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Zhou Yun deep TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Zhou Yun deep Works 22 ,And Romance 9 ,Feature 6 ,Costume Drama 4 ,Urban drama 4 ,Youth drama 4 ,Suspense 4 ,Love 3 ,Motivational film 3 ,Action 2 ,Family drama 2 ,legend 1 ,古装爱情魔幻题材1 ,God monster 1 ,抗战1 ,Historical play 1 ,Crime 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,War 1 ,复仇1 ,Business War 1 。

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Zhou Yun deep Filmography(22)


大明风华 (TV)[2019]


明永乐元年,靖难之役,建文帝削发入山,行踪遂成千古之谜。建文旧臣,尽遭屠杀,御史大夫 Jing Qing ,夫妻罹难,长女若微,被 Fu Jiang Sun Yu 所救,次女蔓茵,为太子 Zhu GaoChi 所救。骨肉同胞,一在宫中,一在江湖,同时长大。十年之后,若微图谋刺杀 Zhu Di ,妹妹蔓茵嫁入宫中,若微在刺杀中,遭遇皇太孙 Zhu ZhanJi ,目睹了金陵城波云诡谲的政治叛乱,苍茫暮色中,曲折隐微的帝王心事,国家正在从乱象中恢复,平关外,迁首都,通运河, Zheng He 下西洋,扬威海外,编撰《永乐大典》,盛世将成。最终若微决心放弃个人仇恨,辅佐登上皇位的丈夫,为天下人谋取最大的幸福和安宁,她历经了五帝六朝,以自己的气度和智慧,数度救大明王朝于危难,在历史洪流中,孤身一人,溯流而上,见证了一个伟大时代的诞生 。


Summer solstice yet to come (TV)[2017]

Feature: Li Xia (Cheng Shuang (actress, born 1991)) and Cheng QiQi (Chai Biyun) were admitted to Asakawa and met the legendary Fu XiaoSi (Chen Xuedong) and Lu ZhiAng (Bai Jingting) With the addition of Yu Jian (Xia Zitong) and others, they officially opened their youthful and beautiful high school life. After graduation, the doors of the adult world are open to them, and everyone has a vastly different life. Fu XiaoSi published an album, popular in all over China. Li Xia became Fu XiaoSi's assistant and the other half. July 7 to participate in the singing competition won the all-China youth idol. Yu Jian north drift in order to become a singer, still in the dream to persist. As each one gets hit by the rapidly approaching world, the greater adversity comes one after the other, which almost completely reverses and affects everyone's life: the ups and downs of Fu XiaoSi, the departure of Li Xia, Lu ZhiAng's Imprisonment, Cheng QiQi's betrayal, Yu Jian boyfriend's death. Ten years away from the furthest summer, nothing can be permanent except for memories, but they all learned to love and grow.

Simei people (TV)[2017]

Feature: During the Warring States Period, the crowds competed. Born in the famous Qu Yuan (Ma Ke ornaments), by chance coincides with the folk slave girl Mo ChouNv (Viann ornaments). However, in the Chu State, which is suffering both internal and external disasters and crises, the two, although intimately acquainted with each other, can not remain mutually dependent. In order to break through the fickleness of fate, they defied the door and love each other. In the struggle against bully and power, the two were involved in the vortex of struggle for power in the struggle for family and nation and their country. In the meantime, Qu Yuan, a man of great skill and ability, has embarked on a journey of saving the country and saving the nation. Heart to serve the country, unable to get back to heaven, Qu Yuan eventually read all the despair, pain sinks in the Miluo River; Mo ChouNv is driving a boat far, from the boat lakes.

Because love is happy (TV)[2016]

Feature: Because love is blessed Lu XiaoNan (Yi Xin Tang) is an independent woman who maintains the philosophy of modern life. I realize marriage is not a simple combination of two individuals, but rather a difficult marriage between two families. So she did not dare to enter the marriage hall easily until the advent of perfectly man Kevin Chan (William Chan) in every aspect finally dispelled Lu XiaoNan's fear of marriage, newlyweds and rent Living in the three generations of the Su family, the well-being of the Court, Lu XiaoNan can never imagine that Kevin and his family have lost, and finally determined to start looking for the separation of their loved ones that year. Kevin and lost family members for many years by accident, making Lu XiaoNan and Kevin perfect married happy life was broken, had to live with Kevin and his extended family, Lu XiaoNan tired of dealing with the sudden new family Relationships and members, Fortunately, regardless of any twists and turns, husband Kevin stood firm with Lu XiaoNan side, never waver. Kevin is also more and more interaction with his family, and gradually wake up childhood memories. He began to realize that his loss was not a mere surprise. As the truth slowly opened, the happy family was plunged into a new crisis.

