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Leon TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Leon Works 23 ,And War 6 ,Feature 4 ,Suspense 3 ,Costume Drama 3 ,Spy war 2 ,Modern 2 ,Ancient 2 ,Love 2 ,legend 2 ,Romance 2 ,Adventure 1 ,Action 1 ,Revolution 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Year 1 ,战火青春1 ,Crime 1 ,Modern legend 1 ,Kung fu 1 ,Business War 1 ,Family drama 1 ,知青1 ,权谋1 ,Comedy 1 ,Historical play 1 。

Works Index

Leon Filmography(23)


秋蝉 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《秋蝉》剧情介绍:讲述了 Ye Chong 是一名有共产主义信仰的爱国青年,他来到香港协助 Zuo TengDaZang 组建香港的宪兵及情报机构。但 Ye Chong 早已选择为国报效,在新京时就以秋蝉为代号,为我党提供日军重要情报。 Ye Chong 来到香港与 Gong BenCangYe 和 Zuo TengDaZang 、 Qing QuanShangYe 等老牌日本间谍斗智斗勇,他陷入重围一路披荆斩棘,一次次地化解了身边的危机。但 Ye Chong 最终还是身份暴漏,被送回日本受审,在 He Ying 的帮助下逃离了虎穴,回到香港继续为共产党进行地下工作,在好友的帮助下,击败了 Gong BenCangYe 和 Qing QuanShangYe ,为抗战胜利作着不懈努力。受降仪式上, Zuo TengDaZang 向千万香港人民低下了头。抗站胜利了, Ye Chong 、 He Ying 等人圆满的完成了自己的任务,携手奔赴新的战场 。


烈火军校 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《烈火军校》剧情介绍:讲述了善良正义的少女 Xie Xiang 代兄从军,女扮男装进入陆军讲武堂学习,与玩世不恭的富家子 Gu YanZheng 和冷静沉稳的 Shen JunShan 成为同学并渐渐发展为并肩作战的战友。在军校严格残酷的训练机制下, Xie Xiang 不但要努力掩饰自己女扮男装的秘密,还要克服自己作为女性在军校生活中的种种的不便,更重要的,是要战胜自己柔弱的体质,努力完成军校所有的训练,顺利毕业。在此过程中, Xie Xiang 和同窗好友们经历了一系列重大事件,也引发了一系列啼笑皆非的故事。最终, Xie Xiang 通过自己的不懈努力不但取得了出色的成绩,还赢得了教官的尊重,同时,也俘虏了两位优秀男同学的心。之后,日本军队增兵东北,爱慕 Shen JunShan 的 Jin XianRong 化身日本商会会长从海外归来,一系列的阴谋和陷阱随之而来。 Xie Xiang 在同学们的帮助下与日本人做斗争,在血雨腥风中逐渐成长,粉碎了 Jin XianRong 的阴谋,并最终和 Gu YanZheng 走到了一起。

怒海潜沙&秦岭神树 (TV)[2019]


Wu Xie 从机关重重的战国墓“七星鲁王宫”九死一生逃出生天后,又重新出发与 Zhang QiLing 、 Wang PangZi 一起探寻深埋海底、掩藏无数秘密的明代沉船葬海底墓,寻找“三叔” Wu SanXing 。从西礁海底遗迹归来、在家赋闲没有几日的“铁三角” Wu Xie 、 Zhang QiLing 、 Wang PangZi 因一个惊人的消息:诡异的六角铃铛,古老的厍族,巨大的青铜树,遥远的秦岭腹地……再次踏上了探秘之路 。


Barry night knife (TV)[2018]

