
The TV series "Get my brother away" 628 People also ask to break through the self-interpretation of "warm buds"

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The TV series “ Get my brother away ” 628 People also ask to break through the self-interpretation of “暖萌贱”

Today, the youth campus idol drama "Get my brother away" announced that it was on schedule on June 28th, and it also released a concept poster and a trailer for the drama version. People also ask In the play, when he plays a brother who is a pet girl and pit girl, she is struck by the trivial friction in her sister's life. In the trailer, the fierce "violent" daily god restores the fine points of the original comics, and People also asks in the drama to swallow the intestines, encounter the fancy backs, and other pictures are synchronized with the original diffuse character. . The trailer revealed that the relationship between brothers and sisters has been cut off and the family members have been chaotic. They have love for the day-to-day and make the show more enjoyable.

Different from previous screen images of Tang 36 and Xu Kuangyin, People also ask this time to play the extremely poor atmosphere of “poor boy”, and the lively setting of the three-point seven-point warming makes People also ask themselves to break through the self. In the play, a wonderful interpretation of the "flying style" is presented, which is expected! The new version of the " Yi Tian Slaughter " that took notice has taken five months and 148 days to shoot. It was also defended by Zhongwei yesterday and is looking forward to the multifaceted growth of the actor People also ask.

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