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Carman Lee TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Carman Lee Works 38 ,And Feature 22 ,Costume Drama 19 ,Martial Arts 17 ,Historical play 12 ,Action 9 ,Romance 7 ,Fantasy 3 ,Comedy 3 ,Suspense 2 ,Crime 2 ,Romantic drama 1 ,权谋1 ,Xian xia 1 ,时装都市1 ,青春偶像1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Family drama 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Animation 1 ,Terror 1 ,Thriller 1 。

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Carman Lee Filmography(38)


海棠经雨胭脂透 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《海棠经雨胭脂透》剧情介绍:讲述了豆蔻年华的 Gu HaiTang 为找寻父亲失踪的下落来到昆杨,与朗家二公子月轩不打不相识,进入朗家的胭脂工坊工作,却被朗家大公子月明相中,朗家为此设计了一场骗婚,当海棠得知自己所嫁非人,她痛恨月轩的欺骗,她向朗家许诺以医治月明毁容的脸来换取一纸休书。月轩愧对海棠,正视内心的情感想要重新追求海棠,两人相爱相虐。当月明重新恢复容貌,他因爱生恨,不仅夺走“罗里春”的经营权,还想拆散月轩跟海棠。与此同时,海棠父亲的真实身份、失踪的原因,月轩的身世等真相一一浮出水面,三人展开至深的虐恋。随着所有谜团的解开,月轩与海棠终于走到一起,月明也幡然悔悟,众人最终在国仇家难中团结起来,合力将“罗里春”这一民族品牌发扬光大,成为佳话 。

The untamed (TV)[2019]


电视剧《陈情令》剧情介绍:讲述了十六年前,天下五分,姑苏蓝氏,云梦江氏,清河聂氏,岐山温氏,兰陵金氏共治天下。温氏一家独大,其余四家均受其苦。众家青年中,江氏故人之子 Wei WuXian 性格开朗,和以雅正闻名的姑苏蓝氏弟子 Lan WangJi 相识并引为知己。一次偶然的机会,二人发现了蓝氏一直以来守护的秘密,二人继承遗志,为苍生消除隐患。但没想到一切的幕后黑手正是温氏家主 Wen RuoHan 。众家不堪其辱,合力讨伐温氏。温氏覆灭后, Wei WuXian 却为保护温氏无辜之人不惜与众家对立,最终被奸人所害酿成大祸,误害师姐 Jiang YanLi ,自己也不知所踪。十六年后,消失已久的 Wei WuXian 出现在莫家庄,偶遇故人 Lan WangJi 。莫家庄一桩桩诡异的凶案显得扑朔迷离。随着真相一步步揭开,身处幕后的 Jin GuangYao 渐渐难以隐藏。最后 Jin GuangYao 身死, Lan WangJi 承担起了匡扶天下的使命,而 Wei WuXian 不忘初心,最终潇洒世间。


斗破苍穹 (TV)[2017]


电视剧《斗破苍穹》剧情介绍:讲述了被视为天赋异禀的少年武者 Xiao Yan ( Lei Wu 饰),九岁时母亲 Gu WenXin ( Carman Lee 饰)被人追杀致死,父亲 Xiao Zhan ( Yu Rongguang 饰)讳莫如深, Xiao Yan 将母亲留给他的戒指视为珍宝从不离身。 Xiao Yan 的功力一直到十五岁仍然没有进步,早已订好婚约的家族也来退婚,令萧家蒙受奇耻大辱。 Xiao Yan 无意中唤醒了戒指的主人 Yao Chen ( Baron Chen 饰)老人,在 Yao Chen 老人的帮助下, Xiao Yan 的武功进步惊人,并且得知了杀害母亲的主谋。 Xiao Yan 进入迦南学院学习艺技,在这里结交了一群良师益友,再次引起了敌人的注意。一次特殊修炼中, Xiao Yan 遭到陷害,死里逃生后,发现他的家族也遭到了灭顶之灾。为了一雪杀母之仇,也为了江湖的正义, Xiao Yan 毅然选择了只身一人向邪恶的势力发起挑战。最后联手女侠 Xiao XunEr ( Lin Yun 饰),共同战胜了强敌 。

Wudang sword (TV)[2017]

Feature: The Ming Dynasty, the court corruption, customs outside Nurhachu eyeing. Wudang disciple Geng JingShi and his wife elope to Liaodong, Nurhaci do not want to be under the hands of Jinding and others framed as Wudang traitor. Geng JingShi and He Jia to be one to be killed, leaving only one son Geng YuJing Ge ZhenJun handed over to Tujia people. Eighteen years later Geng YuJing grew up in the Wudang Mountains suffered a century-long robbery, the Wudang homeless investigation under the direction of all corners of the country's grudges. During this period, Geng YuJing's life was continually changed, his parents were killed, their brothers were betrayed and their loved ones were missing. Geng YuJing continued to grow, understand and perceive in this series of events and eventually became a "martial arts sword" from an unnamed citizen. And reached the highest state of Taoism natural & nbsp ;.

OnFallenWings (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Shang XiaoDie, a dancer, made a successful "Butterfly Dance" for her lover who had left five years ago. Invited by foreign cultural fund to Budapest choreography. Kocho in all dancers are most optimistic about the humble of white dew, white dew Kobayashi, want to use the butterfly cemetery to find the missing sister. Kocho also found that Zhuang QiuShui heir is his own lover five years ago. But with the dancer Song You poisoning, Tian Qiao falls, white dew disappeared, Kocho himself threatened. All the mysteries point to Butterfly Cemetery.

12金鴨 (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Zhang JinLai Future (Sandra Ng) was hit by feelings in the past, avoiding the decadent living in Thailand. Thanks to the encouragement of his friend Lu LaoShi, he decided to return to Hong Kong and find the fitness trainer Rocky who helped to rebuild the bar shape and vow to revive the glory in the duck world! Future with sincerely treat people, so also get many elegant people such as the Mei Yi homes for the elderly, sell King King brother, Thai restaurant owner hammer, Poy and duck Peng YuYan et al., Finally got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, with a All ducklings dance with her on the TV show, at any time fame! People are grateful to Future's leadership, Future but because of the realization that the duck is actually to bring the joy of the true meaning of the guests, and choose to give up acting opportunities ...

Womens club (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Women's Club, Hong Kong Television Broadcasts Limited Fashion City TV series starring Li Ruotong, Li Lizhen, Chen Huishan, Yuan Jieying, Ye Yun Yi, Zhang Huiyi, Jiang Xin Yan and Wu Qi Hua. The play is adapted from the Korean movie Sunshine Sisters Amoy.

