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Chloe TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Chloe Works 15 ,And Urban drama 4 ,Suspense 2 ,Romance 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Feature 2 ,推理1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Comedy 1 ,荒诞1 ,幽默1 ,Love 1 ,轻喜1 ,近代战争1 ,Biopic 1 ,近代革命1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Magic 1 ,Action 1 ,权谋1 ,Ancient 1 ,legend 1 ,Crime 1 。

Works Index

Chloe Filmography(16)


我是 yu huanshui (TV)[2020]


Yu HuanShui 是公司里业绩最差的员工,退让隐忍、得过且过是他的生存法则,直到嫌他窝囊的妻子提出离婚, Yu HuanShui 仍未做出改变。某日借酒浇愁后, Yu HuanShui 身体不适查出癌症,万念俱灰的他破罐子破摔,性情大变,还在阴差阳错之下,成了见义勇为的英雄,到达人生巅峰。但阴差阳错的命运仍在继续,危机和挑战接踵而至,直到 Yu HuanShui 找到真正的尊严与幸福 。

唐人街探案 (TV)[2020]


光怪陆离的泰国,接连发生多起奇异的案件,“唐人街第一神探” Tang Ren 的徒弟 Lin Mo ,野田昊的弟弟 Ye TianHaoEr ,纷纷陷入探案的谜团之中。死者妻子IVY、酒吧歌手 A Wen 、五大灵童战队成员 Lu JingJing 、初出茅庐的女警 Sa Sha 也悉数登场,错综复杂的线索背后,藏于黑暗的真相正慢慢浮出水面 。


The Longest Day In Chang'an (TV)[2019]

Feature: Set in Tang Dynasty, an eve before the Lantern Festival. Suspicious people infiltrated the empire's capital. In order to keep the capital safe, a talented fellow trusted by royal prince and a prisoned former detective team up to catch dangerous people.

爱上你治愈我 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《爱上你治愈我》剧情介绍:讲述了主人公 Yan ShuRen 在读博期间,与学妹 Sun Shu 意外相遇相爱。在两人恋爱时,因双方家庭变故,书仁办理休学避开 Sun Shu , Sun Shu 选择去日本留学。5年后,被他们的老师 Chen YuanGeng 相继邀请进思康医院。重逢后的书仁本想修复与 Sun Shu 的关系,但起初 Sun Shu 反应冷淡,后来在其母亲治病过程中,开始感受到与书仁的爱情。书仁因为治疗患者, Sun Shu 一直帮助他,两人重新和好。 Chen YiFan 是 Yan ShuRen 本科时的学弟,并对 Sun Shu 渐生爱意, Sun Shu 迅速拒绝了 Chen YiFan 。书仁意外得知母亲8年前因车祸去世,他陷入严重自责甚至对自己的职业成就产生了怀疑,在 Sun Shu 的努力下, Yan ShuRen 逐渐康复,两人决定重回日本留学地,走入婚姻生活。

Mr monster (Movie)[2019]


Ji Mo (Jessie Li) has been regarded as an alien since she was a child because she could see "monsters". It was not until one day that she saw "monsters" again in the supermarket at work and had a magical encounter with "monster hunters" -- Meng Ge (Shawn Yue) that she discovered that "monsters" really existed in the world. Meng Ge luckily solved the monster that appeared in the supermarket, but the process of striking the monster was unfortunately caught by the monitor and out. The two young men were involved in a new storm.


独孤皇后 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《独孤皇后》剧情介绍:讲述了因家族遭到权臣迫害, Du GuGaLuo 自小就以独立坚强要求自己。时其夫君 Yang Jian 已展现不凡气概,他骁勇善战,立下赫赫战功,并在乱世之中登上皇位,建立隋朝,统一中国,而后大力发展文化经济。 Du GuGaLuo 尽心辅佐,与 Yang Jian 一同倡导节俭,协助 Yang Jian 成就“开皇之治”,国泰民安,与 Yang Jian 并尊为“二圣”,在 Yang Jian 开创隋朝盛世中起到了不可或缺的作用。 Du GuGaLuo 和 Yang Jian 携手走过人生风雨,始终夫妻恩爱,伉俪情深,她时刻督促 Yang Jian 勤政爱民,无论处于人生何种际遇,夫妻二人保持着勤俭朴实的家风,创造了中国古代帝王夫妻后宫生活的佳话。

None (Movie)[2018]

