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Hong Yue TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Hong Yue Works 54 ,And Feature 23 ,Family drama 5 ,Historical play 4 ,Romance 4 ,Modern opera 3 ,Comedy 3 ,Love 3 ,Costume Drama 3 ,Crime 3 ,抗战2 ,当代革命2 ,Urban drama 2 ,Year 2 ,近代传奇剧1 ,War 1 ,Action 1 ,当代农村1 ,Contemporary 1 ,川味喜剧1 ,人物1 ,家庭伦理情感剧1 ,南派乡村喜剧1 ,Military 1 ,Anti-corruption 1 ,涉案1 ,轻喜1 ,Spy war 1 ,都市青春剧1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Biopic 1 ,故事片1 ,Child 1 。

Works Index

Hong Yue Filmography(54)


天衣无缝 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《天衣无缝》又名《猎谍者》剧情介绍:讲述了1931年春天,中共中央在上海、广东大浦、哈尔滨等城市建立了红色交通站,交通站直属中央交通局。红色特工“烟缸”与“青瓷”一组人马试图在西欧建立一条地下新航线,建立秘密仓库,护送中共中央重要物资及护送地下党重要情报人员抵达目的地。“巴黎”临时红色交通站遭到叛徒出卖,“烟缸” Gui Wan 牺牲,小组成员一一被设计清换。 Gui Wan 同父异母的弟弟 Zi LiPing 精心策划了一个复仇大计,设局引其兄 Gui Yi 入局,借 Gui Yi 之力破解谜团,真正的“叛谍”浮出水面,兄弟同心铲除叛徒,重建红色交通站。生死迷局一旦揭晓,石破天惊 。

八子 (Movie)[2019]


上世纪30年代的赣南地区,在这个被称为中国革命“红色摇篮”的地方,曾经有这样一位母亲,她将八个儿子先后送入红军,奔赴战场前线。但战火无情,兄弟中的六人陆续牺牲,只剩下大哥杨大牛和最小的孩子满崽。满崽找到了大牛的部队,成了哥哥麾下的普通一兵,经过一场场战役的淬炼,新兵满崽迅速成长为一个真正的战士。最后的战斗打响了,为了掩护大部队安全撤离,杨大牛带领弟弟满崽和全体战友浴血肉搏,直至弹尽粮绝…… 英雄的身前,是枪林弹雨的沙场,而在英雄的身后,家乡的村庄依然宁静安详,微风吹过金黄的稻浪簌簌作响,一位年迈的母亲正在村头的小路旁孤独的守望……

老酒馆 (TV)[2019]


1928年到1946年的东北,“闯关东”来东北的小人物 Chen HuaiHai ,老酒馆杀青在东北深山老林里挖参讨生活,却意外地遭受了一双儿女失散,媳妇被骗走的磨难,只好来到日本殖民统治下的大连开酒馆谋生计。老酒馆由此成了八方信息、各色人等汇聚的舞台。仁义坚韧,嫉恶如仇的 Chen HuaiHai 利用这个舞台,保护了杀日本宪兵的“ Lao BeiFeng ”,劝说了东北军 Ma LvZhang 重回抗日战场、痛斥了粉饰伪满洲国的满清遗老,与日本浪人决斗,为中国人撑腰提气。中共地下党组织派 Gu SanMei 打进老酒馆,把这里变成了党的地下交通站。在 Gu SanMei 的影响下, Chen HuaiHai 的女儿 Xiao MianAo 成了抗日交通员。大连解放前夕, Chen HuaiHai 帮 Gu SanMei 粉碎了日寇破坏城市的计划。他们共同迎来了大连解放,也收获了真挚的爱情 。


We are young in those years (TV)[2018]


"Those years we are young" tells of the 1960s, in the "dark clouds over the city to destroy the international situation," chairman MAO ordered: good people immediately three lines. Military descendant zhang lijun, farmer's sonMa ZhaoYang", "capital daughter"Lu RuoWenBack with SueXiang the QingThese young people, full of fighting spirit and passion, came to the mountains in southwest China, and practiced their own ideals with life and youth, and at the same time, performed the love competition with care. A great craftsman of Beijing accentLiu LianZhuBecause of the runnerLiang YuQiangLike Lu RuoWen, unexpectedly will break the relationship between teachers and students.Liu LianZhuwould not forgiveLiang YuQianguntil he died at the launch site due to troubleshooting. But it's hard to believe that Lu RuoWen, his love interest, could ask him to step out of the country again to make a successful long-range rocket test flight. Zhang lijun, who dreamed of becoming a general all his life, died at an early age.Si LingYuanOnly to find out that the troubled kid has a lot of unknown contributions.Ma ZhaoYangattended the national science and technology conference, and the development of the rocket servo system won the top prize. At zhang lijun's tomb, the shining medal proved the meaning and value of his life.

Fat And Fame (Movie)[2018]

Feature: The approaching year, the town residents are preparing for the Chinese New Year. The community is no exception, invited the pig carpenter, white knife into the red knife out, a stout pig, about to embark on the journey to the table. However, a piece of shouted "unitary children" broke the calm and peaceful atmosphere. Pigs are no longer ordinary pigs and people. They have become all kinds of people, a small town anecdote about the ownership of pigs, a vigorous and bustling Kicked off.

In those years, we are young (TV)[2018]


Those years, we are young: in the 1960s, in the "dark clouds over the city to destroy the international situation," chairman MAO ordered: good people immediately three lines. Zhang lijun, descendant of the military, Ma ZhaoYang, son of the farmer, Lu RuoWen, the "capitalist daughter" and Xiang Qing, who returned from leaving su, and other young men full of fighting spirit and passion, came to the mountains in southwest China. They practiced their ideals with their lives and youth, and at the same time, they also demonstrated the romantic rivalry with their hearts. Liu LianZhu, a master craftsman in a Beijing Opera, fell in love with Lu RuoWen because of his lover Liang YuQiang. Liu LianZhu would not forgive Liang YuQiang until he died at the launch site due to troubleshooting. But it's hard to believe that Lu RuoWen, his love interest, could ask him to step out of the country again to make a successful long-range rocket test flight. After a lifetime of dreaming of becoming a general, zhang lijun died at an untimely age. Si LingYuan found that this troubled young man had a lot of unknown contributions. Ma ZhaoYang attended the national science and technology conference, and the development of the rocket servo system won the top prize. At zhang lijun's tomb, the shining medal proved the meaning and value of his life.

特赦1959 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《特赦1959》剧情介绍:讲述了1949年新中国成立,党中央指示将关押在全国各地的 Jiang JieShi 集团的高级战犯转入北京功德林集中关押。其中有国民党将领 Du YuMing 、 Wang YaoWu 、 Ceng KuoQing 、 Huang Wei 等人。起初他们对共产党的改造政策采取抗拒的态度。在改造和反改造的艰难博弈中,他们的灵魂在悄悄的发生着变化。毛主席肯定了国共合作期间国民党将领在抗日战场上的功绩。功德林的战犯如沐春风深受感动,开始主动交待自己的历史和罪行。1959年国庆前夕,共和国主席刘少奇发布了对 Jiang JieShi 集团和伪满洲国战争罪犯的特赦令。这一天, Du YuMing 、 Wang YaoWu 等人依次从共和国法官的手里接过了特赦书。这是一段脱胎换骨的经历,1949年被共产党在战场上打败,1959年被共产党在心灵上征服。


温暖的村庄 (TV)[2017]


电视剧《温暖的村庄》剧情介绍:讲述了天鹅湾村的妇女们正为谁参加镇汇演闹得不可开交,高考落榜青年 Wang YiMing 在电视台《神州最强音》大赛中意外地入了围,一时成了村中的焦点。粉丝 Li YiMeng 等主动提供帮助,使一鸣在初赛中顺利晋级,而一鸣女友香玉却感到和一鸣“越来越远”。为确保一鸣取得名次,培训师让一鸣在复赛时痛说“苦难史”,不想却因为一鸣父亲 Wang BuKai 的出现漏了馅。一鸣直接被淘汰。回村后就病倒直至得了抑郁症。为给一鸣治病,洪支书等乡亲及香玉、艺蒙有钱出钱,有力出力,办了个“高大上”的“比赛”,虽然波折不断,但这些“温暖行动”最终还是帮一鸣找回了自己,重新回到了比赛的舞台上。而村里的妇女们也尽释前嫌,在一鸣的助演下,在镇汇演中取得了佳绩,村里也如愿得到了“精神文明村”奖牌 。


pretty close (TV)[2016]

Feature: In the early days of the reform and opening up, Li ShanJun met Zhang YuXia on an accidental occasion and loved the girl at a glance. Zhang YuXia secretly misunderstood Li ShanJun as a rogue. What they both did not expect was that both parents, Meng-Xing Li, were making secret arrangements for them. After some tossing-up, they eventually dissolved the misunderstanding, their relationships rose rapidly and they entered the hall of marriage. However, marriage and marriage before the huge changes in the same pamper grew up in two people, sometimes difficult to live in harmony, often reached the critical point of marriage; but at every crucial moment, the two sides give up and make them brave in the face of reality . They gradually learned to understand each other, tolerate each other, and gradually grow up and mature in marriage, eventually understanding the true meaning of tolerance and open-ended marriage, and inadvertently revealed each other help each other in overcoming difficulties one after another Under the family established proud and happy & nbsp ;.