Womens club (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Woman's Club" tells the story of a typhoon on the 8th night, five 17-year-old girl secretly hiding in a dance room, scrambling to help unmarried pregnant buddies Zhu Zhu delivery. Excited excitedly they are holding the dolls in their hands and swear together, promised to support each other for life, never separated. At that time, the radio is playing Alan Tam's song "Storm goddess Lorelei", the baby girl was named Lorelei. The birth of this stormy girl witnessed the deep friendship between these gangs of sister called "M Club". Unfortunately, they immediately witnessed the breakup of their breakup. In the final exams, each girl is busy planning for her own future plans. She suddenly neglects Zhu Li's mother and daughter. Zhu Li Postpartum depression felt abandoned by their betrayal. In a fury, her daughter was abandoned to an orphanage, but her responsibility was shirked to them. She deceived her because her daughter was being abused and turned off angrily with them. Five girls thus guilty of life, M Club from all loose, lost contact. Regret like a leader, picked up the memories of a young hurriedly another blink of an eye 27 years. When a housewife named Wu XiaoShi (Carman Lee), Luo FengXian (Elvina Kong), one of M Club's good sisters, was met by chance. Poems found Impatiens still stick with her love and dream of healthy dance, amateur to see her game, how witnessed Impatiens fall from the stage serious injury, the situation is critical. Small poem jumped phoenix immortality into the hospital, heard her drowsily kept calling M Club ... ... M Club's birth - when young courage to do crazy things, just because of you ... In 1985, the Fourth of that Years, poems (Chen Jia Bao ornaments) with Impatiens (Wu Yanjing ornaments) In order to participate in the school's dancing competition, formed a small team "M Club." M means "Menstruation," a symbol of girls entering adolescence, but also represents the women want Man, Money, Marriage and Memory. Seven female starring with their own girlhood this semester, the class came to a mainland new immigrant student called Zhu Li (Wang Minyi ornaments). Because of her accent, often bullied people, poetry can not see the eyes, justifiably stand up and help her embarrassed, and later found Zhu Li is Alan Tam's super fan, they accepted her to become a part of M Club. There are six members of the M Club. Besides the poem, Zhu Li and the Impatiens who love Aerobics, there are the talkative Lu WanQiu (Wu Jiaxi ornaments), the precocious and arrogant Xu ZhenNi , Leading people superstitious Liang JinYan (Huangshan Yi ornaments). M Club originally had a member Rong DanDan (Chan Ying ornaments), but because of some unpleasant experience, Dandan withdrew from the M Club, but also become our enemies.With solidarity, Impatiens compiled a dance for M Club, but unfortunately she never had a chance to perform together and became a pity for everyone in her high school ... M Club Reunion - In the busy or distressing life, 6 people are heavy Get together, is a major event, reunion, everyone is the way the memory of Impatiens concussion, leading to confusion, poetry in order to stimulate her memory, do everything possible to find the sister of M Club one by one out , And even Zhu Li (Loletta Lee ornaments), but also for the Impatiens appearance. M Club long-awaited reunion, very sad. 27 years of time, enough to change everyone. Zhu dare to speak then, full of passionate talent, want to become a writer's poem, became the family bondage of the family Nausea; then invented the Star dream, you want to become a prosperous wealthy Zhucheng Zhu Li, but overwhelmed People are not Shu, become a calendar full of vitality, always looking at other people's life failure; want to have the world's handsome men (Niu Angie Cheong ornaments), into a lifeless "crow whale"; then mouth Echoing "Chatsweet" Fenqiu (Fennie Yuen ornaments), after the setbacks of divorce, when the boss's mistress, become a depressed autistic alcoholics; want a happy marriage, childbearing Jin Yan (Gloria Yip ornaments), but became a slave to the city 侩 husband. Among the six, only Impatiens immortal, continue to insist on their dreams, but can not withstand defeat blows, into mental disorders, was forced to sleep in mental hospitals. Impatiens can not escape, but she had vowed to leave with her mother, "Phoenix fairy dance room" life and death, only the task to the M Club, asked them to guard the dance floor, do not let her half-brother snatch . Dance room guard battle - good friends, like stars, not necessarily every day to see, but you know, they have been Impatiens dance room where the old junk, debt, business bleak, there is no way with the dead enemy Dandan Flora Chan ornaments) opened the large dance fitness center competition. M Club to do everything possible to save, to prevent the dance studio was acquired by Impatiens brother. In the process, everyone was told his own story, difficulties and troubles, but with mutual support, each one regained the courage to face the difficulties and find out the meaning of lost self and life fun. Only Zhu Li, still resist to regain this friendship, but also the poem as enemies. Zhu Li's poem has destroyed her marriage, so she no longer believe in "friendship", just want to use the dance room to find their own development opportunities. Finally, she became popular, becoming a "bodybuilding idol" of the world. Zhu Li became famous overnight, making the dance room fame and business surge, but Zhu Zhu actually for money, to accept the Dandan digging buy, so dance room again into crisis ... Hou Hou, in the poem's body There was a savior next to her first love Yao ZiLun (Lawrence Ng). Love flowery, friendship, such as wine, bloom for a while, wine two reunion, poetry has become a "teacher milk", Zi Lun has divorced. Unexpectedly, the appearance of Zi Lun caused a turmoil in the poem. Zi Lun encouraged her to counterattack to Zhu Li, as her manager, touted her package as the second "Bodybuilding Queen."However, the poem was sub-Lun brainwashing control, and gradually destroyed the poem's family life, but also hurt the friendship between sisters. Character relationship In the fifth year of the storm goddess Lorelei, Zhu Li starred in the dream of falling in love with the photographer Pan JunJie (Cui Jianbang ornaments / Zheng Jingji ornaments). As a result, Zhu Li was unmarried, while Junjie was missing. After Lorelei was born, Zhu Li suffered from postpartum depression and impulsively misrepresented Lorelei in an orphanage with his poem. For 27 years, Zhu Li has regretted that the poem also thought Lorelei was lost because of his negligence and has always been ashamed of Zhu Li. As everyone knows, Lorelei was originally two ... Lorelei was adopted by a foreign couple that year, grew up in Norway, renamed Tang JiaLi (Eliza Sam ornaments). Later, adoptive parents have died, Carrie decided to return to Hong Kong to find a relative. Change the life without magic, as long as the unity of power to play Jinyan her husband to make the dance room in trouble, M Club decided to unite to work together to save the fate of the dance room. In order to win the prize money, they re-enact the impromptu health dance made by Impatiens at school in preparation for the Aerobics competition. Dandan opponents can not think of, with six 40-year-old woman jumped out of the nostalgic Aerobics, can actually move the whole city, the past dance room, the old woman and teacher milk students, more team cheer up to the atmosphere to the climax, causing coax ... The end result is no longer important, even if lost, they are also happy, because they found a real friend in their life, this dance once again become M Club friendship imprint. Time can be a face-lift, but no one will forget the rage of racks together, the dancing together, the boys chased together, and the infatuated idol & nbsp ;.

ChinaFlower (Movie)[2005]

Feature: The film takes Qing Hua porcelain as a clue, tells a story in three different times, time staggering, identity confusion, illusion of love, distortion of human nature, life like a superficial cloud, the quiet of Qing Hua porcelain is in Time has long been able to survive ... ... In the play Yang Fang (Yang Zi ornaments) will play in three different roles in three times: the dynasty of the arrow Xiao Xiao, Yang Fang is a persistent masters of porcelain; strong bullying In the Qing Dynasty, Yang Fang was a Chinese student who pays homage to the country but leaves the country uninvited. However, in the modern era, Yang Fang was a hypocrite who was extremely complicated and desperate to smug, deceitfully and deceitfully but allowed actress Qing Hua Suddenly ... ... "Qing Hua" tells a seemingly fragmented factual story, which is a porcelain from birth to loss and then looking for the story. In the narrative mode, I chose the form of three sections, connecting seemingly unrelated three time and space together. It enabled us to feel the Yuan Dynasty, the late Qing Dynasty and the present in just 100 minutes. Speaking of the film, director Sanhua said: "The biggest challenge for me is how to deal with these three time-space-accurate atmospheres and underlying relationships, and I think in this world many things are relatively eternal, No matter how great he is, it is only a matter of time and space passing away.Eternal is constant art inheritance.If we find the answer, and everything else is solved, there is a master-lover couple who fell in love with the late Qing Dynasty Da ShaoYe couple and current Qing Hua and Yang Fang. "As the first electric shock actor Yang Zi said:" The movie "Qing Hua" warns people and warns our excellent sons and daughters of China to take history as a mirror. To learn from history, but also to know the strong national strength, first of all, if the strong national spirit, national treasure is precisely the national culture and spiritual enrichment, therefore, to better understand and protect the national cultural heritage is our five thousand years of civilization history Respect. "

