan Xuan With the help of Xi LinChun and Quan Fei, he quickly got the attention of Daoguang Emperor but did not want to attract the jealousy of Xiang Pin. She designed Lan Xuan to be the evil leader Imperial paternity bed night, alone overnight, became the laughing stock of daughters in the palace. Lan Xuan, who had no heart in her heart, suddenly became very corrupt. She accidentally learned that Xiang Pin was having an affair with the actor Du JuSheng, not discussing with Xi LinChun, exposing this matter privately. As a result, Xiang Pin was executed in secret, In order to let Lan Xuan soon become the new favorite of Daoguang Emperor, Xi LinChun began to secretly arrange everything. Jing Zhen learned about their plans. Shi Quanji made it possible for Quan Fei to see that Lan Xuan has taken the place of Quan. Fei furious, deliberately make an excuse to close up Lan Xuan, Xue Chen see Lan Xuan pitiful, buy a doctor, said she was suffering from hidden illness, Lan Xuan escaped, was driven out of the palace. Jing Zhen authorities do everything they can to get the appreciation of Quan Fei, did not expect Quan Fei was the first to find the lead as an urn, Xi LinChun. At this time, opium was poisoned in the world. With the support of Quan Fei, Daoguang Emperor appointed Xu Yunzhe as a non-smoking advocate and the Queen Mother refused to quit smoking for many years. He thought that Quan Fei was in such a dilemma that she deliberately tried to get rid of her. Xiang Pin She died quickly, but she quickly noticed Jing Zhen, who had the ability to compete with Quan Fei. Under the arrangement of the Empress Dowager, Jing Zhen became a quiet and honored person and was later sealed with a dragon-shaped fetus Royal. Upstart Quan Fei stepped up to training Xi LinChun, hoping to restore Dao Guangdi's heart, Xuechen I do not know Xi LinChun's plot, bent on Quan Fei plan failed, and deliberately get along with Xi LinChun, do not want the two fell into love , Deeper and deeper. Daoguang emperor went out to hunt, Quan Fei arranged for Xi LinChun to follow, and secretly arranged everything. He did not expect that one would be terrible. Xi LinChun learned that his father's death had nothing to do with Fei Fei and decided to abandon all eclipsing with Xue Chen. Quan Fei's eyeliner learned everything. Reported by Quan Fei, Quan Fei did not allow anyone to undermine her plans, sending a large number of killers and killing Xue Chen, causing Xi LinChun to switch back. When the killer was dispatched, a Yu Xiao ordered Quan Fei to find Xue Chen her son. She was immediately out of palace to stop the killer and did not want to go further. She was dragged under a cliff. Snowy night, Xi LinChun waited Xuemeng overnight outside the palace, the result came to his death.Xi LinChun Depression due to Xue Chen's death, she faintly aware of the matter with Quan Fei, so fake plead Quan Fei, took the opportunity to assassinate, the result was Quan Fei advised, Quan Fei told Xi LinChun, Xue Chen greatest wish is No smoking, she hopes Xi LinChun can help her to stop smoking, Xi LinChun read and Xueshen kindness, had to agree to stay in the vicinity of Quan Fei, Quan Fei in dishonest grounds, broken Daunting satisfied Xi LinChun princess idea, during the wide The sea has been waiting silently beside Xi LinChun, Xi LinChun feel owed him a lot. Five years later, the palace has been idle for a long time, Daoguang emperor deliberately arranged the son of Quan Fei and the son of Yi Jing quiet hunting together, Quan Fei early in the morning news, and collusion with the eunuch finally made his son stand out, and soon Daoguang Di He decreed that she should be the queen. After taking full account of Xi LinChun years of hard work, want to be married to her in Guanghai, did not expect, just the day of his marriage, Lan Xuan years did not appear suddenly, she brought a person - just hit the battlefield Saerfan, who returned from victory, was exactly the same as An XueChen of the year, but could not remember completely the past events. Xi LinChun once again caught in the struggle between love and hate, during which she suddenly found Lan Xuan is the capital's largest cigarette dealer, she and Jing Zhen collusion, is brewing a huge conspiracy, and Erfan is her accomplice. In the face of love and righteousness, love and hate, Xi LinChun did not know how to make a decision, but the whole postpicked her out of the palace at this time, and asked her to work undercover in Lan Xuan's Bao Yue Building and once again face the old familiar face. Xi LinChun mixed feelings, but Erfan also because Xi LinChun repeated misconceptions and noticed her, Lan Xuan as if Seoul is the most important person in life, how could Xi LinChun plundered her position, so another fiery waiting Xi LinChun. After many twists and turns, Erfan finally remembered that he was An XueChen, but also revealed that he was placed under the Crown Jazz arrangements Lan Xuan's identity, Lan Xuan died in the non-commissioned, the relationship between the post-Xueshen and Xue Chen also face the risk of debunking , In order to consolidate their position, the Empress Dowager personally give the whole post-death. Xi LinChun want to leave with the Erfan Palace, do not want to say that Emperor Guangdi gave Erfan poison wine one step earlier, but thanks to Erfan read with his mother and brother, secretly sent to Japan, Xi LinChun waiting at the palace gate overnight Lost Irfan's message. Not long afterwards, Emperor Daodao collapsed and the Anglo-French forces invaded. Guanghai, however, died and died in the cover of Xi LinChun. Er Lin, who had gone through all the hardships, could not find Xi LinChun. At this time, Xi LinChun was sitting in Guanghai She prepared the carriage left the palace. Many, many years later, Erfan has been searching for the whereabouts of Xi LinChun. On the morning of the same day, he and his friends pass by the point where they first met Xi LinChun, who passively believe that one day he will Will find her, and Xi LinChun also with the same good wishes, the two farther and farther, farther and farther.