Feature: 《长安十二时辰》是由曹盾执导,雷佳音、易烊千玺领衔主演的古装剧 。该剧改编自作家马伯庸的小说,讲述了上元节前夕,长安城陷入危局,长安死囚张小敬临危受命,与少年名士李泌携手在十二时辰内拯救长安的故事 。

Tribes and Empires:Storm of Prophecy (TV)[2017]

Feature: End toward the end of the year, Mu Yun royal family and Mu Ru family three hundred years of ice because of a prophecy split. The prophecy says that the emperor Huang Xuan, the emperor of the six princes, is in chaos and the Shawn Dou is the emperor of the future. Local forces, represented by Mu YunLuan (Qianyuan Wang) and Mu YunDe (Xiaochen Zhang), conspired to seize the opportunity and took the opportunity to cooperate with the evil forces. Prince Mu YunSheng do not love Jiangshan do not believe in heaven and earth, prefer to sacrifice the power of status for the pursuit of true love. Mu RuHanJiang Born parents in the marketplace, like freedom, but also want to protect the order, after hardships and difficulties, and finally return to the family. Sisterhood and leaf (Yiwei Zhou ornaments) lost their loved ones and clan in the battle with the Mu Ru cavalry, after a baptism of blood and fire, farewell of life and death, human warmth, the collision of power, from a vengeance Who grew up to be the king of Tieqin & nbsp ;.

Absurd Accident (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Yang BaiWan and his wife, Ma LiLian, run the "Cyclamen Grand Hotel." Yang BaiWan, the boss, is a hard-edged human-type Teddy. Due to a series of mistakes and mistakes, Ma LiLian suspects Ma LiLian is carrying his own steal, Bi JianXiao buy homicide. As a result, the intrusion of a series of unrelated passers-by made all the conspiracy murderous killings come out with various kinds of moths, and all sorts of ridiculous things were also found in their stories. Aphrodisiacs, looting, murder, deceit, everyone experienced a flurry of turmoil to achieve their goals, the complexity of the story has become more and more interesting.

Little handsome (TV)[2016]

Feature: The legendary life of Zhang XueLiang's autobiography tells the story of the vicissitudes of the elderly vicissitudes of life and drama "Marshal" bumpy life. Zhang XueLiang was born in the warlord era, the young mother, is the eldest son of Zhang ZuoLin, the warlord. The romantic son of a father aura, since entering his father founded the Army Cadet Corps, embarked on a military road: from the initial troops to war several baptisms by the war, has been a friend Guo SongLing Anti-bingbing , Enduring the shame that his father was murdered by the Japanese and ultimately shouldering the heavy responsibility of his family and growing up as the leader of the three northeastern provinces. Zhang XueLiang romantic life, but love two singular women, and the first wife Yu FengZhi, loved Zhao Si accompanied his life. He was addicted to drugs and eventually rehabilitated by foreign doctors. He had a solemn heart, and for the sake of reunification of China, practiced "Banner of Northeast China" and absolutely obeyed Jiang Jie Shi. However, as a result, the Japanese occupied Shenyang during the September 18th Incident. At the age of 36, he finally planned the Xi'an Incident with General Yang HuCheng at the age of 36, ended the civil war, facilitated the KMT-CPC cooperation and unanimously resisted Japan, and he himself was therefore under house arrest for more than half a century.

Our best ten years (TV)[2016]

Feature: Jiang YiBo and Ma Ya have been childhood children, but Ma Ya doubts whether this is love or affection. Ma Ya met a young Fan Yang who was six years old. During her stormy and rampaging assault, the passion she had been depressing in Ma Ya's heart was inspired. The two men stole the account to register for marriage and were "low-keyed in the dormitory "Married. Fan Yang grew rapidly, and he started to make progress. However, Fan Yang's longing for a better life turned out to be a stubborn one that eventually brought himself to a prison. In the meantime, Jiang YiBo and Cong XiangXiang got involved and eventually got married, but this reluctant marriage is doomed to failure from the very beginning. The fate of the three horses, Fan and Jiang fluctuated, but fortunately everything is moving in a beautiful direction. Ma Ya and Fan Yang compound, and pregnant with twins. Jiang YiBo, who had lost Cong XiangXiang, finally knew what Cong XiangXiang meant to himself, and both returned to good ones. 2013 New Year's Eve, two children, three generations of people waiting for the New Year's bell sounded & nbsp ;.