Peoples Prosecutor (TV)[2016]

Feature: Fang DaQing, deputy director of Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Second Branch of Yandu City People's Procuratorate and Xia JingRu, director of Public Prosecution Division led Chen Young, Yu YueLong and Zhou WenWen, young public prosecutors, in the course of handling the case and experienced the realities of love, income and housing Problems that have endured the sharpening of life to them. In handling the case of Li Rui-Jun murder, Xia JingRu and Chen Chen found many doubts. In the end, the prosecution released Wang Shun, the "murderer" who had served his sentence for 18 years, while Li RuiJun, the real murderer, was sentenced to death in first instance. In the "Fox Hunting 2014" special campaign, Fang Xia and others set up a task force that found Jin MingShan, chairman of YanDuYuTian Group, in charge of Liu HaiYong's crime and Jin MingShan set up obstacles to the task force. When Jin MingShan, the uncle who knew herself as a biological daughter, was the head of the case, Xia JingRu chose to bring it to justice.

Army One (TV)[2016]

Feature: Jiang Hai, head of the flight team of the Chinese Aviation Corps, persisted in his own thinking about red-and-blue exercises and took actions without permission. The photos unexpectedly saved one's own army and won the ultimate victory. This well-known "Archer" let the leaders love and hate again. Coincides with the Lu Hang Group ordered the construction of our army's first air strikes Brigade, Jiang Hai come to the fore, as a battalion commander. After his continuous research and experimentation, he finally completed a world-class difficult flight and led comrades one hundred percent through the examination. Soon, Jiang Hai successfully organized the joint Haidu Deng exercises using innovative tactics. Land Air Assault Brigade finally live up to its mission, in just over a year to complete the formation of the line into combat effectiveness, and become a new assault force in the Army sequence & nbsp ;.

A horse for three sheep (TV)[2016]

Feature: The story takes place in the era of reform and opening up in an all-round way. The young smug smugglers who are not involved in the hands of the "dead wage" have given up their hands in the bowl of iron rice bowl, test the sea, vowing to break their own piece of heaven. They have seized the opportunity, have also experienced the trap, maybe the last second was impatient for a while, but the next second may have failed; they have experienced too many ups and downs in life ups and downs. Gong DaWei represents the typical group of struggles of that time, confident but restless of fate; and Shen XiaoHong is a "female butcher" who dares to love and hate, knife and tofu, and she is willing to love her At the expense of all of them, young adolescent Ma ZhiJun was a passionate activist of that era, but he could always find a red touch of life in the darkness of fate. What Gao Bo radiates is the superiority of his brother in that particular era sense. In the era of turmoil and turmoil, the four young people with different personalities made different choices in treating different destinies and used their sweat to deduce their own happiness & nbsp ;.

Longmen Village Story (TV)[2016]

Feature: Economically prosperous, honest and honest Longmen Village in the province's "most traditional culture Village" rating by one vote defeat the North. In order to win the next competition, a group of peasants who knew nothing about the opera did their best to show 18 martial arts, Beijing opera, Yue opera, Huangmei opera, and Henan opera. You sing me, and a big cultural construction contest In the process of singing and singing, many jokes were thrown out. However, the villagers found their pleasure and even enjoyed the spiritual enjoyment brought by the traditional Chinese culture. Longmen Village got its wish in the following year to win the victory. In the sound of firecrackers, everyone met , Longmen village for future cultural development continue to work hard.

TheAngel:ThePrescriptionforLife (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Chen GuoShi, an 89-year-old veteran Chen JuMei's husband and tick-borne disease specialist at the 302nd Hospital of the PLA, has developed rare leukemia and is being let out of treatment by several hospitals. Chen JuMei deals with infectious diseases for more than 60 years, and for the first time treating leukemia, she wants to save her husband. Pathologist Zhang SiYu and Chen JuMei have been working for more than 40 years and are finding ways. Wei GuoDong, a colleague 30 years ago, heard that Chen GuoShi got leukemia and specially collected special blood serum to Beijing. Chen JuMei, Chen GuoShi, Zhang SiYu and Wei GuoDong in their youth era collide with each other and understand and act under different historical backgrounds to make them lifelong good friends. 30-year-old Chen JuMei and 28-year-old Chen GuoShi marry in a foreign country. Their love and career keep pace with the motivational growth path and they seek knowledge in the field of infectious disease prevention and control. In the course of dealing with infectious diseases, Chen JuMei was inadvertently infected with bacteria and showed signs of uremia. At the age of 30, she decided to clear the diseased body, unplugged her teeth, cut off the appendix, removed Biangan body. In a turbulent historical context, Chen JuMei devoted himself to studying drugs for the treatment of hepatitis, benefiting tens of millions of people for more than 50 years. After experiencing ups and downs of extraordinary times and special times, Chen JuMei, who has stepped into a sluggish year, has come to realize: "something between life and death and breathing."

Love me, you do not go (TV)[2015]

Feature: 80 couples Jin Ju and Wen Hao in order to be able to pro-relatives, trying to match Jin Ju cousin Xia Lin and Wen Hao cousin Wen Na's marriage, twists and turns, Xia Lin and Wen Na's marriage broke up. At the same time, Wang CuiFen mother-in-law intervened in a high profile, breaking the quiet life of the couple, but also make the two men more deeply understand the true meaning of marriage. Supervisor Mo Fei frequently confronts Jin Ju, but Jin Ju later discovered that Mo Fei was her own biological sister who had lost her childhood. After some thought struggles, Jin Ju has finally put aside his preconceptions and warmly restored Mo Fei's frozen heart with tolerance and forgiveness. Former ex-boyfriend Yang Mu Chen repeatedly helped Jin Ju, gradually arousing his misunderstanding. When the two men grew dark and contradictions finally exploded, Wen Hao discovered that Yang MuChen did not want anything and Jin Ju always loved her husband. Three people in the pain and tangle broke the cocoon into a butterfly, and ultimately children's love for long love for nothing.

When human beings encounter benevolence (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Xiangmuhu" tells the story of a female teacher Song Chunling rescuing an orphaned baby boy with 400CC blood and adopting him, named Sun Xiaohu. My husband, Zhenbang, personally scented incense sticks of fragrant wood to her son at the military headquarters. Tiger was trafficked to rural areas three and a half years old, struggling in Hong wood tiger off in half. In the tiger's new home, he renamed Ji DeSheng, hard life makes him introverted and tenacious. Tang ZhaoDi, a girl born in the same village, was born with profound friendship. Guan Shaoqing, a professor of Chinese medicine who has been decentralized, has become a disciple and has changed his destiny. With the help and encouragement of his younger brother, he was admitted to a doctor's college when he was admitted to school. Before he went to school, he gave only the tiger's head to the brother-in-law to do the gratification thing, but the brother-in-law forced to marry someone under the force of her mother. Determined to become an excellent doctor in college, all life is spent on learning and research. Department of Hui Yin HuiJuan abandoned her boyfriend Chen YanMing pursuit of survival, the use of means in the graduation distribution, Huijuan, De Sheng and Chen YanMing have come to Guangze Hospital work, I do not know the story of the stills get Huijuan moved to marry him. However, after marriage, only know that the cure for life and dreams of success will Huarun conflict constantly, gradually from the estrangement to conflict. Huijuan Xiahai Clinic opened with the cooperation of Chen YanMing, who has become the dean of the hospital. Girl from rural areas in the golden peach due to hospital nurse Li Xiaomei mistaken pathology was misdiagnosed as lymphoma, was born in order to save the poor peaches at home, unfortunately, chemotherapy. Chen YanMing afraid to be investigated, the hands and feet framed. Peach far-room grandmother Chunling, it was born and lost three decades of mother, she witnessed the miserable death of the peach, grieving she vowed to justice for the peach. Lawyer Xiao Yu men understand the situation, are willing to receive no text to help Chunling. Reporter Xiaodan together with Xiao lawyer visited the peach family, bold Dan in camera small lens, the unknowing peach mother directly to the peach grave, excessive stimulation of the peach mother suddenly crazy. Xiaodan feel peach mother mental disorders, and eventually died, is to give their own harm, deep feelings of guilt. She quit her job as a journalist, trying her best to trace the whereabouts of life and hope to do something for the peach family. Begun with abandonment in the Mohe get the help of the girl Xing Hua to find new confidence in life, in the process of self-reflection and find the truth, fell in love with Xing Hua. Admitted brother from the lawyer's mouth to know the living conditions, she firmly believes that life is a good doctor, alone came to Guangze hopes to help get born to retrieve innocence. Interpol on Monday because of coincidence born daughter Niu Niu, suspected of having another case of hidden secrets, so to Guangze Hospital in hospital under the guise of an unannounced visits, who knows really early gastric cancer. Dragon surgery and do care workers Monday after surgery acquaintance know each other, had a sincere emotion. CMB found Chen YanMing hiding Li Xiaomei eventually have to be innocent. When Chunling found that his adopted cousin, the fragrant wood tiger's head, was actually a pair of tiger's tail he had worn, he found that the person who had been chasing was the tiger who had lost his 37-year-old son. Reborn and parents get reunion, broken fragrant wood tiger complete, and have also been born in the reincarnation of love and dedication has been rebirth. Taksim took Niu Niu to set foot on the Mohe Mountain again, and he knew of waiting for his addition to Xing Hua, as well as a new way of life.

