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Yujian Zhang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yujian Zhang Works 15 ,And Romance 4 ,Urban drama 4 ,Costume Drama 4 ,Feature 4 ,Sci-Fi 2 ,Love 2 ,Suspense 2 ,异能1 ,轻喜剧1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Action 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,医疗1 ,War 1 ,Spy war 1 ,破案1 ,Crime 1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,青偶1 ,Magic 1 ,Solve crimes 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Documentary 1 ,Music 1 。

Works Index

Yujian Zhang Filmography(15)


下一站是幸福 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《资深少女的初恋》剧情介绍:讲述了34岁的 He FanXing ,从小就是别人家口中的模范生,是一家公司的行政主管,也是母胎solo。不知道从什么时候开始, He FanXing 发现身边的人一个个都结婚生子。亲戚们也逐渐不再关注她的恋爱状况,父母也做好了白菜烂在菜地里的觉悟,弟弟的口头禅也从“你这种人最容易让男人骗”,变成了“有人愿意骗骗你也好”。

He FanXing 遇到 Yuan Song 的第一想法是:她如果年轻十岁肯定会喜欢这样的男孩, Yuan Song 是弟弟的得意门生,她本来只是履行对弟弟的诺言照顾他,直到她接到电话得知他请假,像个老妈子一样去他家里探病,却被淋成了落汤鸡,也就从那天开始,一切都不对了,因为音乐、啤酒、和吹头发的气氛轻易被推到之后,她开始不知所措。

在一场“阴谋”般的相亲中,她认识了合作广告公司的老板-38岁的 Ye LuMing 。他们就像是命中注定,她在他的面前丑态百出,被误会被嫌弃,但他突然之间转性,和她成了好朋友,并且帮她处理与 Yuan Song 的关系,她每次在听完他提的建议之后,她和 Yuan Song 的结果却是往反的方向。

一个是小狼狗,一个是老狐狸, He FanXing 陷入了抉择之中。


我只喜欢你 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《我只喜欢你》剧情介绍:讲述了 Zhao QiaoYi Yan Mo 是高中同桌,一个是沉默寡言的学霸,一个是开朗迷糊的学渣,不对路的两人其实互相暗恋着对方。毕业前夕, Yan Mo 仓促表白,乔一因为家庭的变故拒绝了他, Yan Mo 愤然离开。四年后的同学会,两人再次见面,乔一鼓起勇气去 Yan Mo 工作的城市。学习和工作无人能敌的 Yan Mo ,却不善于表达自己的感情,他为乔一做的那些事,只有他自己知道。而外表大大咧咧内心却敏感自卑的乔一也始终说不出那句喜欢。和 Yan Mo 一起经历了无数困难和挫折后乔一才明白,要走过去争取自己的爱人,有勇气的人才值得被爱。好在那个她以为一辈子都不会原谅她的人,一直站在原地等她……他告诉她:从见到你的那天起,我就没想过要分开。


Big Song Big Dipper Division (TV)[2018]

Feature: Tai Sui, a young boy growing up in the country, tells the story of Wu YaoGuang and Liu SuiFeng, members of BeiDou who accidentally met the investigators in an unexpected case. They are similar in age and Tai Sui joined them The Fighting Division. Compass Division is directly under the command of the emperor's special agencies, investigation of cases, protect your court, not for the world. Tai Sui and his friends have their own strengths, work together, repeatedly breaking odd cases, punishing evil and promoting good. Through a series of cases, Tai Sui discovered that there was a hidden conspiracy behind these cases and that it was also linked to her complicated life experience. In pursuit of the truth, Tai Sui has repeatedly been in danger, but he insists on the beginning, does not give in to evil forces, loyalty, love and wisdom will be small partners together, and they continue to grow. Finally, with the help of a just person, they finally found out and punished the original culprits, and upheld the cause of justice and cleared the court to benefit the common people. Tai Sui finally recovered her lost family and rewarded her love.