HeyDaddy (TV)[2015]

Feature: A son who has been living cynically for many years, a coddled father, a lonely father with dementia, whose life separates them from their own destiny and binds them tightly. From the initial hostility, silence to gradually close to the soul, and gradually find the love and power they have jointly owned, this live-like father and son face to face their ups and downs, joys and sorrows and life, they do not leave abandoned. His son came back to his hometown abruptly, suddenly faced with no longer know his father, he thought it would be a father-son war, and later he found himself wrong, this is not a war, but we will eventually face The fate and growth experience. Hai Pik began to learn to be a real man.

Life and death blood symbol (TV)[2015]

Feature: US Tigers Ben NiDa traveled to China to help resist the Japanese aggression. Killed by Japanese planes in an air combat. In order to obtain US military intelligence, the Japanese army launched a frenzied search in the area where the plane crashed. Li ShiZhang, the fifth division of the New Fourth Army, received rescue instructions from the U.S. military and immediately deployed a rescue plan. With the joint rescue by the local masses, guerrillas and the Fifth New Fourth Army, they successfully and tactfully broke through the blockade of the Japanese army and eventually successfully handed over the Flying Tigers Ben NiDa to the troops they came to pick them up. In the rescue operation, the Chinese people and the New Fourth Army have forgotten to protect Ben NiDa, a seriously injured individual. As a result, the host will extend the 60-year sincere friendship. Sixty years later, the group of U.S. guests along with their Chinese counterpart took a photo under the bank of the plane that landed the aircraft. & Nbsp ;.

I love male nanny (TV)[2015]

Feature: Family cook Fang Yuan After five years of "women outside the host, male inside" life, finally by the increasingly strong wife dislike. In order to save the marriage, Fang Yuan resolutely embarked on the road to go to the big cities, by virtue of their skills, began a versatile male nanny job. This year the first customer requirements are high: washing and washing the car wash, wipe the window cleaning machine photos, repair the house repair grass appliances, nursing children to see the door, cook cooking meals, these are just basic skills, Generation on behalf of behalf of the negotiations on behalf of the driver, send flowers delivery letter of mouth is not surprising thing. Encounter Miss Gao customers, Fang Yuan give their children every day a week when the father; hit Ma ShuEr such customers, Fang Yuan worked in addition to part-time psychotherapist, career planner; and hit Lu Qing This customer, despite Fang Decathlon, are still being scammed to carry a black pot, lost lottery, make money not to say have to pay back the money. Three women in a drama, the customer still can not offend God, Fang Yuan this male nanny efforts to exert positive energy, word of mouth to make achievements & nbsp ;.

Forty-ninth day festival (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1937, the Japanese troops entered Nanjing City, which was occupied by the enemy, and was ordered to bury the bodies of dead soldiers and prisoners of war in China. In the meantime, a group of uninvited guests, a dozen female students and Qinhuai River women welcomed in the heart of St. Maarten's church in the city center. Then, many men entered the church for a variety of reasons. The Japanese outside the walls looked for all kinds of excuses to enter the church, and the backyard of the church in St. Ma Deer became their target for landfills to conceal their bodies. The organizers of the International Security Zone tried various attempts to rescue the trapped people of the church, but failed repeatedly. The men in the church sacrificed their lives to protect the women hidden in the church loft and the cellar, and the women either chose to die with dignity or were most heroic. During these forty-nine days and nights, they and they, in time and again, survived, resisted, destroyed and resurrected love, affection and friendship, and they have become cowardly warriors. They have lost their way and found direction. Have been rewarded; have sinned to complete the redemption.

LethalHostage (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The rebellious schoolgirl (Gao Ye), a small town in the Yunnan border town of China and Burma, inadvertently turned to a new stranger (Yang Kun) who was actually a professional killer because of an angered dog at home. Female students almost into danger, but good as Ji DuJingCha brother (Zhang Mo (actor) ornaments) appeared in a timely manner to stop the killer. The arrest of the killer by the anti-narcotics police inadvertently detected a major clues to drug-related crimes, which in turn led to Honglei Sun's adventures and led to a mystery more than ten years ago - Ya Yi (Ni Dahong) Involved in the Du Fan battle, chaotic young girls were captured by young Du Fan. Today, Du Fan, who has failed in an internal struggle, returns to Yunnan's small town for the last drug trade in his life with an adult missing girl (Luodan Wang). Police, Du Fan, killer, Ya Yi father and daughter were intertwined intertwined, launched a desperate struggle.

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