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Hailu Qin TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Hailu Qin Works 59 ,And Feature 27 ,Romance 13 ,Comedy 6 ,Urban drama 5 ,Love 5 ,Family drama 5 ,Year 4 ,Suspense 4 ,Thriller 3 ,Contemporary film 2 ,Modern opera 2 ,Revolution 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Crime 2 ,近代传奇剧1 ,Workplace film 1 ,生活1 ,Modern 1 ,抗战1 ,Action 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,怀旧1 ,Urban emotion 1 ,Ancient 1 ,Palace 1 ,Historical play 1 ,legend 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Modern legend 1 ,Warm blood 1 ,Spy war 1 ,悬疑谍战1 ,Biopic 1 ,Disaster 1 ,Terror 1 ,Documentary 1 ,War 1 。

Works Index

Hailu Qin Filmography(59)


装台 (TV)[2020]


47岁的刁大顺带领一群精壮汉子在西安从事舞台演出的装台工作,他们装台的既有本地秦腔剧团、也有各色歌舞演出、婚丧嫁娶的表演,因此也遭遇了五行八作、各色人等。无论他人怎么看待、但顺子他们始终认为这是一份和艺术有关的工作,尽心尽责、吃苦耐劳,并最终随秦腔团进京汇演大获成功。而人到中年,前妻所生的泼辣任性的长女菊、无血缘关系的乖巧的二女儿梅、飘荡异乡半生的大哥刁大军和生命中忽然出现的女人蔡素芬交织在他搭台、架灯、布光、装箱的忙碌生活中,苦辣酸甜、鲜活热闹。随着女儿们的各自成家、装台队员也人去人来,所居住的城中村又一次传来将要拆迁的消息。生活在继续,唯一不变的是顺子们做人做事的责任和担当 。剧照海报


拂乡心 (Movie)[2019]


孤寡老人 Jiang Sheng 身在异乡漂泊多年,他的晚年生活孤苦伶仃,只有红包场的老歌才能让他沉浸在思乡情愫中。他诞生于战火,成长在迁徙中,却像野草般坚韧,回家是他永远的盼望,人生的一切终将释怀。

老酒馆 (TV)[2019]


1928年到1946年的东北,“闯关东”来东北的小人物 Chen HuaiHai ,老酒馆杀青在东北深山老林里挖参讨生活,却意外地遭受了一双儿女失散,媳妇被骗走的磨难,只好来到日本殖民统治下的大连开酒馆谋生计。老酒馆由此成了八方信息、各色人等汇聚的舞台。仁义坚韧,嫉恶如仇的 Chen HuaiHai 利用这个舞台,保护了杀日本宪兵的“ Lao BeiFeng ”,劝说了东北军 Ma LvZhang 重回抗日战场、痛斥了粉饰伪满洲国的满清遗老,与日本浪人决斗,为中国人撑腰提气。中共地下党组织派 Gu SanMei 打进老酒馆,把这里变成了党的地下交通站。在 Gu SanMei 的影响下, Chen HuaiHai 的女儿 Xiao MianAo 成了抗日交通员。大连解放前夕, Chen HuaiHai 帮 Gu SanMei 粉碎了日寇破坏城市的计划。他们共同迎来了大连解放,也收获了真挚的爱情 。


Only side by side with you (TV)[2018]

Feature: NanQiao NanQiao NanQiao young and timid light in the childhood friend Chang JianXiong design see fiance Zhou derailed, decided to break up with it. Zhou Ran threatened to divest, in order to make his beloved science and technology smooth progress, Nan Qiao went to the bar to meet investors, but mistakenly collided with the tall and cold bar owner Shi Yue acquaintance, Shi Yue accidentally found Nan Qiao seems to be with their already The dusty part of the past has a complicated and confusing relationship, he intends to close Nan Qiao, originally intended to write down the emotional traps of the past that period of past events, but do not want their own hopelessly fell in love with Nan Qiao. Chang JianXiong, the other protagonist of the incident, reunited with Shi Yue, who had become her rival. She felt both guilty and guilty in her heart. The relationship between her ancestry and her current feelings triggered the war between the two men. The dignified Southern Father resolutely opposed the feelings of Nan Qiao and Shi Yue. Nan Qiao also gradually learned that An Ning, a woman who had a deep influence on him, was covered by Shi Yue's life. In the face of the pressure of the Southern Father, An Ning obstruction and indelible past, Nan Qiao and Shi Yue have always stood side by side, closely dependent on each other to make every effort to protect their cherished love.

Outside the building (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Lou Lou" tells the story of Qing dynasty twenty-eight years, Hong Ruitang founded in the West Lake Bridge building outside the building. In the early years of the Republic of China, Hong Kaohsiung Road fell off the building outside the building was also former friend Xiao Han dry collusion with warlords. Lou Hsun-tung, the third-generation outsider of the building, lost his ancestral home and failed to live far away from home. Forced to livelihood Hongshun Sen into the abundance floor done a man, won the appreciation of the boss Kobayashi expensive, won the song girl spring admiration. Something unexpected happened, Xiaohan refused to give up, chase Hong Shunsen, the high boss save the body, the end of her daughter Mei Hu entrusted to Hong Shunsen. After the catastrophe, his wife Mei Gu died, Hong Shunsen painful setbacks, together with the Spring recapture of the building, and carry forward. Although the floor outside the building fame far, life, however, every troubled times, wave after wave of changes so that the dream of Hong Shun Sen suffered. After experiencing the founding of the Republic of China and the baptism of the Anti-Japanese War, the outer building survived several deaths and deaths, while the son of Hong Shunsen joined the Chinese Communist Party and devoted himself to China's liberation cause. After the founding of New China, Lou Lou Lou has become the proud restaurant ethnic & nbsp ;.

Impermanence (Movie)[2018]

Feature: Yun Shui was jointly produced by Huashan Mountain (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Peking Opera Movie Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Bad Monkey Films and co-produced by Tian-yu & Gang Jiao Yang Chunshan Zhou Chuchu Zhang Jue Starring, mainly around three lonely men - Wang HaiLi, Fang YiGuo, with a description of the dust, about different characters, each going through a test of desire, embarking on a journey of atonement concerning faith, looking for a peace of mind Department of the story. The guilty person does not actually need to be forgiven by others, but should atone for his own life to make atonement. For those who are guilty, forgiveness is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to find the good in your heart and the determination to make atonement.

Premier Zhou Enlai (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Premier Zhou Enlai" tells of the founding of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China from October 1, 1949. Zhou Enlai served as the founding prime minister and formed a cabinet. More than half of the ministers are members of the democratic parties. He attached great importance to giving play to the role played by the United Front in the socialist revolution and construction. He often listened to opinions of various democratic parties and non-partisan patriots and made important contributions to the adherence to and improvement of the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation led by the Chinese Communist Party. Zhou Enlai used diplomatic measures. China and the United States conducted more than 10 rounds of talks and released 11 U.S. pilots in advance in exchange for Qian Xuesen et al. Since the establishment of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949, Comrade Zhou Enlai has served as the government prime minister of the Republic for a total of 26 years. His daily efforts are centered on the economic, diplomatic, defense, united front, science and technology, culture, education, news, health and sports development. Under the leadership of the party Central Committee and Comrade Mao Tse-tung, he devoted himself to formulating and implementing an independent foreign policy of peace and made outstanding contributions to our country's diplomacy. In the busy foreign affairs activities, Comrade Chou Enlai has worked hard to promote world peace, safeguard the independence and sovereignty of the socialist China, and the national dignity of the Chinese nation, and to promote China's international status and promote a wide range of foreign economic and cultural exchanges , Made a historic contribution. He went to the flood fighting front line many times, the scene of the earthquake, where there are disasters, where people have difficulties, he promptly appeared in where. Even in the last days of his life when he was seriously ill, he was sick to work in state affairs. He unreservedly dedicated his energies to the party and the people until the last breath of his life.

Impressionist Romance (Movie)[2018]


The movie "My Girl Romance" introduces the story: It tells about the post-90s Gao Ge is a tech madman full of whimsy. In order to prevent the mother from telling the world about his dad's singer Luo Dayou, she took her mother to Shenzhen to face Luo Dayou, but unfortunately lost her mother when she arrived in Shenzhen, and she was looking for a friend with Dou Dou and Xiao Biangui Yu Wei. Next, not only met the old coworkers of the mother, but also found out that her mother had been crazy about youth and legendary love stories. Gao Ge finally eliminated her mother’s misunderstandings and embarked on a journey with her mother.

Things (TV)[2018]


Introduction to the plot of the TV series heshan: it tells the story that in the xi 'an incident, wei dahe, head of Yang hucheng's department, succeeded in grabbing tongguan, but was sent back to his hometown because of the conflict with the red army officer gao xiaoshan. When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, he returned to the front and saved jiang huaizhu, the commander of the northeast army. He fell in love with his daughter jiang ya zhen, but did not know that she was an underground party member and the direct superior was his third brother fu Yang. After a series of failures, the Chinese army was forced to retreat to zhongtiaoshan. Wei's attack on yongji succeeded, but he was transferred to the guerrilla column. He worked with gao xiaoshan. Qiu yuanguo, a special agent of the army, performs a secret anti-communist mission in zhongtiaoshan. Jiang huaizhu was surrounded by the Japanese army and defected to the enemy. Qiu yuanguo instructed him to save the country and sent jiang ya-zhen to his side to carry out the task of colluding with the Japanese army against the communist party. She made a fatal mistake in providing information to weihe river. Fu sacrificed herself to keep her hidden. Wei river by anti-communist, pro-communist, and eventually became a communist, and jiang ya zhen became life and death lovers. The defensive line of zhongtiaoshan was close to collapse, and jiang ya risked his life to announce the news. .

Ten years of sunshine (TV)[2018]


Introduction to TV series ten years of sunshine and ten years of life: About 30 s Shanghai, orphanages in feng a chance won a journalist's career, because the boss arranged in the film layout, so he and the actress xu lai in the indissoluble bond, he was in the process of development of nominal police station inspector, it is a positive thought the influence of the progress of the youth Li Re righteousness, from a purely entertainment, became to expose the social darkness and ugly, also the public facts of reporters, also found his life mystery, When he knew that his father had been persecuted and killed for challenging the reactionary government for the benefit of the workers, he resolutely made the same choice as his father, secretly cooperated with li ruoyi and completed the action of destroying the Japanese invaders' plan, which won the favor of xu laiyi. The two eventually chose to go to yan 'an with the progressive youth of Shanghai and devote themselves to the liberation battle with perseverance, leaving behind a legendary life story that will be enjoyed by future generations.

Running heels (TV)[2018]


The drama "running high heels" : gao wen, hu yun, tang susu met in the EMBA class. In the process of learning together, gao wen, after 70 years old, coped with the family's struggle for birth, hu yun, after 80 years old, experienced the collapse of her marriage, and tang susu, the second generation of rich returnees after 90 years old, staged a series of "struggle stories" with her father to insist on her interest and love with foreign classmates. The three sisters made a new concept eco-car project out of a Shared dream, and used it to secure venture capital from EMBA class ventures. During this period, they encountered many difficulties due to the planning of the school entrance during the same period, but they went up against the stream, grew up in the hardship, eventually ran the company together, and won the class venture capital, and realized their dreams. The three female ceos have also gained their love, and their friendship is precious in the Shared tribulation.


Ten miles field picking up flowers (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Ten Years of Foreign Affairs" is a story about the Shanghai concession from the 1910s to the 1920s. It is like a bright flower at sea. It is a metropolis that is rich and peaceful with its golden age , Looks gorgeous, but it is hidden endless turbulent darkness. The play grew from a bottom-up paparazzi reporter Feng YiLun (Peter ornaments) to become the main story of the entertainment newspaper tycoon, in tandem with the vicissitudes of life under the screen of the top ten actresses on the beach of the Republic of China. Starring in the Top 10 Foreign Markets, directed by Gaosheng, starring Peter Hailu, Su Ma, Chen Zihan, Siqin Gaowa, Calvin Li, Bobo Gan, Guanxiang Liu, Aaron Jakubenko, starring Peter Pan, Monica Mu, Liu Yan (actress), Johnny, Dawei Chen, Yu Xuan Hong Hao co-star in the era of emotional drama.

