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Linda Jui-Chi Liu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Linda Jui-Chi Liu Works 22 ,And Romance 11 ,Comedy 7 ,Feature 5 ,Family drama 2 ,Idol drama 2 ,Urban emotion 1 ,Ethical play 1 ,Military 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,青春偶像1 ,抗战1 ,Workplace film 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Idol Play 1 ,Crime 1 ,Stage art 1 ,军教1 。

Works Index

Linda Jui-Chi Liu Filmography(22)


花椒之味 (Movie)[2019]


Xia RuShu ( Sammi Cheng 饰)有一天突然得知父亲( Kenny Bee 饰)死讯,并由此发现原来自己在台北、重庆两地各有一个同父异母的妹妹如枝( Megan Lai 饰)及如果( Li Xiaofeng 饰)。来自三个不同地域、性格迥异的三姐妹,在父亲的葬礼上首次碰面,明明陌生却有着血缘的牵绊,同样面对着父母离异的创口与生活的惶惑;如树毅然决定继续经营父亲留下的火锅店,获得重新认识父亲的契机。三姐妹因上一代人的爱恨纠缠,在破碎家庭关系中成长,也因此相遇相知,互相依存,重拾修复关系的勇气,成长创口得以疗愈。


幸福一家人 (TV)[2018]


《幸福一家人》讲述了单亲爸爸 Fang YongFu 和守寡妹妹永芬扶养三儿女长大,但三儿女却越来越无视他这个老爸的存在,且越发不尊重姑姑。大女儿 Fang TianXin 作为大集团总裁秘书长,重视总裁比自己父亲更多,在和总裁儿子 Wang Shuo 的争锋相对中成为欢喜冤家,最后走在一起;大儿子 Fang TianYi 作为医生原本是父亲的骄傲,但他却越发瞧不起经营小面店的父亲,为谋高升娶了院长女儿,最终被妻子的爱感化;小儿子 Fang XiaoLong 最不成气,事业无成偏偏情路春风得意,最后为爱承担起责任,成为父亲面店的继承者。 Fang YongFu 在得知自己患癌,生命只剩下三个月的时候,自责儿女们日趋自私,不懂感恩的个性是自己养育的失败,于是下定决心向子女提起“不孝诉讼”。父亲是希望借助法律的力量唤醒孩子们真正懂得尊重家人,这也是他能送给子女最后的礼物。最后,儿女们都学会了尊重和感恩,也陪伴父亲度过最后的美好时光 。

《幸福一家人》是由 Li-Chun Lee 、 Tianlin Zhai 、 Jie Dong 主演的都市情感剧。


Love ladder (TV)[2016]

Feature: Zhang HaoTian (Ray Chang), Song ZiYang (Hoắc Chính Ngạn), orphan Lu Feng (Zongsheng Zou), the brothers of the civilian population, embarked on different endeavors after they farewell to the campus. In the mall to exert great ambition. Song TianYang, the father of Song ZiYang To thank Zhang HaoTian for his life-saving grace and invite them to come to work for Song Group, Zhang HaoTian's hard work has won the appreciation of Song TianCheng and the love of his colleague Chen QiuYan. For her family's benefit, Song TianCheng decided to marry investment tycoon Chu ZhenHua, and Song ZiYang crush Chen QiuYan (Zhang Meng (actress)), running away from home with resentment. In retaliation for Song TianCheng (Howie Huang), Chu ZhenHua invited Lu Feng to join forces in the fight against Song TianCheng. Using Song TianCheng's secretary, Luo Shan, and son Song ZiYang, Chu ZhenHua designed a series of conspiracies that made Song TianCheng's family and career in trouble. At a critical time, Zhang HaoTian stepped forward to defuse the hearts and minds of his father and son Song, influencing Cong Shan and Lu Feng, bringing the Song Group out of the woods and Chu ZhenHua also being sanctioned by law. Zhang HaoTian sincere efforts and gratitude for his heart won the success of love and career & nbsp ;.