Beauty is stuffing (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Beauty is stuffing" is produced by Beijing AiQiYi Science and Technology Co., Ltd., and is a crime suspense network drama under the supervision of Li Yuchao and Liang Xinquan. Yang Rong (actress), Yu Bai, Geng Li, Merxat, Tropical Storm Cindy, Starring Ji Qi and other stars, Chen Hao special starring, Zheng Guolin friendship starred. Based on the novel of the same name, the play is based on the adaptation of Ding Mo's novel of the same name, recounting the relationship between police officer Jin Jin and former boyfriend Han Chen, who met again in the past few years. The two men, shaken by horrifying conspiracies, uncovered various pending cases and finally reached a high IQ Crime suspense love story. The play is divided into three seasons. The first season on October 24, 2016 IK IK to premiere. The second and third quarters were on Ikea on November 14, 2016 and December 12, 2016, respectively. In the first quarter of a task mistakenly hit, so that the policewoman Bai Jinxi and the mysterious man Han Chen do not know each other. Later, when investigating a rape case, the two met again, and Han Chen turned out to be a senior criminal police officer. The two men together to solve the case, Han Chen on the application of traditional means of criminal investigation so that Bai Jinxi its admiration. In the process, the two lifted their misunderstandings and gradually gained a good impression of each other. Han Chen lost some memories because of an accident five years ago. He always remembered having a very important fiancee for himself. In search of the woman, he searched everywhere and at the same time refused to open the channel of emotion to others. When Han Chen and Bai Jinxi met and had a good impression on her, this obsession allowed Han Chen to constantly evade feelings with Bai Jinxi. Later, Bai Jinxi was transferred to the provincial team, joined the "Black Shield Group" work with Han Chen. In a bizarre CS case investigation, the two men finally sacrificed their lives to protect each other. This move finally broke the barrier, and Han Chen promised to give an account of Bai Jinxi after ascertaining the truth before the amnesiac. In the second quarter, he pursued Han Chen with perseverance and found that Bai Jinxi was actually the fiancée, Hsun Meng, whom he had always been looking for. The accidental memory loss involved a case committed by a serial killer five years ago. The members of this serial killer organization are all letters of the alphabet codenamed, they act treacherously, enjoy the fun of murder, when the police banned the creation of an explosion, so abducting Sue and faking her identity so that she survived. And then the two experienced by the case, even with the letter killer organization has inextricably linked. As Han Chen and Sue Mian recalled their memories little by little, going hand in hand with the letter killer, they found that the alphabetic perverted killers had infiltrated them. The mysterious third quarter of the killer organization gradually surfaced in the Han Chen and Su sleeplessly tracked under the letters of the group unexpected surprise attack, issued a letter of declaration, a time of crisis in the city, Square bomb vest case, the chemical plant System out of control casualties, Botanical Garden poisoning humanoid sculpture, a variety of cases one after another. The letter killer organization seems to be preparing a large network, quietly Han Chen and Sue will lead to the trap. Han Chen and Sue Mian join forces to fight the alphabet killer organization, at the same time a little bit of memory is recovered, and finally one by one to identify the identities of the letter killers.Unexpectedly, the leader of the killer organization S actually was Xu SiBai, a friend who has always been around in Su-ming. It turned out that the father of Xu Mian was killed by Xu SiBai's father. Xu SiBai secretly peeked at Sue for years, Root deep species. Five years ago, the letter killer planned a grandstanding case in which Sui Mian, a cousin similar in appearance to Su Chun, replaced Su Jin, while Su Mian became Bai Jin Xi and planned to have Han Chen, Ssu Mian, and Xu Si Bai together for amnesia, Only to allow Xu SiBai to stay with her as a new identity in the vicinity of the Soviet Union, the police officially began to arrest the letter killer organization, the two sides experienced a war, and ultimately won the victory, the Black Shield group all had a happy ending. After the case was over, the Black Shields were gathered in similar gatherings. Someone not far away left a portrait.

Fairview edge gorgeous adventure (TV)[2015]

Feature: Gorgeous Edge Adventures takes a shot at Shanghai in the 1930s and talks about the relationship between actress Zuo Zhen (Xiaoming Huang), the protagonist and actress Joe Chan, Misunderstanding and turn around thousands of stories. In the 1930s, Chen Sheng, a noble lady who came from a medical family, was saved by the painter Jin Shengyuan's gorgeous adventure. Jin Hui with Chen Sheng left the gold pocket watch, went to Shanghai to find the enemy. On the steamship bound for Shanghai, Fairview covers the illustrious Zuo Zhen character in the Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, and they pretend that the couple escaped vendetta. Pocket watch was accidentally taken away by Zuo Zhen, Splendid to find Zuo Zhen into the Paramount Ballroom, actually met the other half sister Pearl. At this point the pearl has become a popular dancer, but also the industrial tycoon Xiang HanChuan's lover. Fairview Park was accidentally injured in the chaos and was sent to the Lion Grove Hotel by Zuo Zhen. It was mistakenly thought that it was rescued by Xiang Ying Dong, brother of Xiang HanChuan, and grateful. Maeda, a Japanese businessman who killed the entire Fairview family, also traced Shanghai. In order to control the entire economy in Shanghai, Maeda resorted to measures to control the pearl. Not only did she let her work between her brothers, but also exert great influence on her. After all kinds of hardships, Fairview and Zuo Zhen also become good friends.

Mi Yue Biography (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mi Yue Biography, posters During the Warring States Period, Mi Yue was the most beloved princess of the King of Chu Wei. However, his position as a king of Chu Wei had plummeted. His mother Xiang Shi was expelled from the palace by Chu WeiHou and returned to the palace after many years Life revenge, as a disaster and crisis. Mi Yue and Huang Gong childhood lover, sincerely in love, in order to run smoothly with Huang Xie, so volunteered as a princess Mi Shu's dowry married marry Qin State, on the way to the Qin Mi Mi, Mi Shu support each other, In the middle Chu State limousine was robbed by the armies led by Yi Di Wang Di Li on the way to Qin State. Huang Xie, who had to save Mi Yue, fell into disgrace and was discouraged by Mi Yue's death, Mi Shu into Qin Palace, Mi Shu became the queen of Qin, Mi Yue due to the fratriculation of Wei, his beleaguered brother Wei Ran kidnapped, had to help the Qin Wang become a pet concubine. The original sisterhood gradually split after Mi Yue gave birth to Ying Ji. Fight for the philosophers, Qin Ying Si Si regret died. Mi Yue and his son were sent to distant Yan country. Unexpectedly, Qin Wu Wang Ying Dang Ding Ding died, Qin chaos. Mi Yue went back to Qin State by virtue of his righteousness and drained the Qin civil strife. Mi Yue son Ying Ji as the king, known as the king of Qin Zhao Xiang. Mi Yue became the first Queen Mother in history, known as Qin Xuantai Hou & nbsp ;.

LoveThroughaMillennium (TV)[2015]

Feature: Stills Gong Ming (Jing Boran ornaments) maintained orthodoxy in 16 BC. Xu HuangHou (Hui Tao), Wang Mang (Chen Xiang) and his Wang clan supported Zhao FeiYan (Niki Spiridakos) After the two opposing enemies, parting together. Gong Ming was hunted down by Wang Mang's subordinate Zi Xiu (Cass Phang), desperately excused by the jade worn by his maid, Ying Yue, through the year 2000 in 2015 and joined with the younger actress Lin XiangXiang (Zheng Shuang), who appeared in the corner of Xu HuangHou (actress, born 1991) ornaments) Encounter. Gong Ming remembers that the jade poem "Time-Volatile, Dead and Living," can make him survive, shuttle time and space. To jade, ring and red rope as a medium, Gong Ming and Hunan Xiang in the space-time shuttle several times to get along with each other's feelings, love each other. However, in Gong Ming's original time and space, he still had the task of going to the sword, the destiny of the historic book to be reversed. Gong Ming returned two thousand years ago, hoping to change the current situation. Stay in the modern life Xiangxiang, seems to be just a too good dream. In the end, this shuttle in 2000 space time love can be achieved into a positive result?

