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Zhang Zhe encyclical TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Zhang Zhe encyclical Works 5 ,And Costume Drama 3 ,Romance 2 ,Myth play 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,legend 1 ,Feature 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Terror 1 。

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Zhang Zhe encyclical Filmography(5)


新白娘子传奇 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《新白娘子传奇》剧情介绍:讲述了峨眉山千年修德向善的蛇妖 Bai SuZhen 一心想得道升仙并打算去向往已久的临安城开开眼界。在临安上元节庙会阴差阳错与青蛇结为姐妹,青蛇化名 Xiao Qing 。 Bai SuZhen 和 Xiao Qing 在上元节邂逅颜值倾城“杏林怪咖” Xu Xian 。 Bai SuZhen 至善至纯的天性, Xu Xian 悬壶济世一心救人的品德,感动彼此。历经灯节火海、降妖蜈蚣精、西湖游船惊魂和白府家宴中毒河豚精等一系列风波,两人定情相爱。虽有 Xiao Qing 不满, Xu Xian 师妹横生枝节,但有情人终成神仙眷侣。端午节, Bai SuZhen 喝下雄黄酒现出妖形,吓死 Xu Xian 。 Bai SuZhen 不惜耗费百年修行法力,冒死盗取仙草,救活 Xu Xian 。好事多磨,真爱经历考验,许娇容因为误食含有 Bai SuZhen 血液的青团而昏迷不醒。 Bai SuZhen 欲耗费五百年法力救许娇容,却被天兵天将所阻,且被 Xu Xian 误解,不得以逃回峨眉洞府。后又经历魔界暗黑使者诱使 Xu Xian 化妖,欲称霸魔界的劫难,终化险为夷,重归人、妖、仙、魔四界安宁。在经历各种劫难和真相大冒险后,爱使人成长、改变, Xu Xian 和白娘子恩爱眷属,更加珍惜在一起的机会。 Fa Hai 执着降妖弘法,认定人妖不能相恋。强留 Xu Xian 在金山寺避妖修行,惹来 Bai SuZhen 和 Xiao Qing 水漫金山寺,触犯天条。 Bai SuZhen 产下一子仕林后,被 Fa Hai 镇压雷峰塔下。 Fa Hai 直言西湖水干,雷峰塔倒, Bai SuZhen 和 Xu Xian 重逢。十年如梭,少年 Xu ShiLin 初长成, Bai SuZhen 和 Xu Xian 能否迎来重相聚。


Datang Glory (TV)[2017]

Feature: Shen ZhenZhu was born, was chosen as Princess Guang Ping Wang Li Chu, gave birth to the eldest son of Tang Dezong Li, Li was chased after the Rui Regent. She just introduced a southern woman, good heart, surviving Sajik and goodwill, in Anshun chaos only willing to stay in Changan and common people advance and retreat, as Changan people respect. Though dispersed among the generals, Mo Yan Chuhu, pursued it, he still held his love for Li Chu. After the Tang Dynasty recuperates to Changan, the diaspora can not enter the palace, but Li Chu is determined to pick up the pearl back. The pearl takes the prince Li Chu as its priority and returns to the folk. After Li Chu looks for many places, the pearl is always reluctant to enter the palace. Wish to fulfill Li Chu. She won Li Chu's life unforgettable by her knowledge of Darjeeling's knowledge and the excellent quality of having both ability and political integrity. And she is not a luxury to coordinate the harem with a word to know the sufferings of the common people. Shen ZhenZhu, a generation of talented women, made certain historic contributions to the development of the mid-Tang Dynasty.

Drunk exquisite (TV)[2017]

Feature: Feng QingChen (Liu Shishi ornaments) is a witch clan holy witch, in charge of the witch tribe nine turn exquisite stone, can predict the future and even reverse the universe. Occasionally save the hunted down Emperor Yuan Ling (William Chan ornaments), both gratifying. Yuan Ling wants to marry Feng Qing Chen, but according to the ancestral system, the witch clan may not marry the royal family. Yuan Ling, in spite of all the opposition from the world, married Qing chen and caused shocks. Qing coffin was expelled by the witch and clan. The emperor Xu Haiqiao took the opportunity to launch the mutiny. Seeing Yuan Ling because of their own was forced to the brink of life and death, Qing cynic launched Wuxiu banned nine sharp turn to break the real world to reconstruct a new world. After coming to the reconstruction of the world, Qing Chen found everything around him was non-human. The Wins bear the case of conspiracy to invade. Yuan Ling's life is also foggy. In the face of Qing Chen, Yuan Ling has been completely stranger. Fate let them meet again, Qing Chen had to hide their deep feelings of Yuan Ling, secretly guarding, supporting Yuan Ling. But they do not dare to fall in love with each other, but their relationships are long and bumpy.

Lost Love In Times (TV)[2005]

Feature: Posters Feng Qing Chen (Liu Shishi ornaments) is a witch clan holy witch, in charge of the holy relics nine to exquisite stone, can predict the future and even reverse the universe. Occasionally save the hunted down Emperor Yuan Ling (William Chan ornaments), both gratifying. Yuan Ling wants to marry Feng Qing Chen, but according to the ancestral system, the witch clan may not marry the royal family. Yuan Ling, in spite of all the opposition from the world, married Qing chen and caused shocks. Qing coffin was expelled by the witch and clan. The emperor Xu Haiqiao took the opportunity to launch the mutiny. Seeing Yuan Ling because of their own was forced to the brink of life and death, Qing cynic launched Wuxiu banned nine sharp turn to break the real world to reconstruct a new world. After coming to the reconstruction of the world, Qing Chen found everything around him was non-human. The Wins bear the case of conspiracy to invade. Yuan Ling's life is also foggy. In the face of Qing Chen, Yuan Ling has been completely stranger. Fate let them meet again, Qing Chen had to hide their deep feelings of Yuan Ling, secretly guarding, supporting Yuan Ling. But they do not dare to fall in love with each other, but their relationships are long and bumpy.

TheKeeper (Movie)[1976]

Feature: During the Republican Period, Mo ZiLin, a youth in Longchuan, which was reduced to the streets, returned to his family by coincidence and vowed to find out the truth about the murder of his mother 15 years ago. Unexpectedly, his sudden appearance has seriously affected Mo ZiYi's future and interests. The two, who deserve to be both brothers and sisters, have had serious conflicts in their careers and in love, and have thus fallen into an endless family struggle. After the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, Mo ZiLin hoped that his younger brother would let go of his grudge and went to the country to fight the disaster. Unexpectedly, Mo ZiYi had resorted to the Japanese occupation for the tiger. Mo ZiLin in order to protect justice and conscience, led the guerrillas after arduous struggle, finally succeeded in exterminating the Japanese in Guangfu Longchuan. Mo ZiYi brother reduced to mean, committed suicide.

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