Six finger piano magic (TV)[2004]

Feature: Cockloft lake, the sound of music in the dark pass array array murderous machine, it seems to tell the bloody 16 years ago, the six sects to seize the "Magic of the Day", siege a Xuemei, saw his parents died in the hands of the six major sects In fighting, his brother Little Lin lost, Xuemei piano into the deep valleys. Sixteen years later this day is the auspicious day of the tiger dart Lord Lv TengKong gold basin wash, there is a mysterious figure came to the dartboard, provided that Lv TengKong personally charge dart, the dart box to the Suzhou Han Xun mansion. Days Tiger Escort Lord Lv Lin, young and fit, without the knowledge of the parents took this trip dart, do not want to hide the dart box was actually "Magic Days." Six fingers love magic, Ning Jing, Nicky Wu "Tian Mo Qin" to reproduce the arena, the faction master has darter. Lv TengKong and Xi MenYiNiang fight major players, life Lv Lin escort on the road. Lv Lin, a big disciple of the Huo Gong Gong, spends Lv Lin on Gui Nu, takes away his dart box and changes his life to confuse Lv Lin. Crucial moment "Six refers to the piano magic" appeared, to help LvLin back dart box. Along the way on the Lv Lin Yuet Wah love affair. "Gui Nu" returns to "The Ghost Palace", opens the dart box and discovers that it is fake "Tian Mo Qin" and "Gui Sheng" is furious. Lv Lin met with Lv TengKong and Xi MenYiNiang and sent the dart box to the Han Xun Prefecture. Han Xun got a dart with Han YuXia and found himself in the head of lesser Han Ping. Suddenly everyone clashed and Xi MenYiNiang died. However, we found a six-finger handprint on the dart box. Han Xun and Lv TengKong and others decided to ask Liu ZhiXianSheng for clarification. The major factions gathered in Xianrenfeng and found that "Liu ZhiXianSheng" was dead, but Han Ping's first, left-right guardian and black-and-white corpse had already made it difficult for major parties to complain. In order to complain, everyone Rush. Lv Lin arrived, see parents indignant, mournful. At this moment, "Tian Long Ba Yin" sounded again. The manipulator was exactly the "Six-Finger Magic". Yuet Wah recognized her for helping Lv Lin to send darts and aroused controversy among the major parties. Lv Lin realized that she was being used and hatred of her. "Six refers to the piano magic," frankly himself is the daughter of Wang Dong Xuemei, the cause of the six major faction to kill each other, the purpose is to fight the Wulin, avenge his parents. "Tian Long Banyin" powerless, immortal peak casualties sleeping mat, fight Xuemei see Lv Lin chest birthmark, recognized as long-lost relatives younger brother, then away from the piano. The major factions in order to deal with "Six refers to the piano magic", recommended Dong FangBai when martial arts lord. Xuemei deep hatred of his parents to Lv Lin made it clear, but Lv Lin do not believe, referring to Xuemei to kill the enemy. Lv Lin worship Dong FangBai as a teacher, hard practice, determined to revenge. Fierce fire founder and Gui Sheng join forces to deal with the "six finger piano magic," Xuemei wounded, just met by Lv Lin, Lv Lin temporarily soft, let it escape. All the factions learned that they found Lv Lin a "six-finger piano demon," and in order to prove Lv Lin had no connection with the Six-Finger Magic, each of them forced Lv Lin to return to the head of the Six-Finger Magic. Dong FangBai killed Gui Sheng, blamed "Six refers to the piano magic," Lv Lin more hate Xuemei heart. "Six refers to the piano magic" Meet Dong FangBai meet, Dong FangBai frankly complain with Wang Dong difficult to clear. Yunjun Junqin scholar, has been earnestly to persuade Xuemei put down the magic piano, to abandon the enemy to kill, see the deterioration of the situation, worried that Xuemei again by the magic control of the piano, so a flesh and blood, dissolve the devil, try his best. Xuemei grief indifferent.Fierce fire peeps probing Dong FangBai conspiracy, Dong FangBai shot kill, Yuet Wah for the master plea, Dong FangBai destroyed the founder of the fire of fire skill, forced marriage and lock into jail. Dong FangBai is going to work with Lv Lin to eradicate the Six-finger Ghost. Seimei is wounded again for avoiding Lv Lin and abandoning the devil. "Gui Nu" rescues Yuet Wah and debunks Dong Fang Bai plot. Lv Lin together with Yuet Wah, Gui Nu, and Xuemei attack Dong FangBai, everyone was hurt by Dong FangBai and Dong FangBai won the "Magic Devil."