Happiness together (TV)[2015]

Feature: Gao ZhenZhen divorced from a small parent, grew up with her mother after her mother remarried, with her stepfather, brother and sister live together. Gao ZhenZhen was originally full of romantic fantasies about her life. However, both her parents died accidentally. All of a sudden, her life has undergone tremendous changes. In the face of the changes of life, after really grief, I settled my feelings and decided to take on the responsibility of taking care of my family. My family was in trouble together. In the most difficult truth, she met Qiao Minhao, two people from the conflict with each other slowly began to know each other. In the process of caring for your family, you really understand what is really love and responsibility. In the end, a truly unrelenting effort touched many people and helped their family to gain help and love. At the same time, really also determined to spread the love, return to the community, and she also grew up as an independent strong and responsible girl & nbsp ;.

Because love has a miracle (TV)[2014]

Feature: An QiYuan (Sarah Zhao) was born in an ordinary family because of the miracle of love. Because her mother died early, his father, An XiangDong, took her with her grandfather Liang YongShun (Wang Zhihua) and Grandmother Pan SuFen (Xu Yulan ornaments) live together. Grandpa Liang YongShun and his grandmother Pan SuFen stick to an ancestral pasta workshop, except for her big-son An XiangDong, occasionally supporting the old couple in taking care of the old workshop. All the other children are working outside and have no interest in the craft and business of the old workshop. An QiYuan's personality is clever and sensible, but she has never been accepted by Lin XiuQin (Kuei-Ying Hsu), her wealthy mother-in-law. Her marriage to her husband, Lin TianYou (Youwei Lin), is also constantly undermined by her mother Lin XiuQin. An QiYuan met with Qi Ji (Guanying Peng), the son of the chairman of the consortium, during a series of mistakes and was repeatedly assisted by Qi Ji. However, the goodness of Qi Ji was also used by Lin XiuQin, the mother-in-law of An QiYuan, for plunging Lin TianYou into misunderstandings with his wife, An QiYuan, whose marriage was on the brink of collapse. Liang YongShun and his wife Pan SuFen, who passed through the three generations of the Liang Family Food Factory nearing collapse, persuaded their children to come back to inherit the family business and gave birth to a plan to claim huge amounts of property. Sure enough, all the children returned. An QiYuan Marriage is unlucky, divorces her husband Lin TianYou, Lin TianYou married Wu MeiZi (Xin-cong Li), but Lin TianYou never forget An QiYuan. An QiYuan joins Qi Ji's company and fosters more feelings with Qi Ji at work. Qi Ji, however, has not yet come out of the previous emotional pain, and An QiYuan also linger on the unhappiness of marriage. Qi Ji found himself actually a natural son of Meng Jie (Rongzhen Xu), a girlfriend of her mother Du ChunXiao (Rong Rong). Meng Jie is now the stepmother of An QiYuan, her mother will soon become her mother-in-law. The original 20 years ago, Du ChunXiao for their own sake, resulting in separation of Meng Jie and Qi Ji mother. Qi Ji can not forgive his adoptive mother Du ChunXiao's selfishness and dilemma between her affection and love. Meng Jie learned everything, both angry and embarrassed, decided to leave after thinking about it. Qi Ji finally forgave her mother Du ChunXiao and Meng Jie, a newborn mother. An QiYuan, long grandchild of LiangJia, also exerted her own wisdom and abilities to help Liang inherit the three generations of noodle workshops. Great love boundless, Qi Ji and An QiYuan, through thousands of sails, eventually married.

red (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Red" tells the story of the winter of 1937, the battle of Songhu, the fall of Shanghai. To help several of our Party guerrillas bomb the Japanese military ship and remove the seized medical supplies, accountant Xu Tian was wrapped in a sudden fight. The spirit of Communists fueled Xu Tian. He had only wanted ordinary life of ordinary people who wanted to try to help these revolutionaries finish their unfinished wishes and hand them over to the party organizations with these medical supplies and a red booklet bearing the names of party members. From then on, Xu Tian started a series of trials and tribulations with several forces such as Japanese military officer Ying Zuo, Chinese intelligence chief Jin Ye, and triad Jin Ye. Although the environment was tough, Xu Tian did not give up. Thinking of those brave Communist members gave him the courage to fight alone. With the help of the party organization, Xu Tian finally defeated Ying Zuo and successfully handed over the pharmaceutical materials and the red brochure to the party organization. At the same time, he improved his consciousness in his actions and eventually became a member of the Communist Party of China proudly and achieved a romantic romance.

Twelve Money Darts (TV)[2014]


The TV series "Twelve Money Dart" story introduction: It tells the story of the early years of the Republic of China, Tianjin Anping Escort, the "12 Money Dart" Yu JianPing to protect General Cai Wei from Beijing, indirectly leading to the death of Liu ZhaoHong, the presidential guard of the presidential palace, Liu ZhaoHong The son of Liu HanYun, who reported his father's hatred, changed his name to Yang Hua and entered the Escort. He intended to learn Yu JianPing's money darts and then destroyed the darts. The stills changed the view of Yu JianPing on the way of darts, and Yu YanQing, the daughter of Yu JianPing. And the last generation of Gege Huang QianHui produced emotional entanglements, and the Anping Escort was also involved in the conspiracy of the Japanese Xi YuanSiBin who intended to steal the national treasure. Yang Hua went through many tests and finally defeated Yu JianPing, the big apprentice Cheng Yue, Yu JianPing relative Yu ChengEn, and became the new big treasurer. However, he changed his position at this time, put down his personal grievances, and fought with Yu JianPing to protect the national treasure. And after the death of Yu JianPing, he inherited the Escort. However, at this time, the era has changed, and the ancient darts have been unable to adapt. Yang Hua has made painstaking efforts to reform, and finally succeeded in transforming, turning the darts into a new type of freight industry, and continuing the spirit of the twelve money darts.


