

Fan Xian Ruoyun Zhang Play)

Fan Jian's adopted son, former orphan orphan, Ye QingMei and Qing Di's son, handsome in appearance, moody and desperate, possession of peerless deeds, heavy love and justice, after becoming famous in the South.

Ruoyun Zhang

Zhang Ruoyun (Chinese: 张若昀, born 24 August 1988) is a Chinese actor. He graduated from the Beijing Film Academy in 2007.

Qing Di Daoming Chen Play)

One of the world's four grandmasters, Fan Xian's biological father, he is good at forbear, the heart with the world unification.

Daoming Chen

Chen Daoming (born 26 April 1955) is a Chinese actor who has starred in various genres of film and television series.

Lin WanEr Qin Li Play)

Fan Xian is the wife, according to the morning county magistrate. The character is lively and agile, nicknamed "Chicken Girl" because of Fan Xian's association with a chicken drumstick.

Qin Li

Li Qin (Chinese: 李沁, born 27 September 1990), also known as Sweet Li, is a Chinese actress.

Chen PingPing Gang Wu Play)

Supervision Dean, under the one million people, good planning and bold. His face is ruthless and cruel, but in fact there is still warmth, especially for Fan Xian, he "turned into a bright spot of blue smoke," spare no effort to cultivate Fan Xian. [8]

Gang Wu

Wu Gang is a Chinese actor. He is known for his roles in Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker, and Iron Man for which he won both Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor and Shanghai Film Critics Award for Best Actor.