Many years late for you (TV)[2017]


In 1985, the military medical unit was ordered to save a third company of the railroad, a medical unit, which was under construction Mo Li , zeng buyu, Zhao YiQin , Wen Ting , Wang JianYun From then on, and three companies of the warrior stills tie. A few years later, they switched careers and began a new life. Zeng buyu built a house in the suburbs of Beijing and lived steadily. 3 repeatedly long Mu JianFeng After the reunion with Mo Li, the relationship warmed up, and Wang JianYun and Wen Ting also talked about marriage. Wen Ting, however, was found to have inherited mental illness and left voluntarily. Mu JianFeng felt inferior to Mo Li, and quietly left to go into business and married Zhao YiQin. Mo Li is married to someone else. In 1998, during the reform wave, she was inspired by writer zhou zaipeng to transform her residence into buyushan residence. Years later, Wang JianYun divorced Wen Ting and remarried. Mu JianFeng divorced, but he couldn't end up with Mo Li. Zhao YiQin found a new life partner. At this time, the residence of buyushan is about to be eliminated in the market tide, but it always records the love and the most pure emotion & NBSP; .

To happiness forward (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the late 1990s, workers Xiang QianJin Gao LiHua husband and wife laid off, push three rounds, placed newsstands. They had no child under their knees, adopted twists and turns to abandon the abandoned girl Kam Kam, opened a taxi, newsstand change kiosks, with good and hardy business life, appreciate the happiness and annoyance, until found Jin Kam congenital heart disease, Gao LiHua accidental Bumped into vegetative. Liaosi farmers Huang Sufen to the city to find her daughter, sanitation workers do not meet the female Jin Kam. In order to treat Jin Jin and his wife, Xiang QianJin took up the whole family, optimistic and positive, enthusiastic and helpful, with the help of the government and relatives and friends, to tide over the difficulties and also wiped off the emotional sparks with Huang Sufen, who took the initiative to take care of them. Gao LiHua awakened after a few years of coma, Xiang QianJin and Huang Sufen face the double test of morality and emotion. Jin Jinsheng father rich contractor shantytowns renovation project, looking for Huang Sufen and Kam Kam sincerely atonement. Under the background of rejuvenating the old industrial base in the Northeast and the coastal economic belt, the new factory was completed. Xiang Li-Li Jin, a consultant and Gao LiHua, ran the provincial newspaper chain kiosk, and both stayed with each other until they entered a new house. Jin Kam successfully faced two benefactors of their parents, Huang Sufen's heart to find the direction of happiness & nbsp ;.

WhiteDeerPlain (TV)[2016]

Feature: The play is a history of 50 years of the Wei River Plain in the early 20th century. Special "White Deer Plains" poster version of the special background, Guanzhong strong customs, the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the War of Liberation, the ancient land, staged scenes of soul-stirring scenes. In the play Zhu XianSheng sticks to the traditional morality, Bai JiaXuan hardworking and selfishness, Lu ZiLin Succeed, Bai XiaoWen emotional twists and turns, Bai Ling went to revolution, Hei Wa was forced to bandit, Lu ZhaoPeng pursuit of ideals, Lu ZhaoHai sacrifice, interpretation The two families of different generations, twists and turns of life trajectory and destiny. The endless revolution of the Great Revolution, the invading crisis of the Japanese invaders, the social turmoil in the civil war in the past three years, the change in the history of the White Deer and the trembling of old land in the throes of pains, the root cause of the Chinese nation must be inherited in baptism and the reform must be renewed in the old system and mode of production Rewrite, usher in bright sunshine.

Women spend like a dream (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1995, Dong Zhe, an overseas Chinese returning to China, sold his "home" restaurant founded by his deceased wife because of his debts to Taiwan, leaving his eldest daughter Dong Yi and his second daughter Dong Qing in Beijing. Dong Yi set up a "find the taste" restaurant, after hard work, become a strong woman Beijing food industry. Twenty years later, his father took the half-sister Sister Dong to return to live in Beijing and regained his power.

Mom moves forward (TV)[2016]

Feature: Wang Qing wants to visit the United States seriously ill Kevin, but failed to make the trip. Ex-husband Jian Ping and Wang Qing therefore want to remarry, but Hurley returned to the grandson of the ancestral home. In fact, really Hu Li has died of dystocia. Fetal sister Salsa pretending to be Huli Hu Yin originally wanted a leave on leave. But she found Jianping IT company's boss played a vicious concept. Salsa's ex-boyfriend Gao PengSheng appears, he attempted to kidnap Wang Qing son attempted, but caused a car accident amnesia Wang Qing. Kevin recovered heartache. Gao Pengfei was arrested to account for the real identity of Salsa was Yin out. Sa Sa find Kevin company to work, in order to get Kevin's love, she drastic salary, causing the sword company in desperation. Wang Qing regains memory, salsa learned that Kevin loved to be destroyed by Wang Qing, and Wang Qing misunderstood Kevin's refusal to marry him. Kevin emotional decline old disease recurrence. Salsa regretted leaving Wang Qing to leave the penitent letter. Jian Ping learned the truth, soothe Wang Qing, in the eyes of children look forward to Wang Qing moving, the family was finally reborn & nbsp ;.

TheCrossingPart2 (Movie)[2015]

Feature: In the 1940s, when the civil war was almost over, Taiwanese doctor Yan ZeKun (Takeshi Kaneshiro) frequently traveled to and from Taiwan's Taiping Wheel, a cruise liner to the mainland, to buy medicine. In order to maintain his family livelihood, ostensibly he was calm but his heart never stopped thinking of Masami Nagasawa, a lover who was forced to separate because of the war. His brother, Yan Zeming (Yang Youning), was bent on going to the mainland for a revolution and the families of the poor were precarious . Yan ZeKun encounters Lady Yi Yi Fang (Song Hye-kyo), General Lei Tongjun's Tong DaQing (Tong Dawei) Qianyuan Wang and Mrs. Faye Yu met at the last Taipings in Taiwan. They wrote about the joys and sorrows of the war years. The fate of the gear was turned on. How did the undead go under the big times?

MUM GO GO GO (Movie)[2015]

Feature: A successful career, Wang Qing is emotionally betrayed by her husband, Yin JianPing and her friend Hu Li. Daughter Dou Dou was frightened of aphasia, was found not Jianping birth, Wang Qing left Yin home. Housing leaks were nightmares, workplace fraudulent Wang Qing was forced to leave and start the restaurant. Become acquainted with Peng Juan and Xiao Zhi mother and son. Peng Juan suffered from a serious illness and entrusted Xiao Zhi to Wang Qing on her deathbed. Restaurant management difficult, Wang Qing dilemma, Zhou KaiWen first love to help hand, want to renew love. When Hu Li was pregnant, Wang Qing agreed to divorce Jian Ping. Jian Ping's career crisis, Hu Li noisy accidental abortion. Jianping parents miss their granddaughter, back Dou Dou and Xiao Zhi. Hu Li was in trouble Dou Dou, Xiao Zhi thus clashed with Hu Li, and Dou Dou spoke suddenly. Hu Li accidentally pulled Xiao Zhi is the fact that Wang Qing and Jianping parenting. Jianping hopes to remarry with Wang Qing, Hu Li silently left. Wang Qing in the face of the feelings of both Jianping and Kevin, dilemma. In the face of the sword of repentance, Wang Qing decided to return to Yin, giving her two children, giving himself and a sword for the truly regrettable sword, recovering her past love and forming a new happy home.

Female is not powerful (TV)[2015]

Feature: In his middle age, Zheng YuQing, director of the Metropolitan News Agency, concentrated on caring for his daughter over half the day before his retirement. He did not expect the unexpected situation of the newspaper, and she was appointed editor in chief. After Zheng YuQing came to office, she found that there were serious problems in the newspaper industry and there was also great resistance to change. Zheng YuQing, with her own abilities and her passion for blood, has finally turned the newspaper business into a turning point with the softness and tenacity of women. However, a new wave of mobile Internet wave has come in turmoil, so that the impact of traditional paper media, the newspaper is facing a new crisis. In her relationship with her daughter and her 90s, Zheng YuQing gradually realized that she should change her and try to learn something new. Zheng YuQing began his transformation, and eventually out of a new world together with the team & nbsp ;.

TheCrossingPart1 (Movie)[2014]

Feature: On the eve of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, nationalist general Lei YiFang (Xiaoming Huang), at a tremendous price, won a major victory. The survivors of this campaign included Tong DaQing (Tong Dawei), a Taiwanese Japanese military doctor and Yan ZeKun Takeshi Kaneshiro ornaments). At the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Lei YiFang quickly fell in love with Ms. Zhou YunFen (Song Hye-kyo); Tong DaQing loved Yu Zhen (Zhang Ziyi), who was taking pictures with her as her husband and wife, Yan ZeKun successfully returned to Taiwan, riding the "Taiping" shuttle across the Taiwan Strait to buy herbs, but the heart of Japanese Masaki Nagasawa childhood child (Masami Nagasawa ornaments) can not forget. The eruption of the civil war forced Lei YiFang and Tong DaQing to return to the battlefield. Zhou YunFen and his family went to Taiwan with "Taiping" and waited for a long wait. Historical misfortune so that we meet, "Taiping" has become a couple of couples worried about this life. The film is "Taiping" on the episode.

TheHouseThatNeverDies (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Taiwanese woman writer Xu Ruoqing (Ruby Lin) moved to the Mainland to live with her lover Zhao Yi Tang (Francis Ng), leaving her ex-mother (Elaine Jin) the key to her ancestral home. So Ruo Qing Daughter Xiao Meng (Candy ornaments) into the legendary haunted house - No. 81 North. Yat-sen's wife, Pat Ha, refused to divorce, and he was often disturbed by the fact that he was always with secretary Liu Li (Monica Mok). Connaught big house in addition to an old maid (Yuanxiang Ren ornaments) no other people, but Xiao Meng said he often play with a little red sister, bold Ruqing want to find out, but unexpectedly found Zizai dusty past . It turned out that all this is closely related to the original owner of the old house, the Three Brothers of Huojia. Huo Jiaoshu's young master Huo Lianqi (Yang Youning) is bent on marrying the foreman Lu Yu, actor) ornaments) for the ghost marriage, a farce this led directly to the future decline of the Huo family ... ... But in reality, if more and more felt Zuizi supernatural power. The film adapted from the folk legend of the four dignified head "North Korea No. 81" strange story.

The Piano in a Factory (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the early 1990s, an industrial city in the northeast. After the laid-off workers of the original steel mill, Chen GuiLin set up a wedding band in order to maintain their livelihood, all day long running back and forth between weddings and funerals and opening of shops. At the same time, his wife Xiao Ju was overwhelmed by her life, she was unconscionable and told a wealthy businessman. Later, Xiao Ju came back in good spirits, demanding a divorce from her husband, Chen GuiLin, and asked for custody of the only daughter, Chen Xiao Yuan. Who can give her daughter a piano has become the key to fighting for custody. Chen GuiLin wants to train her daughter to be a good pianist. In order to get the custody of his daughter, he endured all kinds of pressure to raise money for his daughter to buy the piano. Without any setbacks, he decided to take the risk and his girlfriend, Shu Xian, Steal the piano, but was found to be arrested. When all failed, Guilin accidentally turned to a Russian document on the piano, so he called his companions in the already dilapidated plant began the journey of hand-made piano, the last retired thief, full-time bully, big brother and mother, With the help of a group of abject brothers, the Pork Prince created a "steel" piano and a group of men fighting for dignity. Love, friendship and passion, humor absurd burning in the impossible task.

Shield God (TV)[2014]

Feature: The story of the protagonist Cao Xianzheng grew up from a poor sheep in old China to an investigating criminal who grew up in New China. The story shows the difficulties of establishing a public security criminal investigation team in the early days of the founding of New China and the pragmatic style of the Communists and the victory over all hardship and suffering Courage, aroused the great dedication and dedication of public security warriors. At the beginning of the founding of New China, in the face of the complicated social situation, Cao Xianzheng began with a camera, a few police dogs and a microscope with the dauntless revolutionary spirit of Communists, the style and wisdom of seeking truth from facts, and the eclectic way of employing people. Create the Communist Party's own criminal investigation and technical contingent and personally lead the contingent to subdue criminals with wisdom and conquer the people by law and reason so as to safeguard the leadership of the ruling party and safeguard social stability so that we can make every effort to build a peaceful and prosperous Thai people and peace With

Red Sorghum (TV)[2014]

Feature: Ji'er and Yu ZhanAo make-up According to the early 1930s, bandit gangs were crowded in Gaomi in Shandong Province. Northeast Township homeowners 19-year-old daughter of nine children, was the father of money for the leprosy winery main son Dan BianLang, Kung Wu powerful leader Yu ZhanAo like nine children, killed a single father and son, nine children and Yu ZhanAo started a love that was not recognized by the villagers and had two children. With the help of the wine master Luo Han and others, Jiur gradually grew from a simple girl into a skilled Sorghum shopkeeper, rejuvenating a single wine shop. Yu ZhanAo led the brothers to form their own armed forces, dealing with the local government, the bandits Hua BoZi and the iron plate and other forces between. The outbreak of the Seventy-Seven incident and the Japanese occupation of Shandong have shattered the prosperity of the past in Gaomi County. Before the nationalist cause, Yu ZhanAo and all quarters of the party stopped the dispute and jointly resisted Japan. When the internal and external disturbances came into being, nine children led the troops and led the Japanese devils to the sorghum. They ignited the sorghum and died off with the enemy. Using their own lives to write love and conquest, ambition and will in this thriving Shandong Gaomi land legend.