LoveNeverDies (TV)[2003]

Feature: The story begins on a typhoon night many years ago. Li XinLan and Li BaiShan are profound and profound siblings who did not think of a well-established father's stills (2). They never walked away from Japan, but the most beloved mother was inexplicably missing in the river side. Overnight, two carefree children, still in their weakest years, lost their home and all their loved ones and became orphans. Fortunately, they were adopted by their father's good friend, businessman Liu LiWei, and entered a new home that will make them unforgettable. In the new home, amiable and affable grandmother, the son of Kind Liu LiWei, kind and generous; in this new home, she and her brother also bear the cold: Liu LiWei's wife Bi Fen because of the past, and will send here hate this Innocent two children. Kind heart orchid, for the sake of his brother's family harmony, had to endure humiliation and heavy pressure. The seeds of friendship and love also silently germinate in the hearts of two young people, Xinlan and Keqian. Under the persuasion of Liu LiWei, for her younger brother's future, she had to allow her brother to be adopted by a strange family. To reunite in the future, heart orchid must endure the long suffering. Time flies, many years later, she has been out of slim, hard life gave her more tenacity and wisdom. Many changes have taken place in this home that has given her joy, and has quietly hurt her countless times. The secrets of love have been unable to escape the sharp eyes of Bi Fen, and the magnificent giants around her are constantly attacking their own sweethearts. Heart Lan folder in the middle of love and responsibility, difficult to choose from. She not only to avoid the cold arrows and slander, but also try her best to comfort anxious lover. In order to resist the opposition of the family, especially the mother, perseverance of Kähme resolutely with orchid left home, toward a free life. But fate and heart orchid, made a cruel joke. A sudden accident took away the life of Keqian, this childhood sweetheart lover forever. For the first time in my life, I became the deepest pain in my heart. When destiny closes a window to you, he opens another door for you. In the heart of life orbit, there has been a new bright spot. Young Jun Zhang JunHua because of the work, frequent contact with the heart, sensitive Jun-hua from the depressed girl, there is always a sense of deja vu. After repeated collisions and comprehension, Heartland injured heart, with a trace of comfort. Over the years, heart orchid hearts have been pregnant with a mystery: who killed the father, the mother did not die, where is the younger brother, she did not realize their side, there is always a pair of persistent eyes watching her . Chen ZhiJian, a good friend of Keqian, became a successor to Liu's son and career after Keqian's death, and pushed Liu's career to a new level with extraordinary talent and advanced management philosophy The peak. This superficial young talent, who has been living under the shadow of inferiority for many years, has also buried his love of heart and soul in the deepest part of his mind. Sudden accidents in the life of the heart orchid, constantly happen:The younger brother who had been adopted by the so-called superior families came back unexpectedly. His presence brought a great surprise to Xinlan and also revealed the mystery of Li's family's demise over the years. The original benefactor, turned out to be an enemy; the original dream, turned out to be the beginning of a nightmare. Kind and tough heart orchid, how to face many years of grudges, how to break the hard-to-break love. Affection, friendship, love, sinful feelings, a handful of bloodstained old account, a period of chaos resentment past events, only to rise face to face, hand in hand to tomorrow.