Feature: In the winter of 1922, Bai LiFeiYang, the most influential force on the hill, married Baizhilibing, who returned to school in the mountains. Seems to Barry home overwhelming, but hidden mystery. Baili County Magistrate Dao ShuYu ignited the conspiracy of the fire twister, he used Barry's father and son of the estrangement, so that Barry home deep step by step, the building will be tilted, father and son grudges were resolved, although Bai LiBiao know the great love of father It was too late to save the family in trouble. Escaped Bai LiBiao escaped to the provincial capital to move, but also entered another trap. Life and death for a moment so Xing Yan shot and rescued and retained him in the barracks. In the new battalion, Bai LiBiao quickly matured. He understood that the revolution was the supreme goal of a man and a soldier. So Bai LiBiao is determined to return to Mount Bailishan and rescue Dao ShuYu from violent plunder. However, Bai LiBiao did not occupy the mountain as the king, but he did not mind. At this time, the fire of faith in saving the country and saving the people has been burning in the heart of Bai LiBiao. He was determined to lead his troops to Guangzhou to pursue the revolutionary ideal and find a true way to save the country & nbsp ;.

Rule the World (TV)[2017]

Feature: As a writer of the novel, Step by Step (Yi Xin Tang) was deeply attracted by the story of the true princess, the first beauty of the East Brother, after which she searched the ancient books and collected some bits and pieces of patchwork, Legendary love story gradually started under her pen. At the end of the Wanli calendar, the goddess Yi Xin Tang, who is a member of Yehbu's ministry, ". Because of her beauty and reputation has become the Jurchen tribes compete for the target, East Columbia had no choice but to struggle vortex, only strong in the desperate effort to survive. Brother Dong was sent to Nurhachi (Gangshan Jing) by his brother as a political tool, as well as predatory feelings by Wang Kai Yi, gentleness and consideration by Ray Shan, Raymond Lam An irreplaceable love, uninhibited by Chu Xiao Qu. East Columbia take care of Huang Taiji, which lovers in getting along gradually understand, trust each other, love life. Yin and Yang errant, the two separated, but after all, end with Wong Tai Chi reunion, self-recovery, accompanied by its left and right, witnessed the establishment of the great Taiji Qing, shoulder to shoulder with the vision of peace and prosperity, the achievement of a moving soul legend .

Chu Chuan Biography (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the westerly years chaos chaos, a large number of civilians in the war reduced to the official stills work according to slaves, life as rushes. The slave girl Liying Zhao was sent to a hunting ground for aristocratic entertainment and was fortunate to have been rescued by Yan Xun Yanchuan. She was then taken into custody in the ruling U-door. Witnessed one after another brother and sister tragic death, vowed to take my sister out of prison. Chouchu, being open-minded by Yu Wenyue, was forced to undergo severe training and at the same time, formed a profound friendship with Yan Xun. In the battle of West Wei Dynasty, Yan Xun's family was exterminated and in despair, Chu Qiu lives with him and helps him escape the dilemma. However, after returning to Xiliang, Yan Xun ambitious expansion at the cost of Manchu people's lives at the expense of domination. Chu Qiao desperately parted ways with Yan Xun, Yan Xun designed to trap Yu WenYue on the frozen lake, Chu Qiao and Yu WenYue fall into the frozen lake - dead or alive & nbsp ;.

Huang Fei Hong (TV)[2017]

Feature: Huang FeiHong is a great master of Lingnan Wushu circles. He is also a well-known doctor who has sacrificed his life and arms to help save the world. His life is full of legend. In the early years he fought bloody battles in Taiwan, jointly fighting the invading Japanese with the Black Flag Army led by Liu YongFu and the local Seidic warriors in Taiwan, and became the hero of the defending family. Back to Guangzhou, set up "Bao Zhi Lin," but embarked on a practice of medicine is not granted Wu Road. However, the never-ending battle of rivers and lakes or forced him to force the shot of life and death desperate, but also let him ascend to the top of the warrior king. He was topped with the aura of the knight, revered by the people; but the dark hero "Iron Horse" that assassinated corrupt officials actually came back to life. There must be a war between the two heroes who represent light and darkness. However, behind this battle of heroic ideas, there was a series of shady conspiracies hidden behind them. These three worldly wars finally made Huang FeiHong an invincible Guomindang.