Happiness will be broadcast later (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Happiness Bears Later" tells the story of Ye Ling and Fu Zhong with Li XiaoFeng and He LanShan, both college students at the Broadcasting Institute. In a car accident, Ye Ling, a business-type entrepreneur, lost her daughter, Wen Wen, and Li XiaoFeng, a family photographer, lost her husband, He LanShan. Due to long-term career-ignoring families, Ye Ling was in perilous crisis, her daughter died, her husband ran away and lost her moderator's job. And life-style Li XiaoFeng with his husband's death, had to prop up a home. The transformation of the roles of Ye Ling and Li XiaoFeng is essentially. Ye Ling began to hope for the life of a little woman, while Li XiaoFeng found her self-worth in her career. Life makes them realize that true happiness does not lie in external causes, nor in internal life, but in the feelings of self-happiness.

ChristmasRose (Movie)[2013]

Feature: The film talks about the disabled piano teacher Li Jing, who brought Hong Kong surgeon Zhou WenXuan (a sexual assault) to a court in a routine medical examination, causing all uproar in Hong Kong. Chen ZhiTian, ​​the prosecutor representing Li Jing, vowed to seek justice for her , But defense lawyer Zhou WenXuan accused this case is not imagined as simple ... A battle between love and law kicked off. Chen ZhiTian born lawyer family, determined to become a conscientious lawyer from an early age. , He was somewhat out of step in this realistic society. He finally decided to leave the reputable law firm and go to the Department of Justice who can punish and promote evil. He is the first single case opponent to be one of the lawyers in Hong Kong Star, young talent Freddy, from his old club law firm, was the famous doctor's sexual harassment case that was the focus of the media and society as a whole. The plaintiff Li Jing, a disabled piano teacher, taught the accused Zhou Wenyi Daughter piano class, while Zhou is also a private doctor Li Jing. On the day of the incident, Li Jing went to the hospital to find Zhou Wen 瑄 check the body, When the nurse returned, Li Jing decided to sue Zhou for sexual assault. Chen ZhiTian, ​​full of sense of justice, decided to give the weak woman an early success and honor the sharp-headed defense lawyer and set off a relationship between human nature and Righteousness and mutual wrestling Rashomon.

YoungStyle (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Not crazy, how is youth? Ju Ran (Dong Zijian) graduated in front of the college entrance examination graduation photo, in the face of teachers and students in the school, loudly with Tagore's verse to the crush on the three years of Huang JingJing (Yue Xi An ornaments) confession, the harvest of sweet first love . But the soon-to-be-loved sweetness was destroyed by the mother (Mei Yong) who heard the news. Huang JingJing left with the stimulation of Ju Ran's mother. Ju Ran was sad and wanted to climb the wall to restore her first love. . Lovelorn injury plus his college entrance examination defeat, watching Huang JingJing Fudan's figure, decided to repeat chase love. Started a period of crazy senior three years. In each youthful memory, a girl in deep love and silence, several emotionally loyal buddies, a group of lossless friends with stories, and memories shared by all. This is the youth camp - life is always flashing, never fade period of time.

if life has cheated you (TV)[2013]

Feature: Li Yang (Lu Yi (actor)), the second elder of the Li family, tells of the poverty of her family. In order to get a good job, she had to bow to the reality and gave up her childhood friend Ceng XiaoYa ( Shen Jiani), married Cheng ZhenZhen (Qin Hailu), a coddler who has been loving himself for many years. Marriage is not based on the mutual acceptance of both sexes, coupled with Cheng ZhenZhen Jiaozhuo capricious, misconduct is also horizontal between the two issues, so married life is not happy at all. Li Ni (Yue Wu), the daughter of Li's eldest daughter, married Xiang Dongai (Geng Le), a handsome and handsome captain with good condition. Under the seemingly romantic marriage, the other party turned out to be a small oil bottle Divorced men; the last is actually the most unpopular people of the Li family Li Shan (Jingfei Guo) of the marriage, although Jie Di Lian also live a hard life, but live realistic.

Family portrait (TV)[2013]

Feature: Family portrait tells the story of three families in a small courtyard in Beijing: carpenter Wang Man Tang, widow Liu Jie and doctor Lao Zhou. Wang ManTang carpenter for the next project to compete with Lv Ye, although won this single large but owed the debt, prompting his wife Da Niu noisy. Seeing to be copied, Wang ManTang into despair. Thanks to Beijing's liberation, he escaped. Seeing flourishing days, grandson but let him scratch the scalp. Widow Liu sister expect the son of Fu Lai promising, but Fu Lai just married the drum artist, which makes Liu sister before the lift can not afford to start. After the liberation, due to daughter-in-law can not have children, law-abiding daughter-in-law constantly. The same old house for the Liu family to help Liu sister heart waves. "Right" Lao Zhou did not want to hurt her, ran to the northwest, the two began a tortuous course of emotion. The three people who came from old China, after sixty years of trials and hardships, finally reunited their homes at the opening night of the Beijing Olympic Games. They looked up to the fireworks rising from the sky and showed a happy smile. Family portrait

Angels come tonight (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Angel comes tonight" focuses on different attitudes of modern urban women to "pregnancy": Tian Tian (Su Ma), a white-collar worker struggling on the line of life, can not get pregnant; Leng Ting's obstetrician Lin Ting (Li Xiaoran ) Because of the lover's betrayal do not want to get pregnant; Peng JiaJia (Tamia Liu), a wealthy lady with no independent financial ability, has a life-long need for a second child. The show revolves around three urban women, with "pregnant things", with a witty and humorous show of the city's hot and hot mom's sweet and sour salty.

TianTangZhiWen (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Ordinary high school student Zao BanZi, the only goal in life is to go to college, but simple life ends when it comes to seeing him. One day, she meets Xiao QuanRangEr, a proud man who aims to become a top fashion designer. While being thoroughly impressed by each other's talent and self-confidence, Purple not only accepted the invitation as the model of their Gakuen fashion show, but also in the face of this weird but sincere and lovely friends in the gradual change of life View, start to pursue their dreams.

Kiss of paradise (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Chen MeiZhi (Qin Hailu), the host of the shopping channel, accidentally crashed into the sea after being betrayed by his fiancé and was rescued by his wedding photographer Guang Qing (Van Fan). With the crashes, it seems that everything is in the bottom, the United States not only homeless, even in the work of the shopping platform also appeared crisis! Guang Qing temporarily admitted to the United States wise, but the personality of the two tribes of the same friction, but gradually created friction in the friction. Until the pursuit of wisdom Tu HaoLaoBan (Jamie Weng ornaments) appears. Who would she choose between Tu HaoLaoBan and Guang Qing, who is suspected of true love?

Contentment (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Contentment" tells the story of the early widowed Sun MaMa for the marriage of three beautiful darlings worry. Big-son-in-law as an official, the second son-in-law as a boss, except that the three-year-old son is a taxi driver, Sun MaMa somewhat disdain for three son-in-law. To this end, the mother-in-law with the stubborn upright three-son began a decade-long "war." Three daughters in order to prove that they did not marry the wrong person, do everything possible to allow three son-in-law to learn computer science English, but the third son-in-law is not a big device, which makes three daughters very disappointed, the relationship between husband and wife lights up red. Just at this time, the eldest daughter and the second daughter's home have been major changes in succession, Sun MaMa could not withstand the heavy blows, sudden cerebral hemorrhage paralyzed in bed. Three-year-old son in three years, meticulously serve Sun MaMa, for her pensioner. Mother wife and son-in-law produced a thick human truth. Sun MaMa was widowed early, a man who worked hard to pull the three flower-like daughter grew up, the three daughters her hope of later life, so her extravagant marriage to the three daughters. When an accountant's eldest daughter, Sun Fei, was married to Zheng Qi, a political official, Zhao Yun, the lawyer's second daughter, was married to Zhao QiLong, a business executive, but her third daughter, Sun Qian, married Li Qiong, which makes Sun MaMa greatly annoyed. Sun MaMa believes that "the big-son-in-law and the second-in-law both have a pair of hands grabbing gold and silver, while the third son-in-law is a pair of handcuffs that catch the urine". So tenacious, foolhardy mother-in-law with temper stubborn words do not turn between the three son-in-law began for ten years of "no war of no smoke." Rich and powerful big son-in-law, two son-in-law mother-and-wife scramble honor, spending big bucks, which makes Sun MaMa big son-in-law, two loving plus; and the three son-in-law belong to the working class, although also filial, but because of the cash-strapped, The things that honor their wife and mother are naturally clumsy. In addition, Sun MaMa does not like her three sons-in-law. Therefore, her three-son-in-law is exceptionally cold-hearted. Sun Qian, the third daughter, was not satisfied with his mother and two brother-in-law's contempt for their husband. To prove that he did not marry the wrong person, Li Qiong gave up her job as a taxi driver. She earned a living for her and offered Li Qiong a computer and English tutoring Class, let him study hard, in the future more than big brother and second brother-in-law. Li Qiong in order to fight the tone, save life to learn hard training. However, because the foundation is too thin, learning computer knows little about, even more ignorant of English, which carries a heavy mental burden. Sun Qian's study supervision and supervision over her husband have goneverned even some fascists: they are not allowed to go to bed after they fail to complete their studies, and they are not even allowed to enter the house outside the main entrance. Although Sun MaMa upset three sons, but distressed three daughters, often carrying three sons-in-law to her daughter to eat and drink. Seeing three sons and daughters did not study hard, she was also distressed, with her mouth still accusing third son-in-law. Three in-laws Li Qiong can not stand the tremendous mental stress, began to wear his head tired learning, and occasionally secretly chatting on the Internet, which makes Sun Qian disappointed, the relationship between husband and wife lights up red. Huo Da, a Hong Kong-based businessman, falsified himself in the hope that Sun Qian and Li Qiong will end an unequal marriage. In order to marry Sun Qian, Li Qiong re-locked himself in the house to study or even "head beam, cone piercing," the result of a serious illness.Sun Qian see her husband doing his best, but the ability is indeed limited, they do not have the heart to persecute her husband, let Li Qiong got up a taxi driver, the couple returned to a plain but loving life. Just at this moment, the big-son-in-law transcended her love affair and wanted to divorce her eldest daughter Sun Fei. Sun MaMa did her best for her elder daughter and failed to reconcile her eldest daughter with her older son-in-law. Sun Yun, the second daughter of a lawyer, volunteered to help give advice to his elder Sun Fei in order to give his elder daughter a share of the property after the divorce. He temporarily transferred the common property of Sun Fei to Sun Yun under the name of Sun Yun. Grand daughter and husband divorced, Sun MaMa lost a "long grasp of gold caught the silver hand" son, she was angry and sad. However, something even more serious happened: when her eldest daughter, Sun Fei, was going to let her sister, Sun Yun, assign her property, she found her property was sold by her sister. Zhao QiLong second uncle borrowed heavily because of debt, the second Sun Yun will be his sister Sun Fei property made gambling money, hoping to "turn the fish", the result lost. Second daughter Sun Yun from no information, I do not know death. The eldest daughter, Sun Fei, could not afford to be deceived by her own sister and mentally disturbed. Sun MaMa can not afford continuous mental shock, paralysis of sudden cerebral hemorrhage in bed. In order to cater for the paralyzed Sun MaMa, the third daughter Sun Qian and the third son Li Qiong, Li Qiong said that Li Qiong did not make as much money as a taxi driver by taxi and that Sun Qian's wage income and development prospects were better than Li Qiong. So I hope Li Qiong resigned again as a taxi driver to concentrate on Sun MaMa. Li Qiong was unhappy, but for a beloved wife, kind-hearted Li Qiong took filial piety first. For three years, he treated his wife and mother thoroughly, urging mother-in-law to urinate while shouting at Sun MaMa: Your past ability to go, get up and then hit me yeah, curse ah you say, in the end is that your two long grasp gold hand-in-hand son-in-law useful ah, or my long grasp catch feces urine Son-in-law useful ah, "Sun MaMa no longer able to fight with the son-in-law, but blinking eyes kept crying. On the 64th birthday of Sun MaMa, she was clean and quiet, leaving her buttocks free of bedsores. Sun Qian hugged Li Qiong and cried, "My husband, thank you, you're the best husband in the world." Li Qiong shed tears on her mother's grave before regretting it and did not do anything with her mother-in-law for ten years Smoke war, now, the war is over forever. He cried and cried, "Mom, I'm sorry for you." This is his first shout for ten years, but her mother-in-law has not heard it.