Secret war crisis (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1938, Qi BenXiao, a cadre of the Eighth Route Army, was instructed to return to his hometown of Guilin and just got out of his car when Qi BenXiao, the eldest brother of the National Army Brigadier, got out of his head. Qin TianFu, a staff of the Chinese army, hurried to block the scene and said that Qi BenXiao and his party came to Guilin to prepare for the Eighth Route Army office in accordance with the Kuomintang-Communist agreement. At this time, if the KMT-CPC clashes would affect the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War. Qi BenZhong had to endure for a moment, but Qi BenXiao's behind-the-scenes shot awaited him a decade ago, threatening to keep Qi BenXiao alive. Liu HanTai, an army officer, witnessed the sharp contradictions between the two brothers Qi BenZhong and Qi BenXiao, but still worried about Qi BenZhong's efforts to move closer to the Eighth Route Army by Qi BenXiao, for which Liu HanTai focused on Qi BenZhong and conducted a secret investigation. Qi BenZhong is a justice officer and a big dutiful son. Because of her mother Zhang YongJu do not like the play, Qi BenZhong and Gui opera star Su RuoShui really fell in love but can not come together, a pair of lovers are suffering. Qi BenLi, a third brother, is a show idiot who has long been a crush on Su RuoShui. When he learns about the relationship between her brother and Su RuoShui, her intimate brothers and herosons gradually come into gap. Qi BenXiao extensively contacted people from all walks of life, prepared strategic materials for the front line and actively carried out anti-Japanese propaganda. Under the backdrop of the joint KMT-CPC war effort, Qi BenZhong and Qi BenXiao temporarily forgo individual grievances and work together to create a delicate and complex relationship. Qi BenXiao was attacked by Japanese troops while escorting a batch of supplies. Critical moment, Qi BenZhong arrived, the two brothers fought side by side, eventually thrilling escape. In the eyes of the schoolgirl Su RuoYun, Qi BenXiao is an indomitable anti-Japanese heroes, for she did not hide her feelings toward him. Qi BenXiao did not dare to accept Su RuoYun easily because he was a soldier and was bleeding at any time on the front line, and he had vowed not to victoriously not marry his wife. Ultimately, Su RuoYun's dedication and understanding impressed Qi BenXiao, who achieved a brief but happy marriage. Because of the close interaction between Qi BenZhong and Qi BenXiao, Liu HanTai increasingly found Qi BenZhong a tendency to be red. In order to get the so-called evidence, Qi BenZhong lashed out on many occasions to kill him. The overthrow of Liu HanTai seriously affected the overall cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist authorities, and the top national army was forced to remove it for investigation. Qi BenZhong has also been dragged down by the city defense commander into the hands of others. A large number of refugees Wai City Hall petition. Qi BenZhong was ordered to investigate the corruption case and found Qi Qianyuan, father. Qi ZhengYuan said frankly that he did what he did, and all he did was to give Zhang YongJu, a perennial wife, medicine. Qi BenZhong finally decided to let go of his father. Qi ZhengYuan does not think of repentance, but he is even more aggressive and aggressive. Qi BenZhong and Qi BenXiao resurrected from their father's corruption. In the case of the Kuomintang's corrupt politics, Qi BenXiao hopes Qi BenZhong will understand the situation and choose a bright path. Qi BenZhong mistakenly thought Qi BenXiao wanted to counterattack him, warning Qi BenXiao to pay attention to his words and deeds. Qi BenXiao apologized to Qi BenZhong for "Behind the Gun" a decade ago for the first time in many years and for the first time in many years he cried out "Big Brother." Qi BenXiao and Qi BenZhong explained that I came to seek cooperation and not to conduct united front.Because you are a soldier with a very sense of justice, and your feelings about your parents and brothers are commendable. Even more valuable is that you, as a senior general in the Guihua system, do not have the deeply rooted anti-communist thinking of the Kuomintang rightist party. The KMT-CPC joint war of resistance is here in yours completely Can be achieved. Qi BenZhong tears of emotion. Two brothers shook hands and talked about the same hand in hand to fight the war. Under the influence of Communists such as Qi BenXiao, Qi BenZhong began to doubt the Kuomintang's war of resistance policy. At a public meeting, Qi BenZhong struggled hard to justify Communists and was severely reprimanded for it. Shortly thereafter, Qi BenXiao died in a fierce battle against Japan, and Qi BenZhong silently assumed the task of caring for orphans of martyrs. Traitors deliberately disseminate "the Japanese will release the gas, Guilin changed the ghost town," the rumor, and made the city panic. Qi BenYi, a younger brother of the younger brother, was arrested for selling chili peppers to Japanese traders. The Kuomintang authorities arrested him as a traitor and executed them in public. Qi BenZhong learned that the matter was indignant. Chili was not a raw material to make a gas bomb at all. The fourth brother was only a scapegoat and a victim of innocent political struggles. At this point, Qi BenZhong completely disappointed the Kuomintang's corrupt politics and decided to join the glorious Chinese Communist Party. Japanese soldiers under the city. Qi BenZhong command troops guarding the Qifeng Mountain line of defense, the face of several times more than their own, well-equipped Japanese, he desperately started fighting with the Japanese. Fighting was extremely tragic, Qi BenZhong did not step back. Later, brother Qi BenLi arrived reinforcements. Unusual and heroic Ch'i brothers have been on the battlefront and have given their precious lives to win the final victory.