MadAboutYou (TV)[2016]

Feature: Stills Xie XiaoJun, director of the television station and Wu Yue, a white-collar public relations firm, got married only five months after they met, trying to find the ultimate answer to marriage. The freshness of being in love with Picasso was replaced by the seeds of oil of pomegranate. Xie XiaoJun and Wu Yue found that marriage was not what they imagined: they encountered new problems every day and encountered new tests. In their daily routine, they groped for marriage and solved They are one after another "first time." The life of Xie XiaoJun and Wu Yue is not just a "war" between two people, but they also must be unanimous in their dealings with foreign countries and get the plight of relatives and friends who visit at any time. They include the "chatter" group of ex-boss Wu Yue, present-day girlfriend Su Lai and her husband Ma Ding, Wu Yue's cousin Sha Sha, Xie Xiaojun's Ouyang Chen Di, and sometimes the families Nuclear explosion parents, dogs and even trouble can continue. Eventually, the couple married in this new apartment through a variety of marriages, the tender love into marriage mature marital responsibilities. Friends around Ouyang and Sha Sha also feel the charm of marriage, walked to each other.

Fairview is not central (TV)[2016]

Feature: During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the crowds, beings everywhere, fighting constantly controversy. Originally born in the North Liang's little drama as the heart of children, this is a naive and kind-hearted princess, a million people love, wantonly casual happy day. The great general Wei Yun of the Northern Wei Dynasty framed for his own ambitions, and deception led him to send troops without authorization, causing the blood to flow from north to south night and day, and the arrogant women of heaven were forced to land in a strange land. Li WeiYang, an ordinary woman abandoned by Shang Shufu in the Northern Wei Dynasty, accidentally saved her heart and was later killed by a hunter in search of her heart. Heart child had to live in the name of Li WeiYang bravely, one person bear the fate and suffering of two girls. Back to the Book House, the pseudonym Li WeiYang's heart not only with the enemy 叱 Yun's clan wits, but also accidentally involved with the Northern Wei Dynasty son's entanglements. But her misery and frustration did not overthrow her. On the contrary, she gave her supreme wisdom and heart. She experienced numerous difficulties and hardships, eventually becoming a patriarchal clan, and at the same time reaping the beautiful and touching love. null

long distance (TV)[2016]

Feature: The "distant distance" tells the story of a certain youth spot in 1976. Su Yang, a young intellectual who loves to play the violin, fell in love with Zheng XiangDong but missed his misunderstanding and accident. Has been crush on Su Yang Si MengNan took the opportunity to close Su Yang, the two came together, but repeatedly suspicion, betrayed Su Yang. Zheng XiangDong and classmate Sun QianYa review preparation college entrance examination, Sun QianYa Zheng XiangDong affectionate. Su Yang gave up her college path to take care of a sick father, but her talent in sewing skills and costume design at a college educated youth opened another door to her dreams. Su Yang did not know Zheng Hao, son of Zheng Miao, who had died in that year, had been raised as an adult. Si MengNan envy jealously, everywhere for Zheng XiangDong. After suffering and ups and downs, Su Yang has achieved great success in the fashion industry. Su Yang finally knew Zheng Hao's life experience, while Sun QianYa was severely ill. Su Yang chose to let her children forever recognize Sun QianYa as her mother. Experienced everything, then high-spirited educated youth felt the baptism of time and humanity.

Ten battle wolf (TV)[2016]

Feature: In the 1920s and 1930s, the Manchu remnants of the remnants of power in the Manchus dumped death and set up "Zongshen Jiu Duan Tuan" to collude with the Japanese spies. Patriotic youth Ma GaiTian, ​​the nicknamed "Sirius" sharpshooter, was initially blinded and exploited by the "death battalion", but resolutely broke it after seeing the organization's true colors. Ma GaiTian, ​​with the help of the bodyguard of Fuxing Security Company, secretly protected the target the Japanese Spy was trying to inflict injury on, and made clear and unannounced investigations into the conspiracy of the Japanese side. In times of crisis, Ma GaiTian and his partners came forward and attacked a series of intrigues by Hittite enterprises in their unique endeavor such as the encroachment of the Huai-Xi Railway and the embezzlement of Shanghai's ethnic enterprises. These patriotic youths finally gave their young blood in the flashy bullet of the 128 Songhuhai War.