Independent column (TV)[2012]


TV series "Independent Column" plot introduction: After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Meng YunXiao, who received devil training at the Berlin Military Academy, took the military plane to the front line and was shot down by the Japanese plane and landed in Phoenix Mountain. Instead of fear, he became a "big master" and transformed the bandits of Phoenix Mountain into an anti-Japanese powerhouse. The Fengshan Mountain female dagger Huo FengHuang gradually loved Meng YunXiao, and the Eighth Route Army cultural teacher Li Weiwei was also rescued by Meng YunXiao many times. Meng YunXiao, together with the leader of the Jinci Army, Guo WanMing, formed a relationship between the enemy and the friend after many fights. In front of the powerful enemy, the two abandoned the former suspicion and shared the foreign aunt. Meng YunXiao gradually moved closer to the Eighth Route Army and adapted the army of Fenghuangshan to the "eight-way army Taihangshan anti-Japanese column", and the Japanese army launched the final life and death contest, and finally ushered in the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.


ThePianoinaFactory (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In the early 1990s, an industrial city in the northeast. After the laid-off workers of the original steel mill, Chen GuiLin set up a wedding band in order to maintain their livelihood, all day long running back and forth between weddings and funerals and opening of shops. At the same time, his wife Xiao Ju was overwhelmed by her life, she was unconscionable and told a wealthy businessman. Later, Xiao Ju came back in good spirits, demanding a divorce from her husband, Chen GuiLin, and asked for custody of the only daughter, Chen Xiao Yuan. Who can give her daughter a piano has become the key to fighting for custody. Chen GuiLin wants to train her daughter to be a good pianist. In order to get the custody of his daughter, he endured all kinds of pressure to raise money for his daughter to buy the piano. Without any setbacks, he decided to take the risk and his girlfriend, Shu Xian, Steal the piano, but was found to be arrested. When all failed, Guilin accidentally turned to a Russian document on the piano, so he called his companions in the already dilapidated plant began the journey of hand-made piano, the last retired thief, full-time bully, big brother and mother, With the help of a group of abject brothers, the Pork Prince created a "steel" piano and a group of men fighting for dignity. Love, friendship and passion, humor absurd burning in the impossible task.

ASimpleLife (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Tao Jie (Deanie Ip) is an old servant who has served Li for decades and raised her second-generation master Luo Jie (Andy Lau). Luo Jie is a movie producer in his fifties and still single, and Tao Jie also continue to take care of Luo Jie, become a habit ... ... One day, Tao Jie to the streets to buy food, back to the soup, make tables full of meals , Waiting for a trip from the Mainland to go home Luo Jie, Tao Jie looked out the window of the street scene to pass the time unconsciously actually unconsciously on the ground ... Tao Jie woke up and found himself in the hospital, Tao Jie is a stroke! While the arm can not move freely, you must use physical therapy to restore activity as much as possible. Luo Jie is busy working for Tao Jie to find the right Lao Ren hospital, during which Cao Meng brother (Anthony Wong (Hong Kong actor)), Tao Jie was discharged to Lao Ren hospital, strange environment, hospital Friends weird, Tao Jie strongly loaded calm. Luo Jie workers often go to Lao Ren hospital Tao Tao, master servant gossip home as a mother and son, still keep mutual ridicule ridicule habits, Tao Jie sweetheart, admire envy. Luo Jie deliberately brought Tao Jie to the premiere of the movie, Tao Jie dressed for the first time deliberately prepared, taking the long-cherished collection of expensive clothes to attend the premiere; Tao Jie eye-opener, and finally have the opportunity to see the movie ...

ReturnTicket (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Cao Li and Xie Qin live in shabby booths, less than two pings. Under the image of Shanghai's glamorous metropolis, there are a group of foreign women like them. Every day, they live on the bottom of each chores. Take care of people for hygiene, or part-time work, cook or cook Yuesao, allow time trivial wear and tear of youth. However, the money they repatriated renovated the dilapidated old house of their home and smoothed their children's books. Fuyang hometown to Shanghai, although only six hundred miles away, but can not often go home, suffered outside belly wronged only swallow themselves. In addition to making money, the reason they are leaving is more and more far-fetched. Cao Li, proud and outgoing, wanted to explore the outside world and escape from a failed marriage. As far away as she went to Guangdong, she started a small garment factory. However, when business failed, she could only lay down Boss's dignity, returned to Shanghai temporarily wronged, she knew her home is gone, the next stop still do not know where to go, at this stage she was still quietly picked up cleaning appliances, dotted in the dirty corner of health. Cao Li Cao Cao not only know this ability, just dumb Jiu Zi from the scrap car to come up with an old bus, the dumb brouhaha a repair, the car still barely on the road, the dog brother Cao Li to help find it. In order to make more people willing to take the dog's bus to go home, Cao Li said home extremely warm. However, Cao Li himself wondered if the house she was speaking in was not the home, dreaming of it at midnight, occasionally with a gossamer call, but pulling a slight pain. Cao Li is not even sure if she will be able to open the door of her home as much as anyone else seems. How far apart, how long will it begin to miss? A group of the most ordinary people, some of the most humble things. Cold and hustle and bustle of the streets of Shanghai, Jiu Zi's car filled with thirty aunt to go to their home, no mountains and rivers barrier, Zhichizhiyao, aroused, is the most real nostalgia.

ElGusto (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In the early 1990s, an industrial city in the northeast. After the laid-off workers of the original steel mill, Chen GuiLin set up a wedding band in order to maintain their livelihood, all day long running back and forth between weddings and funerals and opening of shops. At the same time, his wife Xiao Ju was overwhelmed by her life, she was unconscionable and told a wealthy businessman. Later, Xiao Ju came back in good spirits, demanding a divorce from her husband, Chen GuiLin, and asked for custody of the only daughter, Chen Xiao Yuan. Who can give her daughter a piano has become the key to fighting for custody. Chen GuiLin wants to train her daughter to be a good pianist. In order to get the custody of his daughter, he endured all kinds of pressure to raise money for his daughter to buy the piano. Without any setbacks, he decided to take the risk and his girlfriend, Shu Xian, Steal the piano, but was found to be arrested. When all failed, Guilin accidentally turned to a Russian document on the piano, so he called his companions in the already dilapidated plant began the journey of hand-made piano, the last retired thief, full-time bully, big brother and mother, With the help of a group of abject brothers, the Pork Prince created a "steel" piano and a group of men fighting for dignity. Love, friendship and passion, humor absurd burning in the impossible task.

Secret History of Empress Wu (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Secret History of Empress Wu Zetian" tells the story of the death of Emperor Taizong, Wu Mei Niang was forced into a monastery for the Nyingyeongsi Temple, subjected to humiliation. After being condoned because of pregnancy Gongzong. In a series of court struggles, Wu Mei Niang personally killed her daughter to blame Wang HuangHou, beat the prime minister Zhang SunWuJi, and finally became the queen. She and the emperor are interdependent and love-hate. Empress Wu with her excellent political ability to gradually grasp the real power, until the curtain to listen to politics. After the death of Emperor Gaozong, she fought alone, deposed Prince, appointed cruel officials, bloody repression, the country changed its national status as the Empire of Wu Zhou, became an unprecedented generation of empress. Although Empress Wu Jun has nowadays all over the world, helpless gradually into the old environment, can not exhaust extreme loneliness and emptiness, day indulge sensual. At the same time, hesitant for the heir to the throne, and finally had to hand over the World Warrior Wu son to complete her difficult, bizarre, brilliant and painful life & nbsp ;.

Panlongwohu high mountain (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Panlong tiger high mountain" tells the story of skin in northern Shaanxi, that is, today's Yan'an. Wulianbao, Heijia Bay and Baijiagou are three adjacent villages on the northern plateau. Wu children have surnamed Yang family, is said to be the descendants of the Huns. Early 20th century, Yang out of a famous "barefoot thieves", known for robbing the poor and the poor. Barefoot thief was killed, son Yang ZuoXin escaped a dilemma, was raised by his uncle, Yang Gui children adults into the skin Shi school study and secretly joined the Communist Party. Hei DaTou, a rich man from Heijiawan, was attracted by the singing of Bai Yu-gong's woman Bai YuE when returning from the northern grassland. After some twists and turns, he finally married his wife. In the meantime, Yang ZuoXin reluctantly married Deng Cao, a rural woman. In 1927 the coup of 4.12, Fusch began killing Communists in the city. Faced with white terror, Yang ZuoXin explores the crimes of the reactionaries while violating the violence. Yang ZuoXin, a man with weak appearance and bloody bones, attracted the intense admiration and pursuit of his classmate Zhao XueQin, the daughter of Zhao Ruicheng, the richest man in the world. Yang ZuoXin often refused to her, she is still hot pursuit. In order to get the feelings of Yang ZuoXin, Zhao XueQin not only personally broke up with Zhao's father, but also secretly joined the Communist Party. Yang ZuoXin's other classmate, who has long been in love with Hu YanKui of Zhao XueQin, therefore treated Yang ZuoXin as enemy and informed the police that Yang ZuoXin was a Communist party. Returning home for the sake of the storm, Yang ZuoXin rescued Hei DaTou, who was abducted by bandits. Therefore, the two ended their life and death. Zhao XueQin repeatedly persuaded Yang ZuoXin to abolish Deng Cao and combine himself with himself. Seeing Yang ZuoXin refused to agree, Zhao XueQin went to Yang to persuade Deng Cao to leave Yang ZuoXin. Deng Cao therefore hates himself. Hei DaTou was indicted on death row by a government official and Bai YuE rescued Hei DaTou with the help of Yang ZuoXin. Hei DaTou has been a bandit since nine days later. Insidious and cunning Hu YanKui, who became chief of police after the design, forced Zhao XueQin to write down the secessionist statement for Yang ZuoXin while enclosing Yang ZuoXin in the city gate. Seeing Yang ZuoXin at stake, Zhao XueQin desperate to live in salvation. Although Yang ZuoXin is out of danger, Zhao XueQin's renegade behavior can not be forgiven. Since then, Hu YanKui allegations Yang ZuoXin is dead, finally cheating on Zhao XueQin. In an effort to expand the armed forces in northern Shaanxi, Yang ZuoXin persuaded Hei DaTou to defeat the Red Army nine days after being ordered to go there. Who knows at this time Hei DaTou agreed to accept the incorporation of the national army. After some wits and wits by Yang ZuoXin, Hei DaTou finally decided to follow the Red Army, but unfortunately trapped under Hu YanKui set again in prison. Yang ZuoXin With the team struggling to help each other failed, Hei DaTou eventually killed by the enemy, the first two places, head hanging over the city gate. However, after nine days the team finally surrendered to the Red Army. In order to greet the Central Red Army going to northern Shaanxi, the Northern Red Army of Shaanxi decided to send Yang ZuoXin to his skin and try to liberate his skin peacefully. At this moment, Hu YanKui took advantage of the "declaration of separatism" to have Yang ZuoXin detained by the Red Army and de-linked the Red Army with the extermination tactics. Zhao XueQin learned that Yang ZuoXin was unjustly and found the Red Army excuse Yang ZuoXin, but was firmly rejected by the other party, but hesitated.Yang ZuoXin left the detention area with the help of Bai YuE, rushed to apply skin care to expose the fraudulent plot of Hu YanKui and meet again with Hu YanKui and Zhao XueQin. After some life and death, Yang ZuoXin finally smiled and welcomed the Red Army who opened the skin to Shihcheng City.

