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Xiao, Lily TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Xiao, Lily Works 8 ,And Costume Drama 3 ,Republic of China 1 ,轻喜1 ,Solve crimes 1 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,异能1 ,轻喜剧1 ,Myth play 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Xian xia 1 ,Romance 1 ,Ancient 1 ,Martial Arts 1 。

Works Index

Xiao, Lily Filmography(8)


三嫁惹君心 (TV)[2020]


Ju MuEr 原本闲逸的生活因师父师伯音含冤枉死而瞬息万变,并因此双目失明,误打误撞之下闯入京城首富 Long Yue 的生活中。 Ju MuEr 决心替师父昭雪沉冤,岂料接二连三的案件将二人牵扯其中。 Ju MuEr 一面查案,一面遭已婚男子逼婚,为求善了,主动提出与 Long Yue 协议成婚。然朝夕相处中,二人渐生情愫, Ju MuEr 不想师父的案情牵连龙家,便设计让 Long Yue 产生误会从而休妻。事后 Long Yue 得知真相,二人再结姻缘。随着调查深入,案情越发扑朔迷离, Ju MuEr 险遭灭口,龙家也陷入前所未有的困境。二人心系彼此,却不得不为了对方暂且和离,共同对敌。当真相大白一切都尘埃落定, Long Yue 再次迎娶三嫁于他的 Ju MuEr ,终于幸福相拥。

民国奇探 (TV)[2020]


民国十四年以后,从英国留学归来的纨绔公子路垚凭借其超高智商和推理能力,被身手不凡的巡捕房探长乔楚生邀请做探案顾问,之后二人又携手正义感爆棚的女记者白幼宁组成侦探小分队,侦破了一个个看似诡谲蹊跷的命案,性格迥异的三人在乱世中坚守着正义,维系社会安定的传奇 。


爵迹·临界天下 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《爵迹·临界天下》剧情介绍:讲述了公元前15世纪,商王祖丁的后人与商王南庚的后人经过激烈的王位争夺,最终由祖丁的后人阳甲得即王位,此时的商王朝内忧外患,动荡不安。传闻得到战神蚩尤的后人的辅佐就能得到天下,各部落对此深信不疑。息慎族隐士殷骋为了避免更多纷争,决定先一步找到蚩尤后人并将他带回商王朝廷。来自临界小镇的平民 Qi Ling 在一次偶然的机会下成为了殷骋的徒弟,从此踏上新的旅途。 Qi Ling 先后认识了少女 You Hua 和瑰山兄妹,几人并肩作战,最终查出原来所有的传闻都是商王南庚的后人为夺王位而编造的。殷骋想尽快告知阳甲,却陷入了更大的阴谋当中,阳甲被奸人操控,危在旦夕。在 Qi Ling 等人的帮助下,殷骋以生命为代价,彻底粉碎了篡位阴谋。不久,阳甲病逝,其弟盘庚继位,终于结束了自商王仲丁以来的“九世之乱”。而 Qi Ling 也成长为新一代隐士,守护这得来不易的和平。

新白娘子传奇 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《新白娘子传奇》剧情介绍:讲述了峨眉山千年修德向善的蛇妖 Bai SuZhen 一心想得道升仙并打算去向往已久的临安城开开眼界。在临安上元节庙会阴差阳错与青蛇结为姐妹,青蛇化名 Xiao Qing 。 Bai SuZhen 和 Xiao Qing 在上元节邂逅颜值倾城“杏林怪咖” Xu Xian 。 Bai SuZhen 至善至纯的天性, Xu Xian 悬壶济世一心救人的品德,感动彼此。历经灯节火海、降妖蜈蚣精、西湖游船惊魂和白府家宴中毒河豚精等一系列风波,两人定情相爱。虽有 Xiao Qing 不满, Xu Xian 师妹横生枝节,但有情人终成神仙眷侣。端午节, Bai SuZhen 喝下雄黄酒现出妖形,吓死 Xu Xian 。 Bai SuZhen 不惜耗费百年修行法力,冒死盗取仙草,救活 Xu Xian 。好事多磨,真爱经历考验,许娇容因为误食含有 Bai SuZhen 血液的青团而昏迷不醒。 Bai SuZhen 欲耗费五百年法力救许娇容,却被天兵天将所阻,且被 Xu Xian 误解,不得以逃回峨眉洞府。后又经历魔界暗黑使者诱使 Xu Xian 化妖,欲称霸魔界的劫难,终化险为夷,重归人、妖、仙、魔四界安宁。在经历各种劫难和真相大冒险后,爱使人成长、改变, Xu Xian 和白娘子恩爱眷属,更加珍惜在一起的机会。 Fa Hai 执着降妖弘法,认定人妖不能相恋。强留 Xu Xian 在金山寺避妖修行,惹来 Bai SuZhen 和 Xiao Qing 水漫金山寺,触犯天条。 Bai SuZhen 产下一子仕林后,被 Fa Hai 镇压雷峰塔下。 Fa Hai 直言西湖水干,雷峰塔倒, Bai SuZhen 和 Xu Xian 重逢。十年如梭,少年 Xu ShiLin 初长成, Bai SuZhen 和 Xu Xian 能否迎来重相聚。


