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Xiangyu Dai TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Xiangyu Dai Works 15 ,And Romance 4 ,Idol drama 3 ,Year 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,Youth drama 2 ,Comedy 2 ,Feature 2 ,现代都市1 ,Historical play 1 ,Magic 1 ,轻科幻浪漫爱情喜剧1 ,民国爱情1 ,Modern 1 ,legend 1 ,Warm blood 1 ,感情1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Myth play 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Suspense 1 。

Works Index

Xiangyu Dai Filmography(15)


三生三世枕上书 (TV)[2020]


《三生三世枕上书》讲述了青丘国少女 Feng Jiu 在山间修行时被一头妖兽攻击,危急时刻被路过的天国帝君 Dong Hua 所救,从此铭记在心。为报恩 Feng Jiu 执意跟随 Dong Hua 与作乱世间的妖君渺落战斗。在相处中她发现自己的报恩之情已转化为爱慕之意。但 Dong Hua 在千百年与邪恶的斗争中,已经忘却了“情爱”二字。为保护 Feng Jiu 安全, Dong Hua 将她送到人间,却不幸令朋友为保护她而死。 Feng Jiu 为找到传说中能起死复生的仙果,进入翼族公主阿兰若的幻梦之境,重历阿兰若的坎坷一生。 Dong Hua 历经艰辛救出 Feng Jiu ,发现自己已爱上了她。此时 Dong Hua 重伤发作,自觉命不久矣,只能将对 Feng Jiu 的爱埋在心底,把对她的思念写成枕上之书。本已心灰意冷的 Feng Jiu 发现了枕上书,感悟到 Dong Hua 对自己深沉的感情,于是毅然赶赴战场,燃烧生命的力量,战胜强敌,帮助 Dong Hua 维护了世间和平。最终正义战胜邪恶,光明战胜黑暗, Dong Hua 与 Feng Jiu 得以有情人终成眷属


Full bloom of youth (TV)[2018]

Feature: After Liang XiaoTian, ​​who was studying in Peiping in 1940, completed his studies and returned home, he received the sad news of his father's sudden death. Beam father retired former police officer Zhao Wei Tian also came to help, and call the hands of former police Bai Yong, Liu Man Liang Liang, also found a friend grew up with Guo Guoqian, formed the assassination of Yorojiro five groups . Liang XiaoTian also became more courageous and just after being baptized by the twists and turns of the late Emperor Yoweri. Gradually aware of the hatred can not be far from the national independence and liberation with each other, and thus make Liu Man euphoria. After Liang XiaoTian coincidence college first love Tian Fang. Tian Fang joined the Communist Party of China after joining the revolution after leaving school. In the confrontation with the Japanese, Tian Fang died in a fierce battle, so that Liang Xiao Tian was deeply touched and resolutely joined the revolutionary organization. Eventually after a frivolous frenzy faction, will be called Yuan Jiro beheaded, so that this shameless people repay the Chinese people owed the debt of blood.

Dear living ancestors (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Dear Living Ancestor" tells us that in the modern society of the 21st century, everyone hopes to cross into the future. Zhen KeYi is an ordinary white-collar workers, because like the neutral dress, has always been to show off the image of a tomboy, in fact, is a strong appearance of inner-sensitive woman. By chance, Zhen KeYi crossed the Song Dynasty and saw the glorious history of his own family. After a short period of passing through life, Zhen KeYi once again returned to modern society. What Zhen KeYi did not think of is Zhen Jun, the living Songzu's great ancestor, accompanied her to modern society. Since then, the life of Zhen KeYi has been completely disrupted by this living ancestor, and modern society is alien to Zhen Jun. Taiwan's family business Montessori, prettily Miss Meng, Fei Jia unlucky young lady Madoka, the arrival of different planets to the non-passenger passenger, so that was a mess messy life of Zhen KeYi more chaotic, from the beginning of ironic story.

夏日心跳 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《夏日心跳》又名《花样跳水少年》剧情介绍:讲述了为增强学生体质,青叶大学决定组建跳水队,并向全国跳水大赛发起冲击。态度冷漠的校草 Xia WenXi ,桀骜不驯的跳水高手修野,一起加入了跳水队,两人关系紧张。家境贫寒却活泼开朗的 Tao LeSi 也加入了跳水队,与 Xia WenXi 成了欢喜冤家。跳水队在助教玲美的带领下,在磕磕绊绊中展开训练,队员们逐渐相互理解,团结在一起。 Xia WenXi 青梅竹马的好朋友 Gao GongPing 偶遇 Tao LeSi ,对这位逆境中不服输的善良姑娘,渐渐产生好感,但 Xia WenXi 似乎也喜欢上了 Tao LeSi ,而在此时 Xia WenXi 和 Gao GongPing 儿时的好友 Sen NaiYi 也加入了三人的情感僵局。最终,在全国跳水大赛上, Xia WenXi 终于正视了自己的内心,向 Tao LeSi 表白,两人跳进泳池,相拥在一起。


