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Qian Bo TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Qian Bo Works 30 ,And Feature 8 ,Comedy 5 ,Year 4 ,Crime 3 ,Suspense 3 ,War 3 ,Spy war 3 ,Romance 3 ,Action 2 ,Modern legend 2 ,legend 2 ,Historical play 2 ,Adventure film 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Family drama 1 ,抗战1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,侦探1 ,乡村1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Love 1 ,Modern 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Countryside 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Biopic 1 ,Documentary 1 。

Works Index

Qian Bo Filmography(30)


扫黑·决战 (Movie)[2021]


《扫黑·决战》是爱奇艺影业有限公司、中国长安出版传媒有限公司出品的犯罪动作电影,由黄志明监制,吕聿来执导,姜武、张颂文、金世佳、李倩领衔主演,赵毅、焦刚特别出演 。影片讲述扫黑除恶专案组组长宋一锐带领组员由一起强拆案深入调查,突破层层阻挠,与幕后的黑恶势力展开激烈斗争,最终揭开腐败官员利用公职权力充当犯罪保护伞的虚伪面具,并将犯罪分子绳之以法 。该片定档于2021年1月15日上映 。


龙岭迷窟 (TV)[2020]


Hu BaYi 、 Wang PangZi 和 Da JinYa 被村民编造的绣花鞋的故事所骗,前往陕西古兰县。水路艰险, Hu BaYi 挺身让众人脱险。在招待所幸遇 Chen XiaZi 提醒,得以逃脱村民圈套。三人无意掉入“龙岭迷窟”遭蝙蝠袭击,发现身上长出红斑,决定在王大爷家修整,遇到同样来找红斑根源的shirley杨,并听闻了 Zhe GuShao 和 Le Chen 大师寻找雮尘珠的英勇故事。几人决心寻找雮尘珠, Chen XiaZi 告诉他们“内藏眢”就在此地。村民故技重施,威胁 Hu BaYi 等人寻找钱财,两拨人马前往洞穴,遭到蜘蛛袭击,被困暗阁,但大家齐心协力,化险为夷,最终进入了“棋盘”机关,众人协作,找到了龙骨天书,逃出洞穴,准备前往云南继续解密“红斑” 。

古董局中局之鉴墨寻瓷 (TV)[2020]


五脉传人许愿替爷爷洗刷了汉奸之耻后,秉遗训,追查古董造假集团老朝奉,而情同手足的药不然却投靠老朝奉,许愿孤身调查,幸有女友黄烟烟帮助。追查中他得知故宫收藏的清明上河图为假,这是意图垄断国内古董真假市场的香港拍卖公司百瑞莲所设圈套。许愿险些中计,不得已和老朝奉联手,与药不然一起,几经曲折终于证明了故宫所藏为真品,然而,老朝奉老奸巨猾,并没有如约露面。许愿和黄烟烟历尽艰险,与老朝奉争夺青花瓷五罐,在卧底老朝奉集团的药不然帮助下揭开五罐之谜,借公海打捞沉船之机,揭露老朝奉正是潜伏在五脉中的沈云琛。至此,这个和五脉一并传承了千年的造假集团覆灭。许愿报了自家世仇,更为古董业铲除了毒瘤 。


精英律师 (TV)[2019]


Luo Bin 是全景律师事务所资深合伙人, Dai Xi 为了闺蜜的一场官《精英律师》定妆照司去律所找 Luo Bin 理论,误打误撞,机缘巧合成了 Luo Bin 的助理。在共事过程中,俩人因在为人处世上的见解差异,频发冲突。同时,出于对律师这个职业的热爱, Dai Xi 把过多的时间和精力投入到工作上,最终引起男友的不满,二人分手。在经过几个项目上的相互协作后, Dai Xi 和 Luo Bin 对对方都有了更多的了解, Dai Xi 由最初讨厌 Luo Bin ,逐渐对他产生尊敬,而 Luo Bin 也受 Dai Xi 感染,不仅在关心输赢,也变得去关爱他人。历经磨炼, Dai Xi 最终成长为一个优秀富有正义感的律师,在工作上,和 Luo Bin 也有了更多的默契,两人成了一对颇得业界认可,所向披靡的最佳搭档。


我们的四十年 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《我们的四十年》又名《我们家的40年》剧情介绍:主人公 Feng Dou ( Jin Shijia 饰演)从幼年受到电视机影响,一步步成长为一名成功的电视人的过程。

《我们的四十年》是由时代光影出品,王锦担任总制片人,王梓执导,庸人编剧, Jin Shijia 、 Chai Biyun , Burt Caesar 、 Xu Xing 领衔主演,钱波、柴鸥、馨子、刘亚津、 Xie Fang 、王伟华、梁佳伟、卢佳联合主演的青春记忆暖情剧。

Love and be loved (TV)[2018]

