

Shen Mo Chuan Li Play)

冷漠、洁癖,含着金汤匙出生的富二代,因家庭变故被迫接手青山雪场,起初与 Mi Li 相互不待见,但随着相处的增多,不自然地被 Mi Li 吸引,成为人人称羡的甜蜜情侣。

Chuan Li

Chuan Li (Leon), born January 11, 1990 in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China Mainland film actor and presenter, graduated from Communication University of China and went on to perform at Central Academy of Drama. In 2013, he was the host of "Green Time" of CCTV-7 environmental program. In 2014, he was the moderator of "Consumer Proposition" CCTV-2 special topic consumer program and the host of "Music Billboard" of the entire Chinese-language music program of Light Media. In 2015, appeared in the emotional network drama "hurried that year: long time no see", played Zhao Ye, the same year, partner Liu Chang, Bai Lilu starred in the movie "spend a long time with Anthony." In 2016, the partner He Shengming, Lou Yi Xiao starred in the TV series "Love Song", the same year, starred in the youth campus network drama "together with the window" thriller suspense movie "Wraith 2", stage play "left ear." 2017 partner Feng Shao Feng, Guo Biting starred in the TV series "That piece of the sky that sea second season", the same year, starred in urban emotional drama "my girlfriend's boyfriend", youth campus network drama "together with the window second quarter" High popularity comic adapted network drama "Kaifeng Qi Tan."

Mi Li Kang Ning Play)

活力四射,好管闲事,天真烂漫,标准的女汉子一枚, Mi Li 以乐观、积极感染着 Shen Mo ,帮 Shen Mo 重燃热情。与 Shen Mo 交往后,成功将 Shen Mo 调教成护妻狂魔。

Kang Ning

康宁,1995年8月10日出生于辽宁省盘锦市,拥有俄罗斯血统,中国内地影视女演员。2013年,赴北京参加艺考训练班的康宁被海润时代看中进入演艺圈发展;同年,康宁出演了个人的首部电视剧作品《怒放》。2014年,康宁出演了个人的首部古装剧《班淑传奇》;同年,康宁因主演网络剧《后宫那些事儿》而被更多的观众所认识 。2015年,康宁主演了个人的银幕处女作《鹦哥岭,最后一枪》 。2018年8月,参演蔡聪执导的电视剧《浅情人不知》 。12月,主演的电视剧《我的单板女孩》杀青 。2019年,凭借《四大名捕》系列电影获得第二届金鲛奖十佳新星奖项 。

Fang HongHao Bo ErJiTe Play)

斯文、英俊,IT公司年轻有为的CTO,集各种优点于一身的完美暖男,对感情谨小慎微,直至 Mi Li 的出现, Fang HongHao 决定放手一搏,即便受伤也要无憾。

Bo ErJiTe

博尔吉特,内地新生代男演员,毕业于中央戏剧学院表演系。凭借电影《四大美人之玉环传》中的“美男”造型而圈粉的博尔吉特是个蒙古族大男孩,骨子里不能忽略的艺术根植让博尔吉特擅长马头琴、美术和唱歌。 由博尔吉特担任男一号的院线电影有《转校生》、《狱渡者》、《情迷意大利》以及大型古装电影《四大美人之玉环传》等。

Bai AnHui suki Play)

明艳动人、刁蛮任性,从小就喜欢发号施令,以自我为中心,只要自己决定的事绝不准许任何人改变,对 Shen Mo 有着异常的执著,得知 Shen Mo 与 Mi Li 交往后展现腹黑一面。


Liú Jìngluò, better known by her stage name Seira Ryū is a Chinese Japanese voice actress affiliated with Aoni Production. Born in Beijing, China and raised in Japan.


Actor Name Play Role Introduction
Liu Di non Sun YuanBo 青山雪场经理,对青山感情深厚,起初对 Shen Mo 嗤之以鼻,后与 Shen Mo 和解,成为 Shen Mo 与 Mi Li 的良师益友。
Qi DiaoYiRou Su RanRan 小资女,将爱情看的比一切都重,与 Liang XiaoChuan 分分合合中体会到爱情的真谛。
Neison Liang XiaoChuan 保险销售,能言善辩,看起来不靠谱,但做事却异常的值得信赖。

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