Behind the Secret (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1942, a woman tragically died under the wheel, the perpetrator was Jiang YiPing, a sensation hit the beach. The deceased's lover was Dong ZhiPeng, the son of tycoon Dong ShiJun, who vowed to take revenge on the deceased. Shen Lan, Dong ZhiPeng's fiancée, hated teeth. Prosecutor of the case is Jiang YiPing's boyfriend Cui JunJie, Cui JunJie law enforcement, Jiang YiPing was sentenced to jail. Jiang YiPing was released early due to good performance. Dong ZhiPeng monitored Jiang YiPing's every move and tried to torture her. At this time, Cui JunJie has been detained in the upper class officialdom and fell in love with Shen Lan. Cui JunJie broke up with Jiang YiPing. With the contact of Dong ZhiPeng and Jiang YiPing, we discovered the accidental case many years ago and revealed the truth: the perpetrators were Cui JunJie and Jiang YiPing, prosecutors voluntarily made scapegoats and Dong ZhiPeng found that he had fallen in love with this goodness Woman. Cui JunJie In order to cover up the truth for many years to make any evil, Jiang YiPing finally accepted the love of Dong ZhiPeng.

Plastic surgery season (TV)[2016]

Feature: Cosmetologists of both China and South Korea have operated a mysterious plastic surgery hospital to meet the aspirations of all people and demonstrated the friction between human nature and society, the awareness and the normal state through a special client who welcomed them. When people face the desire to hurt Indulge and avoid pain.

Search even (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Search even" tells the story of the summer of 1944, the Japanese army ready to start a general attack on the city of Yanjiang in the south of the Yangtze River. Wang Dingli, head of the New Fourth Army archipelago eastward detachment, led an emergency rush to a restaurant outside Yan City to escort a Japanese for a repeat offense. At the catch-up point, Wang Dingli and others encountered Japanese squadrons. After a series of hard-fought battles, the Japanese army recaptured serious injuries and interned platoon leader Gao Lei, who waged battles with Wang Dingli, was wounded. Wang Dingli sent them all to a division of the KMT in the city hospital. In the hospital, Wang DingLi met teacher Wu XiuBao. Wang DingLi, Wu XiuBao They were originally the turn of life and death, and the war was just around the corner. Wu Wuzhong invites Wang DingLi to stay together against the enemy. Wang Dingli requested the head of the New Fourth Army and the commander instructed Wang Dingli to stay in Yancheng and work together to resist Japan and complete the national righteous cause. Wang DingLi served as search company commander and platoon leader Gao Lei, began active preparation. The battle started. Wang DingLi and Gao Lei led the Allied fighters to resist all resistance. They waged war against the enemy and took the Japanese offensive again and again. Finally, they vowed to defend the Yan City.

Hidden motivation (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Hidden motives" tells the story of the near future, somewhere in Asia. A scientist organization secretly implemented the "Neanderthal Plan": temporarily frozen top scientists who have been terminally ill to prepare for future recovery after scientific advancement. The protagonist Han WuYang is currently a key member of a criminal intelligence agency in Asia. In an operation he found a mysterious box with frozen old man, Pandora's box gradually opened ...... Han WuYang and his girlfriend are very much in love, about to get married, but did not think his girlfriend died in a car accident in front of him. A series of murderous exhausted Han WuYang and his comrades in arms, the clues gradually point to a mysterious death incident 20 years ago, and the important event of the incident is actually the girlfriend's father, Han WuYang that brainwashing scientist Dad also involved them! Han WuYang into one after another of confusion, betrayal, framed, and love painful choices. Who manipulates everything behind, who is cold revenge, disregard of justice and human life? However, there is a bigger conspiracy behind the scenes. Han WuYang To recover the lost love, it is necessary to wash away the innocent injustice imposing on yourself, to defeat the enemies' plot and sinister plans with comrades-in-arms ... Trauma is not an excuse to tear souls, love and hate Can hatred override justice?