Young woman will be breaking the sky Gate (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Ren DaoAn with the power of Yang Jiajiang, Tianmen array has been promoted to the unity of the realm of man. The innocent people in the nearby villages were deceived each other by deceitful minds and deceived themselves. Jiang CuiPing in order to make up for their own fault, pretending to apprentice into the Ren DaoAn House to steal the array figure, the result of death in the hands of Ren DaoAn, Yang everyone is sorry. Amagatarai array array which one hidden mystery, Mu GuiYing and Cheng Gang that demon array array must be connected with the Ren DaoAn birthday, which deduces the heart of heavenly space array position is its death door, straight down the ground can be destroyed in one fell swoop Tianmen Array. However, Chuang array of people will also go with Amagata`t, Guiying secretly decided to give it a try matrix. In the middle of the night, Yang An will be stopped by Gui Ying alone, and Guiying reluctantly agreed with Yang An to make another decision the next day. Who knows Yang An has long been decided to risk their lives to report Yang Jianeng, Tianmen array Ren DaoAn manipulation Bei MengDuo Yang An beheaded. 8 Mei extremely grieved but has not been crushed, but her words suddenly let Bei MengDuo suddenly awakened, in Princess Aya's grave, Bei MengDuo unwilling to be subject to Ren DaoAn final death and death. Yang An died in the day gate array, officers and men in the army depressed, uninterested, too helpless demobilization order. At this time, Yang Goro, a monk who came out as a monk, arrived in time. Under his encouragement, everyone rekindled their fighting spirit and united themselves with Ningxiamen. Decisive battle set in three days, taking advantage of the day the battlefield array is weak in one fell swoop. Cheng Gang cloth under the bamboo flute to pentameter array detonation phantom magic array to reduce the condensation of Dragon Wood is the solution to the array of phantom, Yang up and down as one died. Tianmen array crack must be completed within an hour, or the trend to replace the general trend to carry on. Guiying, Bamei, exhaust in the help of everyone successfully entered the heart of Tianmen array position, Ren DaoAn illusion of illusion to create the illusion of three mental weakness, life and death, the trio of amazing strength to overcome their own Of the confusion, the final days of the door in their sword of justice into ashes. After this battle, Xiao TaiHou disheartened, promised Yang and generals will turn hostility into friendship, since then never go wrong. Breakthrough day gate array, Yang Jiaxiang class division back to Beijing, Song ZhenZong reward the Three Forces, the Royal confession of gold plaque "heroine" and purported to celebrate, poplar Young Men will be forever.

NvErDangZiQiang (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Relying on Wang Qin, a state teacher, thought that only one group of women remained in Yang's house. Being weak and inflexible was even more rampant. Can not bear to Yang for the Great Song was born and died, spill blood battle merit, defeated in the hands of traitors. Helpless, eight sister once again angered ancestors. Seeing non-Tau House will not be guaranteed, too Jun heart knife cut, and even let her sad sad is not up and down the Yang family, everyone for a temporary mood, the more trouble more stiff, noisy more fierce, like a mess. She Taijun secretly sad, let eight sister everyone without feeling, the last moment, eight sister finally happy knot, the people united. Yang door woman will be excused during the victory, chase victory, straight down ". Yangmen numerous daughter-in-law night sacrifice, a beautiful girl did not please, admitting themselves with Qilang private life, Yang seventh wife. Although she was too touched by Jin'e's forthright truth, she refused to admit her youth and refused to take her. She was even more suspect that she was sent by Xiao TaiHou from Liao Chiao. Empress Wang Qin should be combined with the spies, the Young woman will fall into a dilemma Jedi. Fortunately, Du Jin'e, regardless of life and death, break enemy line rescue, help the eight sister and exhaust back to North Korea, with the help of Ba XianWang and Kou Zhun, the success of the Rokkasu to go off, should be combined to kill Liao soldiers. Tai Jun finally Jin E perseverance of the spirit of the move, admitting Jin E as Yang daughter-in-law. After Xiao did not stop, sent to steal the military secrets to the Song Dynasty, want to provoke a war. Under the joint efforts of all the Yang members, the roster was seized and Rokkashu carefully studied and eventually unlocked the secret of the roster to rush back to the capital to expose the conspiracy in Liao. Unfortunately, Wang Qin and his concubine were secretly trapped. Fortunately Yang Jiazheng Yang An courageously track down, with its superb wit, finally found Lang Lang hiding place, together with eight sister and exhaust, rescued Liu Lang. Yang Men expose Wang Qin and the princess was originally a spy in Liao, Zhenzong furious, ordered the arrest of two people. Yang once again set a merit for Song to lift a great threat. In the process of Yang's tracing of Wang Qin and his concubine, Rokuro and exhaust air were unfortunately poisoned in a toxic condition. Together with Yang An, Bamei traveled to Liao to steal three redheads from Xiao TaiHou's head, and with the help of Siro and silver mirrors, she suffered a series of hardships and wounds. In the meantime, Bamei and Yang An experienced life-or-death afflictions and exchanged their feelings. The so-called wave is not flat, waves and again, please come to help Xiao Hou, Tianmen array, once again provoke war. Young women will face an unprecedented severe test. Yang learned that Mu Kezhai Zhenshan's treasure "Dragon Wood" can help break the day gate array. Grow up adult Yang ZongBao on behalf of the father to seek downgraded wood, to meet Mu Guiying, the two after many twists and turns, the same mind, Zongbao Ying Guiying. At this moment, Yang Rulan was disturbed by the Tianmen array. Rokuro did not accept Guiying. After healing and recovery, Guiying became one of the most prominent fierce men in the Yang family. Together with Bamei, Gate array.

NvJiangChuZheng (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Yang a staggering women in the sky wave house is not very lively. Yang Tao spiritual leader She Tai-jun bright as a mirror, insight into opportunities, led by a number of wives armed themselves. Everyone is listening to She Tai-jun, except for Yang Ba-mei's father and brother's death, my heart resentment, and I do not count on her. I do not listen to She Tai-jun's words, playing alone on the outside, and arrogance and arrogance of new branches Wu Jin Xie, wrought. Jin Wu embracing Wangqin as husband of husband, that only a group of female Yang flow, weakness can be cheated, but also rampant, want to move to a flat without license plateau. She Taijun could not bear to Yang for the birth and death of the Song, spill blood battle merit, destroyed in the hands of traitors. Helpless, eight sister once again angered ancestors. Seeing non-Tau House will not be guaranteed, too King heart knife, and even made her sad sadness is not up and down the unity of the Yang family, everyone for a temporary mood, the more trouble more stiff, noisy more, like a mess. She Taijun secretly sad, let eight sister everyone without feeling, the last moment, eight sister finally happy knot, the people united. Yang door woman will be expedited during the victory, chase after the victory, straight down "Golden Beach." Yangmen numerous daughter-in-law night sacrifice, a beautiful girl Du Jin'e invited, self-righteousness and Qilang private life, Yang seventh wife. Although she Taijun was ...

TianBoFuFengBo (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Youzhou city wind and sunny Han, Liao people live in harmony with a life She Taijun will daughters will return to Kyoto Liang Liang Yang Rokuro will guard the border guard house for the country Mengliang, Jiaozan mysteriously from the market back to Luocheng reported " Secret "message Rokuro stop eight sister wounds do not want to continue to recuperate and swing sword exercise split the entire pear piece full house whirling She Taijun is positive when the doorwoman will return to the North 8:00 toughness to stay play a few days Taijun Helpless had so that Yang An, Yang exhaust also left protection Eight sister had a heart To look for the old lady to complete the formation of the tomb for many years wish Mengliang, Jiao Zanlao to hear the Old Orcs bone release flood sheep hole inside Yang Baimei, Yang exhaust, Yang An, Meng Liang, Jiaozan go to Hongyang Dong to retrieve the old official male bone into the sheep hole really see if you see the old box with the old male and the old official knife Yang Baomei picked up the wooden box Who knows the fake at the same time Hongyang cave organs ring the death of eight sister insurance Yang An See this situation in time for the rescue of five people after a bitter battle to flee Hongyang Dong mysterious man Jiang Bin coincidence Yang Baomei reminder Lao Gong male bone should Put the highest to the highest honor Yang place Sister extremely clever and Mengliang, Jiaozan analysis Laosonggongzhu may put Haotian inside the tower when the Yang Baimei, Yang exhaust, Yang An, Meng Liang, Jiao Chan met after the black forest ambush Mengliang mist fog accidental injury The Jiaozong Mengliang extremely agony had to return to Youzhou Inn for Jiaozang Jill Yang Baimei, Yang exhaust, Yang An alone broke into the tower of Haotian want to get back to the old lady Gonggu Niang, Meng Liang, Jiaozhan for fear of eight Sister and others have the risk decision Wutai Wugang help Wu Niang Wutai Wugang is closed retaliate Wugu how abusive Goro did not see Wuguan eight hanging stick to stop Ng Niang pass ...... Yang Baimei and other three people into the tower Haotian Sure enough, I saw that the old lady and the golden bone knife can now fall into the trap of the three armies of Liao Jun, the fighting crisis at the moment Goro and Jiaozan, Meng Liang arrived in time to save the old colon achieve

