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Ya-lei Kuei TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Ya-lei Kuei Works 56 ,And Feature 24 ,Romance 17 ,Family drama 10 ,Costume Drama 8 ,Comedy 6 ,Contemporary film 3 ,Fantasy 3 ,War 3 ,Myth play 2 ,Animation 2 ,亲情2 ,Modern legend 2 ,Urban drama 2 ,Historical play 2 ,Historical legend 1 ,Urban emotion 1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Love 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Biopic 1 ,Homosexual 1 ,Crime 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 。

Works Index

Ya-lei Kuei Filmography(56)


小猪佩奇过大年 (Movie)[2019]


汤圆、饺子和 Ba Ba Ma Ma 生活在一个温暖的家庭里。除夕清晨,汤圆和饺子兴高采烈地穿着好准备去 Ye Ye Nai Nai 家,却看到正在家里打扫的 Ba Ba Ma Ma ,原来 Ba Ba Ma Ma 忘记告诉他们一个秘密 - Lao Lao Mu Ye 从南方过来陪汤圆饺子一家过春节。为了逗孩子们开心, Ba Ba 讲起了小猪佩奇去儿童节的故事。想念孩子们的 Ye Ye Nai Nai 提早结束了三亚的旅程,赶回到了北方。 Nai Nai 抵达后为孩子们讲述了小猪佩奇在儿童节的第二天遇到了意想不到的事情。 Ye Ye Nai Nai 的到来为家中增添了浓浓的年味并一起体验了传统的中国习俗 - 挂中国节,剪窗花,贴春联,发红包等。他们和佩奇乔治一样,每经历一件事情,就会让他们更加热爱彼此,热爱家人,热爱生活。


Back to Twenty (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Back to Twenty," aka "Back to Twenty," tells the story of a couple, Niu WenZheng and Meng LiJun, chasing after themselves and their love for redemption while returning to their 20s. 70-year-old Shen MengJun recently all the trouble: his son failed in business, beg her to help pay the debt; daughter married soon, waiting for her to pay the money to buy a house; get a dismantling money, who knows she was tricked; YuMei borrow money, anti ridicule. And never care at home things, when a lifetime "good man" companion Xiang DaHai, this time is still on the relatives and friends to borrow money to those who refuse. After Shen MengJun quarrel with Xiang DaHai, Angry swallowed a half-bottle of "sleeping pill," but unexpectedly turned back to 20 years of age. The young Shen MengJun is determined to live for himself. She has become a good friend with her granddaughter Xiang XinRan, participated in the music competition, because she is pretty and capable, got a lot of young guy's favorite. At this time, his wife Xiang DaHai discovered the secret of "sleeping pills", saw the dream of being pursued by others, desperate to eat the rest of the medicine. Wake up, the old man who worked leisurely has become a muscle tight "small fresh meat." Xiang DaHai, who had been young again, also joined the draft competition and became a competitor with Mengjun. Although the appearance of both are beautiful young people, but still remain in the elderly thought, so keep a joke. They do not want others to see each other's relationship, but 50 years of husband and wife bring the twist can not hide, and then lead to misunderstanding; has never been aware of the true identity of the two people Tan ZiMing began to pursue Shen MengJun, granddaughter Xiang XinRan has a great affection for the young Xiang DaHai, all of this will undoubtedly make the old couple get in a hurry and do not know how to refuse ... Even the old schoolmate Chen YuMei, who has long suspected them, has been pressing harder and harder. A marathon finally ran to the finish, but was kicked back to the starting point, but also re-run again. All things have to go through it again, but whether these two 70-year-old heart can really control the 20-year-old life. "Back to Twenty" is a youth idol fantasy drama based on the comedy movie "Back to Twenty," co-directed by Tang Films, Kao Ling Bao and Xu Hui Kang, Elvis Han, Hu Bingqing, Gua Ah-leh, Chin Han, Helen Yao, Chao Zhang, Zhang Yaqin, Yang Wang, Jiang dust, Yang Qing, Zhong-wei Jiang, etc. starred together.

Happy recipe (TV)[2017]

Feature: Song YuHua died from her husband and could not adapt to the loneliness and depression of "going out of a lock and entering a lamp". Son Shen Yue was unable to attend his father's funeral because of going abroad for inspection. She was hardworkably taken to her home in Hangzhou for filial piety, but her daughter-in-law, Li Li, struggled hard and her daughter-in-law continued to encounter contradictions. Shen Mei, her eldest daughter in Shanghai, divorced her mother and remarried without telling her mother how to take custody of her children. Shen Xiang, a daughters who dare to love and hate, boldly pursued her first husband, Chai HaiQing, hair. Birthday feast, the children were absent for some reason, the mother lost her face in front of relatives and friends, anger to go as a nanny, a "empty nesters away from home as a nanny," the report triggered public opinion, so that children are crazy. Shen Yue saw the father-in-law was infuriated by his son, he was deeply "child wanting to stay and not wait," the guilty, decided to give up the extroverted, keep in the mother's side. Shen Mei divorced again because of domestic violence, physically and mentally haggard, but also detect uremia. Former husband Chai HaiQing Donate the kidney, the two re-broken mirror. Shen Xiang has finally found her love and specializes in television programs for the elderly. In the filial piety of children, the mother actively faces life and enjoys every day of life & nbsp ;.

SummersDesire (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Yin XiaMo (Cancan Huang) and Luo Xi (Jerry Yan) attract each other because they are orphans. But Ou Chen (Him Law), a boyfriend loving Xia Mo, sent Luo Xi to study in the UK in order to separate them. Xia Mo's adoptive parents died in a car accident on the way to Yin Cheng, where his younger brother was sent to hospital. Xia Mo was distraught and blamed everything on Ou Chen, causing him to lose his memory in a car accident. Five years later Luo Xi became a superstar king, Xia Mo re-meet with him to advance the front. But everything collapsed as Ou Chen restored his memory, and in order to get back to Xia Mo, he took Kidney to Xiao Cheng as a condition. For his younger brother, Xia Mo chose Ou Chen, but on the wedding day, desperate Luo Xi committed suicide. Inadvertently learned the truth of the small Cheng, the operating table in the last moment insisted refused to accept surgery. Sorrow in Luo Xi's suicide, guilt in the affection of Ou Chen, the heartbreaking Xia Mo, can no longer accept the death of Xiao Cheng blows, unable to sustain her, into a secluded self-enclosed state ......

Liu Hai play Jin Chan (TV)[2016]

Feature: Liu Hai (Benny Chan (Actor)), a superb spell, suffered innocent injustice from being a traitor for the blessing of the Nanzhao kingdom, and was saved by enemies Hu XiuYing (Mu Tingting) Meng Zheng (Yu Lin Lu), Liu Hai and others from the Nanzhao Kingdom lurk to the radiant women's country, to deal with Mo Sha, Liu Hai and others only to find the polygamy, they must gather together "piano, Chess, books, paintings, and swords "Five Channuals, Jin Chan, the Five Poisoned Chief Who Loves to Love, Endorsed Liu Hai Against Liu Hai for Enduring Liu Hai and Jin Chan (Patrick Tam (actor)) Enemy friends, and went to the Indiana battle.

MissGranny (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Elder 70-year-old woman Shen MengJun (Gua Ah-leh ornaments) older, temper greater, gradually, in addition to housekeeper Li DaHai (Deshun Wang ornaments) also willing to stay with her, no one is willing to live with her . After her daughter-in-law Yang Qin (Li Yijuan) was admitted to hospital due to over-stress, Shen Meng-Jun was finally taken to the nursing home, her anger and sadness by her family. Shen Meng-Juun decided to leave her last appearance in the photo studio. But thought of it but opened a fantastic journey to rejuvenate. A blink of an eye, wrinkled Shen MengJun into a 20-year-old young girl Meng LiJun (Yang Zishan ornaments), rejuvenated Shen MengJun not only realized the opportunities and vitality of young, but also enjoy the sour taste of love . However, as she was immersed in the illusion of happiness can not extricate themselves, an accident thrown her before the crossroads of life, two or seventy years old, Shen MengJun must make a choice.

BabySteps (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Full Moon Wine tells the story of a Chinese-American comrade trying to form a family with a boyfriend from the United States, surrogate, and childbirth, but with a conservative mother. The film is called director and screenwriter Barney Cheng's semi-autobiography, so he himself served as actor, and the handsome guy Hamilton played a gay couple. As a mother, she said she hopes her grandchildren can watch too. However, producer Xu Li Gong said in a later interview that the actor is handsome and at least the upper body must be exposed. Gua Ah-leh surprised: "This does not become a restricted level?" Xu Ligong said with a smile: "No matter the limit is not limited, the real is the most important.

Foreign marriage (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Marrying" tells the story of elite women Xie Qiao met Qin Huai, a Chinese American by her blind date, falling in love at the age of 35 and resolutely resigning for love and marrying her husband. To the foreign wedding stills found in Los Angeles before her fiance concealed her. Xie Qiao into an awkward position, Qin Huai can not let go, but also unable to accept the fact that out of self-esteem, she is not willing to return home, but fortunately opened a restaurant Tian ErMai helped her through the storm. In this process, Xie Qiao has seen all kinds of Chinese in the United States and learned of the vast diversity of Chinese situations abroad. Qin Qiao persuaded Qin Huai to go back to China to find employment opportunities and decided to leave Qin Huai himself. After breaking up with Qin Huai, Xie Qiao was pursued by lawyer Xiao YuShan and started a new relationship. Because of Xiao YuShan's ex-wife, Xie Qiao suffered a series of emotional disputes. Time and time again to make Xie Qiao a deeper understanding of feelings, suddenly look back and found someone around her has been with her, that is, Tian ErMai. Qin Huai also regained his confidence and returned to a new life after returning home.

为青春点赞 (TV)[2015]


电视剧《为青春点赞》剧情介绍:讲述了2003年6月,毕业季。首都大学99级毕业生胡小磊和 Xu Chuan 两人通过体检出院,才真正认识到十几年来,在他们的人生中占据重大比例的校园生活已经离他们远去,而摆在他们面前的,是一个偌大而陌生的社会。他们为着自己独立自由的理想而奋斗,开办了“寻人公司”,创立了《80后》杂志,甚至组织了年轻人自己的廉租房“后青春公寓”。但当祖国遭遇“5.12”汶川大地震后,每一个80后的年青人都用自己的方式,全力向祖国表达着自己的爱。经历过灾难的洗礼,2008北京奥运会,一群长大成人的80后,在天安门,看着焰火打出的“大脚印”从他们头上走过,走向远方。


Legend of the last emperor (TV)[2014]

Feature: "The Last Emperor Legend" tells the story of the legendary and upheaval of the last emperor Ai Xinjueluo in China. From the Emperor to the Head of State, from the war criminals to the new citizens, after the Forbidden City's last glory, Emperor ", Japan was captured in the defeat of the Soviet Union for five years after its defeat, as an extradition for prisoners of warrant extradite obtained amnesty. The brightest and hopeful days of his life came, working and voting as an ordinary citizen, eventually bathed in the dawn of a new age, with a farewell to a new life & died. & Nbsp ;.