Good life in life (TV)[2015]

Feature: Han BingXian back in 1977 as vice secretary of municipal Party committee, mayor, eldest son of Mochi to save girls thinking and lose their left leg. Chen AiHua, the mother of Mochi urgently sought his wife for the Mochi, and Mayor Liu ChunHong, the mayor of South Korea, contributed to the marriage between Zhong SiCun and Mochi. Rou Jia, a sweetheart in the ink pool, learned that he had been forced to marry with worker Hu Yong. In the seven or seven year college entrance examination due to disability, Mochi missed thinking, and Mochizuki sister Jingran successfully admitted to university, Rou Jia gave birth to daughter, out of love without marriage. Jing and Ranger single long life with South Korea, because parents opposed to elope to Shenzhen. Si Shao and Mo Chi feelings have stabilized after testing and pregnancy, his biological father Li ShaoTang returned to China, opened the real identity of Si Si and bring out the two Koreas grievances. Think of the way to go to the United States, Mexico all the way all the way down the door to start a business in Shenzhen, Shenzhen, Shenzhen, Jia Jia complacency has not won the love of Mexico pool, Si Si back to Shenzhen, Mexico pool did not destroy the child that year, did not destroy the child, edge. Repentance, forgiveness, Korea and Lee finally get together & nbsp;

Ice and fire youth (TV)[2015]

Feature: In 1998, at the outbreak of the financial crisis, Jiang ZhangEn, who was in charge of Kangrong Enterprises, took the opportunity to acquire Gao Enterprises, resulting in Gao Qi Liang, the helm of Gao Enterprises. Fifteen years later, son of Gao Qi Liang, who was renamed Luo Hao, sneaked into Kangrong. The son of Jiang ZhangEn Jiang Yan suffered one after another in prison, Jiang bankruptcy, the reality of his mother fell ill, overnight fell into the fate of the ice cave, had to enter Hong Rong Securities, from the grassroots stock brokers start. For the first time, Jiang Yan, who had run across the wall, experienced the pain of warmth and growth. On the surface of the cold, heart-kind Xia Bing gave Jiang Yan Yan in the face of adversity help, the two hearts getting closer and closer. At this time, Jiang Yan's friends are also experiencing brilliant but realistic youth, divisions and combinations, robbery experienced, experienced a crisis of life and death, a natural disaster, finally understand the meaning of life, know how to cherish the immediate happiness . Jiang Yan and Xia Bing renewed the front line, Jiang Yan and Luo Hao also smiled and resented. A group of young people are working together to write the most brilliant regretless memories.

Great Wall Red (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Great Wall Red" tells the story of Panjiayu at the foot of the Great Wall of Jidong and descended from Qi Jiguang Qi Jiajun, an anti-Japanese star. The Eighth Route Army destroyed the Japanese in the east of Jidong, and the pictures of Panjiayu People in the battle ended their life-or-death friendship. As a result, Panjiayu became a revolutionary base area and an anti-Japanese fortress village. Zuo ZuoMu, a Japanese adviser stationed at Jiu Dong, a well-to-do Jidong, despised the people of Panjiayu and wished to completely destroy the base areas and eliminate the Eighth Route Army. Zuo ZuoMu became annoyed that she could not find the Eighth Route Army and led the Japanese army to a tragic massacre of Panjiayu Village. Japanese atrocities, not only did not yield Panjiayu people, but more hatred of the Japanese invaders. More than 20 young and middle-aged survivors formed a revenge regiment, who sacrificed their lives to resist revenge and revenge. Zuo ZuoMu was eliminated, and the blood of the martyrs dyed the Great Wall & nbsp ;.

Cao Cao (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Cao Cao" tells the story of young Cao Cao (Li-Xin Zhao ornaments) in order to save the tyrannical Han Empire, with the code to eliminate civil administration. However, relatives eunuch in power, princes their own way. Dong Zhuo (Stone dawn ornaments) to Beijing, relying on the emperor to fight against. Cao Cao assassinated Dong Zhuo, failed. Escape in Zhongmou, capture for the county officials. County officials feel their justice, let go Cao Cao, Cao Cao then recruited, in Chen Liqi Bingzhuo Zhuo. After the defeat, Cao Cao recruited home-grown brothers and deported hundreds of thousands of people. Learned that Han was in trouble, he adopted adviser Xun Yu (Jinming Kan ornaments) proposal, the Xiangying Ying Xuchang, built for the capital. Over the next few decades, Cao Cao relied on the emperor to make him a judge, collecting Yuan Shu (Kai Ding ornaments), capturing Lv Bu (Camp peak ornaments), annihilating Yuan Shao (Hongtao Sun ornaments), cutting Liu Biao, Kang, destroy Han Sui, in addition to Ma Teng, discuss Liu Bei, hit Sun Quan. After Cao Cao defeated Sun Quan in the Red Cliff wars, he set out to consolidate the political situation in northern China. In 220 AD Cao Cao died with regret that he failed to realize the dream of unifying China.

Dream nostalgia third line (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the 1960s, under the international situation of "Dark Clouds Appeal to Destroy," Chairman Mao's order was: "Good man and good man are in immediate third line." The young soldiers full of fighting spirit and enthusiasm, including the army's descendants, Zhang Lijun, peasant's son Ma ZhaoYang, "capitalist" Lu RuoWen, and Liu Qing's returning Xiang Qing, all came to the mountains and mountains of the southwest. When life and youth practice their own ideals, Also interpretation of the love of jealousy contend. Liu LianZhu, a Beijing-based artisan, wanted to break the relationship between master and disciple because his lover Liang YuQiang loves Lu RuoWen. Until Liang YuQiang at the launch site because of the failure to sacrifice, Liu LianZhu are unwilling to forgive. But no one could believe it, ruining his beloved Lu RuoWen actually invited him out of the mountains again for a long-range rocket test success. For a lifetime, when Zhang Lijun, a general who dreams of becoming a general, died of an untimely death and died, Si LingYuan found out that this faulty boy has many unknown contributions. Ma ZhaoYang attended the National Science and Technology Conference and won the highest award for the R & D achievements of the rocket servo system. The glittering medal in Zhang Lijun's grave proves the significance and value of his life.

Love you not three or two days (TV)[2015]


"Love You Not for Two or Two Days" also known as "Wang XiaoDi's Taiji Keji" tells the young girl Wang XiaoDi Although the appearance is not outstanding, she is an optimistic girl with positive energy. She has been secretly in love with the genius of photography, Yang JiaLei Yang JiaLei, and Yang JiaLei is the American exchange student Chen AnNi. After graduating from university, Yang JiaLei carefully planned a wedding in order to retain Chen AnNi. Wang XiaoDi learned that Yang JiaLei's message of getting married was heartbroken. On the day of the wedding, Chen AnNi fell from fear of marriage, and Wang XiaoDi, wearing a dress in a hurry, became a bride in the wrong place, and Yang JiaLei had an indescribable love. Wang XiaoDi's kindness, filial piety, affection, and generality have not only impressed Yang JiaLei's parents, but also gradually melted the inner ice of Yang JiaLei. The two finally made a mockery and became husband and wife. Unexpectedly, the running away bride Chen AnNi suddenly appeared. On the one hand, it is the love of the then loved ones, and on the other is the wife of the opposite, how will Yang JiaLei decide?


Divorce Lawyers (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Divorce Lawyer" tells the story of Chi HaiDong (Wu Xiubo's posters), a well-articulated lawyer who turns his hands in the lawyers for the rain, has a breeze in his career but has not yet won his wife Jiao YanYan (Alina Zhang) Not wearing a green hat, two of their divorce case one of their own lawyers lost to his wife's attorney Luo Li (Yao Chen ornaments). From the opposite of a divorce two people just "tired do not love," a traumatized, do not believe in love, but they always under the same mistaken identity agent of the same divorce cases and even become neighbors in life. As divorce lawyers, they help both parties to the divorce divorce their spirits and encourage them to start a new life. Sometimes they even advise couples who want to divorce. They also help the family and friends around them to solve various crises. After working together for a long time, the relationship between Luo Li and Chi HaiDong also subtly changed from that of a pure competitor. Both were gradually attracted to each other's talent and character, Believe love divorce lawyer, eventually is still in full swing, slowly come together. The above information source

Happiness falls from heaven (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Happiness Falling from Heaven" tells the story of Jiang TianLan and Liu ZhanPeng After nearly eight years of quarrel, the marriage has finally come to an end. The two are going to die of old age but have to contact frequently due to the custody of their daughter Liu MoLi. After the divorce, Zhanpeng gradually developed his feelings with his new colleague Du MinQiu. Sky blue, who had been an 8-year-old housewife, had to start looking for a job, eventually becoming part-time as chief physician Han XiangDong, who both misunderstood each other, turned Azure into his kitchen assistant to the east and helped her become a nutritionist Sky blue gradually found the goal of life, but also allow them to rise favorably. Sky blue sister Jiang TianQing fell in love with the former brother-in-law Zheng Zheng, regardless of family members against flash marriage, but because of various issues often quarrel even after marriage to divorce. Azure warned the weather with their own experience, finally let the idea of ​​dismissed the fine dismissed. After the divorce Sky Blue and Zhanpeng have gradually realized that marriage should learn to understand and empathy, and each started their new life, and finally find the happiness. In addition, Zheng Ping's sister Zheng Ping and Zhanpeng's uncle Da-Dai Zhou Dahua do not know each other, the relationship between sky blue and his father Jiang JianGuo finally ease, everything seems to be a good direction.

LoyaltyandBetrayal (Movie)[2012]

Feature: In 1927, it launched the "coup of 1912" and massacred people. At the time, he was a member of the Central Bureau of the CPC and the general secretary of the National Railroad Union to organize the armed uprising of workers in Shanghai. Due to betrayal of the traitors, the uprising failed. The deputy secretary of the CPC KMT caucuses openly called for punishing the murderer and removing his post. At that time, Communists serving in the Kuomintang party, the government of the Kuomintang, and the army faced many temptations and their Party members continued to appear in the Party. Such communists as Mao ZeDong, Zhou EnLai and Chen Yun were deeply impressed by the creation of a special oversight body Imperative. Wang HeBo, Yang PaoAn, He MengLan and others began to run around the establishment of supervisory bodies and actively prepared for them. In the same year in late April of the same year, the 5th Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee held in Wuhan. The Central Committee elected 10 comrades, including Wang HeBo and Yang PaoAn, as their members. Subsequently, Wang HeBo and Yang PaoAn went to the new battlefield in succession and continued the revolution. In October 1927, Wang HeBo was unfortunately arrested and died a heroic death. Yang PaoAn was also brutally killed by the enemy in 1931. During the more than one year after its establishment, the 10 members and alternate members of the Central Commission of Supervision have stood the test of blood and fire in the arduous and austere Agrarian Revolutionary War. There have been 8 members sacrificing heroically for the revolution but no one has betrayed the party to defeat the enemy , They use their own blood and life for the party flag has added brilliant luster.