Pearl ear-rings (TV)[2017]

Feature: The summer of 1920, Wenling and other four counties in Zhejiang flood flooding. In the chaotic times of that kind of disaster, some people are going to make a fortune and some will want to survive. Yan Zhi is a kind-hearted female locksmith who fled to Suzhou with her adoptive father in order to survive. Yan Zhi dexterous, with the city's sturdy, clever, diligent and honest character, and have a good lock repair skills. Yan Zhi thinks she and her adoptive father will have a good time in Suzhou. Unexpectedly, one day Yan Zhi was framed and sentenced to a deadly shoot in 36 days. Yan Zhi was fleeing fleeing fled in the past, waiting for her to wake up and found a wealthy family in the north lying room. Yan Zhi full of doubt, after probing only know that her pro-sister and foreigners collusion to transport the town's ore overseas profit-making, to take her as a substitute. Yan Zhi received a lot of knowledge and ideas about Marxism from progressive youth Qian ZhongJie. She believes that these ores are the resources of small towns and countries and must never be plundered by outsiders. In the end, Yan Zhi convinced her sister to change their ways, and together they contributed to protecting the town's resources.

Lost in the Pacific (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The new giant passenger plane of Ocean Air started its first flight from Rio to Hong Kong's long route. As a result of the accident, the passenger plane forced to land on the island of good luck that has become a no man's land. However, the crisis-ridden island of Good Luck is lurking A mysterious creature awaits them. Passengers on board the plane, including princes, singers and reporters, also followed the flight crew into a wave of danger, while the emergence of a group of mysterious agents, let the fate of this flight and drift in the ocean A mysterious aircraft carrier deep in contact.

Half demons Allure (TV)[2016]

Feature: The Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing in the last years of the Qing Dynasty. During a massacre, Nie RuFeng (Wang Maolei) suffered a life-threatening crisis. As life or death matters, Nie RuFeng's wife Ying Die (Ady An) removes Nie RuFeng from her daughter alone. Fifteen years later, Nie RuFeng's eldest daughter, Nie QingCheng (Li Yitong), met the wealthy son Ming Xia (Zhe-han Zhang). Through the twists and turns, they end up in love with each other. Half demon Allure

Half demons Allure 2 (TV)[2016]

Feature: Allure (Li Yitong ornaments) vowed to fulfill the responsibility of the king of million demon, in charge of the order of the demon world, experience their own skill, a strong aura to demon obedience. The memory of Ming Xia (Zhe-hanZhangDecoration) because of the reason of a brother determined to become a catacombs, ruthless killing of the demon, the opposite of the two meet again because of the identity of the relationship between love and kill. At the same time, Ming Xia vaguely remember once loved a girl, but can not remember her look, Yao BiTao (Qingzi Kan ornaments) took the opportunity to pursue the pursuit of Ming Xia, so that the trick for Ming Xia that the two had a love, Allure and Ming Xia's relationship is therefore even more tense.

OddCouple (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Just because of being alone" Stills 8 single men and women living in a single apartment under unified management in a single apartment where love is forbidden and single is advocated, once who ruin the rules will be rejected Out of single apartment. But behind them, each of them possesses an unknown secret, a hidden rich second-generation cartoonist, a frustrated female illustrator, a series of characters in undercover single-apartment police who staged a brilliant story.

SinglesVilla (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Just because of being alone" Stills 8 single men and women living in a single apartment under unified management in a single apartment where love is forbidden and single is advocated, once who ruin the rules will be rejected Out of single apartment. But behind them, each of them possesses an unknown secret, a hidden rich second-generation cartoonist, a frustrated female illustrator, a series of characters in undercover single-apartment police who staged a brilliant story.

Girl with tassel earrings (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the twentieth century, there appeared radio stations on the beach. For a time, Shanghai residents were refreshing. Some private radio stations came in swarms, not only playing entertainment programs, but also delivering commercial services. Ruan QingTian learned radio knowledge in school and met Ren HaoMing for helping to establish a radio station with Ren HaoMing. Ren HaoMing, a misunderstanding, angered at Ruan QingTian, ​​took away the most important heirloom tassel earrings from Ruan QingTian. Ruan QingTian must get back the earrings. In the process, Ruan QingTian won the favor and respect of Ren HaoMing by virtue of her kindness and intelligence. Finally, Ruan QingTian and Ren HaoMing accepted each other because of love. The earrings of a tassel symbolizing happiness were worn by Ren HaoMing on the ear of Ruan QingTian. He hoped that happiness and good will always accompany this kind woman. This pair of lovers get married.