HongYueLiangZhaoChangShengQi (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Home in a remote village in the Jizhong plain, after graduating from Agricultural University, she returned to her hometown with her classmate Xiaoyun and is determined to complete the dream of building ecological agriculture. For the common goal, Tao Li and Xiao Yun aside the emotional entanglement with Du. Under their careful cultivation, newly developed rice has finally grown up. Green seedlings so that they see the golden hope. Suddenly, the season of transplanting rice seedlings arrived. All the surplus labor force in the village was mobilized. Tao Li's dream began to be realized step by step in time. Immature seedlings have become rich paddy, with an estimated yield of about 760 kilograms per mu. Harvesting is about to go in the sales of rice, Tao Li and Xiaoyun contradictions occurred. Regardless of Xiaoyun Tao blockage, a person to the provincial capital marketing, the results encountered troubles. When Tao Li was very indignant, Xiaoyun came to Tao Li side, the two sisters finally hugged together again. Through their efforts, they took the opportunity to establish a cooperative relationship with South Korea's Golden Lion Club, the new product finally opened up sales. Some villagers who did not own shares, in order to make more income, found Tao Li under the leadership of Hou Er and demanded that their rice should be labeled with the new product "Red Apple", which was rejected by Tao Li. Crazy villagers lost their reason, fought ... ... the new year, grandpa changed his view of granddaughter Tao Li, sword green and Tao Li's love also had the result. Dugao to be returned soon, and intends to get married and Xiaoyun. The villagers realized that ecological agriculture was the only way and that all the remaining land in the village was completely encased by Tao Li. "Red Apple" was founded! Productivity has been fully mobilized and expanded the space for reproduction. They have initially achieved the objectives of large-scale, production-oriented and market-oriented eco-agricultural parks. Everything is like a dream. The joy of success does not make Tao forget the wider land in the future. When the new generation of peasants change their original mode of production and face high-tech challenges, they will be the real masters of this land.

Golden Wedding Storm (TV)[2010]

Feature: The story began in 1958, 28-year-old valiant volunteer combat hero Geng Zhi met a 22-year-old Beijing hospital pediatrician, beautiful young South girl Shu Man, two people at first sight, Geng Zhi married capitalist daughter Shu Man, may not Do not bear the pain off the uniform, give up the good future. When they were young, they loved romance and romance. Although they adopted contradictory rules after adopting their sons, they remained calm after the quarrel. In middle age, the two, who were tired of marriage during the Cultural Revolution, solidified their love in the Tangshan earthquake. Collapse made their Allure Love; old age, children's growth and emotional ups and downs of the ups and downs, so that the old couple exhausted their efforts, they love each other, support each other, through the difficult years of life. Two husband and wife each other, never betray, and finally into the golden hand in hand.

Jinling secrets (TV)[2010]

Feature: Nanking, the Secret of the Jinling In 1948, the Kuomintang government fled the world under the banner of the world with flagrant civil war. Two years have passed, leading to huge military expenditures and the collapse of the central government. In order to make up for the deficit of the state treasury and divert the capital from the West to the West, we have secretly drafted an adventurous financial reform plan and changed the "legal currency" to "Golden Circle Bonds" in an attempt to shake off the deteriorating inflation by changing the currency system. In order to compete for the distribution rights of Golden Circle Certificates, Oriental Bank headed by General Manager Hou Anping launched a secret bribe to senior government officials from the aspects of "wealth and color." Qin ZhaoXu, a kind-hearted and ordinary small accountant, was unjustly entangled in The undercurrent of this power and money transaction, dilemma. A late night homicide in the villa made the story awe-inspiring. Famous Beijing-Shanghai actor Bai YanYan apparently had bid farewell to the stage before March to immigrate to the United States. However, she was unexpectedly found out and her dumb maid both fell outside the city of Nanjing A vegetarian "villa in the pool of blood. Guo ZhiRen and his inspectors brigaded themselves from this criminal case, but found a big conspiracy of shame and corruption involving several senior government officials in the general office of the Kuomintang government. At a time when the corrupt officials have surfaced and the truth is coming to an end, it was ordered by the highest head of the Nanjing government to adjourn indefinitely.

QiuXi (Movie)[2009]

Feature: On October 1, 1949, when the Liberation War entered the third phase of the end of the war, the Kuomintang captured the Guangzhou rebel against the southeastern city of Kwangtung. However, under the stubborn hopeless situation, the Kuomintang planned to undermine Guangzhou's infrastructure to impede the liberation before its withdrawal to Taiwan. Yan HaiQing (Guo Xiaodong), a liaison officer under the insurgent KMT, followed the direction of Xia HuiMin (Chun Sun), director of the military command, for many years and accepted the task of organizing this incident. Xia HuiMin Department stole details of the plan. Yan HaiQing, a Guangzhou-runner in a chill atmosphere, was careful in stepping onto a wire dish and only a young maid named Qiu Xi (Jiang Yiyan) accompanied her in the face of the grateful love of the latter. At the same time, Xia HuiMin's view of this suspicious subordinate also seems to go beyond the working relationship of general significance, hiding something else ...

Shanghai of Bourne (TV)[2009]

Feature: In 1937, in Shanghai where the war started, the underground members represented by Xiang YiPeng, the commander of the Chinese Communist underground organization Teco, started a tense and brutal fight with several forces such as the Kuomintang military forces, the Japanese spy organization and the Shanghai gang. They smashed up the Japanese assassin's "assassination envoy" plan, shot down Jie Chuan, the head of the Japanese spy agency in Shanghai. Later, they also identified the traitors within the Tectonics escort for the safe transfer of the Russian special commissioners. In the end, they secretly obtained the Japanese secret superiority, Explosion of the Japanese chemical plant. In Shanghai's war-time "isolated island," a series of dangerous, heart-stirring, bloody and horrifying stories took place among revolutionaries like Xiang YiPeng.

I Am Liu Yuejin (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Liu YueJin, a laborer who cooks on the construction site, aims to earn some money in Beijing and open a small restaurant in his hometown. One day, the unlucky Liu YueJin's bag was robbed, with more than four thousand bucks in his bag, a divorce certificate and a $ 60,000 IOU in his divorce certificate. Four thousand bucks are all his accumulation, and the IOU in the divorce certificate was exchanged by his wife, which is his hope of completely changing his destiny. In order to find his own package, Liu YueJin followed a late-night burglary thief to pick up a bag. The result was the next day someone found Liu YueJin to find the lost package, claiming that there is a USB flash drive in the bag, there are some things in the USB flash drive. Since then, Liu YueJin appeared around a variety of weird people, and their goal is to only that U disk, Liu YueJin's life because this U disk actually become wonderful.

dong fangs or (TV)[2008]

Feature: Han WuDi Liu Che, adolescents ascended the throne, ambitious, since he changed Wenjing "Huanglaozhizhi" nonsense, since the "Emperor Wu." And under the purview of virtuous, broken with real talent to learn talent. Shandong Qi Dong Dong Shuo, proficient in the history of literature and comic, resourcefulness, the call came, volunteered. He presented his two-car bamboo slips and his articles and articles on military affairs and proposed complete proposals governing the country, diplomacy and Anbian so that Han WuDi could not disregard his opinion. However, Dong FangShuo has never been seen. Han WuDi seems to see him nothing. Neither promotion, nor his foreign office. Just keep him around, day and night. Dong FangShuo hard-won determination, long difficult to show, and puzzling. Deliberately ridiculed the comrades of the courtesy of funny funny behavior, never violated the Emperor inverse scale. Wudi strong personality, the imperial very strict, but Dong FangShuo has chosen to open one side, a smile set. This pair of monarchs in this wonderful relationship, get along for a dozen years. In the meantime, Dong Fang Shuo helped Han WuDi to clear up the chaos of the harem in its own unique way, attacked the separatist princes, decided to hand over the western region's policy, changed his kin policy and made major decisions against the Huns. Han WuDi used Dong FangShuo as an inexhaustible think tank and made his 200,000-word book a medical secret. But still do not upgrade, do not reuse. Use their tactics without their own people. This put Dong FangShuo in a painful and happy contradiction. He knew that Han WuDi had his heart and soul for every victory, but he could only hide behind the scenes and could not show his talent. Dong FangShuo in the sinus of neutral neutrality, was sealed by the emperor Taizhong doctor. Dong FangShuo simply come out funny, gossip, are all articles. And the mighty monarchs fight right and wrong, and the emperor to be joking. Unexpectedly, Han WuDi also simply included him as a jester, as a joke. He laughed in his face, bitter in his heart. As the victory over the Huns was overcome, Han WuDi self-inflated, ordering a sweeping of the pits and expanding the territory. The endless war has brought a heavy burden on the people. And Dong FangShuo's advice has become a whisper, Han WuDi never heard it. Dong FangShuo Reflect on yourself: Just as his ideal of "eternal kings and emperors" coincided with Han WuDi in his youth, he could only listen to his ideas and his mature thinking was not accepted by Han WuDi. At present, the suffering of the people in the world, initiator who also has its own! The Northern War is cruel. Huns North escape, star Huo QuBing also died in the last battle. This did not disenchant Han WuDi but allowed Dong FangShuo to make a decision - he quietly left the glorious court that had filled him with hope and finally disappointment.

Call for Love (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Happy marriages are the same, unhappy marriages each have their own differences. Having failed to withstand the seven-year itch test, Xu Lang finally said goodbye to her esthetic-tired wife. One night, Xu Lang, who originally planned to repair the phone, came across a mysterious man calling himself Tian Shi, who gave Xu Lang a cell phone and claimed that the cell phone could satisfy the owner's wishes just like Aladdin's lamp, Xu Lang dream of the ideal woman to bring him around, the option of the hands of Xu Lang, only ten chances. Tian Shi did not lie, from the moment she got her cell phone, one after another 10 different types of women broke into the life of Xu Lang. They were either glamorous, capable, or budget-conscious, or elven or intellectual , Or innocent, or worth millions, or mysterious and flirtatious ... ... These have made Xu Lang into a non-non-non-woman, eventually brought him what is inexhaustible happiness, or inexhaustible sense of loss, a series of The absurd absurdity is about to be staged.

Nuren hua (TV)[2007]

Feature: In 1898, the Reform Movement of 1898 failed. An Zhenqin chief engineer Liu ZhenBang was instructed to examine the Wang WenQian mansion who participated in the reform. On the night of the night, Wang WenQian, who got the message, took the three minor daughters to the Butler. In order to recognize each other in the future, Wang will wear a piece of Pei jade split into three, respectively, sewn in the three daughters underwear. Housekeeper led them from the drain to escape the mansion, encounter officers and men to kill, the three sisters were separated. Wang family was cut out of doors that night, the house was a fire burned. Wang's one of the three sisters, big sister Wang Ziqian, later renamed Lin name snow lotus. Called a widow, looks so bright. Sister Wang Zi Ying, renamed Qiao Ju, childhood with Pan's wife married into Wu, Wu handsome handsome handsome soft spot. Second sister Wang Zi Yin, renamed Huang MeiEr, Huang Qing opera troupe Deng QingFeng collected. Fifteen years later, in 1914, three years in the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai steal the fruits of victory as the president and the democratic regime that has just been established is precarious. As an important center of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Anqing has become a battleground for both Yuan Shikai and the Revolutionary Party. A big storm is coming. At this time Huang MeiEr has grown up and became the anqing breeze class actress. This year's National Day, Anqing city, a Miss Vettoria activity so that this can be safely and quietly calm life girl caught in a whirlpool of destiny. "Woman flowers" stills Wu Liu Anqing two families. Wu is Anqing's business leader. Master Wu YuSheng study in Japan, worship Song Jiao Ren as a teacher, became the most proud disciple Song. After returning to Anqing justice. Liu ZhenBang was a former Qing Zong Bing, son Liu JianXiong relied on Liu forces in Anqing, bully dominate the market, nonsense. Huang MeiEr took a fancy to Huang MeiEr, who was deliberately allowed to make Huang MeiEr, but rejected by Huang MeiEr. He was furious and accused of assaulting a widow, Lin Xuelian (big sister Wang Ziqian), and Huang MeiEr's lover, a tailor, Xie Yangliu, and using former Qing dynasty chief Hu MingJiu, Anqing police chief, to hold the two in prison and torture them to death . Wu Yu-sheng, who has always admired Huang MeiEr, has reached out to a helping hand, and there is strong evidence that innocent widow Lin and her tailor are innocent. To defend against deception, Liu JianXiong malicious in the fire was set to burn two people. Although the small widow Lin Xuelian and the small tailor survived, but the small tailor lost memory, Lin Xuelian again to prevent Liu JianXiong murder, anonymity to avoid other places. I do not know the story of Huang MeiEr distraught. In order to marry Huang MeiEr, Liu JianXiong, who refused to let go, and forced Huang MeiEr to marry Huang MeiEr, was forced onto the path to prepare himself for the enemy. Wu YuSheng gradually appreciated her loving woman while appreciating Huang MeiEr's help. Regardless of his family's objections, he planned to divorce his wife, who had never been in the same room, and marry Huang MeiEr. That Huang MeiEr married Wu YuSheng. Liu JianXiong hate teeth. Think Wu YuSheng and Liu everywhere, provoked a larger storm Anqing city. Chrysanthemum Huang MeiEr married Wu YuSheng, when the aunt wife completely did not expect, because of love into hate, by the Liu family became the accomplice framed sister. At the occasion of the fighting in Anqing city, Song Jiaoren was assassinated.Wu YuSheng was arrested for imprisonment because of an investigation of the dark thorn in Song dynasty. Liu family retaliation took the opportunity to set him to death. Huang MeiEr ran around rescue husband, precisely at this time she learned of her own life experience. Wu YuSheng, persevering in the struggle persistently in jail, finally found the murderer who killed Mr. Song Jiaoren and exposed the assassination attempt by Yuan Shikai. After the victory of the revolution, Wu YuSheng took great pains and printed it off. Huang MeiEr followed the wandering horizon, an uppercase essay and a place for singing. Finally, Huangmei Opera flourished.