Silver rat (TV)[2002]

Feature: Highlights The late 19th century, the Qing government financial management chaos, corruption. Qiu FuShun (Hui Wang), the supervisor of the Ministry of Industry and Labor, was handed over to Ci Xi to supervise the payment of foreigners' money. He accidentally discovered the secrets of the bank treasurers and the steal of the silver in the Great Bank of China, so he planned to secretly court the court. However, he was conspired with the Gui DaRen consortium led by the bank Pang ZongGuan, sending Sun Qi and others to kill and exterminate Qiu FuShun Bribery, with its accidental death to the court, a mystery case resulting. Qiu FuShun Undeveloped son Qiu Huzi was lucky enough to be rescued and adopted by the elder brother Qi DaRen and renamed as Chou Yin (Benny Chan (actor)). Twenty years later is the late Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty even worse corruption. Chou Yin learned the skills of Qi DaRen, and also superb martial arts, he inherited his father, and Qi DaRen cooperate with each other to dive into the capital, determined to re-explore the secret, for The country except the rape Japanese. Chou Yin to treat the disease as an opportunity to break into the bank manager Sun Yat-sen Rong House, the special status of Lang and Wing adults wits. Silver rat stills

GodsOfHonour (TV)[2001]

Feature: Ne Zha predecessors Fairchild Fire Dexing Jun, his division Yun ZhongZi magic machine, predicting that the king of stars will be robbery, special to the gods mixed day Aya, heaven and earth to stop disaster Eritrea. Sure enough, one of the four famous Shang dynasties, "Li Jing", to take deer antler for Di Yi treatment, came to deer, mistakenly Xing Jun injury, Star King clinging to the cliff was seriously injured. At this point Jing wife Yin ShiNiang pregnancy three years and six months at birth, Yin ShiNiang finally gave birth to a child, Jing heart of joy when the "God of War List" He Hyun actually saw the birth of ten was actually a meat ball, Jing concluded that this is evildoer The world's sword to split the meatball, but jumped out was actually a two-year-old kid "Ne Zha". Ne Zha flippantly, often excuse me to make Jing embarrassed and shy, Jing Zhai Ne Zha prejudice deeper, want to be excluded, ten mother care child eager, decided to Ne Zha Nv Wa temple upbringing. Ne Zha first taste of loneliness, began to understand the difficulties of parents, Jing was Ne Zha sincerely moved to Ne Zha home with the Lord. After a long absence, Di Yi dwells on the occasion of the dream and sees Nezha killing her nephew. She begged Yasukuni to show loyalty to her. Finally, she gave the news to help Di Neih and decided to expel Ne Zha Listen to your own life. Fortunately, Ne Zha was not killed, and was rescued by one of the four kings, "Huang FeiHu." With Nexus as his own child and Ne Zha as his own destiny, Ne Zha loved all in one and developed into a character that was spoofed in the future. Later, Ne Zha realized another feudal general, "Yang Jian" and his sister "Yang LianHua", and the tiger alone, "Huang Yan," more thanked each other for love and affection. Eventually with Yang Jian even a son called Yang Nian Lang. In addition 戬 friend "Sun Yanyi" character of many bewildered, often find lynx, lotus often Ne Zha tease, lotus unexpectedly Ne Zha euphoria. At this moment, Zhou Wang boarded the seat and indulged himself in dictatorship. Instigated by Deng JiuGong, four hunting and beauties were absurdly despised. They even saw the beauty Liu PiPa and his ilk, sending Jing to send troops to capture both. An instant nineties Ne Zha grew up in Huang FeiHu excessive spoiled care, the final day is to make trouble, there are times more deadly to the town of Li Jing borrowed the arrow to capture the night into a hallucinate into a Thunderbird Lei ZhenZi, and later with the Dragon King three princes, and later defeated the East China Sea Giant by mistake by mistake, meritorious service, ten years old as Zhou Wang Feng Shuai, military positions even more in his father Li Jing above. Unexpectedly, Ne Zha repeatedly troubled ten mother although secretly defused him, but Ne Zha I do not know repentance, mistakenly kill the three princes of the Dragon King to make a big disaster, and finally Ne Zha to be relentless with the ten mother, determined to shave their parents cut Meat also mother, into a soul wandering ghosts. Later, fortunate friends lotus help, sacrifice themselves, so that Ne Zha died and turned into lotus root people. After Ne Zha became a lotus root, he was frustrated and rebuffed. Lei ZhenZi and Yin ShiNiang encouraged and re-established themselves and learned that Xiguo bird was an afflicted person. Ne Zha was even blessed by a blessing, eating the blood of the gods and birds to regenerate flesh, spells big, blessing for good fortune! Later Jiang ZiYa straight hook fishing in the Wei River, to persuade the King to attack the army, Jiang more leadership Ne Zha, Lei ZhenZi, Yang Jian, Tu XingSun help King Wu cut 纣. Zhou Wang panic, unexpectedly he has Shi Shi bitter meter, ordered the formation of battle and sub-enemy Jing, although the heart can not bear, but your life as a mountain, must not be contrary, then troops into battle, and Ne Zha kill each other.