Weaned (TV)[2013]

Feature: Weaning tells the story of Shanghai, a thriving fashion capital; a couple of 80s after being born without "weaning"; two parents who bowed their heads for their children, and a strong woman who is both a stepmother and a mother-in-law, Our story today. Although both parents complain about the lack of self-care ability of their children, they are still generous in their children's life and make a big package (especially after the young couple have children), which naturally includes the problem of marriage and love. Do not want to, both parents are antagonists, in the past there are disputes, but also unpleasant, but finally was touched by the true feelings between the small lovers, the two parents for children's happiness, resolutely shake hands and become kinsman. However, An Qi (Liya Tong ornaments) and Li Jun Peng (Jiayin Lei ornaments) break through the barriers, set up after the family, waiting for them but it is a pile of real and helpless life trivial, family conflicts, marriage problems, parenting problems, extra-marital affairs , Demolition disputes and other tests of the young people, young couple in the ups and downs of life also truly learned an independent life, and completely bid farewell to the material and spiritual habits of parents to obtain, began a real sense of " Weaning "& nbsp ;.

because love is so beautiful (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Because of the beauty of love," tells of Lin DuoMei, who grew up in a happy family. She is pure and kind and has a happy marriage with her husband, Chen Xiaofei. Lin DuoMei and Wen Xin's brother Wen Jie met abroad. After returning to China, Wen Xin married Lin Hsia-fei and unexpectedly discovered that Lin DuoMei's husband, Chen Xiaofei, was her unforgettable first love ever since. Chen Xiaofei as a fall-in-door son-in-law, Lin has been working hard but did not get enough recognition, coupled with his body carrying the grudges of the previous generation, so Chen Xiaofei inner conflicts suppressed. And Wen Xin because of lies derived from the happiness is not solid, after marriage was found by Lin DuoJun truth and questioned, into a crisis of confidence. A series of accidents pushed Chen Xiaofei and Wen Xin to the wrong path as they pushed off their mistakes and put Lin DuoMei and his family in crisis. Lin DuoMei, after a series of blows but instead of reborn, with the help of Ye NanDi and girlfriend Du RuoNan, self-improvement and painstakingly track down the truth of his father's death and bankruptcy of B company, and ultimately the culprit should be punished. Lin DuoMei also finally gain true love, and Ye NanDi finally get married.

LoveActually (TV)[2012]

Feature: Qiao ZhiXia, a gifted and talented working girl, possesses a young nephew Yang Guang. An accident, due to the real estate agent Chen HaoJie mistakes Xia was deceived by two landlords fell homeless, desperate Xiaoya Hao Junjie had to go home and stay, learned that Chen is famous far and near the famous snack shop. Xiaoyang Xiaolang mistakes summer is mistaken for Hao Jie's girlfriend, an endless stream of flaws caused the suspicion of Chen's son Hao Feng, Chen Yang and his cousin Liyang is quite good for Xia Xia, soon Xiaoxia identity was exposed, not only Chen has not been driven out, but also Chen Fuming as the culmination of his successor. Different personality Hao Feng and Xia Xia has always been such as the fire and water, contradictory, almost twists and turns, the two lovers flirting closer and closer, unexpectedly Hao Feng former girlfriend Xiao Hui from interfering, creating a misunderstanding one after another Young Man's mother, Wang Manli, suddenly disappeared after many years of disappearance and made every effort to win Chen's fortune. In Xia Xia's insistence and inspiration, Chen finally from top to bottom to rule out the crisis, Xia Xia and Hao Feng eventually lover eventually get married.

Painted skin (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Painted Skin" tells the story of "Lady of the Fallen" Natsuko There are two female students: Xia Bing, his granddaughter and Xiao Wei, adopted. Xiao Wei is fooled of his feelings and unexpectedly mistakes him to kill Xia Lao. Xia Bing vowed to seek Xiao Wei's revenge. Captain Wang Sheng saved Xiao Wei in a fight and brought him back to Jiangdu. His wife Pei Rong respected Xiao Wei generously. Pei Rong suspects Xiao Wei is a demon, but no one believes it. So she got Pang Yong. Pang Yong was once the head of Wang Sheng and has a triangular love affair with Wang Sheng and Pei Rong. Pang Yong met Xia Bing in the investigation for revenge on his grandfather. Xia Bing identified Pang Yong, a martial arts expert, as one of the demoted demons. Xiao Wei, who can not demonize her illusion, can not get the "heart" of Wang Sheng though superior. She applied to Pei Rong "painted skin" demon law, so that everyone misunderstanding Pei Rong is a demon. Wang Sheng eventually subdued Xiao Wei with Pang Yong and Xia Bing, Xiao Wei passed away, and Pei Rong and Wang Sheng finally came together. Pang Yong, Xia Bing go hand in hand, continue to drop the magic swamp demon waves of the road.

Never fading wave (TV)[2010]