招摇 (TV)[2018]


《招摇》讲述了名震江湖的万戮门门主 Lu ZhaoYao 在夺取老魔王留下的万钧剑时,误认为被门徒墨青暗算,使她深入险境。五年后 Lu ZhaoYao 机缘巧合可以与仙门女子 Qin ZhiYan 建立联系,于是重回万戮门,意图再登门主之位。而墨青已经恢复魔王之子 Li ChenLan 的身份,并成为新一任门主。 Lu ZhaoYao 哄 Li ChenLan 为自己冒险取六合天一剑,同时联合武林新势力 Jiang Wu ,计划里应外合。没想到 Lu ZhaoYao 被 Jiang Wu 掳走,取剑回来的 Li ChenLan 又大战 Jiang Wu 救回 Lu ZhaoYao 。随着 Qin ZhiYan 的父亲被仙门所害的事实逐渐显现, Lu ZhaoYao 发现她真正的对手金仙要解除她当年给他的封印。于是 Lu ZhaoYao 和 Li ChenLan 联手再次阻止了金仙。在大战金仙的过程中, Lu ZhaoYao 终于明白了 Li ChenLan 对她的深情,两人历尽波折终于见面,并最终得以长相厮守。


Fragrance Jian Yu (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Fragrance Sword Rain" tells the story of all-powerful gods and great powers in vamp arena, means cruel and indulgent teach others massacre others. Knight Lvnan jealous, learned that day to teach friends to attack Ling BeiXiu, rushed to the rescue has failed. Lvnan returned home and found the house was invaded, his wife, Xue RuoBi is also a leader of the Catholic insult. The original day trying to capture the meaning of Lu Lu "fragrance sword" Cheats. Unexpectedly, the sword is actually a fictitious, but Lvnan people so broken home death; Fortunately, seclusion for many years passed the two masters of art, and the establishment of a just help to eliminate the day of war. After Ling BeiXiu was captured, he could not resist the temptation to surrender to the enemy and was ordered to find Lü Nan people alive. During the search, Ling BeiXiu happened to meet her missing wife and daughter, and her family members were called upon to reclaim human nature and secretly help Lv Nan people to deal with the day's controversy. The leader found Ling BeiXiu betrayed, then killed, Ling BeiXiu repent to Lv Nan before death, and confidential teacher revealed - the original God is actually trying to teach Lvnan wife Xue Ruobi. In the face of the old lover, sandwiched between justice and emotion, Lv Nan people still adhere to the big picture, righteousness destroy the pro-Peoples killing, snake scorpion beauty Xue Ruobi also get due retribution, self-defeating effect. The fragrance of sword rain is a costume martial arts play based on the novel of the same name by Cologne. It is jointly produced by Ai Qi Yi and La Feng Feng Media and directed by Hu Ming Kai. Wu Ta-You, Ming Ren, Guang Ze Gao, Xiao Yan, Zhuo Yu Qian, JC Lin, Wang Bo, Yu Yang and Yi Zhang starred together.

Ran Blood Goddess (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Ran blood goddess" tells the casual handsome Lin DaYu and adorable sweet potato boy childhood childhood, admitted to a mysterious elite university - WJC college. The opening day, the class came a mysterious goddess classmate Ran, Ran unusual familiar with Lin DaYu and Tudou Mei, and personally said she was "amazing Lin DaYu 50 years later", Ran goddess who seems to have Unbelievable energy. From then on, the gear of fortune is slowly pushed, the mysterious conflict more and more ...... Ran in the end is who she never back in the end now for what, what is hidden in her body what kind of secret, she appeared again How to change the fate of all people?

Im not a monster (TV)[2016]



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