Mother mind (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Mother heart plan" tells the late Qing Dynasty, Jiangnan Puyuan He Jia is the richest man in Jiangsu and Zhejiang twist industry. The development of Hagar owes its roots to Jin PuHe, the grandmother in charge of the whole family. Elder Mrs. Golden asserted that she was hated by her tribe. In one family, only Bao Qin, the daughter-in-law, absolutely trusted and obeyed her. Bao Qin was deeply bound by enlightenment, educated her daughter with the same ideas, blamed her husband's unfaithfulness and son's filial piety for her own destiny. Bao Wen's husband, He WenDa, is a romantic man and has a son named Chu Sheng Sheng. Run Sheng secret adopted by the housekeeper, clever extraordinary. Uncle He Guiguan has been coveted He family property. He kidnapped his nephew He WenDa in collaboration with the horse thief. Tie Jun did not know robbery head and He WenDa looks exactly the same person. Tie Jun disguised as He WenDa came to the dark mystery of his family history. He is honest. His arrival opened the secret to hide for many years, but also for the light of hope Hejia woman lamp. Finally, to protect the gold woman, Tie Jun assumed the name of kidnapping, so that the conspiracy was lost. Tie Jun's death, let Bao Qin understand that women also have the right to the pursuit of happiness. Ultimately into the happy girls Yu Nong and Run Sheng's happy life.

Spring under the gallows (TV)[2013]

Feature: Du KuRong met communist Chang YongYuan in prison, and the goodness and righteousness in his heart gradually became felt by him. Du KuRong tried every means to get out of jail, hoping to find the truth for his case and atone for his past domineering. Du KuRong, who escaped from the detention center, saw Wang Sen hurt her mother and was more suspicious of being trapped by her. Hiding in the compound, began to help those poor children, to help the underground party printing progress publications, was found on the whereabouts of prisons into the desert island. Du KuRong escaped after being jailed and was arrested in the academy, where he once again met Chang YongYuan, often told him to leave with his own signature after graduation. Du KuRong was Chang YongYuan as a public feeling, experience The baptism of the soul, from childhood to me, and ultimately completed the task assigned by the party, but also to understand the truth of their own case, punished the wicked, justice.

Blooming Pinellia (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Blooming in Pineapple" tells the story of ten years ago, Nanzhou City, Wei RuFeng (formerly known as Zheng Xiaoliang) father Zheng Tong (undercover 1148) was mistaken for a bad high-definition stills - bloom Pinellia, resulting in Xiao Liang was Children crowded out. In order to know my father is not a bad guy, Xiaoliang secretly trailed when Zheng Tong rushed to the trading floor. At the transaction site, Zheng Tong was mistakenly killed by Ye XiangRong, leaving Xiao Liang to think that Ye XiangRong killed his father. While evading Ye XiangRong, Xiao Liang was abducted by abductors and taken to Hai Phi. Since then, Xiao Liang became a street children. Xiaoyan was stunned and collapsed in the rubbish while eating food with other street children. Just Xia RuHua and mother-in-law saved Xiao Liang, took him home. Xiao Liang woke up and forgot everything, picturesque gave him a new name - Wei RuFeng. From then on. Like the wind and picturesque, three-year-old mother living together to picturesque elder brother protection. Ten years later, Wei RuFeng and Xia RuHua should have lived happily together. However, her mother-in-law's disease changed their destiny. Wei RuFeng started working for medical expenses and picturesque dreams. Later, almost painted pictures of A Fu rape, the grandmother to protect the picture was A Fu mistakenly put to death, as the wind met Cheng Hao change their life and destiny. Cheng Hao gave a windy and picturesque life, but their life was in the hands of Cheng Hao. With Ye Tong's introduction, picturesque and wind-up Ye XiangRong met, and help to wind the wind untied life, also found picturesque actually Cheng Hao's daughter. In the last transaction, Cheng Hao was surrounded by police, as if the cul-de-sac was the culprit, and Cheng Hao lost its fame. In retaliation for the wind, Cheng Hao hijacked picturesque, and will be picturesque hanging on the sea. The wind jumped into the sea in order to save the picture that Cheng Hao ordered to put in the sea, but was shot by Cheng Hao from behind. As the wind with the last effort to help pictorial untied rope forced her onto the sea. Surrounded by police, Cheng Hao found picturesque his daughter on the runway. Cheng Hao ordered the car to the sea and chose to commit suicide. Picturesque with a heart of wind alive, they stay together forever.

Persuasion group (TV)[2013]

Feature: The "Advisory Group" tells the story of a retired lady Li NaiNai, who has formed an out-patient advocacy group under the leadership of the neighborhood committees. There are a few young and old members, including Jian YeYe, a lover of Chinese learning, a left-behind girl from the second generation, Xiang Ling, a former genius Cheng Jiu, a reluctant newspaper reporter, and Fei Yu, a greedy insurance salesman. The purpose of persuasion and the formation of the group is to resolve the everyday conflicts of common people's family conflicts. However, in solving the troubles of the people around them, the members of the persuasion group found that the original members of the group also had their own troubles, some of them were not worried about their children, some were about to leave their parents, including the rekindling of the ex-wife's affair and the unfriendliness of their husbands Jealous Everyone is a mortal, nature will have all kinds of headaches, life's troubles, can not escape, persuade and team members for others to persuade, but also help each other, to solve their own troubles! Eventually, they overcome all kinds of difficulties and better understand the true meaning of harmony.

天天有喜 (TV)[2013]


故事讲述古代时期,刘枫和 Bai MeiYing 两人婚后,在一次次经历中学会包容,并共同化解婆媳矛盾,传宗接代,教育后代等问题的故事。狐狸小九妹在与金蟾大王的打斗中负伤逃下凤凰山,被樵夫刘枫救助。伤愈后的小九妹念念不忘刘刘枫的恩情,时常下山帮助刘枫,为刘枫对母亲的孝心感动。于是,她化名 Bai MeiYing 下山,嫁给刘枫,帮他洗衣做饭,照顾母亲,一家人其乐融融。 Bai MeiYing 和刘枫为救治母亲眼疾到华山天池寻找神水。金蟾大王趁机抓住 Bai MeiYing ,威胁她嫁给自己。刘枫的诚心感动天地,破除斧头咒语解禁斧头神后,得其相助救出妻子,并治好母亲眼疾。怀孕的 Bai MeiYing 借宝珠汲取日月精华,却遭金蟾大王偷袭,失去宝珠,化回真身。刘枫为救妻子,联手八位姐姐和斧头神,击败金蟾大王,夺回宝珠。金蟾大王被玉皇大帝降罪,口咬金钱到人间助刘枫店铺生意兴隆。 Bai MeiYing 产下幼子,刘枫的店铺生意兴隆。久而久之,其他商家纷纷效仿刘家,雕刻金蟾放在店内,寓意生意兴隆,财源广进。


Contentment (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Contentment" tells the story of the early widowed Sun MaMa for the marriage of three beautiful darlings worry. Big-son-in-law as an official, the second son-in-law as a boss, except that the three-year-old son is a taxi driver, Sun MaMa somewhat disdain for three son-in-law. To this end, the mother-in-law with the stubborn upright three-son began a decade-long "war." Three daughters in order to prove that they did not marry the wrong person, do everything possible to allow three son-in-law to learn computer science English, but the third son-in-law is not a big device, which makes three daughters very disappointed, the relationship between husband and wife lights up red. Just at this time, the eldest daughter and the second daughter's home have been major changes in succession, Sun MaMa could not withstand the heavy blows, sudden cerebral hemorrhage paralyzed in bed. Three-year-old son in three years, meticulously serve Sun MaMa, for her pensioner. Mother wife and son-in-law produced a thick human truth. Sun MaMa was widowed early, a man who worked hard to pull the three flower-like daughter grew up, the three daughters her hope of later life, so her extravagant marriage to the three daughters. When an accountant's eldest daughter, Sun Fei, was married to Zheng Qi, a political official, Zhao Yun, the lawyer's second daughter, was married to Zhao QiLong, a business executive, but her third daughter, Sun Qian, married Li Qiong, which makes Sun MaMa greatly annoyed. Sun MaMa believes that "the big-son-in-law and the second-in-law both have a pair of hands grabbing gold and silver, while the third son-in-law is a pair of handcuffs that catch the urine". So tenacious, foolhardy mother-in-law with temper stubborn words do not turn between the three son-in-law began for ten years of "no war of no smoke." Rich and powerful big son-in-law, two son-in-law mother-and-wife scramble honor, spending big bucks, which makes Sun MaMa big son-in-law, two loving plus; and the three son-in-law belong to the working class, although also filial, but because of the cash-strapped, The things that honor their wife and mother are naturally clumsy. In addition, Sun MaMa does not like her three sons-in-law. Therefore, her three-son-in-law is exceptionally cold-hearted. Sun Qian, the third daughter, was not satisfied with his mother and two brother-in-law's contempt for their husband. To prove that he did not marry the wrong person, Li Qiong gave up her job as a taxi driver. She earned a living for her and offered Li Qiong a computer and English tutoring Class, let him study hard, in the future more than big brother and second brother-in-law. Li Qiong in order to fight the tone, save life to learn hard training. However, because the foundation is too thin, learning computer knows little about, even more ignorant of English, which carries a heavy mental burden. Sun Qian's study supervision and supervision over her husband have goneverned even some fascists: they are not allowed to go to bed after they fail to complete their studies, and they are not even allowed to enter the house outside the main entrance. Although Sun MaMa upset three sons, but distressed three daughters, often carrying three sons-in-law to her daughter to eat and drink. Seeing three sons and daughters did not study hard, she was also distressed, with her mouth still accusing third son-in-law. Three in-laws Li Qiong can not stand the tremendous mental stress, began to wear his head tired learning, and occasionally secretly chatting on the Internet, which makes Sun Qian disappointed, the relationship between husband and wife lights up red. Huo Da, a Hong Kong-based businessman, falsified himself in the hope that Sun Qian and Li Qiong will end an unequal marriage. In order to marry Sun Qian, Li Qiong re-locked himself in the house to study or even "head beam, cone piercing," the result of a serious illness.Sun Qian see her husband doing his best, but the ability is indeed limited, they do not have the heart to persecute her husband, let Li Qiong got up a taxi driver, the couple returned to a plain but loving life. Just at this moment, the big-son-in-law transcended her love affair and wanted to divorce her eldest daughter Sun Fei. Sun MaMa did her best for her elder daughter and failed to reconcile her eldest daughter with her older son-in-law. Sun Yun, the second daughter of a lawyer, volunteered to help give advice to his elder Sun Fei in order to give his elder daughter a share of the property after the divorce. He temporarily transferred the common property of Sun Fei to Sun Yun under the name of Sun Yun. Grand daughter and husband divorced, Sun MaMa lost a "long grasp of gold caught the silver hand" son, she was angry and sad. However, something even more serious happened: when her eldest daughter, Sun Fei, was going to let her sister, Sun Yun, assign her property, she found her property was sold by her sister. Zhao QiLong second uncle borrowed heavily because of debt, the second Sun Yun will be his sister Sun Fei property made gambling money, hoping to "turn the fish", the result lost. Second daughter Sun Yun from no information, I do not know death. The eldest daughter, Sun Fei, could not afford to be deceived by her own sister and mentally disturbed. Sun MaMa can not afford continuous mental shock, paralysis of sudden cerebral hemorrhage in bed. In order to cater for the paralyzed Sun MaMa, the third daughter Sun Qian and the third son Li Qiong, Li Qiong said that Li Qiong did not make as much money as a taxi driver by taxi and that Sun Qian's wage income and development prospects were better than Li Qiong. So I hope Li Qiong resigned again as a taxi driver to concentrate on Sun MaMa. Li Qiong was unhappy, but for a beloved wife, kind-hearted Li Qiong took filial piety first. For three years, he treated his wife and mother thoroughly, urging mother-in-law to urinate while shouting at Sun MaMa: Your past ability to go, get up and then hit me yeah, curse ah you say, in the end is that your two long grasp gold hand-in-hand son-in-law useful ah, or my long grasp catch feces urine Son-in-law useful ah, "Sun MaMa no longer able to fight with the son-in-law, but blinking eyes kept crying. On the 64th birthday of Sun MaMa, she was clean and quiet, leaving her buttocks free of bedsores. Sun Qian hugged Li Qiong and cried, "My husband, thank you, you're the best husband in the world." Li Qiong shed tears on her mother's grave before regretting it and did not do anything with her mother-in-law for ten years Smoke war, now, the war is over forever. He cried and cried, "Mom, I'm sorry for you." This is his first shout for ten years, but her mother-in-law has not heard it.