The love of Gods love list (TV)[2001]


The Deep Love Story of Ne Zha Xing Jun, his nephew Yunzhong machine good fortune, foretold Xingjun will be robbed every time, special gift to God mix heaven and earth, heaven and earth circles to stop the disaster Eritrea. Sure enough, one of the four major names of the Shang Dynasty was " Li Jing " to take deer antler for Di Yi. Disease, came hunting deer, mistakenly shoot Xing Jun injury, star Jun Yan cliff died. At this time, Jing's wife Yin ShiNiang was pregnant for three years and six months and Yin ShiNiang finally gave birth. The child, Jing, was full of joy at the time of the "Feng Shen List" but He Jianniang was born with a meat ball. Jing asserted that this was a voluptuous deceased sword and opened the meat ball, but it was a two-year-old boy who jumped out." Ne Zha." Ne Zha was innocent and frequently asked Koizumi to force Ugly. Jing was more obsessed with Ne Zha's preconceptions. He wanted to remove it, and Shi Nian Husband eagerly decided to send Ne Zha to Nuwa Temple for support. Ne Zha first tasted the taste of loneliness and began to understand the difficulties of his parents. Jing was Ne Zha sincerely moved to take Ne Zha to the home. After a long period of time, when Di Yi stayed in his dream, he saw Jing Zang's Ne Zha kill the merchants and pleaded for Yasukuni to show his loyalty. Jing finally declared Di Yi to save his life and decided to exile Ne Zha from the extremely dangerous Flying Tigers. Listen to your fate. Fortunately, Ne Zha did not stop and was saved by one of the four great kings, "Huang FeiHu." There were no children under the tiger's knees. He saw Ne Zha as his own and he was in every possible way to develop a character that would be vindicated in the future. Afterwards, Ne Zha met another executive " Yang Jian " and his sister " a data-id="role-387788" href="/tv/ZWtCGbwcir/role/387788/"> Yang LianHua ", Tiger's only daughter "Huang Yan" is even more protective of love, and the two are dark. Health. In the end, Yang Jian and Yang Lie were all called together by Yang Nianlang. In addition, his friend “Sun Yiyi” had more and more ambiguous characters. He often found faults, and the lotus was often teased by Ne Zha. Lotus gradually grew up with Ne Zha. At this time, Zhou Wang ascended the throne and lost all his life. As a result, the four offenders, Deng Jiugong, laid down four delicacies and lost their way to beauty. They even saw the beauty of Liu Yan and his own self and sent Jing to send troops to catch two people.For more than a decade, Ne Zha grew up. Under Huang FeiHu's excessive love and care, it was a day of trouble. There were times when he had to die and borrow a town arrow from Li Jing to capture the nightmare and transform it into a Thunderbird. Of Lei ZhenZi , and later he made a grudge with the Third Prince of the Dragon King. Later, he mistakenly made a mistake. He defeated the giants of the East China Sea and made meritorious deeds. He became commander of Zhou Wang in his teens, and his military rank was above his father Li Jing. Unexpectedly, Ne Zha had many misfortunes. Although Ten Niang secretly dismissed him, Ne Zha did not repent and mistakenly slaughtered the three Princes of the Dragon King and left them with a great deal of misfortune. In the end, Ne Zha tried to avoid even Jing and Shi Niang. The mother took the meat and turned it into a ghost. Later, fortunately, the friend Lotus help, sacrifice themselves, so that Ne Zha died and rose to become a lotus person. After becoming a lotus person, Ne Zha was frustrated and lost his life. Fortunately, Lei ZhenZi and Yin ShiNiang encouraged and rehabilitated people and learned that the West birds were suffering and they were killed. Ne Zha was even more blessed by the evil. He ate the blood of a bird of prey to regenerate the flesh. His spells progressed and he was blessed. He later Jiang ZiYa fished in Surabaya and persuaded King Wen to start the battle. Jiang Zhi led Ne Zha, Lei ZhenZi, Yang Jian, Tu XingSun helped the King of Kings to fall. Zhou Wang was shocked and unprepared. He was ordered to use his bitter meat and ordered Jing to play against the enemy. Jing couldn’t bear it, but the monarchy could not be violated. He led his troops to battle and Ne Zha was killed.


