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Yibo Wang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yibo Wang Works 10 ,And Romance 4 ,Youth drama 3 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,Xian xia 2 ,Campus drama 2 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Warm blood 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,权谋1 ,青春爆笑喜剧1 ,Suspense 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Military 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Feature 1 。

Works Index

Yibo Wang Filmography(10)


有翡 (TV)[2020]


南北朝年间,各方势力割据,江湖动乱不安。“南刀”李徵在湖湘地界建立门派四十八寨,收留落魄的武林人士,并从此避世而居。但随着李徵逝世,江湖名门也相继败落。 多年后,李徵的外孙女周翡在洗墨江被一位自称谢允的青年男子意外救下,两人从此结下不解之缘。 半年后,周翡和谢允再次在霍家堡黑牢相遇,却同时遭到江湖黑暗势力“地煞山庄”几大高手的追杀,两人因此卷入一场江湖的阴谋浩劫中。 周翡受江湖前辈指点,始终磨砺自己的刀法、并凭着一股“狭路相逢勇者胜”的勇敢杀地煞、平叛乱、擒敌王、救流民;而谢允自始至终陪伴在周翡身边,为她指点进退,二人携手共进,生死不弃,一起平息了一场场江湖动乱。以周翡、谢允为代表的一辈江湖新秀们从此成长为真正的“有匪君子”,周翡也终成一代“南刀”少女宗师!


The untamed (TV)[2019]


电视剧《陈情令》剧情介绍:讲述了十六年前,天下五分,姑苏蓝氏,云梦江氏,清河聂氏,岐山温氏,兰陵金氏共治天下。温氏一家独大,其余四家均受其苦。众家青年中,江氏故人之子 Wei WuXian 性格开朗,和以雅正闻名的姑苏蓝氏弟子 Lan WangJi 相识并引为知己。一次偶然的机会,二人发现了蓝氏一直以来守护的秘密,二人继承遗志,为苍生消除隐患。但没想到一切的幕后黑手正是温氏家主 Wen RuoHan 。众家不堪其辱,合力讨伐温氏。温氏覆灭后, Wei WuXian 却为保护温氏无辜之人不惜与众家对立,最终被奸人所害酿成大祸,误害师姐 Jiang YanLi ,自己也不知所踪。十六年后,消失已久的 Wei WuXian 出现在莫家庄,偶遇故人 Lan WangJi 。莫家庄一桩桩诡异的凶案显得扑朔迷离。随着真相一步步揭开,身处幕后的 Jin GuangYao 渐渐难以隐藏。最后 Jin GuangYao 身死, Lan WangJi 承担起了匡扶天下的使命,而 Wei WuXian 不忘初心,最终潇洒世间。

陪你到世界之巅 (TV)[2019]




Extraordinary talent (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Extraordinary talent" tells the story of several super-ability boys and girls, played by Zhang Nan Cong Le-hee has the super-ability to move instantly when feeling passionate, so Cong Le-hee has been dedicated to the pursuit of true love. After meeting Wang Yat-sen with Wang Yibo, the two exchanged their feelings, and Cong Le-hee changed his previous rebellion and extreme for him. Cong Ju-hee in the play is a dare to love and hate, the appearance is very strong, the mouth a little poison, but the heart is fragile and sensitive, very contradictory people, but the girlfriends very generous, very persistent love.

Peacekeeping infantry battalion (TV)[2017]

Feature: With the common development of Lin HaoNan and the peacekeeping infantry battalion of China as the main line, it tells the story of the Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion growing from nothing and growing and expanding once in a time of bloodshed and sacrifice. In the incident of Libya's withdrawal of overseas Chinese, Lin HaoNan, a Chinese soldier, rescued war field reporter Hai Lan from carrying out a dangerous rescue mission. Both of them were the start of fate. In response to the country's "military forces going global" strategy, the Army formed the first peacekeeping combat force "Peacekeeping Infantry Battalion" headed by Lin HaoNan. Unexpectedly, Hai Lan also joined the infantry battalion training, the two became friends in training, mutual affection. Lin HaoNan then led his infantry battalion to peacekeeping operations in West Africa and Lin HaoNan decided to break up with Hai Lan to protect Hai Lan. Unexpectedly, in the difficult and dangerous peacekeeping work in Africa,