Dream of Red Mansions (TV)[2010]

Feature: 87 version of "A Dream of Red Mansions" stills Gusu Renren Qing Lane within the gourd temple lived a poor student named Jia YuCun, he was subsidized by township officials Chen Shih Hsin, went to Beijing to test, the Jinshi, made the officer. Only because he was corrupt, not the previous year was leather officer. He came to Yangzhou and made a curtain call to Lin RuHai, a salt censor, to teach Lin DaiYu. A year later, Lin RuHai's wife passed away and Lin Dai Yu escorted by Jia YuCun to Rongsong, Kyoto. Jia YuCun therefore got the help of Uncle Dai's Jia Zheng, and within two months, he was reinstated as Jinling should Tianfu, since then, the official Yun Hengtong. Jia Jia is a prominent aristocrat in Kyoto, Rong House, Ningguo two sites. After Daiyu lived in Rongguo House, her grandmother, Jia Mu, loved her very much and lived closely with her cousin Jia BaoYu. They stayed together at night and played together during the day. Shortly after, Xue YiMa took Xue BaoChai with her son and daughter State. Xue BaoChai is older than Jia BaoYu and has a gold lock that paired with the gemstone of the jade. When she went to Jiajia everywhere, she was not as proud as Daiyu, so she soon got the likes and dislikes of the Jia government. Daiyu is very distressed, often with the mouth of Baoyu, secretly sad tears. Yuanchun go home pro, thanks to the provincial farewell named "Grand View Garden", also gave the name of the park premises, and called the gems and sisters moved into the Grand View Garden. Grand View Garden, Jia Fu from top to bottom honors, enjoyment, but the economic situation has become worse. On the surface of life in Grand View Garden is very calm, sisters all day poems and paintings, quiz ridiculous, in fact the crisis: Maid of honor and disgrace jumped himself to death; Jia BaoYu unwilling to make career articles, was his father Jia Zheng's responsibility; Wang XiFeng hate hate illness; You ErJie was forced to swallow gold suicide. Xing, Mrs. Wang Er and then listen to his words, the Grand View Plaza wantonly copied some, since Qunfang diaspora, Grand View Garden a depression, gem can not help but from time to time you sigh sad. Nanan County expedition was captured, Nan AnTaiFei reliance on the spring as a prostitute, instead of the dignitaries and pro. Geum sent goodbye to the spring, and was ordered by his father Jia Zheng to visit the West Sea along the son of something, unexpectedly on the way theft, whereabouts unknown. Daiyu smell this letter, crying rupture of liver and intestines, the increasing weight, eventually failed to wait until the gem came back, tears and death. After Daiyu died, Bao Yu and Bao Chai were married. However, there was only one Lin sister in the meaning of gem. Jia was finally defeated by political opponents because of the official battlefield. Jia was copied. Wang XiFeng and Jia BaoYu were jailed. Jia Mu died in the fight, from then on Jia full collapse, falling stream of fireworks, Xifeng's daughter Qiao sister married civilians did ordinary peasant women. Once the peak bell Ming dynasty home, an instant dumping buildings, only get "the vast expanse of the earth really clean." (Some stills source)

To late to say loving you (TV)[2010]

Feature: Wu Chih-hua's wife, Yin Ching-kuo (played by Li Xiaoran), sheltered a strange young man who had escaped from a strict search. Later, the high-definition stills were unexpectedly discovered. The man turned out to be Cheng Jun's coach Mu RongFeng (played by Wallace Chung). Quietly returned home, and the lover Xu JianZhang (Kai Tan played) calm and happy in love with, but soon, it came Jianzhang Jun Cheng in the prisoner of jail. Jing 琬 went to Chengzhou alone, pleading Mu RongFeng release Jian Zhang. When Jingli arrived in Chengzhou, he was flatly rejected in the face of Mu RongFeng's request of this trip. However, the appearance of static silence has caused Mu RongFeng to make a living. With the help of static, Mu RongFeng settled a rebellion, however, and as a result the stills were wounded in riot guns. Mu RongFeng fell in love with the stillness from the morning to the evening, but she was too scared to be swallowed up by this dark and sweet force. Quietly returned to their own lives, and Jianzhang's wedding approaching. On the wedding day, a news of the defeat of the Chengjun War and the precarious state of Chengzhou came. When Jian Zhang came to meet her relatives, Yin's bride suddenly disappeared. Jing 琬 came to Mu RongFeng with the help of Cheng XinZhi. Her presence brought Mu RongFeng back to her courage and quickly reversed the battle. Jian-shan, who was subjected to the wrath of his wife, has changed in hatred and wants to bring down Mu Rong-feng. His conspiracy prompted Cheng Jun to take the lead and make Mu RongFeng in trouble. Cheng JinZhi (played by QuianaQi), a daughter of Cheng SiLing, has been deeply in love with Mu RongFeng. She came to Mu RongFeng in front of him and suggested that Cheng would willingly devote all his efforts to help Cheng Jun, provided that Murong and Cheng were married. Mu RongFeng shaken. However, at this time, still have his children. Mu RongFeng intends to sneak away quietly, and she will not be able to accept such an insult. She escaped from Mu RongFeng, but she miscarried. Mu RongFeng understood that he had lost her forever. Jing Chi back to Wu Chi, begging parents to forgive, Chun Chun's filial piety finally got the family understanding. She joined the Red Cross, the treatment of the wounded, transport of medical supplies, has become a new woman of progress, had a whole new life. Japanese invasion of China war started, Xu JianZhang Japanese refugees became traitors. He gathered the military power in his hand and echoed the strength of the Japanese people to form a siege on Mu Rong-feng. As long as he declared war, he would inevitably face a fall. Mu RongFeng is hard to escape from ascended into the painful psychological struggle. At the moment, however, it was quietly encouraged by patriots and lords and rushed to Chengzhou to convince Mu RongFeng to resist Japan and save the country. Mu RongFeng reunited with stills. Quiet persuade him to abandon the past little love, cherish the world, to be a hero defending the homeland. Mu RongFeng's patriotism was aroused. He decided to declare war on Japan and vow to defend the country. The two finally pour the love that accumulated for many years, then decided to get married, support each other, went to the national crisis. But even so, the two surviving people were still being wiped out by the war. Mu RongFeng was wounded in the war and quietly received a wrong message - PeiLu died in battle and was sad. She saw Mu RongFeng in a trance. I hope Jing Wan survive well.Seven years later, Jing Wan did an orphanage and adopted many war orphans. When watching a movie once, the side of a movie in the movie was like Pei-Lin. Quietly decided to look for Pei-Lin. In a remote rural area, Wan finally met her pessimistic day and night, but Mu RongFeng has lost memory at this time. While looking at his beloved Pei Lin amnesia, but carefree life, calm and quiet but quietly leave, the gold watch inadvertently slipped quietly, was picked up by Pei Lin, when he saw the moment of the gold watch , Those sweet past, those sad past, fate of the two eventually remember the past, keep each other, hand in hand through life. God bless the men and women, even after going through all the hardships, but you can still hold your hand and grow old together. Life, how can it be so easy to break it? That strain of Tianli, that strain of memories of their days Tianli, and finally when the two meet again, gorgeous bloom. They finally had time to say I love you.

The Knot (Movie)[2006]

Feature: The story begins with the encounter of two young men in the 1940s. Young and talented young man Chen QiuShui came to the royal family for his work and fell in love with Wang BiYun, daughter of Wang Jia, who soon fell in love and kept themselves for life. However, as Taiwan's turmoil began, Chen QiuShui, a passionate youngster, was removed from Taiwan to avoid persecution. Since then, the two lovers were separated by the merciless reality of the two sides of the strait. Only by sticking to the oath of "waiting for each other" miss each other. Chen QiuShui, who loses contact with Taiwan, fled to the battlefield for thinking of his mother Xu FengNiang and his lover Wang BiYun and changed his name to Xu Qiuyun as a medical officer. On the one hand, with the passionate pride of defending the home country, she silently missed her relatives across the coast. At this moment, he met Wang JinDi, a lovely and lovely nurse in the field. Just as he and Biyun did, the young nurse fell in love with Chen QiuShui at first glance and began to pursue his dedication. After the war, He hid in a local hospital in Tibet and changed his name to 'Wang BiYun' to accompany him. Because of the separation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and Wang BiYun's search for helplessness, in the midst of such desperation, the truth of Wang JinDi shone upon Chen QiuShui as a ray of hope, and Chen QiuShui finally married her. At this time, Wang BiYun, who is based in Taiwan, took the initiative to take care of Chen QiuShui's mother as daughter-in-law and began a long, hopeless wait. She vowed to devote her whole life to searching for the lover's trace. Until 68 she finally learned the news of Chen QiuShui - Chen QiuShui and his wife both died martyrdom Tibet snow mountain. Nearly 60 years later, Wang BiYun, who has never been married, has been spotted with two shades of white, but that pure and beautiful love is still deep in her heart. At this time her niece Xiao Rui was found in the traces of Chen QiuShui.