ZaiZhanJinShaTan (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Jinshatan before the cold wind back, Yangmen numerous daughter-in-law night sacrifice, here is the place where the Yang family will be killed. Young door woman will get the first battle, this scene can not be described in words. Is the occasion of mourning, a beautiful girl straight in, the burning money kicks playing in full swing, claiming to be Yang Qilang's wife - Du Jin'e. For the sudden appearance of Du Jin'e, Yang family daughters will have the heart to speculate, but She Tai-jun likes Du Jin'e's innate nature, but does not want to mistake her youth, refuses to collect Jin E. Liao Empress Xiao Taihou heard too commander of the emperor set off, know that this war can not underestimate. On the one hand the use of psychological tactics to combat the military morale of Yang Jiashen, on the other hand with the spying Wang Qinli should be combined, blocking forage, the Young Men will be besieged in Tucheng. Crisis moment, Du Jin E alone steal Liaojun forage stolen grass, Yang Men, a temporary solution to the pressing needs. She Tai-jun and Yang eight sister finally Du Jin'e spirit of perseverance, recognized as Yang's daughter-in-law. Tucheng critical, She Taijun Yang exhaust breakthrough to move the soldiers. An emergency report was sent to the capital city. After the case was stunned, the two leaders of the Kao Zhunhe and the Eight Watsons were allowed to go to the siege. Yang Liu Lang and Yang exhaust in the halfway waiting brigade rescues, inside and outside the attack defeated Liao Bing, Jinshatanchang victory. ...

SiLangTanMu (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Tucheng a war, Liao and Song are easy to change the situation, the two armies evenly matched, the Empress Dowager for the vibrating army, to the battle of the armed forces, Ebisu Ma Mu and Silver Mirror princess with the Queen Mother to the border. Learned that Yang doorwoman will be expeditions, two 驸 Ma Mu easygoing thoughts ... ... Luo's female leader went to the Camp Liao cemetery, met with the accidental accidental wood, was shocked, the original wood is Yang Ling son Yang Shilang, is her day and night miss Husband. Yang Shiro heart guilty, to the mother of four Road, Golden Sands suffered a serious injury after the Silver Mirror Princess rescued, after the erroneous Yang became the Liao Ma Wan ... ... Roche's grief, but also worried about Shiro's situation, the two returned to Song camp Account, Shiro tears for the mother She Taijun made a bowl of ginger soup. Yang Shiro day trance, silver mirror princess wondered, when her husband bored to see the book "wood easy word", and finally understand that "wood easy" into a word is a "Yang" word. Forced to ask, Yang Shiro finally admitted his true identity. Silver Mirror princess scared and angry, want to kill wood easily but can not bear, carefully think about it, Yang Shiro did not cheat, but out of his kindness, everything is just fate. Shiro hope to go to Song camp, helpless Queen Mother before the war sequel, to be allowed before the token, ...

HaoTianTa (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Youzhou city wind and sunny Han, Liao people live in harmony with a life She Taijun will daughters will return to Kyoto Liang Liang Yang Rokuro will guard the border guard house for the country Mengliang, Jiaozan mysteriously from the market back to Luocheng reported " Secret "message Rokuro stop eight sister wounds do not want to continue to recuperate and swing sword exercise split the entire pear piece full house whirling She Taijun is positive when the doorwoman will return to the North 8:00 toughness to stay play a few days Taijun Helpless had so that Yang An, Yang exhaust also left protection Eight sister had a heart To look for the old lady to complete the formation of the tomb for many years wish Mengliang, Jiao Zanlao to hear the Old Orcs bone release flood sheep hole inside Yang Baimei, Yang exhaust, Yang An, Meng Liang, Jiaozan go to Hongyang Dong to retrieve the old official male bone into the sheep hole really see if you see the old box with the old male and the old official knife Yang Baomei picked up the wooden box Who knows the fake at the same time Hongyang cave organs ring the death of eight sister insurance Yang An See this situation in time for the rescue of five people after a bitter battle to flee Hongyang Dong mysterious man Jiang Bin coincidence Yang Baomei reminder Lao Gong male bone should Put the highest to the highest honor Yang place Sister extremely clever and Mengliang, Jiaozan analysis Laosonggongzhu may put Haotian inside the tower when the Yang Baimei, Yang exhaust, Yang An, Meng Liang, Jiao Chan met after the black forest ambush Mengliang mist fog accidental injury The Jiaozong Mengliang extremely agony had to return to Youzhou Inn for Jiaozang Jill Yang Baimei, Yang exhaust, Yang An alone broke into the tower of Haotian want to get back to the old lady Gonggu Niang, Meng Liang, Jiaozhan for fear of eight Sister and others have the risk decision Wutai Wugang help Wu Niang Wutai Wugang is closed retaliate Wugu how abusive Goro did not see Wuguan eight hanging stick to stop Ng Niang pass ...... Yang Baimei and other three people into the tower Haotian Sure enough, I saw that the old lady and the golden bone knife can now fall into the trap of the three armies of Liao Jun, the fighting crisis at the moment Goro and Jiaozan, Meng Liang arrived in time to save the old colon achieve

BaiMaHeShou (Movie)[2001]

Feature: She Taijun birthday, Yang House guests full house, North Korea and China have to He, lively. Suddenly, a whistle of horses came, a frightened White Horse rampage, mad toward Yang House door. Yang An recognize is the white horse of Rokuro, Rokuro did not know where to go. The hearts of everyone sink, knowing that the Rokuro out of an accident, know the way the white horse Yang An, eight sister and others brought to the front of the palace, it seems the matter will be related to Wang Chin. Due to emergency situations, Yang An eight sister back to Tianbo Fu Taijun, himself and Jiang Bin dark Chuang Wang Qin House. ...

BaMeiYouChun (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Spring breeze, green, Liao soldiers temporarily retreat, Kyoto Bianliang faction vivid scene, Yang Baimei She Taijun closed in the boudoir every day to learn the woman red, bored, he and Yang exhaust as a master servant, quietly out of town spring. Street bustling, exhaust, eight sister, Yang An three mixed in the crowd. Shinshu accompanied by the kid, but also make-up to the private tour. Suddenly several hidden weapon shot out from the crowd, eight sister scared, struggled to save. Chou Ji hit Shinsoul behind the Chou adults, Chou adults on the eight sister said "the palace, roster, eight Yin Wang ... ..." If the word has not been exhausted. Zhou adults were ordered by eight Yinxian Wang to investigate the spies of the rivalry rivaling the enemy in the inner court. He had just sorted out a list of spies. He was sure the incident was determined by the party where the evil spirits were committed, and the top priority was to find the roster. Shinshu went astray after seeing the graceful and graceful Yang Ba-mei. Eight Yin Xian Wang and Tai-Jun consultation, I hope eight sister grievances to Palace imperial Houzong as an excuse to avoid the secret investigation Wang Qin's eyeliner. In order to thorns safety, eight sister had to put aside the dislike of the shinshu, when this task. Shimizu thought eight sister back to heart, full of joy, allowed free access to the palace. Eight sister gifted, with exhaust in the Royal library to find a roster, but was masked attacks, struggling to resist, and finally keep the roster and pay and eight Yin Wang. The symbols recorded on the roster are hard to crack, and She Tai-jun and the Wuxian Wang sent roster copies to the border for speed, breaking Yang Luruan who knew Liao-writing. Dressed as masked man snatched a list of outstanding state Wang Chin at this time such as Pinzhen, roster once translated, it is life-saving, this is Liao Princess in the palace of Wang Guifei ordered him to destroy the roster at any cost before trying to destroy Sky Wave House crisis perilous. Shinsuke intends to accept eight sister as a concubine, eight Yin Wang advised the emperor to take state affairs as the priority, Shizu bent, eight Yin Wang helpless. After thinking before the true purpose of sub-seal Yang Ba Mei Yu Mei sister, sky wave House up and down a sigh of relief. Eight sister before going to the face of St., Jongsan feel comfortable demanding eight sister after the palace, happy with the eight sister took the palace to play.

