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Liu a 曈 TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Liu a 曈 Works 2 ,And Ancient legend 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,武打1 。

Works Index

Liu a 曈 Filmography(2)


三嫁惹君心 (TV)[2020]


Ju MuEr 原本闲逸的生活因师父师伯音含冤枉死而瞬息万变,并因此双目失明,误打误撞之下闯入京城首富 Long Yue 的生活中。 Ju MuEr 决心替师父昭雪沉冤,岂料接二连三的案件将二人牵扯其中。 Ju MuEr 一面查案,一面遭已婚男子逼婚,为求善了,主动提出与 Long Yue 协议成婚。然朝夕相处中,二人渐生情愫, Ju MuEr 不想师父的案情牵连龙家,便设计让 Long Yue 产生误会从而休妻。事后 Long Yue 得知真相,二人再结姻缘。随着调查深入,案情越发扑朔迷离, Ju MuEr 险遭灭口,龙家也陷入前所未有的困境。二人心系彼此,却不得不为了对方暂且和离,共同对敌。当真相大白一切都尘埃落定, Long Yue 再次迎娶三嫁于他的 Ju MuEr ,终于幸福相拥。


Shushan War II riding fire song (TV)[2017]

Feature: Yu YingQi tribal fire Li Nationality has been to save the studio scene stills, but due to defects in the ancestral power law was framed, was misunderstood and hunted by rivers and lakes, the people can only seclusion in a small village. Sister Yu YingNan grew up in a small village, because of a young memory loss, she did not know that she was picked up by her brother's home. On the eighteenth birthday, the British male thought that Bai GuYi, a disciple of the Canggu encounter, was a big hero in his dream. In order to pursue love, the British male would like to send Xue Wu to the market, but it was mistaken for Shushan. After going through twists and turns, the British men know all the way silently guarding their brother is not your own relatives, but a child saved his dream hero, the two set. Ingenious In order to save the tribe was trapped misunderstood, looking for rivers and lakes to the bloodstones, British men find themselves bloodthirsty people. Ying Qi was seriously injured by Bai GuYi, the British man desperate to help British Qi by the power of blood spar. Bai GuYi attempted to exterminate the fire Li nationality in the name of Falun Gong. In the end, after a hard-fought war, Inglese and Bai GuYi died together. British men inherited the British odd behest, walking alone rivers and lakes, Xuanhujixianji & nbsp ;.

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