Delicious romance (TV)[2017]

Feature: Western star Chef Li YuZhe (Mike D. Angelo ornaments) and the TV food show Xiaobian Song JiaMing (RachelMomo ornaments) met because of the production program, Li Yu character posters Zhe obsessed fans food, with the French Le Cordon Bleu School of Art graduate Background, self-service restaurant elegant style. Song JiaMing Naturally tasty, assisting my father Song DeZhong (Tian-yu) to run a very popular traditional snack bar. In order to make the program, Song JiaMing and Li YuZhe, the chef of the cold, have all kinds of conflicting ideas. However, after being run in, Yu Zhe was moved by the talent and love of cuisine and gradually became clear and tenacious in the personality of Jia Ming Attracted, Jia Ming also gradually feel the true and charming Yuzhe indifferent face, a pair of lovers gradually come together. Ye YiLan (Xinyu Chen), Li YuZhe and Zhao Han (Yujian Zhang) are good partners who grew up together. Yu Zhe's love for Jia Ming is envious of Lan Ming, Lan Zhao regardless of crush on Zhao Han, deliberately Approach and pursue rain philosophy. At the same time, the Song dynasty snack bar where the old house faces the intentional acquisition, the good tea family and love have suffered a crisis, but she accidentally found her miserable mother Chen LiHua (Xue Yang ornaments) Lan's stepmother. Yilan's younger brother Yixuan (Ai Lun ornaments), with the rain Zhe's sister Yuki (Joy Sheng ornaments) met because of business, the two secretly fell in love. Several young people behind the inextricably linked and secretive, with young people between the emotional entanglements and career competition a little bit was opened.

An Oriental Odyssey (TV)[2017]

Feature: Master Tang SanCang is dead, leaving behind a series of Jiuxing Tianzhu inscribed with the ancient nine-nation exquisite spells. Two disciples Tian Qiao and Tianshu seized the heavenly beads. . Nine Tianzhu scattered, Tian Qiao Sanqizhidan rescued the body for meritorious dedication, but also to the emperor to contribute to help the Tang army achieved great success in the battle, was named Datang Division, and Tianshu was intended to seize the beads, betrayal division door Crimes became the first-class wanted criminals. Nineteen years later, the Gaozong and Wu Hou Dynasties under the rule of the Tang Dynasty era, prosperous and charming Luoyang, continue to lively strange event. True and upright, probationary minister Assistant Minister Ye YuanAn spent together in Quebec, and cold and capable, martial arts superior county governor Zhao LanZhi do not know each other; and out of sympathy, from the ghost market On the purchase of a strange physique, powerful Amnesia small slave, received as a servant, named Mu Le. Unexpectedly, a rib Mu Le absolute loyalty to the Yuan, and gradually sprouted lovesickness. Mu Le in Yuan's mind did not know it and favored Zhao LanZhi, causing great dissatisfaction with Mu Le. Yuan An, Zhao LanZhi and Ming Hui also love and hate each other. After experiencing the story of angry Thousand-end House and burning Luo Tian-dong, in the secret room of the South King's palace, in the magnificent mansion of General Guo's house, in the rugged Mount Huodu, Control of the colorful lottery division, cunning fierce mountain thieves take turns. Yuan An, Mu Le, Zhao LanZhi three closely cooperate, repeatedly breaking odd cases, continue to be strong in the battle again and again, and Tianshuanyuan behind Tianan also see the hidden behind these cases, Ming Hui Lord for the country Master Tian Qiao collected the secrets of Jiuxing Tianzhu and exposed the truth about the fire at Ci'en Temple. Mu Leo, who grew up as a great master, remembers fragments of his former life from time to time. What is his real identity? Ming Hui governor to get Zhao LanZhi, did not hesitate to propose a future marriage proposal. Feeling lost Yuan, angrily to marry Mu Le, but also lead to misunderstanding again and again. Mu Le sad, actually restored the memory, stole Jiuxing Tianzhu. After days of raging anger, Yuan An, Zhao LanZhi and Ming Hui had to follow the path and went to the mysterious Miluo State. Behind all this, there seems to be a bigger conspiracy waiting for them ...

IceFantasy (TV)[2016]

Feature: Magic City makeup as the fire of the two princes Xin Jue ice clan tribal prince Ka Suo adult ceremony was mysteriously killed, the fire king to launch a war of fire and ice clan, with the help of ice spies, Ka Suo Were arrested and their elder siblings were killed. Only two Ice Prince princes, Ka Suo and Ying Kong Shi, survived and escaped to the mortal world to seek the help of the loyalist angel Li Luo. Ka Suo, with the help of Li Luo, received six ice crystals from six tribal chiefs. Ka Suo was sluggish due to the loss of spiritual power by the fire king. Ying Kong Shih led the other tribes to fight the fire king and defeated the fire to inherit the throne. Li Luo became a bloodthirsty beast to restore the spiritual power of Ka Suo and Sword Excalibur, and Yan Da Princess Yan Da gave up everything for Ying KongShi. However, Ka Suo's lover Li Luo and younger brother Ying Kong Shih both died under the plot of Yuan Ji. He was determined to find the legendary "Heron" to revive them. The war between Ice and Fire tribes started again, Ashes also joined the fire decided to seek revenge Ka Suo. Magic City

