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Jerry Yan TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jerry Yan Works 4 ,And Romance 2 ,Warm blood 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,轻喜剧1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Feature 1 。

Works Index

Jerry Yan Filmography(4)


陪你到世界之巅 (TV)[2019]




游泳先生 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《游泳先生》剧情介绍:讲述了平凡家庭中长大的天才游泳选手 Bai YongZe 与家道中落的千金小姐 Song ChaCha 在人生低谷中相识,成为欢喜冤家。泳泽的好友 Lan Tian 因为秘密不得不离开未婚妻茶茶。因此,在事业、友情、爱情面前,泳泽和 Lan Tian 从好友变成竞争对手。经历了严酷训练,二人在成为国家队成员的终极一战中展开对决。 Lan Tian 父亲设局让泳泽被迫放弃比赛,得知真相的 Lan Tian 战胜内心的胆怯,捍卫了竞技体育精神,毅然归还本应属于泳泽的荣誉。三人在经历诸多波折后成长为有责任感、性格坚韧、内心阳光正直的出色青年。

时光教会我爱你 (TV)[2018]


时尚甜宠轻喜剧《时光教会我爱你》剧情介绍:讲述了蠢萌“认真王”少女 Lin Lu 因弟弟生病需高额医药费与“幼稚鬼”霸道总裁 Shi LianSen 签订恋爱契约的故事。在契约的牵引下二人的恋爱正式拉开帷幕, Lin Lu 总是误打误撞闯入 Shi LianSen 的警戒区触犯界限,两人在一系列啼笑皆非、宠溺甜蜜的日常中逐渐走近彼此……

《时光教会我爱你》是由爱奇艺文学、路飞影视出品,润妍集团、青锐影业、自在传媒、中视星驰、蜂人影视、铜雀楼文化、年轮映画、思德睿传媒联合出品的时尚甜宠轻喜剧,由 S.Ireine 、 Jerry Yan 、 Leo 、 Fu Shuyang 、刘锐、王钰雯、蔡祥宇主演。

该剧改编自作家一片口香糖撰写的网络同名人气小说,讲述了蠢萌“认真王”少女 Lin Lu 因弟弟重病需高额医药费与“幼稚鬼”霸道总裁 Shi LianSen 签订恋爱契约的故事。


SummersDesire (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Yin XiaMo (Cancan Huang) and Luo Xi (Jerry Yan) attract each other because they are orphans. But Ou Chen (Him Law), a boyfriend loving Xia Mo, sent Luo Xi to study in the UK in order to separate them. Xia Mo's adoptive parents died in a car accident on the way to Yin Cheng, where his younger brother was sent to hospital. Xia Mo was distraught and blamed everything on Ou Chen, causing him to lose his memory in a car accident. Five years later Luo Xi became a superstar king, Xia Mo re-meet with him to advance the front. But everything collapsed as Ou Chen restored his memory, and in order to get back to Xia Mo, he took Kidney to Xiao Cheng as a condition. For his younger brother, Xia Mo chose Ou Chen, but on the wedding day, desperate Luo Xi committed suicide. Inadvertently learned the truth of the small Cheng, the operating table in the last moment insisted refused to accept surgery. Sorrow in Luo Xi's suicide, guilt in the affection of Ou Chen, the heartbreaking Xia Mo, can no longer accept the death of Xiao Cheng blows, unable to sustain her, into a secluded self-enclosed state ......

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