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Huan He TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Huan He Works 4 ,And Feature 2 ,Year 1 ,Funny 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,优酷出品1 ,Romance 1 ,Comedy 1 。

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Huan He Filmography(4)


隐秘而伟大 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《隐秘而伟大》剧情介绍:讲述了1946年的上海,百废待兴。东吴大学的高材生 Gu YaoDong ,怀揣着匡扶正义保护百姓的美好理想,成为了国民政府上海警察局的新晋警员。甫进职场,便发现职场与自己的设想相去甚远,警察们不是忙着抓共产党和制造冤假错案,就是在浑噩度日。而他的天真与理想,是那么的不合时宜,使他很快成了警局里站也多余坐也多余的人。就在他迷惘与矛盾的时候,他意外发现了世界的另一面——原来只知道啃鸡腿打麻将的顶头上司是共产党的高级情工人员,原来自己家亭子间住的跑单帮的女财迷其实是共产党的交通员。他从迷惘中找到了自己前行的方向,在一次次和对手的殊死较量中飞快成长,最终,凭借自己的智慧和坚守、勇气与禀赋,成为了中共上海地下警委最优秀的高级情工人员。而在血与火的严峻考验中,他感受到了可以托付生命的战友情深,也收获了别样的爱情与幸福,更守住了自己匡扶正义保护百姓的初心 。


人间规则 (TV)[2018]


沉寂许久的“公关女神” Kong XiaoYin 复出了,在《高,实在是高》这一全网最热辩论节目上,她还未尝败绩,以女王姿态睥睨众生。如今她卷土重来,所有人都感觉到了一场“腥风血雨”的到来。节目责编 Yang MingYu 受命全程跟踪报道 Kong XiaoYin ,却在一串误打误撞下加入了她的工作室。一个是坚持中二善良的萌新小白,一个是人人闻风丧胆的“毒舌女王”,两人开始了一段相爱相杀的奇妙经历。 Wang Hong 、作家、明星、创业者……通过一个又一个卷入网络舆论漩涡的公众人物揭开了光怪陆离的网络时代浮世绘。面对虚虚实实,众人各显神通,为的就是追寻出事件背后的真相。


Shanshan came (TV)[2014]

Feature: Shanshan came the stills despite their dreams, through their own efforts to achieve a success, good nature of the Shanshan is because they have a rare blood was recruited into the wind, but the Shanshang not forget the beginning, has been fighting! Sister sister transfusion Shanshan was praised for eating pig liver rice, and slowly evolved into Feng Teng's exclusive picker. Feng Teng change the way to torture kind of Shanshan, and Shanshan several times to resist, but each time lost to the superior skill of Feng Teng. Later, Feng Teng made a comeback to express his love for Feng Teng and started a campaign against Shanshan, while Feng Teng's good man Zheng Qi, having fallen in love with Li, had to fight against Shanshan Under, but even more so that the two were determined together, the experience of all sorts, Shanshan and Feng Teng accomplish a positive outcome, though happiness is late, but also finally came! And Shanshan in the harvest of love, but also because of their own The continuous efforts in the cause has also made no small achievement, completed his dream!

The number one scandal (TV)[2014]

Feature: Variety goddess Royi joined the Youku potatoes homemade network comedy "number one sex scandal," recently launched two characters and concept models trailer, and released in the official version Q lovely single posters.

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