AMY GO (TV)[2012]

Feature: Ai Mi is an optimistic girl who interviewed Chen Yan while she was interviewed by the actress Zhao Yan. Director Zhao Lai chose Ai Mi for her eyeballs. Chen Yan was very active and was eliminated. Ai Mi, who was a pioneer in the company, was under pressure to meet Zhang HePing by chance. Ai Mi got help from Zhang HePing and Zhao Lai, and gradually came to prominence through unremitting efforts. In contrast, girlfriend Chen Yan career development is in trouble. When Ai Mi and Zhao Lai walked from the workplace to the emotional relationship between men and women, Chen Yan was unacceptable, though she was surrounded by her childhood friend Zhao Sicheng.

My family Betcha (TV)[2012]

Feature: "My family is happy," tells the story of his father, Bai ShangWu, a soldier who grew up in strict demand of the four daughters and taken militarized management of drama. He hoped that all four daughters will be able to inherit the army and become military soldiers. Unexpectedly, He runs counter to his vision. Most assured daughter Bai JinXi suddenly divorced and remarried, the best daughter Bai MuXi decided to leave the military fought in wedding design, the most troublesome daughter Bai ShuiXi bent on becoming a big star scandal slander, the most sensible daughter Bai HuanXi also because of Bad grades in a few years can not test the ideal university. Bai ShangWu stubborn use hegemony manipulator daughters academic career sentiment, a series of fierce father and daughter clashes in the white home, eventually the four daughters are not negative, gain happiness. Jinxi and Ling Feng flash marriage, marriage problems continue, only the divorce again. Repentance of my family a comedy like new Liu MingHui started the pursuit of Kim Hee, the final reunion. Woody leave military school, determined to become a wedding designer. Hero to Bai ShangWu work in the community to do security, Su LeLe chase after him. Lin Fulin intervened in the two feelings, forced Komori to leave heroes, heroes strive to restore. Lin once again humiliated woody hi, Mu-hi car accident, facing life-long disabilities, growing depression, the hero never betray, and ultimately affect the joy. Lovers get married. Water like a hit, and became a big star, busy with her and Shu Hang busy running away, marriage crisis. Cheng ShuHang arrives in time to restore the hard-won feelings of the two when they find themselves pregnant and decide to have an abortion. Kang ChengSheng appeared KangShengCheng, to regain his son, Leng FuRong into panic. Cannes ultimately chose to stay with her mother and succeed with her own abilities. Joy played an active role in the middle, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came to a successful conclusion. In addition, Kong SiHai and Leng FuRong, Sun FengMei and Niu Er finally come together, a happy family.