Feature: In 1925, the separatist war war broke out. He Chengchu, the ancient western city warlord, was killed and his daughter, He TaoHua, survived and fled to the provincial capital alone to work as a servant in a Liao family. Clever peach won Liao master like, and love Liao Chunfeng Liao master young master. Before the wedding, Liao Chunfeng discovered that the peach turned out to be the daughter of Heji Chuang, a warlord of Baoji. The spring breeze could not be relieved to kill the father of Peach Blossom. So she killed her peach family wholeheartedly and told Peach and turned away Go, go to the battlefield. Peach to abandon all hatred to find Liao Chunfeng, hardships to find troops, but got the news of the war of Liao Chunfeng. After that, Peach Blossom found the Liao Chunfeng rescued by CCP and bravely bravely killed him and eventually died in a heroic sacrifice. Stills

Brother, come on! (Movie)[2017]

Feature: The hero Zheng Hao (Xiaopan Gao ornaments), the character and name of the opposite, focus on stealing chicken dog swindling, just released from prison on a large debt. His younger brother Zheng Zhong (Xian Chao You), with a high IQ, low weight, "Keng Ge" professional, spent all his savings Zheng Hao. In order to win huge sums of money, the brothers and sisters joined the TV reality show "Prodigal Son," for Xiaotang Fan (Yu Shasha), an editor in chief of good and beautiful editor, who was chosen as the protagonist of the prodigal son. In the face of frequent setbacks, frustrations of coercion and coercion, fraternization between brothers and brothers, love with Xia TianFan, Zheng Hao's growing up also surfaced during the time of the prodigal choice.

Brother (Movie)[2017]

Feature: The protagonist Zheng Hao, character and name of the people on the contrary, focus on pilfering dogs cheat, just released from prison on a large debt. Zheng Zhong, a younger brother, has a high IQ and low weight, and specializes in "Keng Ge" and all the savings of Zheng Hao. To win a huge sum of money, brothers and sisters join the reality TV show "Prodigal Son, please turn around", because of the bad luck to win the election of the main characters, and therefore met the kind and beautiful editor Xia TianFan. In the face of frequent setbacks, frustrations of coercion and coercion, fraternization between brothers and brothers, love with Xia TianFan, Zheng Hao's growing up also surfaced during the time of the prodigal choice.

song yao-ru father (TV)[2017]

Feature: "P > TV series" song yaolu · father "plot introduction: tells the song yao so" song's three sisters "biological father. In order to make a living, at the age of 12, she went abroad with her uncle and became a apprentice in a silk and tea shop in Boston, USA. By the western culture of the enlightenment, stubborn studious son was not content to become a silk merchants, after going to school in his request was overruled by uncle son was bold to flee, success on a ship cruiser, to become a sailor. With the help of the captain and kind-hearted people, the retired song yaolu entered the theological seminary and realized his ideal of studying. After a decade's absence, song returned to China as a missionary to begin his difficult missionary journey. At the end of the 19th century China blustery, when the son was to realise that simply spread the Gospel and not people in fire and water, in the last twenty years of his life, he became a staunch revolutionary, and through the business continuously transfer funds for the revolution. At the last moment of his life, when he saw the deep disaster in China, he left the world with full of regret and ended his unyielding life. < / p >

I am your eye (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1977, Chen Shi, an educated youth from Tianjiaba, was nearly blind with eye injuries. In the careful care of his neighbor Tian Chun Ni, Chen Shi re-sees the light and the two fall in love and get married. After the Cultural Revolution to resume the college entrance examination, Chen Shi in Chunni's support admitted to medical school. During her study, Chen Shi was chanted by her classmate Yan ZhenZhen, who, in the name of Chun Ni would delay Chen Shi's future, made Chunny divorce Chen Shi. After the divorce, Chunni found herself pregnant and gave birth to Chen Shi without any knowledge. An earthquake, Chunni son lost. Chen Shi joined the rescue team and adopted an earthquake orphans according to legal procedures. Later, he went abroad to become an eye specialist and formed a new family. Chun Ni is also a girl. Years later, the two spouses died separately and the two met again. Chuni sacrificed sacrifices silently to Chen Shi, but he was opposed by his children in the twilight years. In the end, Ms. Chunni is seriously ill and Chen Shi is willing to spend her whole life with her eyes & nbsp ;.

Forensic Qin Ming (TV)[2016]

Feature: Longjing City Xing Jing captain Lin Tao, and forensic section chief Qin Ming is a long-time friend. Qin Ming's assistant resigned because of unbearable Qin Ming's weird temper. Inspector Lee Da Bao was seconded to join the working group. At the beginning of the period, Qin Ming did not trust Da Bao as a girl, but the stubborn Da Bao showed quite good reasoning and observation skills in the case detection. Qin Ming, whose sense of smell was extremely sensitive and sensitive, decided to leave Da Bao. Longfan police triangle also formed the first report. Beginning with this "oil shock case", Qin Ming, Da Bao and Lin Tao have uncovered various incredible cases.