Feature: In 1939, Japan's special high-level lesson was piloted on a radio-controlled radio station in Shanghai. The radio station photos of Li Mengnan, who never disappeared with the assistance of a trainee, were exasperated by the secret radio station of the Shanghai intelligence station. In the meantime, Yan'an has killed and sneaked the deadly "poisoned arrow" Shen Siping of the "special secret group" of the Japanese special organization. Social Affairs Minister Wu Yue decided to send a new face in the intelligence field - Li Xia, a radio instructor at CMC's Tonghua School, who went to Shanghai to complete the "double-reedometer" that screened the insiders. Li Xia, posing as Sun MingRen, head of Shanghai Intelligence Station, took the lead with the only survivor of the intelligence station, Bai LiYao and Lv DaoWei, with the help of the gangster He LanFen. Newspaper ", in order to identify inside traitors. Yan'an, in accordance with the time agreed with Li Xia, first made a search for personnel related to Shen Siping and warned Japan of it. When Li Xia made a further wig, the border security department of Yan'an made a public illusion of "killing" Shen Siping . Lv DaoWei, a Japanese bailout lurking in the Shanghai intelligence station, was shot dead alongside Li Ming and Sun MingRen and He LanFen in an effort to save his "poisoned arrow" exposure. But the accident happened on the next day, Sun MingRen was suddenly captured by agents in the hotel, died a heroic death. Li Xia became Sun MingRen's suspect, and in order to prove innocent, he stayed in Shanghai. Inspired by Yan'an's girlfriend Lu MengHui's own password picture, Li Xia discovered top-secret intelligence from Sun MingRen's curtains and struggled to gain He LanFen's trust before finally finding the true Sun MingRen - the previous sacrifice of Sun MingRen substitute. Li Xia et al. Jointly set up a master plan to inform personnel attending the intelligence meeting to meet in different locations and then remotely observe and spotted and killed Japan's lurking spy service Janda, code-named "Kyushu Eagle." Jinda apartment all the purple secret class on-line contact information, in order to break the purple secret classes, Li Xia forged the identity of the anti-Militants into the 76th. Li ShiQun, head of the 76th agent's headquarters and Jin JingYi, director of the extra-curricular course, were informed that there are military undercover agents among the members who voted for the U.N. warrant. They screened out the five dedicated UMNO military personnel such as Li Xia, Of people. Eventually, a comrade named Ceng YouSheng concealed his identity as a cover for Li Xia, which allowed Li Xia to gain his trust and stay in the No. 76 office. Li Xia's arrest was found in the newspaper, and impulsive He LanFen faked Mrs. Li Xia's name on the No.76 deputy commander Zhao Zizhi's theory. As a result, the newly trusted Li Xia was suspicious again, thanks to the cooperation of the two Proper, so Zhao Ziqi dispelled the suspicion. However, Zhao DaYuan, the director of the electricity department, once again tested Li Xia. At this critical juncture, Zhao Zixiu, an undercover military officer, helped Li Xia escape from danger. Zhao DaYuan made another move that not only allowed Li Xia to listen to the CCP's ear radio test him, but also forced Li Xia to hold a wedding with He LanFen and live in a common room. Li Xia, He LanFen constantly deal with Zhao DaYuan, and finally made each other's trust.Zhao DaYuan is a purple-colored elder with his name and password hidden in the UMNO secret power station. Li ShiQun, Jin JingYi and Japanese Consulate Bear Kumamoto all want to get the "Tale of Genji," possessing these secrets. Zhao DaYuan's son Zhao Zhipeng's life to threaten, Zhao DaYuan helpless Japanese to do a lot of bad things, but has not handed over "Genji Monogatari." After Li Xia learned of this incident, he took advantage of the power of our party to rescue Zhao Zhipeng and personally asked Zhao Zhirpeng to write a letter to Zhao DaYuan, urging him to abandon the dark statement. Zhao DaYuan reawaken awakened and hand over "Genji Monogatari," to Li Xia, who lost his life while fighting the lurking agents around him. After getting all the secrets of the Tale of Genji, Li Xia returned the useless books to Jin JingYi again, gaining the appreciation of the Japanese, and was appointed as the Deputy Division Chief of the No. 76 Department of Public Administration. Radio monitoring, deciphering work. Japan's Kwantung Army is about to launch an attack on the Far East of the Soviet Union. Yan'an sent a memory-famed Lu MengHui to Peking to carry all the codebooks back to Shanghai with the assistance of Guo ShouCheng, leader of the Bendong Manchuria intelligence operation in the Northeast Military Command. Communist International connector. Lu MengHui was captured by No. 76 because of Guo ShouCheng's mutiny, and Li Xia was assigned to personally interrogate her. Love each other, exceptionally excited, but the two people must suppress the passion struggling, Li Xia under the watchful eyes both to preserve themselves, can not let Lu MengHui be insulted, but also find ways to get Lu MengHui brain secret information - This pair of red lovers defeated their enemies in a tiger wolf group with incomparable wisdom and courage. Lu MengHui, in a deadly manner, sent Li Xia valuable information on the offensive direction of the Kwantung Army. The death of Lu MengHui nearly collapsed. He LanFen exhausted all means to soothe Li Xia. While Li Xia assassinated Guo ShouCheng, the betrayal of Lu MengHui, He LanFen used his body to block Li Xia, two of them The feelings of sublimation. When the Soviet Red Army successfully defeated the Kwantung Army and achieved a strategic victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan, Li Xia and He LanFen followed Lu MengHui's wishes and became married at her grave. Suddenly terrible things could happen at any time in the 76th. Zhao Ziqi was suddenly taken over as a spy for assassinating Shan Lin Mao, the founder of Zifang Ban. Li Xia discovered that Zhao Ziguqi was lured into a scapegoat by Feng XiaoKun, a confidential room. He tried his best to rescue Zhao Zicai but found Zhao Zizhi a pro-scapegoat. One of the two Prime Minister envoys who came to investigate the assassination of Shan LinMao was Mr. Puffer, the liaison officer of the CCP. Jin JingYi Let Zhao Zizhi Counterfeit Communists Prepare for Linking with Mr. Globefish and Screening Out. After Li Xia learned of this, using the name of rescuing Zhao Ziguqi cleverly provoked a contradiction between Jin JingYi and Iwai Mansion spy Xiong Jing, causing Jin JingYi to confiscate Li Xia's plan of screening Mr. Boo because Li Xia's Clever, he replaced Zhao's position. During the screening process, Li Xia saved the real Mr. Puffer, killed another real prime minister, got all the list of Zami sites, and used this list to detonate the identity of the Prime Minister Ozaki's Communist Party, resulting in the Guards Cabinet The resignation of Taiwan's administration led by Tojo, which directly led Japan to attack the United States south and opened the prelude to Japan's defeat.However, Zhao Zicai suffered serious injuries to his legs in this matter. His position was replaced. After Li Xia asked for military instructions, Zhao Zhaqi left his home for rest on the 76th. After the Pacific War, Japan was declining and the Japanese troops stationed in Shanghai prepared to "humanely destroy" political prisoners in prison. Ouyang Shan, special correspondent for Dai Li, and Zhao Xiaqi, head of the Joint Military Special Operations Special Unit, together with Li Xia, are preparing to rescue the top ten military leaders in the Tilanqiao prison. Li Xia Matches Zhao Zhipu with Neighbors Ye XingCheng - Our Party's Traitor - Rescued the Untied States with Ten Commandments, But Even Zhao Ziqi Does Not Know That Nine of the so-called top ten military leaders were swamped by Li Xia into the importance of the Communist Party personnel. Zhao Ziqi was therefore beaten down by the military unrest until Feng XiaoKun pitched to Li Xia in 1945 and Zhao Zicai was able to regain his mind and started working with Li Xia and Feng XiaoKun to rescue the militants in prison and make redemption and obtain The attention of Feng XiaoKun, the two married. After Japan's defeat surrendered, Zhao Zizhi wantonly plundered Shanghai's floating fortunes and circulated it as the deputy chief of the Shanghai Military Command. At this time, both the KMT and the KMT must follow the example of the civil war, and Li Xia and Zhao Ziqi are reluctantly brothers to become enemies. After the death of Dai Li, the military was reorganized as the Security Bureau. Zhao Zizhi took the opportunity to become the real power of the Shanghai Security Bureau. Li Xia is still lurking in the secret bureau, and Zhao Zijiu continues to be a neighbor. Zhao Ziguqi, the wife of Feng XiaoKun respect for Li Xia, more and more jealousy, coupled with the failure of the previous rescue of the military unification ten Jie, let him addicted to drug addiction, can not be the husband and wife ceremony, temperament change. By chance, Zhao Ziqi also found Feng XiaoKun save the document, there actually Li Xia Baojun unification of the evidence. Zhao disagreed with the Communist Party and discovered that his eldest brother Li Xia is a communist party with mixed feelings. Li Xia could have escaped from Shanghai at this time, but at this time of the cross-river campaign, Li Xia, He LanFen and Xiao KouZi decided to defend OuyangShan, head of the Shanghai Security Bureau, Hostage to Win. OuyangShan is at a disadvantage in the battle with Zhao Zizhi, who has designed a plan to get rid of him. Li Xia informed OuyangShan about the plan. OuyangShan lamented the unmanageable factional struggle and corruption inside the Kuomintang and finally promised to help the Communist Party to provide intelligence on the plans of the city defense map. Zhao Zhaiqi blocked Shanghai in a comprehensive way. Li Xia used the emotional weakness of Zhao Ziqi and finally let Zhao Zifu let go of Xiao KouZi. As everyone knows, Xiao KouZi did not know it, in a very special way to bring intelligence to the liberated areas. Zhao Ziqi completely collapse after knowing this matter, eventually with Li Xia. Li Xia sent the last wave on the occasion of dying: "Farewell, Comrades, I miss you!"