Lovekeepsgoing (TV)[2011]

Feature: A Cyndi Wang who burns itself and illuminates others because of the shadow of her childhood. When she is kicked by her parents and loves Charlie's poster, she is determined to be the sunshine of others' lives. Uncompromising Han YiLie (Mike He ornaments), because of their high taste, since childhood can only accept the best, when the two collide, what kind of love will spark spark. Chameleon is the all-purpose queen for love, and as a bakery for Han YiFeng (Eli Shih), her brother Han YiLie unexpectedly falls in love with the bread she's made, which can not resist temptation. Han YiFeng is in love with all kinds of style Michelle Maniscalco), while Melody was hurt, Han YiLie could not create without eating her toast, and the two started a wonderful journey of love.

AuRevoirTaipei (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Taipei night, brightly lit. Xiao Kai (Jack Yao ornaments) to help his girlfriend pack up, reluctantly farewell. She went to Paris, Acacia let him desperately tuition French, hope one day reunion. During his acquaintance at the bookstore clerk Susie (Amber Kuo ornaments), two people gradually have feelings. Xiao Kai's dad (Jack Kao ornaments) opened a home snack bar, Xiao Gao's friend Gao Gao often patronize, and about ignorant love. The patrons also include Bao Ge, a mafia character who faces a middle-aged crisis and prefers to talk rather than conduct business. But his younger brother A Hong (Lawrence Ko) is eager to prepare for a big one to prove himself. Finally, he waited for a chance. Bao Ge's partner dropped a shipment into a niche. The face of the police (Joseph Chang ornaments) stare can not start. In order to get the goods, Bao Ge promised to fund Xiao Kai to Paris to hand over the matter to him. But A Hong decided to go it alone. So, a praying mantis cicada orchids in the game after the start ... ... The film won the Berlin Film Festival Best Asian Film Awards.

Autumns Concerto (TV)[2009]

Feature: Beautiful and transparent nature of the actress Mo orange, is no longer find in this world a second national treasure-class pure love faction, she often tears down the next stop, happiness, her crystal tears, with sweeping the net pain and desires Ability. She knows and looks forward to true love, never discouraging, passionate, just in the face of any difficulty when she finds the actor Ren GuangXi protecting her and falls in love with Ren GuangXi. Seeing happiness coming, but because of the light to want to have a greater chance of survival, Mu Orange to light the disease had to give in. In the light of the mother's plea, Mu orange light surgery day to leave. In the six years since then, Mulun took his son Xiao Yue to live a strong and optimistic life in Huatiancun. Xiao Le, who had type 1 diabetes, was the most precious present in Mulu's life. Only to accompany her along the extension also understand that there is a deep regret and sentiment under the gentle orange smile, did not expect light will once again return to her life, in the face of the memory of the lost light, orange only Depress inner throbbing, and send deep blessing for the transformation of a light life with a beautiful life. No intention to open the memory card hidden in the lucky bracelet, the face of the two old photos of the past, all the memories lost to the mountains, light reminds of the orange, and love between them. Faced with the complain of the light of the suspect, a small music of euphoria, as well as quietly accompanied Takuya. Happiness, where will arrive.

Lee N (Y UE l ing) (TV)[2007]

Feature: Yue Ling, born October 15, 1968 in Taichung, Taiwan, China Taiwan actress, Qiong Yao third generation actress. In 1989, participated in the first movie "Boracay". In 1991, because of playing in the Qiong Yao drama "Green River Grass" Du Qingqing by the audience is well known. In 1993, starring Qiong Yao drama "plum three get the ghost husband." In 1994 March, starring Hua drama "two eternal crescent." In 1997, won the best actress nomination for the 33rd Golden Bell Award for the drama "Blossoming". In 2005, starring family drama "dumb bride" became the annual viewing champion in Guangzhou. In 2006 announced the withdrawal of entertainment.