Mystery sand (TV)[2016]

Feature: Qi YanNan, Group A leader of the drug-dealing detachment, mutated accidentally while lurking in a criminal gang that sells drugs. The deathlessness of suspect "Hei San" also led to a selfless investigation by Prosecutor Lin Bing. In the meantime, Su Jinrong, the president of a large financial securities company, is one of them, in order to get rid of the mystery sand, a valuable traditional Chinese remedy that is worthless. Su Jinrong is both a financing channel for Ke ShiLan, a drug syndicate selling drugs, and one of the partners of interest. Therefore, he repeatedly shot secretly to help Ke ShiLan get out. In the midst of this changing situation, Ma Juzhang tells Qi YanNan, a faithful police officer who is both resilient, resilient and patient. With the encouragement and support of all people, Qi YanNan and Lin Bing are brave enough to withstand all pressures and sacrifice their lives to pursue criminals. Eventually, with the joint efforts of Ma JuZhang and colleagues in Group A, Qi YanNan was cleansed and released with Lin Bing. The two sides worked together to bring all the hidden and fugitive criminals to death.

Unknown (TV)[2016]

Feature: In the early days of the war, the Communist Party arranged Qian ZhiFeng, a surgeon, to sneak into the bogus intelligence agency through "false insurgency." After the success of the entry, Qian ZhiFeng side with the enemy to obtain intelligence; the same side with the mysterious woman also hidden in Wang bingyi Han CaiYi wits. Under the slightest mistake, the two had to pose as husband and wife under the enemy's eyes, Qian ZhiFeng also found the true face of Han CaiYi - Chongqing work, but involuntarily. Since each is the main one, intrigue is unavoidable; however, as both Chinese and the Japanese, they must go hand in hand. A series of soul-stirring tasks, a memorable journey, a moment of emotional temptation, Qian ZhiFeng finally with their firm belief and selfless love won Han CaiYi understanding and support. Han CaiYi Follow Qian ZhiFeng joined the Communist Party, in the process, the two have become true partners and companions & nbsp; & nbsp ;.

Code-named Leopard (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1941, the forces of all walks of life entrenched Zhao City, 觊 觎 treasures gold possession. Zhao WenZhong, our party's underground party, shoulders the task of protecting the gold possession. Japanese troops came to supervise the war, Wenzhong first love Li XiaoWan counterparts, crush Wenzhong's Juanzi heart vinegar, bandit Yao SanHe to capture Juanzi heart, involved in the struggle to grab the national treasure. To find out the map of the Japanese army, brutally killing villagers burning houses, Zhao father became the key to all parties. Wenzhong used Yao SanHe to crack down on Japanese operations several times and led the brigade of the Eighth Route Army to rescue the trapped people. Zhao Zhao left the treasure map to Wenzhong before he died. Li XiaoWan underground party identity surfaced, and Wenzhong fought side by side and come together. The Japanese discovered the whereabouts of Jinzang and Wenzhong led the Annihilation of the Order of the Annals of the Security Corps to clean the Japanese troops and protect the national treasures.

12Citizens (Movie)[2015]

Feature: In a summer university of political science and law, students who fail to pass the final exams of the Anglo-American law course usher in a retest. They formed the model of Western courts, serving as judges, lawyers and prosecutors respectively. It was precisely a case of a controversial "20-year-old Fu-generation father" in the community. Twelve student parents formed a jury. These people come from different social strata, including doctors, real estate agents, security guards, insurance salesmen, etc. They will make the final verdict on the case after they have heard the student's court hearing.They do not know each other, but according to the rules, they must reach an agreement before they can end the trial.On the first round of voting, 11 people found " Rich second generation "guilty of all evidence cards point to the outcome of this case, the young suspect away from public opinion of the death only one step away from all the clues have been discussed one by one, with the trial, the doubt appears The story behind everyone also surfaced.

My brother and sister (TV)[2015]

Feature: The second year to resume college entrance examination, educated youth Zhou Wen and Zhou Wu brothers both hard to learn after a year in the list. In this happy moment, but because of home accident, "my brother and sister," stills, the brothers can only have one go to school. Zhou Wen chose to flee at a critical time and said that Zhou Wu was not the mother's own birth. The sad Zhou Wu also left home. Zhou Wu had set a marriage affair, the woman called Li YingZi, Li YingZi dare to say that people dare to, both experienced a lot of hardships finally together, and everything for the sake of Zhou. After Zhou Jiahui came back to the city, Zhou Wen's desires as cadres began to swell, and the relationship with Zhou Wu was also tense. Finally, Zhou Wen took a no-return. After Zhou Wen was arrested, Zhou Wu and Li YingZi went to jail to see him. Zhou Wen was particularly touched. Both brothers brought up the past and Zhou Wen regretted it. The Third Plenary Session of the 12th CPC Central Committee was held. Li YingZi and Zhou Wu decided to go back to work in rural areas and they both walked into new and hopeful rural life hand in hand.