The Colors Of Love (TV)[2007]

Feature: Many years later in the 1980s, when Hai Xia (Miao Pu) looked back, the happiest day in his youthful memories was the 1984 National Day, the day of her 20th birthday. She and Chun Ni (Qin Hailu ornaments) and Li Sai (Chen Shiang-chyi ornaments), three are not pro-sisters but wins sister-like girls in Tiananmen Square participated in the celebration of the 35th anniversary of National Day of Daqing. Hai Xia grew up in Chun Ni from an early age. Hai Xia's father and Chun Ni's father, Xu Shulin (originally Yiwei Zhao), originally belonged to a village and later joined the working-class pride of state- People are the best buddies. Unfortunately, however, Hai Xia's father died in a fire in order to protect the factory equipment. His father died early, mother Xiu Fen (Ailing Huang ornaments) will not take children. Xu Shulin handed Hai Xia to her own mother-in-law, Xu Lao Lao (Sun Guitian) belt. Xu Lao Lao gave birth to children for a lifetime, but also dragged a big hand Li Wei Guo (Dong Yong ornaments), Li Sai brothers and sisters. The brothers and sisters came from overseas Chinese intellectual families and their parents were shocked during the Cultural Revolution. Now Chun Ni, Hai Xia, Li Sai three sisters have grown into Tingtingyuyuli girl. Chun Ni, the eldest sister of the Three Sisters, helped Lao Lao take care of Li Sai and Hai Xia. After coming back to the countryside, she went to work at his father's light steam plant and became an advanced worker. Li Sai is the second child, her beautiful, proud, is the goal of the boys chase. Li Sai in the school play, playful lazy nature let her inadvertently learn, bent on going abroad. Hai Xia the youngest, she did not take the college entrance examination for two consecutive years, Xu Shulin arranged for her to take over the father's class has also entered the state-owned manufacturers. Hai Xia has always regarded Wei Guo as an idol, hoping to become a college student one day. Wei Guo graduated from the Department of History with excellent grades, but gave up the chance to stay as a teacher. This seemingly old-fashioned young man actually hopes to make a big undertaking. Wei Guo was assigned to an organ, his scholar's stomach full of knowledge and ideas, but may not be with the leaders, colleagues, so although enthusiastic to make a lot of suggestions, but not inconsistent with. Disappointed, Wei Guo shut himself in a single dorm to learn. Hai Xia nothing to Wei Guo's single dormitory run, is to stay with Wei Guo. Hai Xia Mama Cui Xiu Fen was born in Bazi, she was not complaining about her share of state barbershop nightmares, is to give Hai Xia pour cold water, advised Hai Xia early thought of his lifetime event, Hai Xia yell Say they do not intend to marry a lifetime. Xiu Fen sneer her that you are all old Li Wei Guo ran there. Reminded by the mother, Hai Xia began to mind, working in the old mistakes. The factory has a well-known small ruffian named Chen DongDong (Naiwen Li ornaments), Nothing is the favorite favorite girl wrapped in poverty. He caught Hai Xia short and cried Hai Xia. Li Sai came to the factory to find sisters to play. When the East son saw it as a horrified person, he secretly vowed to knock Li Sai to his hand. Hai Xia whispered to two sisters how to fall in love. Careful Chun Ni see a clue, under questioning, Hai Xia blush said she likes Wei Guo, Chun Ni heard Yizheng.The original Chun Ni also quietly in love with Wei Guo, they had a mountain to the countryside, in difficult times to help each other, but neither of the two introverted people pierce the window paper. Hai Xia returns a tender love letter to Wei Guo in the book entitled "The Third Wave." Wei Guo persuaded Hai Xia on the grounds of being too young. Xu Lao Lao could not bear to see her granddaughter suffering in pain, asked Wei Guo like Chun Ni. Wei Guo, who confirmed Chun Ni's heart, was so excited that he found Chun Ni, saying he was never going to go abroad. Hai Xia just hit the scene. Back home, Hai Xia cried. Xiu Fen has been to Hai Xia and Xu Jiabi with their own beloved, when she chewed the tongue. Hai Xia overwhelmed, moved to the factory dormitory, did not go home completely. The first love failed to make Hai Xia whole changed individuals, began to dress up to go to a variety of fashionable salon, she felt he could find a better than Wei Guo men. Dongzi's father was an old general's driver. Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime relationship, the Tungzi took Li Sai and Hai Xia into the general building while the old general took the chance of recuperation. The party, Tian Bo (Zhang Hanyu ornaments) appeared. Tian Bo is a small reporter in an industry newspaper literary repost, but he prefers to say he is a poet. He always wrapped around a long red scarf, and then out of two misty poems from time to time, so that Hai Xia heart impulsively. And Tian Bo's eyes on Hai Xia were also burning because Li Sai told him that both he and Hai Xia were the grandchildren of the general. Hai Xia did not show up at the wedding of Wei Guo and Chun Ni. In another lively party, East Siji hit Li Sai and the high-spirited together in a mess, he was mad mad, frantically. One side of Tian Bo therefore learned the true identity of Hai Xia, leaving. Hai Xia went to the newspaper several times and so on, Tian Bo flash proposed to re-understand everything Hai Xia. Hai Xia returns home with Tian Bo. Tian Bo can be completely desperate, in the face of messy messy and sophisticated Hai Xia Ma. Hai Xia feels disgraced, unable to close the door. Chun Ni tells Hai Xia about the past of two fathers. The original fire in the year, Hai Xia Dad insisted to save the machine first rescue, he also put Xu Shulin struggled to launch a sea of ​​fire, so many years Xu Shulin Xiu Fen, Hai Xia mother and daughter always feel guilty. The two have been rebuilt, Chun Ni found Hai Xia like to eat sour stuff, but also often disgusting. Chun Ni at this time has pregnant, Hai Xia's situation let her secretly scared. Li Sai accompanied Hai Xia to the hospital, late-maturing, ignorant Hai Xia discovered that she had been pregnant for several months. Tian Bo, who has had another new love, is helplessly indicating how he knows that child is his own. Xiu Fen angrily with a mouth on Hai Xia's face. Hai Xia to commit suicide, thanks to Guo Guo arrived in time to save her. In order to deceive the public, Xu Lao Lao returned to his hometown with Chun Ni and Hai Xia. Wei Guo also came to help take care of him, he gave Hai Xia a book "Gone with the Wind." Li Sai began to follow the band's buddies around. Xu Lao Lao urged Chun Ni to take good care of Hai Xia. Premature delivery of Hai Xia en route to the hospital, Chun Ni inadvertently fell out of the car. Hai Xia successfully gave birth to her little sea.However, Chun Ni aborted, and lost the ability to reproduce. Xu Shulin is very concerned about the factory Hai Xia, Hai Xia in the same time guilty, but also feel that they have to work hard to be worthy of the people who have been concerned about her around. 1990s sea primary school. In the eyes of others, he is the son of Wei Guo and Chun Ni, and Hai Xia is his aunt. Dazhayuan Demolition, Hai Xia Jia and Xu moved into the new dormitory building, which is the factory's last welfare room. Hai Xia self-study finance, participated in the adult college entrance examination, with tenacious perseverance completed in-service research. Hai Xia's ability to get the deputy director Du QingChun (Zhang Su ornaments) attention, transferred her to the audit department. Hai Xia works hard and wants to make some achievements. Hai Xia found the audit department's loopholes and asked Du QingChun for suggestions. Du QingChun reminds Hai Xia that she needs to know who she is and start a hands-on move to Hai Xia. Hai Xia, who was greatly insulted, angrily found out the response from the supervisor at the higher level and got to know Qiao Liang (Wei Xu), the young deputy director. Hai Xia's courage and beauty left a deep impression on Qiao Liang; Qiao Liang's passion and sense of justice also made Hai Xia feel good about him. Du QingChun seemingly no longer meet with Hai Xia, but let her go outside to catch the arrears. With his honesty and perseverance, Hai Xia finally got back his arrears and surpassed the quota given to her in the factory. Hai Xia was promoted to director of factory sales. The deputy director with ulterior motives linked Hai Xia's salary bonus with sales performance, forcing her to sell unsalable products. Du QingChun even promised an unforgettable promise that as long as the sales market was opened up and the backlog of products could be sold out, he would give Hai Xia and his staff divisions a dividend. Hai Xia led the department staff, tried their best to get through the sales channels. Du QingChun denied the promise of the previous dividend, and Hai Xia was so angry that she found Qiao Liang's reaction again. With the help and persistence of Qiao Liang, Hai Xia ultimately protects the interests of himself and many employees. Li Sai finally succeeded in marrying her after talking about innumerable boyfriends. Her husband is an American old man and is said to be still a Beijing opera amateur. At the wedding, Xiao Haina naively wish Hai Xia get married early, because then she no longer forced her to learn the piano. The original Wei Guo and Chun Ni will be as small as the sea, somewhat somewhat spoiled, but instead Hai Xia is particularly strict on children. Xu Lao Lao older, the body deteriorating, they also made a confused. One day Xu Lao Lao lost, Hai Xia and everyone are anxious, looking around the world. Tough twists and turns Hai Xia finally found Xu Lao Lao back, the old lady sober, to Hai Xia promised themselves two things, one and Xiu Fen and good; the second is to become an early home. Xu Lao Lao died peacefully in his sleep. On the day she left Xu Lao Lao, Hai Xia cried especially sadly. After crying, she called Xiu Fen a mom. Due to work, Qiao Liang and Hai Xia frequently contacted. After becoming familiar with Hai Xia, Qiao Liang several times hinted that her marriage was not happy. He turned out to be a leading secretary, and later became the leading son-in-law, so his career was smooth, but he was always suppressed by his wife.Hai Xia She went out with Qiao Liang for a study tour. Along the way, Qiao Liang's careful consideration made Hai Xia very touched. On the last night of business trip, two people drank at the bar, and Hai Xia put all the secrets in their hands and said nothing at the end. The following day, Qiao Liang constantly sent a message to Hai Xia. Wei Guo and Chun Ni's marriage is also quietly changing. Wei Guo, who can not adapt to the bureaucracy, has seen no improvement in his career, and his academic writings in his spare time have been rejected by publishing houses for lack of market. In order to subsidize household, in order to support her husband out of books, Chun Ni to start a small business. At this time, the original mentor of Wei Guo discovered an unpublished paper by Wei Guo and praised Wei Guo for going back to read his doctoral candidate. Industrial and commercial liquidation of the market, those who are afraid of being unlicensed street vendors were seized, snatched the road run, the result was so hurt Chun Ni hit the plate in the panic broke the waist. Wei Guo sent Chun Ni to go to the hospital for examination. Surprisingly, Chun Ni's uterus was found to have tumor, requiring immediate removal of the uterus. In order to cure his wife, Wei Guo resigned from the office and rejected the mentor's suggestion that he should return to school for a PhD. Wei Guo do not know how to do business, a trip back to Hainan, not only bankrupt but owed a buttocks of debt. Hai Xia took full savings to help Wei Guo repay the debt. Faced with the depressed Wei Guo, she took out the "Gone with the Wind" and encouraged him with the words Wei Guo comforted him. She also sent the 486 computer that Wei Guo had always dreamed of. Wei Guo hugged Hai Xia's hand and cried. Chun Ni in the bed looked at the scene, stinging in her heart and provoking a divorce. For a divorce, Chun Ni started a hunger strike. Stay in Chun Ni side of the sea accompanied Chun Ni hunger strike. Finally, Chun Ni looked at the pale sea, with tears to the sea to buy his favorite cake sea. Can hold the cake, the sea first handed Chun Ni mouth. Weeping tears of tears Chun Ni finally told the sea, Hai Xia is his biological mother. Xiaohai cried to find Hai Xia. Hai Xia was shocked, and immediately responded, she rushed to Xu to save Chun Ni trying to commit suicide. On the National Day night of 1994, Hai Xia welcomed her 30th birthday in solitude. Then Qiao Liang's phone call came again. Hai Xia promised to meet Qiao Liang because of a happy birthday on the phone. When Hai Xia finally summon the courage to be in Qiao Liang's arms, Qiao Liang received a wife's phone number. Looked in a moment to become lowly Qiao Liang, Hai Xia did not come back out of the hotel. Qiao Liang appeared in front of Hai Xia carrying simple luggage. It turns out that Qiao Liang's wife found out a text message from Qiao Liang to Hai Xia on her mobile phone and quarreled with Qiao Liang. Qiao Liang can no longer tolerate his wife Yi Zhi gas, angrily away from home to find Hai Xia, and said to divorce his wife, with Hai Xia stay together. Hai Xia overwhelmed, she hurried to Qiao Liang to arrange a place to live, but he escaped. On the last night, the Eastzi bitterly begged Li Sai not to leave. Li Sai said she knew she was sorry East, but she really wanted to be a Chinese woman in Manhattan. Hai Xia has finally got enough courage to accept Qiao Liang, but then Qiao Liang is gone. Hai Xia got a call from Qiao Liang's wife and three people met at the cafe. The original Qiao Liang learned that they can make progress in politics, he chose to return to his wife.Qiao Liang's wife asked Qiao Liang to get Hai Xia out. Qiao Liang wife urged Qiao Liang fan slapped Hai Xia, Qiao Liang ashamed, under the naughty; Qiao Liang wife seeing, get started heavily hit Hai Xia slap in the face. Hai Xia raised her hand and waved Qiao Liang's wife's slap in the face. Hai Xia was elected to the new factory leadership by the Workers' Congress because of his outstanding performance in the joint venture negotiation. Angry Qiao Liang wife angrily come to visit, a time gossip rumbled. The next day, Hai Xia came to work with a little sea and introduced it in public. The bells of the new century of the 21st century sounded. Hai Xia, a Chinese joint-venture general manager, became a woman entrepreneur. Hai Xia and Wei Guo bought a new house in the suburbs. Hai Xia because of his time back and forth to work spent too long, Ko have to go to school, but also moved back to the city. Wei Guo also graduated from school at this time teaching, he was in order to take care of Chun Ni doctor, also moved back to the old residence. At this point Xiu Fen has retired, as the days get better, she was active throughout the day to go to the community park to dance, everyone soon became the lead dancers. At this time, Xu Shulin is in the loss after retirement, Xiu Fen pull him and herself to go dancing. Wei Guo's academic writings have been published, especially his series of historical and cultural essays is causing a sensation. The change of family economy also made Chun Ni calm down gradually. Though she devoted all her life to the living life of Wei Guo, she could spend more and more time between husband and wife. Li Sai returns home after divorce. The East is also unlucky, a large sum of money in the stock market was jailed, he reluctantly retained a last minute a small decoration company. That morning, on the morning of the September 11 terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center, Li Sai received a call from the Tzu child. Tung-tzu said that as long as you did not return to the United States, I was down-to-earth and Li Sai was in a great mood. Because of this call, they had their second meeting many years later. After analyzing the international situation after Sept. 11, Dongzi concluded that there will be a major change in the foreign exchange market. Together, they will surely cross the line. The ideal of a small sea is an actress, Hai Xia bitterly persuaded the sea unsuccessfully. Small sea took the money run, Hai Xia helpless had to accompany the small sea on the train. Rushed to the school gate, Arts School has been seized. The original so-called art school, but a bunch of cheats up the stuff. Hai Xia took the second train home, she fell asleep tired. When she woke up, Hai Xia found a man's coat on her body, and the opposite of a carefree man was staring at her. The man introduced himself to Zhang ZhiGuang, saying he could figure out that Hai Xia did not get married and took control of Hai Xia for the phone number. Hai Xia frowning said there may be a police car on the bus, unexpectedly took out a police officer's license. The eyes of Chiguang Hai Hai heart of a wave, she suddenly realized she was still a woman. Sea depressed mood, one day he Kuangzao blindly blind, the case of thievery burglary, he beat the thief, but was himself as a thief into the police station. Hai Xia came and settled her son. Zhiguang said the sea can be courageous is a good kind. Hai Xia stunned to find that Zhiguang is actually the police station director of his own community.Wei Guo's career is getting more and more successful. Chun Ni is becoming more and more sensitive every day in her empty home. She found that when a female graduate student recently called Wei Guo, she could not control her cranky. It is true that a graduate student who admired Wei Guo's talent is pursuing him. The young girl is a beautiful girl in school. Confronted with the female graduate student's confession, although Wei Guo refused politely, his heart, which had been quiet for many years, still had waves. Had this small magazine to interview Hai Xia, is in love with her particularly good mood, they agreed. Unexpectedly, the reporter actually was Tian Bo. Hai Xia interviewed generously. Hai Xia stunned that the sea even violated their wishes, the examination of the volunteers to fill the application for police academy. Hai Xia think it must be the idea of ​​Zhiguang, she looking for Chi account. Small sea told his mother, apply for the police school is entirely his own ideas, Zhiguang advised him still have to listen to her mother's opinion. Chigsuchi gasped to the Hai Xia home to clear the sewer, Hai Xia apologized for the wrong blame. The bell rang and Hai Xia opened the door and found Tian Bo standing outside with flowers in hand. Shiguang surprised to know Tian Bo is the father of the sea, stunned learned that Hai Xia was originally a giant factory manager in charge of thousands of people, he twisted away. Hai Xia fell on the couch. Tian Bo said the doctor said he had shades of the lungs. Tung-ji came running to tell Li Sai that due to misjudgments, her support costs were lost and she was asked to compensate her for her failure. Dongzai busy holding Hai Xia Chun Ni and others came to celebrate. East suddenly pulled out a huge diamond ring in front of Li Sai, saying he actually not only did not lose money, but also made a small sum. Li Sai felt himself being jogged, and she turned away angrily and anger. East chase out. Tian Bo admitted to the hospital. Out of sympathy, Hai Xia took care of Tian Bo while he was busy working. After a second check, confirm that the tumors in Tian Bo lung are benign. Tian Bo relieved, holding Hai Xia's hand to repent, Hai Xia rejected Tian Bo. Hai Xia find Chi, said he would not come together with Tian Bo, but it is impossible to develop with Zhigu, because she knew that Zhiguang can not accept a stronger than their own women. Hai Xia and Zhiguang parted, Wei Guo and Chun Ni separated, finally came together with the East and Li Sai also for the children's affairs. Just then, a sudden disaster broke all the deadlocks. Wei Guo found the university found SARS, had moved to school to call him to tell Chun Ni himself to keep in school, let Chun Ni take care of yourself. Listening to her husband's call on the phone, watching TV reports of SARS outbreak, Chun Ni suddenly steeped out deep thoughts and concerns. She ran to school, letting Wei Guo go home with herself. Witness Wei Guo and Chun Ni couple love scenes, female graduate students know that they will not have any chance to intervene between them, sadly out of this emotional dispute. Wei Guo, Chun Ni The couple hugged in the narrow school guest house.