Fifth action group Ⅱ contest (Movie)[2006]

Feature: In the past few days, a number of "fifth group" attacks on Japanese troops and the 76th spy agency took place in a small town in the south of the Yangtze River that was occupied by the Japanese army. The Japanese army and spy agencies that were attacked suffered serious and unpredictable losses. Because these attacks against the Japanese invasion and the 76th secret service were carried out by the "fifth group" of cadres and some by progressive young students, no matter who did it, they effectively cracked down on the arrogance of the Japanese army and aroused the attention of the small The masses of the town's resistance. In order to find out that I was a secret underground organization, the Japanese troops were transferred from Japan to Turkmenistan in the northeast by attempting to remove the "fifth action group" through the position of the radio station of the "fifth action group" of my underground organization. Japanese special traffic police and No. 76 secret service started a secret search, "fifth group" correspondent Qing Sao was unfortunate exposed because of the impulse of Xiao Shuzi Song XiaoChun. In order to save Song XiaoChun, it was too late to sacrifice Qing Sao, who sent intelligence to Yang Li and Qiu Ting, while Song XiaoChun was arrested. Song XiaoChun did not know that her sister-in-law was a "fifth group," and that there was no secret to explain. However, the strength and courage of a radical young student also made the 76th spyless. The cunning Japanese Turks set a dark corner, pretending to be "the fifth group" rescue Song XiaoChun, cheat Song XiaoChun's trust in an attempt to summon the progressive students through Song XiaoChun, lure the real "fifth group" appeared, and then try it out. With the Japanese Turko and 76 spy contest crises. Yang Li and Qiu Ting disguised themselves in search of intelligence that Qing Sao sacrificed late for delivery; and Yang Li and Qiu Ting desperate to persuade Song XiaoChun, deceived by Japanese special forces. As a result, intelligence was found, but during the process of persuading Song XiaoChun, it not only failed to work but also left the underground party member a wish for sacrifice. Yang Li and Qiu Ting, in disregard of personal safety, were used by Japanese special forces during the contest with the Japanese army, which led Song XiaoChun to believe firmly and put danger to the young progressive students. Japan's Teko and 76 agents wanted to use Song XiaoChun to summon young progressive students, and Song XiaoChun was further concealed by Japan's Tekman that Yang Li and Qiu Ting were the enemies, causing Yang Li and Qiu Ting's rescue efforts to be struggling. Qiu Ting was eventually exposed during the rescue of Song XiaoChun. In critical juncture, Yang Li led the 76th agent to the wharf warehouse, familiarized by the terrain, one by one eliminated. After the Japanese special branch arrived, the mighty Japanese Special Branch also take its own way. Song XiaoChun, a rescued young progressive student, and a wake-up call, heroically sacrificed a lamp of war on Yang Li, Qiu Ting and more survivors for their sacrificial sacrifices. The success of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor reached Shanghai, injecting a dose of stimulants to the Japanese troops and families in Shanghai, holding grand ceremonies with daggers of the Japanese army on their thighs and pleading with Japanese Prime Minister Miyamoto in Shanghai . Taking advantage of the unlucky opportunity of Miyamoto Taisuke, Yang Li and Qiu Ting disguised the situation and pulled the banner of "Down with the Japanese invaders and the mountains" under the eyelids of Miyamoto, taking the opportunity to enter the office of Taisuke Miyamoto to steal Japanese troops The New Fourth Army Liaison Map and the List of Underground Party Organizations Gathered by Spies Behind Me.Under Miyamoto Tajosu and secret service 76, a rigorous blockade and raid led Yang Li to explore a cruise ship departing Hong Kong starting in Shanghai's bar called Night Paris, two days later. If you can get a ticket, then Qiu Ting has been exposed can bring contact diagrams and roster, get on the French Concession cruise line, leaving Hong Kong by leaving Shanghai. To this end, Yang Li took out almost all "belongings" and wanted to get through the joints of a manager named Jiang Ping in Paris in the night. Jiang Ping and then greedy, but also for the main soldier. Night in Paris, the real boss called Zhou Yilan. With the previous married to a Frenchman, with the title "Baroness", Zhou Yilan is also a figure in the French Concession figures, coupled with the French concession inspector room inspector Lee Daddy desperate pursuit, Zhou Yilan even more readily known. Just as Yang Li handed over "Wudang" to Jiang Ping, Zhou Yilan, who was hiding behind the screen, saw a familiar face that made Zhou Yilan could not help but recall a past painful feeling. It turned out that when going to school Zhou Yilan is not only the same as Yang Li are progressive young students, but also a pair of lovers. After the "September 18" outbreak, Yang Li resolutely traveled to the northeast. Prior to departure, as Zhou Yilan's nanny worried about Zhou Yilan incident and retained the part of Yang Li handed over to Zhou Yilan letters, resulting in two lovers from all sides of the day without a message. Not only that, Zhou Yilan also thought Yang Li cheated her feelings, so remember hatred. Now lover meet, the situation is special, Zhou Yilan about embarrassing indecisive. One side is the first love lover long-awaited reunion but a lot of crises, while a patrol house Zhao Dade Explorer a silly at the expense, coupled with the No. 76 agent Wang Jin Bao staring at Qiu Ting hold, making the time to leave the boat getting closer, the situation is also more The more nervous. Eventually, Zhou Yilan was moved by Yang Li, but was besieged by No. 76 agent when he returned to Beijing to take his ticket. During the crisis, Zhao Dade rushed to the scene and shot and killed Wang Jinbao, succeeding in the plan of Yang Li and Qiu Ting leaving Shanghai and fulfilling his wish of pursuing Zhou Yilan.