Magic are the situation (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the 1930s on the beach, Ye Fei's father, magic family Jin Rong class teacher Ye Jinrong after challenging the German magician victory by other magic classes persecution hateful HD stills, Ye Fei North worship in the teacher door to go back to Shanghai Avenge the father After the Shanghai gang boss Xiao Yao admiration. During the war of resistance against Japan, Ye Fei and gang together seized a large quantity of Japanese troops and sent them to the Communist Party. Xiao Yao also died because of protecting Ye Fei. Ye Fei fled to Chongqing to participate in the literary performance for revenge before the line-up fund-raising, a front-line performance with devils encounter, captain Li Rong risked to death seriously injured Ye Fei, the two formed a family and helped the underground party completed the task of liberating Shanghai . After the founding of New China, Ye Fei came to the grave of Xiao Yao and met Quan Shu, who had come back from the United States holding Xiao Haisheng's ashes. Both stood silently on the grave for decades, These are witness to a great magician as the ideal for love, dignity, for the nation and pay the legendary life.

Ex-husband begship of love (TV)[2015]

Feature: Yi Ran (Li Shutong), the wife of cosmetic surgeon Gao DaShang (Gao Yalin), has serious suspicion of being suspected of being derailed when Gao DaShang is found with a woman and Yi Ran is assessed as having an online "Man Derailment Assessment Form" , Gao DaShang derailment index actually has been to maintain five stars! Yi Ran found a private detective to investigate the track, and personally seduce. Bao XiaoLei (Yan Ni), a newly appointed legal consultant in the hospital, has been repeatedly misunderstood. Gao DaShang was disgraced, divorced and bigamy, and finally she was finally bachelors and divorced. Unlucky Gao DaShang met again the correct medical treatment, work lost. Night Hui Yang bar owner Chen HuiFang (Fang Qian) Looking for Gao DaShang pad nose, introduced homeless Gao DaShang rental Hao apartment. His roommate, Jin JiGang, is the private investigator of Gao DaShang's ex-wife, who was swept away by ex-wife because of derailment. He is a working-hard worker who does everything but reselling, arms and drugs. Fang Dong Hao XiaoJian is the initiator of the "Men's Derailment Assessment Form". His ex-wife was his elder sister. He worked hard to help his ex-wife become a celebrity. His ex-wife excused himself to buy a second suite and divorced him. It's The door was occupied by Bao XiaoLei, a female lawyer who was suspected by Yi Ran to be affiliated with Gao DaShang, nicknamed "Violent Bride." She has been hurt by her favorite man and has deep stereotypes about men. Night is not the boss of the bar Chen HuiFang Bao XiaoLei girlfriends, her husband died young, leaving her a tea restaurant. Her dream is to find a man who is as good as her husband. Gao DaShang Marriage and work are gone, two roommates afraid he knew the divorce with them, find ways to get him away, the result is to beat downtown has become the best friend. His ex-wife, Yi Ran, often looks for him on a trivial matter with the aim of checking out his hidden property. Both have been entangled in "transferring property" and "visiting rights" and have also been eating each other's new love affair. worry. Has been tossing to the attempted remarriage, the ex-wife engaged, Gao DaShang just feel that they should start a new life. Three second-hand men each have their own pursuit, but their feelings are often intertwined. Gao DaShang and Bao XiaoLei are not enemies do not gather, every time Gao DaShang stall lawsuit, Bao XiaoLei always abuse him side of his head, and Bao XiaoLei drink one more "through" only recognized Gao DaShang. Gao Xiaojun is trying to remarry his ex-wife Gao Gao-jun for the sake of his son; Gao DaShang like Bao XiaoLei, Bao XiaoLei and they have to do with the male girlfriend and the godfather Human emotional entanglements. Jin JiGang also change clothes for work, change girlfriend than work also ground work. Bao XiaoLei treats him abusively but stimulates his desire to conquer Bao XiaoLei, but Bao XiaoLei is not interested in him. Chen HuiFang like Gao DaShang unobtrusively pursue, Gao DaShang has been to avoid, Chen HuiFang in order to get angry on television to get married. Love like Jie Xiao Lian Hao XiaoJian has been crush Chen HuiFang, Chen HuiFang always took him as his brother. Jin JiGang and Hao XiaoJian envy and envy hate Gao DaShang for being surrounded by both women. Three unscrupulous "second-hand man" and two single women's lives and emotions tangled together, ex-wife, parents, relatives and friends followed also blended, a scene of urban emotional comedy.Gao DaShang and Bao XiaoLei made progress in their fight. Hao XiaoJian awakened the man's responsibility for treating single mothers and began to enjoy Chen HuiFang's favor. Jin JiGang After a series of twists and turns of love also want to talk about a marriage for the purpose of love. After a series of emotional twists and turns, everyone has a new understanding of marital love. Someone found love, some lost love, some knew love. Former husband love remember official microblogging with map posters

Chance of winning (TV)[2015]

Feature: "The odds" tells the story of Nazi Germany's war on Soviet Union in 1941, neighboring Manchukuo in the Far East of the Soviet Union. The "North School" headed by Narita may at any time violate the Soviet Union. The face of abdomen photos back enemy danger, the Soviet Union Far East Intelligence Agency decided to implement the code-named "on protracted war" secret plan. Communist Party member secret Tang Fei was ordered to implement the plan to incarnate Colonel Warjim into the enemy's interior. In the Security Bureau met the national hate hate and sneaked into anti-Japanese democracy activist Cai Meng. At the Security Bureau, Tang Fei, with his brave and alertness, gained Narita's trust and became a key member of the Security Bureau. But inside the Far East Intelligence Agency, Tang Fei eventually fell into the trap of Fu Yuan design and exposed himself. However, Tang Fei still witnessed the impossible protracted protracted war project.

