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Li Xin Bo TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Li Xin Bo Works 9 ,And Suspense 3 ,Romance 2 ,Urban drama 2 ,Feature 2 ,Comedy 2 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Love 1 ,Funny 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Magic 1 ,Crime 1 。

Works Index

Li Xin Bo Filmography(9)


三嫁惹君心 (TV)[2020]


Ju MuEr 原本闲逸的生活因师父师伯音含冤枉死而瞬息万变,并因此双目失明,误打误撞之下闯入京城首富 Long Yue 的生活中。 Ju MuEr 决心替师父昭雪沉冤,岂料接二连三的案件将二人牵扯其中。 Ju MuEr 一面查案,一面遭已婚男子逼婚,为求善了,主动提出与 Long Yue 协议成婚。然朝夕相处中,二人渐生情愫, Ju MuEr 不想师父的案情牵连龙家,便设计让 Long Yue 产生误会从而休妻。事后 Long Yue 得知真相,二人再结姻缘。随着调查深入,案情越发扑朔迷离, Ju MuEr 险遭灭口,龙家也陷入前所未有的困境。二人心系彼此,却不得不为了对方暂且和离,共同对敌。当真相大白一切都尘埃落定, Long Yue 再次迎娶三嫁于他的 Ju MuEr ,终于幸福相拥。


Hi! predecessor (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Hi! Preceding "tells an identical couple Meng Yun, Ai Da, accidentally frequent during the marriage contract. Many of the two predecessors continue to appear, repeatedly dismissing their marriage events, making them feel perplexed and uneasy with each other's feelings. At the same time in a sudden situation, the two more mutual understanding and work together to continue their "card Adventures."

About love (TV)[2018]

Feature: "About Love" tells the story of a love story between Wei Qing, the president of Yunma Group, and Zhou Shi, a great powerhouse.

Distracted war (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Difference War" tells the story of the Republic of China in 1931, when biologists Li YunMu and his entourage traveled to the north of Shahe Town to conduct investigations. However, they did not know that they would be involved in a huge and intertwined conspiracy. At this moment, Xun Ya led Li YunMu (Sammul Chan ornaments) to return to the investigation. Thomas and others continue to study the tomb, but did not lead to package Jun Indian (Man Li decoration) changed dramatically, Xu Hanqing disappeared, team members produce "variation." In order to find out the truth, Li YunMu and "Bao Junyin" and police friend Han Mowu solved many strange events. With the help of Xuan Ya, Li YunMu and his entourage shattered the Japanese spy - Yamamoto's conspiracy. But did not think of a different "world" in front of them, and greater challenges are waiting for them ...

Ten thousand years of love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Hundreds of years ago, five hundred years ago, Zixia descended to find Z.TAO, a Zijin (Z.TAO ornaments) with a purple-green sword, but destroyed the purple-green sword. Zixia in order to repair the sword, use the moonlight box through. Five hundred years later, the Supreme Treasure lost the memory of past lives, reincarnated as an ax to help the Lord, and the good Bai JingJing mutual benefit in day and night. However, Bai JingJing was tricked by the Spring of 30 Mother (Ruoxi Du ornaments) sword, in order to save Bai JingJing, the Supreme Treasure use Moonlight Box, actually crossed back five hundred years ago. Pan-hole hole two meet, Zixia shocked in front of her is five hundred years ago, the most precious treasure, but found he has fallen in love with others. Niu MoWang (Yang Juncheng ornaments) covet beauty to the extreme treasure of life threatening, to marry Zixia. In confusion, the Supreme Treasure delivered to the modern and the future by the moonlight treasure box, through the journey to see the treasure of his own heart. Extreme treasure to save Zixia and Niu MoWang war. Crucial moment, Zixia forbidden treasure blocked Niu MoWang's fatal blow. At this point, the young girlfriend Qingwan (Swan), who agreed with Liu ErMiHou, agreed on a schedule of days to change the fate of Zixia and Supreme Treasure. Chaos eventually all belong to you, Zixia and the ultimate treasure also finally has a happy ending. Westward Journey Love you ten thousand years

The Battle At Dawn (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1946, Cheng Qiang led the police department to take over the Harbin Pupman police station and became the director of the Public Security Bureau. At the time, Harbin was under double pressure: the Kuomintang entrenched in Changchun may at any moment be able to attack Harbin, hide its enemy organizations, bandit bully, puppets and even rogue impostors. Internal and public security cadres come from all corners of the globe. Their working ideas and methods are different. Disagreements often arise in the face of specific problems. The trade unions and peasant associations are also debating who is the leading force of urban management. The city leaders lack experience in managing large cities, etc. To Cheng Qiang and his comrades constitute a tremendous pressure. The Kuomintang has successively sent senior espionage and agents trained in the United States into Harbin. Cheng Qiang gathered all the forces of the Public Security Bureau and stopped the enemies by relying on the masses at the grassroots level. In order to stabilize public order, the establishment of the neighborhood committee, improve the city's aliens account management, abolition of brothels, tobacco shops and casinos. Cleared up the inner ghost lurking in my Public Security Bureau, and dismissed General Li Zhaolin's assassination.

Crazy days (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Mad Days" tells the story of a modern woman Dong Yi (Yumi Wong ornaments) fell victim to the king of a woman country after an accidental fall into the Milky Way, waking up and found in a mysterious era, eating, sleeping, bathing and dressing have a special Maid service, but also has been called heaven. Not only the feminist respect, and even the harem thirty males, days after the kingdom of a woman, and he is Tian Jue (Jessica Lee ornaments), is the day after the palace, the two are husband and wife, because Tianxu pet Tian Jue, Jubilant Di Hou (Cuicui Li ornaments) just put Tian Jue up. In the face of all kinds of beautiful husband and intrauterine intrigue, hostess director in this mysterious era of love and career double harvest story & nbsp ;.

Darker 3 (TV)[2016]

Feature: "The Dark 3" tells the story of Luo Fei's reorganization panel continuing to trace the true darkness behind the death notice & nbsp ;.

Darker III (Movie)[2014]

Feature: A serial homicide of the exposure caused a huge sensation, one by one signed "Diablo" notice quietly in the face of the blatant provocation of the mysterious murderer, the police immediately set up a task force to compete with it, it is surprising that the team All members of "Dragon and Phoenix" - Luo Fei with high intelligence and low personal character, Mu Jianyun with cold and muggy mouth.

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