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Cao Junxiang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Cao Junxiang Works 5 ,And Modern legend 2 ,Modern 1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,权谋1 ,Xian xia 1 。

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Cao Junxiang Filmography(5)


The untamed (TV)[2019]


电视剧《陈情令》剧情介绍:讲述了十六年前,天下五分,姑苏蓝氏,云梦江氏,清河聂氏,岐山温氏,兰陵金氏共治天下。温氏一家独大,其余四家均受其苦。众家青年中,江氏故人之子 Wei WuXian 性格开朗,和以雅正闻名的姑苏蓝氏弟子 Lan WangJi 相识并引为知己。一次偶然的机会,二人发现了蓝氏一直以来守护的秘密,二人继承遗志,为苍生消除隐患。但没想到一切的幕后黑手正是温氏家主 Wen RuoHan 。众家不堪其辱,合力讨伐温氏。温氏覆灭后, Wei WuXian 却为保护温氏无辜之人不惜与众家对立,最终被奸人所害酿成大祸,误害师姐 Jiang YanLi ,自己也不知所踪。十六年后,消失已久的 Wei WuXian 出现在莫家庄,偶遇故人 Lan WangJi 。莫家庄一桩桩诡异的凶案显得扑朔迷离。随着真相一步步揭开,身处幕后的 Jin GuangYao 渐渐难以隐藏。最后 Jin GuangYao 身死, Lan WangJi 承担起了匡扶天下的使命,而 Wei WuXian 不忘初心,最终潇洒世间。

奋斗吧,少年! (TV)[2019]


电视剧《网球少年》剧情介绍:讲述了中国网球事业的蓬勃发展,在高中校园里掀起了网球热潮,横跨南北的校园网球联赛建立起来。其中由资深教练 Qi Na 担任主教练的青学中学网球队屡创佳绩,培养了一大批优秀的网球人才。然而,网球联赛走到20个年头,青学中学却面临无法打进全国大赛的危机。小龙作为 Qi Na 的秘密武器,从美国回到国内,加入了青学中学网球队。小龙拥有出类拔萃的实力一心要打出最强网球,战胜他心中真正的对手。加入青学中学网球队之后,小龙遇到了各种网球高手,见识了更多可能性,在大家的帮助下,不但从一个ABC成长为精通中国文化的小百科,也在 Qi Na 的引导下体会到了网球真正的乐趣。在征战全国联赛的过程中他感受到团队生活的快乐,并从集体中得到力量。到最后依靠要为团体拼搏的信念,突破自己,战胜强大对手,领悟到了网球的真谛并带领球队朝着既定的目标,奋勇向前。

神探 ke chen (TV)[2019]


电视剧《神探 Ke Chen 》又名《天津1928》剧情介绍:讲述了二十世纪二十年代初,军阀混战,民不聊生,天津警察厅的审讯高手 Ke Chen ,秉承着正义的理念,凭着丰富的经验、不凡的身手,在工作和生活的过程中,为普通百姓查明真相,伸张正义,使得他们在混战时期得到了一丝喘息的空间,保障了一些底层百姓的安全。 Ke Chen 在侦破多起其他案件的过程中,顺藤摸瓜找到了当年一桩爆炸案的关键证人和秘密,这桩旧案事关他父母的意外身亡,所有的矛头却指向了他道貌岸然的上司。最后, Ke Chen 在同事和朋友的帮助下,抓住了阴谋背后的黑手,成功的将坏人绳之以法,使自己父母的沉冤得到昭雪,也坚定了他追寻正义、寻找光明的决心 。


Tianjin 1928 (TV)[2017]

Feature: Tianjin 1928, with a unique perspective, shows the intricacies of love and hate of the special job of "interrogator" during the Republic of China, and reflects the truth, kindness and beauty of human nature. At the beginning of the 1920s, the warlords scrambled and misgired people. Ke Chen, trial expert of the Tianjin Police Agency, adhering to the concept of justice, relied on his rich experience, extraordinary skill, and common people in the process of work and life Ming truth, justice, so that they got a glimpse of space during the melee, to protect the safety of some people at the bottom. In the course of detecting many other cases, Ke Chen found out the key witnesses and secrets of a bombing that year. This old case concerned the accidental death of his parents. All the blame points to his pious boss. Finally, with the help of his colleagues and friends, Ke Chen seized the black hand behind the plot and successfully brought the bad guys to justice so that his parents' grievances were fully exploited. This also strengthened his determination to pursue justice and find a bright future. . "Tianjin 1928" is a national drama produced by Dongyang Datang TV and directed by Huang Zhizhong. Starring Huang Zhizhong, Li Qian (actress), Wu Gang and Michelle, Zuo Xiaoqing, Liu Xiahai, Shijie Jin, Wu Yue, Han Yunuo, etc.

Interrogator (TV)[2017]


The drama “Interrogator” also known as “Tianjin 1928” introduces the story: In the early 1920s, the warlords clashed in battle, the people were not in trouble, Ke Chen, the interrogator of the Tianjin Police Department, inherited the concept of justice and had a wealth of experience. Extraordinary skill, in the process of work and life, the common people to find out the truth and justice, so that they get a hint of breathing space during the melee period, to protect the safety of some people on the ground. In the process of detecting many other cases, Ke Chen found out the key witnesses and secrets of a bombing incident that affected the accidental death of his parents. All the spearheads pointed to his lofty boss. Finally, Ke Chen, with the help of his colleagues and friends, seized the black hands behind the conspiracy, succeeded in bringing the bad guys to justice, made their parents' deaths clear, and strengthened his determination to pursue justice and find light.

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