DatingHunter (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Dating experts" tells the story of a group of "dating clients" who love for leftovers and leftovers. Pu Bian was a beautiful public relations leader, sitting beauty charming wife, but after the failure of entrepreneurship not only the company closed down, both of his wife away from him. Pu Bian as the opposite of Ding Yu, known as the walk a flowering plum, soaking up to people, never lost his hand, the beauty around the uninterrupted. But Pu Bian has never won in any other area, he is a war-torn defeat, defeats and defeats, only to surpass Pu Bian. Liu Lin, an innumerable man who has read numerous articles from the International Model, can not even catch up with one event. In addition, he has been planning to join in with the talented housewife Su HangHang, Open a domestic most cattle public relations company, who knows unconsciously business deviation, becoming the most cattle emotional commissioner. The four young people with different personalities have gradually grown up in quarrels and laughter, solving a variety of emotional needs for clients who are attracted to them, and creating one after another "perfect date." While helping others to find their feelings, they also found their own destiny.

Shield God (TV)[2014]

Feature: The story of the protagonist Cao Xianzheng grew up from a poor sheep in old China to an investigating criminal who grew up in New China. The story shows the difficulties of establishing a public security criminal investigation team in the early days of the founding of New China and the pragmatic style of the Communists and the victory over all hardship and suffering Courage, aroused the great dedication and dedication of public security warriors. At the beginning of the founding of New China, in the face of the complicated social situation, Cao Xianzheng began with a camera, a few police dogs and a microscope with the dauntless revolutionary spirit of Communists, the style and wisdom of seeking truth from facts, and the eclectic way of employing people. Create the Communist Party's own criminal investigation and technical contingent and personally lead the contingent to subdue criminals with wisdom and conquer the people by law and reason so as to safeguard the leadership of the ruling party and safeguard social stability so that we can make every effort to build a peaceful and prosperous Thai people and peace With

AMissontoDeath (TV)[2014]

Feature: In February 1945, the dentist Wang TianQiao was going to leave Shanghai to escape the war in the Mainland. But in the street accident suffered by the Japanese special forces to hunt the Chinese agent "Microtus." The Microtus was cleverly putting a microfilm in his pocket just before he was arrested. This is the Wisdom Tooth Plan. Half a month later, Pan ShenZhi, a middle school geography teacher who went on a film to Wuhan to make a living from Wuhan, suffered a series of troubles because of the resemblance to the "field mouse." Soon after Wang TianQiao and Pan ShenZhi were overthrown by fate, Chen's wife, Chen DanFeng, and Pan's landlord, Ajin, gradually got involved in the storm, inexplicably becoming agents who were not agents. After repeated contacts with all parties, these ordinary people finally made joint with the underground organizations of the Chinese Communist Party and successfully deciphered the film. However, another part of the Wisdom Tooth Plan has been taken over by the Japanese secret service. When the two concerted efforts to get rid of the trap of the enemy, take another part, do not want but it is hidden mystery. After twists and turns, when they were delighted to receive the first precious relics, news of the Japanese surrender came in the wind and the war of resistance against Japan finally won.

Fathers Mood for Love (TV)[2014]

Feature: Lang DeGui Unmarried girls, their marriage blew, her mother died unexpectedly, really worse. Originally, "single father" has been a difficult day, unexpected, extra-virulent, a widow in turn threw the three children to him. A dad, 4 dolls, life is more difficult. A promise, waiting for 30 years, how touching! Three children were trafficked, the daughter of an incurable disease, unmarried father never betray, love thicker than blood, weighing on the mountain. Unspiritual lover, passionate widow, lover true love, a tough guy of three women, interpretation of the truth of the world, fake ugly. Love, love, friendship, sincere emotion, touching; conscience, kindhearted, sincere, kind, pure heart, inspiring. He Qun, the director of the play, said that this play, touching people with sincere emotions, can inspire people and treat people sincerely. Kind, friendly, selfless, tolerant. No matter how many ditches, eventually, good people have good news.