Y u Z UI (TV)[2016]

Feature: Yu Zui is a mysterious crime drama jointly produced by Ai Qi Yi, Xin Li Media and Tenjin Entertainment. Zhang Yishan, Chang Rong, Wu Ta-You, Emotion Cheung, etc. are directed by Zhang Rui, Shen Rong and Zhang Shidong Starring. The play is adapted from the novel of the same title by an often-book novel, telling police student Yu Zui to enter the contradiction between life and society due to special selection, and then become a story of an undercover adventure. The first season of the series was broadcast on May 23, 2016 in Aiqi Arts and the second season was broadcast on June 12, 2016 in Aiqi Arts. The first quarter of the influential police figure Xu PingQiu (Chang Rong ornaments) to the police selection "elite", Yu Zui (Zhang Yishan ornaments) and others attended the first training and passed the examination. The second training content for no ID card, survive in Ocean City forty days. Yu Zui found An JiaLu (Jia Yu Sun) by extrapolating and found other classmates by tracing Lin YuJing (Wu Ta-You). Mouse (Wang Ge) After a chaos "missing", Yu Zui "manslaught" kidnapped Shu Biao. Yu Zui jailed to find out he was deceived, and later with funeral Fu GuoSheng (Emotion Cheung ornaments) become confidante. Yu Zui joined the Secret Service and became undercover success close to Fu GuoSheng et al. Fu GuoSheng sent Yu Zui to Zheng Chao (Du Yinwei ornaments) around. Zheng Chao used him to transport drugs when Yu Zui did not know the details. Yu Zui destroyed the signal jammer during the transaction, causing drug dealer suspicion and shooting. Yu Zui was rescued by Jiao Tao (Xiao Yu), and his survival made Zheng Chao feel uneasy. Yu Zui wants to use Zheng Guosheng Zheng Chao to remove Zheng Chao. Zheng Chao wants to remove Yu Zui from the police. In the second quarter, Zheng Chao and his men reported Yu Zui drug trafficking to the police. Yu Zui tried his best to get rid of the arrest of Jie Bing (Yujian Zhang). Zheng Chao Follow Yu Zui's Opinion For Self-Going, Yu Zui replaced Zheng Chao as criminal gang leader with the concerted efforts of Yu Zui's brothers. Yu Zui's boss made Fu GuoSheng feel suspicious. Fu GuoSheng tried his best to try Yu Zui and Yu Zui promptly notified Xu PingQiu to cancel the arrest. Yu Zui In order to gain the trust of Fu GuoSheng, Pei Yu designed to remove smuggling gangs. Lin YuJing take the initiative to apply for undercover assistance Yu Zui, Fu GuoSheng, who has been testing Lin YuJing, Yu Zui and Lin YuJing are cleverly resolved. Yu Zui forced Fu GuoSheng to refuse to trust Fu GuoSheng for himself, while Fu GuoSheng accidentally found Yu Zui's father and knew Yu Zui's police identity. Yu Zui transferred the suspect to Jiao Tao successfully. Fu GuoSheng listened to Shen JiaWen (Raquel ornaments) instructions drug trafficking again, the police arrested Fu GuoSheng to know Shen JiaWen's true identity. Yu Zui drove a speedboat into Shen JiaWen's fishing boat while chasing Shen JiaWen. When Yu Zui is about to rejoin An JiaLu know the hands of the wrong people.

invisible Wings (TV)[2016]

Feature: Sunshine Girls Angel had a happy childhood, and later found himself not parents biological children, still her wings like an angel still love her mother Minna, Duan HeHua father and has been with her brother grew up Duan Gang. After attending college, Angel met Gao Fei and enjoyed him very much. Soon, Yuan Lai appeared again in her life. In fact, the life experiences of Gao Fei and Yuan Lai are related to the anarchy of the Anjai family more than a dozen years ago. Angel used her kindness and love to resolve crisis after crisis, and Gao Fei together to get rid of the troubles caused by Yuan Lai. Then Angel's aunt came back from abroad, to bring Angel to go abroad. Angel is not willing to Minna, facing the dilemma. In the end, An Qi, Gao Fei and Duan Gang all chose their own lives, and also used their goodness and sunshine to defuse the nostalgia of their predecessors & nbsp ;.