TheTreeInTheRain (Movie)[2012]

Feature: As the summer vacation is coming to a close, the 17-year-old Li DongYang (Cheng-yang Wang) has decided to embark on a search for his father, ignoring Mu Qin's (Ding Liuyuan's) objections because of his promise to his father, Li LinSen (Zhifei Wang) Footprint of the road. The way those fathers had gone, the places where their fathers had lived and worked, the characters whom their fathers had dealt with, and the father's sonorous words appeared one after another in front of Li DongYang. He traveled across the mountains, not only experienced a physical test, but also experienced a spiritual growth. Although the fact that his father died can not be changed, his father's sincerity and kindness and his father's unswerving pursuit of the meaning of life leave an indelible mark on Li DongYang's heart.

GaiShiYingXiongCaoCao (TV)[2012]

Feature: Young Cao Cao (Li-Xin Zhao ornaments) to save the tyrannical Han empire, with the code to eliminate civil administration. However, relatives eunuch in power, princes their own way. Dong Zhuo (Stone dawn ornaments) to Beijing, relying on the emperor to fight against. Cao Cao assassinated Dong Zhuo, failed. Escape in Zhongmou, capture for the county officials. County officials feel their justice, let go Cao Cao, Cao Cao then recruited, in Chen Liqi Bingzhuo Zhuo. After the defeat, Cao Cao recruited home-grown brothers and deported hundreds of thousands of people. Learned that Han was in trouble, he adopted adviser Xun Yu (Jinming Kan ornaments) proposal, the Xiangying Ying Xuchang, built for the capital. Over the next few decades, Cao Cao relied on the emperor to make him a judge, collecting Yuan Shu (Kai Ding ornaments), capturing Lv Bu (Camp peak ornaments), annihilating Yuan Shao (Hongtao Sun ornaments), cutting Liu Biao, Kang, destroy Han Sui, in addition to Ma Teng, discuss Liu Bei, hit Sun Quan. After Cao Cao defeated Sun Quan in the Red Cliff wars, he set out to consolidate the political situation in northern China. In 220 AD Cao Cao died with regret that he failed to realize the dream of unifying China.

Peace is blessed (TV)[2012]

Feature: Title: peace is blessed Type: comedy, love Starring: Li Xuejian, Fang Qingzhuo, Liang Tian, ​​Yue Hong, Yu Suizi, Wang Jianguo, Li Geng and other stories Sketch Drum mother village is a beautiful and wealthy village on the Jidong Plain . The town police station household registration police Lang was transferred to the village to establish police room, his wife does not support, he is carrying his wife to take office. Lang is reluctant to go to this village, because he and the string of red widow this happened because of misunderstanding happened. However, the organizational principle of strong or he went to that mother village. Soon, the string of red recognized him, to his misunderstanding to continue. Lao Lang actively carried out his work in support of Zhang Qingtian, a village party secretary, and Lin Cai-cai, a village official in charge of village affairs, and Jiang Zhubao, director of the village general manager, but they did not get the trust and support of the masses. Lang firmly believe that as long as the achievements of the masses will understand the support. He succeeded in subsided the "debt crisis"; for the detection of fox skin Pirates of the cowpea, saved the young Hou Houyou crooked; help He Dazhu lost the cow; contributed to He Dazhu couple reunited ... ... a series Contradictions and mediations, so that he gradually established the authority of the masses, has been recognized and endorsed. Also got his wife's understanding and support. Fox farming professional households Beidan is a narrow-minded, love to recognize the truth, toon very much like him. However, a string of red is a pungent capable woman, the two farms next to the field because of the fox smell of beef, string of red before negotiating unsuccessful, then install the tweeter to play rooster crowing sound disturb fox, cow Once the contradiction between the two men escalated, Lao Lang worked tirelessly with Zhang Qingtian and Lin Cai-cai, but always the old contradictions were solved. New problems came one after another until a large blast in the south caused the children to be determined to close Chicken farms, Lin Choi Choi's proposal, the founder of greenhouses. Lao Lang and love red string Jiang study actively help sell the chicken, suffered ill-fated, emergency, the groom to steal out of the home passbook to support the string of red to engage in a vegetable shed, so touched the woman finally solved Opened between the two pimples. String red to engage in a vegetable greenhouse, the new contradiction again. The string of red vegetables for music, continue to harass the fox, the two clashes began again. The side of the groom and Lin Choi Choi continue to mediate, and finally let the string of red recognize the harm of music and noise on the fox, take the initiative to the audio equipment to Chiang organized by the organization of the pretty sunset shadow dance team. Benedict also experienced a series of lessons, the initiative and the string of red and good. At the same time the love of Lin Cai Cai buried in my heart, instead of blessing Choi Choi Choi and love inheritance. He himself was finally happily married to Toon who had always loved him. Cao Xueqin Cao Jiceng is a descendant of Lin Cai Cai, bent on making a big event. With the help of my grandfather, lalang and Lin Choi Choi, I built the Dream of Red Mansions and the sculpture park on the banks of the Ching Ming River to drive the tourism in my hometown. Lin Cai Cai, with sincere enthusiasm and wisdom, worked hard and colorful. In particular, he founded the village nursing home and solved the problem of elderly people living alone. He was praised by everyone and prompted his father to change his attitude and begin to support her in the village.Under the joint efforts of Lao Lang, Choi Choi and others, there appeared a gratifying picture of harmony and harmony in that village. On the eve of the Spring Festival, the villagers gathered in the village mouth happy sunset dance team to participate in the Spring Festival Gala performances in Beijing, a laughter, we wish everyone peace and happiness.

Educated youth (TV)[2012]

Feature: The "educated youth" tells the story of a rainy night in the woodland in the northern great wild in 1969. The train laden with knowledgeable young people from major cities across the country. Yang BingKui, head of the birch railway station, looked at a tender and youthful face and preconceived that the arrival of these people would bring about a radical change to the Great Belards & nbsp ;.

ShenZhou11 (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Being able to go to space is the dream of every astronaut. As China's first astronaut, Zhang TianCong (Zhibing Liu) lost in the Shenzhou VII election. However, he did not depression or choose to leave, decided to stay in the team, as a new generation of astronaut instructors. In the heart of Zhang TianCong, there is still a space dream. Faced with the increasingly harsh international environment, the establishment of a permanent space station is of great significance to safeguarding the interests of China and being free from infringement by other countries. So, a new round of voting began. Zhang TianCong to strengthen their exercise, hoping to achieve their own space dream, but ultimately with the missed. However, Zhang TianCong still did not give up hope. In times of crisis, he rescued the spacecraft and saved the space dream that hosted the hope of all. It also realized his dream.

Burning pomegranate (Movie)[2011]

Feature: The film "Burning Pomegranate" is based on the real story of Comrade Pang Yu-chin, secretary of the Party branch of South Liucun, Ma Zuoxiang, an outstanding party member, NPC deputy and Lintong District. The film concentrates on the difficulties encountered by Pang Yu-chin overcoming hardships South Liucun reservoir construction experience, at the same time show her and his beloved people's tears between the feelings of the story.

Thirty years after marriage (TV)[2011]

Feature: Thirty Years of Marriage tells Su HongMei's dystocia and gives birth to one child. Unexpectedly, her husband, He TianMing, betrayed her and marry Kang XiaoLi, a high-caddy, as his wife. So sudden sudden death of the heart-stroke father, Su chaos chaos. Su Lei, the sister of Su HongMei, decided to hug her child to He Tianming and ordered him to get out of bed immediately. Do not let her sister see him again. After that, Su HongMei lost his son's whereabouts completely desperate. In the meantime, Kang XiaoLi could not forgive his deception because He TianMing had concealed her marital history. Not only did she deliberately give her a name of Gou Zi, but also tortured him in every possible way. The curtain started with a family "Cold Violence." . Later, Su HongMei into the Yellow Wine Factory as a worker, but almost by the workshop director Ma Weiguo rape, thanks to master Du HePing come forward to save. However, unexpectedly, Du HePing accidentally killed Ma Weiguo and was arrested and jailed. Yu Fang, his wife, was equally divorced. Su HongMei also undoubtedly became the focus of discussion. Qiu Shui is Ma Weiguo's "crazy wife", after the death, Su HongMei actually despite the strong opposition of his family, insisted on adopting their child tiger, Su immediately fell into a dilemma, but also troubled restless. For some time, Su HongMei felt asphyxiated, thanks to Kang WenBin, a salesman, who extended her love of hand and founded the & quot; Su Shi & quot; rice wine workshop. Later, Kang WenBin married Su Lei. And I do not know, hidden behind his hidden hidden secrets, plainly, he is the natural father of Ma Hu-tiger, is Kang XiaoLi's elder brother. Soon, Su HongMei discovered "Hidden Love", but more for her younger sister's family, she concealed this secret. As always, she became a mother with Ma Hsiao-hoo, and with the help of Kang WenBin finally met To his son He Gou Zi. Surprisingly, young son did not recognize her, but also bite her severely. Su HongMei sad, determined to hold back his son, but Kang XiaoLi would rather not agree, vowing to fight with her in the end, even the situation of his brother Kang WenBin also ignored, scolding him is the Su home "home two Son-in-law "; only for the Su family's" rice wine "industry development and life. Angrily, Kang WenBin could not help but pumping her, brother and sister cut off the relationship between & nbsp ;.