Chase after (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In 1945, Zhong TieHan and Xu XiaoYue, captain of the anti-Japanese guerrilla intelligence work of Guangdong Communist Party, were ordered to go to Hong Kong to rescue Huai Te, a British agent captured by Japanese troops. At that moment, Wu RenFu, KMT's UNIFIL special team and Jin KouZhengSan, the Japanese spy chief, were also tracing the whereabouts of Huai Te because Huai Te held important intelligence about the British arsenal. Zhong TieHan, Wu RenFu, Jin KouZhengSan As a teenager, they studied military affairs together in China. Huai Te used to be their teacher. However, when they were adults, they took different paths and their friends and classmates fell apart in different beliefs. Zhong TieHan and others secretly sneaked into Hong Kong, and Jin KouZhengSan launched a desperate struggle, undercover camp, the Japanese intelligence organization successfully crackdown. Zhong TieHan harvested the love of Xu XiaoYue and successfully obtained important information. After Japan surrendered, Jin KouZhengSan absconded, Zhong TieHan pursued, and eventually Jin KouZhengSan fell into the net.

In full bloom (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1925, Zhao GuanKe was founded by Sichuan Army and became head of an independent delegation. He bloody battlefield, tough. His path of growth is full of hardships, and his love is endured countless tests. He falls in love with nurse Luo Mai, but Luo Mai loves Zhou ZhenQiang. Through experiencing a field of life and death, Luo Mai gradually became acquainted with Zhao GuanKe. When the Kuomintang and the Communist Party jointly committed themselves to the great cause of the Northern Expedition, the political ideas of the Qing government became more and more obvious. This makes Luo Mai with the love of doubt and shaken. Luo Mai starts to approach underground party organizations. Inspired by the revolutionary forces, Zhao GuanKe embarked on the right path and went to Nanchang to join the uprising. Luo Mai also falls in love with Zhao GuanKe in the constant process of knowing. Zhou ZhenQiang farther and farther, and finally died under the gun of Luo Mai. On the way to Nanchang Meeting, Zhao GuanKe unfortunately suffered a serious injury. Luo Mai took Zhao GuanKe and walked toward the crowd who cheered the victory.

In full bloom (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1925, Zhao GuanKe was founded by Sichuan Army and became head of an independent delegation. He bloody battlefield, tough. His path of growth is full of hardships, and his love is endured countless tests. He falls in love with nurse Luo Mai, but Luo Mai loves Zhou ZhenQiang. Through experiencing a field of life and death, Luo Mai gradually became acquainted with Zhao GuanKe. When the Kuomintang and the Communist Party jointly committed themselves to the great cause of the Northern Expedition, the political ideas of the Qing government became more and more obvious. This makes Luo Mai with the love of doubt and shaken. Luo Mai starts to approach underground party organizations. Inspired by the revolutionary forces, Zhao GuanKe embarked on the right path and went to Nanchang to join the uprising. Luo Mai also falls in love with Zhao GuanKe in the constant process of knowing. Zhou ZhenQiang farther and farther, and finally died under the gun of Luo Mai. On the way to Nanchang Meeting, Zhao GuanKe unfortunately suffered a serious injury. Luo Mai took Zhao GuanKe and walked toward the crowd who cheered the victory.

Princess is back (TV)[2013]

Feature: "The Return of the Mother and the Mother" tells the story of a modern, pure-hearted girl in a coastal city. After experiencing a family accident, she gradually grew into a self-reliant mature woman, breaking through obstacles to realize her grandfather's ideal and gain love story. Shen ChangQing is the heir to Shen's business. She is young and bereaved. She is supported by Ding YaQin, a stepmother who is a gentle conspiracy of conspiracy. She is surrounded by her daughter, Ding JiaHui Make things difficult. Shen ChangQing, who could not bear to see his grandfather's family business and his ambition to charity, continued to arm himself with his father, Ou HaiYang, Lin Hao, who defiantly guarding himself, and Jin Rui, a spirited Sun, to become a businesspeople enough to compete with his adoptive father and stepmother The elite, eventually holding home after a second contest to realize his grandfather's wish. After a lot of hardships, Shen ChangQing also saw his mind, and Lin Hao lover get married.

