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Wang Qiang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Wang Qiang Works 3 ,And Feature 2 ,War 1 ,Historical play 1 。

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Wang Qiang Filmography(3)


阳台上 (Movie)[2019]


数月前, Zhang YingXiong 的父亲张肃清因为拆迁房的问题与政府拆迁办的陆志强发生口角,心高气傲的张肃清突发心梗,撒手人寰。 Zhang YingXiong 与母亲接受舅舅的接济而寄人篱下,舅舅与舅妈对他们的言语中充满了嘲讽与轻蔑,为此 Zhang YingXiong 搬出舅舅家,在一家小店当起了服务生。而这个小店的某个视角刚好能够窥见陆志强的家。于是 Lu ShanShan 走进了他的世界里,这位“仇人”的女儿是一个智力低于常人的女孩,乖巧单纯,行为幼稚,令人匪夷所思。但是他却发现自己渐渐爱上了 Lu ShanShan ,从而使他对“复仇”的意义产生了怀疑。

解放·终局营救 (Movie)[2019]


1949年1月,中国人民解放军将国民党 50 万军队围困于平津地区,总攻在即。是否能和平解放北平,取决于天津一战。此时的天津城内,暗堡、工事林立,士兵荷枪实弹进入状态,大战前的天津城已是一座炼狱。为了总攻的发动扫平道路,解放军炮兵侦察连连长 Cai XingFu 、侦察兵 Ma BaoShu 、报务员 Liao Feng 、炮兵见习参谋 Ge GuiChen 四人临危受命,组成解放炮兵侦察别动队,乔装潜入天津城。此时,负责转移北平守军眷属的国军军需官 Yao Zhe 在宪兵营长 Qian ZhuoQun 的暗算下成为通缉犯,带女儿出逃时恰好与进城的 Cai XingFu 一行人相遇, Cai XingFu 挟持 Yao Zhe 欲完成任务。随着目标任务的逐步明晰, Yao Zhe 被暗算背后的秘密、 Qian ZhuoQun 企图破坏北平和谈的阴谋、 Cai XingFu 失踪儿子的下落都渐渐浮现出来。


Insanely track (TV)[2015]

Feature: In 1929, Liao ShengHui, the son of Tianjin police department chief, was dragged by a mysterious man into a fancy photo studio to guide him step by step to find the secrets hidden in the fire in the holy orphanage 14 years ago. A group of unknown origin Dunhuang artifacts shocked the city's serial poisoning killings, the Communist Party, the Kuomintang, the Japanese, the Northern Warlords and other forces are involved in this puzzle to start the fight. Liao ShengHui's road to mystery is tough, he faces a strong opponent - well-intentioned Kuomintang agents Ceng JiaYang, extraordinary Japanese ninja Yu Zi. As the riddle gradually resolved, the criminal purpose of the Japanese and the Kuomintang was exposed, but the truth made Liao ShengHui unbearable: both he and Ceng JiaYang and Yu Zi were partners of the orphanage. In the end, the three men belonging to different camps joined forces to fight the enemy together, but they failed without success. In 1937, when the war of resistance broke out completely, the three people who had grown into a firm communist fighter met again and they joined hands to embark on a new battlefield against Japanese aggression and national salvation.

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