Chengdu, please forget me tonight (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Chengdu, Please Forget Me Tonight," recounts Chen Zhong and Zhao Yue, who have been married for seven years. Zhao Yue is still tirelessly verifying the safety of marriage through all the details of life. What she needs is meticulous care and absolute loyalty. However, Chen Zhong still desired the same fire-like love, just as he graduated from college and graduated in order to find Zhao Yue from Beijing to Chengdu and gave up his parents and future. After an accident, Chen Zhong met Ye Mei. He opened a green light on the policy for this bright, passionate female client. At Ye Mei's thank-you party, Chen Zhong was drunk, and after waking up he realized he was lying on the bed of Ye Mei. Chen Zhong, who was calm, did not think about it. The rings of loops had been waiting for him for a long time.

Lying tiger (Movie)[2006]

Feature: As the rivers and lakes heard, three years ago, in an effort to crack down on the increasingly furious criminal community forces, the police, at any cost, actively arranged thousands of undercover agents to join all criminal organizations. Among them, the most arrogant Hongxing agency was the target of the crackdown. After years of hard work, the police have collected enough evidence to launch a full-scale attack. The code of conduct is "Crouching Tiger," and Chief Inspector Wei DingBang, the Chief Inspector who has been devoted to "opposing blackness" for years, Undercover exploration, vowing to Hongxing Society wiped out in one fell swoop. Hongxing community big boss is known as the "leader", although the age has been high, but deep understanding of management. Su Fei, the woman around him, has been acting on behalf of the elders, playing the role of balancing the interests of all parties in the community. Organizations Various criminal activities are controlled mainly by four "speakers": Hua Chao operates all illegal gambling and lending activities; Li JiXiang operates entertainment venues; Zhong XiaoLi supplies drugs for all walks of life; You ZhiBiao owns a large number of ignorant juveniles Support all actions of the community. As soon as the news of a undercover agent came out, all criminal organizations were panicked and everybody suspected that the people around him were undercover. With the help of "four eyes" of undercover agents, the police arrested a small head of the community, Abdul Azizai, who was likely to expose a large number of criminal facts in the community if he was sentenced. Zhong XiaoLi The drug business has a lot to do with its operation. It has been extremely cautious in its operations. It has also been gathering very strong evidence from undercover agents. Zhong XiaoLi escaped in time during police arrests and is ready to seek refuge abroad. Hua Chao and Zhong XiaoLi are closely related to the business. After learning of the accident, Zhong XiaoLi decided to save his own interests first. Li JiXiang Although aware that Zhong XiaoLi's case would cause troubles for all, insisting that people should unite as one and hope to confront the police, he still insists that "undercover men" is only a rumor used by police to divide them. In the meantime, Li JiXiang unexpectedly met the window designer You Li, who found a long-lost love feeling from this fantastic girl, and You Li was also attracted by Li JiXiang's mature and friendly attitude, but she was a Simple black and white girl, full of hate criminal organizations. Police arrests began to target You ZhiBiao. You ZhiBiao began to suspect that some undercover agents in many of his younger brothers have been mixed. When the police raided Tea House You ZhiBiao, You ZhiBiao noticed that one of his men who did not know it was recorded. He thought that wave logging was undercover. The old man and Su Fei saw the accident at the society, but they were still at ease. They all knew that as long as they could stay out of their work, he was still the "leader" of the society after the storm. No matter who the "talker" would take over in the future, his interests Never mind The response of Hong Hing Society is already within the expectation of Wei DingBang. Hong Kong Police launched the final offensive to the community and, finally, lurked this unscrupulous criminal community under the undercover cooperation lurking in the community. After the return of Hong Kong, in order to safeguard social order in Hong Kong and crack down on gang forces, the police placed more than 1,000 undercover agents in various triad groups, of which the most ardent Hongxing community was the main target.Early undercover inspector Wei DingBang for the code-named "Crouching Tiger" commander in chief. Although the elders of the Hung Hing Club are well advanced, they understand the art of right and well balance the interests of all parties in the community. However, they are not directly involved in the operation. Therefore, the police are always at a loss. Various criminal activities are mainly controlled by four individuals: Hua Chao, Li JiXiang, Zhong XiaoLi, You ZhiBiao. The infiltration of the police disrupted the seemingly stable relationship of the four of them, leaving them feeling superficial and extending their knife toward each other for self-protection. Li JiXiang Because Zhong XiaoLi was stabbed to death by a community killer, Hua Chao, a former classmate of Wei DingBang Police School, was undercover after her son was injured by Zhong XiaoLi. Zhong XiaoLi also could not escape the internal cleansing. Eventually, under the undercover cooperation lurking in various parts of the community, the size and size of the Hongxing community were arrested one after another. This unscrupulous criminal community was completely destroyed by the police.

Chengdu (TV)[2006]

Feature: The stills Chen Zhong and Zhao Yue have been married for seven years. Zhao Yue is still tirelessly verifying the safety of marriage from all the details of life. What she needs is meticulous care and absolute loyalty. However, Chen Zhong still desired the same fire-like love, just as he graduated from college and graduated in order to find Zhao Yue from Beijing to Chengdu and gave up his parents and future. After an accident, Chen Zhong met Ye Mei. He opened a green light on the policy for this bright, passionate female client. At Ye Mei's thank-you party, Chen Zhong was drunk, and after waking up he realized he was lying on the bed of Ye Mei. Chen Zhong, who was calm, did not think about it. The rings of loops had been waiting for him for a long time.