SheisWalking, SheisSmiling! (Movie)[2006]

Feature: The show premiered in Taiwan in fall 2002. Lonely photographer in the lens, dust girl, girl next door and professional models, whose smile most eternal? In addition to leading the audience into the unknown "morbid" world of the actor, the story of suspense, romance and rhetoric also attempts to convey the "female" growth process for men.

Treasure Island girl success mind (TV)[2006]

Feature: Treasure Island girl success story drama actress Lin BaiYing cheerful determination, even in the most difficult situation, always with the most pure and kind heart to face. When Lin BaiYing came to Tianhe Group's apparel business kingdom, it seems like a jungle world, everyone is like a different beast, she must overcome the storm one by one, the last one shoulders the task of revitalizing the enterprise. Lin BaiYing Fall in love with the enterprise security chief Yan ZhiXian (Van Fan ornaments, but because of the previous generation of misunderstanding and hatred, so that the two love the road to go very rough, and eventually she seems to cut off love, but actually deeper. What BaiYing represents is the positive and tenacious image of the woman of this era, and how she won the trust of other women by confronting her enemies as her friend when she was forced to confront the women's jungle of the Tianhe Group.

Affectionate password (TV)[2006]

Feature: His life is about to be silenced a year later. Affectionate password role posters and silent she actually fell in love with another world of him. The fate of the spoiler pulled her and him, but, tightly bound to them - is that full of joyful memories. The story begins in the year of Louis Vuitton. Qi WeiYi, a favorite among thousands, was sent to the only hospital in the country for an unexpected accident. In boredom, Wei accidentally found a shelter in a old hospital. Through a little secret in the refuge room, he met Zhao Shen Shen, a young Korean girl who was less than two years old and lost his voice because of an accident, and derived a bit of pure innocent love. However, because of a series of vagaries, the sound was completely broken with Wei Yi. Thirteen years later, we were faced with the business of keeping an eye on everything and expectation from his parents to take over his work. There was no life in a stormy sea and a confident and dazzling person. On that day, Wei Yi expelled a senior employee without mercy. Unexpectedly, the next day, a dumb girl and a gangster-like guy came to discuss with him. Wei Yi never imagined that the dumb girl was Zhao Shen Shen 13 years ago. Because of the deep sense of justice, Wei Yi left a deep impression on the dumbfoundment and goodwill. In the traction of fate, the two met again and again. Although each will vindicate for trivial matters, but looked deeper than the signs of language, Wei Yi feel full of wonderful vitality! And with the easy bar, has also become a deep, silent life, a pleasant episode. Depth of the play screenshot at this time, "unfortunate" Suddenly fell on the Wei Yi body. Physicians confirmed that Wei Yi suffered from liver cancer, leaving only three months of life. Suddenly, Wei Yi remembered that agreement. Thirteen years ago, he told the space capsule that he had deeply buried together and said that the memory of youth opened ten years later ... Wei Yi resolutely dismissed his fiancee and came to two Man agreed place. When the pace of death approached Wei, fate actually arranged for him to reunite with Zhao ShenShen! Zhao ShenShen, is actually that dumb. Wei Wei, who will end his life, decided to hide his identity, but he changed bit by bit because of his deep and well-kept live for the last three months. However, Wei Yi's father, Zhen Yang, was furious when his son was changed by an unidentified dumb man and decided to solve the problem himself. In order to protect the deep, Wei Yi promised Zhen Yang back to Taiwan for treatment. On the day when Wei Yi left Qingdao, he was deeply surprised to learn that Wei Yi was the pure love of that year. We learned that Wei Yi only lives less than three months! Depression in the deep love at this time completely collapse of the embankment.