Home cooking (TV)[2011]

Feature: Home cooking tells the story of a city in the early 1980s. Liu HongChang, an elder-age working in a state-run Canteens, fell in love with Wen Hui, who abandoned her chance to attend college due to her poor family. Liu HongChang was still married to Wen Hui, despite being stopped by Liu HongChang's mother and brother. Wen Hui's brother Wen Tao and sister Wen Yuan are also hostile to this brother-in-law. Wen Hui after the second pregnancy, steep disaster at home. The 17-year-old Wen Yuan, who had left his home with Liu HongChang, was spoiled by the little bullhorn cat on the street. In order to avenge his sister, the 16-year-old Wen Tao assassinated the big yellow cat. Wen Hui died in the hospital with this intense stimulation. A series of family repercussions caused Liu HongChang to depress his grief only in heart and carry the precarious home. Over the years, Wen Da admitted to college; Yu QiuHua was killed in an accidental car accident. In order to fulfill his promise of the last moment of Yu QiuHua's life, Liu HongChang guarded a small house and waited silently for the return of his relatives.

JingTianDongDi (Movie)[2009]

Feature: On May 12, 2008, a huge earthquake hit Sichuan Province in our country. On the way back to the battalion, a group army militia who returned just after the exercise returned to Tangya (convict Hou Xin (brig. At this moment, hundreds of thousands of troops responded to the call of the Central Government and rushed to the disaster areas from all directions. Among them, there was Tang Ji's wife Wei JiHong (Lei Tong). At the moment, Yingchuan, a disaster-stricken area, has become a hell on earth. County secretary Yue Hong has not cared for his middle-aged mother, Song Chunli. Qi HongYu (Jackson Wang), a teacher preparing to get married, did not know the fate of the fiancé Zhang XiangChuan (Jian Xu). She did not know that Zhang XiangChuan was on his way to the disaster area at this time. Very difficult rescue work, coupled with the rain again and again, when we feel extremely helpless, reinforcements came, Tang XinSheng in the rescue team to see his wife figure ......

DaMoChiCheng (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Where there is adventurous grandson Ma old man. Through Mrs Lam's diary and the village chief, they learned that during the liberation war, our army's logistic units were attacked by enemies and the soldiers heroically blocked the enemy. A squad of squad members composed of chiefs, artisans, journalists and other female fighters carried their passwords and documents to the vulnerable Gobi Desert by-pass. In the ancient city, accidents and enemies of the search encounter. In order to defend their passwords and documents, they waged desperate battles against the enemy, leaving behind only the wounded chief Lin Yu-hong and Ya Ba Pony 被 rescued from her rifle by an enemy officer. Colt 报 to report the grace of life, go through hardships to help Lin Yuhong out of the desert. When they broke up according to local custom vows, pony 倌 will stay in the ancient city Shou Hou soldiers of the spirit, waiting for the return of Lin Yuhong. The depths of the ancient city, the team members looking for the remains of martyrs in full swing. Faced with a remains of a piece of relics, the team members seem to have seen those heroic dedication to the Chinese nation to liberate the lives of a young warrior, their heart was deeply shocked, this time, the water , Gasoline will run out, sandstorm hit. Guided by Ma Laobo, team members braved the dangers and walked through the desert. Difficult road filled the road filled, Ma old man decided to get off the signal lights for the players lead the way, just about to pass the tuyere, the unfortunate death of Ma La quicksand swallowed up, he used the cost of life for the team members pointed out the road. Through this willingness to visit, these modern urban white-collar workers truly recognize the meaning of life, retrieve a spirit, firm belief, re-established their own coordinates of life. A few months later, the Hope Primary School donated by the team members was built in Liuquanpu. Playground, students hold flag-raising ceremony. In front of the monument, there are wreaths that the team members are dedicated to. The magnificent anthem reverberates over Liuquanbao.

SheQuGuShi (Movie)[2009]

Feature: "Community Story" to Nanchang, a community full of passionate, emotional young community cadres Hemin distribution of low-rent housing as the main line to a life-embarrassed mother Liu Qing Qiuqiu mother struggling to survive the survival of the state as a vice line, through In charge of the touching move of the headmasters of low-rent houses and the determination of community cadres to do practical work for the common people and the mutual help of community residents at the crucial moment, it truly reproduces cadres at all levels who are making contributions to building a harmonious community The tireless efforts. The film "Community Story" comes from the real life of ordinary people in Nanchang community. It was filmed in Nanchang. Through the image of the movie, the style of Nanchang's urban construction and the beautiful and happy life of ordinary people in the community were vividly shown. Jiang Ping, vice president of China Film Group, served as artistic director and director of Zhang Gang, a famous director, directed Zhang Jian.

luckwiththeblueandwihteponcelain (Movie)[2009]

Feature: High security unearthed a group of Yuan Dynasty blue and white porcelain, identified as yuan blue and white cloud dragon pattern lotus leaf cover cans, etc., are rare treasures. Faced with the sudden arrival of these treasured treasures, the museum has been "busy" both inside and outside the museum ... News from treasures has spread to the public. The news of theft gangs, cultural relics smuggling groups and even cultural relics traverses unexpectedly. Around the national treasures, a wits and courageous fight began ... ... Guan Yilin and other museum staff in full swing to improve the museum's security measures, the design and construction of high-tech surveillance probe, infrared sensors, intelligent control of the microcomputer alarm bell installation, Design and construction of underground vault. It is precisely this time, the museum staff to find Zhang Yulin Zhang Chao leave: go blind date! Zhang Chao argued that he was thirty in number, grow handsome enough handsome, the harder the more difficult. At the same time, under the bitter tree in the mountains, three robberies cost their lives in vain, but dug an empty tomb. Negotiations to do a big job three children also point to the newly unearthed Yuan blue flowers. To Chao unexpected, is not their own blind date, named Zhang Xiaoyun's "girl" came to the door, and said that like career-type Chao. Zhang Xiaoyun told Zhang Chao: I know one ...

ATaleofTwoDonkeys (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Absurd era, two donkeys and one person's story. In the 1970s, urban youth consultant Ma Jie went to a mountainous area to participate in productive labor and fell in love with Cai Feng, a native girl from rural areas. By chance, Ma Jie, who was gunshot wound on the hill, was sent to the commune for treatment. He saw the power of anesthetic when sewing stitches, leaving just stealing a few branches of anesthetic and needle, and brought back to the village. The village has a donkey black six, it does not have to work in the fields, every year, despite breeding, enjoy a special status in the village and other animals envy treatment. Breeder's work is relatively easy, Ma Jie 觊 觎 for a long time. Back in the village, Ma Jie quietly sent two doses of anesthetic to Black 6, making it temporarily limp. Sixth's "strange disease" alerted production team captain Da Lian and the villagers, and even veterinarians helpless, Ma Jie and the use of anesthetic drugs too much time, pretend to cure the black six. Ma Jie got the captain's trust, but also got the breeder's job. Ma Jie dissatisfied with the black six copulation work, black six serving indignantly. One day he violated the regulations without permission to pull the black car, was Da Lian captain discovered, the captain severely criticized Ma Jie, Ma Jie increasingly hate Black Six. Subsequently, Ma Jie found a place where no one whipped lesson six, unexpectedly missed a moment actually cast a big mistake. The next spring, neighboring village peasants took donkeys and black six mating, black six one unnatural state, no estrus, difficult to complete mating task. Judged by the veterinarian, Black 6's reproductive capacity has been completely lost and can only work under the ground. Ma Jie and Cai Feng increasingly close relationship, Ma Jie was very happy, bent on marrying Cai Feng wife. Black six plow to pull the grinding hard, temper and hot, a pack of poor director of the Association into the city, halfway people thrown, almost killed their lives. The captain decided to kill Black Six and assigned Ma Jie to start. Ma Jie never killed the great psychological pressure, waved trowel, killed the black six. After the death of black six, its brother black seven abnormalities. Unexpectedly, this donkey has gradually shown a surprising intelligence and feelings. The black seven snapped the stakes supporting the barn, the barn fell off, a mare was stoned, and Ma Jie was spared into the well at the moment of the collapse. After pouring accident, Ma Jie was punished shed, send manure. Ma Jie angry Black Seven, once again intensified the conflict between the human donkey. Ma Jie secretly often make fun of black seven, black seven also gave Ma Jie intensified retaliation. Ma Jie and Cai Feng become more and more gum-like, finally one day, the two people are prone to excitement, stealing the forbidden fruit. No one ever thought that Hei He-sa actually exposed their sleepy people in broad daylight in their own way and led the villagers to watch the crowd. The love of this young man has been devastating. Cai Feng's father disagreed with Ma Jie to marry Cai Feng, and even Ma Jie and Cai Feng were not allowed to see each other. Cai Feng married the village, I do not know where to go. The traumatic Ma Jie finally broke out, but just as he once again raised the trowel ready to kill the black seven when it was Captain Da Lian found, Ma Jie was dismissed, was assigned to guard the forage plant. He secretly returned to the village at night, pulling Black Seven and selling it to a butcher's shop in the distance, ready to borrow a knife to kill a donkey. Old seven "donkey" knowledge of the black seven actually escaped the tiger's mouth to find Ma Jie, want to bite off the rope tied to the horse in order to die in the air was hanging him! Thanks to the timely arrival of the workers shot saved.So far, Ma Jie and Black Seven have become irreversible rivals. Black seven seems iron heart like to be revenge for the murdered Black Six, and finally in order to be with Ma Jie, do not hesitate to burn. The yard stacked straw was black seven lit, black seven dead, Ma Jie desperate to escape, picked the life. However, the production team led Ma Jie to severely damage the means of production, causing the death of the livestock population in the name of transferring Ma Jie to other places and supervising work. Twenty years later, Ma Jie, who has become a teacher of the Institute of Northwest Livestock Research, took her daughter's hand and sat in front of the TV set to see the newly developed invention that could not help but be filled with emotion and biological spirituality.