Andy and the old money (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Andy and Lao Cai" tells the story of Zhoujia Village in Tiandi County in northern Jiangxi Province in 1934, where Zhou Wande, the richest man in the country, encountered an unprecedented test. He was originally a son of a secretary in the Kuomintang party department and let the Red Army run and went to participate in the revolution himself. His daughter, Zhou FenHong, originally planned to marry his warlord Cao JiaKang, but Zhou FenHong escaped from marriage , Back to the village and the local scoundrel Guo Xiaobao endless struggle; more unexpectedly, that Guo Xiao Bao Guo Bao is not real, but left behind before the Red Army left a small soldier - Zhuge Dan. Red Army fighters Zhuge Dan is also very tangled. Before the retreat, he received an order to change his name and surname to "Guo Xiao Bao," Guo LaoGen, a true adoptive of Guo Xiaobao, and Guo MiHua, a justice girl, jointly guarding important materials buried in the yard. Unexpectedly pretend to be the identity of the affair, he was caught in a crisis, so deal with, and Miss Zhou landowners formed a cut, the chaotic relationship. Master Zhou became a cadre of the Soviet bank, back to Zhou Village and "Guo Xiao Bao," then the top, it is decided to use their own compound to build an underground mint. Zhou Wand helpless, in order to son and daughter can only bite the bullet play "Infernal Affairs." The real Guo appears, Guo LaoGen died, Guo MiHua left. After several twists and turns, mint blocked by many parties, and finally into a stable operation. "Guo Xiao Bao" returned his name back to the army. But do not want this is just the beginning of another twists and turns. Anti-Japanese War began, Zhuge Dan returned to Tiandi County with a new mandate. The real Guo Xiaobao renamed Zhu LongYun, and Guo MiHua became military agents, but also returned to Tiandi County. All forces secretly poured into Zhou Village, we all united against Japan. Privately, everyone is thinking differently. "Guo Xiao Bao" was dragged down by Zhu LongYun one after another, and the Zhou LaoCai family was subjected to hostile forces and almost died. Guo MiHua died in the end, Zhu LongYun also paid the cost of life for the troubles he caused. In 1949, New China was established. Zhou LaoCai to make up his fortune, intends to guard the ancestors that two-thirds of the lonely, but at this time gave him an unexpected ending & nbsp ;.

Family portrait (TV)[2013]

Feature: Family portrait tells the story of three families in a small courtyard in Beijing: carpenter Wang Man Tang, widow Liu Jie and doctor Lao Zhou. Wang ManTang carpenter for the next project to compete with Lv Ye, although won this single large but owed the debt, prompting his wife Da Niu noisy. Seeing to be copied, Wang ManTang into despair. Thanks to Beijing's liberation, he escaped. Seeing flourishing days, grandson but let him scratch the scalp. Widow Liu sister expect the son of Fu Lai promising, but Fu Lai just married the drum artist, which makes Liu sister before the lift can not afford to start. After the liberation, due to daughter-in-law can not have children, law-abiding daughter-in-law constantly. The same old house for the Liu family to help Liu sister heart waves. "Right" Lao Zhou did not want to hurt her, ran to the northwest, the two began a tortuous course of emotion. The three people who came from old China, after sixty years of trials and hardships, finally reunited their homes at the opening night of the Beijing Olympic Games. They looked up to the fireworks rising from the sky and showed a happy smile. Family portrait

ShengSiMiDian (Movie)[2011]

Feature: "Life and death, dense power," gathered the strength to send actors Qian Bo, rookie Zhao Bingrui and Jia-nuo LI. Actor Luo Fei, played by Zhao Bingrui, is a radio reporting talent who shows the best of wit and bravery to an underground worker. In addition, "90" actor Jia-nuo LI's performance is remarkable, she plays a beauties in the film Lu Xi, in order to survive, had to rely on Wang puppet intelligence director Li LiHeng. But in the end, Lu Xi sacrificed his life to help Luo Fei escape the claws of the enemy. The Qian Bo a change from the previous screen image, playing a "ruthless character" Li Lieng, for the purpose of unscrupulous. Qian Bo said that in order to show the dark inner world of his character, he has made great efforts in his eyes, facial expressions and tricks. Of course, his heart is also under great pressure during the filming.

Forever Enthralled (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Mei LanFang's first competitor in life is Shi SanYan, an old entertainer who has had three generations of love with Mei. The emergence of Mei LanFang shakes Shi SanYan's position. The inevitable battle, but Mei LanFang lost the first game, he has two days to save the defeat. In spite of everyone's opposition, Mei LanFang changed to a new fashion show, the result was a success. Mei LanFang persuaded Shi SanYan to give up the third day of the show but was rejected by Shi SanYan. Mei LanFang into middle age, with his wife Fu ZhiFang () and lovely children, his burgeoning career. In 1929, he received an invitation to go to the United States to perform. Meng XiaoDong, a female actress who plays a special role on the Beijing opera scene, saw Mei LanFang for the first time to see the melancholy in his eyes, while her bright and open personality touched Mei LanFang. They performed on the same stage and had a desire to share themselves with each other and share together. At this moment, Fu ZhiFang, Mei LanFang's wife, told Meng XiaoDong he was neither you nor mine, he was a boy (audience). Mei LanFang decided not to go on stage again because of Japan's aggression against China. When Mei LanFang repeatedly rejected the invitations given by the Japanese army to him, she was surprised to hear that she was about to return and announced the news to the public , It is anonymous Qiu RuBai ().

