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Linkeddb included Run Works 5 ,And Romance 2 ,Urban drama 2 ,Feature 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Love 1 。

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Run Filmography(5)


出线了,初恋 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《出线了,初恋》剧情介绍:讲述了二次元漫画少女 Hua XiXi 在寻找创作题材时,与因伤错过梦想的 Huo ZiAng 意外相识,两人从最初相见时的相互嫌弃,到一同在追梦过程中擦出初恋火花。同时, Hua XiXi 还作为护草小使者,在帮助 Huo ZiAng 与好兄弟 Sun XiuJie 逐渐解除过往误会的过程中,陷入纠结三角恋,最终三人都在爱情与友情的终极难题中做出自己的选择,并收获最好的爱情和梦想人生 。

Running Huizi Zhenghe Lei Wu 初夏相约


在《出线了,初恋》中,当红人气小生 Running 首次搭档新生代小花 Huizi Zhenghe ,演绎最萌身高差初恋。两人虽是初次合作,但开机现场却互动频繁,甜宠吸睛指数飙升,简直是提前入戏的节奏,就连现场粉丝都忍不住表示“这对CP有点甜呦!”。一边是浪漫气息溢出屏的甜蜜初恋,另一边是好兄弟“相爱相杀”的激情拼搏。


在剧中,与 Running 有大量对手戏的 Lei Wu 则高冷范儿十足,气场强势。该剧讲述了二次元漫画少女 Hua XiXi ( Huizi Zhenghe 饰)在寻找创作题材时,与因伤错过梦想的 Huo ZiAng ( Running 饰)意外相识,两人从最初相见时的相互嫌弃,到一同在追梦过程中擦出初恋火花。同时, Hua XiXi 还作为护草小使者,在帮助 Huo ZiAng 与好兄弟 Sun XiuJie ( Lei Wu 饰)逐渐解除过往误会的过程中,陷入纠结三角恋,最终三人都在爱情与友情的终极难题中做出自己的选择,并收获最好的爱情和梦想人生。

Huizi Zhenghe






Lei Wu


Li Jiu Lin

电视剧《出线了,初恋》由 Running 、 Huizi Zhenghe 、 Lei Wu 、 Deer 、 Li Jiu Lin 、 Rong Zi Greek 、 Kim Koo 、 Fu Tianjiao 、 Chen Yi-en 、 Yang ChuanBei 、张屹杨、 Wang YaQi 、 Professor Jie 、张恪维、 Mo Qiao 、张翊博、霍星宇、高一典、 Qin Zhen 、 Bian YiMing 、张计明等当红青年演员与实力戏骨共同演绎。“初恋小分队”全员上线,一场浪漫初恋与热血励志相碰撞的青春剧场即将拉开帷幕,敬请期待。


Ghost Valley Gate mirage holocaust (TV)[2018]

Feature: "The Holocaust Catastrophe of the Ghost Valley Gate" describes the Shanghai International Settlement in 1914, hiding the grudges that can not be resolved between the first collision from the two former planets of 2000 and the life of two different planets more than 20 years ago. The drama focuses on the new world after the tragedy, the Mogo one and Guigu Men behind the people have been involved in the frequent cases of bizarre, extreme human sexual desire, Mo Fei Mo Xie is how to lead people to snare, to turn the tide , Crack the puzzle & nbsp ;. "Ghost Valley Gate mirage holocaust" is a fantasy theme drama, mainly about two long time ago, two planets and two years after the collision of two planets, resulting in a series of strange and wonderful but can not be resolved Evil hatred. The new world created by the collision was also flooded with all kinds of bloody massacre. The Moguls and the Guiguomen clan were unwarrantedly involved. All sorts of bizarre cases were frequent, and the behind-the-scenes obstruction was severely obstructed. After all, Case or break the dark clouds. Kabby Hui plays a daredevil foreman's foreigner "Xi Yan" in the play, and has an identical face with "Exaggeration" of ex-girlfriend Running due to accident. The appearance is strong and hidden Xi Xi fragility The heart, after a case of bizarre suspense, finally realized the meaning of love. Kabby Hui exquisite face often make the goddess dare not close feeling, get along for a period of time will find that she is actually a lovely, warm and warm little girl, this time to understand the heart of the forensic character , At the time of receiving the script to find a lot of the same type of subject matter film and television works and books to try to figure out, often see the characters in a look at the film repeatedly to see this fragment several times, seriously study the character's inner feelings, fusion In her own performance, she created a Kabby Hui-style performance for Forensic Nightmare.

人间规则 (TV)[2018]


沉寂许久的“公关女神” Kong XiaoYin 复出了,在《高,实在是高》这一全网最热辩论节目上,她还未尝败绩,以女王姿态睥睨众生。如今她卷土重来,所有人都感觉到了一场“腥风血雨”的到来。节目责编 Yang MingYu 受命全程跟踪报道 Kong XiaoYin ,却在一串误打误撞下加入了她的工作室。一个是坚持中二善良的萌新小白,一个是人人闻风丧胆的“毒舌女王”,两人开始了一段相爱相杀的奇妙经历。 Wang Hong 、作家、明星、创业者……通过一个又一个卷入网络舆论漩涡的公众人物揭开了光怪陆离的网络时代浮世绘。面对虚虚实实,众人各显神通,为的就是追寻出事件背后的真相。


Your name is my last name (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Your name, my last name" tells of Lian Xin, a blind orphan who met volunteer Luo Ting and her sweetheart Xiang YuQiu in an orphanage. At the age of 10, Luo Ting was dead in an accident caused by the speeding of Xiang YuQiu at the age of 10, and Lian Xin saw the world with Luo Ting's cornea because Xiang YuQiu became Lian Xin An essential part of the development of the road, one is a clumsy adult appearance, a clever rebellious girl, accompany each other, quarrel and joy, tears and moving coexist, in the process Xiang YuQiu found that Lian Xin has long been his kin family. At the age of 18 at the age of 18, Xiang YuQiu accompanied her to study in Spain, where they each gained their love. However, the age difference spanning 12 years led to the constant conflict and conflict between the two men and eventually led to a terrible Cold War. When Xiang YuQiu was killed in business in Africa, Lian Xin finally realized her love for Xiang YuQiu has evolved into a love affair. Xiang YuQiu returned with a hand injury safe return, unable to accept Lian Xin's confession, and finally quit without saying goodbye. Six years, he became well-known handmade furniture designer, and she created fashion shopping website. Years did not erase the fetters of both. Lian Xin returned to Xiang YuQiu encounter again, after a while, until Xiang YuQiu finally found that he had fallen in love with Lian Xin, Lian Xin's life also gradually surfaced. And, finding out that she inherited her father's Alzheimer's disease, she eventually lost all memories of the past. Has been deeply in love with Lian Xin's childhood sweetheart Luo Rui embodiment of knight, with Lian Xin left. Xiang YuQiu catch up to Spain, walked through every place they had wanted to go, finally, in the snow-covered Swiss, found a surnamed the girl. Item Lian Xin, with his last name and crowning her, became the one she could not lose, and she loved his evidence.

Dear prince adult (TV)[2017]

Feature: Stills Sun XiaoTao (Zhang Yuxi ornaments) carefully planned a perfect trip to Okinawa concert, her greatest wish is to see his idol Zhouyi Ran (Mens) and personally told him that he completed the original agreement . Until her concert tickets were accidentally met prince ginger (Melvin Sia ornaments) Hao ripped into pieces, blew out, the fate of the two have been linked together.

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