HuangChengJingBian (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Wang Chin refuses to hand in confinement within the courthouse of the palace, Wang Yui conspiratorial attempt to rescue Wang Qin fled to Liao. Yang An and eight Yin Wang, who set a plan, Wang Chin is not self-tricks. The truth, the king is actually Princess Liao, spy Wang Qin and guards Bei Meng Duo Liao States are undercover. Yang Anjin Gong arrest Wang concubine, do not want Benedimon actually took the priest hostage. Kou Zhun and eight Yin Wang discuss the use of Wang Chin rescues the truth, and block the news to prevent unrest. In order not to die, Wang Qin struggled to save, Zhenzong saved the day, while Wang was poisoned by Wang Qin poisonous sword, under the cover of Bei Meng Duo, panic fled. Wang Qin savior meritorious deeds, was absolved as civilians. Wang chase hui and Bei Meng Duo tasks assigned to Tianbo House, eight sister led three points in two blocked. Youzhou city, Royal Princess Poisoning life and death, fortunate enough to save the body save lives, tracing eight sister and others will be back to the sky wave House. Exhaust respects Wang Guifei benevolence heart, feeling its unfortunate encounter, decided to help her achieve the final long-cherished wish, to the Royal Concubine and Bei Mondo two loving people a free night. Dawn, the two want to rush back to the Tianbo government investment, but was trapped in trainee Wang Qin halfway, under the wrath of Bei Meng and Wang Chin play a mission. Then came Yang ...

QiaoDuoFengFa (Movie)[2001]

Feature: The banquet, the Yang exhaust (Li Qi Hong ornaments) suddenly collapsed on the ground, the original, in order to save the Royal concubine, she himself poisoned upper body, only the Liao Kingdom unique "Dragon hair Phoenix" to save her life, if unable to detoxify, Yang exhaust the life of only a short month. Dragon good to take, Phoenix made it hard to find. Yang An (Lian Kai ornaments), Yang Si-niang (Wang Yuwen ornaments), Wu Niang (Song Yi Fei decorated), Qiang Niang (Sun Li ornaments) and others rushed to the Liao, Dai Chunrong ornaments), making it difficult to find Feng Fa even more difficult. Time flowing bit by bit, the life of Yang exhaust also bit by bit by the passage of time, at this juncture, Yang Si Niang secretly met the princess glasses (Yue Ling ornaments), won her trust and support, to obtain Phoenix This made me see a little hope of success.

MuGuiYingGuaShuai (Movie)[2001]

Feature: She Taijun pro-public will set off the border, swear to get rid of the day gate array. The marshals of the leading marshals are undecided, Yang Baimei and Mu Guiying, one is proficient in military law, one is good at disguise, one expeditionary border has been trusted by officers and men for a long time, Mu Guiying for the armed forces commander. All expressed puzzled over this and lacked confidence in the capabilities of the United Kingdom. Eight sister also have the heart to think, after the long talk with the king, she promised to fully assist Guangxi, to help establish its prestige. Battle of the day gate array, Mu Guiying led the party, the initial victory. However, Yang Baimei did not comply with the order for the timely withdrawal of her order and was punished by Gui-Ying under the law and discipline for three days. Zongbao came forward to discourage and punish the twenty-armed forces. Although everyone disagreed with this move, it also shocked the dignity and selflessness of Gui-Ying. Eight sister-in-chiefs and Taizun secretly admired Gui-ying's strict military rule. He set up a poison program, the use of Jiang Cuiping Yang Zongbao into Deathmatch, Zong Bao vowed to die Wandeng through the heart, died in the day gate array. Yang family grieved from top to bottom, vowing to kill Anyao reported revenge. Guiying all day long Zongbao, to follow the deceased husband away, was eight sister saved in the cliff. Qiang Niang was pleasantly surprised to find that Guiying pregnant pregnant, let Yang family ...

Yang door woman will die Yuanmen (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Meng Liang, Jiaozan tragically died in Tianmen array, Yang Rokuro lucky enough to escape, grieved that Yang Zongbao is Mok Khai married, exasperated, Rokkun alone to Mok Kozong Zong Bao tied back to Tianbo House, to Zong Treasure of the pro-marriage will be beheaded to Zhenjun. After Mu GuiYing heard the news, they saved their husbands' desires and carried Longyao straight into Tianbo House for a group with Rokuro. Tai Jun carefully listened to the two aunt and the explanation of Zong Bao and Gui Ying, blame Rokkai array chopsticks too radical is not proper, do not want Rokuro still deliberate. Shrine on the throne, Shinshu decreed that the excuse to stop Roppongi. Back to the sky wave House, Rokuro Madness Daihatsu, Zong Bao actually died in phase. After injuring his wife Cheshire Lord, Liu Lang broke into Guiying's room to kill him. Among the fighting, Gui Ying discovered that Lukang had lost his mind and was in pain. It turned out that the day Rokuro has been evil days in the Tianmen array hearts and minds, ecstasy and loss of wisdom, nowadays enemies I am divided, life is better than death. Suddenly awakened Yangliu Lang kneel in front of Guiying, so that the daughter-in-law promised not to be able to control their own time, on behalf of the broken so as not to harm their loved ones made a big mistake. Guiying weeping endless, darkly determined to get rid of the heart for the Rokuro. In order to avoid disturbing the morale of the military, the wave palace closed the news, Guiying, Cheng Gang for the Rokuro secretly healing in the bamboo forest. Cheng just think hard, cloth under the five elements matrix method, supplemented by the seven niangzhen acupuncture points and downgrading the upright spirit, after seven days and nights of suffering, Rokuro finally extraordinary ability to force out of evil, the crowd tears. Eight sister marshal border, in order to revitalize the morale, but Tianmen array alone trapped in them. Yang An learned, hurried to the point where life and death Yang An will be downgraded in the hands of eight sister, to save the dead. May be the righteousness of Yang An Tianmen array to disperse the extremely grievances, demons demons to crack, the two saved the day. After this robbery, eight sister was finally impressed by Yang An's dedication. Mu GuiYing, Cheng Gang at this time have also been ready to play the day gate array, to compete with Ren DaoAn ... ...

Q IU X i Ang (TV)[2001]

