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Leo Li TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Leo Li Works 3 ,And Romance 2 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Myth play 1 ,轻喜剧1 ,Fantasy 1 。

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Leo Li Filmography(3)


宸汐缘 (TV)[2019]


战神 Jiu Chen 万年前为封印魔神而陷入沉睡后,突因少女 Ling Xi 的误闯而苏醒。两人在相处过程中,因彼此欣赏而渐生情愫。 Ling Xi 被发现天生自带煞气,而此煞气恰是魔族灵药,会解开魔神的封印,使魔神复苏,祸及天下众生,此乃大忌,两人感情从此命运波折。 Jiu Chen 不愿枉杀无辜,顶住压力,拯救 Ling Xi ,去除煞气。 Ling Xi 在 Jiu Chen 的帮助下,从一个天真少女成长为带领族人反抗魔神的领袖。两人也在历尽磨难后收获爱情。正当两人终于走到一起,享受甜蜜之际,魔神还是破出了封印,祸害天下,使苍生陷入苦海。面对天下安危, Jiu Chen 毅然肩负起战神的责任,与魔神鏖战数日。最终他虽再次克制了魔神,守护了天下,却因耗尽修为而倒在了心爱之人 Ling Xi 的怀抱中。


The Love Knot: His Excellencys First Love (TV)[2018]


The drama “First Love from Chi Ai-Yi” describes the intern reporter Guan PiPi . Received a special task related to normalization and interviewed cultural relic experts He LanJingTing . This mysterious "Jade Master" has never shown anyone before. In order to conquer him, Pippi tried his best, but was shocked by his bizarre living habits of the bizarre love of his first love. He feeds on flowers, loves the “moonlight bath”, loses sight in the daytime, has excellent night vision, and has only three heartbeats per minute. He also claims to be from an alien, a silicon-based living organism that is different from the earth’s carbon-based life. Pippi thought he had been teased and hurried. A series of blows once made her want to live. The boyfriend of the childhood sweetheart was betrayed with the girlfriends, and Pippi felt abandoned by the world. Only Helan has been with her and gives her warmth. Pippi gradually put down his alert and learned about Helan's alien planet. After several twists and turns, the two finally broke through the fate of the fate and come together. However, He Lan's internal battle on the planet soon blew up to two people. In order to guard one another, the two rush to pay their own all, only willing to the other side can safely spend this life .

时光教会我爱你 (TV)[2018]


时尚甜宠轻喜剧《时光教会我爱你》剧情介绍:讲述了蠢萌“认真王”少女 Lin Lu 因弟弟生病需高额医药费与“幼稚鬼”霸道总裁 Shi LianSen 签订恋爱契约的故事。在契约的牵引下二人的恋爱正式拉开帷幕, Lin Lu 总是误打误撞闯入 Shi LianSen 的警戒区触犯界限,两人在一系列啼笑皆非、宠溺甜蜜的日常中逐渐走近彼此……

《时光教会我爱你》是由爱奇艺文学、路飞影视出品,润妍集团、青锐影业、自在传媒、中视星驰、蜂人影视、铜雀楼文化、年轮映画、思德睿传媒联合出品的时尚甜宠轻喜剧,由 S.Ireine 、 Jerry Yan 、 Leo 、 Fu Shuyang 、刘锐、王钰雯、蔡祥宇主演。

该剧改编自作家一片口香糖撰写的网络同名人气小说,讲述了蠢萌“认真王”少女 Lin Lu 因弟弟重病需高额医药费与“幼稚鬼”霸道总裁 Shi LianSen 签订恋爱契约的故事。

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