Changjiang no.1 (TV)[2008]

Feature: Stills In the winter of 1942, the War of Resistance Against Japan entered a stalemate. The area in the southern part of Hubei Province is in a complicated situation. In the Honghu area, only 918 troops stationed in the resistance. 918 division was originally the old department of Yang Hucheng, the Northwest Army. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, it was placed under the command of T'ang Enbo. It was later repelled by the Central Military Army in the battle of Wuhan and was almost annihilated by the army. Faculty commander Fang JinZhai played a banner of fighting against the Japanese aggression against the Japanese invaders and recruiting troops and horses and rapidly growing into a powerful force in the anti-Japanese resistance in Jiangbei. The 11th Army of the Japanese troops in Central China held a military conference in 93 Division of Jingzhou. Lieutenant-General Zhong TianGong, the commander of the 11th Central Military Command in Central China, insisted on launching the fourth Changsha Battle at the main force of the national army south of the Yangtze River. Lieutenant General Jin WeiLiSheng, head of the 93 Division at the forefront of the 11th Army, was making every effort to oppose it. The Chinese army garrison command in general let Tsukuda and Guards in their own time as soon as possible come up with a set of combat options. Wei YaoYang, clerk of intelligence service of the Sixth Theater Command, disguised himself as deputy commander of the RCA and mixed with the 11th Army. Wei YaoYang reported the disagreement at the meeting to Commander Chen of District VI that Zhong TianGong must be cut off. Chen Cheng instructed Wei YaoYang, the Kuomintang's henchman is 918 division. Shi WeiYuan, the third division of the RCA, was reluctant to make cannon fodder to combat the national army. His wife told his sister Wu Lin his distress. Wu Lin reminded the history of teachers and the National Army or 918 division to establish contact. Shi WeiYuan sent Yuan ErShui to Jianli, where he stayed at the inn of Hu GuaFu, a stronghold for exchanging intelligence among intelligence personnel of various quarters. Wu Lin learned that Wu XianMing was going to attack Wan ZhongShan, the director of the Sixth Theater Intelligence Station, and immediately sent out a warning signal. She turned out to be a lieutenant at the State Army and a secret agent stationed in Jingzhou at the Changjiang Work Station. Chen Cheng to find information director Feng Tang asked about the situation in the Yangtze River work station, Feng Tang life stationmaster Wan ZhongShan came to Enshi report, and transferred back to Wulin. Wu Lin encounters the ambush of the Nine-bird spy team and is rescued by Wu Xianming. Wu Lin Wu Wu MingMing identity is a traitor. Chen Chun's intelligence aide Li Chun Li ordered the Yangtze Workstations to look for opportunities to get rid of Wu Xian Ming. Wei YaoYang disagreed with Wu XianMing's assassination plan and alerted Wu Xianming. 918 division Wan ZhongShan, Wan ZhongShan hid Hu GuaFu yin and yang shop, Hu GuaFu issued semaphore, secretly told Wu XianMing. Wu XianMing informed the 918 division intelligence chief Xu DieChu about the news. Xu DieChu exchanges with Hu GuaFu Wan ZhongShan, Wu XianMing arrives, shoots Wan ZhongShan on the waterfront. The invasion of China by the Japanese army held a military conference in Nanjing. Zhong TianGong's combat plan prevailed. After the meeting, the plane that took off in Tsukada was shot down by the national army. Jin WeiLiSheng received Wu XianMing dense electricity escaped. Heng ShanYong successor commander, accepted the advice of the guard, not to launch the Changsha battle. Feng Tang sponsor Wei YaoYang succeeded Wan ZhongShan do Yangtze River work stationmaster. Wu XianMing counterfeit Wei YaoYang workstation staff from the deputy chief following, all captured. Heard that the Yangtze workstations were destroyed by the Japanese army, head of intelligence division director Xu DieChu recruited staff at the missing Yangtze workstations. 93 division was entangled 918 division can not participate in the battle of Changsha, Guards by Heng ShanYong reprimand, demanded Wu XianMing, crack 918 division password as soon as possible. The Sixth War Zone also secretly ordered the Yangtze Workstations stepped crack 918 division password. Wu XianMing was arrested by Lv QingYun, mayor of Jianli.Lv QingYun Wu XianMing, Hu GuaFu flutter in Wu XianMing body, dead block. 918 division defeat, the headmaster led a few cronies escaped siege, in critical condition someone on behalf of the New Fourth Army commander Chen Yi house minister. In the face of the strong offensive of Jin WeiLiSheng, the headmaster insisted on fighting the remaining soldiers and fighting against Japan. Dead dead, scattered scattered, and only the Yangtze River in the world flow in Jing Chu many anti-Japanese heroes of the legendary story.

THE PROMISE (Movie)[2005]