Feature: Daming Hongzhi years, Tang BoHu understand Yuan, but he was not interested in the official, I heard that the home to him appointed Miss Lu full faces pockmark looks ugly, then fled in the bridal chamber night wedding, and friend Zhu ZhiShan travel went. Miss Lu Jiazhao Lu actually is a talented girl, the wedding night even Tang BoHu dry in the bridal chamber, under the wrath with a maid Liu Er Er Men disguised as men away from home. Eight government patrols by Li YingZhang allegiance to Ning Wang, conspiracy rebellion, Li Bo kid Tang BoHu and Zhu ZhiShan dresses up as a house inspection, unannounced visits to "Spring House", successfully opened the official collusion secret, Zhu ZhiShan in the process Even his own confidante. TV series "Qiu Xiang" Figure 1 Tang BoHu and Zhu ZhiShan give evidence to Li YingZhang, but unexpectedly, Li YingZhang evidence came to an end, but framed two people into the brothel to search for flowers, want to increase their charges. Tang BoHu and Zhu ZhiShan cleverly escaped the chase of Li YingZhang's minions. Zhu ZhiShan happy to go home to organize a wedding to go, Tang BoHu has nowhere to go, go home, it is unwilling to a generation of romantic genius actually find an ugly wife, desperation to Lingyin Temple, unexpectedly encounter Qiu Xiang, Qiu Xiang The beauty of elegance Tang BoHu impressed, both love at first sight. In fact, Qiu Xiang is the way to find the way distress, after being saved by Ning WangFei, renamed Qiu Xiang Luzhao Rong, Liu Er also be Ning WangFei received as maid, renamed winter incense. Tang BoHu was on the way to catch up with Qiu Xiang and learned that Li Ying Zhang handed over the evidence she had obtained for the court to Ning Wang as a bargaining chip used by Ning Wang to force many officials to rebel against the court. The emperor found Ning Wang has different heart, visit Ning Wang House, apparently because of infatuated with Qiu Xiang and linger, but in fact they took the opportunity to find evidence of Ning Wang rebellion. Ning Wang is detained by the middle of the emperor, actively preparing for the conspiracy. Who knows a few days down, fake play true, the emperor really like Qiu Xiang, and Qiu Xiang nor vegetation, on the wise and benevolent emperor had a good impression. Qiu Xiang also deliberately approached the emperor, is really desperate, but carefully think about himself a scholar, of course not the emperor's rival, why the man without wife? Quit worth mentioning. Just then, Dongxiang told the truth, Tang BoHu just learned that Qiu Xiang is his own wife Luzhao Rong, his wife Qide Xiang Qiu Xiang actor? Tang BoHu decided to bring his wife back to Peach Blossom Dock, but Qiu Xiang was on the wrong side of the story, but deliberately made things difficult because of hate Tang BoHu's wedding night. The couple repeatedly, but it is more true. Ning Wang and Li Ying Zhang's rebellion pressing harder and harder, the emperor has felt the invisible ferocious, but without ironclad to convict Ning Wang, hesitated, indecisive. Together with Qiu Xiang, Tang BoHu steals the roster of all the officials in collusion with Ning Wang and gives them to the emperor. The emperor decided to clean up the court, purging the Asakusa and informing Tang BoHu that he already knew that Qiu Xiang was Lu Zhaorong, the wife of Tang BoHu, and just the mighty Merry genius, warned Tang BoHu that he should treat his loving and righteous future lady. Tang BoHu and Zhu ZhiShan, both scholar and scholar, worked together so skillfully that Ning Wang has been painstakingly engaged in a revolt for many years to make the Ming Dynasty free from the battles of a war.Tang BoHu still rejected the emperor's intention to be his official, carrying Qiu Xiang to the emperor and returning to his well-built Taohuawu.

Odd case (TV)[2000]

Feature: In the late Qing dynasty, a group of Qing soldiers stationed in the mountains knew that a tribe had the gold treasure and learned that the Qing Dynasty was about to perish. As a result, the tribe was destroyed, the gold was divided, and then the matter was concealed. Perished, no one knows. In the Republican era, things of that year had vanished, and those who had won the gold were dead or separated. In Shanghai, where there were ten foreign markets, there were still five Qing soldiers who exterminated the tribe on that day. These five people include Yao HuaSheng and Yao Fa brothers, Xu MingYang, Li Bei and Niu Laoba, all of whom have five different fates after receiving huge sums of money. Yao brothers with those gold big deal, has become a political and economic celebrities, of which Yao Fa is the police chief; Xu MingYang was a doctor, got the gold big guilty, gave the gold to the charity, continue As a doctor practicing medicine, Li Bei often gives money to his dreams, entangles himself in the missionary's medicine, and hopes to ease his own sin. Gamble table scattered to dinner for a living. The five of them did not know that the tribe of that year had former descendants. He had become a professor of medicine, Ye YuShu, raising giant variants of bats and making plans to kill those who had lost their humanity. So from one day, the Qing troops stationed in Yunnan that year were bizarre deaths, all of a sudden that everyone said there is a ghost. The meddlesome Bai YiFei, a meddlesome conspirator, the Chen ZhongDao police and the Xu RuNong, a medical student, formed the "Ghostbusters" and their involvement changed the plan.

Destiny family (TV)[2000]

Feature: Edge to a family about the unfortunate families have their own misfortune. More than a decade ago, brother Xu Hui (Bing Hu) and younger brother Xu Ming (Johnny Chen) lived a rich and peaceful life with their parents. However, her overnight visit to Taiwan made her a devastating murderer and the fragile little family was fragmented. Her husband's illegitimate child, Mo ChunSheng (Chi-ho Lam), was extremely dissatisfied with her own life, her father's fondness for wife and children, envy and anger, and finally implemented the first revenge of his life Plan to pass on his family photos to half-brother Xu Hui, a naive Xu Hui who takes pictures to his mother and who is unprepared for a sudden start-up, an outbreak of family war Both her mother and her father, panicked, died of traffic accidents. Since then, Xu Hui and Xu Ming have become orphans. Xu Hui is even more notorious for killing parents who are killed and loved by relatives and friends. After the funeral, Xu Ming was adopted by a wealthy and domineering aunt, while Xu Hui was spurned by relatives and friends. Only the chef uncle Tao WenQiang (Cui Jie), who cooks well in Shanghai, takes Xu Hui to Shanghai. Brother separated, brother Xu Hui cried to death, heart scaliness, vowed that one day be able to earn money to support their families must pick up his brother reorganization. Time flies. When Xu Hui was able to earn money for his brother's study, he found Xu Ming a seeming rich aunt as a biological mother and did not bother to reunite his brother. Xu Hui's goal in life is to be a good architect. Before meeting the interview, Xu Hui met Mo ChunSheng, a half-brother of his half-brother, who met each other and became a close friend. When Mo ChunSheng learns that Xu Hui is the enemy's brother, a new retaliation begins: he stole Xu Hui's entire savings, leaving his cello and the "Metropolis" architectural drawings, Hui wanted to throw away the design and found it to be a stunning work. In contrast, Xu Hui dwarfed the works of his workers. In case of confusion, Xu Hui mistook Mo ChunSheng's work to see the workers. Unconsciously into the trap set by Mo ChunSheng ... Mo ChunSheng is an adventurer, very hard-working. He has a congenital heart disease, from time to time there are worries of life. This time coming to Shanghai was because of speculative failure, leaving Taiwan to hide its debt. But his favorite girlfriend, Cai Jia (Carman Lee), was pushed by creditors and fled to Shanghai to find Mo ChunSheng. She mistakenly thought that Xu Hui's home was Mo ChunSheng's home, broke into the room and forced Jackie to surrender Mo ChunSheng. In the unacceptable, beloved street of Shanghai, Xu Hui, a benevolent Xu Hui, took her away. Xu Hui, a long-time helpless person, felt the warmth of family in Cai Jia. Mo ChunSheng mistook Xu Hui for taking away his girlfriend and another new revenge plan came into effect, targeting Tao Tao (Xun Zhou), Xu Hui's favorite cousin and uncle's daughter. One day, his brother Xu Ming suddenly came to Shanghai from Shanghai to his elder brother. When Xu Hui was surprised, he found himself carrying a series of secrets. It turned out that aunt bankruptcy in the financial turmoil, life is very tight, obedience Ming effort to reduce the burden on aunt. In a brave courage to help arrest the escape thieves, accidentally injured thieves, reluctantly left the sick aunt fled to Shanghai.In order to help her aunt, Xu Hui's money often subsidizes her life. Xu Hui, a long-term entrepreneur who lives in a dwelling house, has no idea what Xu Ming is. Ming but found the cute and precious brother. Under the same roof, Xu Hui, who carries a heavy life, is guilty of terrible abstention, Xu Ming, who is the aunt of the illness, Cai Jia, a courageous and ambitious cousin, Tao Tao, a brave cousin, Xu Ming's girlfriend Jiang Iiu (Hao Lei ornaments), a bunch of tired hearts nestled together. Willing to complain about people's worldly affairs such as passing eyes, rebuild a warm home as their only goal ...