Actor Name Play Role Introduction
Yi Song Fan RuoRuo Fan Xian's sister, one of the best poetry and painting, with the "first talented woman in Kyoto," said.
Yu Xin Lei Liu SiSi Concubine, big maidservants
Zhilei Xin Hai TangDuoDuo Northern Qi dynasty, but eager ordinary life, and Fan Xian do not know each other, experienced from enemies to friends change process.
Chun Li Si LiLi Northern Qi Royal.
Han Jiu promise Ye LingEr Fan Xian's apprentice.
Liu Meitong Zhan DouDou Northern Qi emperor. Childhood, she climbed the throne in the precarious. As she grew older, her resourcefulness and foresight were gradually revealed, attempting to step by step out of Empress Dowager and gain independent control of the government. Privately loved by this little emperior to read the book written by Fan Xian, and outsiders have always been moody, but occasionally love and Fan Xian, the envoy who commissioned Northern Qi joking. Under her big office in the country, she also had a girl's heart that she could hardly detect.
Karina Zhao Liu RuYu ——
Ringo Yu Xiao En The Northern Wei and Northern Qi's elderly, secret intelligence chief.
Hua Liu Fei Jie Fan Xian one of the enlightenment master.
Yu Tian Wang QiNian Wang QiNian is a dumbfounded, but smart guy who loves money and love his daughter. Fan Xian treatment is very loyal, has followed him, accompanied him through the court changes. [11]
Yang Wang Teng ZiJing 与 Fan Xian 可谓是不打不相识,在 Fan Xian 心中, Teng ZiJing 骨子里是一个绝对善良的侠士,同时又从心底为 Teng ZiJing 遭受的惨痛经历而心痛、惋惜。两人在相处中,相互理解、相互认同,成为好兄弟。最终,在大战牛栏街中, Teng ZiJing 为 Fan Xian 挡下一剑,救 Fan Xian 于危难之际,自己却重伤身亡。[10]
Xiaowei Yu Shen Zhong Northern Qi Jin Yiwei Zhen Fusi command, the Empress Dowager first minister. People ruthless, but in normal days it is a smile face to face. He painstakingly managed the Northern Wei Jin Yiwei, arresting Yan BingYun, so Fan Xian, who made his bid for the Northern Qi Dynasty, became the biggest catastrophe in his life. [12]
Qilin Guo Fan SiZhe And Fan RuoRuo is sibling, good at doing business.
Shuguang Gao Fan Jian Fan Xian's adoptive father.
(None) Yan RuoHai 20年来, Yan RuoHai 一直是鉴査院的二把手, Chen PingPing 不在的时候,鉴査院便由他代理掌管。 Yan RuoHai 这么做,其实也有自己的私心,他想在 Chen PingPing 退位之后,顺利接手鉴査院,再将它传到自己的亲儿子 Yan BingYun 手中。
(None) Lin RuoFu When headed prime minister, Lin WanEr's father.
Sean Xiao Yan BingYun 世家子弟,智计卓绝,总掌北齐情报网,能隐忍,有能力,性格坚韧,外表冰冷。作为质子前往敌国,为国家利益牺牲小我,要不是 Zhang GongZhu 出卖他干得还真的天衣无缝。
Mengshi Tong Wu ZhuShu No introduction
Zhang Hao only Li ChengQian When the Prince Edward.
Li Sun Gao Da Queen's division teacher.
Lanpeng He Shang ShanHu ——
Liu Runnan Li HongCheng Jing Wang Shizi.
Duan-duan Liu Er HuangZi 不爱穿鞋,吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮,走到哪亭子盖到哪,吃饭狼吞虎咽,还能懂得品诗,这精分的性格,实在是让人捉摸不透。而在 Fan Xian 离京前夕, Er HuangZi 在街上专门搭建亭子,为 Fan Xian 送别。
Mengshi Tong Wu Zhu Wu Zhu 曾是 Fan Xian 母亲 Ye QingMei 身边的贴身守卫。在 Ye QingMei 生下 Fan Xian 的后,带着 Fan Xian 一路逃离,将其送往范府,并在 Fan Xian 少年时期一直暗中守护,所以 Fan Xian 的顺利长大,多亏了 Wu Zhu 的庇护,而 Fan Xian 的功夫也是其教授的。
Yuhan Gu Ye QingMei No introduction
Xiaoran Li Zhang GongZhu 南庆的 Zhang GongZhu , Lin WanEr 的生母,她的权利仅次于 Qing Di ,倾国倾城,心狠手辣,嫉妒 Ye QingMei ,至今尚未婚配,极受到 Qing Di 的信任。
(None) Liu Yu No introduction
Yitian Hai Zhu Ge 南庆监察院一处主办,专司监视朝内官员,其性格刻板固执,为人心狠手辣。 Zhu Ge 投效 Zhang GongZhu 的理由,并不是因为他热衷权力。而是他担心鉴查院大权,落到有心之人手中,从而对皇室构成威胁。而在他眼中, Zhang GongZhu 是唯一适合在 Chen PingPing 之后,掌管鉴查院的人。
Louis Sun Lang Tao No introduction
Zhigang Cui Hou GongGong No introduction
Haolin Han Xiao FanXian No introduction
Jinghui Jia Guo BaoKun No introduction
Quan Yuan Ye JiaoShou No introduction
Wenwen Dai Shen XiaoJie No introduction
Guo Connaught He DaoRen No introduction
Zifeng Li Yan XiaoYi
Peng Cui Gong Dian No introduction
Yuming Du Hong SiXiang No introduction
Huanshan Xu Zhuang MoHan No introduction
Cuifen Cao Fan LaoTaiTai No introduction
Jianyi Li Mei ZhiLi No introduction
Yuzhi Zheng Nan QingTaiHou No introduction
Aiqi Liang Bei QiTaiHou No introduction
Hongquan Li Zhou GuanJia No introduction
Yanger Luo Yuan HongDao No introduction
Jia Fu Xin QiWu No introduction
Zhao Zhenting Xie BiAn No introduction
KeFei Dong Lin DaBao No introduction
Jie Kang Lin Gong No introduction
Zhang Hengrui Cheng JuShu No introduction
Cheng Chang Guo YouZhi No introduction
An Yu Tan Wu No introduction
Huai Wen He ZongWei No introduction
Zheng Wang Qing NianXiaoEn No introduction
Deng TongTian Yi GuiPin No introduction
Qiao YuTing Ning CaiRen No introduction
Ching Lin Shu GuiFei No introduction
Yu XiaoMing Yun ZhiLan No introduction
Jacky Xuan Jiu No introduction
Jingchuan Dong Leng ShiXiong No introduction
Yan Heixiang Shuo ShuRen No introduction

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