YuanShan (Movie)[2007]

Feature: The film takes the advanced deeds of Huo XinTai, former inspector of the Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Wugang City Procuratorate of Henan as a prototype, which outlines the ordinary and great life of an ordinary prosecutor. It shows that in the new period an ordinary prosecutor fulfilled their duties and justly executed the law. People, indifferent to the glorious image of fame and fortune. Dongshan County, Stone Cliff Township Tan Shugou villagers Zhang Dashan old man told nephew Zhang Mailing "illegal detention" case, has become a thorny Ping Dance City. In the past four years, Zhang Dashan put Dongshan County into the functional departments into the final development to do Zhang Lahan's work, who told reporters Zhang Da Shan. City People's Procuratorate Wang prosecutors will be handed over the case to prosecutor Grievance Section Chief Huo, Lao Huo regardless of lovers Xiuzhang poor health, with Kori Kobayashi, Xiao Zhao went. Old Huo car parked in the cliff stone village, the mayor Gao Ying is the old Huo sister. Just after the flood, the road into the mountains was destroyed by floods, the old Huo change tractors into the mountains. Lao Huo and his entourage came to Zhang old man only half the house, Zhang old man squatted at the door without saying a word. Old Huo began to visit the villagers, did not expect Tan Shugou village in addition to Chang's husband's nephew Zhang Maolin outside, others according to the village loudspeaker loud instructions, "seeking truth from facts" to escape. Old Huo decided to live in the village, the next day began to split action, Xiao Zhao is responsible for leading the township secretary and village accounting, Kobayashi came to Zhang old man home. From the result of the split action, Lao Huo came to a conclusion: Zhang Lao-han told his nephew that "illegal detention" was a fake issue so that the above people could check the account in the village is true. Old Huo immediately decided to check accounts, piled into the hills accounts, an invoice of 2225 yuan caused the attention of Lao Huo. The same day, Kobayashi took the invoice to the county to find the stub of the invoice and found that the stub was issued 225 yuan. Fake 2,000 yuan this invoice became a breakthrough in the old man, the old night asked the village accountants and village chief. Lao Hu's investigation, so happy old Zhang, but the mayor Takane Sakura restless. Taka Sakura want to show sister persuade brother brother, did not expect the sudden onset of cholecystitis, was sent to the hospital emergency. Loving people just need to accompany the surgery, the son returned from school to take tuition fees, Lao Huo attend not so much. Looking at Zhang old man with the villagers blocked in the mouth of the village when the approximate begging of the eyes, Lao Huo turned into the investigation of the case. The investigation came to fruition soon. It turned out that four years ago, the county appropriated 980,000 yuan in stone cliff Township relief funds, the same day by the head of the high Sakura transferred County Social Security Bureau, and then assigned to Prachanda trading company. Prachanda trading company has been canceled, legal person Fang Ping flight. After the case was examined and approved by the Attorney General's Conference, the prosecutor took measures against Gao Ying and Gaulsing was arrested. As a child, Gao's father learned the carpenter's elder brother and suddenly became Gao's sinners. Lao Huo several times, eventually made the master's forgiveness. Gao Ying's lover Fang Ping was arrested and brought to justice, Tan Shugou village relief funds sent to the hands of villagers, Zhang old man died four years son and daughter of the souls get comfort, Lao Huo but sudden heart disease, fell in the green far Among the mountains.

General merchants (TV)[2006]

Feature: "General merchants" stills teenager Zhong Jie rebellious spirit. He was unwilling to rely on his father and brother's expectations of "learning from eight stocks, taking exams from Imperial Examination, and taking career paths." He tried his best to make a living out of adventures in camarines. He broke through his family and interfered to find new ways of life with his caravan. Throughout the trials and tribulations of the caravan became the famous "horse pot head." Realizing the primitive accumulation of capital, young Zhong Jie thinks and explores the road to saving the country by industrialization. He started with the processing and operation of his hometown specialty "Xuanwei Ham" and set up the Yunnan-based joint stock company Xuanwei Xuan and Ham Co., Ltd. ". Inspired by General Cai Yong, the earliest canning production line in Yunnan's industrial and commercial history was introduced to produce ham and canned fruits. As a result, "Xuanwei ham" reputation, floating fragrance at home and abroad. Due to turmoil in the times, frequent war chaos, political corruption and banditry, Xuanwei Ham Co., Ltd. went bankrupt. Indomitable Zhong Jie tough indomitable, rise again, they have set up a "great constant" company and "brother canned food Co., Ltd." to revive the glory. The success of Zhong Jie is more concerned about the fate of the nation, concerned about social welfare. Crusade against the defender Yuan Shikai Hu Guojun through the Xuanwei City, as the president of the Xuanwei Chamber of Commerce Zhongwei become guarding the country's Xuanwei soldiers station, he bent on actively organizing local forces to support the just protection of the military Give. And Cai E, Tang Jiyao, Fan ShiSheng patriotic generals and other friends. Middle-aged Zhong Jie patriotic feelings increased, due to business from Rong. Resolutely follow the father of the democratic revolution - Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary cause, to become the director of the Ordnance Quartermaster Division. The Yunnan Army subdued Chen Jiongming mutiny, Sun Zhongshan ordered the commendation. Zhong Jie was awarded five Jiahe medal, major general rank. In support of the democratic revolution advocated by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Zhong Jie did his best. The second son, Cheng Gang, was sent to Whampoa Military Academy for study and became a first-class student in Huangpu before participating in the Northern Expedition. Zhong Jie business development has also been successful. Xuanwei "double pig" ham in the exhibition will be gold medal. Dr. Sun Yat-sen personally wrote "Drink and Eat German," praised Zhong Jie character and products. Zhong Jie become a veritable "general merchants." Sun Yat-sen died, the revolution suffered setbacks, Zhong Jie was persecuted to withdraw from the military. Fading out of the "rivers and lakes", he made one of the most successful businesses for his hometown fellow villagers in his later years - organization of caravans long-distance trafficking of rice disaster relief. With its extraordinary courage and commercial wisdom to overcome insidious crouching merchants, saved tens of thousands of hungry hometown. Realized the "urgency and good" life value.

Willing to be human (TV)[2006]

Feature: In 1978, Zhao RenYi had a rectal resection for cancer, but villagers still insisted that he be elected as party secretary of Sanyuanjue. Commune to daughter Yurong a recruitment target, benevolence eventually the recruitment form to the more difficult folks. Yurong can not understand, drank pesticides died of ineffectiveness, he fell into deep pain. Zhao RenYi, a painter of pictures, will painfully hide his heart and continue to find a good way to dig gold in the earth. He moved the local peasants for the sincerity of seeking wealth for the common people and passed the technology to him. Zhao RenYi achieved great success through hard exploration and constant trial, but did not sign up to get rich. After several years of struggle, the new winter warmth greenhouse success in the ternary Zhucun, the villagers request the baby technology can not be exaggerated. But Zhao RenYi decided greenhouse technology not only to promote the county but also to promote the country, he should lead the country's peasant brothers go On the road to prosperity. Shouguang County quickly set up a leading group of winter-type greenhouse promotion, Zhao RenYi general technical guidance to three yuan Zhu Cun as a training base, free training for the provinces technicians. Hundreds of technicians in the village resembled seeds and scattered to more than 20 provinces in the country. Zhao RenYi understands that science and technology are the magic weapon for getting rich, and building "Renyi Experimental Primary School" to pay close attention to education. Please experts, learn technology, pollution-free greenhouse vegetables after two years of successful trial and large-scale promotion, and then continue to improve the technology, the introduction of new varieties. In order to prevent the market speculators hit the brand, triple Zhu Village with Zhao RenYi's head registered "Renyi" brand mark. Also attracted the American farmers - "millionaire" Claus came to visit. Winter-warm greenhouses all over the river north and south, Zhao RenYi with hundreds of millions of farmers opened up a road to prosperity. Firecrackers, loud drums, ternary Zhucun immersed in the joy of moving the new home. Benevolent quietly bought his wife a pedicab tricycle, carrying his wife; endless Bi Ye, a white seat in the shed, two people talking and laughing, to the boundless earth.

Family Day (TV)[2006]

Feature: A 35-episode TV series "Family Time" co-produced by the Chinese TV production center and Beijing Jinbang Zhongshi Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. is a realist drama with a comedy style that is adapted from Liu Zengxin's novel "The Capital Man" . The story tells the story of Pimiya salt, parents in the short, contains a thick brothers and sisters Wife and mother and child: Aunt and mother of aunt and son proposed to take turns to their children's home for some time, the arrival of her mother caused a series of waves ... ... Finally, her mother with her Generosity, kindness and wisdom to resolve the contradictions, support the spiritual world of children.