Dolphin Bay Lovers (TV)[2003]

Feature: "Dolphin Bay Lovers" tells the story of the winter of 1983, "Xiao PingGai (Angela Chang play)" mother died of a traffic accident, was immediately sent to "Teresa House." She was bullied by a hospital boy with a poor life. Only Xiao ZeYa was willing to be friends with her. Years later, Zeya (returned by Ambrose Hsu), who returned to school, has become the general manager of SET Television. And with his life continue only with the "Xiao PingGai" agreement, although to retrieve Xiao PingGai Unfortunately, "Teresa House" has been to the floor, all the hospital information has also been lost to find Xiao PingGai is a haystack, and when will he know the long sought after truth. Publicity Photo by Zhao Xiaogang (Wallace Huo) With Man Qing's affair at a press conference exposure, the horizon (Angela Chang played) rushed to the scene for a idol style, met Zeya, but neither knew each other's identity. Zeya mistakenly came home to the horizon - Dolphin Bay, asked him to take him out of the urban areas, the two have therefore become friends. Li Hong hope daughter Shani can become a general manager and unscrupulous sale under the SET name of the property, only monopoly power. A moving voice on the horizon, while love music, dreams become a singer, his mother has been opposed. Her song, SET, assisted by Zhong Ting, was found by her mother. Zeya disputes with Weng, a director of the Department of Public Information, and as a result, Sanny sees him seeing Zeal forward-looking and intelligent. Manqing asked Xiaogang to marry, but unfortunately Xiaonang devoted himself to "walking in the clouds" and worked hard to find the ideal voice in order to find the right person to replace Man Singing's theme song. Zeya chatting with Dolphin Bay to the sky and found that she has Xiao PingGai's shadow, and her love. With the help of Zeya, with the help of Zeya, he raised his courage to confess Zhong Ting. Unfortunately, Zhong Ting had a good girlfriend. The sky was extremely sad. Fortunately, Zeya was comforted and finally had a painful time. Zeya meet the sky to the rooftops to eat lunch, he wanted to show love to the horizon, however, she only care about Xiao Gang, Ze Zeya Dolphin Bay lovers TV stills silent. Xiaogang sing the sky to make more feelings, they put their unforgettable love story told her. Xiaogang brought to the dolphin bay by the sky and bravely showed him love, but just said that she treated her as a little sister. In fact, he also had a good impression on the horizon, but he did not dare to express his feelings. Back to the Dolphin Bay, Sadly back to the sea, Zedat arrives comfort, it makes her feel Zeya always feel helpless when she appears, like a guardian angel. Zeya saw the poor eyes of the sky, heartache, promised himself, must let the horizon be happy and happy. Xiaogang finally clear their own ideas, to the horizon confession, but flatly rejected by the horizon. The sky thanks to her family at the concert, the audience all moving, especially Shanni, because the sky made her proud. After the concert, Xiaogang was overwhelmed by the horizon, because Man Qing has been the best he and the most willing to pay for him, Xiao Gang immediately recovered Man Qing and apologize to her, at this time received red Tel, tell her Shanni has passed away.Two years later, Zeya is the chairman of the SET, while the sky is full of singer. Xiaogang sent a pair of purple shells were sent to Zeya and horizon, purple shells match, the lovers will meet. Dolphin Bay legend finally achieved, Zeya is destined to love the sky.

Love in the sunshine (TV)[2001]

Feature: In a car accident, a young piano teacher was rolled under wheels by her crush-loving man, fashion designer Ou YangJunYi, who gave Lin XinTong a wedding with Mu YunEr, the daughter of fashion tycoon Mu Tiancheng. Lin XinTong overcomes physiology obstacles and helps Junichi to break the blockade and defeat commercial rivals. At the same time, she tries to inspire Junichi to break through the design ideas and lead the new trend. Unexpectedly, the fate of a more joke with them, their rivals actually heart-born biological father.

