

Shi Da Lany Play)

男,28岁。因一起严重的车祸而毁容并失忆, Shi Da 被周围人告知自己是个快递员。但却对自己目前的生活诸多不适应,随着越来越多扑朔迷离的事件发生,危险势力不断靠近, Shi Da 渐渐明白自己并不是 Shi Da 。只是被众人当成 Shi Da 。他到底是谁?种种线索让 Shi Da 不得不追查下去………[11]


Lany is a common name, the same name, 2010 Miss China World Series champion, the same name the author and the elderly painter. Lany also refers to the name of an industrial city in Japan, located in central Fukuoka Prefecture, the coal field in the southeast of Tsukui coalfield.

Xia MengYao Wang Jianing Play)

Shi Da 的前女友,美丽大方知性女子。高级白领。由于出身贫寒,靠自己努力打拼,身上也有一些江湖气息。 Shi Da 出车祸后照顾 Shi Da ,积极帮他寻找记忆。本打定主意与 Shi Da 分手,却因“新 Shi Da ”的不按套路出牌,不知不觉中卷入他的纷争,并渐渐爱上这个男人。

Wang Jianing

Wang Jianing, born in Beijing on December 20, 1992, is an actress from mainland China and a graduate of the New York Film Institute. In 2014, she directed the graduated short film "Devoured" and was nominated for Best Short Film Female Director at the Burbank International Film Festival in Los Angeles. In 2016, she returned to China and played the leading role in the MV of the Chinese single "Happy Hate" by Kim Jong Kuk. In 2017, starred in his first movie, "Second Love"; the same year, starring in the network drama "Eighteen years old to give me a girl."

Xia DaWei Lei Shi Play)

Xia MengYao 的哥哥,与妹妹感情很好。一事无成,无固定工作,黑社会底层人员。幻想有朝能不劳而获的发财。脑子反应弧有点长,但为人耿直、仗义、讲义气,手下的小弟对他也是忠心耿耿。发现 Shi Da 的智慧及魅力并为之折服,自甘成为其小弟以供驱使,总给 Shi Da 找各种麻烦,但在关键时刻还是救了 Shi Da 。[13]

Lei Shi

Shi Lei, born December 21, 1995 in Beijing, mainland China actor. In 2003, Shi Lei took the martial arts film "Guanzhong knife off", the official debut. In 2004, he starred in the urban emotional drama "Chinese-style divorce." In 2005, Shi Lei was noticed because she acted as a freehand in the fantastic movie "Promise" directed by Chen Kaige. In 2008, he participated in the costume drama "Deer". In 2009, Shi Lei plays a teenager Zhang Wuji in the costume martial arts "Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber". In 2011, he starred in biopic "Junior Dunn." In 2013, he participated in the legendary drama "River Dancing." In 2014, he starred in the urban emotional drama "Dad too embarrassed." In 2015, he starred in science fiction action drama "Justice League." In 2016, Shi Lei starred in the contemporary urban movie "Little Character."

Ji Jie Hua Cai Play)

Hua Cai

Hua Cai, male, now vice president of AVIC International and commercial search manager and director Hightotec, graduated from China University of Geosciences. In 2003, he started his own business in Shenzhen and now he is also the shareholder and key decision maker of two private enterprises. Former China PCB pioneer Guangzhou Prinin general manager assistant, Huaxiang circuit (HK8115) vice president has extensive sales and business management experience, go through the company's entire process of listing and is responsible for major work.


Actor Name Play Role Introduction
(None) Pao PaoTuanZuHe 山炮: Shi Da 小弟中的核心,四肢发达头脑简单,擅长暴力解决问题,但缺乏脑筋。二炮:狗头军师,擅长犯二、冲动。负责搞笑。娘炮:谁也不知道 Xia DaWei 为什么会收这样的小弟。黑社会中的异类,被 Xia DaWei 的气场征服,骨子里有点喜欢 Xia DaWei 。[14]

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