Prisoners of the Air of the Amnesia City (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Prisoners of Air in the City of Amnesia" tells of a city of hypoxia and a city of amnesia. Hundreds of years later, mankind has entered a new era of energy - in the era of memory energy, science and technology can make use of the mental energy of memory in the human brain. The isolated innocent people were imprisoned in the floating city and were relentlessly pressed by the rulers. However, at the dawn of a huge spiral of conspiracies, who can save the impending crisis? Prisoners of the Air of the Amnesia City are produced by NINE Entertainment, a martial arts instructor in the play.

Im not a monster (TV)[2016]




Nirvana in Fire (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mei ZhangSu (Hugh ornaments) Mei ZhangSu (Hugh ornaments) far in the arena, but the name emperor. Rivers and lakes rumors: "Jiang left the Mei Lang, unicorn only, have access to the world." As the world's largest gang "Jiang Zuomeng" leader, Mei ZhangSu "Mel Lang" reputation. However, Mei Zhang Su, who has the highest status in all corners of the country, is a frail young man. Despite the treacherous grudges and bloodshed brought to us a dozen years ago, even the hidden secrets behind his lifetimes are hidden. It turned out that twelve years ago, Nan Liang Chase years, the Northern Wei Xing soldiers south, Chiyan Marshal Marshal Lin Shu expedition, the rate of 70,000 officers and men to fight the enemy, unexpectedly, seventy thousand soldiers due to misconduct buried bone Meiling. Lin Shu picked up his life from the door of hell, after the loss of pro-pro-loss, cut the pain of easy-dressing, incarnate the world's largest gang Jiang Zonghui leader. Twelve years later, Mei ZhangSu relied on the opportunity of recuperation to return to the imperial capital with a whitish coat of arms and set foot on the path of vengeance, sorrow and contempt. In the face of the engagement of Ni HuangJunZhu (Tamia Liu ornaments), the old friend Jing Wang Xiao Jingyan (Kai Wang ornaments) and all the familiar in the past, he can only quietly endure everything, in the seemingly casual, with the weak body Hands off the wave of blood stunned, assisting Ming Wang Jing Wang ascend the throne, for the seventy flames loyal soul wash snow stigma. However, due to the dynastic rule of Emperor Liangdi in his later years, the territory in the south was full of chaos. The Eastern Wei Dynasty, which stood on its own in the Northern Wei Dynasty, took the opportunity to start its army southward. In order to resolve the national crisis, Mei ZhangSu decided to arm her armor in defiance of its physical weakness. In only three months, the military led the arm and beam to calm down the northern border and set the beam at peace and stability. Mei ZhangSu at this time, also suffered a last-ditch effort, finished his life on the battlefield.

Mi Yue Biography (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mi Yue Biography, posters During the Warring States Period, Mi Yue was the most beloved princess of the King of Chu Wei. However, his position as a king of Chu Wei had plummeted. His mother Xiang Shi was expelled from the palace by Chu WeiHou and returned to the palace after many years Life revenge, as a disaster and crisis. Mi Yue and Huang Gong childhood lover, sincerely in love, in order to run smoothly with Huang Xie, so volunteered as a princess Mi Shu's dowry married marry Qin State, on the way to the Qin Mi Mi, Mi Shu support each other, In the middle Chu State limousine was robbed by the armies led by Yi Di Wang Di Li on the way to Qin State. Huang Xie, who had to save Mi Yue, fell into disgrace and was discouraged by Mi Yue's death, Mi Shu into Qin Palace, Mi Shu became the queen of Qin, Mi Yue due to the fratriculation of Wei, his beleaguered brother Wei Ran kidnapped, had to help the Qin Wang become a pet concubine. The original sisterhood gradually split after Mi Yue gave birth to Ying Ji. Fight for the philosophers, Qin Ying Si Si regret died. Mi Yue and his son were sent to distant Yan country. Unexpectedly, Qin Wu Wang Ying Dang Ding Ding died, Qin chaos. Mi Yue went back to Qin State by virtue of his righteousness and drained the Qin civil strife. Mi Yue son Ying Ji as the king, known as the king of Qin Zhao Xiang. Mi Yue became the first Queen Mother in history, known as Qin Xuantai Hou & nbsp ;.

