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Woody Allen TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Woody Allen Works 12 ,And Comedy 11 ,Feature 3 ,Action 2 ,Romance 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Adventure 1 ,Short 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Fantasy 1 。

Works Index

Woody Allen Filmography(12)


急先锋 (Movie)[2020]


中国商人 Qin GuoLi 在英国惨遭雇佣兵组织“北极狼”绑架,秦的女儿Fareeda也卷入其中,遭到追杀。千钧一发之际,急先锋国际安保团队成为他们唯一的希望,由总指挥 Tang HuanTing 带领 Lei ZhenYu 、 Zhang KaiXuan 、 Mi Ya 、 Shen Diao 等组成的急先锋行动小组,上天入地,辗转全球各地施展惊险营救。解救人质的过程中,竟发现“北极狼”背后的犯罪集团还策划了一场惊天密谋……

温暖的抱抱 (Movie)[2020]


对整洁和计划有着超乎常人执念的鲍抱(常远饰),本以为自己是一个友情爱情的绝缘体,但在遇到个性率真宋温暖(李沁饰) 、妙手“神经”贾医生(沈腾饰)和假仁假义王为仁(乔杉饰)之后,上演了一段阴差阳错的喜剧故事。


人间·喜剧 (Movie)[2019]


平凡夫妻 Pu Tong 和 Mi Li 因被公司拖欠工资导致交不起房租。富二代 Yang XiaoWei 不被亲爹宠爱,欠下 Ba Ye 一笔巨款无处偿还。被钱逼到绝路的三人相遇,索性上演了一出富二代绑架案,一路认怂的夫妻变身假绑匪,最穷富二代变身假人质。一番折腾下, Yang XiaoWei 的首富爸爸 Yang TaiJun 最终承诺了1000万的“赎金”。但事情远不止这么简单,狡猾的 Yang TaiJun 并不想真的付钱,黑帮老大 Ba Ye 也气势汹汹上门要债。

跳舞吧!大象 (Movie)[2019]


热爱跳舞的13岁少女 Li ChunXia ( Chunhua Jin 饰)不幸遭遇车祸,沉睡15年后竟奇迹般地苏醒,醒来后却发现生活发生了天翻地覆的变化,不仅丧失了十五年的生活常识,体重也飙升至200斤。但是为了完成在舞台上翩翩起舞的梦想,她与童年的三位同伴再次合体,巧遇灵魂舞者培训班创始人 Pi BaoShi ( Woody Allen 饰),一场华丽丽的魔鬼特训就此开启。


Hello, Mrs. Money (Movie)[2018]


"Li Tea's Aunt" is directed by Wu Xiaohan, Huang Cailun, Alan, Song Yang and other leading starring . The film was adapted from a happy-and-twin title drama that tells Li Tea's aunt as a rich widow. The group of people gathered because of Li Tea's engagement ceremony are licking her aunt's property. The story of misplaced life caused by money and lies. This expands . The film was released in Mainland China on September 30, 2018.

Lover (Movie)[2018]


Xiao han (xiao Yang), whose life is stable, begins to lament the short life of his friend's sudden death. Liu xia-hui's self-identity, because by chance meets the sexy beauty model yoyo (Clara), has regained the heart beat of the feeling, so he wants to work to close to the goddess, try again first love of the stimulation. However, several times, xiao hanhao's advances were interrupted either by his partner shen hong (Dai Lele) 's vigilance or by the misunderstanding of his boss, ma Lilian (yan ni). Xiao han, who is often troubled and unwilling by foreign appearances, has to turn to his good brothers, aimu (Allen), tong huai (qiao shan), liu lei (xiao shenyang), and chang jian (chang yuan), a colleague of "god assist". Under their advice, Mr. Xiao went through a series of hilarious adventures

The richest man in xilong (Movie)[2018]


Wang DuoYu, goalkeeper of the amateur football team of grade c, was dismissed from the football team for losing the match. At the lowest point of his life, he was challenged by the secretive Taiwanese consortium to spend a billion dollars a month. Wang DuoYu, who had expected a happy life to begin with, was for the first time bothered to spend money. It's really not that easy to turn your life around and get to the top.


