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Wayne TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Wayne Works 16 ,And Comedy 4 ,Romance 4 ,Costume Drama 3 ,Workplace film 2 ,Contemporary film 2 ,Feature 2 ,Fantasy 1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Love 1 ,Family drama 1 ,Myth play 1 ,Xian xia 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Romantic Comedy 1 ,Action 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Crime 1 。

Works Index

Wayne Filmography(16)


三生三世枕上书 (TV)[2020]


《三生三世枕上书》讲述了青丘国少女 Feng Jiu 在山间修行时被一头妖兽攻击,危急时刻被路过的天国帝君 Dong Hua 所救,从此铭记在心。为报恩 Feng Jiu 执意跟随 Dong Hua 与作乱世间的妖君渺落战斗。在相处中她发现自己的报恩之情已转化为爱慕之意。但 Dong Hua 在千百年与邪恶的斗争中,已经忘却了“情爱”二字。为保护 Feng Jiu 安全, Dong Hua 将她送到人间,却不幸令朋友为保护她而死。 Feng Jiu 为找到传说中能起死复生的仙果,进入翼族公主阿兰若的幻梦之境,重历阿兰若的坎坷一生。 Dong Hua 历经艰辛救出 Feng Jiu ,发现自己已爱上了她。此时 Dong Hua 重伤发作,自觉命不久矣,只能将对 Feng Jiu 的爱埋在心底,把对她的思念写成枕上之书。本已心灰意冷的 Feng Jiu 发现了枕上书,感悟到 Dong Hua 对自己深沉的感情,于是毅然赶赴战场,燃烧生命的力量,战胜强敌,帮助 Dong Hua 维护了世间和平。最终正义战胜邪恶,光明战胜黑暗, Dong Hua 与 Feng Jiu 得以有情人终成眷属


趁我们还年轻 (TV)[2019]


《趁我们还年轻》讲述了单纯善良的正义少女 Lin ZiYu 幸运的加入了菲林公关公司,却又很不幸的和她的天才上司隐富族 Fan ShuChen 结下了梁子,工作中交恶频频,日子过的战战兢兢。谁料从 Lin ZiYu 加入公司那一天起,菲林公关屡屡发生商业泄密事件, Fan ShuChen 怀疑的焦点集中在了 Lin ZiYu 身上,可是在与 Lin ZiYu 的一来二往中,两人却互相欣赏爱慕。 Fan ShuChen 的另外三个死党朋友,也相续和 Lin ZiYu 产生了交集,对 Lin ZiYu 的身份各有推测,更让 Fan ShuChen 一头雾水。随着公关危机的日渐显露, Fan ShuChen 的对手 Luo ZongLiang 浮出水面,原来他才是背后阴谋的制造者。而且 Luo ZongLiang 与 Lin ZiYu 的关系并不简单,难道 Lin ZiYu 真的是 Luo ZongLiang 派驻到曼林公关公司的高级商业间谍。 Fan ShuChen 和 Lin ZiYu 都陷入了爱恨纠葛之间,但真相大白之后,在两人的共同努力下,不仅巧妙的惩罚了 Luo ZongLiang ,两人的爱情也终于开花结果。

幕后之王 (TV)[2019]


《幕后之王》讲述了传媒学院学生 Bu XiaoGu 心怀梦想,立志成为优秀的节目制作人。她的榜样是顶级制作人 Chun YuQiao ,供职于星天制作公司, Bu XiaoGu 因此选择进入该公司实习。 Chun YuQiao 貌似不近人情的性格令 Bu XiaoGu 大失所望。在希望破灭的打击下, Bu XiaoGu 不慎卷入一起节目直播事故,丢掉工作又错过提交硕士毕业论文的时间。 Chun YuQiao 独自承担起直播事故的责任,挽救了 Bu XiaoGu 的职业生涯。 Bu XiaoGu 认识到 Chun YuQiao 的优秀人格,两人开始在工作中并肩战斗,也在感情上互相吸引。 Chun YuQiao 立志开发中国本土原创的综艺节目,这与 Bu XiaoGu 的梦想不谋而合。两人克服种种困难,携手奋斗。在 Chun YuQiao 的影响和自己的努力下, Bu XiaoGu 成长为独当一面的优秀制作人。两个年轻的职场人士彼此信任,互相支持,收获了事业、爱情,也为他们所热爱的传媒行业探索出更美好的未来 。