ZaiJianZuiAiDeRen (Movie)[2005]

Feature: There is an old saying in China: tiger poison does not eat. In the heart of Sumang, my father even better than the tiger. For a young woman, father abandoned his mother cruel, no contact. Mom is more desperate, divorced father, the mother gave the home and factory sold, and then the same as the air evaporated in the world. The most hateful is that my mother did not leave a word when leaving, but did not leave a penny, so Sumang this early twenties big guy live a romantic dinner, life begging along the street. Sumang owed the dog's current state of affairs due to his mother's unwillingness to go, but never find the problem from their own place. Where does Sumang know, the reason why my mother is so unsympathetic is to set my mother's guidance regardless of time and again hurt my mother that was originally injured on the heart, until the girl called fruit fruit big stomach, Sumang know not Where is the fault? When the mother proposed apologizing to the fruit-fruit family, Sumang ran away from home and went to Zhangjiakou buddies and small-handers for a long day. She cheated her mother and said she opened a trading company in Zhangjiakou. Now home is gone, my mother is like the air evaporated in the city, "Eat Well Well, why are not so good," Su Man thought Zhangjiakou buddies small hair. Prior to his departure, Sumang and his mom friend Uncle Cheng "borrowed" 500 bucks and went to Zhangjiakou with the pieces that Beijing had left behind in memory. Small hair is indeed enough buddies. Delicious tube does not say good, but also to rent a house. But small Mao is also working for his father, finished the task still have to drink northwest wind. So, Xiao Mao wanted to find a job Sumang. What can be done? Construction team live, sumang got it? Can not do, have to do, who let eat and drink, to live? From the first day of working with a construction team of migrant workers, Su Man came to understand that Xiao Mao daddy's phrase "difficult to earn money and shit" is not an offensive remark. Sumang also thought about quit, but what can do? After insisting for a while and earning her first living money, Sumang, who had studied hotel management at a technical school, was recommended by a captain to a supermarket chain as a supermarket manager. Not only that, Sumang also won the heart of a chaos shop sister site. Two months have passed. Uncle Zheng once again see Sumang, Sumang has mixed a personal kind. Also had the original "borrow" five hundred dollars, Sumang from Uncle Zheng took the mother brought a bag of things. Back to the residence, Sumang, hairy, young girl together to see my mother brought DV, I realized that my mother is already suffering from cancer, is not alive. Looked at the screen gaunt face of her mother, listening to my mother choked voice, Suman burst into tears, weeping not. At that moment, Sumang only realized that her mum was trying to make her a real man who could make a living and help the society. Wonderful point of view: The film is a social issue on the issue of adolescent growth film. "Sumang" Sentimental growth process, is part of today's society in some youth ignorant, faithless, confused generation of young generation microcosm.Directed by Shi Chenfeng to seize such a serious, realistic theme, with concern, worry perspective, through the movie lens to reflect the real-life stories and characters, their intentions of suffering, it is worried, bring the audience the same sense of empathy Meditation for a long time.

LangManHuangHun (Movie)[2005]

Feature: "Romance at Twilight" is a Chinese film directed by Liang Husheng, with Yue Hong, Guan Da Xin, etc. participating in the performance "Romantic Twilight", and Ma Ye, a researcher at the provincial Academy of Social Sciences, fell into his work because he was reluctant to publish at his own expense Can not publish the distress. Once met, he met Yue Hong, an alumnus of more than 20 years ago. Her warm and generous Han Qili is now a veritable single "rich woman." This encounter rekindled her crush on Ma Ye spark. She secretly helped Ma Ye out of the book, so that Ma Ye step by step caught in the love she set "trap." Ma Ye, who was alone with her daughter, was impressed by the beloved love. She was afraid of doubts about "climbing the rich." However, his daughter needs a lot of money abroad, Han Qili generously sent one hundred thousand dollars, Ma Ye hesitated. Being anxious to repair a road with a difference of one hundred thousand yuan and suffering from lingering distress for life, mistakenly thought that it was prepared for him. Ma Ye was in a hurry and did not know how to do it. In a series of conflicts, Ma Ye and Han Qili ruled out misunderstandings and finally entered each other's hearts.

Gypsophila (Movie)[2004]

Feature: This is a story of sinking and redemption. Zhou Hui turned out to be an innocent girl, who had been trafficked for work a few years ago and has become a human traffickers after years of painstaking experience. When she decides to embark on this road, she has given her a swear: in her life, she will never give up.

Crane 风 风 (TV)[2003]

Feature: Stills (A) The story took place in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War Jiangnan town. Yao TianZhang (Li-Chun Lee), Zhang JieFu (Kesheng Lei) Two silk giants facing the invasion of Japan's textile industry, Yao TianZhang vowed to carry forward the national industry, Zhang JieFu at the same time with the Japanese squeeze Yao. Yao BoYa (Qing Han), a big-time master studying abroad, fell in love with Annie Yi, an anti-Japanese nationalist Miss Zhang. However, Yao BoYa (Ya ' Love of "nan Wang" and "Mei Ling" (Meng Yao ornaments) were not touched by the clan and were forced to marry Tao KaiNan (Vicky Chen Hsiao-Hsuan), the eldest daughter of Zhang Jie Fu. Boya eventually married her brother-in-law, with treason and investment in Japan. Burson-Marsteller matured under the influence of progressive forces and courageously battled the enemy. Wansin also defected to the Armed Forces.

Le ji legend (TV)[2003]

Feature: Stills 2 Jin Erzi Zhong Er and Yi Wu lost their way into the enemy because of hunting lost Li Rong was captured as a spy. The old Jin Wang, who had annexed Li Li's ambitions long ago, took the opportunity to take over Li Rong as an excuse, but he did not know that the two sons had saved themselves and built deep feelings respectively with the help of Li Lan and Li Duo. When the country was destroyed, sisters were saved from killing by Zhong Er and Yi Wu. After the sisters were brought back to Jin Dynasty, Jin Wang firmly opposed Zhong Er and Yi Wu to marry the princess of the enemy for their son's future and tried to kill them many times. Only once Zhong Er and Yi Wu obstructed the sisters, Escape again. When Jin Wang met Li Lan and Li Duo, they were impressed by the beauty of the two women and decided that the two sisters should be concubine. This move has not only been strongly opposed by Yi Wu, Zhong Er and Shi Zhisheng, but also made the sisters wreak havoc on life. Just because you can not forget the enemy's hatred and the help of You Shi's enlightenment led them to commit suicide and were forced to marry the elderly Jinwang. Yi Wu, sad and desperate, could not change the story and was forced to run away from Princess Li Duo. When Jin was found, Jin Duff stabbed Li Duo and expelled Yi Wu from the palace Qu Cheng defensive side. Sister's tragedy gave Li Lan another extremely painful blow, and even passed away at the grave. Originally planned to have Li Lan give birth to a son, in order to inherit the throne in the future, to achieve the purpose of revenge recovery Shi Shi Li Lan unconscious will be her rape. Zhong Er was late to find the adultery, but had a doubt, You Shi in order to achieve the long-term lurking in the Jin Royal Palace's desire to self-purification, as eunuchs. Maybe God, Li Lan really pregnant, and give birth to a child. Jin Wang thought he was an elder son, extremely excited, entertaining ministers, only Zhong Er and friends refer to push this child called Xi Zi unknown origin. After loving Li Zhong, who loves Zhong Er, she feels sorry for Zhong Er, stepping up their plan of revenge under the constant urging of You Shi. The struggling Yi Wu spread to Beijing in the news that Qu Cheng was seriously injured by a Li RongNv child. Zhong Er immediately went to visit Qu Cheng to visit Yi Wu. While Zhong Er is absent, You Shi set a peach trap. The honest and kind-hearted Shen Sheng did not know what to do, and walked step by step into the trap set by others. Jin Wang mistakenly thought that he was molested by Li Lan and, in spite of his anger, dismissed the opposition of his wife and the Manchu civil and military forces, sending Shen to Quwo. Due to the pressure of enraged Liang Wu on the way, the hopeless descendant actually hanged himself in a country inn. After Jin will be the grief of the mournful vent to Li Lan body, after the assault did not understand the hate, but also life back to Gong Zhong Er stab Li Lan, Zhong Er and Li Lan because of the feelings still, Zhong Er could not bear to start . After the narrow-minded Jin not only did not kill Li Lan, but Li Lan was killed, Li Lan got his wish. As King Jin Zi Zi's origin also have doubts, did not make him a prince. Yi Wu knew that after the accident that happened in the palace, he immediately returned to the capital. Because he had been stabbed by Li RongNv, he hated the Li Rong people and vowed to get rid of Li Lan's mother and son and help his brother Zhong Er inherit the big picture. However, due to Zhong Er's opposition to his recklessness and disrespect to his father, the two brothers turned their eyes against each other.Yi Wu turned to seek their own succession, hijacked Xi Zi, against the father Zen position, but was shattered by Er Er's plan, had to flee Qin State. Because Zhong Er saved Xi Zi's life again and again and after many collisions between life and death, the feelings of Li Lan and Zhong Er deepened. In order to show her love for Zhong Er, Li Lan would rather kill her son and give up her revenge plan. Although not done, but still Zhong Er touched. Finally uncontrollable to worship under Li Lan's grapes skirt. Their feelings are mixed, unstoppable situation, not only you Shi worry, but also to King Jin felt strongly dissatisfied. In order to avoid the bad luck expelled by his father, Zhong Er, who was deeply impressed by his father's self-blame, had to leave China with more than a dozen attendants such as the Central Government. A few years later had to settle in Chu, married Princess Chu into jade wife. Jin Wang, of course, hope to Zhong Zhong, due to repeated recruit does not return his son and melancholy, finally died of an elderly stroke. You Shi, who suffered humiliation from Jin Palace, immediately saw the hope of revenge. He colluded with Liang Wu and took control of the palace with the help of eight brilliant Li RongNv children he had recruited from Li Rong and killed King Jin. Just because Li Lan opposed Xi Xi's succession, You Shi had to block the news of Jin's funeral. Li Lan tried to pass this news out of the palace in order to allow Zhong Er to return immediately, but her plan was broken by You Shi. In order to keep his son as soon as possible, he threatened to burn Xi Xi. In order to keep Xi Zi alive, Li Lan was forced to take his son to the temple to announce the death of King Jin and help his son succeed him. Chu informed Zhong Er of this news and forced Zhong Er to return home to snatch the throne. The most fearful thing about You Shi and Liang Wu is that Yi Wu and Zhong Er returned home to fight for the enemy. They beat Zhong Er almost after they knocked Yi Wu out, and lucky general Rick helped Zhong Er to save one life. Rick returns to the capital to contact the minister and organizes the troops, first of all slaughtering Liang Wu, and then leading the troops into the palace to kill You Shi and the unknown "Jin Wang". When Er Lan is going to slaughter Li Lan again, Zhong Er returns to the palace , Save her. However, Li Lan had to reluctantly return to Li Rong for his reputation and country. Zhong Er chase Li Rong also failed to do so. Li Lan has been retired, no one saw her beautiful shadows.