OptionZero (Movie)[1997]

Feature: A Yi witnessed this tragedy, grief and indignation, then start to kill and kill with gold. Unfortunately, they have been escaped by gold. On the occasion of extreme sorrow, A Yi vowed to arrest the gold and take revenge for Sheng. Due to the coming of the return of Hong Kong, the British military five insisted on the dissolution of the Political Department as soon as possible, former teammates who died in life will go their separate ways, can not help but sad. Helpless Yi Yi G4 change in the protection of political groups. Mo also with A Yi to go, hoping to pass the exam to join the G4 with Yi, but not admitted, Mo disappointed to express his feelings to A Yi, but Yi admitted he only accept Kai Li, can not accept the feelings. Kai Li already had a hard time working for A Yi and was too busy with her family. One day they were seen by A Yi when Kai Li said goodbye to her ex-boyfriend, and the two got a misunderstanding. Unfortunately, A Yi was forced to run camp at this time, leaving Kai Li feeling so frustrated about the feelings of the two that she decided to move out of A Yi's home. One day Kai Li recalls the past, go to the movies alone, coincidence, the two exchange of voices, talk heart depressed. Mo Kai Kai Li explained everything. When A Yi accepted a task of protecting the dignitaries of Korea, she found that Kai Li was also in charge of the company's affairs. At that moment, Kim was led by South Korean militants and a riot of gunmen was struck. The G4 team did its utmost to protect the elite, Kai Li was held hostage by gold, threatening A Yi compromise. After several life and death struggle, A Yi finally gold uniform. To ensure the safety of VIPs, and won back the love of Kai Li.

LegendoftheWolf (Movie)[1997]

Feature: One day, he finally received a reply, according to vague instructions to appoint, and finally joint man appeared, and with the introduction of BEN war Wolf, Wolf is an elderly von, BEN see Xuan is not imagined the wolf, but also extortion, Granville Heart unhappy, and tells the legend of the war wolf ... ... a post-war rural areas, people are unscrupulous, war ravages, not the past. Granville sigh human suffering, Xuan only vaguely remember, here is to wait for a woman, Granville misunderstood Xuan injured because of the war, suffering from amnesia. Granville to bid farewell to return to the village, the villagers questioned the fact that the knife did not account for knives cheaper, there are strange inside the villagers are still more suspicious Xuan is still profitable, so forcing on the broken temple to discuss cheaper. Upon arrival, it was discovered that Xuan was working in the temple with the notorious Qi Lang party member Six Wolves. Hin eventually destroyed the thieves, and they are also seriously injured. Wei Xuan to the broken house to find Yee (decoration) treatment wounds, Yi began to recognize childhood sweetheart, waiting for many years love Man Xuan. The village was trashed by Qi Lang remnant party Tuocun, Xuan and Wei news hearing arrived, but it was corpses over the field, poor Yi Tong by the thieves kidnapped. Xuan win by the victory, the final see Qi Lang two wolves, Xuan was called 'third brother' of the bandits, infinite memory rushed out of my mind. The original Hin is one of Qi Lang, anti-Japanese offensive for the Kou, because seeing the leader want to violate the childish and shot to kill. Xuan furious fist, and two wolves unfolded a deadly fight, a fierce, high-speed fighting stunt in full swing, the final two wolves defeated. BEN listened to the story of Xuan, but do not accept the meaning of Xuan, and pull the gun to Xuan, the original BEN is a killer, the real purpose of this trip is to kill the wolf, becoming the number one killer, but in the end still Xuan defeated ...

Eight dragons (TV)[1997]


"Eight parts" is an ancient martial arts romance based on cha's novel of the same name. Shot by Hong Kong radio television, it was directed by Lee tam-sung, starring Felix Wong, Benny Chan (actor), Louis Fan, Carman Lee, Jay Lau, Rain Lau, KK Cheung, Bondy Chiu and He Meitian.

The play tells the story of Xiao Feng, Xu Zhu and Duan Yu, who start an extraordinary life of rivers and lakes in the face of chaos. They meet such masters as Tian ShanTongLao, Mu RongFu, tai lun Ming wang, Ding ChunQiu, You TanZhi, four great villains and so on. They live and die for each other, love and hate for each other, and national righteousness is put to good use in the context of fortune.

It debuted on Hong Kong's TVB jade on July 28, 1997.


ForbiddenCityCop (Movie)[1996]

Feature: Ling LingGong, Ling LingXi, Ling LingFa (Stephen Chow), Ling LingCai is the court's top four full-time security guard Huang Di (Cheung Tat-ming ornaments). Although known as one of the four master, Ling LingFa actually only a little invention will not martial arts, a time because of the completion of Huang Di to do the quest to capture the four geeks, he was expelled from the palace. After returning home, Ling LingFa opened a gynecological clinic, often with some small inventions to discuss his wife (Carina Lau) elated, the days can be considered pleasing. Huang Di deceived Huang Di from his palace on the grounds of the body of "Flying Fairy Heaven" and await the killing of the three masters following Huang Di. At this crucial moment, Ling Ling-Fa used his invention of "helicopters" and "machine guns" Save Huang Di a life. Unscrupulous rivals subsequently sent a prostitute Qin Cao (Carman Lee ornaments) to lure Ling LingFa, Ling LingFa and his wife will be counted on the account of the double spring.

Hongxingzizhijianghudafengbao (Movie)[1996]

Feature: "Aberdeen Hongxing, four Aberdeen East Star" is a longtime story on the rivers and lakes. Hongxing boss Hong Sheng and son Hong Fei () have not lived together for years with their father and son. Because Hong Sheng saved his wife and daughter's lives for the sake of helping the poor, Fei was always embarrassed. Xiao Chun () is a subordinate B, has always been the opening of the sound loud, courageous but very small, but he is a fly admirer, a Xiao Chun in the fight with the East Star Gang boss Po and La Ji chase Kill, but fortunately fly to save Xiao Chun. Xiao Chun met idol very excited, in a car to his sister Xiaotong () introduced to fly understanding. Tung is a newspaper reporter, smart and lively, and very curious about the things on the rivers and lakes, so fly very interested in the process of contact gradually two people had feelings. On the night that Hong Sheng Jinnian washes his hands, Dongxing helped provoke everyone to demand that Hong Sheng hand over Xiao Chun, who had wounded Bao. He just flew up to clarify the fact that people in Dongxing drove away, Two in order to conflict again that year things, angrily left. Dongxing help sent Hongjiazu gravestone feast at the feast, Hong Sheng angrily, the blood vessels burst lead to stroke. Flying in Tong's persuasion, and reconciliation with the Father, but the East Star refused to let go and others, and Xiao Chun's brother Ah B betrayed Hongxing, in the fly and the East Star in the fierce battle. A Wei and Zhi Wei of the East Star, after plotting to fly, killed the boss of East Star and blamed each other for causing the two sides to rush to Rush. Finally, with the help of Bao and CIA, the plane broke through the conspiracies of Ah B and Zhi Wei and cleared the portal , And had taught him to make a knife Ah B started a lot of blood, the fly can eventually win, he and Tong can do with it.

Lovingyou (Movie)[1995]

Feature: Because of the actor in a catch drug lord action in the brain shot, from the loss of taste and smell, but he felt a lot of light. Directed by Johnnie To bring the sensuality of married life into masculine mafia action films, constitute a very fresh genre style, Sean Lau and newcomer Carman Lee also gives a good feeling. Description of the story of the anti-pornography group A police in the sea Ah shrewd and competent, but private life is a mess, his wife actually pregnant with the flesh and blood of others, the marriage is on the verge of rupture. At this time, Ah Hai's shotgun and his wife took full care of him while arresting drug traffickers To Tsung Hua. There seemed to be a possibility of a reunion. Unexpectedly, the successful drug prisoner jailbreak caught a hostage threatening Ah Hai, Ah Hai knife to the meeting, and finally realized in the bullet bullets that his most beloved person for life or his wife.