Bloody isolated island (TV)[2014]

Feature: In the spring of 1943, a woman detachment team graduated from a Sino-U.S. Cooperation training camp rushed to Shanghai to launch a jail war between the Japanese plum authorities and the traitor spy of Wang Pseudo-76. Five different characters of stunning women, freedom and freedom of the nation on the beach, bounty the Huangpu River. Lan Ye, who was born in Miao Autonomous Prefecture, is good at making poison, evil gas, glamorous, lonely and lonely; Bai Bai, a native of Nanyang Overseas Chinese family, who lives in Hong Ye, , Born in particular things, like plant fiber maintenance body hot, good investigation, seduction, and the sisters' emotional concept is very different, we call her "fox"; good at fighting Xiao Qing, character, orphans, On the green grass, rivers and lakes male heart, mixed play group, did gangster eldest daughter; gentle nature Huang JiaYin, good foreign exchange, sniping, Shanghai big daughter, understand temperament painting, familiar with the city of Shanghai customs. They shoulder the task of hiding their agents and stealing information from secret agents, and at the same time fighting against the forces of Japan and Wang who frenziedly encircle and destroy them. They not only faced all kinds of unexpected situations but also tried their best to defend the anti-Japanese and anti-Japanese enthusiasm of the general public. They are agents genius, but also anti-Japanese fighters. During the financial war against the Japanese counterfeiters, they destroyed the Japanese counterfeit currency printing factories, hurled financial traitors and used their own methods to cure their own people, and printed fake "medium stock certificates" to create financial confusion in the occupied areas. ; Despite their exposure targets, they protected a group of talented children from falling into the hands of the Japanese invaders and became their victims of "governing in China." They uncovered the secrets of the "nine doors" of non-governmental organizations and protected them The Japanese have long coveted a huge treasure to support the progressive forces in the anti-Japanese camp. In the face of the test of life and death and their grudges and gratitude, they still maintain the patriotic and human temperament, or the poignant or magnificent, engraving their own positive and positive trajectory of energy in the brutal agent war.

Obstetrician (TV)[2014]

Feature: The obstetrician recounted that He Jing (Liya Tong), born in a single-parent family, had attended a severe maternal and child health center at the Affiliated Hospital of Provincial University from a small county. On the first day, he encountered a patient with postpartum hemorrhage. The newly commissioned Ke ZhuRen Xiao Cheng (David Wang) and Wei LiLi, deputy director, failed to solve the problem. However, He Jing solved the problem with the "local approach" in primary hospitals. Lin Na (People also ask for ornaments) is the daughter of Vice President Qu Jingming and You ShengMei, Qu Lan is the daughter of Vice President Qu Jingming and You ShengMei, and Lin Na is the younger. You ShengMei, the wife of Vice President Qu JinMing, did not realize that He Jing was actually the daughter of Qu JinMing's first love, which in turn gave something of silence for years. Lin Na mother opened a private hospital to public hospital is to learn, so arranged to dry father godmother's hospital, superiority, you can brush three, in addition to the Dean and the director no one cares, even the attending physician Do not listen to the arrangement, crush on Zhao Xin, and the training doctor He Jing have a certain conflict. Xiao Cheng, director of the returnees, has mastered many advanced concepts and techniques abroad. However, after returning to China, he found that there are many places incompatible with reality. He and He Jing have faced many difficulties, from the initial disdain to mutual understanding to mutual Appreciate until the last love.

MayDay3DNA (Movie)[2011]

Feature: This is the first time Mayday put his own "Transformable DNA Unlimited Magnification" tour of the world onto the big screen, and the use of 3D technology. In this movie featuring the Mayday concert, three anecdotes are interspersed: Guangzhou, the father of a curry fish egg (Lin Xue Suet Lam) in Guangzhou, was totally unintelligible in the face of her baby daughter's crazy act of chasing stars , Thus intensifying the conflict between father and daughter. However, his father is always a daughter of love, and ultimately support her daughter's journey to Shanghai alone stargazing. Taipei, a deeply loved love taxi driver (Richie Jen Richie Ren ornaments), but because of the encounter of a mysterious female passenger, on the streets of Taipei started a strange journey. After a short journey, the distance between two strangers gradually narrowed down ... Shanghai, diligent courier (Wasir Chou ornaments) day to day hard work, shuttle in the streets of Shanghai. The daily income, he will come up with a large part of the deposit, that is, in order to round the wishes of my sister, to see a Mayday concert.

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