Shiny Ming days (TV)[2015]

Feature: When Du Xin Yu (Feeling ornaments), a young girl selling pottery eggs, gave a takeaway, all her boiled eggs were accidentally knocked over by cynical Tang Zhenghao (Zixiao Zhu), planting the seeds of the two loving friends. Feeling witness to Master A Fei's superb tea art, arousing the deep love of tea art in his heart, Wang Zhi, a mother who wished her to return to school, enrolled in the Tang Tea Garden and hoped to become Master A Fei's master. Unexpectedly, in Tianfu tea garden once again encountered forced to come Tang ZhengHao, feather helpless and ho become teammates. In the training process, Yu aversion to the traditional tea ceremony has always been contempt Hao, the two gradually mutual affection. Feather and Hao love initiation, blocking one after another. Cheng Ho, a brother of unrelated brotherhood, was an admirer in college. He frequently disrupted their feelings. Ding YiRou, who has a similar life experience with Hao, plays a small obsession with love and hates feather naturally. During the training and competitions, he kept playing with his means and bent on winning the feats. However, Ding YiRou was counterproductive and heightened his love and protection for feathers. Far away from their own Hao. Feather under the framed by the soft, failed to become A Fei's apprentice, but A Fei's recommendation and Hao love inspired, finally became a famous female tea teacher & nbsp ;.

Mi Yue Legendary Warring States Hongyan (TV)[2015]

Feature: The Legend of Miu Miu of the Warring States Period begins with Mi Yue, the legendary woman, under the guise of the legendary Queen Mi Yue of the Warring States period. "Legend of the Miu Miu of the Warring States" tells an aristocrat prince of the wealthy and powerful nation of Qin during the Qin Dynasty, who fell in love with the moonlight of an enemy woman under the sun. The moon is a legendary woman who has the capacity to shut the shame on the moon and sinks. This love that is not recognized by the world makes Wei Zhongfu repeatedly caught up in distress. However, the existence of these miseries is only the overture of the road of love between Wei Zhongming and the moon. However, Wei Zhongfu and Mingyue, who have experienced torment, did not know their story was due to a very talented cartoonist Wei Wei-fu. Wei Zifu is living in the modern world two thousand years from the Qin Dynasty, is a legendary animation tycoon industry, at the same time, he is also a very talented cartoonist. And Wei Zhongfu and the moon are the characters of Wei Zifu. In the modern world, Wei Zhongfu was renamed Wei Wei Fu, the moon changed its name to May. Wei Zifu, the month of rice, and his friend Gu XiaoQing, Qu Yi is a participant in an evil game, and in the aftercare, they fall into the trap of the game for a long time unable to extricate themselves ...

3Xtrouble (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Three night market hawkers because of life in trouble, to find a way out, involved in a murder case, the story thrilling but jokes. Night three sneaked into the car park car theft, after many twists and turns, finally you're done. When the trio brought their luxury car onto the street, they accidentally found a woman with an unknown origin hidden in the trunk and made many thrilling and ridiculous stories. The three men were also involved in a murder for no apparent reason, and they were also chased by Sha Shou. Is this murder a reality? Whether the fate of the brothers and three can not turn back because of the wrong step?

TheLittleNyonya (TV)[2008]

Feature: Dumb daisy (Jeanette Aw ornaments) was born in a Singaporean Peranakan family, gentle and beautiful hands with a good cooking and female red, due to the birth of aunt and identity low. On the eve of the Japanese south, she was arranged to marry a wealthy man who was a concubine of Baba, but was unwilling to be fated to escape from marriage. She met Shan BenYangJie, a Japanese young photographer, and eventually both were privately appointed. After the war broke out, Chrysanthemum couple died in an accident, leaving the lonely daughter (Jeanette Aw ornaments). Yue Niang fled to my grandfather's house, under the supervision of the grandmother, Nyonya inherited the cooking, female red, long like her mother Jiao Qiao girl. After the war a grandfather fleeing back, Moon Mother, like the mother of the year, was discriminated against, tortured, tortured, in order to protect the grandmother, she bite the bullying. After a mistake, she met the "penniless" little driver Chen Xi (Qi Yuwu ornaments), after two continuous. The original Chen Xi was born in the door, conceal their identity and Moon Niang exchanges, but by her innocence, kindness and strong touched her passion. Due to their disparity in status, their families constantly pressured, they decided to run away, but their fate made them time and time again missed.

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