Lovers Tears (Movie)[1995]

Feature: Liu Xiangqing young and beautiful division, and good friends like sisters. Qing and Qing met young police in the street Lin Lang, Long on Qing Qing love at first sight, Qing love at a glance. Long on sunny pursuit of a serious attitude, only the early heart have their own affair, married wife and mom with two children's architect Gan Ming-sheng. Long see the students, being impressed by their personality, and students become more friends. Long and Qing also set up a period of love like fog flowers. Once a long car with students and the Qing, case of robbery on the street, Long Yong courage into them, get Zesheng head shot, into a coma. In the year-end year, the torment of waiting, the clear end of each crisis are accompanied by Lang. Long is in his own way quietly in love with the clear. She knows it, but she can not accept it. She must never see her life withering from a coma. Finally, she made a choice ... =====================================

The little drunken masters (Movie)[1995]

Feature: During the Qing dynasty, the emperor was reluctant to go to the doctor to cure the disease. In a group of young monks who heard Wen Shaolin monks, there lived a reincarnated living Buddha, and killed his nephew to cure the disease.觊 觎 The throne of five princes for a long time took the opportunity to chaos, attempting to take the lead, so that Fang Zhang handed over a small living Buddha to be controlled and used as a threat to the emperor. Fang Zhang insisted, the five princes into shame, pointing to the Qing soldiers blood washed Shaolin Temple. Fang Zhang died. Before his death, he asked Xin Yi, the niece who had sheltered his wedding in the temple, to lead 18 young monks like prodigy, Chun Zi and Fu Zai and Xiao Mei, Chun Zi, to leave. However, it was too late to say who the Little Living Buddha swallowed. In addition to Fang Zhang, Master San De, who returned to Cologne, knew who the Living Buddha was. Xin Yi then took the children to San De. Xin Yi with 18 little monk starry night, starving, but also to avoid the five kings to kill. In a small town, De Rong, a youth with a soldier and a puppet stand, helped them escape. De Rong claims to be San De, and Xin Yi hurries with a little monk. One day, hungry children ate leftover grains and got drunk. De Rong saw and inspired him, training children to drunk drunken fights, and playing the "Oriental Drunken Master," the banner of Taiwan's flagship performance, both to earn the disk fee, but also to defeat the evil one less. The whereabouts of the little monks were detected by the five princes, the five princes and collusion with the master tactical master chase. Chun Zi, prodigy, Fu Zai and other five fell into the hands of five princes. Five princes forced five people to tell the whereabouts of other people, or to burn them. In a critical juncture, Xin Yi, De Rong and real San De arrived and wrestled with the Five Kings and their men. Under the joint attack of De Rong, San De and the monks, the Five Kings were buried in the sea of ​​fire and got their due end. The emperor arrived. In the end who is a small living Buddha? San De points to Xiao Zi, Chun Zi, five years old. In the case of all the little monks, the emperor pardoned a small living Buddha, but also gave up the tai-fu, back to the capital to let the physician surgery. 18 monks soon returned to the Shaolin Temple.

Condor heroes (TV)[1995]


Yang Guo because of a chance accident, mistakenly entered the tomb of the living dead, more worship the tomb of the master xiaolong 95 shendiaxia men as a teacher. Two people depend on each other for life, in the unconscious of the generation of subtle male and female feelings, and achieve life and death to meet the situation. They were faithful to this love, and when they met Xiao LongNv, they were humiliated by Yin ZhiPing, and they were able to marry in public. Even though they loved each other, they were still separated, and finally they were able to continue their relationship after 16 years. In the other case, the feud with Guo Jing and Huang Rong is a continuous dispute. Jing promised his daughter Guo Fu but refused. Since the beginning of the eve and past feud deep, in a misunderstanding, the more a knife cut off the right hand, because of love into hate. And xiaodong xie Guo Xiang has been open-minded, encouraging people to look for dragons at the end of the earth. .


Qingchunhuohua (Movie)[1994]

Feature: Huaxin University, a group of young players from different schools, was called into the volleyball team ready to participate in academic Open. However, the players have no tacit agreement, in order to compete for profit and coercion, the result of the first trial in a rival, Hua Xin team defeated, but also laughed at each other, so that everyone will be depressed. The team was a shameful squad, united under the leadership of captain Su RouMei (Carman Lee), but the school had given up and the coach left with great disappointment. In order to play, Zhuang MaLi (Yik-Man Fan), Shi Zong (Josie Ho), Dong Xie () and other players to find a easy-going (Derek Yee) as an honorary coach. Horse Sir Ben is not interested in volleyball, but as time goes by was inspired by players, in addition to pointing out the shortcomings of the players tactics, more criticism of their no solidarity. After a round of training, team members set foot on the court to face the challenge, has always been jealous of the soft-headed Zhuang MaLi, also put aside everything and fight.

BurningParadise (Movie)[1994]

Feature: During the Qing dynasty, the Shaolin Temple plot fought against each other and cleared up the Qing troops. The Shaolin children were dispersed and the Qing court eagle dogs were chased afterward. Fang ShiYu (Willie Chi), a disciple of Shaolin monks, Soldiers, encounter Dou Dou (Carman Lee ornaments), three met in times of troubled times, Fang ShiYu Dou Dou love at first sight. The siege of three soldiers, to the tragic death, Shi Yu and Dou Dou was brought back to Hong Lian Temple. Under the control of Shen Gong (Kam-Kong Wong), Honglian Temple forced many Shaolin disciples to slavery. The former Shaolin disciple Hong XiGuan succumbed to Shen Gong as foreman and fought with Fang ShiYu. Fang ShiYu was dying by Shen Gong. Honglian Temple organs heavily, Shaolin disciples often killed in labor. Dou Dou, who was accepted by Shen Gong as a pet, fought for Fang ShiYu. A Shaolin children determined to rush out of Honglian Temple, return to freedom ...

Feihuxiongxin (Movie)[1994]

Feature: Young police officer He ZhiWei, like Hong Kong's general military police, has the responsibility to protect Hong Kong residents. However, due to the increasingly dangerous nature of the work, the loss of police officers, the low morale and the pressure from his family have made Wai very negative. In a jewelery robbery, Zhiwei partner died in a job, changed his outlook on life, in order to ideal Wei joined the Flying Tigers, and in unyielding spirit to complete the special training. Due to the influence of Dashi instructor, he re-established his confidence. However, on the other hand, Zhi Wei also deeply feels the pressure and contradictions that the members of the Flying Tigers face in their families, friends, superiors, gangsters and the public. In an operation, he rebukes the gangsters who kill their own guys, a group of players fighting with him, eventually sacrificing the stone instructors only to annihilate him, instructor's death also made the Tigers appreciate the work New meaning. He ZhiWei, a young police constable just joined the police force, has the same security responsibilities as other members of the uniformed police officers in the Royal Hong Kong Police Force that protect the entire population of Hong Kong. However, seeing the nature of the work being done increasingly dangerous, Moreover, the number of active police officers who have lost their lives as a result of the death of their officers and workers is increasing. The severity of law and order and the low morale mean that the pressure exerted by the family members has made Zhiwei very negative. When Zhi-Wei and his colleagues patrolled streets in the downtown area of ​​Central this time, a robbery and robbery took place in the area with criminals holding heavy arms and robbery jewelery.

The Wicked City (Movie)[1987]

Feature: The war between humans and Wicked has been going on for thousands of years. Humanity set up a special police team to deal with Wicked. In the long struggle, Wicked Animals are also divided into two groups. One faction integrates human society and controls the lifeline of humankind. However, it also seeks to live in peace with mankind. The other faction tries to eliminate humanity and dominate the world. A Long and Imam are the SWAT team Captain Gabriel's effective, two people born and short set a lot of credit, but the situation is quite different. A Long by the special police captain, and Imam but because the mother is a Wicked genetic genetic Wicked genes. SWAT teams often leaked the action plan, adding that the object of the captain doubts is naturally imam. A poison called "Happy" appeared on the market, which can make people lose their energy greatly. Captain Hill plans to capture the name of the chairman of large group, but in reality it is Wicked Yuan DaZong. A Long three years ago with the beautiful Huan Ji started a romance, helpless ghosts, Huan Ji Wicked identity so A Long had to give up and far away to Tokyo. A Long, who returned to Hong Kong this time, found Huan Ji has become Yuan DaZong's mistress. Yuan DaZong yearned for peace, but his son Gui ZhongDao was a radical and always wanted to provoke a war between Wicked and human beings. Swat team finally caught Yuan DaZong, but Gui ZhongDao and SWAT's inner ghost did the deal privately. Imam was suspended, but has helped A Long to complete the task. A Long is still in love and reason of the torment can not extricate themselves. Gui ZhongDao launched a powerful monstrous space above the tallest building in an attempt to rapidly reverse the time and bring mankind back to primitive society. Imam turned off the magnetic field to rescue Yuan DaZong and joined A Long to stop Gui ZhongDao's plan. A battle of beasts and animals between justice and evil is imminent.

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