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Caiyu Yang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Caiyu Yang Works 9 ,And Feature 4 ,Suspense 3 ,Romance 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,Contemporary 1 ,Action 1 ,Year 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Historical play 1 ,War 1 。

Works Index

Caiyu Yang Filmography(9)


瞄准 (TV)[2020]


《瞄准》剧照1949年春,为破获保密局暗杀小组,争取国民党某兵团起义,松江市公安局专案组启用隐匿在民间的狙击高手 Su WenQian 担任顾问,对抗保密局派出的一号杀手 Chi TieCheng 。 Su WenQian 曾是活跃在抗日战场上的民间爱国人士,曾与 Chi TieCheng 搭档多年。在与专案组成员一次次同生共死的考验中,曾发誓不再拿枪的 Su WenQian 真正认识到了共产党才是中国的希望与未来,真心实意站到了人民一边,也重新找回了持枪的理由,决心不惜一切,挫败暗杀阴谋,两个第一流的狙击高手因此展开了一系列斗智斗勇、惊心动魄的狙击较量。最终,正义终于战胜了邪恶, Su WenQian 击败了过去一直水平高于自己的 Chi TieCheng ,专案组也彻底粉碎了敌人的暗杀阴谋 。定档海报

大江大河2 (TV)[2020]


宋运辉到东海报到,成为东海化工领导班子最年轻的副职。他将妻女接到东海工作生活,程开颜的懒惰和猜疑让两人有了裂痕,最终以离婚收场。凭借过硬的业务能力,宋运辉不断发挥主心骨的作用,在前期筹备和组建合资厂的过程中不断带领东海项目渡过难关,却因风头太盛招致不满。小雷家改革步伐越迈越大,却因对安全问题的忽视导致铜厂爆炸,雷东宝因行贿遭遇牢狱之灾,出狱后建雷霆公司,给电线找到了销路,韦春红一直是雷东宝背后的支撑。杨巡来到东海发展,把市场做得风生水起,在与外资代表梁思申的合作中,一面仰视着梁思申,一面做着假账,被梁父发现,出手整治,加之寡母离世,杨巡遭受多重打击,小会计任遐迩陪在他身旁。出任中外合资厂外方经理的梁思申在工作中和宋运辉多有接触和交锋,彼此也被对方的能力折服,两人都未明言,但内心已经越走越近 。海报


七日生 (TV)[2019]


一次掩护邱永邦抽老千的行为,将李晓宇平静的生活打破。赌场老板被害,李晓宇被当成最大嫌犯逮捕,身为平面模特的女友文文在此时被霍雷兹帮的人贩子盯上绑走。一时无法脱身的李晓宇请邱永邦帮忙找回文文,却不知道,绑走文文的人正是邱永邦一伙。知道真相后的李晓宇以警察线人的身份追上邱永邦所在的华人旅游大巴,大巴已被邱永邦一伙劫持。为了找回文文,也为了拯救一车华人同胞,李晓宇不顾邱永邦劝阻,坚定地留在大巴上。外科医生简妮为了给母亲报仇,跟踪生父洪银河上了大巴。机智勇敢的简妮成为李晓宇最好的搭档,两人戮力同心,救下一车人质并找回文文,邱永邦无奈受控于霍雷兹帮的原因也浮出水面。邱永邦得到了李晓宇的谅解,兄弟齐心,共赴美墨边境,最终协助警方捣毁霍雷兹帮,救出更多无辜之人。经历七日生死之旅后,千疮百孔的兄弟情、父女情都得到了救赎 。

只有芸知道 (Movie)[2019]


年轻的 Sui DongFeng 和 Luo Yun 婚后定居在新西兰安静的克莱德小镇,共同经营一家中餐馆,时光在波澜不惊中一天天流逝,转眼间两人的婚姻生活已走过第十五个年头,除了身边多了一只陪伴左右的宠物狗布鲁,一切仿佛都没有发生变化。然而空旷山野上, Luo Yun 压抑已久的一声呐喊打破宁静。 Sui DongFeng 和 Luo Yun 无缘白头到老,人到中年妻子的猝然离世让东风陷入哀伤与孤独,踏上了为亡妻完成遗愿的旅途。 Sui DongFeng 手捧 Luo Yun 的骨灰,随风飘洒,为这段相濡以沫的爱情笼罩上悲凉的底色。


seventh birthday (TV)[2018]


