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Angelababy TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Angelababy Works 8 ,And Urban drama 5 ,Contemporary 3 ,Ethical play 3 ,Love 3 ,Feature 1 ,Biopic 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Xian xia 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Romance 1 。

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Angelababy Filmography(9)


我的真朋友 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《我的真朋友》剧情介绍:是由 Deng Lun 、Angelababy、 Zhu Yi Long 领衔主演,该剧在题材和视角上都相当独特新颖。紧抓时代特点,将新时代下城市“房产”这一话题结合当下的消费升级背景,融入社会各阶层人物在大都市中的真实情感,折射出百姓的生活心态,具有绝对的创新性和思想的深刻性。该剧以房地产中介的职场新人为主人公,通过讲述一个个买房卖房租房的真实故事,展现出家庭冷暖和社会百态。

性格率真、待人处事掏心掏肺的 Cheng ZhenZhen (Angelababy饰)与一身纨绔子弟习气却隐瞒身份的爱与家总裁独生子 Shao PengCheng ( Deng Lun 饰),共同进入爱与家花园店成为房产销售新人,彼此搭档。二人生活与工作方式迥异,却通过一个个房子与家庭的故事,一起见证了人情冷暖与社会百态,同时也在房产销售的工作当中,学会了责任与勇敢,找到了彼此最好的归宿。

中国机长 (Movie)[2019]




City of desire (TV)[2018]


"City of desire" tells the story of his wife, Qiao Na, who beats off their children in pursuit of her dreams.Jiang NianHuaTherefore, he suffered a lot. After divorce, he fought hard and finally got rich, but unfortunately suffered from depression. When he decided to give up his life, he met smart and kind young professional womenLin Li,. Not long after meeting Jiang NianHua,Lin Li,and her "" elite boyfriend" "Wang Yang,Emotional crisis. They are in the same company, and because of the increasing conflicts at work, they often start a "fight" mode. Like all young lovers, they argue with each other after a single word. Finally,Lin Li,felt unable to stay together with Wang Yang, feeling depressed and despondent, and planned to resign.Jiang NianHuaencouraged her to be a better self. Lin Li finally became the person she wanted to be because of Jiang NianHua.Jiang NianHuahas completely walked out of the gloom of anxiety and depression and rekindled his passion for life with Lin Li. The two of them are each other's fire of life, lit up, healed, lit up each other's life.

创业时代 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《创业时代》剧情介绍:讲述了在一次偶然的机会中,软件工程师 Guo XinNian 找到了新的灵感,他决心开发一款新的手机通讯软件,可以将手机短信以语音的形式在用户之间传送,这个想法让 Guo XinNian 激动不已,他怀着一腔热血,走上了创业之路。在天使投资人和旧日朋友的支持下, Guo XinNian 经过艰苦的研发,终于令手机软件诞生,起名为魔盒,并获得了巨大的成功,同时也与投资分析师 Na Lan ,成为了莫逆之交。然而创业的道路并非一帆风顺,在激烈的市场竞争和技术更迭中,同行的竞争,技术上的难关,种种问题纷至沓来, Guo XinNian 经历了一次又一次磨难,终于令新技术得以推广。在 Guo XinNian 最艰难的时期,他收获了 Na Lan 的爱情,在爱人的鼓励下,他意识到,眼下的困难并不是终结,而是新的开始,最终, Guo XinNian 和 Na Lan 一起携手,继续走上了创业之路。

City of angels (TV)[2018]


TV drama city of angels, also known as city of desire, tells the story of his wife, Qiao Na, who beats off their children in pursuit of her dreams. Jiang NianHua suffered a lot from this. After his divorce, he fought hard and finally got rich, but unfortunately suffered from depression. When he decided to give up his life, he met Lin Li, a smart and kind young professional woman. Not long after meeting Jiang NianHua, Lin Li and her "" boyfriend" "Wang Yang suffered an emotional crisis. They are in the same company, and because of the increasing conflicts at work, they often start a "fight" mode. Like all young lovers, they argue with each other after a single word. Finally, Lin Li felt unable to stay together with Wang Yang, feeling depressed and despondent, and planned to resign. Jiang NianHua encouraged her to be a better self. Lin Li finally became the person she wanted to be because of Jiang NianHua. Jiang NianHua has completely walked out of the gloom of anxiety and depression and rekindled his passion for life with Lin Li. The two of them are each other's fire of life, lit up, healed, lit up each other's life.

Desire to live (TV)[2018]


TV drama "longing for life" tells the story of his wife, Qiao Na, who beats off their children in pursuit of her dreams. Jiang NianHua suffered a lot from this. After his divorce, he fought hard and finally got rich, but unfortunately suffered from depression. When he decided to give up his life, he met Lin Li, a smart and kind young professional woman. Not long after meeting Jiang NianHua, Lin Li and her "" boyfriend" "Wang Yang suffered an emotional crisis. They are in the same company, and because of the increasing conflicts at work, they often start a "fight" mode. Like all young lovers, they argue with each other after a single word. Finally, Lin Li felt unable to stay together with Wang Yang, feeling depressed and despondent, and planned to resign. Jiang NianHua encouraged her to be a better self. Lin Li finally became the person she wanted to be because of Jiang NianHua. Jiang NianHua has completely walked out of the gloom of anxiety and depression and rekindled his passion for life with Lin Li. The two of them are each other's fire of life, lit up, healed, lit up each other's life.


Xiuxian morta (TV)[2017]

Feature: An ordinary village poor boy, by chance, into a small sectarian rivers and lakes, became a registered disciple. In this capacity, he has gained a foothold in martial art and how to enter the ranks of immortals with mediocre qualifications, so that he can be among the three disciplines and mediocre qualification to enter the ranks of cultivating immortals and other devils , Immortal immortal division tied for both inside and outside of Shanhaiguan, immortal world intrigues, law of the jungle, the road long, immortal dangerous, to see how ordinary mountain village Han Li difficult cultivation immortality. Although mediocre, but rely on their own efforts and reasonable calculation practice immortality. Cultivation of immortal process is not easy, not only need to overcome its own shortcomings, but also to accept the test of the enemy and heaven and earth, after numerous "trekking" in order to obtain.

摆渡人 (Movie)[2016]


酒吧老板 Chen Mo ( Tony Leung Chiu-wai 饰)和合伙人 Guan Chun ( Takeshi Kaneshiro 饰)就是这座城市的“金牌摆渡人”,他们平时看起来吊儿郎当,却从不对每位需要帮助的人说拒绝,只要你“预约摆渡”,刀山火海都会“使命必达”。邻居女孩 Xiao Yu (杨颖 饰)为了偶像 Ma Li ( Eason Chan 饰),预约了他们的服务,但在帮助 Xiao Yu 挑战整个城市的过程中, Chen Mo 和 Guan Chun 也逐渐发现了自己躲不过的问题。从欢天喜地的生活,到惊天动地的疯狂,摆渡人最辉煌的篇章,从这里开启。


摩天大楼 (TV)[0]

Feature: 一场摩天大楼里咖啡店的美女店长诡异死亡案,牵涉出来社区里多种身份的嫌疑人:物业、中介、中产精英、小说家、白领,随之表现出的是一座大楼里的善与恶,以及由此隐射的都市人间浮世绘 。

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