DragonLove (TV)[1999]

Feature: The naive Long Nv (Fennie Yuen ornaments), even down the world study Buyun Shih-yu, during incarnation of people, she wanted to play in the stills world, but by the world, Ye Qi (Benny Chan ( actor)) is deeply attracted. The two even more for a fleeting poignant love. However, "people love each other, will be sent to heaven," curse fulfilled, get to the heavens, but their passion is still not extinguished. On the other hand, Zhou Chu (Chin Ka-lok ornaments), a boy who grew up with Xi, has a strong personality and high martial arts. He identified the dragon as the source of all evil and determined to take Dragon as its own responsibility. One day, when the stormy wind came and was on the mountain, it was mistakenly saved by Xin YueGongZhu (Nicola Cheung), whose beauty was immortalized, and immediately hesitated love story. Unfortunately, God wants people, Xin YueGongZhu actually love Him. How exactly the four-way relationship broke down?

Anti-Crime Squad (TV)[1999]

Feature: Anti-Black Pioneer Tat-Wah Lok Bullet Anti-Black Squad (Ben Ng) Strong personality, never compromise, repeated breaking odd cases. Instead of cooperating with other colleagues, especially his Wayne Lai and Benny Chan (actor), Hee-eun likes to withdraw from the market. Hi and Kang cooperation more, to understand the deep, eventually became a close friend. Kang also rejoiced at picking up momentum with Maggie Shiu, Timmy Hung and Kwan Ching, among others. They worked together to crack down on a number of serious crimes such as "Tsz Wan Shan King", " School situation "," fishing market storm "and" phantom hero "and so on. These anti-black vanguards in emotion, but have their own way: Kang and Van in the process of investigation, respectively, the teacher's heart (Denise Ho) and selling fish girl (Louisa So), started an affair. But hi love anti-black vanguard Chi (Winnie Young) was killed in an accident, sad and sad, crush crush brother comfortably support, after all, whether hi and brother eventually walk together.