To taste is Qing Huan (TV)[2017]

Feature: 70 Uncle Ding RenJian (Tong Dawei ornaments) In order to meet his wife Lin Yue (Lin Peng ornaments) living alone, the desire to leave their parents, led colleagues and the boss asking for a raise, the result was dismissed, had to after 90 Di ZhiWei (Wang Yibo Decorated) work. After things were known by Lin Yue, he was fueled by "Xiao Zang Gang" (Gangrirao Zhu), Lin Yue divorced Ding RenJian and chose Tang XiaoGang. Ding RenJian fall into the trough of life. Di ZhiWei's company was crushed by Tang XiaoGang, coupled with his father's death, but also sluggish. Ding RenJian again unemployed, admitted to the home of 80 senior white-collar An QingHuan (Joe Chan ornaments) home, but also with An QingHuan to help Di ZhiWei out of the shadows, Ding RenJian and An QingHuan gradually has the signs of love, the two wishfully Together, Di ZhiWei also grow into a mature and responsible man. null

Youth is best (TV)[2017]

Feature: One was Chu YinYin, a well-known student who attended elite schools. One was Xia Er, a student who had not learned any skills or debt. Two sisters, who had been adopted since childhood and never met each other, exchanged identities for Chu YinYin's unexpected disappearance. Xia Er was conscientiously abducted by Chu MingZhu because of the same picture as the tracing of a tracing accident, and began to fall asleep in the elite college as Chu YinYin. The real Chu YinYin but because of amnesia, flew to the Xia Er school, started a new life, proud of nature she unwilling to fall, with their own power ignited the enthusiasm for learning in this school, in the new life to understand the value of hard work . Both are finding something missing in their lives in their new life & nbsp ;.

Private Shushan Academy (TV)[2017]


"Private Lushan Academy" tells a group of seventeen-year-old boys and girls against the evil forces and fall in love with the youth story, focusing on mixing campus youth Xian Xiu. The “Private Lushan Academy” is an urban Xia Xia network drama jointly produced by Daewoo Information Softstar Technology (Beijing) and Beijing Star TV Film Media, directed by Huang Junwen and Song Ping, Wang Yibo, Yuqi Chen, Riley[3], and Jane. , Benny Chan (actor), Joe Ma (actor), Tim Pei, Wei Chai and Michael Miu.


MBAPartners (Movie)[2016]

Feature: This is a story about women of different social backgrounds in three different walks of life who work together to find gold for their money, family and status. Foreign students Lu ZhenXi (Yao Chen ornaments) in the United States to sell fake bags were deported, the mall elite Wen Qing (Hao Lei ornaments) encountered third place, Cinderella Gu QiaoYin (Tiffany Tang) family poor want to marry a rich man. From the very beginning of rivalhood, they became goodwill girlfriends and became partners in pursuit of wealth, love and status with the support of career mentors Meng XiaoJun (Aaron Kwok) and Lu ZhenXi's Li Chen (actor) people. They have achieved great success in a short time. However, the good news is not long, the company in serious competition in the market a serious problem, into a dilemma, while the relationship between the three rupture. Faced with this predicament, Lu ZhenXi has taken a firm step toward dreams and partners while undergoing a rigorous test ...

To shut up! Love it (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Film content around the love of young men and women in China and South Korea started in the 70,80 generations to review the great era of youth, "Shut up! Love it "with a relaxed and humorous narration about a beautiful couple romance romantic adventure for the audience presents the contemporary" 90 "the most true love and attitude toward life. In the movie "Shut up! Love it ", the Chinese singer who played as well as the Korean dancer who played, because of the difference of cultural background, friction also sprouted love. This is a story about self-seeking, self-development and self-esteem after 90, as well as a brand-new value proposition for the young Asian generation that reflects the sentiments of the times and highlights China and South Korea.

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