Spicy daughter-in-law (TV)[2006]

Feature: The story begins with Wu Rui, a psychiatrist married to Qu DaLiang. Her mother, Qin SiPing, did not like this mature peach. She always said that her former girlfriend, He Ning, was good, let alone Wu Rui, the daughter of Wu YuFen, her old friend. Sure enough, the first three things Wu Rui put her mother hot: first, did not get into the wedding card married her husband! Second, the honeymoon back forced her husband back home! Third, after the door to do the first meal is called takeaway pizza! What makes Qin SiPing unbearable still more. Wife Lin MeiYu usually has strict demands on Qin SiPing, and she said that her wife's wait for her husband and her in-laws are the rules set by the millennium. Qin SiPing particularly obeying the old woman, what is what, whenever my mother happy to summon, Qin SiPing psychologically uneasy, do not know what they did wrong. Years of daughter-in-law finally boiled a poem, did not expect the wife-to-daughter-in-law is everywhere protection, all things tolerant! Qin SiPing which got such a splint? ! She decided to teach her daughter-in-law well and started her "wife-in-law" move. Spicy daughter-in-law still-life mother Wu YuFen and Qin SiPing husband Qu JianHua early dating fell in love, vanquished married to an "artist." Her husband abandoned her and her two children, and now her daughter is married to Qu DaLiang, Wu YuFen sighs over destiny arrangements. Qin SiPing Listening to his daughter-in-law, Wu YuFen wants her daughter not to be bullied, the situation is getting more complicated. Qin SiPing is always at home with Wu YuFen tingling husband, here a married woman, it is pouring on fire. Two hundred and a half hundred women talked and talked about as soon as they talked about each other. They quarreled at the quarrel, and Qin SiPing returned to take Qu DaLiang and Wu Rui. Wu YuFen If you know, we must find Qin SiPing theory, so retribution, vicious circle. Similarly, Wu YuFen will be her mother-in-law sooner or later, and her son Wu YingWei has a particular affinity with her. But her mother can not tell which one is the daughter-in-law of the future, and can put her in a hurry: if you do not make it clear, you will not be allowed to go home! Unexpected Wu YingWei have his reason: do not go home with, how do I know which is the married wife ah! Qu XiaoOu, a self-proclaimed district hometown fancier, thinks she is not interested in the boys. Wu YingWei accompanied her to the hospital to see her grandmother. I did not expect my grandmother to go to the hospital when she saw Wu YingWei's disease, forcing her daughter-in-law to Wu expressed his wish, almost Qin SiPing regrettable. And Qin SiPing and Wu YuFen's old schoolmate Song ChunXia, long abandoned the doctor, opened a "spicy cold" restaurant popular. Her enthusiasm, but nosy, caught in the Qin Wu between the two to pass the message, and sometimes make a small mistake, even to intensify the conflict Wu Qin, and sometimes when the punching bag, complain that his kindness is as a donkey liver and lung. "Hot and spicy daughter-in-law," a big ex-girlfriend He Ning He returned from the United States appeared around a two-year-old boy! Counting days, that is the time she broke up and Daliang. The war finally broke out in the district home, He Ning did not tell the truth, who can not untie the mystery of the child's life experience. Wu Rui tearful divorce, strange marriage certificate missing. After a wave of ups and downs, Wu Rui found himself pregnant, but the doctor diagnosed that giving birth would be life-threatening for her.Wu YuFen is afraid to affect her daughter's position in her in-laws and would not jump to conclusion. She and her daughter never thought that Qin SiPing, her mother-in-law at a crucial moment, proclaimed: "It would be rather surprising to all if not holding grandchildren and keeping their daughters-in-law."

Chinese mother (TV)[2006]

Feature: The story of "Chinese mother" stills takes place in the mountainous area of ​​southern Zhejiang. When the mother comes with two children and another father with two children, fate alerts the mother to the challenge, the difficulty comes from the poor family with many children, the incompetence from the father Neglect, from the clash between affections, but also from the pressure of children for further education. When children collectively tear up their key High School Admissions notices as children's filial piety, and when her mother tearfully rewraps an Enrollment Notice, she is laying the path for the children's future. The youngest daughter prepares for a junior college transfer from a junior high school and results in an infant lying in a hospital for her mother's accident. The mother found the daughter of rare racial blood, but can not help the little daughter to change the test date is approaching the reality, fortunate to the efforts of the local government, Admissions Office in the hospital for the little girl an ad hoc examination room. Before the college entrance examination, father love retreat. After the college entrance examination, the eldest daughter disappeared. Three children to go to college at the same time good news, while filling the mother into a series of tragedies: the eldest siblings able to go to university, preferred to give up their studies to earn money for the tuition siblings, the eldest daughter and mother in order to get back on the newspaper Issued critical notice. Almost at the same time, another son gave up his university at the university because of her mother's tampering with her own volition. To bring comfort to the mother is the news of her upcoming study abroad. The little daughter's biological father appeared at this time. Like a flesh-mother, her mother described her life experience to her daughter. However, the mother did not lose her daughter for some reason and instead won the respect of the other man. The man reached out to his mother when her mother needed it most, but her mother rejected the suggestion that the man was unmarried. But when the man fell to the ground and became a vegetative, his mother announced that he was married. Four children have admitted to the university, but also successively finished the graduate student, and obtained the doctor's degree. When the four children meet home together and are ready to surprise her mother, her mother has been buried in the cold ground behind the house. The vegetative miraculously wake up.

Alive, nice (TV)[2006]

Feature: Big daughter Ding Jiali has been living with her father for years, while her daughter Jian Ning (Wang Jin-Hua) and her daughter role image Jian Xin (Liang Jing) have been following Mu Qin (Gua Ah-leh). Jian Ning, a hotel guest room manager, is competing with rival operations director; her daughter Chen Huan mid-term exams soon; her husband Chen LiSheng (Luoyong Wang) is director of the department of Chinese at university. Jian Ning accidentally discovered a lump in her breast during a bath. Perfectionism of Jian Ning can not face the incomplete themselves, after surgery, began to uncontrollably suspect her husband Chen LiSheng and student Tian Xiaoli. Jian Ning repeatedly hurt Chen LiSheng, disappointed with the marriage, and finally had a relationship with Tian Xiaoli, but also on the bad news, became a "public enemy of social morality." Jian Xin, a well-established TV host, has the best of luck with her husband, Shao Zhuren (Gao Jingwen) and her boyfriend Ding Yi Nuo (Hai Yi Tian). From the day she learned that her breast was lumpy, Jian Xin was hospitalized soon, her boyfriend Ding Yi Nuo gave up her chance to go to Europe and took full care of her. She could not endure tremendous pressure and finally broke up with Jian Xin. Jianxin was greatly shocked when he met the reed of the patients with small bone cancer in the torment of hospitalization. The painful Jian Xin began to re-understand the meaning of life. Jian Xin was determined to be discharged and went to Tibet to search for Dorje. The trip to Tibet made Jian Xin reborn. At the temple fair, Chen LiSheng and Jian Ning, who had not seen them for two years, met again. Big sister Jian Jie has always been resentful to her family, but she always insisted on Mu Qin and her two sisters. Jian Jie and good man Ju Li (Zhao Jun ornaments) teahouse management together, the two together for many years, but never married. Jian Qin picks Mu Qin, who is picky and picky, at home, living in a narrow space with friction. On the day Jie Jian was ready to marry Ju Li, Jian Jie's ex-husband, Ran Yang, a young man of art, suddenly appeared. Jian Jian had to find a place to stay and to take care of him and his children. Ju Li and Jian Jie relationship crisis, in the face rival Ran Yang, Ju Li will react. Mu Qin untied the knot about father and marriage, Ju Li and Jian Jie finally married,

Huizhou woman (TV)[2006]

Feature: In the late Qing dynasty and early autumn season, the government of the rich merchants of Huizhou was beaming up and down, and everyone was holding the birthday of the 60th birthday of the old lady (Gua Ah-leh). Her grandmother, Zhu ShaoLan (Yanyan Cao), is full of spring because Cheng JiaXuan, her husband who has been doing business in Hangzhou for many years, is about to see her. Grandma Du LanXin (Ping Ru), the government's chief executive, was deeply saddened by her husband's failure to return. The country girl Qiu Ju (Vivi Wang ornaments) in order to escape the fate of his brother was sold to fill in with others, hiding in the trunk on the ship Jiaocheng Cheng JiaXuan, was transported together into the process of government, causing a haunted storm. Grandma opened her net overnight to stay overnight to leave early the next day. Huizhou woman lady life is approaching, but received the bandits to stay on the same day to book the booklet, the government panic, Erye the female dependents were transferred into the city, personally led the home stay. Qiu Ju, who had not left during the night inspection, was found. Eunji was inspired by Qiu Ju, came up with a good way to retreat and left a deep impression on the innocent and clever Qiu Ju. After the banditry ended, Qiu Ju's elder brother found the elite of Cheng-fu and learned Qiu Ju after he learned of Qiu Ju's life experience. Qiu Ju Cheng Cheng's maid, and Erye overnight, relatives, long time life, in a moonlight sultry night, the two are hard to come by, had a relationship. Neighboring village name door Zhuang House door to seek relatives, the old lady left Zhuang Gongzi's birthday horoscope. Zhu ShaoDong (Mare Maoyuan), who had always been in love with Cheng Jia Yii (Rong Gao), was deeply insovied and asked her sister to help out. In fact, the old lady is also quite good on Zhu ShaoDong, dilemma for this matter. Grandma secretly bought pass the fortune-telling, passed the test horoscope, the Jiayi Xu Zhuang son. Huizhou Chamber of Commerce letter to Erye early return to Hangzhou, responsible for the preparation for the emperor's southern tour of Hangzhou cover the palace thing, Qiu Ju reluctantly, the second grandma is all sorts of reluctance, Erye before leaving to know that the second grandma has been pregnant full of joy, The old lady is overjoyed.

Diet men and women (TV)[2006]

Feature: White diet men and women TV drama Ping In a trip to Taiwan to visit her daughter, mistaken for her daughter's fiance, old love is her own, making a joke ... ... Back to Shanghai, Bai Ping, found two years ago, Shanghai More prosperous, high-rise buildings everywhere, the road lead in all directions, change is not just external, even people's lives have become fast and efficient together. Bai Ping realizes: People can not live in remorse but should go forward. She cut off 3,000 trouble silk, spent some time in the fitness center, regained her singing and dancing dream of her youth, practicing a superb talent, just like into a new scene in Shanghai, the most astonishing It was here that she actually met a retired ex-husband, a modest gentleman named Liu BinRen, who co-wrote a hilarious "Twilight Love" and a daughter of four White Elf creatures , Although all the troubles, a foregone conclusion of a lawsuit, but everyone careless father to help embrace the beauty ......

