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Greenly TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Greenly Works 5 ,And Urban drama 3 ,Romance 2 ,Comedy 2 ,Love 1 ,Feature 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Contemporary 1 。

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Greenly Filmography(5)


蓬莱间 (TV)[2020]


故事发生在烟雨胡同18号,身份神秘的“灵物”医生 Bai Qi 游历世间,千年来利用神秘植物“桃源乡”的力量治愈“灵物”,使其化解执念回归正常人类生活。阴差阳错之下, Bai Qi 与人类女孩 Lin Xia 相识并意外“同居”,两人生活发生改变的同时,一段尘封千年的神秘往事也随之浮出水面。


爱上你治愈我 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《爱上你治愈我》剧情介绍:讲述了主人公 Yan ShuRen 在读博期间,与学妹 Sun Shu 意外相遇相爱。在两人恋爱时,因双方家庭变故,书仁办理休学避开 Sun Shu , Sun Shu 选择去日本留学。5年后,被他们的老师 Chen YuanGeng 相继邀请进思康医院。重逢后的书仁本想修复与 Sun Shu 的关系,但起初 Sun Shu 反应冷淡,后来在其母亲治病过程中,开始感受到与书仁的爱情。书仁因为治疗患者, Sun Shu 一直帮助他,两人重新和好。 Chen YiFan 是 Yan ShuRen 本科时的学弟,并对 Sun Shu 渐生爱意, Sun Shu 迅速拒绝了 Chen YiFan 。书仁意外得知母亲8年前因车祸去世,他陷入严重自责甚至对自己的职业成就产生了怀疑,在 Sun Shu 的努力下, Yan ShuRen 逐渐康复,两人决定重回日本留学地,走入婚姻生活。

我的 mo geli 男孩 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《我的 Mo GeLi 男孩》剧情介绍:讲述了 Mo GeLi 是在森林里被守林爷爷抚养长大的男孩,从小便与森林中的动物嬉戏成长。身为独立创业女性的凌煕误将 Mo GeLi 带回城市,本想尽快送其回森林,不料因工作室的营销需求不得不留下 Mo GeLi 。 Ling Xi 与 Mo GeLi 住在了同一屋檐下,两人渐渐建立起了不一样的感情, Mo GeLi 作为人类和自然的桥梁,在凌煕的帮助下,逐渐学习与融入到现代社会生活,知道做人的道理;而凌煕在 Mo GeLi 身上学到了大自然的哲学,并加入生态保护行列,拯救环境,两人互相学习,一起成长。 


My Frozen Boyfriend (TV)[2016]

Feature: My Frozen Boyfriend tells the story of a series of stories that happened after a milky milky ice body was accidentally thawed. Archeology team accidentally brought back a frozen body to do scientific research, but was funny than female college student Xu Nuo due to operational errors will be revived this named Huang Xuan ice body. When Huang Xuan woke up, she discovered that Xu Nuo was a high priest who planted himself a curse and entangled with the extermination curse Huang Xuan and Xu Nuo. Gradually, two people live in full swing for a long time, but in this way, they have had a dreadful day.

100 Reasons for Improper Emperor (TV)[2000]


The "100 Reasons for the Improper Emperor" tells the story of "Premistresses" Qi Zhi After taking over the task of finding the heir to the throne, he started his “Original Adventures of Seeking the King”. Each prince rejected the throne because of all kinds of strange reasons. Who is the emperor has become an unprecedented problem. Behind this refusal, Qi Zhi gradually discovered a huge conspiracy hidden in the hall.

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