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Yifei Wang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yifei Wang Works 5 ,And Romance 2 ,Myth play 2 ,Spy war 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Workplace film 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,古代权谋1 ,Ancient 1 。

Works Index

Yifei Wang Filmography(5)


三生三世枕上书 (TV)[2020]


《三生三世枕上书》讲述了青丘国少女 Feng Jiu 在山间修行时被一头妖兽攻击,危急时刻被路过的天国帝君 Dong Hua 所救,从此铭记在心。为报恩 Feng Jiu 执意跟随 Dong Hua 与作乱世间的妖君渺落战斗。在相处中她发现自己的报恩之情已转化为爱慕之意。但 Dong Hua 在千百年与邪恶的斗争中,已经忘却了“情爱”二字。为保护 Feng Jiu 安全, Dong Hua 将她送到人间,却不幸令朋友为保护她而死。 Feng Jiu 为找到传说中能起死复生的仙果,进入翼族公主阿兰若的幻梦之境,重历阿兰若的坎坷一生。 Dong Hua 历经艰辛救出 Feng Jiu ,发现自己已爱上了她。此时 Dong Hua 重伤发作,自觉命不久矣,只能将对 Feng Jiu 的爱埋在心底,把对她的思念写成枕上之书。本已心灰意冷的 Feng Jiu 发现了枕上书,感悟到 Dong Hua 对自己深沉的感情,于是毅然赶赴战场,燃烧生命的力量,战胜强敌,帮助 Dong Hua 维护了世间和平。最终正义战胜邪恶,光明战胜黑暗, Dong Hua 与 Feng Jiu 得以有情人终成眷属

局中人 (TV)[2020]

Feature: 1945年抗战胜利以后,国民党军统总部情报处沈放重回组织,接线任先生后开始了纠察出我党叛徒、获取“灵芝计划”、破坏“金陵会”预谋的行动。长期的潜伏生活始终处在黑暗之中,即便有来自组织的帮助与关心,沈放依旧感到身心疲惫,脑中遗留的弹片更是不停的折磨着他并且随时威胁着他的每一次行动。然而困难还不止这些,与父亲久积的矛盾,哥哥沈林对自己的怀疑、不解与监视,更是让他孤立无助,危机四伏。一场蓄谋已久的“局”慢慢浮出水面,一段生死对弈逐渐拉开帷幕。一脉相承的沈氏兄弟,就此入其局,陷迷局,溺小僵局,攻破局,步步为营,终为最后的胜利赢取转机 。

剑王朝 (TV)[2019]


群雄争霸,乱世混战,七年一次的鹿山会盟,让武国重回巅峰,邺、擎、蘇三国岌岌可危。 Ding Ning ,一位身患顽疾的武国少年,正运筹颠覆不可一世的武国。大逆现身,岷山夺魁,一日通玄,这一系列不寻常,让 Ding Ning 成为江湖最炙手可热的存在,也让元武大帝和皇后郑绣感到一丝寒意。随着 Ding Ning 修为和布局的渐入佳境,与元武和郑绣的对决一触即发,尘封十六载的伤疤再度揭开,究竟孰是孰非终将了断。一场旷世决战尘埃落定,在这一刻生死变得那么微不足道, Ding Ning 了却了心愿,也徒留了遗憾,但这就是他的选择 。


Ashes of Love/ Heavy Sweetness Ash like forst (TV)[2018]


The TV drama "Ashes of Love/ Heavy Sweetness Ash like forst"episodes: narrated by "the meteor Dan" break the feeling absolutely love of the flower god's daughterJin MiIn the face of true loveTian DiThe son of xu still didn't know what love was. Meanwhile, night godThe Run YuIn order to revenge for her mother, she planned to fight for the position of Tian Di, but unconsciously she fell in love with Jin Mi, but could not stop using her. But whenJin Mibecause of misunderstanding willXu FengWhen a knife was killed, it finally spit out the "meteor Dan" to break through the perception of love. In order to find back the love,Jin Mihad to resolve the misunderstanding withXu Fengand rescue the demon sovereignXu Fengwho had fallen into the magic channel due to love and hatred.Jin Miwas trapped betweenXu FengandThe Run Yuin the battle between the two kingdoms of heaven and the devil, and finally became a teardrop in Xu Feng's eyes.Xu Fenghad been searching hard for a long time, thinking aboutJin Miand crying, finallyJin Miwas reborn with the help of flower circle, andXu Fengreturned to life on earth.The Run Yusilently bless, but know that they will be forever lonelyTian Di.


Beautiful Li HuiZhen (TV)[2017]

Feature: Bai HaoYu (Peter) Studying Abroad Returning to Riverside City, Find a Junior Friend Dilraba Dilmurat to Meet. Huizhen childhood beautiful, but grew up to become ordinary. Hui Zhen to not disappoint Hao Yu, so friends Xia Qiao (Sierra Lee ornaments) to meet for themselves. Bai HaoYu did not recognize Xia Qiao as a pretender. Hui Zhen to the magazine after working to find the boss is Bai HaoYu. Bai HaoYu harsh on the job, Huizhen also be blamed. Reporter Lin YiMu (Vin Zhang ornaments) surface trickery Hui Zhen, but actually secretly help. Bai HaoYu and Xia Qiao get along and found Xia Qiao from the memory of Hui Zhen far from. Hui Zhen gradually overcome their lack of work, and slowly grow. Bai HaoYu found that the company's Hui Zhen closer to the memory of Hui Zhen. Bai HaoYu found that after Xia Qiao was not the truth of Hui Zhen, she returned to the real Hui Zhen side. Lin YiMu now also began to pursue Hui Zhen, and compete with Bai HaoYu. Magazine suffered a decline in sales crisis, Lin YiMu overall situation, volunteered to let Bai HaoYu interview himself, he was a very famous writer, to experience life from the office to work. Hui Zhen will be drawn into his own work experience comics, published online, triggering a click-through boom. Eventually Hui Zhen and Hao Yu finally married & nbsp ;.

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