Han Wu Da Di (TV)[2005]

Feature: The second century BC, in the east of the world. The Han Empire, initially heading toward prosperity, faced the dual threat both inside and outside of China: the princes in the country have become incapacitated, vainly attempt to detach themselves from the Central Government and implement local separatism; and the Huns outside the north often crossed the Great Wall of Defense and invaded the Central Plains seeking to open up a living environment. Han dynasty had to implement the "and pro" policy, plus extramarchions of the princess, dedicated tributes, bear the great national honor. "Han Wu Great" Stills need a giant situation to support. Due to chance reasons, history chose a 16-year-old to assume a great job. His name is Liu Che. Liu Che ranks in the tenth king, had no chance to inherit the throne, but because of the supremacy of talent, with the careful planning of his mother and uncle, after a complicated palace struggle, he proudly ascended the throne. Liu Che made the emperor after showing extraordinary courage, immediately decreed, seek advice, try to reform. However, his assumption was suppressed by the powerful and powerful foreign representatives represented by his grandmother, Dou TaiHou, and suffered the first setback in the first year. But Han WuDi is by no means a person who gives up. He was good at waiting for the opportunity to renounce the arrogant and arrogant noble after the death of the empress dowager and resolutely replaced the principle of ancestors worshiping the old Huang and doing nothing by governing and reformed the ideology and unified the guiding ideology of the empire with the Confucian slogan of " . He implemented the inspection, breaking the employment, setting the governor, Ren Li, Yan Xun, tax salt, a currency, are losing accurate, count 缗 adultery. Do everything possible to weaken local forces and strengthen centralization. He used the will to mobilize the whole people to conquer the Huns for more than ten consecutive years and expelled the Hun from the Hexi Corridor; and let the Vietnamese people in the south and the Min Yue people in the southeast merge with the mainstream culture of the Han people. Formerly, he used the courage of the ancients to drill through the Western Regions and put the flag of the Han Empire for the first time on the Xuefeng Peak in Pamir, letting the camel ringing in the desert announce the establishment of the earliest land exchange channel between East and West. He penetrated into Asia, Nanping and Baiyushan, opened the Silk Road and opened up the territory extensively. He laid the magnificent territory of the Great China Empire and realized the great impact and fusion of Eastern and Western cultures. He pushed Han Empire to its peak. Up to 54 years of iron fist rule, casting Liu Che-hung only a rough personality and tall image. History has proven that he is one of the greatest politicians and strategists in Chinese history. At the same time, he is also a romantic poet, a dull but changeable person. Long lock Gillian, and Mrs. Lee, Wei ZiFu and other sad stories touching. Han WuDi is a giants in the history of the Chinese nation, however, any giants are not perfect saints. Years of expeditions, exhaustion of China's national strength, he happened in his later years cult evil chaos "witchcraft curse." After the civil unrest was settled, he had the courage to admit its mistakes, comprehensively reviewed his own life, and asked his son to take the peaceful route out of hegemony and consulted with his son, Jin Ri Di, a returning Hunanese prince.

The Ming Dynasty drama (TV)[2005]

Feature: In 1368 AD, Emperor Zhuangzhang drove the main force of the Dayuan dynasty to beyond the hundred years of Beijing. In less than a hundred years, the great plan of peace and border control led to the heyday of the Ming dynasty during the ascendance of Ming Yingzong. , Sun Tai-Hsu, who surrendered himself to others and forced "the curtain to hear the government," returned the political elite and framed loyalty to the enemy. Yu Qian, the assistant minister of war, was put on death row. The Ming dynasty, 1449, went awry until the social corruption became flourishing. The Wazhou military pawns attacked on a large scale and the military affairs of the border area were in a critical condition. Yingzong was forced by Wang Zhen at the instigation of his relatives and was trapped in "Fort of Civilizations". Five hundred thousand troops collapsed and civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty died in the battlefield. Yingzong was captured by Vassal. In the midst of distress, Sun TaiHou decreed that Yu Qian should be guilty of a death sentence and returned to the North to preside over the crisis. Yu Qian turned the tide and saved the Ming dynasty from danger. In order to deal with the poison that the Wailuang resorted to, he ignored the troubles and established the emperor, Zhu Mingyu, the emperor of the Ming dynasty. He personally commanded the front lines to fight the war, However, an eloquent struggle between the Ming dynasty and the Ming dynasty started in 1449 between Daizong and Yingzong ... Yu Qian, who was bent on rejuvenating the Daming regime, Chasing private money, eliminating corruption, the result was strongly opposed to the powerful, setback ... ... and to Jingtai eight years, Shi Heng and other party conspiracy to greet the emperor, a "change of title" staged a resumption of British sovereign, The Ming dynasty was murdered to death, and Yu Qian was also jailed again for "attempting to stand outside the door".

Fei Mao Search for Parents (TV)[2005]

Feature: Fei MaoMaMa for the four abandoned children that year, has been guilty of guilt, and finally depression, go hand in hand. At the very end of my life, I wanted Fei Mao to be reunited with a family reunion, so Fei Mao set foot on the road of solitude ... Fei Mao with the only information, after searching, and finally find the absence of more than 20 years Second Brother - - Hua ShiJie. Shijie is a vice president of a hospital in the south, can be called young, Shijie also deeply proud of their achievements, attaches great importance to self-image, so the sudden emergence of big brother, uncontrollable birth of resistance heart Unwilling to recognize. However, Fei Mao's intrusion made this icy home add a bit of laughter. Fei Mao's naivety and silly smile not only sought the favor of his mother, but also regarded Fei Mao as his grandchild. Fei Mao's candidness has also become a bridge between Shijie and his wife. As for the emergence of Fei Mao, Gao WanRong, a lawyer who has also become a lawyer, like the original Shijie, put her in a resistance attitude. Her husband, Cheng DaYe, is a matter of indifference to her. However, her lonely little daughter, Considering Fei Mao as the best object of his talk, the "children", two years old, have become irreversible.

Sea of ​​a hundred years (TV)[2004]