An ultra dreaming (TV)[2018]





21 carats (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Wang JiWei (Jingfei Guo), a stingy drama actress who rented a house after she went bankrupt, took her to the corner of the city and helped her rebuild her life away from luxury goods. However, a food poisoning accident forced Liu JiaYin to return to the wealthy ex-boyfriend. A year later, the two met the farms, and then the front edge.

Flaming song (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Agni" tells the ancient times, underworld harm the world's common people. Palace Lord An YeLuo like sisters dark night, but dark night married to warrior flying sky. An YeLuo is a retaliation for the war flying, flying a war baby born baby girl and Lieutenant Felix mirror birth baby boy bag. Fierce mirror as the baby girl named Lie RuGe, war flying baby named Zhan Feng. Battle flies dead, Lie Ming mirror Adoption Zhan Feng. Lie RuGe grew up with big brother Zhan Feng and two young brothers Yu ZiHan. Lie RuGe is in love with Zhan Feng. An YeLuo found volcanic fiery growing, determined to destroy. He lied to Zhan Feng that killing the murderer of the flying sky is fierce mirror. Zhan Feng and Lie RuGe break up. Lie RuGe meet Yin Xue son, Yin Xue son love Lie RuGe, dedication to protect the song. Zhan Feng misunderstood An YeLuo, killing the bright mirror, blaming the thunder door. Fiery volcano Housekeepers wave that year involved in the case of baby drop out, the inner repentance, reveal the truth to Zhan Feng. Zhan Feng realizes that he has killed his own father, a bright mirror, and he is determined to revenge on An YeLuo. Lie RuGe teamed up with Zhan Feng, Yu ZiHan and Yin Xue to unify An YeLuo. Since then, the underground palace disappeared, people live a stable life & nbsp ;.

Eternal Love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Wing Cun provoked the war Protoss, Protoss paid a painful price seal Qing Cang, the same day Sun Night HD drama stills. Seventy thousand years later, Qing Cang broke the seal. Once upon a time, Qing Qiong seal the seal of Qing dynasty emperor so that she was sealed in mana, memory and appearance, and fell into the vanity and nightmare met, fell in love, and then brought into the temple. Temple, admiring Nightlife Su Jin repeatedly framed white shallow, and let the white shallow nightmare cruel misunderstanding, followed by white light to be dug his eyes. White heartbroken, after childbirth, suddenly leapt to Zhu Xian Sendai. Because of pungent Sendai crack seal, she restored memory, to forget nightlife, drink forgetting drug. A hundred years later, two people reunited in the East China Sea, Nightwatch recognized white and light, accompanied by accompanied, to renew the front edge, but also wake up the white shallow memory. In the face of past hatred, Bai Jin asked Su Jin to look back at his eyes. Qing Cang woke up again at this time, too late to explain the Nightwatch, personally beheaded Qing Cang, to pay the life of the East Emperor closed the bell, the face of wits, nightmares, remorse blame. Fortunately, three years later, Nightwish wake up, the two continued front. null

WhoSleepsMyBro (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The story begins with Xiang Tao (Xiao Chen), a conscientious and daring individual who lives alone in 303 dormitory at Shanghai University. Although Li DaPeng (Calvin Tu) , Xie Xun (Li Xian), a strong, tender, gentle man with superb IQ but lack of a woman's edge, Guan Chao (Ruilin Liu), where the four big boys from all over the world meet The roommate from morning till evening, opened the prelude to laughing and tears of college life. A brief four-year dazzling will be in the past, standing in front of a crossroads of life, four will make what kind of choice? Lin XiangYu Whether he can pursue the "Spartan Girl" that he has always been interested in? Xie Chuan and his girlfriend Gao BaoJing (Lyrics ornaments) feelings will usher in what kind of outcome?

