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Wang Weishen TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Wang Weishen Works 4 ,And Feature 2 ,行业1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Romance 1 ,悬疑[2] 1 ,当代军旅1 ,Suspense 1 ,Crime 1 ,Disaster 1 。

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Wang Weishen Filmography(4)


风中有朵雨做的云 (Movie)[2019]

沿海小城,年轻警官 Yang JiaDong ( Jing Boran 饰)初来乍到,恰遇建委主任 Tang YiJie ( Songwen Zhang 饰)坠楼身亡, Yang JiaDong 展开调查,惨遭革职、追杀,一路逃往香港,与死者女儿小诺( Ma Sichun 饰)意外邂逅,在小诺的协助下继续追查,浑然不觉自己正落入一个纯情陷阱。

The king of land battle (TV)[2019]


《陆战之王》讲述了富家子弟 Zhang NengLiang ( Xiao Chen 饰)考大学失利,被爷爷 Zhang YouLiang 反复动员下参军入伍,选择了陆军里最为艰苦的兵种——坦克兵。 Zhang NengLiang 思维活跃,善于逆向思维,办事往往不按常理出牌。本以为到部队凭他的聪明和身体素质可以暂露头角,不想却遇见了劲敌 Yu DaLei 。 Zhang NengLiang 和 Yu DaLei 开始了两年的对抗。班长 Niu NuLi ( Wang Lei 饰)是个农村兵,他最大的梦想就是考取军校,可因为 Zhang NengLiang ,他两次跟军校失之交臂。终于,在跟 Zhang NengLiang 的较量中,二人从冤家对头,到一辆战车的亲密战友。“假小子” Huang XiaoMeng 选择了自己喜欢的坦克兵,在她的软磨硬泡和不懈努力下,她终于开上了装甲车,成了第一批真正意义上的女装甲兵。 Zhang NengLiang 、 Niu NuLi 、 Yu DaLei 组成的“坦克三剑客”所向披靡,屡次获得优异成绩。终于,他们进入了陆军副司令员 Zhou DeYou 的视野,被派往坦克工厂,圆满完成了新型坦克的测试任务 。

你好检察官 (TV)[2019]


梦想当检察官,立志为苍生主持公道的女孩 Jiang WenJing 考入检察机关,在检察院大家庭成员 Yin Chuan 、 Yu KaiYin 等带领下,在参与一个个错综复杂案件的办理过程中,逐渐感悟到人民检察官的职责和使命,逐步成长为一名优秀的检察官。


TheSouthernStorm (Movie)[2012]

Feature: In January 2008, Yang HuaHua, who had just joined the army for one year, was assigned to the Mechanized Infantry Regiment after the completion of recruits training. His ideal is to open a large tank, did not think it was transferred to the company, the dream completely shattered. Zhao DuoFu, the former squad leader who greets him, is a northeast man and a second-term non-commissioned officer. His ideal is to go to three phases. When Yang HuaHua arrives in the class, the old monitor picks his eyebrows and looks for him everywhere, and he does not show any weakness. Commander Zhou ZhiQiang is a married person who has been married for three years. However, Yang HuaHua noticed that the relationship between company commander and female medic Wang XinMan was not normal and certainly had problems. At this time, heavy snowfall occurred in most areas of southern China, causing heavy snowfall that affected many cities and counties. Li Tuan Zhang ordered the entire group to be ready for disaster relief at all times. All vehicles must be checked by 8 am the next morning, including fuel trucks, armored vehicles, the Pontoon Brigade and the logistics department to ensure that they can leave at any time. After a day of ice-breaking task, Zhan Shi are tired and tired, just at this time, the commander announced the collection: because of heavy snow blocking the road from Shaoguan to Guangzhou emergency ambulance blocked due to heart disease rushed to Guangzhou for high Chen A Po, an ordinary mother of surgery, hangs a line. Through the emergency center for help and emergency contact between the local authorities and the armed forces, the commander ordered the company commander to lead a team to steal Chen A Po and rush to the nearby emergency rescue center.

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