Feature: Sea of ​​?? Taiwan a hundred years - this is a beautiful and fertile, far from pawn, full of hope land! Since the Ming Dynasty, people in mainland China have become immigrants on a large scale. In 1662 Zheng Chenggong drove away the Dutch invaders, more peaceful people in Fujian, Cao Shan, Quanzhou came here. After the Qing government unified Taiwan in 1683, the mainland people moved to Taiwan to cultivate a climax. Since then, these people in Fujian have their own new title - reclaimed people; they also have their own public leaders - Ken first. But these 53 villagers rebelled in Qian Long's fifty-three years. Revenge of the people is Lin Shuangwen, the reason is very simple: that is, died, but also stronger than starvation! Did not rebel, is not the same be beheaded? Rebellion of the reclamation siege pool to kill corrupt officials, opening sub-grain, as if prairie fire! Soon, only one of Taiwan's three prefectures left Changhua still in the hands of an official. Ken first stone knees blocked in the bridge, Ke Lin Shuwen listen! He waved his knife: "Go with me, captured Changhua County, died is a ghost!" Urgent excuse to the capital, Qian Long anxious Fu KangAn went to Taiwan to chaos. Fu KangAn rate army arrived in Fujian but not on stage, he let the soldiers check, and find the genealogy of Lin. Even more worried about the governor of Fujian is that Fu KangAn actually have not rebuilt the first forest Ken received Fuzhou! In desperation, the governor secretly sent killer to Hayashi at sea "do off!" I do not know Fu KangAn expected this early. The drama "The Sea of ​​One Century" stills "Taiwan's rule southeast set; southeast set rules sea; sea rules set Jiangshan Yongding." Fu KangAn keep in mind the holy ancestors' He let the reclaim descent after the stage, and promised not to be held accountable. However, Taiwan's prefect martyrs chariot Chai Daji in the middle of the reclamation cut. Fu KangAn furious: "Since evil can not live!" Shang Fang Bao Jian, the governor arrived, corrupt officials were killed, the uprising was settled, Lin Shuangwen and others were also escorted to the capital. Qian Long Awarded Taiwan's 60-year Exemption from Encyclical Issue ... Sixty years later, He Jin was relieved of the fuss of life by the death of Daoguang due to the drought in Fujian Province. He thought that the taxation and taxation of Taiwan from Dafeng under the rule of Dafeng is a simple way to get rid of personal achievements without playing a ring, and it can be categorically negated in the face of the new generation Lin DingBang: Because the Qing dynasty are 10%! An ambitious official in an officialdom is angry at Ken Shimin, who represents the interests of farmers. He got the fan station: "I want to change the first reclamation!" To please the government, overwhelmed Lin DingBang become Kennedy header, the township about Wu monk loan grain thirty thousand stone secretly donated to Fuzhou. Meanwhile, He Jin and Mok Kin of Changhua magistrate joined forces to make Lin WenCha son of Lin DingBang unsuccessful. Ken Ding of Lin DingBang was finally saved. When the Ken Wenshang on the head of the original sea to one of the seventies in the sea is from his own words is the law, and want to raise the tax surpluses Lin surrender food grain loans, Ken Lin who Ken more pay, two surnames Students fought. Loan grain is not on the money, Wu's monk's son died of illness and worry. For "Chong-hi", Wu monk let Wu Liang take people to Ceng QinNiang wanted to grab the son of the dead, Lin WenCha fled to flee. Housework is not flat, but the national crisis. Not long after the British military wanted to occupy Taiwan, Yao Ying set He Jin not allowed to open military orders in disregard, led the army to fight back.At a crucial juncture, Lin WenCha came to the mountains with Gaoshan people to come and help them. Civil-military cooperation and two wins and two wins wiped out all British troops and captured more than 270 people. Made a brilliant victory in the history of the Opium War! At the celebration party, Yao Ying made the real hero Lin DingBang the chief, and made him back to Kuren again. However, Yao Ying himself was exiled because of the failure of the other battlefields of the Qing court to be forcibly rescinded by the British troops. Faced with such a life experience, Yao Ying said frankly: "Gouli national life and death, not because of good and evil to avoid the trend." Before leaving, he asked He Jin the only requirement is that he left do not change Lin DingBang Kenzi The post, even He Jin is also moving. Rainy night sea, Lin DingBang Yao Yao sent up to lift the bowls, tears of two iron-hitting like a man ... ... To save Yao Ying, Lin DingBang Beijing to send million people off, was shot dead at sea Wu monks! In order to avenge his father, Lin WenCha night Wu home, uniform officer, hand blade Wu monk. Ken Shou dispute finally evolved into two surnames revenge case. Crown defends Wu, Lin WenCha was sentenced to execution. In order to save her husband, Ceng QinNiang complained of self-incumbency in front of the prison van. In the face of this another life, He Jin had to Lin WenCha made "no decision" disposal. This pass is for seven years ... For the bandit south, Kong Zhaoxi was ordered by Tso Tsung-t'ang to go to Taiwan to raise funds for the army. In the face of Mo Qin's stubborn obstruction, Kong Zhaoci used Ding Zhijian to reexamine the case of "Lin Wu" and overthrow Mo Qin, arresting Wu Liang and obtaining military food. Lin WenCha was finally released from prison! Kong Zhaoci persuaded Dai to use Lin WenCha to steal the grain, but Ding Jian, who had already been bought by the King, was the first to grab Ceng AShan to betray the Lin family and raise funds to raise money, run a self-cultivation group and suppress the Lin family. It was Lin WenCha who had arrived in time for more than 20 missions to fight off the bandits and saved Kong Zhaoxi and his shipping fleet. Zuo Zongtang pro Lin WenCha four products to wear tops, commissioned by the Taiwan Mission chief. When Lin WenCha returns to power, Ceng AShan is still deputy assistant, Lin's loyal affair to Lin, Lin WenCha: "Ceng AShan was anti-bones but written on his face." Lin WenCha disagreed. On the battlefield of Fujian, the conflict between the Fujian government and the Zhejiang government made Lin WenCha framed by the Qing forces for the first time. When Lin WenCha hears a gunfire rush into the enemy's arrival, the Green Camp and Ceng AShan start the attack after two gunshots. Although the lone enemy Lin WenCha eventually managed to crush the enemy nests and build miracles, he had to leave Fujian and start to fight with Zuo Zongtang in Zhejiang. At this point Ceng AShan's attitude is very clear: "I just follow what adults!" A few years later, Lin WenCha has risen to a registered governor, he and the government of Fujian contradictions also intensified ... Fujian war is not flat, Taiwan banditry And again. Dai let Zhaodong, North Korea and Kenwood adhere to the enemy. Ceng AShan sit idly by and see Changhua City break, save Kong Zhaoci suicide. Lin WenMing and Ceng AShan Rush, Lin WenCha rushed to the two will go to jail, but also want to resign. He Jin insisted Lin WenCha issued a career, the last resort, the old lady. Dai's righteous admits: "Since ancient times, regardless of the major events, there are only two options .One is to do whatever you can, oneself to do less than but bounden duty." Lin WenCha like to comply with the motherland training, Fujian aquatic After the superintendent, vigorously rectify military discipline, investigation and punishment of corruption, and finally died in the mountains off.Lin family was closed Gong Bao, die of war can not afford to pay Yong but not landing. Tai-Yong Lin Wen-band band Taiwan Yong conflict with the government, Dai anxiety. In order to help Taiwan tycoon, Dai took Chaowong to Quanzhou to find big merchant Yang Zhi to discuss the development of camphor. Heart kind Miss Yang ShuiPing readily said: "Our family must help." But Yang Zhi learned from the government early to hear the news of the whole house, he told Yang ShuiPing: "At this time we can not help Lin family!" But he Where do I know, my daughter has unwittingly loved Lin ChaoDong heart. Just as Yang ShuiPing accompanied Dai's return to Taiwan, Lin made a big deal! Lin WenMing To rescue Abbott, who was taken over by the government, night went to Taiwan's Yamen and was shot by Ceng AShan! Asked by Lin ChaoDong, Yang ShuiPing took up the responsibility of arranging for the aftermath of the Lin family. She gently according to Dai's side and asked: "At that time his grandfather was killed, how did you survive?" Dai replied: "The sky is falling down to the ground!" Yes, man is here Is the day, a woman is here, the sky collapsed time and time again and again to hold up the sky! Lin WenMing was court-appointed mutiny, Yang Zhi learned of this, busy arranging daughter to study in the UK, and Yang ShuiPing but decided to leave home to the fog peak - in the heavy rain, she went into the forest ancestral hall, gently Clinging to the desperate Lin ChaoDong ... Dai was going to Beijing to sue and was blocked by the government. The Lin family lined all of its camphor hills and was defeated by the government backing Wu Liang from behind. Yang ShuiPing married Lin ChaoDong at the most difficult time in the family. This is a marriage in the West "march" to complete the "couple to worship" combination! The cheers of all cultivators declare the unyielding life of this family! When I saw the Japanese say that I turned my face turned, even the government also have to do their own camphor earn money, trying to step on him, Yang Zhi finally shot! He bought through the people of the North Sea, opened a steamer, with foreign guns to disperse the officers and men on the dock, the old lady finally left Taiwan, embarked on a Beijing-led pleading. Yang was also implicated, the firm was closed one by one. In Beijing, Dewey sued the procuratorate. Both of the two vice governors made it possible for Fujian Province to make a fortune. Fujian's officialdom decided to throw Ceng AShan as a scapegoat. Although Ceng AShan was arrested, but Lin WenMing's case is still not turned over. Lin ChaoDong completely discouraged, going to Beijing to pick her grandmother back. Yang ShuiPing collected the evidence of the crime in Fujian officialdom and officialdom in Taiwan to Lin ChaoDong. Therefore, the case of the two deputy capital imperialists in Beijing is so deep that they can not be held accountable. They have to prepare the carriage to send the old lady back to Taiwan. Where is the old lady? Left and right censor told the old lady, you live in Changsha Hall to go, it will be someone to help you. Sure enough, as the fifth and so on Hunan Xiang Bangjun met Tso Zong Tang returned from the battle. At this time, Lin ChaoDong also brought evidence to Beijing. The Empress Dowager summoned Dai, Lin's case was finally reversed! Old lady goes home! Firecrackers, laughter! Yang ShuiPing, several uncle and force eight, Abe and tens of thousands of people are ready to meet! Looked at the new cover of the palace Paul door, Dai and Lin family are all extremely excited, very happy! ... ... Ah Tsui to find the child found Dai, good old man put a few fields Tian Qi had been their own enemy's children's clothes.On the turn of the day, Yang Zhi and Liu boss took the two doctors to visit the old lady. The doctor told Lin ChaoDong: "The old lady relies on one's heart to support her own life!" Dai's self-inductance has been running out for a long time and Chaochang called the family members to the shrine. Final Will: "We Lin this forest word is two wood ... a wood in Fujian, a wood in Taiwan ... a wood is a country, a wood is home ... ..." The old lady after 70 years of ups and downs, Telling the descendants of the isomorphism of their own country safely passed away. Another few years have passed, and the Sino-French war broke out. In order to keep Taiwan, the court ordered Liu Mingchuan to transfer 1,000 troops from Anhui immediately to Taiwan. However, because of the French artillery fire, Liu Ming Chuanjun finally failed to reach Taiwan. To enable Liu Ming Ching Army to take the British ship on the stage, Yang ShuiPing proposed to give part of the coal shares to the British. Then Yang ShuiPing with seven months of pregnant life to persuade Liu Ming Chuan changing clothes on board. Although Liu Mingchuan aboard the ship is unwilling to sign the agreement on the transfer of Keelung coal mine, Yang ShuiPing anxiously: "You are imperial envoy, you can from the right ah!" British Ships, Yang ShuiPing in the Huai Army officers and soldiers "Matsu goddess bless" Pray for the sound of the childbirth! Qing Taiwan army finally landing. Numerous officers and men of the Huai Army sent Yang ShuiPing ashore. Shocking roar sounded: Vows to keep Taiwan! Oath to keep Taiwan! In order to coordinate the Hunan army and the Anhwei army to keep Taiwan, Lin ChaoDong turned Lin Chao-chang and himself into frustration. Liu Ming Chuan ordered the closure of the mine, ready to fight with the French. In July 1884, the French army committed a crime and Liu Ming-chuan took the army to fight fiercely. Although the French first strike failed to break through, but three dongting fairy ridge was destroyed by the French artillery. Liu Ming Chuan and Lin ChaoDong decisively decided to blow up the Keelung coal mine. When the French army rebuffed Keelung landing approached the coal mines, Lin Wenfeng braved the coal mine explosion. Later, Lin ChaoDong and the Qing army launched a fierce battle with the French landing board to victory. Not long after, Liu Ming-chuan led the army to help Shanghai's tail and Lion Ball left only 500 Taoyong of Lin ChaoDong. At this moment, the French army transferred a thousand soldiers to attack. In the heavy rain, Lin ChaoDong said to the rest of the ragged tyrants: "Uncles and brothers, here today are Lin Surname, Surnamed Chen, Surname surname, and Gu Cheng. No matter what your surnames are, everyone Are the people of the Qing dynasty, all of Taiwan's descendants! This lion ball is our ancestral hall of each surname! No matter who is a person, if you can die here, is equivalent to his tablet to the ancestral hall On - died ... ... "Dong Zi fighters and the French launched a desperate struggle. Yang ShuiPing arrived in time with the Taiwanese and French defeated! Taiwan has been saved! Taiwan built! Lin ChaoDong took the posts of Taiwan Reclamation Bureau, Camphor Monopoly Bureau and Railway Sleeper. On the first railway in Taiwan that he presided over, he and Yang Shui-Ping took their children and ran away from the rising sun toward the future of Taiwan.

Qin Wang Li ShiMin (TV)[2004]

Feature: In the late years of the Sui Dynasty, the turmoil in the world and the peasant uprisings surged, and Yang Guang saw the general trend gone. In order to win over Tang Yuan Gong Li Yuan, his daughter Ruo XiGongZhu was allocated to Li Jian Cheng, Li Yuan's son, and Li Shi Min (Peter Ho) and Ruo XiGongZhu (Gao Yuanyuan) Already have their own private photos and promotional photos (1) set a lifetime, the marriage led to the brethren became dull. Soon, Emperor Sui Yang was killed by traitor Yu WenHuaJi, the Sui Dynasty collapsed, Li Yuan seized the opportunity to establish the Tang Dynasty. During the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Li ShiMin made a great leap in the south and made remarkable contributions. Li JianCheng (Yikuan Yan ornaments) but because of the eldest son, was established as Prince Edward. If unfortunately but had to marry Li JianCheng. Around the Prince Edward and Qin Wang around the politicians formed two major political forces, launched an infighting. The political struggle of the two forces intensified, Li JianCheng as the suffering of confidante, Li ShiMin is trying to defend the feelings of brotherhood, but in the ruthless political situation, but powerless, if unfortunately the feelings between the brothers is more Come on fire, set off the second wave. Li JianCheng missed the event if the regret, completely angered Li ShiMin, and eventually Li ShiMin launched the Xuanwu Gate change, killing Li JianCheng, creating a "rule of Zhenguan", a generation of Ming-jun.

Tianhe Bureau (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Tianheju" tells Min YunEr, the daughter of Min ShouNan, the old shopkeeper in Tianhemadi, who fled the wedding before getting married and took the caravan with his beloved Cun Peng. Caravan trip to the Sino-Burmese border, just met with the British Macari team. In a fierce battle, Min YunEr and Cun Peng led the caravan and killed Magari and his accomplices, creating a sensational "incident in Margarhi." In order to quell the incident, the Qing government beheaded the death of 20 men of Jingpo ethnic group. Zhu WanQiu, the eldest of Zhu's family, has been married to Min HuaTang, a young master of MinHong's Tianhe Bureau, in order to uphold her two-person causation. Min HuaTang in order to comply with his father, had to betray the love of the neighboring girl A Xiu. Min YunEr's fugitive marriage, had exchanged the Covenant Zhu Zhu deep. Especially for the children of Min Tung times love Zhu Zhu Nanyang Zhang Zhuozhou Office of the General Office, even more unbearable, broke into the home, in order to reimburse the old account of the Min Jia coercion. In order to keep Tianhema shop, Minjia two young masters Min HuaZhou angrily, decided to promise love affair for sister Min YunEr, Zhu ZiZhen paralyzed woman Zhu YuQiu. Min Min old shopkeeper Min ShouNan can not afford her daughter to flee marriage and the second son to marry paralyzed woman hit, old disease recurrence. Zhu WanQiu daughter called before dying, told her the most important wishes. First, in the case of paralyzed daughter married by the second son, I hope that in the late autumn and early autumn, I will give a half and a half to Minjia, so that the incense of Minjia will not be interrupted; second, entrust an important mission to her.