Redphoenix (TV)[2006]

Feature: Li Duan ShengNan, a director of Liancheng Group, who made more than 60 appearances, made a special trip to Switzerland to meet Kristy Yang, a newly graduated Ph.D. student. On a small boat in Venice, flawless and thoughtful (Shawn Yue ornaments) In case, thus, opened the prelude to this love plot. In the 1940s, Duan ShengNan, who was under 20 years old, had met with Xiang SuiYuan (Alex Fong (Actor)) who had sought refuge in South Asia to save his bankrupt jade family. With the help of Duan ShengNan, The Bathing Phoenix saved the Duan's clan and the winning men's love for the reincarnation was engraved on the heart at the same time. However, the unforgiving blow to the unforgettable love of Katsuyoshi was due to the promise of the deceased's mentor's daughter, Xiao Jing (Wong Jing) . In order to keep Duan's town house treasure - Bath Phoenix, but also a reincarnation revenge, Katsuma decided to marry the Yunnan army commander Li Jun (Yang Zi ornaments). Reluctantly informed Tong decided to leave the land of love, but suffered a bomb attack on the train station, Katsu Man crazy arrived, she only found in the corpse of unrecognizable corpse sentinel affidavit - an jade ring . At first sight, he was already the chief representative of the famous consortium of international consortia when his love at first sight appeared flawlessly again. In conjunction with Liancheng enterprises in the process of mergers and acquisitions, romantic wanderers gradually won the flawless heart. Katsuyin was faintly disturbed because she always thought her future grand son-in-law should be an immaculate childhood partner and is now Gu JiaQian (Eric Huang), a Li personal doctor. Although wins the male to think of the emergence of misgivings, but to respect the flawless feelings, acquiescence into the company even Citylink. As a result, Liancheng business plan has repeatedly been frustrated, so that the succession of the chairman of the flawless battered, Katsu Man is determined to come out again. On the other hand, he wanted to exploit the flattering confinement Ding Ding deliberately arranged close confidante, impeccably subjected to heavy mental torture, thoughtfully designed revenge plan step by step to achieve, when he is preparing to Liancheng enterprises last When a fatal blow, wins male and the deceased husband Li Jun's adoptive son Li Dong returned from overseas, exposing the imaginative life and conspiracy, want to confusion in the winter as deadly, winning male inadvertently found Li Dong and wanton contacts, and From this, I discovered that I was thinking of the life experience and learned that the fate and Xiaotong were still alive and that I wanted to cover up my crimes, so that Victory of Men was in a paralyzed state of unconsciousness. Liancheng enterprises finally went to the brink of collapse, this time, flawless finally determined and want divorce. Grandma Li Duan ShengNan woke up from a coma with the help of his old servant Wu Ya and decided to go to Malaysia to search for the couple, Xiang SuiYuan. After all, Winners finally see their revel in the day and night, the two spent a beautiful day, revel, but wish, happy to leave the world. Xiaotong also finally reconciliation with the winner, the original, when the fate of the legendary escape to overseas, Xiaotong finds the train explosion is Katsumasa master plan, from day to day adoptive grandchildren wanton incite hatred of wins male, let When he grows up, he revenges on the whole family Duan ShengNan. It is regretful to understand the truth, because in his heart flawless is his only love. As a result, he did not hesitate to use life as a bet, the illegal means to be cheated property anonymously returned to Li.In flawless and modest at the wedding, miss the gift of immaculate perfect love to resurgence resurfaced. Flawless pregnancy, she hopes to resume peace and happiness of the day. However, wanting to go to jail for the unjust appearance of her case, she can only help Jiaqian again once she understands the full case without any flaws, and she hopes her child will be born sooner and hopefully can see him before leaving the world.

The new strange stories (TV)[2005]

Feature: The Strange Tales of Liao Zhai consists of the six most representative stories, including "Xiao Cui", "Lu Xiu", "Xiao Xie" and "Qiu Rong" and "Xiaoqian" of Qiu Rong, each with different characteristics and styles . Lu Pan replaced the storm, the scholar told the world to celestial officials, for justice. Xiao Ke, played by Ke Hu and Bai Yang, a scholar and doctor practicing Xiaoming Huang, started a series of life and death love. Even if Xiao Man died and became a ghost, Bai Yang also pursued into the prefectural government to meet with him. Painted Skin This is a story about the revenge of ghosts: Mei SanNiang and Chen ChuHui were killed by their beloved. On the evening of the marriage of her husband Wang AnXu and Ming XiaGongZhu, they became ghosts and came to life. Xiao Cui Ling fox gratitude, playfulness to defuse the crisis, crazy children, make laughter every day. The mother of Xiao Cui, a fox girl, repayed a benefactor Wang YuanZhi and married Xiao Cui with Wang YuanZhi, a silly boy, and a silly son, Wang YuanFeng, to deduce a funny and playful story. A Bao sincerely, stone open. About infatuated celebrities Sun ZiChu (Yuan Hong (actor) ornaments) A Bao (Rainie Yang ornaments), the embodiment of the spirit bird to convey love, finally got his wish. Sun ZiChu, a veterinarian with six fingers in her left hand, treated Miss Zhao's A Bao's parrot and fell in love with A Bao at first sight. A Bao refused to petite Chai ShaoAn's relatives, evil looking for someone to A Bao curse so that it was "amnesia", depending on Chu as a stranger. Zi Chu touched A Bao with his true feelings every day, but was killed. A Bao died in love and Yan Wang let them return to earth. The final son Chu test to fame, a lover eventually get married. Xiao Xie Scholar Yong Chuang haunted house, coincidentally encountered two mischievous ghosts, experienced many life and death difficulties, took a romantic love story: TAE scholar Tao WangSan lived in a haunted house, met Huo Siyan Qiu Rong Hong Kong actor Leila Tong Xiao Xie and other gangs of ghosts, after a few frightened but they became friends. These ghosts helped Tao WangSan defeat the literary champion at the petitioning ceremony. Seeing Tao WangSan can marry Miss Fu, Xiao Xie fell in love with Tao WangSan. Xiaoqian takes you into a fantastic world and experiences a memorable love story: Nie XiaoQian wants to seduce Ning CaiChen's soul and unconsciously becomes a prisoner of love, but the Millennium Tree demon will not let them easily escape.