Dark Tales II (TV)[1998]

Feature: "Dark Tales II" (English: Dark Tales II) is Hong Kong TVB Jade Street costume drama, premiered on March 9, 1998, is divided into eight units, a total of 40 sets, Liu Shiyu producer. The drama depicts the world's vowed love can not stand the test of the "Green Feizao"; about the fox ghost fights, is evil and difficult to distinguish the "Phantom of the Fox"; vigilant ordinary people blessed " Fall in love, never give up, "Narcissus"; derived from the good heart good "bad"; described Mother Cici filial piety, ethical dear "Ghost mother"; implied arrogance to defeat the "demon demon Excalibur "; and the romantic taste of love," every other chase "and so on. The play is a sequel to the 1996 Hong Kong TVB version of "Liao Zhai", the story adapted from Pu Songling's novel "Strange Tales of Liaozhai." Only in mainland China in 2004 to play in Mandarin. Replay from Monday, March 18, 2010, 11:50 am "Ghost Story 2" went to Sichuan, China, Yunnan, the story ghosts demon written ghosts, plot twists and turns, with the special effects of computer production

Monkey King (TV)[1998]

Feature: "Heaven and Earth hegemony Monkey King" Character introduction The story consists of ten different units, namely: "True and false Monkey King", "basket Yin", "ginseng fruit", "Xiao Lei sound Temple", " "," Sun WuKong Sanjiro Erlang God "," Xuan Zang Save the Father "," Legend of Zhu Zi States "," moonlight treasure box "," million demon conversion ". The main body consists of three parts, "true and false monkey king", "ginseng fruit" and "small lei sound temple". Tell the story of Liu ErMiHou, who is the embodiment of celestial body, framed by evil men and endangering the world with giant monkeys, involving Wukong in grievances. The just party, represented by Sun WuKong, managed to save the common people from disasters and disregard their personal gains and losses. They tried every means possible to stop the monkeys from chaos and finally succeeded. As well as telling the narrow-minded Tong BiYuanHou vain attempt to win the identity of Western Heaven, fighting wits with Sun WuKong. Describe the character of Sun WuKong, who never underestimates and thrives in the face of defeat, and ultimately defeats the enemy's story with collective power.

Eight dragons (TV)[1997]


"Eight parts" is an ancient martial arts romance based on cha's novel of the same name. Shot by Hong Kong radio television, it was directed by Lee tam-sung, starring Felix Wong, Benny Chan (actor), Louis Fan, Carman Lee, Jay Lau, Rain Lau, KK Cheung, Bondy Chiu and He Meitian.

The play tells the story of Xiao Feng, Xu Zhu and Duan Yu, who start an extraordinary life of rivers and lakes in the face of chaos. They meet such masters as Tian ShanTongLao, Mu RongFu, tai lun Ming wang, Ding ChunQiu, You TanZhi, four great villains and so on. They live and die for each other, love and hate for each other, and national righteousness is put to good use in the context of fortune.

It debuted on Hong Kong's TVB jade on July 28, 1997.


Dark Tales II (TV)[1996]

Feature: "Dark Tales II" (English: Dark Tales II) is Hong Kong TVB Jade Street costume drama, premiered on March 9, 1998, is divided into eight units, a total of 40 sets, Liu Shiyu producer. The drama depicts the world's vowed love can not stand the test of the "Green Feizao"; about the fox ghost fights, is evil and difficult to distinguish the "Phantom of the Fox"; vigilant ordinary people blessed " Fall in love, never give up, "Narcissus"; derived from the good heart good "bad"; described Mother Cici filial piety, ethical dear "Ghost mother"; implied arrogance to defeat the "demon demon Excalibur "; and the romantic taste of love," every other chase "and so on. The play is a sequel to the 1996 Hong Kong TVB version of "Liao Zhai", the story adapted from Pu Songling's novel "Strange Tales of Liaozhai." Only in mainland China in 2004 to play in Mandarin. Replay from Monday, March 18, 2010, 11:50 am "Ghost Story 2" went to Sichuan, China, Yunnan, the story ghosts demon written ghosts, plot twists and turns, with the special effects of computer production

The sea of ​​clouds tumbles Sun WuKong (TV)[1996]

Feature: "Sun WuKong" tells the story of a celestial being born by a monkey under the door of the Bodhi Patriarch, named Sun WuKong, practice training in the sea of ​​clouds Sun WuKong drama into a spell but because of drunken ruins, was pressed in the Five Elements . Five hundred years later, Guanyin tells Sun WuKong how to save himself: He has to go to the West to learn from Tang SanCang and become an apprentice, and he will be saved on the verge of attaining the goal. Goku then follow Tang SanCang on the road, on the way often encounter demons and ghosts, duo and Zhu BaJie, Sha Mon and other forces together to start a difficult journey of the West.

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