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DuLing Chen TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included DuLing Chen Works 9 ,And Romance 3 ,Feature 3 ,Fantasy 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Adventure 1 ,新萌幻武侠轻喜剧1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Love 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Cure film 1 。

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DuLing Chen Filmography(9)


Twins (Movie)[2019]

艺术学校学生李品( Haoran Liu 饰),在一次偶然的机遇下获得了一份为期一个月的兼职工作,工作内容就是为马上迎来自己生日的女孩涛( Duling Chen 饰)画肖像画,为此他来到了一处偏僻的豪宅。素不相识的两位年轻人因此结缘,一段青春的邂逅就此展开,然而在朝夕相处的过程中,李品逐渐发现了这栋房子里似乎还隐藏着一些不为人知的故事,而他与涛之间的关系也逐渐变得微妙起来。

qi yue 与 an sheng (TV)[2019]


电视剧《 Qi Yue 与 An Sheng 》剧情介绍:讲述两个从小一起长大的闺蜜,在命运的作弄下,爱上了同一个男人,因为对世界、对自己、对爱情完全相悖的价值观,最终得到了各自的命运安排,阴阳相隔。讲述 Qi Yue 与 An Sheng 是如此不同的女孩, An Sheng 桀骜, Qi Yue 轻柔。从高中第一次见面开始,二人就成为最好的朋友。她们共同的梦想是成为演员。虽然演员的路并不好走,但姐妹俩一路扶持,克服困难,最终大放异彩。命运般的,她们爱上了同一个男孩家明。但相较爱情,两人更珍惜彼此的友情。她们都选择放手,情愿和家明保持亲人般的关系。 An Sheng 为成全 Qi Yue 和家明的幸福,她选择了另一条感情出路,接受了影帝章宏远。但章宏远无法理解 An Sheng 跟 Qi Yue 和家明的关系,因为前女友不忠的阴影令他诸般猜疑,最终跟 An Sheng 关系破裂,远走国外。 An Sheng 失去了爱情,但 Qi Yue 仍在她身边。最后, An Sheng 难产生下章宏远的女儿。她把女儿托付给 Qi Yue ,以这种方式,她又和 Qi Yue 永远在一起了。

Mr monster (Movie)[2019]


Ji Mo (Jessie Li) has been regarded as an alien since she was a child because she could see "monsters". It was not until one day that she saw "monsters" again in the supermarket at work and had a magical encounter with "monster hunters" -- Meng Ge (Shawn Yue) that she discovered that "monsters" really existed in the world. Meng Ge luckily solved the monster that appeared in the supermarket, but the process of striking the monster was unfortunately caught by the monitor and out. The two young men were involved in a new storm.


Reasoning notes (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Xia ZaoAn (Duling Chen), a math genius from Nanyang University, was involved in a pending case of suspected organ trafficking and intentional homicide because of a heart-changing operation. Meanwhile, Li XiaoChong (Austin Lin), a friend of the heart's master, and Qin YiFan (Tony) admired by Xia ZaoAn are also inextricably linked to the murder case. Life-saving heart has become the sharp edge of the heart, the truth behind the truth and the truth, but also hides a more crazy plot. In the end who implemented the hunting of the perfect murder of the heart? This genius intelligence war on the truth and the deduction of true love, began in the heart, finally the heart. Xia ZaoAn in the "everyone around the killer" in the plight of the problem-solving approach to solve the problem at school level, and ultimately lock the culprit.

Solution worry grocery shop (Movie)[2017]

Feature: "Jie worry grocery store" from a company called "Jie worry grocery store" shop, as long as people in the evening to write their troubles in the letter and then thrown into the delivery port of the iron door, the next day you can milk in the store Get answers in the box. Investors include her boyfriend suffering from incurable diseases, caught in the dilemma of love and dream girl; bent to become a musician, both at home and off school but facing the ideal and the reality of the fish shop owner son; father's company closed, intends to take the whole family donations absconded , In the family and the future of wandering uncertain juvenile and so on. As they all wrote to the grocery store, incredible things happened one after another. The moment of convergence, and how will evolve into a lifetime of salvation? Spanning the span of 30 years, the grocery store once again radiates a warm and strange light ...