Shameful iron fist (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Ai DiSheng (Woody Allen), who was hit by fake fights, was originally an antagonist with Ma Xiao (actress), a sports reporter with a lot of sense of justice. She did not expect to have body interchange between men and women due to an accidental electric shock . After the gender misconduct, the two interdependent each other, triggered a boxing earthquake, but also opened the fake world of confidentiality, provoke a bunch of trouble, and ultimately the two in the "Roll Lotus" deputy head Zhang ZhuYu ( Shen Teng ornaments) under the guidance of evil forces waved shameful iron fist.

Happy Mi Tan (TV)[2016]

Feature: Shun Zhi years, Niu DaBao bent on founding a family with sweetheart Yuan YuE, during the course of the pursuit of error and error became a member of the Imperial City post Huang Hua station, and Yuan YuE is a member of Hong Bang. In order to protect his sweetheart Yuan YuE, Niu DaBao won the trust of post director Long DingHai with wisdom, and secretly made efforts to resolve the contradiction between Hong Bang and the Qing court. In a series of events, while protecting Chun Hua, a kind-hearted brothel woman with his own knotty misunderstanding, and rescuing the simple and honest gunner Tie QianJin, he also made full use of his resourcefulness to undermine the series of intrigues of HuangHuaYi and get rid of Guilty sinister cunning Sun ZhiLan, Mao Gang, Yi KouNiao, etc. Mi Tan. After a bout of trials and hardships, Niu DaBao finally grew up from a common market man to a resourceful, courageous and righteous righteous. With his efforts, Niu DaBao prevented ordinary people from suffering from a war.

GoodbyeMr.Loser (Movie)[2015]

Feature: At the wedding of Qiu Ya (Zhi Wang), the first student of the student age, Xia Luo (Shen Teng), who reared soft rice after graduation, faked his money and made the most of his ugly appearance. His wife, Ma DongMei Decorated) piercing violent hammer. Chaos, Xia Luo accidentally across time and space, back to the 1997 student times classroom. He was sloppy and thought it was a highly realistic dream, so he beat Wang LaoShi and Qiu Ya and tried to jump off to wake himself up. When he was wounded he woke up from his bed, he realized that he really crossed time and space. Since there is a chance to come back, it is better toss a back. He bravely pursued Qiu Ya, taunting Yuan Hua (Zheng Yin), and rejected Ma DongMei's stalker. Later Xia Luo by virtue of "creation" Hackberry, Dou Wei et al famous song into the entertainment. His life has undergone tremendous changes, but somewhere in his heart is more and more emptiness ...

Top Funny Comedian The Movie (Movie)[2015]

Feature: ,,,, wait for a group of comedy rehearsals Spring Festival special programs, because fighting lead the protagonist led to rehearse failure. The teacher can record the Happy Comedy for the special edition of New Year's Day, take them to Macau and close the rehearsal together. Can wait for others but their own carnival, dinner time, because the emergence of two beautiful worldly evaporation, when people are looking for more horrible things happen one after another, the team members were caught one by one, and arrest of people who actually Yes. I do not know in the end is the enemy from the stubborn, or the phenomenon of supernatural happened, the gang of funny comedian cope with the upcoming major event.

TheOne (Movie)[2013]

Feature: The lone master of lone defeat Bai Mei exited the arena sixty years ago, secluded in the Kunlun Mountains. Lu XiaoYu (Lu Zhengyu) is the only disciple under the white eyebrow. Bai Mei has not been willing to teach him masterpiece martial arts. However, one day, the white eyebrows were implicated. Prior to his death, he handed Lu XiaoYu an episode of the "Martial Arts" cheatbook, while the next episode was in the hands of "Evil Sam." The so-called "magic Evangelism", that gentleman knife, extinct division too unknown and lonely. To report revenge, Lu XiaoYu masterless martial arts every day, four years later, he embarked on the road to revenge. After he went through a catastrophe, he finally defeated the Evil Saints and recaptured the "Martial Arts" episode. However, when he opened the cheats, he unexpectedly saw an unexpected scene. An amazing secret immediately flashed in his mind, and Evil Sam Sancong in the end is where the divine it ... ...

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