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Jack Dylan Grazer TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jack Dylan Grazer Works 2 ,And Action 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Feature 1 ,Terror 1 ,Child 1 。

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Jack Dylan Grazer Filmography(2)


雷霆 sha zan ! (Movie)[2019]



一日,比利看不惯总是欺负弗莱迪的校园恶霸,站出来替弗莱迪出气,但是一打二的比利选择逃跑为上策,意外来到永恒之岩。永恒之岩仅存一名守护者巫师,他多年寻觅接班人无果,因此要比利喊出 Sha Zan 的名字。喊出 Sha Zan 的比利,顿时变身成身穿鲜红色超级英雄装的成年人,并拥有所罗门王的智慧、海格力斯的力气、泰坦神族阿特拉斯的耐力与宙斯操纵雷电的神威、阿基里斯的勇气、赫尔墨斯的速度,共六种超能力。获得超能力的比利不知所措的跑回家向弗莱迪求助,开始一连串搞笑的能力测试,两人也在此过程中培养更深厚的友谊。


It (Movie)[2017]

Feature: The town of Derrey, Maine, United States, is a town of settlers brought together by the pioneers of the Americas during the pastoral era. The only exception is the number of missing children and deaths in this town, far and away Six times higher than the national average. Until one day, young children begin to see some peculiar illusions, a red-haired white clown often appear in front of everyone, only children can see the clown, the clown can appear anywhere, anytime, incarnation Any kind of horrible things, such as blood and the headless soldier, completely frightened the child and then eaten them. Nobody knows who the clown is. As more children disappear, the police ordered a curfew after seven o'clock every night, but still no use. At this point, Billy, a young brother who had lost his brother, slowly touched the heart of the incident in search of the truth. It turned out that it was not human beings, but the curse of the supernatural forces that existed in Derri, the dancing clown Penny Wise, that Penny Wise had existed hundreds of years ago and would be in town every twenty-seven years Resurrection, taking children's life energy, and wash away adult memories so that they can not stop and can not be detected. In order not to keep Penny Wise in disarray, Billy and his six friends decided to come forward.

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