Half bowl village legend (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Half bowl village is very poor, books and home poorer, poor books can not afford even the homework can not afford, but these did not destroy the innate mathematical talent. Unexpectedly, Xu LaoShi (Peiqi Liu) discovered the naughty and unruly student on weekdays, with an incredible amount of talent. This astonished him. He firmly believed that the book club would shine like a star, and that would be the pride of the half-bowl village and even the pride of the entire Chinese. With Xu LaoShi's efforts and funding, the book not only made its debut in the mathematics competition, but also successfully admitted to Beijing's key schools. The road to school is full of hardships and the pressure of life is more heavy. How many books to give up, is close to their loved ones, teachers and classmates gave him great support and encouragement, so that he strengthened the confidence to win. Weather and rain, accompanied by tears, writing a small mind as a heavy string of stronger and stronger. Huge power finally broke out, when the book stands proudly standing on the podium of the Olympic Mathematical Olympiad in the world, his heart silently repeated numerous words blurted out: I am very strong, I am a warrior!

Oolong off the pass (TV)[2001]

Feature: Stills Witchcraft vibe Shengjingshi Han Wudi thus suspect some people want to witchcraft killed themselves, they ordered Jiang into the palace reconnaissance. I do not know Jiangchao and traitors Zhang Gan, eunuchs Su Wen and others confluence, fox Tiger Wei, framed Prince, said to be in the too uterine palace bed dug up a small wooden man. Emperor Wu furious, the prince all won the crime. The prince crushed to commit suicide, three men and a woman, and concubines were ordered to cut. TING Wei Wei Ji Wei Ji know princes are wronged are a family of people, in order to retain a little princes of Prince Edward, secretly protect the pregnant wife months long Prince Edward wife Wang WengXu, soon after, under the eternal birth, named Liu inquiry. After Ong must give birth to a child, all day long, he managed to escape. He arranged for two female prisoners in prison, Guo ZhengQing, a murderer, and Hu Zu, a prostitute, to be their baby's Nai Niang. To deceive the public, renamed the disease has been. Poor imperial great-great grandson, was born a few months, they need to fully experience the jail, but carried out the legendary life. Hu, Guo with the disease has reached the remote "Du City." Unaccompanied, formed a strange little family. Forced to life, Hu heavy business, the disease has been monasteries, has gradually become a swagger around, provoke trouble on the streets ruffian, often out of prison, and Xu PingJun childhood. After that, get acquainted with Jiu MoKong, Huo ShuiXian, and others, who are brave and wondrous with people who have no intention in court. After years of painstaking illness has been swept away by the swelling of the kidneys gas, Li Jing map, making the livelihood of the rich "Han" Tianwei farther, becoming the most successful achievements in the Han Dynasty "Han Emperor Xuan."

XiaoZhenDaKuan (Movie)[2000]

Feature: Sun AMan (Fa Shen), director of the township and village enterprises, was in urgent need of professional and technical personnel. At the talent exchange meeting, he met Wang XiaoYan (Li Yunjuan), a female college student, The lack of professional counterparts. Pleased with joy full of sadness, because his wife Shan show (Yue Hong ornaments) the most unlikely he and young girls together, know that there will be a noisy day and clearly stipulates that full factory can not have women. Wanted thirsty, full of Xiaoyan Daoyu out of the original, Xiaoyan very understanding Ah Man's mood, determined to disguise as men to Arab enterprises to work. Based on his own professional knowledge, Wang XiaoYan quickly opened the door for businesses to gain more output and profits. All the workers admired this new technician. At the beginning, Shan Xi did not find that Xiaoyan was a woman. After they all knew the truth, they all demanded that Abe abolish the "absurd" requirement that the unscrupulous female workers ...

Police 110 (TV)[1998]

Feature: Seven episodes of TV series "Police 110" by the Shandong film and television drama production center, Jinan City Public Security Bureau, CCTV Film and Television Department of the three joint production, Shandong film and television drama production center Sixth Producers undertake production. This drama starring as "White-browed heroes" male one Zhaoheng 煊, male No. 2 as "sparkling red star" spring 伢 actor Liu Jizhong ..

MU Q in (TV)[1998]

Feature: "Mu Qin" is a long-running TV series featuring a series of five profound and profound love relationships with the great immortalized maternal love of the past 20 years of social change after 1976. This is the first TV series in mainland China that describes patients with "hemophilia" and "hemophilia" families. The play is carefully crafted with delicate brush strokes to impress the audience with the details of the emotion and tears that have been dipped in, creating the peak of the viewing of family drama as the creative end of the play.

BlackSnow (Movie)[1990]

Feature: Unemployed youth Li HuiQuan hurt people for their loyalty, was sentenced to jail. After being released from prison mothers have died, home empty. Seeing the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon, Li HuiQuan reached the age of twenty-four, this year is his Benming year. Enthusiastic neighbors Luo DaMa and police assistant Liu helped Li HuiQuan get his own business license and started his own life. In the Spring Festival, he is still renovating the tricycle in the house. His friend from old days asked him to go to the cafe for a gathering, so he met the amateur singer Zhao YaQiu and whereabouts the secretive Cui YongLi. Due to the entanglement of a group of small ruffian outside, singing Zhao YaQiu hope someone sent her home, so please Li HuiQuan Cui YongLi. Li HuiQuan began to act as escort of Zhao YaQiu's off-duty workers, sending Zhao YaQiu night after night, bringing Li HuiQuan's heart closer to the young girl. However, with the passage of time, Zhao YaQiu's fame grew, worshipers and followers became more and more. Eventually, Li HuiQuan's "office" was replaced by a variety of young men around Zhao YaQiu. One night late, Li HuiQuan former confidant fork escaped to find him, he could not bear to fork does not mean to do something to help the fork to escape, Li HuiQuan knew he had committed a crime of guilty, with the intention to go to surrender to the Public Security Bureau. Li HuiQuan sold all the inventories at a reduced price, took out all the deposits and bought a gold necklace. He drove to the big karaoke hall and found Zhao YaQiu, who had sung a song. Zhao YaQiu opened a few jokes and rejected his gift. Li HuiQuan despair, shed two lines of tears. When he got drunk out of the restaurant, suddenly two young robbers, his abdomen was stabbed in the knife, black and red blood dripped out. He fell over his wound, lying on the street figure seemed so lonely.

Old fee (Movie)[0]

Feature: "Old Fee" is a movie produced by the Movie Channel Center in 2004. Tell a story about "old fees." The old fee, called Fei Zhiqiang. The day came out of the high wall, the day was especially cloudy and especially cold. Old fee wrapped in thick down jacket, set a crow cap, carrying two bags, went downstairs, just to catch the mother-in-law came back from the outside. His mother's unfeeling, son's indifference, the old fee has the mind to prepare, there is no way to say anything, who let themselves be "drinking fight" who squatted large prison yet. Although my mother urged her daughter to show up early with this "drinking and fighting" people, the old saying goes: "One day a couple hundred days grace," the old fee, after all, is still her husband, and can not show that heart. Mother-in-law did not mean the old fee, the old fee did not go upstairs. Showdown down from upstairs, the old fee arrangements for the third in the depths of the alley in a large unused cottage vacated temporarily. With the children under the age of alley Dazhe hospital because of thieves frequented by patrons, it is particularly chaos. The arrival of the old fee, so neighborhood, big aunt's ancestors thought that the old fee is sent to the police station to squat, but do not know the bottom of the "piece of beef" in front of the old fee holding a shelf, red boss. "Piece of cow" called Bai Baojiang, unemployed. When looking for work in the old fees filled the streets but not when the old fee has been friends Baibao Jiang said a buddy opened a small department store, idle is idle, it is better to take the handle, what help the last stock, a Open two thousand dollars a month. A month to open two thousand dollars, for living by sweeping the street for his son Fei Guangming high school and the return of the show, the old charges without a job, is tantamount to helpless. However, after picking up a shipment to Bai Baojiang, from the sneaking at pick-up, looking at Tibet, the old fee feels it a bit unreliable and will quit. After that, the old fee begins to look for a job all over the street. When nothing else is idle, the old fee goes to the school of my son, looks at the son far away across the iron fence, or follows the train to the countryside for training Behind his son, with good far and far. Shortly after that, the old fee found a job from the little street advertisement, which was the diner behind a diner. In order to prevent the boss to come from Henan Hu master father and daughter go, the old voluntarily laid off Hu Shi Fu, how much the salary does not care about. Small restaurants, small businesses, the boss is not easy, the old fee is not good. However, large jail out, all 40-year-old person, can not find a job is not easy, and work well with Master Hu, Hu master Gratitude, there is a matter, Master Hu's ideas to the old fee to help A great deal. One night, the old fee and master Hu drank wine while he was at get off work. Wine is in full swing, the old fee to say the year "drinking fight" thing. In fact, what kind of drinking fight, in the strict sense, should be considered courageous. But that was the case, so that the old fee into a big prison. Hu master also has its own difficulties. In the daughter Xiaolan accidentally smashed a box of wine in the restaurant, Master Hu was afraid his father and daughter were the boss 撵 go, put a box of broken wine pushed to the old body fee. The old fee can say what, in the face of Hu and his father and daughter pitiful way, the old fee only two words: leave.Back to the cold lonely big house cottage, the old costs silently bear what happened. At this time, the police knocked on the old door fees, Bai Bajiang accident. The old reminds me of the place I visited when I first picked up Baibaojiang. I took the police and arrested a group of people who were suspected of drug trafficking. I chased away a few stops and took Baibao River, who could not breathe air. After this stop, his son Fei Guangming finally understand my father. Years ago, the son took the old fee back from the big cottage complex home. Looked almost with his own high son, and his wife show a well-crafted table a large table, the old face for the first time exposed a smile.

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