The drama "The Seventh Birthday" introduces the story: A bus full of Chinese tourists was abruptly hijacked in Los Angeles. Among the tourists, Li XiaoYu was an overseas student and went to the car by searching for missing texts of his girlfriend. Faced with compatriots who are in danger, Li XiaoYu lingered with a word, "Bring all his countrymen home." Together with Jian Ni , a psychology doctor, he tried to make contact with the police while he was dealing with robbers. The local tyrants, wealthy businessmen, pregnant women, the elderly, and children in the vehicle all united and shouldered their responsibilities. They bravely faced the robbers and slandered the gang smuggling gangs. After the catastrophe, all people have received spiritual salvation and cherish the love between life and people. It also misses the peaceful environment and warm interpersonal relationships of the motherland.


Youth (Movie)[2017]

Feature: In the idealistic and passionate army art troupe, a group of adolescent adolescents who have gone on to experience the growing love blossoming and their destiny full of variables. He XiaoPing (Nefertari Vivi), an incredibly helpful, simple and friendly Liu Feng (Huang Xuan) and a woman from the countryside who has repeatedly been discriminated against by the women's army, unexpectedly left the romantic and comfortable art troupe and was involved in the brutal war. Blooming in the battlefield blooming Fang Hua. They feel the pain and warmth of collective life, so their differences and reunification, as well as the subtle frailty and weakness of every individual under the changing circumstances of the times. In the context of a big era, the old art troupe of friends Xiao SuiZi (Elane Zhong), Lin DingDing (Yang Caiyu), Hao ShuWen (Li Xiaofeng) and Chen Can (Wang Tianchen) Fate is very different, hold


Feature: Kang Qiao, a 19-year-old locomotive lover who was injured in a motorbike and was hospitalized when he was bored, noticed that when he was bored, he picked up the telescope and noticed that the girl, who lived opposite the hospital, was really sunshine but the boy suddenly found himself in a rainy night Shocking girl secret. In order to explore the truth, protect this precious feelings, Kang Qiao began to walk into the life of Xia YingYing. Dangers and intrigues, Kang Qiao's heart only Xia YingYing. This summer, 19-year-old Kang Qiao is going through a different path of growth.


Feature: Kang Qiao, a 19-year-old locomotive lover who was injured in a motorbike and was hospitalized when he was bored, noticed that when he was bored, he picked up the telescope and noticed that the girl, who lived opposite the hospital, was really sunshine but the boy suddenly found himself in a rainy night Shocking girl secret. In order to explore the truth, protect this precious feelings, Kang Qiao began to walk into the life of Xia YingYing. Dangers and intrigues, Kang Qiao's heart only Xia YingYing. This summer, 19-year-old Kang Qiao is going through a different path of growth.

Loveinthe1980s (Movie)[2015]

Feature: In a remote Tujia county town, Guan YuBo and Cheng LiWen are high school classmates. Off with crush on Wen, and stole a letter in Wen's bag, but Wen did not respond. The end of the college entrance examination in 1978, the whole school only test on the provincial capital University, and Wen is a drop in the list. Four years later, after graduating from Guanzhong University, she accidentally subdivided the work of the town government and was assigned to a township called "Gongzhai Village" as a propaganda officer, while his university lover remained in the provincial capital. Decadent decadent pass in the lonely town to drink to worry about, because buying wine encounter here as a store salesperson Wen. Original Wen's father was delegated to the township labor reform, Wen was also recruited to take care of in order to take care of his father. Reunification of the first love object of the past, customs heart excitement, and Wen but not arrogant to keep the distance. Because of the disparity between each other, Wen seems arrogant. Off every day to the store to buy alcohol to worry about and then close to talk, Wen accused him of decadent alcohol and secretly take care of his body. After a noisy couple began to approach. In this lonely town, the only two young people from the city, looking for mutual warmth. But Wen just care about him in life, encouraged him to rekindled for the exam back to the provincial capital in order to reunite with his lover. Her inner emotion was rationally closed, the discovery of all the goodness of this woman, and tried to break into her life, but she calmly avoided the past.

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