Ming hung chuan (TV)[2017]


The legend of Ming hong is about the capture of the first god of bianan Shen ShiWu (Sean Zhang) with the hoodies Liu XingYu (Hongming Luo) in the ongoing love killings in various strange cases.

Although the story is set in the ancient background of two kingdoms and three generations, the plot elements and line styles follow the current trend to present a strong sense of modernity. The eye-opening high-energy black technology entities are involved in the drama, and the spirit of web celebrity gossip is swept up, making the comedy style of the drama present a unique young network sense. In addition to the comedy, the drama revolves around the clues of catching Shen ShiWu and Liu XingYu's "cat and mouse" to solve the case, and integrates a lot of excellent fighting and fighting scenes. Besides the banter, the exhibition also has a strong sense of rivers and lakes. The brotherly love between the two is killing each other, which also conveys the positive energy of responsibility and courage.


TheLeftEar (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The pure and beautiful Li Er (Duling Chen) left ear deaf, can not hear the sound, however, physiological defects did not make her feel inferior, on the contrary, her personality gentle and gentle. By accident, Li Er got to know the girl named Ma Sichun, who was the opposite of Li Er in her unbridled, unruly and longing for free life. Li Er saw the insurgent side of his heart in his body. Let Li Er did not think that, right, even with her boy crush Xu Yi (Yang Yang) came together, which makes Li Er began to experience the brutal youth. However, it really liked the heart of Zhang Yang (Oho Ou ornaments) boys, destiny so that their love has become a tragedy, and eventually took away the young life, the accident let a few ignorant The children quickly transformed and grew into blooming flowers of the most beautiful and hopeless youth.

Painful 17 (TV)[2015]

Feature: 17-year-old painful tells the story of Qiu ShuangYi, founder of the island of safety, became a celebrity because of a program focused on adolescent growth. The mysterious girl Wu XiaoMeng came to the island as an Qiu ShuangYi fan and was assigned to work with Li DaLe and Li DaLe. Not on the Wu XiaoMeng, that she is just a brainchildren, in dealing with young girls two different ways of doing things, often tit for tat. The island's customers are a group of parents and teachers helpless girls - the mother had six times marriage heart machine girls Kui Zhi, sent by their parents to go to school innocent, raised by his father's mistress Li WeiXi, was detained in the detention center A Meng, a brainchild of a rural girl, has a small family love. In the process of contact with these problem girls, Wu XiaoMeng and Li DaLe gradually discovered that it is not just children who need psychological counseling. While helping the teenage girl, the three Islanders also face their own troubles. Qiu ShuangYi and her husband, Li DaLe, have no relationship with their fathers. Wu XiaoMeng, who never mentioned her life experience, seems to have taken another purpose.

OperationLove (TV)[2012]

Feature: Introverted Yan XiaoLai (Lay (entertainer) ornaments) and transfer student Ji TianTian (Duling Chen ornaments) became the same table, more than a decade of classmates fate so that these young people have the same heart each other have the same feelings. The innocent little Lai did not know this long-standing affectionate love, the same love of small reliant Tian Tian repeated implicitly but no fruitless loss, decided to give up waiting to accept brave to her confession teacher. Small station standing Tian Tian's wedding, watching the screen in the past photos one by one, regret, heart can not help but want to go back and change the past. His destiny always favors good people. When he is hopeless, a sprite who can pass the time (Julian Cheung ornaments) to help him dream, a photo represents the past time, let him follow the picture again and again, 25-year-old him Back to 15 years old, 16 years old, 17 years old. Until the wedding day, he tried hard to change the facts of the past many times, but ultimately failed to change the choice of others Tian Tian results. After the laborer's failure, he finally decided to open his heart to confess and wish his beloved woman, I did not expect this time Tian Tian moved by him and understand their inner love. In order to love, Tian Tian bravely ran the bride.

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