101st Propose (TV)[2006]

Feature: Film stills Huang Da (Huang Bo) is a mediocre, always being bullied contractor, enthusiastic, nothing can be done. For many years has been longing for a wife and a child, but blind date 99 still unsuccessful. Lin Chi-ling, an orchestra cellist, has been immersed in grief since the fiancé's departure three years ago on the wedding day. Although peach around constantly, but she has long been reluctant to mention feelings. Tao Zi is leaf smoked boudoir. Tao Zi worried about leaf smoked emotional life, bent on making her a media briefing for her boyfriend. Do not want to arrange a blind date in the Tao Zi, leaf smoked people not Shu, just in the embarrassing occasion, Huang Da mistakenly became a leaf smoked life-saving straw. To thank Huang Da, Ye smoked him back the project money owed. And Huang Da is in the process of getting along with leaf smoked, impressed by its goodness and beauty, had a good impression on leaf smoked. On the 1st, after listening to Yeh's "Love Education Class," Huang Da, regardless of the gap between the two, started a crazy pursuit of Yeh. Ye smoked on the one hand very resistant, on the other hand did not have the heart to hurt Huang Da's self-esteem, so Huang Da ambiguous, courteous treatment. But she did not realize that Huang Da's simple and honest persistence had an impact on her, her heart began to waver. Xu Yeo, her fiancée who disappeared for three years, suddenly appeared when leaves smoked. Fall into an unprecedented puzzled leaf smoked. In the end the submissive feeling of the moment, or loyalty to the original oath? Love before a cello concert, a dream show on the stage of the special confession, leaf smoked, the heart has the answer. Note: video stills reference

Who pity the heart of the world mother (TV)[2006]

Feature: Jin Hua happy life in the seaside town, but courageously in fact had married, without preteensing Jin Hua secretly care for the sick ex-wife and daughter. Jin Hua know the truth is furious, courage to follow the ocean-going cargo ship to the sea, you want to earn back a sum of money. Yong died of exogenous leukemia exacerbations, hard and soft Jin Hua went to the hospital to take care of her, the ex-wife excuse her daughter Hai-jun to Jin Hua. When Jin Hua returns home with her husband, she returns with her own two daughters, waiting for her to come. A few years later, Haiyan Haijun has become a 12-year-old high school students, is the school's two flowers, and Jin Hua all day long hard work housework, Swallow that her mother forced her father, her mother against, Haijun Be considerate of mother. The teacher told Jin Hua that Swift did not have good grades and had a puppy love, and Jin Hua was scared and angry to lock her home. Swallow escaped from home, ran away from home looking for A Lang, but just saw A Lang father theft, both father and son were arrested. Seven years later, Haijun admitted to the provincial capital of the Conservatory of Music, and Swallow, although not good grades did not go to college, but she became the platform for local song and dance troupe. At this point of time, A Lang appeared in front of Swallow and became a handsome and successful young man. In fact, A Lang trafficked to help his father Long LaoDa, but he really loves Swift, the two secretly married. Long LaoDa hide away from his son to sell the sea pet overseas, Jin Hua went to rescue was closed by the Long LaoDa, and forced to send Swallow the smuggling of ships. When A Lang rescued her father and rescued the swallows, police arrived and Long LaoDa was arrested by the police. A Lang dived away. Haijun dropped out of college and her boyfriend Shi Tou engaged in a wedding unconscious, the doctor said after the examination: advanced leukemia. Hai Jun dying, her classmates in Singapore finally helped her find her father. After the death of Haijun Dayong finally tell the truth: in fact, he had another wife in Singapore have to go back. Jin Hua is ill. Haiyan at the same time found himself pregnant, Jin Hua but she refused to beat Swallow, and ultimately support her daughter got off the child. A Lang, who had been absconding after the child was born, wanted to take her away. At this time, the police arrested Arun and climbed the wall to escape the fiasco and fall. As Swift wanted to seize him, he fell to the ground and the brain became a fool. Jin Hua also takes care of her while taking care of her grandchildren, but tough Jin Hua has never given up. An accident, swallow recovery rational, and finally, and mother, son recognize. At this time, A Lang was released and returned to find swallows. After Jin Hua knew he did not want to hurt his daughter, he inadvertently revealed A Lang to A Lang's enemies and A Lang was killed. Swallow considered her mother killed A Lang and left Jin Hua with Ku Er. Jin Hua begged to forgive her daughter and grandchildren, chose to commit suicide. Swallow rushed to the hospital, Jin Hua has been rescued, but away from home, whereabouts unknown, Swallow then finally know the mother's greatness, she decided to spend the rest of her life, but also must find her mother, repay the mother's kindness

Suffocation (Movie)[2005]

Feature: She YingShi Shen Xiao (Ge You ornaments) and cello plum (Qin Hailu ornaments) marriage is not beautiful, Shen Xia gathered around the perennial many beautiful women, and Shen Xiao also take advantage of his position around the mess, which makes plums Very dissatisfied. In a quarrel, Shen Xiao missed the plum, regret Mo Diego, his wife's body will be installed in the cello cello, ready to cast the corpse. After finishing the scene, Shen Xiao reported to the Public Security Bureau case, falsely claimed that the missing plum for many days, but then, his life gradually become weird. Plum's figure constantly appears in his side, seems really fantastic, and that whereabouts strange cello case has also become Shen Xiao nightmare. Is the plum really dead? Really killed their own plum it? Shen Xiao, who was on the brink of collapse, went to see a psychiatrist. After that, Li Bin (diplomat), his neighbor, discovered that he was the protagonist of psychiatry. With his deep engagement with Zhao, Shen Xiao found himself as if Stuck in a trap.

Le ji legend (TV)[2003]

Feature: Stills 2 Jin Erzi Zhong Er and Yi Wu lost their way into the enemy because of hunting lost Li Rong was captured as a spy. The old Jin Wang, who had annexed Li Li's ambitions long ago, took the opportunity to take over Li Rong as an excuse, but he did not know that the two sons had saved themselves and built deep feelings respectively with the help of Li Lan and Li Duo. When the country was destroyed, sisters were saved from killing by Zhong Er and Yi Wu. After the sisters were brought back to Jin Dynasty, Jin Wang firmly opposed Zhong Er and Yi Wu to marry the princess of the enemy for their son's future and tried to kill them many times. Only once Zhong Er and Yi Wu obstructed the sisters, Escape again. When Jin Wang met Li Lan and Li Duo, they were impressed by the beauty of the two women and decided that the two sisters should be concubine. This move has not only been strongly opposed by Yi Wu, Zhong Er and Shi Zhisheng, but also made the sisters wreak havoc on life. Just because you can not forget the enemy's hatred and the help of You Shi's enlightenment led them to commit suicide and were forced to marry the elderly Jinwang. Yi Wu, sad and desperate, could not change the story and was forced to run away from Princess Li Duo. When Jin was found, Jin Duff stabbed Li Duo and expelled Yi Wu from the palace Qu Cheng defensive side. Sister's tragedy gave Li Lan another extremely painful blow, and even passed away at the grave. Originally planned to have Li Lan give birth to a son, in order to inherit the throne in the future, to achieve the purpose of revenge recovery Shi Shi Li Lan unconscious will be her rape. Zhong Er was late to find the adultery, but had a doubt, You Shi in order to achieve the long-term lurking in the Jin Royal Palace's desire to self-purification, as eunuchs. Maybe God, Li Lan really pregnant, and give birth to a child. Jin Wang thought he was an elder son, extremely excited, entertaining ministers, only Zhong Er and friends refer to push this child called Xi Zi unknown origin. After loving Li Zhong, who loves Zhong Er, she feels sorry for Zhong Er, stepping up their plan of revenge under the constant urging of You Shi. The struggling Yi Wu spread to Beijing in the news that Qu Cheng was seriously injured by a Li RongNv child. Zhong Er immediately went to visit Qu Cheng to visit Yi Wu. While Zhong Er is absent, You Shi set a peach trap. The honest and kind-hearted Shen Sheng did not know what to do, and walked step by step into the trap set by others. Jin Wang mistakenly thought that he was molested by Li Lan and, in spite of his anger, dismissed the opposition of his wife and the Manchu civil and military forces, sending Shen to Quwo. Due to the pressure of enraged Liang Wu on the way, the hopeless descendant actually hanged himself in a country inn. After Jin will be the grief of the mournful vent to Li Lan body, after the assault did not understand the hate, but also life back to Gong Zhong Er stab Li Lan, Zhong Er and Li Lan because of the feelings still, Zhong Er could not bear to start . After the narrow-minded Jin not only did not kill Li Lan, but Li Lan was killed, Li Lan got his wish. As King Jin Zi Zi's origin also have doubts, did not make him a prince. Yi Wu knew that after the accident that happened in the palace, he immediately returned to the capital. Because he had been stabbed by Li RongNv, he hated the Li Rong people and vowed to get rid of Li Lan's mother and son and help his brother Zhong Er inherit the big picture. However, due to Zhong Er's opposition to his recklessness and disrespect to his father, the two brothers turned their eyes against each other.Yi Wu turned to seek their own succession, hijacked Xi Zi, against the father Zen position, but was shattered by Er Er's plan, had to flee Qin State. Because Zhong Er saved Xi Zi's life again and again and after many collisions between life and death, the feelings of Li Lan and Zhong Er deepened. In order to show her love for Zhong Er, Li Lan would rather kill her son and give up her revenge plan. Although not done, but still Zhong Er touched. Finally uncontrollable to worship under Li Lan's grapes skirt. Their feelings are mixed, unstoppable situation, not only you Shi worry, but also to King Jin felt strongly dissatisfied. In order to avoid the bad luck expelled by his father, Zhong Er, who was deeply impressed by his father's self-blame, had to leave China with more than a dozen attendants such as the Central Government. A few years later had to settle in Chu, married Princess Chu into jade wife. Jin Wang, of course, hope to Zhong Zhong, due to repeated recruit does not return his son and melancholy, finally died of an elderly stroke. You Shi, who suffered humiliation from Jin Palace, immediately saw the hope of revenge. He colluded with Liang Wu and took control of the palace with the help of eight brilliant Li RongNv children he had recruited from Li Rong and killed King Jin. Just because Li Lan opposed Xi Xi's succession, You Shi had to block the news of Jin's funeral. Li Lan tried to pass this news out of the palace in order to allow Zhong Er to return immediately, but her plan was broken by You Shi. In order to keep his son as soon as possible, he threatened to burn Xi Xi. In order to keep Xi Zi alive, Li Lan was forced to take his son to the temple to announce the death of King Jin and help his son succeed him. Chu informed Zhong Er of this news and forced Zhong Er to return home to snatch the throne. The most fearful thing about You Shi and Liang Wu is that Yi Wu and Zhong Er returned home to fight for the enemy. They beat Zhong Er almost after they knocked Yi Wu out, and lucky general Rick helped Zhong Er to save one life. Rick returns to the capital to contact the minister and organizes the troops, first of all slaughtering Liang Wu, and then leading the troops into the palace to kill You Shi and the unknown "Jin Wang". When Er Lan is going to slaughter Li Lan again, Zhong Er returns to the palace , Save her. However, Li Lan had to reluctantly return to Li Rong for his reputation and country. Zhong Er chase Li Rong also failed to do so. Li Lan has been retired, no one saw her beautiful shadows.

Everyone can say I love you (TV)[2003]

Feature: He JiaQin, purchasing manager of brand-name clothing chain, was rebellious from childhood, with strong personality, stubbornness and distinctive taste. With lawyer boyfriend Yang Xuan fell in love for five years, gradually feel love has quietly like, my heart is full of melancholy. Later, with Qi Qi Qi romantic uninhibited couple encountered several times, wake up the wild factor in her blood, suddenly had a desire to fly, she decided to be loyal to their feelings, leave Yang Xuan. "Anyone can say I love you" stills a Yang Xuan already put He JiaQin inside his life plan, he indulge in flat life, and forget that love is need of care, romance let him in the abyss of pain can not Extricate himself, he sent by alcohol to find any day. As soon as Lin JuRuo moved into her aunt's house, she encountered a drunk unconscious neighbor Yang Xuan. She was soft and soft, and took Yang Xuan back to the room to take care of him. When she became his most loyal listener, she touched Yang Xuan 's attachment to love and lamented she was not in such a worried love because she was to become someone else' s bride in three months. He JiaQin and Sun QiWei due to coincidence for a fashion magazine service, she was born on a woman's fatal appeal to Sun QiWei both desire and fear, the two are away from each other, however, love is clearly passing between the eyebrows, two wild Unruly soul finally collided with each other, so burst into the world's most gorgeous, the most beautiful and most desperate love. If she could not bear it, she would sink down and she decided to help him stand up in her own way. They both seem to forget everything unpleasant when baking the cake, and a hint of life permeates the air, but Yang Xuan and Daisy do not know how to choose the future. Just as it was the first and last time Sun QiWei decided to hang his wandering feelings forever in He JiaQin's heart, love met its natural enemies - jealousy and possessiveness to make his ex-girlfriend a crazy and Paranoid move, Sun QiWei conscientiously have a responsibility to solve their own problems, temporarily leaving good ground, good ground to wait in suffering.

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