

Serena Ying Qu Play)


Ying Qu

Joie Qu Ying (simplified Chinese: 瞿颖; traditional Chinese: 瞿穎; pinyin: Qú Yǐng; born July 2, 1971 in Changsha, Hunan) is a Chinese model.

Luo Cheng Dennis Oh Play)


Dennis Oh

Dennis Joseph O'Neil, known professionally as Dennis Oh, is an American model and actor.

Gui Mi Xin-yue Li Play)


Xin-yue Li

Sienna Li, born March 16, 1990 in Beijing, model and actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama. In 2008 won the Ninth CCTV Model Contest champion attention; starring in the TV series "Modern New Humanity" in 2011 into the entertainment industry; In 2012 starred in the movie "Happy Lost", and "love three cheap off" and "my Rome holiday" In the actress. Starred in the TV series "Woman on Bread Tree" in 2013; starred in "Pens 2" in July and starred in the female version of "Sherlock Holmes" in the online music drama "X-girl".

Bai LiLan Kaicheng Xu Play)

Bai XinYu 昔日的艺校学长。生于普通家庭的他气质忧郁,有“花美男”之称。被星探发现后出道,迅速走红,凭借天生的演技和独特的气场,成为各大电视台热播偶像剧争先抢夺的当红一哥。他与T-stage高层交往密切,连续三年被T-stage模特经纪公司视为重点培养对象。

Kaicheng Xu

Kaicheng Xu, born August 8, 1990 in Shanghai, China Mainland actor and model, graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy Class 07 ballet. In 2012 for the first time in the TV series "wins the price of 2", officially entered the entertainment circle. 2013 in fashion love idol drama "If I Love You". August 2014 to participate in Anhui TV reality show "Mr. Super"; in October to participate in Zhejiang Satellite TV outdoor reality show "This is life." In 2015 February by the campus magic drama network drama "Backlight Love"; in April starring campus idol week drama "school flower Raiders"; in August starring idol drama "Mingruo Xiaoxi." In 2016, the annual family drama "Lover's Lies" in February was hit by Zhejiang Satellite TV and played the role of doctor Tong Xiaoqiu.


Actor Name Play Role Introduction
Zhixuan Wang Guan Tang 冷若冰霜,一身傲骨的天生演员。
(None) Bai XinYu 土生土长的风尚市女孩,艺校毕业后成为T-stage模特经纪公司的签约模特。她身材高挑,五官精致,嘴角常略带一丝媚意。她为人极善公关,也最懂得自己想要的到底是什么,是男人的违禁品,女人的天敌。她有四分之一的日本血统,母亲则是过气演员陶佩宁。她从小受母亲的教育影响,希望在演艺圈占有一席之地。
Liu JiaXi Gu HeQi 美籍华裔。她身材瘦弱而略显干枯,双瞳乌黑神色温和,常被别的模特戏称为真人版“咕噜”(电影指环王中的霍比特人)。她因信仰基督教,至今还是个处女。她举止活泼爽朗,为人随和,生活上神经大条,是朋友们的开心果。她工作上曾是个略微单纯的人,在被Serena指点后,步步为营,曾一度接近公司一姐的地位。
Li JiaHui Chu YuHe 因有着特殊的家世背景,故而养成了单纯善良却霸道骄纵,玩世不恭的个性。作为霸道豪门的独子,他虽和连适一样是偶像剧新人,在演艺圈却享受着天壤之别的待遇,是无人敢得罪的“小霸王”。
Li JiaHui Chu YuHe No introduction
Sun XiZhi Wang EnRui 他是上流社会典型的代表,他受过高等教育,举止得体,却喜欢攀比,重视财权。他母亲是个强势而独立的女性,无论事业与婚姻, Wang EnRui 从未有太多的决定权,他只能学会默默接受。他心中虽然受不了母亲的独裁,却不敢反抗,这造就成他在外总是想尽办法舒展压力,使自己活得像个男人。
Gai YuJia Zhou XueXi No introduction
Xu Qin Yi No introduction

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