Chase after (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Pursuit" tells of the case of Zhong TieHan and Xu XiaoYue, captains of Guangdong Communist Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Intelligence in 1945, who were ordered to go to Hong Kong to rescue Huai Te, a British agent captured by Japanese troops. At that moment, Wu RenFu, KMT's UNIFIL special team and Jin KouZhengSan, the Japanese spy chief, were also tracing the whereabouts of Huai Te because Huai Te held important intelligence about the British arsenal. Zhong TieHan, Wu RenFu, Jin KouZhengSan As a teenager, they studied military affairs together in China. Huai Te used to be their teacher. However, when they were adults, they took different paths and their friends and classmates fell apart in different beliefs. Zhong TieHan and others secretly sneaked into Hong Kong, and Jin KouZhengSan launched a desperate struggle, undercover camp, the Japanese intelligence organization successfully crackdown. Zhong TieHan harvested the love of Xu XiaoYue and successfully obtained important information. After Japan surrendered, Jin KouZhengSan absconded, Zhong TieHan pursued, and finally let Jin KouZhengSan fall into the net & nbsp ;.

Swordknife (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Knife" tells the story of Chen Ting in the War of Resistance Against Japan embarked on the influence of Western culture, also accepted the communist baptism of soldiers, shouldering the special mission of the party, carefully selected in the warm-blooded youth anti-Japanese masculine anti-clerical knives Group, in-depth enemy rear anti-Japanese agents to carry out activities. Among them are top students from West Point Military Academy, martial arts masters, peerless thieves, blasting engineers and senior locksmiths. Guided by the party's command, the members of the Daojao group have demonstrated their skills and performed various arduous tasks: assassinating Japanese generals, blowing up military targets, seizing confidential intelligence and rescuing captured comrades-in-arms.

ImminentCrisis (TV)[2012]

Feature: Stills On the beach in the 1930s, a family tragedy led to the separation of two brothers, Ah Ch'u and Ah Ah, in friars. As early as the beginning of the Qing Dynasty was held in Shanghai wealthy family, humble status, but due to accompany the young and old after returning to become a famous doctor. A join the Chinese Communist underground, returned to Japan after studying in Japan to grow into a lurking in the hearts of the KMT Red Agent. As early as in the United Kingdom involved in the mysterious "Thunder" program of scientific research, as the culprit of the family tragedies more than 20 years ago, the Japanese spy in China, "Empire of the Flower," Xu Yuzhen decided at any cost to implement "Thunder" plan and brother In the process of exposing the truth, the two men were misunderstood by the hostile parties and suspected each other to join forces with the enemy to jointly fight against the enemy. Eventually they plotted the Japanese aggressor's plot for many years to make the world known to the world, In order to sacrifice their lives for their country, they began to wreak havoc in the country and began to lurk in the name of Arab League.

EmpressWu (TV)[1984]

Feature: Wu ZeTian stills Tang Dynasty Zhenguan fifteen years autumn night, Wu Mei Niang for the first time by Emperor Taizong "favorite." Innocent and romantic girl became a woman overnight, from the palace life has experienced the ruthless and cruel, escape several times. After the death of Emperor Taizong (Bao Guo'an), Wu Mei-niang was forced into a ken temple and was forced to become a monk. After being taken into the palace because of pregnancy was the king, the identity again by the maid become talent, Zhaoyi. In a series of court struggles, Wu Mei Niang killed her daughter by hand and married Wang HuangHou, defeating prime minister Zhang SunWuJi and finally becoming Queen. She and the emperor are interdependent and love-hate. Wu ZeTian with her excellent political talent to gradually grasp the real power until the curtain to listen to politics. However, as a woman, she was attacked by courtiers and her husband and son. After the death of Emperor Gaozong, she fought alone, deposed Prince, appointed cruel officials, bloody repression, the country changed its national status as the Empire of Wu Zhou, became an unprecedented generation of empress. Although Wu ZeTian has ruled the world at this time, helpless gradually into the old age, can not exhaust extreme loneliness and emptiness, day indulge sensual. At the same time, he tried to give his son the successor to the throne, and finally resumed the Li dynasty, completing her arduous, bizarre, brilliant and painful life.

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