Japanese name: rain の シ ン フ ォ ni (TV)[2000]

Feature: Chen ZiKun, a talented young man from Shanghai Beach and Huaxin repair shop in the 1930s, was originally in love with Fang ZiYi, the daughter of the store owner, who was implicated in a life and death officer who became acquainted with An Qi. Secretary Li. An Qi accompanied her father from Guangzhou to Shanghai to see a doctor. Unexpectedly, he did not look ill. His father stabbed Wu ChuYu, a long-time separated mother, and left her laughing. At this point Wu ChuYu is the wife of the tycoon Du YunHe. In a wrong way, Chen ZiKun and An Qi became the scapegoat and joined the prison. To rescue Chen ZiKun, Fang ZiYi rushes around. She found fan cousin Li YingQi for help through Fan LiJun, a schoolmate in the church. Li YingQi is a medical student whose father, Li RongSheng, is a famous banker on the beach and the police station had to give face. Li YingQi released Chen ZiKun on bail, but secretly fell in love with Fang ZiYi. At this time, Li is from top to bottom and Li YingQi and cousin Fan LiJun get married. Like a fog like a rainy and windy poster

Baojierouqing (Movie)[1994]

Feature: Zhao Xiaoying there are more than two months will be out of court, and her fiance busy preparing for marriage. Night one night, Yingying go home, was first robbed by five culprits, she did not dare to tell her boyfriend and family afterwards. Later, she even found himself infected with sexually transmitted diseases, Ying very hate gang gangster, after the bar owner Ke Shijie's help, hoping to find out the truth. Two people get along with each passing day, graduated from love, but Ying did not dare to accept. Ying got Jie's help and finally killed five culprits. At this time, Ying also found behind the masters of criminals turned out to be ...

GenPiChong (Movie)[1986]

Feature: Li Zhengzhong young and promising, well-paid, suspected his wife married three years Zhenzhen (Liu Ruiqi ornaments) apricot out of the wall, so find a private detective to track Ching Ching. Private detectives found that the original Virgin's father committed a criminal case, but for Li's reputation, Ching Cheong has been cheating and his father was separated from childhood, and secretly contact with his father. At this time, Ching Ching found the middle of the Merry ...

TheTimeYouNeedaFriend (Movie)[1984]

Feature: Gu Ren, Bing Bin, the old partner of the art scene, has brought laughter to countless spectators. After retiring two contradictions, even each other. The television station will hold a charity performance, intending to invite two people to attend but the two voiced anger. After many years of hard work, especially the appearance of two disabled children, they changed their mind. At the party two go all out performances, the audience gave a warm applause. Sadly, Bin Bin died of a heart attack and ended his life on stage, leaving endless memories for Gunrin and the audience.

Zhuanqiaoqiangjiao (Movie)[1983]

Feature: Brief introduction: Shi Jingtian is a romantic lawyer who specializes in divorce cases, likes to fool around with her husband. Old friend Huang lawyer's wedding, so suddenly stone Meng home reminiscence. Suituo object, want to Zhu Zhu gold transformed into his ideal wife. One day, the stone cousin's stone came back from the field, telling his fiancé unconvinced, stone cursed the stone to demeaning the family wind, so awarded to help chase her daughter. The original stone you want to pursue is Zhu. After the stone is known, Zhu takes a short vacation to Spain.

ThePerfectWife (Movie)[1983]

Feature: Brief introduction: Shi Jingtian is a romantic lawyer who specializes in divorce cases, likes to fool around with her husband. Old friend Huang lawyer's wedding, so suddenly stone Meng home reminiscence. Suituo object, want to Zhu Zhu gold transformed into his ideal wife. One day, the stone cousin's stone came back from the field, telling his fiancé unconvinced, stone cursed the stone to demeaning the family wind, so awarded to help chase her daughter. The original stone you want to pursue is Zhu. After the stone is known, Zhu takes a short vacation to Spain.

Baogaobanzhang (Movie)[1980]

Feature: The "Report Leader" (English title: Yes, Sir), starring actress Tai Chi Military Academy for Taiwan in 1987 and the like, is a common memory of the training period for adult male military service recruits in Taiwan.

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