Feature: A little girl looks for food on the corpses of the battlefield. An honorable boy said he would give her a little if she agreed to be his slave. The little girl accepted it but quickly ran counter to the promise and escaped with food to find her mother. When she ran into the darkness, the little girl met a beautiful witch. The witch asks: "You want to be a princess that men all over the world want to pursue, but the price is that you will never experience true love and joy.You accept?" "I am willing," the girl replied. In the meantime, the General wore his shining, embroidered full-bodied red armor and was preparing a heroic fight that could turn out to be the first defeat in his life. Incredibly, the newly recruited young slave is decisive in the outcome of the fighting. Thanks to the extraordinary talents of young slaves - "beyond the speed of the wind"; the great general once again experienced the taste of victory. During the celebration of the army, there was news of the Duke rebellion in the imperial city. General Guang Ming must immediately return his troops to the country Wang from the enemy invaders. He ordered young slaves to accompany him, but the two were mysteriously separated as they passed through a dark forest. At this time the witch appeared in front of the generals, opened the map of destiny, the figure shows a general wearing armor killed the country Wang. The general did not believe in the power of fate, longing to laugh after he sword pointing witch, when the witch disappeared. It was at this very moment that a mysterious killer in a black cloak suddenly and brutally attacked the Grand General. Young slaves rescued the severely wounded general from the enemy's hands, and although the killer's facial outline was not too clear, his physical characteristics were quite familiar. Black cloak killer staring young slave for a long time, like a whirlwind away. The wounded general ordered the young slave, "Put on my embroidered armor, and hurry to the imperial city to save the nation." The young slave came to the imperial city besieged by troops led by the Duke of the North. Standing on the roof of a stormy wind, the little girl who has really become a princess of beauty is defeated by her beautiful soldier. Wang sold the princess, at the request of the Duke of the North, dedicated the little girl to the Duke. But the princess is not from, Wang pulled out a sword to threaten her. At this time, the young slave in a general's armor came and saw the princess suffered without realizing that the mastermind was the instinctive sword that pierced Wang's chest. As the sorceress predicted, the young slaves killed Wang without knowing anything, exactly in line with the omen of the map of destiny. The young slave grasped the princess's hand and began a thrilling flight, but at the end of their dramatic flight, the dukes of the north trapped them in the dead end. The duke promised that if the general agreed to jump into the Great Falls, he could put the princess away. "Hold on, you must live," this is the last sentence the slave said to the princess before jumping into a waterfall. Wang died of the rumor of wearing an embroidered armor, and General Guang Ming's men began to believe that their leaders had killed Wang and all had disgustedly left him.The young slave survived and survived the icy water of the waterfall. He remained loyal to the General, and the general ordered him to rescue the princess from the Duke of the North. The princess was kept in a giant golden cage. In the ducal palace, the slave suddenly dropped from the top of the golden cage, hugging the stunned princess. The generals also killed the palace to help the princess escape, and the princess with a ride finally escaped. However, the slave was captured and, after torture, the Duke ordered the masked assassin to kill him. Assassin is not an opponent of young slaves, the two then truce. After gaining freedom, the slave returned to his master and general, but found that both he and the general fell in love with the princess. Because they can not control their feelings, the slave finally chose to leave. At this moment, slaves and assassins meet again unexpectedly. However, this time the assassins arrived with slaves and show them that they are from the same race and are all people of Ice Land. The race is characterized by speed beyond the wind. After the duke massacred the entire race, the assassin, the last surviving tribe, became a servant of the Duke of the North. In the meantime, the Duke managed to abduct the great general from the princess and detain him. Once again, the slave returned to the host station, only to find the princess alone. The princess sent the slave to find the general, and he became alone, and the prince took him again. In the interrogation room, the Presbyterian Church will adjudicate the crimes committed by the great general. The princess and the slave were discussing the guilt of slaves to kill Wang. However, during the trial, the princess realized that their "story" was real. Finally, she understood that the underpaid slayer saved her life. As the court declared the Generals innocent and sentenced to death, the princess realized that she had always loved this sinful person from beginning to end. When the dukes saw the dramatic scenes of the courtroom, he ordered to his men, "Grab them all!" But when the last battle was imminent, a resourceful general fooled the trust of the Duke. After being freed from shackles, the Grand General began the final battle to save the princess and the slave. The duke, who was completely defeated, self-identified himself as the young boy when the princess broke his promises. Suffered a fatal injury, the generals urge her princess "to live, must live." Slaves also admitted that he fell in love with the princess, as he embraced the princess, and began the future - perhaps The journey of the past, the spell of destiny is finally broken.

TheWorldsofMeiLanfang (Movie)[2000]

Feature: Mei LanFang's first competitor in life is Shi SanYan, an old entertainer who has had three generations of love with Mei. The emergence of Mei LanFang shakes Shi SanYan's position. The inevitable battle, but Mei LanFang lost the first game, he has two days to save the defeat. In spite of everyone's opposition, Mei LanFang changed to a new fashion show, the result was a success. Mei LanFang persuaded Shi SanYan to give up the third day of the show but was rejected by Shi SanYan. Mei LanFang into middle age, with his wife Fu ZhiFang () and lovely children, his burgeoning career. In 1929, he received an invitation to go to the United States to perform. Meng XiaoDong, a female actress who plays a special role on the Beijing opera scene, saw Mei LanFang for the first time to see the melancholy in his eyes, while her bright and open personality touched Mei LanFang. They performed on the same stage and had a desire to share themselves with each other and share together. At this moment, Fu ZhiFang, Mei LanFang's wife, told Meng XiaoDong he was neither you nor mine, he was a boy (audience). Mei LanFang decided not to go on stage again because of Japan's aggression against China. When Mei LanFang repeatedly rejected the invitations given by the Japanese army to him, she was surprised to hear that she was about to return and announced the news to the public , It is anonymous Qiu RuBai ().

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