Orange red (TV)[2000]

Feature: Qing Dynasty, Jiangnan town. Aunt (Tai-Tai Da) was neglected by the young uncle in the orange groves in the country because she could not give birth. When Aunt learned that her husband played Yan Hong with the same socialite in the city, Aunt decided to do something for his own destiny. As a result, the show orange red Wo appeared, the daughter of the tenant due to the same aunt's youth grew surprisingly similar to Aunt one phase. She decided to marry Xiu He into the home, if Xiu He can also have a child for the Rong family, then she will be uncle forever in their own side is no longer a dream ... cousin Yao Hui replaced the groom served as a wedding groom ! However, just opened the lid of the moment, Yaohui fell in love with Xiu He. Since then, everything has followed a development that has left her a desperate way of desperation. Everyone in the painful dilemma, Xiu He respect aunt, but do not want to fall into the arrangements for aunt no love life! Yaohui love Xiu He, but no courage to subvert the same with her father's newly acquired love, but no courage and understanding, has always loved his fiancee Xian Ya broke up! The fate of this series of characters to drama to the ultimate orgasm. Xiu He is finally pregnant. And Yan Hong belly "Jong's offspring" has a surprising secret - the original master is not fertility, then Xiu He's pregnancy became the greatest irony. Aunt finally realized that she made a painful decision to help Xiu He, choose their own pursuit of happiness, no longer serve as a martyr for traditional ethics.

TonightNobodyGoesHome (Movie)[1996]

Feature: According to the award-winning screenplay "Ashore" adaptation, composed by the director, a group of film crew composed of actors: ,, Yang Kuei-mei ,, plus Hong Kong star Jordan Chan, a wonderful ethical comedy comedy. Lao Chen, 60, longs for a vigorous love again. When his extramarital affair is revealed, his wife runs away from home and looks for her to "relieve boredom." Since then, a family that meets traditional standards has been dissolved. Afterwards, with the repeated persuasion by their children, the two elders finally turned their hearts to turning around. However, over time, the dull life made them feel boring and from time to time missing that complex. So, they are ready ... ... Plot from the old into the flower of the old dentist, he said after the sixtieth birthday even for the family to live tired, began to live for himself, so play with middle-aged kindergarten director love game. His wife found her husband derailed, but also downtown to run away from home, but unexpectedly learned from a dancing boy who economy and life, then no longer rely on men and live. Their daughter was originally worried about getting married, how can I see the parent-child marriage farce? The whole film is easy and fun to develop. Although many characters are lively and vivid, the awakening of women with singing episode "The price of love" is even better. Won the 41st Best Screenplay Award.

Nuerhong (Movie)[1995]

Feature: Plot description Hua Diao and winery young artist Zheng A Ou, the anger of his father out of A Ou, A Ou left before the Hua Diao said he would come back to marry Hua Diao, and then whereabouts unknown. Hua Diao alone with her daughter life, while making wine, while waiting for A Ou. During the cultural revolution, Hua Diao was attacked as a capitalist and implicated her daughter Qiu Mei. This made her daughter Qiu Mei extremely dissatisfied with her mother's behavior and she deliberately married her uncontested worker Chen Baokang to leave her mother. This made Hua Diao very guilty, mother and daughter suffered hard during the Cultural Revolution. Until Qiu Mei gave birth to her daughter, Hua Diao and Qiu Mei were as good as ever. But Chen Fei is also a go-between girl, and her grandmother Hua Diao, although very good relationship, but her mother Qiu Mei is still the mother and daughter. In order to sell their own restaurant, but also almost to my grandmother Hua Diao gave her the wedding gift - an altar sealed years of daughter wine, commercial use of speculation and sold, and finally because Hua Diao strongly opposed and gave up. Afterwards, Zheng A Ou, who has been undergoing reforms and opening up in the Mainland for many years, has also returned from Taiwan to visit her relatives. It turns out A Ou was married early in Taiwan and had another family. Hua Diao, who had been waiting for her for a long time, finally forgave A Ou, though she could not finally reach A Ou with her daughter Qiu Mei and her grandchild Chen Fei and A Ou.

Qing Qing River grass (TV)[1992]

Feature: The story begins with Qing and Xiao Cao, the two lone girls. Qing Qing's brother and sister forced her to marry a "Qing Qing River grass" stills an old man concubine, Xiao Cao's aunt for her all sorts of difficulties, the two girls unwilling to be bound by the established fate of Qing Qing's wedding In the Association to escape. Fu Caozhuang who went to Yangzhou relied on Xiao Cao's relatives, Grandfather of the Sea, on the way to encounter the cynically-minded family He HeWei who had also run away from home for various reasons and decided to go hand in hand with his peers. After arriving in Fujiazhuang, one after another incident triggered the past compassion and hatred, Xiao Cao's mystery of life also has a clue.

X UE KE (TV)[1991]

Feature: Xue Ke, the princess of the palace, fell in love with and ran away from Amman, the son of the Fuchu nanny, and was captured by Xue Ke's father. Xue Ke threatened his father in return for the life of Ammon. Amon was charged to Xinjiang. Xue Ke-sheng After children, married into the world to pay Luo home. The groom Luo ZhiGang is a young and beautiful immature boy, he loved Xue Ke very much, but Xue Ke told him that he and Armon were shocked by the young Luo ZhiGang. He called father and mother and they forced Xue Ke cut off a little finger, Xue Ke's hard day began. Luo ZhiGang Do not understand, but more and more feel frustrated, three days later, Xue Ke stills Luo ZhiGang could not resist, he raped Xue Ke. Xue Ke is a strong, hopeless creature. In the twinkling of an eye, eight years have passed. In the early years of the Republic of China, politics was a turmoil. The power of Wang Ye, the father of Xue Ke, disappeared and the old house of the palace was not lost. For Xue Ke, the eight years are a long and endless torment. Luo family lost their forces, the family moved back home Chengde, Luo ZhiGang began to abandon the government, actually break another world, Chengde honest giant. To Chengde, just another big way to marry another lady - Jia Shan. Jiashan from Shuxiang family, gentle and honest, one door, Mrs. Luo was seen as real daughter-in-law, the door the second year, and very proud to give birth to a just son - Yulin, from the extraordinary price. Regardless of how successful the business is, Xue Ke will always be a staple in Mrs LO's vision and will always be the sting of heart. Zhou Yu sent her granddaughter Xiao YuDian to Luo Jidang's little girl because she could not find her own son, Armon, and was sick again. She pinned her hopes on Luo Ke's Xue Ke. Xue Ke Stills 2 Xiao YuDian entered the Luo family, got Xue Ke exotic love. Amon was renamed alpine, then returned to Beijing, he found Xue Ke's father, would like to find Xue Ke's whereabouts, Xue Ke's father denounced him, Xue Ke's mother told him a surprising news, Zhou Ma took him The children went to Xinjiang to find him. Cold to Chengde, began to observe Xue Ke in the distance, he found Xue Ke very unhappy. He found Xue Ke, Xue Ke never dreamed he could see Armon, and she knew that she was still alive, and she let Yamon go first to find her. By coincidence, Xue Ke discovered that Xiao YuDian was his daughter. She loves Xiao YuDian even more. When she discovered her anomaly, he doubled Xiao YuDian. Xue Ke told Amon and his parents that there was Xiao YuDian. At this time, my father also supports Xue Ke divorce, but Luo ZhiGang is reluctant to leave because he loves Xue Ke. Xue Ke did not believe she would love her but would have no choice but to send Xiao YuDian first to Luo. Luo ZhiGang's mother found Xiao YuDian, Xue Ke's daughter, angry. He put Xue Ke and Xiao YuDian closed up. Armin design deceived Luo ZhiGang, he would like to use Luo ZhiGang in exchange for Xue Ke mother and daughter, Xue Ke do not go because she knows Luo ZhiGang will not let go, Xue Ke Luo ZhiGang and Armon in the quarrel, Piercing his dagger into his chest, Luo ZhiGang finally let Xue Ke. The dreadful Xue Ke has the courage to live under the call of Armon and his daughter.

AMonthintheCountry (Movie)[1987]

Feature: Guo ZhenHua Looking for a job from the countryside to Hong Kong, after buying a rose flower for the flower-selling woman Mei GuiFuRen, all of them are lucky and unintentionally gangster leaders. Zhenhua determined to lead the gangs to change their ways, he opened a luxury nightclub, made a hit Yang LuMing, she became a red star has become his lover. Zhenhua Kung Fu is very good, he used to help make my brother convinced, with a sense of behavior of a hostile gang of enemies as friends. Mei GuiFuRen For her daughter to Shanghai to study hard, she and the rich man's son in love, the rich to Hong Kong to find her talk about children's marriage, she was afraid of her disguised as a noble woman was exposed affect her daughter's happiness, urgently fell ill, Zhenhua And Lu Ming, etc. to work out her as a lady, after twists and turns before Jade became her children's marriage, to achieve her miraculous wishes.

Siu Hau (Movie)[1985]

Feature: Siu Hau, actor, main works "Vampire Hunter D", "Young Iron Man Huang Feihong", "Shaolin 36 rooms: Perak ten."

Tomorrow will be better (TV)[1985]


"Tomorrow will be better" The story about Fei Mao has experienced several storms, finally found his own brothers and sisters: young promising doctor second brother Hua ShiJie, barrister Sanmei Grace, beautiful four sister Ji Xiang and the harvest of the Five Brothers who had been misguided. Everyone returned to his hometown to worship his mother and gather together. However, the good times did not last long and unfortunate things happened one after the other: the two younger brothers and daughters were killed in the plane crash. Sega was hurt and overwhelmed with a serious injury; a series of blows sent Hua Lao Tai to the hospital with signs of schizophrenia. The family of Sanmei’s unforgiving face was calm and calm, but there was a great storm in the interior; Sister Si’s burned her bridal shop, which was painstakingly operating, because of her negligence; the younger brother had been discriminated against after he had been released from prison and had almost lost his faith in life. In the face of change, Fei Mao encouraged his relatives to overcome difficulties through passion and kindness. He told everyone with a naive smile that whatever life gave us, it still has to be believed. It will be better tomorrow. Maybe Maybe tomorrow will be better!


Cui hua zhe si (Movie)[1983]

Feature: Liang Shaofeng separated his childhood parents, lack of care, stubborn personality, studying in a middle school. Mother was a villain sand Gordon Hong for prostitution, fell on the first floor of a phoenix exercise flesh career. One day, Hong sent his mother to go back to the first floor of a phoenix abruptly return to the figure of Li Shaofeng, Fung rebel ran to find the mother, the case of female take the client, ashamed to leave, looking for the father, , From leaving their parents ... ... Huang Wei is gangster head Jiushu men and blind mothers dependent on, because they do not want long-term work for the gangsters from the meaning of being accused of ninety-nine Sha Zhuhong hijacked thieves 賍 a group of grandson Wei ... ...