Kungfu Boys (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film tells the story of Lin QiuNan (Lin QiuNan), who grew up in the United States back with a "super hero dream" from his childhood in China. He lives with his uncle Yuan Lai (Ruilin Liu) and has always believed he can take care of "Uncle's Uncle." But his unique way of thinking and a kung fu instead of their own campus life and uncle's affair. Once again, he was involved in an international crime unconsciously, and a thrilling showdown was unavoidable ...

WhoSleepsMyBro (TV)[2016]

Feature: Huadu University Jingxuan campus fighting "Langya list", 330 hostels different styles of men Sen: Lin XiangYu, Xie Xun, Guan Chao, and the freshman Huang Mao Chasing School Flower beauty Xia Xing Chen and ended up Liang Zi, fighting wisdom fight Lin XiangYu in order to find the goddess of hearts to hold friends party, repeatedly destroyed by the yellow hair, but these destruction but to 330 dormitory more united, but also accepted the kind and harmless Li DaPeng become Brothers ... college life is coming to an end New Year's Eve, when the four brothers returned to the original founder of the big live on the scene, what passionate confession ...

ALoveForSeparation (TV)[2016]

Feature: The hearts of Fang Jia, Fang Yuan and Tong WenJie are firmly tied to the achievements of their daughter Fang Duo Duo, which make him suddenly and suddenly fall. The causes of various undertakings, life, family and school make the couple choose to go abroad indecisive. After experiencing a series of school and family size incidents, Fang Yuan's couple chose to flee their blossoms abroad, but did not expect to bring the family almost into disintegration. Finally, the blossoming abroad has chosen to go back to continuing education in China bravely, and Fangjia also ushered in the hope of rebuilding happiness. Jin Qin Qin as a "learning God", this is the least need to go abroad, but Qin Qin's mother Wu JiaNi want to Qin Qin so-called "good education", just want to Qin Qin study abroad, so with Jin ZhiMing husband constantly contradictions. Qin Qin, caught in the middle of her parents' dilemma, aunt Antony staged a "counter-measure" and finally turned her back to understanding that a good education is not only a school education but also a parent's love and family "education." As a big boss Zhang LiangZhong rich, outside the scenery of the infinite, at home by the worldly devils Zhang XiaoYu and young contradictions Di Na contradictions tossed over. Originally just wanted to find a way out at school where she was not able to score anything but Zhang LiZhong accidentally discovered that Xiaoyu grew up on her way to study abroad and became excellent, sensible, and Di Na's conflict is also gradually resolved. Small leave HD poster

Back to the ming dynasty to be the prince of yang ling (TV)[2016]


Back to the Ming dynasty Yang Ling The biography tells the story of the hongzhi years, xiucai Yang Ling (Jiang Jinfu) on the wedding day, suddenly fell to the ground. A few days later, Yang Ling, recovering from a serious illness, looked at his impoverished family and his devoted new wife Han YouNiang (Crystal Yuan), Yang Ling feels ashamed and decides to sell the land to take the test. By way of jimingyi, Yang Ling used her intelligence and knowledge to help her Ma Ang Removed the suspicion of murder, resolved a wrongful case, so Yang Ling was appreciated by the county, has become a jiaming county master. And Ma Ang's sister Ma LianEr (CiCi Xia) is also upset with Yang Ling. After that, Yang Ling became the master of jiaming county, and played a crucial role in the battle of jimingyi. On the battlefield, Yang Ling and his prince zhu houzhao (Ruilin Liu), the prince, became close to death. Because of work into Beijing rose prince presence of Yang Ling, brothers with Zhu Houzhao mood, two people a minister, a king in the surrounding of the imperial power and fought in the plot, ball, Yang Ling eventually help Zhu Hou ZhaoDeng on the throne, clean up a corrupt official firm owns, Yang Ling from an ordinary scholar, also became the Ming dynasty recruited sovereign, achieved its ups and downs and magnificent legend life.