The new strange stories (TV)[2005]

Feature: The Strange Tales of Liao Zhai consists of the six most representative stories, including "Xiao Cui", "Lu Xiu", "Xiao Xie" and "Qiu Rong" and "Xiaoqian" of Qiu Rong, each with different characteristics and styles . Lu Pan replaced the storm, the scholar told the world to celestial officials, for justice. Xiao Ke, played by Ke Hu and Bai Yang, a scholar and doctor practicing Xiaoming Huang, started a series of life and death love. Even if Xiao Man died and became a ghost, Bai Yang also pursued into the prefectural government to meet with him. Painted Skin This is a story about the revenge of ghosts: Mei SanNiang and Chen ChuHui were killed by their beloved. On the evening of the marriage of her husband Wang AnXu and Ming XiaGongZhu, they became ghosts and came to life. Xiao Cui Ling fox gratitude, playfulness to defuse the crisis, crazy children, make laughter every day. The mother of Xiao Cui, a fox girl, repayed a benefactor Wang YuanZhi and married Xiao Cui with Wang YuanZhi, a silly boy, and a silly son, Wang YuanFeng, to deduce a funny and playful story. A Bao sincerely, stone open. About infatuated celebrities Sun ZiChu (Yuan Hong (actor) ornaments) A Bao (Rainie Yang ornaments), the embodiment of the spirit bird to convey love, finally got his wish. Sun ZiChu, a veterinarian with six fingers in her left hand, treated Miss Zhao's A Bao's parrot and fell in love with A Bao at first sight. A Bao refused to petite Chai ShaoAn's relatives, evil looking for someone to A Bao curse so that it was "amnesia", depending on Chu as a stranger. Zi Chu touched A Bao with his true feelings every day, but was killed. A Bao died in love and Yan Wang let them return to earth. The final son Chu test to fame, a lover eventually get married. Xiao Xie Scholar Yong Chuang haunted house, coincidentally encountered two mischievous ghosts, experienced many life and death difficulties, took a romantic love story: TAE scholar Tao WangSan lived in a haunted house, met Huo Siyan Qiu Rong Hong Kong actor Leila Tong Xiao Xie and other gangs of ghosts, after a few frightened but they became friends. These ghosts helped Tao WangSan defeat the literary champion at the petitioning ceremony. Seeing Tao WangSan can marry Miss Fu, Xiao Xie fell in love with Tao WangSan. Xiaoqian takes you into a fantastic world and experiences a memorable love story: Nie XiaoQian wants to seduce Ning CaiChen's soul and unconsciously becomes a prisoner of love, but the Millennium Tree demon will not let them easily escape.

New Strange Studio (TV)[2005]

Feature: New Strangers from the Stories by the Six most representative, including "Painted Skin" "Xiao Cui" "Silly" "Lu Pan", "Xiao Xie and Qiu Rong" "Xiaoqian", each with different characteristics With style. Lu Pan replaced the storm, the scholar told the world to celestial officials, for justice. Xiao Ke, played by Ke Hu and Bai Yang, a scholar and doctor practicing Xiaoming Huang, started a series of life and death love. Even if Xiao Man died and became a ghost, Bai Yang also pursued into the prefectural government to meet with him. Painted Skin This is a story about the revenge of ghosts: Mei SanNiang and Chen ChuHui were killed by their beloved. On the evening of the marriage of her husband Wang AnXu and Ming XiaGongZhu, they became ghosts and came to life. Xiao Cui Ling fox gratitude, playfulness to defuse the crisis, crazy children, make laughter every day. The mother of Xiao Cui, a fox girl, repayed a benefactor Wang YuanZhi and married Xiao Cui with Wang YuanZhi, a silly boy, and a silly son, Wang YuanFeng, to deduce a funny and playful story. A Bao sincerely, stone open. About infatuated celebrities Sun ZiChu (Yuan Hong (actor) ornaments) A Bao (Rainie Yang ornaments), the embodiment of the spirit bird to convey love, finally got his wish. Sun ZiChu, a veterinarian with six fingers in her left hand, treated Miss Zhao's A Bao's parrot and fell in love with A Bao at first sight. A Bao refused to petite Chai ShaoAn's relatives, evil looking for someone to A Bao curse so that it was "amnesia", depending on Chu as a stranger. Zi Chu touched A Bao with his true feelings every day, but was killed. A Bao died in love and Yan Wang let them return to earth. The final son Chu test to fame, a lover eventually get married. Xiao Xie Scholar Yong Chuang haunted house, coincides with the two mischievous ghosts, experienced many life and death difficulties, took a romantic love story: Tae Suttawat scholar Tao WangSan lived in a haunted house, met Huo Siyan Qiu Rong, a gang of ghosts such as Xiao Xie, starring Hong Kong actor Leila Tong, became friends with them after being frightened. These ghosts helped Tao WangSan defeat the literary champion at the petitioning ceremony. Seeing Tao WangSan can marry Miss Fu, Xiao Xie fell in love with Tao WangSan. Xiaoqian takes you into a fantasy world and experiences a memorable love story: Nie XiaoQian wants to seduce Ning CaiChen's soul and unconsciously becomes a prisoner of love, but the Millennium Tree demon will not let them easily escape & nbsp; .

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