Fengshuiershinian (Movie)[1983]

Feature: Qiu Ju (Chen ornaments) fled from Meixian to Hong Kong, looking for her only friend in Hong Kong. Surprisingly, Qiu Ju was deceived into selling his body. Fortunately, he escaped in time and met A MeiJie, who fled to Hong Kong together. Qiu Ju was introduced cleaning women, accidentally met Jiu DianDongShi (Qin and Han ornaments), Qiu Ju fly from the Phoenix to change. After the story was fled to Hong Kong by Qiu Ju, the stories of the people around her and her side exposed the desire of people in Hong Kong to cross the river ......

Last nights light (Movie)[1982]

Feature: Fei Xueke and Fengtou character classmates, and in her father's birthday, her sister can not help but get hooked on Don, attracted Xueke sadly quit. That night, Ke Shi met the mysterious Ye Gang, crazy fall in love, was repeatedly humiliated by him, refused to still remain deadlocked, suddenly fell in love, the two spent many sweet time , Ye Gang was immediately furious when she married and because he inherited the mother's mentally handicapped gene and gave birth to a mentally handicapped son, he was afraid of giving birth to a child. Eventually Ye Gang gave up self-esteem and inferiority and gave up Courage and hope, crashed into death as a result of emotional excitement. And Tang WanLi finally defensive clouds open, finally holding the hands of the snow Ke.

Jusanliangyiyi (Movie)[1980]

Feature: Why do they always meet the wrong time? To be in love, but can not really have each other. Come together to talk about, it is necessary to talk about, this is fate tease or marginality? Pan Yun and Gao Han between, poly also Yiyi, when can we really stay? Really dependent? Hope cloud marry bell not long after, Mr. died, and in the pet shop for the first time to buy a dog to meet with Gao Han. Gao Han met Zhong KeHui at a dance party, went to Hopeun again at Chung House, and since then he fell in love with Yun-yun and often went to Chung-jia to see Yun-wan, though he hoped that Gao Han would love Gao Han , But still consider Gao Hui Han Gao, so I have been unable to accept Gao Han, has been rejected him.

Lianaifandouxing (Movie)[1980]

Feature: This movie is a romantic plot comedy, including two groups of friends, a pair of female college girls and a pair of boyfriends from outside the school. In the latter half, however, it turns out to be a dull home melodrama. The opening of the film began on the tennis court, a few young and energetic young people on the pitch. Brigitte Lin and Chelsia Chan Meet Qin Xianglin and Alan Tam while playing tennis. A shot, to the interior. Young people began to talk easily.

First love storm (Movie)[1978]

Feature: The film tells the young people going to the seaside holiday meet by chance, acquainted with each other. For the first love of them, I feel like a storm. Family members from there, resulting in two misunderstandings, they are not able to move on?

the story of TI-ying (Movie)[1971]

Feature: In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, a famous medical scientist served as Taicang Order and was revered as. He dialectical Juxie pulse, cure multiple test, famous, but it leads to alchemist and other hate. Jun Yu Italian kneeless son, pure and beautiful, intelligent and perseverance and deep knowledge of the fifth daughter twice as much love. There were three disciples under his door. Zhu Wen, a third disciple, fell in love with Ti Ying but was severely reproached by Master due to a medical error. At that time, Dong Guo to immortality for medical treatment, the patient long-term use immortality, that appear asthma, thick neck, edema and other symptoms of poisoning, and ultimately lead to death. Appropriate Huang JiZiZhiZi due to taking immortality and over-indolence, the disease becomes more serious. Chunyu intended to use Chinese herbal medicine to attack the side of the drug for its treatment, and ordered the use of immortality and abstinence, but Huang Jizi not listen to advice, resulting in death. Huang Qizi tandem Dong GuoYanNian and other alchemists to Chang An Ting Wei Yamen falsely accused Jun Yi Italy to evil people. Upright sincere honest wishes declined to persuade him to temporarily evade his conviction, determined to fight. However, Ting Wei Yamen guilty of letters and other alchemists of Eastern Guo, sentenced Jun to mean flesh, cut his right toe. Ti Ying and Zhu Wen, who came by the news, are determined to redress their father and mentor. When driving out, they did not hesitate to sue. Emperor Wen deeply moved, ordered Chun-free sentence and release from prison, while Zhu Wen was sentenced to three years imprisonment. Chun Yu intends to bring Ti Ying to visit Zhu Wen in jail, recognizing Zhu Wen as the future good son-in-law.

Deep courtyard (Movie)[1971]

Feature: The context of the story is touching. Ten years later, the two can quietly walk in the woods, each with its own heart and heartbreaking past, after a decade looking back, how much can there be throbbing? In her, the only fit, just children. In him, there is a bit of regret. The story ends up, she stopped, run back, hug daughter, this is the story. And reality, she must go away, and never look back ... ... love and hate, already turn around, since no need to mention.

HomeSweetHome (Movie)[1970]

Feature: Summer cloud, Aspen, Ho Fan, Leng Lu, Wu Daren sit in a class plane from the United States returned to Taipei. Xia Yun in the United States to learn agriculture, and Chinese-American couple as a couple. They returned to their parents' farm, intoxicated by the tranquil village, the strong herd. The cloud of the younger sister Xia Zixia is a worship of the girl, bent to let Costao took her abroad. Ho Fan in the United States work-study program, all day in the restaurant side dishes, do not study hard. He and Juan Juan communication for a long time, this time back to Taipei to be married Juanjuan. One day, he took Juanjuan play in Sun Moon Lake, met with Xia, the two shared similar interests, love at first sight. Leng Lu original in Taipei with the artist Wang Pu phase, followed by a businessman to the United States, because of the failure of marriage, then tired like birds returned, and Wang Pu want to reconsider the old good. However, the two words are not speculative, and the gap is hard to fill. In the end, they are still breaking up. Wu Daren after graduating from the United States, the United States to retain water conservancy engineers. He fell in love with an American girl and went back to Taipei to divorce his wife. He did not live at home, indifferent to his wife, aroused the indignation of his father, brother and neighbor. During his stay in the United States, Mrs. Sun was very hardworking, provoking the godson, taking care of her uncle and the paralyzed father's responsibility without complaint. ...

TheWinter (Movie)[1969]

Feature: Lao Wu, a bachelor who runs a small steamed bun, has been working diligently. Wu and A Jin, who help Jiu Mu in their neighbors, patronize each other, and Kim, who is often poorly and honestly bullied, was bullied by even her friends. The two meet to eat meat buns, gold has not yet arrived, Wu actually uncharacteristically, the white rogue fiercely ran away. Wu body without long things, afraid to confession, gold is also emotionally shy, until the family set her parents for her, urged her back to Changhua, she had to leave crying. Wu spirit of decadent since then. Unfortunate shops along the streets due to illegal structures were demolished, stored in large savings also turned out to be non-existent. Wu life abjection, selling snacks in the streets, one day with the new widow of gold, and gold to work at home, care Wu took care of young children. So live a profound feeling of the day, gold last in a winter night to pour out your mind, warm and romance of love.

Renguihu (Movie)[1969]

Feature: "Ghost Fox" is a fantasy film of Taiwan of China released in 1969, starring Zhou Xujiang, Anping and Zhang Meiyao. "Ghost Fox" tells the poignant love story that takes place between people, ghosts, and vixen.

Hualuoshuijia (Movie)[1966]

Feature: Adapted from six dreams of "three flowers" to Ya Lei (read Qi), Liu Hua (read Yu), Chen Ying (read Chen), Wu Jiaqi (Yang Yin), Lin Wei Wei (Xu Liqun), Ge Xiaobao, Wang Yin, Wu Yan

Bitter love (Movie)[1947]

Feature: The film tells the story of Ling ChenGuang, a painter of painterly love of the motherland. Dawn (Chiang Kao adulthood, button Chengze decoration juvenile) was born in Yunnan, childhood love of painting, the mother (Gua Ah-leh ornaments) to take care of the sick father. Dawn met the girl next door Chen JuanJuan (Kelly Ko ornaments), the two first love. At this point, dawn's father died, his mother fleeing after the funeral, dawn will continue to paint in the temple. At the end of the war of resistance against Japan, Chenuang met with the Juanjuan, who is about to go to the United States. The latter invited him to leave this hopeless motherland and be flatly rejected by him. Since then, Chenguang was hunted down by the Central Military Army. Fortunately, he encountered Zhou Lv Niang (Xu Zhongfei) when he encountered his father and daughter of boatman Zhou. However, he continued to resolutely join the print propaganda team to support the young students' anti-Japanese march. Once a tiger's mouth escaped again Lv Niang rescue, when his father just died a hundred days, the two mixed with mixed feelings. Dawn later in a fugitive almost buried in the ocean, then moved to the United States, painting for a living, small famous, opened the exhibition. At this moment, Lv Niang was also taken to the United States and they were married. Upon hearing the news about the liberation of China, Dawn did not hesitate to embark on a cruise ship returning to the motherland with his beloved Lv Niang. On board, Lv Niang was born, giving birth to a daughter and dawn named her a star. In the 1950s, the painter spent time of distress but joy and happiness, but the ensuing Cultural Revolution destroyed everything. A family of three was forced to live in a broken house without windows, no sunlight and spider webs. On his birthday, he was even beaten and bruised. Later, her daughter also followed her boyfriend to go abroad. The daughter was opposed by Ling ChenGuang when she left, but her daughter asked: "Are you bitter about this country, but does this country love you?" The painter was speechless. To commemorate Zhou Enlai in 1976, he posted a painting of "Qu Yuan asks Heaven" in Tiananmen Square. People looking for the author were considered by him to be plain-clothes followers. He escaped from the capital, in the wasteland, in wild life in the reeds, eventually frozen to die on the wilderness. At death, he used the last force to draw a question mark on the white snow. The point of the question mark is what Ling ChenGuang himself has cooled down.

Hsi yen (Movie)[0]

Feature: Gao WeiTong, who settled in the United States, is a homosexual who lives in Manhattan, New York, with his partner, a U.S. man named Simon. However, Gao WeiTong's parents in Taiwan do not know that their sons are homosexuals. They constantly urge Guowei to get married quickly so as to inherit Gao's incense. Just like Gao WeiTong, an illegal female immigrant from the Mainland living in Gao WeiTong's apartment, Simon made the idea of ​​getting his wife and Gu WeiWei married. This will not only appease Wei Tung's parents in Taiwan, but also enable Gu WeiWei to get the coveted Green Card, but also to maintain the relationship between Simon and Tong Wei. This seemingly perfect policy drew more complicated issues. The same parents knew that the good news was coming to New York to run a happy event for their son. So a variety of emotional disputes, interpersonal conflicts in a hilarious Chinese-style wedding behind the start.

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