Boss is coming (TV)[2016]

Feature: The boss came the stills pineapple company, is a company specializing in daily necessities regional agents. Calm days by the boss Qiao YuSi (Yu Li ornaments) and the boss Guan QiuYue (Alina Zhang ornaments) suddenly put forward plans to separate management to break, get people panic. Stingy Qiao YuSi in order to prove his management ability to his wife, tricks, but the second boss Gao Yin (Jia Fu ornaments) is a particular love of clever people, resulting in the company's business development is not smooth. However, company employees such as Yan LiWei (Shawn), clever sales director and Hu Na (Xinyu Chen), a charming accountant, have found their place in the company. These groups of pineapple companies all day play and slap on business wits, but when the company's interests are violated or a colleague encounters a crisis, each can stand up and support each other. Gradually everyone experienced a variety of experiences, friendship has deepened. On New Year's Eve, colleagues who can not go home and the boss pack the dumplings. Warm images for everyone to find in the workplace there are many things to cherish: humane colleagues, noisy but very warm company, the inner surface of the stingy but very cute boss & nbsp ;.

我是证人 (Movie)[2015]


Lu XiaoXing ( Mini Yang 饰)是一位初出茅庐的见习女警,她的弟弟死于一场意外,而作为见证人的 Lu XiaoXing 则双目失明。尽管失去了视觉,但 Lu XiaoXing 的其他感官却因此而意外的活跃起来,即便生活在黑暗之中, Lu XiaoXing 却依旧能够敏感的感受到周遭的一举一动。
一场车祸中, Lu XiaoXing 成为了目击者,凭借着自己的特殊能力,她做出了证词, Lu XiaoXing 绝佳的感官和记忆力吸引了老刑警 Lu Li ( Wang Jingchun 饰)的注意。 Lin Chong ( Lu Han 饰)是车祸的另一位目击者,可奇怪的是,他所做出的证词恰恰和 Lu XiaoXing 的证词截然不同。一个是五感健全的普通人,一个是双目失明的盲人,究竟应该相信谁的证词?而又是谁在撒谎呢?

GoAwayMr.Tumour (Movie)[2015]

Feature: On the day before the 29th birthday, Xiong Dun lost his job because of Tucao Wonderful boss, suffered the best boyfriend and lost his love, but the bad luck did not end. After the birthday PARTY jubilant, Xiong Dun suddenly fainted in his own room. From that moment, Xiong Dun embarked on a painful but still full of fun, embarrassing thing anticancer journey ... ... From the emergency room to hematology and then to chemotherapy, each journey, accompanied by different "companions" - Liang YiSheng, protagonist of Xiong Dun 's love fantasy, mischievous adorable boy "Soybean", and Xia Meng, a sexy, old - fashioned woman with a bare head. Such a group of special people, for a common reason, met in this special place of the hospital, and their special encounters brought countless ironic pleasures to the treatment that had always been boring and bitter. Each of them gained a strength from Xiong Dun here, even smiling in the most fierce moments of his life. At the same time, these colorful people have also brought infinite joy to Xiong Dun's limited life.

HoneyBeeMan (TV)[2014]

Feature: Fang Jun, a senior consultant for marriage, met Liu Huiyun, a traditional female after 60, and Ye Shan, an independent woman after 70, Fang YiYi, an 80-year-old fashion woman. Liu Hui-yun once derailed her husband after her fame became famous. Ye Shan ignored her family for her quick success and her pursuit of career. Fang YiYi flew away from her marriage. The three women run their own life after divorce in very different ways, but their aspirations are the same, that is, the relentless pursuit of happiness and love. Fang Jun standing on the position of women, to solve their problems, intimate girlfriend to help these three women to rekindles the desire for love, the pursuit of happiness. He communicates positive energy all the time, teaches that these women should not be discouraged in the face of the trough of life, face up to the failure of their own setbacks, and be brave enough to meet true love. At the same time, he also affected the men around the three women, personally trying to let those who do not understand love, trample the true man learn how to cherish the eyes of people.

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